A History Teacher Reacts | The Russian Revolution (Part 1) by Oversimplified

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[Music] [Music] hey youtube it's your history teacher mr terry back with another history teacher reacts video now a couple days ago i was very excited i posted a video of uh irish history i'm so excited and a few hours pass and i i'm looking i'm looking at my my notifications and stuff and bam i'm just getting hit with comment after comment after comment on my video i'm like sweet people are loving this and i look and they all have the same message oversimplified posted but i get it it's oversimplified it's probably my favorite channel it's probably your favorite channel the reason you're probably at my channel is you're directed from oversimplified and i get it and i'm very excited though to check out their new video the russian revolution oversimplified part one looks like we got 21 minutes of oversimplified goodness so the russian revolution the thing that all the history hipsters love to talk about and very few actually know about it anyway we're gonna check this out now the original video leak is down below i know you've subbed to them but make sure you go over there and give them the view and the like all that awesome stuff we'll see what i can add i'll give you my impressions and stuff like that love the oversimplified stuff i've been able to sneak it into my classes and always looking for more of that before we get going though make sure that you check out some new links uh we got links to some new history merch if you guys are heading back to school which i know a lot of you are um we got some great uh we got our old world war ii mario kart shirt as well as got the uh brand new falling empires world war one related shirt that's down below you can check that out also join our discord server we got lots of history-minded fun people there that want to talk to you so a link to that is down below as well as a bunch of other things but anyways let's go ahead and get started made possible by nordvpn click on the link in the description below to get an amazing 68 percent off sponsors the real mvp commemorating the weirdest bromance in history get your new character pins and russian rivals an exciting time to be alive why don't you get out there yeah if you're russian present gee whiz mom thanks this place is amazing where am i why you're in france my boy here we come up with wacky new ways of running a country liberty egality fraternity whoa welcome french revolution motto here we invented the train whoa aboard holy smokes you're in a german factory my friend here we harness fire and cold create all these sexy leaders this is incredible all right prediction they're going through these major achievements that had happened by about 1800 we got the french revolution right and then we got the industrial revolution going on over in england and then germany uh by the time 1900 rolled around was surpassing everybody in industrial production my prediction russian boy okay that's who he's gonna be going back home because none of those things happened in russia i can't wait to see where i'll end up next where am i you're in russia i gone back in time no this is just how it is yep are you a farmer worse technically my landlord owns me which makes me a serf i'm scared in 1900 because i haven't eaten in four days and you look pretty tasty hey jimmy how are your travels i hate you all right so i know you came here for context right you came here for the extra stuff like i said all the stuff before good and one of the things they they made sure to throw in there was serfdom you might be like it's like 1900 why are we talking about serfdom it's because russia was still holding onto that they basically were still futile right at a time where industrialization either industrialization or revolutions changed the social structure of society right um where surf don't become as necessary but yes the uh russia had not industrialized at least not nearly at the pace that those other nations that they just talked about were and russian you know people understood that which is gonna you know definitely throw some fuel to add to a fire that is about to burn russia in the 19th century feudal underdeveloped and stuck in the past while the rest of europe had been modernizing and improving their citizens lives russia's rulers were taking a different approach my lord we're falling behind the rest of europe it's time to industrialize give the people rights and share your power russians ours had no time for pathetic ideas like liberty and modernization because they were too busy having the time of their lives while the serfs were breaking their backs in the fields bazaars held all the power and they didn't have to listen to anyone that's what autocracy is um and you can go back with that basically back i mean you can go further but definitely the first like total audit well not first total autocad but you know uh one that could truly be considered an autocrat peter they're great and bringing up uh basically all institutions under the control of one person and we talk about that in my class too how it's it's it's actually kind of impressive if an autocracy can actually be successful which russia kind of did just because when you have somebody at the head of its own like peter the great and to be ahead of all institutions right financial military cultural everything it's very hard to do it's usually not hours in a day to do that and usually monarchs don't have the drive or at least self-awareness probably that they can actually do those all successfully so what do you do you delegate you send it to you know other types of people but um that had now gone through generations uh through uh the tsar in the royal family here in russia that have been going on for a long time romanovs and uh yeah that's that's what we're talking about with autocracy want to run the country like a backwards feudal