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other vegetables we need to be stored in special conditions with ideal humidity and temperatures meanwhile potatoes dirt i am dirt hello everybody welcome back to easy peasy i'm cougar i'm the living meme and today luckily we're looking at my home our slash memes with that said let's get to it you cut your spaghetti why do you do this you know this is illegal in italy right it is illegal in italy why do you do this to the spaghetti game gives everyone a free skin the game lobby next day yo check out my brand new skin yo check out my brand new skin pretty unique right oh yeah baby biologist oh yeah microbiologist oh yeah me i don't think i'll ever experience culture shock while on holiday the dutch toilet what the hell i didn't know this existed this is kind of sweet and like just i feel like it would work better because yeah it just worked better man boss doing it that way won't work me after it works well well well i heard it wouldn't work but now it does what girls think getting hit in the balls is like what it's actually like nothing spike down oh my god worst pain in the world choose your restaurant goth ihop tomboy outback fanboy hooters mouth denny's e girl applebee's ratatouille can we just can we just get a meme where it's like choose your cougar russian new york australian and then just fanboy i'm so sorry i had to you probably know this but do you know this um is that smash mouth i i can't remember i'm sorry reasons why men put their hands into their pocket to pretend to be cool to adjust our balls that are our boners hey i'm just telling the truth welcome to chernobyl i will be your guide today plenty people when you're given one job and you mess it up red white what the frick come on guys one job guy on the left lane one freaking job another rare weird face of pikachu my friends the cheaper the season's budget the more messed up faces you will find when you didn't eat because your stomach was hurting and now your stomach hurts because you didn't eat existence is pain existence is pain five seconds oh boy no no no no no no you're just gonna turn the volume up i'm buzz aldrin second man to step on the moon kneel before me neil dammit you're going to hell what in hell people like you what in heaven people like me you need to work on your threats because that sounds like a good time taste of banana taste of everything banana flavored yeah dude even except for runs runs bananas candies are like disgusting but in a good way am i right female clothes in video games the armor oh sexy the stats this ride only stops in an emergency crying is not an emergency get [ __ ] a little boy oh god i just realized what i said bad goofy bad you're going to the special bridging people who can sleep in jeans serial killers you think you're a match for me i sleep in cargo pants also and a full hoodie younger sister it's so sad that steve jobs died of ligma me do not cite the matte deep magic to me witch i was there when it was written i know only of ligma balls my husband explaining how fast our new internet package is me happy to see him so excited even though i don't know how much 400 mbps is straight up though i would marry charlie day in a second charlie day if you're listening this is cougar take me out on a date i'll pay for it even though i'm broke like come on man let's let's make some magic happen media america is the greatest nation of all time meanwhile americans birds aren't real research birds this has to be a joke right this has to be a joke and no it's got to be because look at all their faces and like they're posing but god i hope it's a joke people who don't care what other people put on their pizza you are the sexiest gentsy humor in a nutshell it's in a nutshell ha name a larger pay to win i'll wait i'll wait you want to know a fun fact humans are like we're the smartest people on the planet we're the only species that pays to live here just just let that soak in me watching the ubereats driver leave their house at 2 a.m to deliver my chicken nuggies yes yes finally i am one of the rich rock stars can't be sexy i bet you feel dumb right now damn squidward oh baby i would be one of your groupies day shift going into work night [ __ ] leaving work have a good one jerry okay will do have a good sleeping all day wanting a girlfriend to have sex with her wanting a girlfriend to love and cuddle cuddling is nice man i like being the little spoon even though i'm single and always have been mom i'll go out with some friends okay but don't do anything stupid okay bye i i have made massive mistakes here also real quick how did that one guy all the way to left get past that little rivet in the center that must have taken some skill and balls man ipa drinkers trying to convince you it tastes good yeah it's great yeah it tastes like a duracell battery what no it's dirt cell battery beer it's supposed to taste like that you can't possibly sum up 21st century humor in one image emily blunt emily shop there you go people who type smiley face instead of smiley face i know i'm jeffrey dahmer but no the cute barista remembers your usual order they call you by your name they wave their hand in front of your face they yell for someone to call it the paramedics say you're having