r/Natureisf**kinglit | the snow is alive

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sawfish well i saw it oh those lipsticks i'm watching you wazowski always watching hello all you diagnosed delinquents welcome back to yak me backwards that was my attempt at a unique opener only to realize that sounds like i'm inviting you to do something and well i'm not saying not to by the way i'm jack uh today's stuff is all about nature being freaking lit a phrase that i'm pretty sure is outdated in trendy culture but regardless let's jump in this is an exotic beautiful and rare patagonian crater agate a gate and is only found in argentina wow what rare gorgeous beautiful glistening buttholes that is a butthole i i'm not seeing anything else but a butthole and with that statement the value of these things just dropped significantly while suddenly rising in price at every adult toy shop the australian giant cuttlefish far out even i'm forgetting how bloody monstrous some of our animals are that thing's not even a cuttlefish anymore it's just a troop carrier seriously imagine a giant thing like this flying through the battlefield just picking up its enemies with little tentacles a malayan tapir baby's dark brown hair with white stripes and spots is a pattern that enables them to hide effectively in the dappled light of the forest this coloration fades away several months after birth how does looking like a dalmatian or a zebra for that matter help you hide in a forest maybe the mud if you dug yourself into it but even then the white spot's kind of giving you away buddy like don't get me wrong it's cool he's cute i just i don't get it the sheer size of this polar bear an optic unit oh my god okay mate you were you were not helping people make the argument the polar bears are literally starving to death you are an outlier please please make everyone aware that you are an outlier you freaking god damn is that fat or muscle i'm scared either way these close-up portraits of bees show how very different they all look you're kidding me i what this is this is something i'm not ready to be confronted by stop making insects look so cute and handsome too it messes with my brain just look at the guy at the top there in the middle with that tuft of hair just off here's a boat ride under japan's cherry blossom trees wow look at all those pretty and gorgeous useless naruto side characters oh look wait that tree there's decided to cut off a little bit of its branch to imply that it's getting serious now oh now that tree looks only a little bit more intimidating you get the joke i'm making yet it's about sakurai because she's she's a dumb character they weren't she wasn't really written well do you want me to reply i could explain the joke again i'll explain the joke again so sakura said the cherry blossom iguacu iguazu it is shared between brazil and argentina it is widely considered to be one of the most beautiful waterfalls in the world well we'll see about that oh yeah that's oh geez tim got a double rainbow here's some bear cubs challenging a wildlife photographer hey come on here tell me bro yeah get him come on get him steve yo what you got don't put the camera down bros let's make some real memories don't make me try and pronounce these you know i can't i am i am so white here's the place though it actually genuinely is amazing oh my gosh oh i'm gonna put you on my google maps to go to places and i am never going to dare attempt to even pronounce the name i'm just going to write it down on a piece of paper and show it to people's faces in the local area to be like hey where's this this crowned deer oh dear me seriously with that fashion oh you can deem me anytime i just fell into a brush i don't know what you're on about man mountain lion cub looking at its mama torres del pen national park jilly okay god damn i mean i'm beginning to further realize just how well uh cgi'd the lion king adaptation was i seriously thought that little cub there was just animated for a moment can we just let the lion king logo just the title right there next to these guys that perfect there we go the sequel right there folks not that any of us actually want it but hey we'll take it this waterfall looks like a woman in a dress um says you i've seen plenty of folks all across the spectrum with a dump truck of a booty like that yes welcome to mk folks we fetishize waterfalls i'd ask to know where the location of this is but i feel like it purposely kept secret to avoid all those creepy perverts that would come over here to well let's just say a lot of them might be lady demetrius fans oh yes step on me waterfall gorgeous tree that is cosplaying as an end okay cosplay isn't exactly stuck in perpetual uh what do you call this torment unable to move don't get me wrong this is awesome it looks cool as heck but uh birth deformity which i mean let's be honest this kind of is uh is not cosplay folks let's not fall down that rabbit hole this american crocodile floats in ambush in the murky water of the rio de gea in costa rica yeah look can we stop seeing dinosaurs roamed the planet they still do the dinosaurs are still a thing this isn't dagobah it's a real life magical forest westman's wood photo by neil bernal shout out the people who actually take these amazing shots hot damn man that is that is actually really scary thank you for taking the daring sacrifice to take this beautiful photography i hope you're still alive now away from the daring photography into more the foxy kind that is one foxy photographer oh i'd love that fox to do a barrel roll for me hi yeah indeed okay i'm gonna stop vietnamese mossy froggos speaking of star fox what what do you need rescuing from this time huh can you just be a god damn decent pilot on your own otherwise you're very cute very cute mount fuji at night time geez that is that is a giant nipple i just realized that now mount fuji is one of earth's nipples no no you can't deny that all the white snow no that's the ariel yeah my name's jack and i'm ruining the beauty of this artwork by referencing nipples can you tell i've had a lot of coffee right now it's pretty though it is pretty golden tortoise beetle looks boujee i swear half of this subreddit is constantly reminding me that i know at all about the existence of creatures and things in this world pretty sure half of these creatures and animals you could say are actually from a whole other planet like we found them on frickin mars or something and i would believe you so now can we appreciate how this beetle looks like he's just got his arms and legs spread out like he's doing a star jump make sure to capture my good angle oh god i'm not doing it again i'm sorry no we're not going back to the fox puns they're just they're just two photographers just you know making content rainbow grapes hats off to the first person who was willing to try these things considering they are like fluorescent plant-based berries i mean there are a lot of fluorescent colorful plants out there that are very dangerous to consume this tree looks like a hair oh wow that they aren't kidding wow that's like a giant easter bunny