kingdom while the rest of europe outpaces you militarily and economically go right ahead want to keep the people uneducated so they don't get any ideas there's no one to stop you want to keep exporting grain even when there's a massive famine causing hundreds of thousands to die that is your god-given right while all of this was great for the tsar if you were literally anybody else it probably sucked because russia was falling behind if they were to keep up with europe they'd need a strong ruler with some big ideas oh look here comes one now hey everyone it's me zara alexander ii and i've got some big news i'm releasing you all from your serfdom yay free [Music] oh but there's no plan i'm the best oh there is one thing though i spoke to your local lords and they weren't happy about losing all their free labor so as a compromise you're all gonna have to pay them back a near impossible amount of money for the next 49 years expect your lives to barely change yep okay bye yeah the transition process was pretty much not there as far as okay this is actually going to be a different lifestyle those people just started working you know at ford basically no wages and yeah all this debt to pay off the only way that alexander could probably even keep his job let alone life probably from from uh from these nobles who would have been like no this is unacceptable this is how our life is built upon and you can't just uproot that you know there's got to be a something to ease that pain if you will for the nobles which it's like what pain but nevertheless that's what we're talking about here so yeah it's like it looks good on name and i remember studying this in college and stuff and then into my teaching career like he he freed the peasants why why is there still still social strife that you find out what the process was actually like it was not very beneficial but i mean i guess it's one step right now i know what you're thinking this is our alexander ii seems like a pretty cool guy he's trying to reform the country and get russia on the right path everyone must love this guy right you think why does one man get to decide the fate of everyone in the country this whole system is dumb somebody should do something like what like kill the czar you're going to kill the czar whoa me no i'm busy there's somebody [ __ ] i was kind of hoping you'd do it that's right you blowed up the people love me they're throwing flowers confetti and high-grade explosives boom okay nicholas your grandfather has a mild case of being blown up by a terrorist and he's not looking too hot so we're gonna go say our goodbyes okay no it'll be too scary for him no it's the era of when you threw the bombs right you threw bombs your leaders i'm getting uh i'm getting um vibes for you know like like austria-hungary you know like france ferdinand vibes here right let me go back there i think i killed their joke okay nicholas your grandfather has a mild case of being blown up by a terrorist and he's not looking too hot so we're gonna go say our goodbyes okay no it'll be too scary for him nonsense it won't be scary at all we're just gonna say a quick goodbye ready boy look at me he got messed up people did this to me and one day they'll do it to you see wasn't scary at all so alexander ii was dick but luckily they had another alexander lying around alexander the third and he felt his dad's reforms had weakened the czar's authority russia was massive and as a result had many ethnic minorities non-russians they're interested in their own cultural heritage and loving me isn't it great so much beautiful culture and diversity in our great nation alexander thought all these minorities should be a little more russian and thereby loyal to him so he repressed religious minorities he repressed non-russians he introduced the okrana a secret police force that repressed anybody who thought having a czar was dumb if alexander ii was the great reformer alexander iii was the great repressor this is where you're thinking like okay the people don't like you so what you're gonna do is try to make them like you by forcing them to like you does that not seem counterproductive now that's how you run a country hey dad ugh great it's my son nicholas who i like to call a girly girl because he's so weak and pathetic when are you gonna grow up you still look like a girly girl to me but dad i grew a beard it's a great illustration of nicholas by the way girl beard if he needed his dad to teach him how to run the country but his dad instead suggested that nicholas go somewhere else so nicholas went to japan got an edgy dragon tattoo had his head sliced off by a policeman and then came home now will you teach me how to rule i don't know that i suppose it's time okay there's a lot you need to know before becoming uh oh what i've got kidney inflammation and he's dead uh gotta set up russia's history with japan has been not good for russia japan industrialized by the way first nation out of asia to do that and of course being a smaller island nation needed mainland uh resources where you could build railroads and extract other resources again russia was also doing that and you got the russo-japanese war at the turn of the night uh 20th century and russia humiliatingly at least in the eyes of many were defeated quite abruptly and that was a big a big ego hit if you want to say for especially the russian monarchy that japan is now beating them you know what i mean uh which a lot of people say may have led to the eagerness of russia's military militarization come world war one is they don't want to be a laughingstock anymore no upon his father's death a totally unprepared nicholas ii ascended to the russian throne he wasn't a reformer like his grandfather nor was he a repressor like his dad nicholas was nicholas timid easily swayed and more interested in doing whatever the hell this is or this or this he wasn't ready to rule and he himself admitted it looks awesome i'm not yet