a stroke yeah germans who can afford bread in 1923. i'm a rich zitch i'm not going to say zp word cause youtube would get angry normal people when confused what spanish people weren't confused what when you somehow finished school and moved to college fortunately the bad days are over now it's time for the worst days time for the days i wish i wasn't alive yo do you know anya anya who on your left no he got me when your teammate is very toxic to you but you actually suck well first of all frick you smart butt but also yes you're right michael reese if you're listening if you ever break up with lily pichu give me a shot man give me a shot i promise i can be your slightly taller king crippling depression bought two books titled how to solve fifty percent of your problems you think you can stop me good one time machine exists people with a kind heart bro watch your step else you'll fall and everyone will laugh at you oh my god i can't believe they're saving pepe 60 year old tom cruise 23 year old me it's not easy being old how is that man still alive it's probably the scientology fountain of youth wife our son called me a snitch where is that son of a snitch wife this motherfreaker imma get him the spirit of nikola tesla and thomas edison watching people use electricity to stimulate their nipples i heard tesla was kind of a freak so he might have been into this also he wanted electricity to be affordable thomas edison's a monster but nikola tesla was a good man but lived a bad life when your america friends say let's play football but then bring in a lip-shaped ball i am a bit confused but all right then i'll give it an old kikiwoo drinking warm water in summer drinking warm water in winter it's all bad it's just all bad warm water sucks potatoes are boring what about french fries potato crisps mashed potatoes whatever these are stuffed potatoes vodka my friend frick zodiac signs palm claw fingertip how do you hold your mouse i don't have a mouse my friend i use a i use a computer one i'm so sorry i'm so sorry incredible this innovative cpr dummy comes with a second dummy that audibly mourns its dead son that's my son that's my point breathe breathe his name wasn't hedwig what was it oh he's played by robert pattison i don't remember but that's like my favorite harry potter movie football football football football football i probably murdered so many of those words free with no ads paid with no ads paid with ad six-year-old me i got a loose tooth mom let's wait until it falls out naturally dead i think not get the string in the doorknob some of the greatest minds in history a person i don't know i believe nikola tesla albert einstein anyone who knew how this motherfreaker works yeah my friend joey was a genius man when my therapist says feeling something bad is going to happen it's called anxiety and not spidey sense yeah i wish we all had spidey sins i just realized 2021 backwoods is 2012 no no it's not you freaking idiot when you want to check your internet speed but the page doesn't load okay i condensed the groove format to save people time reading people don't like it they do shame how to politely remind your friend that they owe you money hit them in the kneecaps with a baseball bat and watch them die and cry and go to the hospital and then pay you back freak politics what's your favorite 2012 mobile game uh fruit ninja and cut the rope man it was a good time frick zodiac sign what's your favorite chocolate white milk dark i like my chocolate like i like my men and women every single color possible 10 year old me when the raindrop on the window teams up with another one and wins the race holy crap holy crap i'm a genius jesus let's fight somewhere empty space jam a new legacy actually a funnier meme would have been black widow because it's the lowest grossing movie of all time for marvel baby well like recently and had the worst second week ever and i'm so happy for that i know everyone likes marvel but like they were purposely trying to make godzilla vs kong bomb originally so take that marvel finally disney has a loss my fan base cares more about historical accuracy no my fan base amateurs what was that punk amateurs war thunder fan says tank is inaccurate leaks classified military documents to prove it all right then all right then girls sharing about depression society guys sharing about depression people who are actually depressed but smiling i don't like it underwater but i'm i'm here because yeah yeah watching behind the scene of superhero movies be like green screen ah except for iron man 102 cause like those are practical effects but the reason they stopped using the suit so much was robert downey jr didn't want to wear it anymore my favorite thing is you watch the beginning doctor was like oh i can't wait to wear this then at the end you just see like after everything he's like i'm doing the data rack at a hotel i couldn't resist i i love you so much because 404 not found people making their character look like themselves people making their character as pretty slash cool as possible people making their character their opposite gender and half naked i see weiner boobs when you're so used to a meme that the original looks strange what the hell no when you have the crayola 120 pack and your homies