r/Me_irl | memes that are TOO relatable

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my mom some random girl i told her about me oh yeah don't ever mention girls around your mom [Music] oh my goodness i'm a little sleepy hey everybody welcome back to mk it is i robin the one you guys like to bully today we're gonna be taking a look at our slash me irl you know the sub that likes to call everybody out usually me though because i'm really the one on the front lines here without any further ado let's hop right in there all right i hate it when i'm studying and a velociraptor i lose my i walk outside go outside and make milkshakes don't you just hate it when you accidentally make milkshakes my personal favorite though is i hate it when i'm wearing my apple what americans when you called an ambulance after a serious accident you what yeah i'm sorry man it it it hurts okay look i've got some savings i can lose it all just for this one time unskipable ad me looking away to not let them win damn street i don't give a [ __ ] about your product me clothes ads i learn from my mistakes i learn from other people's mistakes i learn from everyone's mistakes including my own i learn from the mistakes of people who took my advice yeah when you promise yourself you won't be awkward today but someone says hi and you respond with good how are you why are you like this i'm sorry okay it's such a standard greeting i have to assume sometimes cause i couldn't hear em not know about you but i really don't like going sorry what was that i couldn't hear you when someone says hello 11 pm 2 am 4 am 8 minutes before my alarm if i fall asleep now i'll get 10 minutes of uninterrupted sleep if i fall asleep now i'll get oh god damn it realizing i'm older than all the main characters and they're all so powerful and badass and i haven't done [ __ ] in my life me watching anime oh we are not the protagonists guys we're not they are though let them be them we are not the chosen ones here five-year-old me after saying no we can't to bob the builder's theme song damn straight you a bad boy i don't know why i started pronouncing everything like that i'm so sorry wear your failure as a badge of honor me yeah all my failures be clanging around on my chest when i have no idea how to comfort my friends but i try anyway see this is it right here everyone always says i don't know how to help you i don't feel like i'm helping you actually kind of are you're trying that helps quite a bit more than you think things i love all right here we go what in the hell uh oh this is uh well yeah okay i could kind of understand beijing zoo animals start fighting each other after they were impressed by tourists brawl great britain okay britain you didn't try at all britain you're drunk go to bed britain your drinking problem is getting out of hand britain i prefer okay britain that's my favorite ah my favorite flyer you ever walk into a store and ask yourself who buys all this [ __ ] like seriously i'm genuinely curious dumb future watch apple's ceo had a nice lunch with the fascist president of brazil yesterday biodome family shore hear me out now wet ass sandwiches barbies oh hell no dumb this dumb [ __ ] thing they call this a hoverboard doesn't hover for [ __ ] walk idiot quesadilla maker what [ __ ] i hate you get a damn skillet europeans making fun of the us me from a third world country haha burger land bad me when i randomly remember embarrassing things i've done in the past i usually just bury my head i don't feel the need to bury all of me just the head's fine i'm dying call 9-1-1 call can i text them you have to call i'm sorry it's okay man phone calls are the worst i get it see i don't agree i hate texting now i used to love it but i just can't type correctly on modern phones i think it's because i'm stupid me watching the waiter at the italian restaurant cover my dish and parmesan cheese say when all right let me turn on my timer we've got 45 minutes and then i'll say when me and my childhood without any reason it's funny because we're all the same oh man after all why not why shouldn't i pull the clip off why why are we all the same people hey uh one of your veggies is making a lot of noise i finally got a job now i can stop complaining about not having a job and start complaining about having one damn straight it's a right all of us deserve to have every masterpiece has its cheap copy thank you thank you every day i wake up in argentina request looking for videos where people cuddle without having sex are you okay does it sound like he's okay me sliding the straw in and out of a mcdonald's cup oh yo yo ma i don't know where i was going with that i'm sorry let's move on i'm sorry it wasn't funny i apologize when your custom character makes it into the cut scene i do really appreciate games that put in the extra effort to allow this to happen it's it's just magical you know you cannot just cut people out of your life like they never existed at all me i beg to differ sweaty the shampoo said damage repair why do i still feel broken inside yeah johnson and johnson no tears that's [ __ ] [ __ ] if you're ever having a bad day just remember this guy found out he was dead and he was still going to work that's how it happens my friend that's what hell is what do you think hell really is when your resume says you're a really social person with good leadership