ready to be czar i know nothing of the business of ruling bit of an awkward time to bring it up however nicholas firmly believed that he was chosen by god to be his big daddy and while he doubted his ability to rule he was going to give it his best shot and hey who knows maybe he wouldn't be so bad after all to get things off to a good start nicholas promised free pretzels and beer to a huge crowd in moscow to celebrate his coronation yeah so enticing a proposition to starving peasants that the ensuing st found him who could see my mouse follow follow the sign free pretzels and beer down and left over simplified waldo stampede left nearly 1500 people dead what the hell happened we're not sure but your [ __ ] out to go party with the french at eight o'clock shouldn't i stay here out of respect for the people whenever sars ever respected the people hmm [Music] nicholas's decision bad pr some were calling him nicholas the bloody bizarres had been partying hard at the expense of the people for long enough that emancipated the serfs but failed to lift them out of poverty they used their secret police to crack down on anyone who might criticize them and they'd failed to modernize and give the people rights something the rest of europe had begun doing over a century ago yeah the rule of the tsars was quickly becoming outdated and more and more russians began wondering if there was a better way for many the solution was simple just look to the west republics democracies and constitutional monarchies galore but a small growing group rejected that for an even better idea yeah that was something they called communism you gotta remember a lot of that happened before the effects of industrialization came out right so uh the french revolution really started you know indus or france started really industrializing after the after the uh or sorry the french french revolution um preceded the industrial revolution in france so you know industrialization got going you gotta see those economic effects then britain of course had was ahead of way ahead of everybody and you saw also the economic problems and social um problems that could come so the russians here are able to see what those negative effects of industrialization were and could see that so they didn't necessarily say hey we need to jump into that because that's this that's how you solve industrial or social problems with industrialization it's not necessarily the case rich got richer the poor got poor living conditions were very bad and these are a lot of these urban areas and they could see that here now in the 20th century that that's not necessarily the path to go down because that wasn't necessarily what they thought was enviable take vladimir lenin an intelligent member of russia's middle class and also a massive ill-tempered jerk if you disagreed with him about anything he wasn't afraid to call you out you fat-headed simple-minded vapid cockeyed imbecile tenderheart bear is a far superior care beard care bears you guys are too young for that and he was noticing you guys are too young his older brother was executed for plotting to kill the czar and lennon himself was expelled from university for participating in a student protest but how did lennon go from being a middle school nerd to the arbiter of socialist divinity okay so learning here yeah uh lennon had i think i had heard that before that he did have kind of a revolutionary family that way um so he didn't just come out of a vacuum so yeah you're seeing that maybe he wants to be an extreme reflection of his local community which is a psychological trait that a lot of people have well to tell that story we first need to go back a few decades to when a man named carl marx wrote a manifesto explaining how capitalism is a system whereby the stinky bourgeoisie pressed and exploited the working masses and that'll monopoly perfect could the workers rise up and instead of coming for penny bags now go back forward a few decades to lenin reading that manifesto and loving it but publicly admitting you loved marx and not russia's big daddy would get you the cruelest punishment imaginable always ironic people talk about that that marx was german but his ideas really didn't take hold in germany as the industrial revolution was very successful and people weren't willing to give up all of those tenants maybe make compromises with some of the claims or uh things that maybe the communist manifesto would talk about with the potential of exploitation and stuff like that but always interesting that yeah it didn't really work there where it kind of started and but will get picked up in other places maybe something to liken it to that i've talked about in in class is like buddhism which started in northern india but didn't get as popular there as it did in other places so to siberia enjoy exile where you'll live with your wife chill around town and secretly write socialist newspapers hey that doesn't sound so bad and your mother-in-law is going to live with you once linen finished his stint in siberia he left russia for europe where he was free to hang out with other russian marxists and talk about how great communism was now today you might hear the word communism and think of [Music] but that's bernie this shooting elon paul there was a lot going on there we better check this out by the way it seems like when somebody gets sent to siberia they come back radicalized because they're like that's the worst place ever because stalin didn't he got sent like half dozen times he got exiled there uh come back he's like you come back even angrier communism now today you might hear the word communism and think of it okay let's break it down here okay so we got health care that's the uh by the way back there the the ferris wheel first were at um near chernobyl elon musk bernie sanders shooting down elon musk that's not how intellectuals living under a tough sourced regime saw it to them communism promised a land where