chocolate only instead of chocolate and happiness it's spark and suffering the portrait of a shy harbour seal peeking through a kelp forest oh my gosh that is the most adorable looking sea creature i've ever seen it's beautiful photos like this that make me wish i wasn't afraid of the deep ocean you will never get me to play subnautica that's all i'm going to say crossing the frozen lake baikal in sure i don't think that's a lake i'm calling bs that is clearly a microscopic zoom in of some sort of clothing material that horse is just a little tiny horse carrying a hobbit the skull of an armadillo lizard ah so just a tiny little dragon then come on look at it that's a dragon just call them dragons now please friendship at the grove oh how sweet they're caring for each other where's my flies shame if you fell off the floor i'll get you the money man the milky way in new zealand is just gorgeous what you could see it from there i am in the wrong safest continent away from america i'm down open the pie frost a sure thing bob gorgeous stacked fluorite from pakistan okay how many more marvel references do we have to make here that is clearly the tesseract wolves and ravens have a special relationship when ravens find a dead animal they make a lot of noise to draw the attention of wolves the wolves then open up the hide and provide carrion for the ravens ravens also interact and play with wolf pups and yieldings and experts think that individual ravens often develop special bonds with individual wolves within a pack look considering the intelligence of ravens i yeah i don't i'm not surprised they do play a lot of minecraft after all never have i ever related more to an animal than this bear okay look i'm gonna to be fair there are a lot of animals that just sit on their butt all day freshly erupted mount saint helens in 1980. okay yeah no thanks that is not the kind of thing i'd like to be seeing along my road trip i mean epic as hell but yeah oh god i just run run tree saved by tree wha what who grew into who dude this is like some dead space or the thing kind of whack-a-mole-y stuff i don't know man that's just creepy the white lips python is a black snake with iridescent scales that shine all the colors of the rainbow so let me get this straight we as humans decided to name this snake not the rainbow snake because of that would be too awesome no let's focus on the fact it has white lips a stunning rare black server again i'm just further knowing about things that i didn't know existed in the first place seriously what that is like it's a cat dog it's literally a cat dog the earthen sky winking at me last night oh my god that is a perfect shot i'm sorry this one takes it this is today's nature is freaking lit winner ladies and gentlemen congrats yeah that's good let's check out a few more cuban snails also said to be the most beautiful land snails okay let's be honest though that's not exactly a hard thing to compete against now there's not even that's the shells it's not the snails like saying my car's the best electric powered vehicle in the world because i put a t on it fix your beauty ranking system deodofist punk gym god damn it diode ophius pontatus regardless it was a snake this entire time it's a snake just call it a snake please that's a very windy colorful snake though gotta admit close-up of a green eyed jumping spider oh god you know i don't have a fear of spiders but i am almost always going to wiggle where i stand whenever i see one meanwhile a wildlife photographer in michigan has captured a strange once-in-a-lifetime shot of a small bird catching a free ride on a larger bird's stick oh my god uber is evolving or devolving to lesser intelligent species how does this work uh excuse me mr uber what is the rage for this type of service and african elephant swimming i'll never be weirded out by how weird they look when they are in some form of buoyancy like look at that flappy [ __ ] you're so slip so flabby here's some tangled baby cobras oh they're so deadly it's dangerous but they're so cute i kind of want one now here's a giant otter teasing a couple of jaguar cubs oh my goodness oh who's more in danger in this scenario like is that otto just trying to lure them in here so you can drown them because pretty sure that's what i'll just do storm forming over lubbock texas oh sorry let me pronounce it right uh forming over lubbock texas wow hot damn that is that is an epic storm i didn't even know storms could actually have vibrant colors thought it was only really two just gray and death the contemplating frog no i don't think he's still contemplating i'm pretty sure he's already certain of his intent to murder the sheer size of a toucan's beak compared to the rest of its skull wha what geez of oh wow okay that is as a fact i am not going to be able to shake out of my head every time i see a toucan now the knotted branches of a spider's web tree also known as a strangler's fig over a nanning not this place again please i can't pronounce it quangji did i do it right let's just focus on the cool tree oh look how cool it is seriously that looks like it's just made to be climbed if this tree was carnivorous i would i would definitely bet it like evolved to be climbable so the kids will be lured up into it come children a lot of excitement and adventure awaits you up here oh no ignore the acidic juices dripping on you that's just for the uh sunscreen against the sun ruby it's tree frog also called uluguru forest tree frog is endemic to tanzania get the hell out that is not real no that is clearly a 3d animated frog with unnecessarily cute eyes come no that no it's not real i i refuse to accept it i'm sorry i know i'm breaking your heart here mr frog but i just i don't believe you exist green sea turtle surfacing for air well damn that is a close shot well done and now on to today's fair not today's beautiful work is by mansionsmultiverse79 hello there thank you for submitting they called us the mk guardian of reddit oh i like it he looks chaotic in a fun way though like he'd murder my family but in a fun way like he'd set up a little game to play anyway thank you once again for the beautiful workmation's multiverse 79 and if you two yourself watching this video would like to see your fan art in the next one well submit it into the mk's the the thing the thing that my words have failed to properly pronounce but we're going to continue on anyway because i don't do redos trust me this though this entire video is always in one take i know i never stop i know that would be no no you're sincere of me so anyway i believe it time for today hope you guys enjoyed it and if you did make sure you like this video and be sure to keep subscribed so you're always updated on the latest goodies name is jack i hope you had some fun today next time
Channel: EmKay
Views: 283,583
Rating: 4.9585948 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes, Natureisf**kinglit
Id: 5aQbWHoAkbo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 29sec (869 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 09 2021
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