skills hey wait a minute please see cashier i don't want to do that when you wake up from a dream that was a hundred times better than your life hey dreams man they could go either way okay i tend to wake up from dreams that are somehow 100 times worse than my life according to charles bukowski sadness is caused by intelligence the more you understand certain things the more you wish you didn't understand them i mean i can see that but maybe shut up a little bit you freaking nerd when your phone is dead and you've got to take one of those 90s dumps oh just start reading bottles off of the counter man or like hey take off your watch and start reading the inscriptions on the back it's really interesting stuff dumplings imply the existence of one large dumple yeah there's a great dumple that we actually cut all of the dumplings that have ever been made in the world out of it's quite cool when you get to see it in person me when i die probably man surrounded by loved ones feels awkward being only person dying man if that don't sum up the last couple generations i don't know what the [ __ ] does food gives you energy me after i eat ah you can't eat something hot you eating lunch no don't eat something hot eat something cold cut come on this is amateur stuff me speaking english in my mind me speaking english in someone uh wait wait wait wait wait hold on what me looking at the f my son got on his assignment that i did makes you wonder doesn't it i've had my mom go through that before thank you god for not making me attracted to feet i bet damien wishes he could say the same thing how people in the 90s saw the future how we see the future now uh maybe it's because we're constantly told every single day that that's what the future's gonna be you know because we don't actually get to make the choices the multi-billion dollar corporations do stop finn i'm gay princess i love you i love my wife so much guys i gotta say i'm really freaking confused by this one huh what pride flag is that oh lee guessed the word the word was germany [Laughter] time to get up well i tried my best how many fingers am i holding up me who just wants my glasses back stop crying then nerd i'm finger licking good no you're not no you're not why are you pulling the lioness back in come on let her stay out a little longer dude it's too a lot well depends on the context dollars no birthdays spent in lockdown yes we spent an hour teaching our spanish teacher how to speak proper english oh my god wow that's a breakdown dude picture of an introvert mentally preparing himself to leave the house and deal with the humans yeah me but without the cigarette do you promise to love us unconditionally and to value your employer above your friends and family no i just want to make money look me in the eye and tell me you would jump on a live hand grenade to protect this wendy's ain't that how it really do be though holy sh i don't know how to deal with serious emotions without turning them into a [ __ ] joke it's really hard and our parents did not give us the proper skills the only thing i celebrate today is keanu reeves and hair clips i mean we could celebrate that every single day waiter kids under 12 are free to eat me thanks i'll have two kids hey wait a minute the cat has been fed don't fall for her [ __ ] i need to get a sign just like this for my cat dude please turn off all electronic devices and no laser pointers they freak me the [ __ ] out me being dragged to hell after jesus showed me the memes i laughed at oh wouldn't god be showing you those like i'm sorry man you laughed at this one dude that's it that's an automatic three strikes dude oh we see that you browsed i funny oh yikes okay well you know how this is gonna go i meet someone we talk i explain that lego people live in houses made of their own flesh they leave yeah they leave as they should you freak 10 year old me believing i'd be a multi-millionaire by 18 with my own mansion damn what happened to you 22 year old me broke and still living with my parents life i got nothing it's just the truth these days man she's gotta have big butt donkers i'm more of an ass guy i just want her to like me back man same three seconds after locking the door me did i lock the door my brain bish fino who was the lord of the darkness it's you it's you you're you're the darkness when i remember that my future depends mostly on me man the virgin cow can't be milked forever the chad gta 5 we could also put skyrim there they're kind of interchangeable here me listening to music the random sound in the background that sounds like my mom calling my name oh my god dude that's not fair you just unlocked something in my brain holy crap i've reached level three finally oh my lord netflix you still there everyone else me well me but i'm not asleep this is when i get up and get mad like of course i'm still watching keep [ __ ] going i didn't ask you to stop oh jesus christ this is a lot to take in um okay uh yeah i agree everyone you'll even out and be less weird when you're older me older hey we can all only hope to be as weird as you do you have any children yes i have one that's just under two i know how many one is me getting ready for the outing i said yes to oh man that's literally me today holy crap when i feel a random pain in my chest my time has come that's me when i feel a random pain anywhere oh i got a foot