all were equal where workers weren't exploited you had joe exotic and carol baskin over here they're they're hand in hand would that ever happen though i don't think that would ever happen and even people like you could get a girlfriend so lennon joined a party of russian communists living in europe and he founded a communist newsletter that was smuggled into russia to try to radicalize the people however not everyone in the socialist party agreed with lenin in fact they disagreed with him on a lot of issues that's that's like the history of of um communism and and like early communist state and even uh even states are practicing communism is a lot of people like disagree on a lot of its tenants look at something like um how stalin and mao of china disagreed even though they both would say they believe in a lot of these principles there's so many things to have to agree upon if you will there are so many tenets of it's not just this easy short list of things okay but we got russians um social democratic labor party and lenin was so uncompromising that he caused his split in the party during one conference a heated debate broke out and lennon was unwilling to give an inch you pig ignorant half-witted fatuous morons cereal is a soup listen you're a smart guy but you have no idea what you're talking about we're out of here cereal is a soup hot dog sandwich muffins or cakes all in favor of cereal being a soup hey would you look at that we're in the majority so lenin set up his own faction within the party he called the majority or bolshevik if you're speaking russian and the other faction became known as the minority or menshevik and oddly the majority were often in the minority and the majority in the majority dimensions but if you name yourself the majority you have to be in the majority it's big thinking right radical whereas lenin wanted the bolsheviks to be loyal to him and his uncompromising ideas and if you weren't loyal well then you're going to get a big beat down menshevik's worried that lenin's attitude could lead to a one-man dictatorship but come on does this guy look like a dictator to you for now lenin remained in europe writing his socialist newspaper and impatiently awaiting an opportunity to overthrow the czar and bring communist utopia to russia i i hear a lot of people you know they they try to differentiate lenin and like stalin um and saying oh like what stalin did and his brutality is nothing what lenin would have been but then i heard and then i heard all these people say no the only reason lenin didn't do that act like stalin or maybe as oppressive or as as violent in such a long term is because well he died would have he'd live longer free hat who the heck are you i'm definitely not a russian secret police officer spying on marxists oh crap i don't want secret police watching me then you my friend should use nordvpn segway having your identity stolen if yes you need therapy if no you need noise which i was just good at segwaying and has thousands of super fast servers and 62 ads the sponsors you and your data 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hey nick yeah he's he's a big guy important person factories that make some i don't know textiles or something hmm won't that change the social fabric of russia maybe hey isn't it past your bedtime but i haven't had my milk and snuggles yet will you snuggle me um true story thought modernization was boring but he let sergey do his thing and do his thing he did he borrowed some money and got rushed to some sexy factories and you know what sexy factories means sexy workers dirt poor sexy workers long hours low wages filthy disease-ridden factories sleep in overcrowded dormitories with all your stinky worker friends get your arms ripped off in a freak russian doll accident conditions were terrible yeah people i mean people think about factories now but you have no idea if you're comparing it to something of early 20th century right now these are the things you know as this is happening here yes they're industrializing this is this is uh where people like bolsheviks would have said like we can't just take that model that's not going to work right because it's going to create all these bad work conditions and social issues that you would have just needed to see where you know the the the um scenarios for where this money came from and where these business models came from you could have seen that somewhere again like like britain um so you could see this was i guess kind of one of the things that um that lenin and his people were trying to avoid because they knew this would be inevitable but this growing working class wasn't about to take it lying down they started to do what workers do best strike despite sergey's efforts people in russia still weren't happy peasants were still poor liberals still wanted reform and now the workers wanted better working conditions by the way i get asked why strikes why do you see strikes and you can see it in the modern era strikes are usually a tact that somebody uses when they don't have the means to enact change in other ways they don't have uh political authority or a useful voice within uh maybe maybe that industry or something like that but a strike can speak loudly because you get everybody together refuse to work that brings everything to a halt so why strikes because often it's the only outlet that somebody can have and the problem with being an autocrat is that when everyone's unhappy there's only one person to blame you yourself people hate me why people don't like to be autographed why don't we find a weak and pathetic nation to go to war with we'll win easily and everyone will laugh and they didn't why don't we just try treating the people better as luck would have it an opportunity for war was forming in the far east russia wanted to expand its foreshadowed this right and coincidentally so did japan but japan didn't really want war so they proposed an idea to reduce