are stuck with the 24-pack i'm fancy what can i say this is bill bill has a crush on a girl bill grows some balls and goes to tell her instead of crying about being a virgin on reddit bill is brave be like bill hey man i'm not crying about being a virgin i'm crying about being alone in my crippling depression and my name's cougar this is cougar you don't want to be cougar that character design may be simple but when these guys get sad everyone gets sad i don't know the bottom right but i know the top right is from uh luca i believe and the other one's cloudy with the chance of meatballs classic movie classic 1995 pixar what if toys had feelings 2007 pixar what if rats had feelings 2006 pixar what if cars had feelings 2015 pixar what if feelings had feelings 2020 pixar what if black people had feelings 2020 pixar what if canadians had feelings a turning red you know because that's a movie a typo a voice crack completely ruining your argument so cougar's entire life not just that i'm illiterate apparently and mess up words all the time because of my speech impediment so yeah i'm just losing every argument you can only pick one choose wisely a cat girlfriend she loves you a cool watch you have master control see here's the thing though if it said necco girl i might have gone with a girlfriend maybe very small chance but it says a cat girlfriend what if they give you a cat and that becomes your girlfriend i'm going with the cool watch that's the omnitrix baby stop being lazy mom me showing clear symptoms of mental illness where's dad he always asks if i'm winning introducing the lap without the top it'll revolutionize things when holographic technology is affordable this is bill bill just saw a funny meme slash video bill thought about a funny comment bill notices every single comment was what he had thought to coleman bill decides not to post the coleman be like bill or you know you could be like cougar again with his messed up eyes and always be the guy that even though the video is a month old first because you know why i have a check mark on youtube and that automatically gets me likes for some reason dad when you're a kid dad when you're an adult i like my mashed potatoes everyone in art class drawing masterpiece from day one me just trying to learn a new skill so i can draw memes and have fun stop judging me how germany pays for war crimes debt how japan pays for war crimes pc gaming chair mobile gaming chair i was just playing balloon tower defense battle on the toilet before coming in here to record so yeah mobile data wi-fi stopped working me to photo gallery how's my favorite app doing bro albert einstein a hundred authors claiming his theory of relativity to be wrong if it were wrong one would have been enough my friend frexotiac signs which one did your parents beat you with [Music] none of these she beat me with love and kindness my dad cut off my hair in my sleep and scarred me for life but that's a different story rob bob robbie bobby robert bobert it is sin rick ruled my students with a fake accidental quiz answer key link got revenge rick rolled by a student in a final video exam and jesus they got me soviet gender reveal it's a worker friend he will soon be drinking vodka and potato bill gates go buy me a coke and buy something for yourself too me eh he's not gonna know how much it costs he doesn't even know what a like thing about what he called pizza pockets cost he said they cost 23 dollars they're like eight koreans artificial sun sets world record after running at 100 million degrees for two seconds my pc after running cyberpunk on max settings look what they need to mimic a fraction of my power all the glitches make it steamy your girlfriend is missing her period panic she can always go visit it com you just made a dad joke oh god that's why i'm never gonna have sex it's not that i'm ugly and a loser and completely alone fricker stole toilet can't sit in detroit there's never a toilet here bro like straight up this is just this is just the gap in between the two stalls nice try there would be a hole in the ground housing prices right now be like [ __ ] you you can't afford this anyways ha you're gonna die broke cougar jokes on you i kind of did some rigmarole with the bank at a foreclosure i got a house this year and a mini home and i'm broke so if i can do it so can you well if you made it this far please please don't steal toilets it doesn't make any sense also it's a bad meme i would love it if you liked comment subscribe check out the other videos for an easy peasy mk of course daily make sure to hit that like and subscribe button for auto the security dog here at slazo media thank you to the editor that listened to my voice for the last 20 minutes have a good day be good people and remember stay safe everyone
Channel: EzPz
Views: 101,624
Rating: 4.9275861 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit top posts, reddit best posts, reddit top posts of all time, top posts of all time, top posts, best posts, posts, reddit posts, reddit funny, r/, subreddit, top all time, reddit true stories
Id: qwwGy2KYPL8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 26sec (1046 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 03 2021
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