cramp i guess this is it i've had a fun life everyone me taking one last look before i leave the party early and unannounced again that's going to be me today you ever in a store but there's a person in front of the thing you want to buy so you just look away and go these are some nice peas dude i do that all the time and of course it's my own fault i could just say excuse me i know what i want get the [ __ ] out of my way except not that rude but holy crap those stay there staring at the thing they want to buy for like 35 minutes ma'am one percent or two percent it's not a hard choice i'm half full i'm half empty i think this is piss when you get your way but you're still pissed oh man if that ain't most of us huh some people are early birds some people are night owls and the rest of us are on productive pigeons damn straight i'm an unproductive pigeon that's all i got for you man you're so quiet oh sorry about that i'm smarter than others because i don't care about fake internet points literally everyone on reddit that's everyone on basically every website that has some kind of weird karma point system all right i mean i'm an avid imager user okay same deal over there i think frogs are the best animals because they go bowing in ribbit i mean it's hard to fault the logic there unnecessary sex scenes tv show with an interesting plot that's like every movie too i'm just trying to enjoy myself why you gotta throw the sex scenes in there i'm watching with my family dude staying up till three versus waking up at three it is strange how that works isn't it if your apartment smells cut potatoes in half and place them around your home guests will ask what the [ __ ] with the potatoes and not even notice the smell choose a security question where did you go for your honeymoon what was your first job what was your first girlfriend or boyfriend's name what was the name of your childhood best friend hey why you doing this to me me after getting two hours of sleep me after sleeping for 12 hours i hate the human body it sucks me reading the restaurant menu knowing damn well i'm gonna order spaghetti spaghetti huh no i'm ordering a grilled cheese i don't care where i am when you put the spider outside instead of killing it mother earth thanks you my friend take the blue pill and you'll wake up in your bed believing that let's get it started in here is the only version of the song take the red pill and i'll show you how deep the rabbit hole goes guys who can lift 100 kilograms of steel guys who can only lift 100 kilograms of feathers but stales heavier than feathers it's heavier no one has ever bought these they don't exist in stores on the day you become a grandma a crystal candy dish full of them appears on your kitchen counter and never runs out i could tell you where to actually get these but now i'm going to keep it a secret me waiting for the person who's telling a story to shut up so i can tell a better story that includes me me i have to start eating healthier me feeling even the slightest amount of stress my emotional support dog needing another emotional support dog me thinking hmm now i just need something sweet after i just ate and ate a lot but we all do that treat yourself life is pain oh boy here we go text us please don't hesitate to text us if you see anything that needs our attention we want to make this campground as relaxing and comfortable as possible for our guests thank you alright let's see translated for teenagers sup hit me up at blank if you see anything that sucks or cringe like i don't know a toilet that got wrecked or something to be honest we high-key trying to glow up this campground can't stop won't stop until this place straight-up slays need your help fail all right i'm sorry they nailed that one netflix utorrent amazon prime video hbo max disney plus yep there it is all things come full circle dude although i do got to say i think even if you do get all of these subscriptions it's still cheaper than getting some [ __ ] from comcast man when you're trying to make a joke out of your trauma but instead of laughing people just say i'm so sorry that happened to you thanks oh yeah this kid knows what's up he knows what's up you know wake me up when september ends wake me up inside before you go go i should make life poof why i don't know he was bored everyone he was bored hey brain how's it going yeah and on that glorious note we've come to the end of another video ladies and gentlemen but before we get going let's take a look at today's fan art this one is for you my boy for me okay that's actually really [ __ ] cool though that is so well done so cute you know fluffy come on thick boy oh man i love it thank you so much always remember if you even somewhat enjoyed today's video consider dropping a like down below and if you really enjoyed it make sure to get yourself subscribed and click that bell icon so you get notified of every upload going forward and if you're feeling super generous why not check out my links in the description down below i'd love to have you around and until next time i'll catch you later [Music]
Channel: EmKay
Views: 709,639
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes
Id: hlrAQ2I9_zA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 52sec (952 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 08 2021
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