the tension hey man we'll let you do your thing in manchuria if you let us do our thing in korea i don't think so we've got the largest army in the world what do you have i'm the emperor of japan and a way better nation suit whoa cool nicholas and the boys didn't see japan as a threat so they felt they could push japan around can i make a can i make an actual relation to what their mecca suit would be their navy had become very powerful they were able to when they industrialized used designs coming out of britain and stuff like that especially after the meiji restoration meiji was the emperor there and the modernization process that uh japan went through by the way japan's industrialization was they were later than like europe but what they did in 10 years took like britain or someone like that for example 100 years they basically industrialized probably 10 times faster than anybody else and one thing they did was modernize their navy and that's something russia uh did not have as close and it was especially in this war i'm sure they'll get to it but um the the naval victories for the japanese were just outstanding but little did they know japan had been rapidly militarizing and when they launched a surprise attack on a russian fleet of port arthur everyone was shocked nicholas hoped it was an opportunity to win a quick war and regain the support of the people nobody seriously thought a puny asian country could defeat a european superpower and the russian people were filled with patriotic spunk hey everyone we're at war with japan [Applause] hey everyone we're losing the war yep didn't last long the japanese won an embarrassing defeat for tsar nicholas russia had enough problems but now it had been internationally humiliated the public were outraged unrest increased nicholas needed snuggles now more than ever the tension was rising rapidly and russia was on the verge of revolution all it needed was one disaster to push it over the edge and that disaster would come in january 1905 from an unlikely source a handsome orthodox priest named father gapon father gapon was leading workers in their families to the winter palace but this wasn't some violent uprising it was a peaceful protest they wanted to deliver a petition to nicholas which simply asked for more freedom and better working conditions look at it hold on i wanted to deliver a petition to nicholas which simply asked for more freedom and better better working conditions better working hours limitations on state officials power introduction of a national parliament so these are all things by the way that by the 20th century the industrial nations of europe had to start to do otherwise they probably would have had revolutions as big as what's about to happen here um and yeah so it took a long time for a lot of these working conditions but again by this time the destinations had adopted all of those because they found out these are absolutely necessary for the people to buy into all of this and this new lifestyle that's now coming along uh coming up on society they're working conditions the protest was actually so peaceful and respectful that the marxists thought it was a big waste of time hey nicholas some priest is leading a peaceful protest says here they want to give you a petition a peaceful petitioning priest i better get out of here nicholas had actually left the winter palace days earlier and in his place they brought in a truckload of troops ordered to stop father gapon from reaching the palace hello good sir and long live the czar please allow me to pass this simple tonight dear father nicholas ii good day to you too please allow us to respond by opening fire see that is when you do get something that is peaceful right uh and that fails right your peaceful protest failed cause a lot of people say well why don't you try something peaceful first and if that fails that is a light bulb i guess to people wide opening their eyes that peaceful protest is not going to work in this situation right so this failure is now going to yeah change the attitudes of people that next you know maybe maybe have to use some violence right what began as a peaceful protest ended in tragedy imperial soldiers opened fire on the crowd around 200 civilians died 800 more were wounded all they wanted was the opportunity to ask nicholas to improve their lives instead they were met with bullets nicholas didn't personally order the troops to fire but as an autocrat he got the blame anyone getting from a much smaller scale like boston massacre the american revolution kind of things where you have these protests and stuff like that and then it's met with uh violence turns into like a fight into violence therefore plan a which was maybe again more protest boycott thing is failed it's time to go to plan b which is take it to that next level it's a vibes i was getting this bloody sunday and nicholas's reputation plummeted strikes erupted across the empire workers demands increased liberals demanded political power peasants demanded land the country was out of control and the 1905 revolution had begun listen nicholas peasants seizing my land and murdering my family i can tolerate but illegally chopping my wood that's obscene and the worse i treat my workers the more they strike i don't get it everyone relax as long as the military is still on my side there's nothing to worry about most of your best petty things are starting to mutiny well my life just sucks with russia still losing to the japanese unrest was growing in the military and some sailors had even taken to killing officers having the people against you was bad enough but if the military joined in it would be game over to make matters worse in october workers and marxists including one leon trotsky began setting up local elected councils big times now big coordinated strikes and supplied the workers sergey could see the writing on the wall things were going south fast and he needed a big idea to save the czar and luckily he had just that you see all these angry people from different parts of society weren't really working together meaning there was a weakness to exploit sergey wrote a man against each other give the liberals an elected assembly called the duma it took some convincing but eventually nicholas agreed to share power and have his laws approved by an elected assembly a liberal here's your stupid manifesto happy now we certainly are but what about these guys aren't you going to give them what they want oh goodness no i was just going to kill them with all jews satisfied and after ending the war with japan the czar brought thousands of troops home who then dismantled the soviets arrested their leaders and crushed the peasant uprisings in the countryside it's like do just enough just enough to keep things from imploding completely and like just enough just barely enough of a compromise in a way just just barely but even that they're still in the red zone there and how about that pesky parliament nicholas had agreed to share power with well he then wrote a bunch of new laws which basically said hey remember that manifesto i wrote and how you guys were going to approve my laws slight change of plan actually i'm going to do whatever the hell i want and you guys are going to shut up what the people won't stand for this people what people you know this is why people don't like you yeah just like that nicholas had survived the 1905 revolution but wait a revolution in russia where was lenin well lenin and his communist pals were still in exile he tried desperately to radicalize the uprising but all he could do was watch as the movements failed he needs to get back the liberals sold out the poor and the zara played the people furious he believed russia had missed a great chance for a real revolution from now on he felt the only way left was an armed revolution by the workers watching the events of 1905 unfold lenin learned a lot bizarre however would prove to have learned nothing after the 1905 revolution had failed lazar's new top man was peter stollepin and he had big ideas any more chaos step one reform agriculture this will make the peasants love you and step two will kill anyone who doesn't to discourage any more revolutionary ideas stolopin began to crack down even harder on the czar's opponents and thousands were sentenced to death the noose even earned itself a new nickname stolipin's necktie oh jeez i don't get it oh i see because it goes around my neck and that's so funny but despite the oppression many positive reforms were also being made and the russian economy even began to improve this was a problem win-win if the people weren't suffering then they wouldn't support a revolution still in exile you could see either he just wanted violence no matter what or he just feels this is this is just like there's throwing a bone throwing a bone to the people and it's kind of insulting that they're that you know that doesn't feel this is we're saying noble or just i don't know it's it's just not um no depth to this at all it's very shallow lacking funds the bolsheviks simply weren't in a position luckily it was around this time that lenin met an incredibly handsome georgian i see a mustache historical mustache joseph stalin lennon and stalin met at a communist convention in finland and lennon liked stalin because he was a real go-getter and was great at fundraising for the bolsheviks and by fundraising i mean kidnapping robbing extorting bribing ransoming assassinating prison breaking stealing bank rating executioning and stealing again he's stealing sounds like the guy but we still need money sounds if you're gonna be if you're gonna be in a radical group you need a guy like this your hitman your muscle if you will let me go back he's middle flying again he's stealing the mensheviks aren't so hot in all this stealing but we still need money so the next time you do a big heist just do it quietly okay quietly got it if this isn't quiet i don't know what is stalin's wacky antics eventually got him exalted siberia but he'd established himself as a big boss bolshevik however no amount of bolshevik bowls could stop what was happening the russian economy was making a recovery for the tsar things were looking up this is great all nicholas has to do is sit back and not mess anything up hey everyone big news i'd like to introduce you to my new best friend he's a crazy drunken beardy horse man and he smells like a ghost he's gonna ruin everything rasputin a dirt poor peasant from dirt poor nowhere but unlike all the other dirt poor peasants rasputin had holy healing powers and when this holy mystic wandered into saints people began to notice he quickly became famous and worded this mystery man in his healing hands made its way to the royal palace the appearance of a holy homeless healer was of great interest to the tsar and his wife as far as worlds go they weren't that inbred but they were just inbred enough for their son alexey to get hemophilia more in layman's terms mamma mia that's a lot of blood knowing rasputin could heal people in 1906 alexandra asked for rasputin to come and see if he could cure their son and crazy as it sounds rasputin did heal lexi possibly by taking him off his doctor prescribed aspirin having seemingly done the impossible rasputin became there i've heard that uh that what what he probably was able to do was give a very calming presence to the child so hemophilia means yeah you have a blood clotting issue so if you have even very a very minor injury or accident it can be fatal because your body can't respond to it and start basically healing and um and if you're if you get anxious or yeah i mean i guess anxiety in general that amplifies it and i've heard them say that yeah rasputin had a very calming nature to him that you know if something did happen with the kid he was able to calm down and de-escalate the kid just emotionally which helped with his uh with this what which helped with his body and and uh make up a little bit for again his his blood issues so that's what i had heard is maybe a a reason why he actually did have some kind of positive effect on the boy very very close to get an ice cream but having a crazy homeless wizard man hanging around wasn't a good look for the czar because rasputin was freaky not only was he a big fan of alcohol weird through these crazy parties with russian ability where he and all night long and then he had his whole head not a guy's and nobody knew that got on the roof initially the press were banned from talking about rasputin but eventually the ban was lifted and the tabloids went to town the whole thing was a huge scandal and everyone was freaked out that this guy was influencing the czar and his wife nicholas could have spent this period especially the wife i know with him being busy a lot he was much much closer to her relative peace improving his image instead he spent it doing this but as weird as the whole rasputin thing was so long as the economy continued to improve and the people's lives kept getting better sure maybe nick would be okay maybe there would be no more revolutions maybe this video could even end right here or maybe things were about to get worse a lot worse you see the year is not even started yet and that means it's time for world time for world war one yep part two's out [Music] didn't okay nice you just put them into yeah two videos um i thought i remember when they done a couple parts you'd wait a little while so that's great we can jump right into them or official uh officially kind of get through the whole thing all right so thoughts right away awesome stuff i mean the the he i love his he's he's got his format down he's got his format down with i love you know now that we're wherever how many videos dozens of videos or whatever into this um this this channel that you've got the running jokes which are good you know those are good too and the style and all that um but the historical content is great it's it's i i love this stuff you know i can see again why people you know they gush over this they gush over this series and um it's just it's fantastic that way and i think again it's something you know fun that that is very educational hopefully what these videos do and this goes for any video that you really like on the internet historical is you don't just like watch the video and then like you're done you're like okay i got the information i'm moving on but it it leads you to going deeper into the topics like you heard about some of these people or some of these events 1905 revolution or you saw the russo japanese war that'll make you go in further to find more information and of course look to see if things are you can verify information and stuff like that and it just you know it hopefully gets you excited more and more and that's what i always kind of hope for that but even if you're just a casual person you know which again this the sim this uh oversimplified connects with um just average people because a lot of people you know that i know watch my reaction videos to it not necessarily people that watch them to the other series the more maybe uh in-depth ones or less comedic or something like that so it hits that vein of um just kind of regular folks have a passing interest in history and i think that's great because you need something like this as like a middle ground but two people that aren't really into history at all and the people that are really into history and then there's that middle ground that oversimplifies his that hits both of those both of those dynamics there so that was awesome but yeah great information i was able to learn a bunch of things jumping in without getting to too much because this video is already going long there but we can talk about that more maybe in part two so anyways great job once again hats off to oversimplified and his his work and how much work he puts in it's why these videos are so sparse because they they do they take so much work and this was a 21 minute video and we're whatever now in my reaction but uh and then getting into a part two which looks like it's 24 minutes so i'm definitely excited i love the hook getting into it now now world war one is going to start and we know the actual revolution hits in 1917 so we have the stage largely set there's a couple more pieces and world war one obviously it's gonna be that final thing but get that final push in there so i'm excited because you set up all the characters great job there so thank you uh very much for checking this out and um hopefully he's able to add a few things now again before we uh head out the original link i'm sure you watched it you know but definitely make sure you're doing that support over there um in any way you can it's like he's got you know fun merch and stuff like that posters and things i'd love to get these for my classroom that would be awesome so that would be great down there and again uh if you have not sub to my channel i'm a history teacher that likes to comment on a lot of videos and use videos to educate myself and and any commentary or context from a teacher's perspective if you're into that definitely subscribe if you like this video i really appreciate liking it and again links to stuff down below our discord community is a lot of fun we have history related merch and shirts and stuff that are a lot of fun that you can check out down below at the teespring link and all those sorts of things alright and with that thank you so much for being here definitely look out for part two and we'll see you next time bye [Music] you
Channel: Mr. Terry History
Views: 641,486
Rating: 4.9214215 out of 5
Keywords: react, history, russian revolution, oversimplified
Id: j8zWIfjcI54
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 21sec (2541 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 20 2020
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