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what a friendly man what a friendly looking man I would trust him with my taxes I'd give him my tax return say hey figure it out and he'd figure it out I trust him I trust him to figure it out for me I don't have the time to do that but he he does [Laughter] welcome to cosplay Central I'm cosplaying as a Pokemon Blue cartridge is that any Weezer Carl DeVito what do I call him he's a sex icon that's for sure because I'm getting the hots I'm feeling sweaty just looking at this guy but what do we call him what is what is your name for only one dollar I can lose half of my body you know what this poor girl's lost 90 she's just ahead she's the Futurama floating heads and jars that's her life now so I know how they took this photo I think it's really kind of creative I would have never thought about making the pool the trampoline that's really funny genuinely Union of the Kyle's 2007 colorized the punched through the door to shake hands they finally understand each other these two guys hated each other on Xbox Live playing Martin Warfare they finally finally decided to meet DVD and Blu-ray animes we got Dragon Ball we got bleach we got Bee Movie that's which is honestly my favorite anime you guys didn't know this but I actually am very caught up on the B-movie lore turns out Barry b Benson's addicted to crack who would have known I don't care how this is a blurst image their deer is just playing ball why are you bothering them let them do their thing the deer holding the ball that one's gonna hit a three-pointer stop judging it just move on with your life homie is Batman officiating though I want Batman to officiate my wedding that's cool Batman's just like okay it's just Harvey Dent but what I can't trust is marriage and he married these two didn't know Batman was an ordained minister oh what I'm I oh who angered the bee man why does he have a baseball bat where are the superheroes uh yes my favorite math teacher Pyramid Head giving us a diagram of his big old Pyramid Head love that for him oh no another Pyramid Head but it's Pizza head we're fine why am I being given the trifecta of pizza of pyramid heads another Pyramid Head related meme I've been given three three pyramid heads the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit two Pizza related one just straight up Pyramid Head I do think it's cool that he has the big sword made of the pizza boxes though that's kind of neat that's kind of cute that's 10 points from me oh sure the hand's supposed to go on your chest Marge is breaking ankles out here look at her go she's wearing a dress my dude's in a full uniform and he got his ankles broken by Marge wearing a dress and heels you suck at b-ball homie Marge going for the Hall of Fame why why are we holding her hostage what did she do it says Speak are you all baronians you mad cause the series ended is this a message directly to Hasbro this is how I'd be studying for my finals all calculators pen and paper deep in thought this is what you find in Russia walk in selling bullets at a store I'm like oh yes put in a corner elik go ahead and get your favorite toy a bullet why is the bumper the only thing remaining where did the rest of the vehicle go I know there's more to this vehicle where is the rest of it return it please posing with my biggest fan that's the little anime girl talking I used to collect Yu-Gi-Oh cards when I was younger and I can confirm that this is what happens when you win a Yu-Gi-Oh duel the cards go flying everywhere like you're playing tabletop simulator this guy won here and the other two on the ground are freaking out and they're panicking like oh God he won now he's ascending he's gonna go meet Yugi and Joey oh and I see what happened here the fan blade oh God the poor fan blade it hit the fan and the fan just it's raining Yu-Gi-Oh cards something about this is cool why is the cat laying out like that who did that to the poor Kitty huh this is clever this is I like this this is cute people drawing memes with the back of the bus seats sure you're ruining property but at the same time that's cute I used to do this okay so me and my brother I used to have a Nintendo GameCube and me and my brother would do this when playing uh anything multiplayer when they were screen share this is classic I know exactly how this works That's a classic trick got a little hard on her oh look at that a little heart catch she loves to be here she's just happy to be here she's laying out Marlboro water and Nestle cigarettes good combo speaking of cigarettes my man's 200 iqed right now I've been putting the cigarette in his tiny finger hand I just realized the genius of this he can use his Nintendo switch while smoking the cig that's incredible IQ I like this guy how did you get him all the stand like that what how did you accomplish no there's no way there's no how did you do this there has to be tape there has to be something there's no way you accomplish this this is this is camera trickery this isn't real there he is smiling his spirit leaving his body he's ascending he's astral projecting right now hey nope but why would you sell notebooks in the shape of letters that just seems like a waste where's all the extra paper go this is so weird why would you do this you spell that depression I get the joke very silly funny haha man give us a thumbs up two of them even but why would you I don't understand why you put them in letters if my mom got me a notebook that has just the letter D from my name you're like hey thanks Mom uh how the hell am I gonna write my notes in this the hero thump uh Josh Drake you just hit Brian Griffin for a family guy I love the the the episode where they where Josh hits Oprah it's good character development you no you get that cat away from there this is not this is not what the cat deserves I under as I understand it cats penises are Barbed but this is not the same thing oh you drew all the eggs having a funeral for the fried egg that's cute and also a little disturbing so this guy thinks he's funny huh wet foreign is a bunch of models of the H2O molecular setup huh I think you're a funny guy see it would have been even funnier if you threw those down but then I actually slept on them but these are just models of the molecular structure of H2O I'm not gonna slip on these that's a lot of water why is this the worst image my man's staying hydrated this is 200 IQ he's staying stalked wow he's never gonna run out of water how to talk to your cat about gun safety oh my God what a little kitty cat oh my God oh look at you and abstinence drugs Satanism and other dangers that threatened their Nine Lives all nine of them he looks he looks kidding you don't need to pick up the strap you're okay you don't do the heater you're all right beautiful wedding but then the raccoons come out to play they said hey we heard there was a wedding going on is that free cake left me and my boys would like a slice cookiezilla the most feared predator in all of the Seven Nations that's right all seven of them Ariana grenade grenade that's what's under her weave if you pull it hard enough two dudes hanging out not a care in the world sure you may not have any head and the Riser on their torsos but they're hanging out ah yes the trickiest game of hopscotch the trick is to double jump on the five how are your eyes like that buddy are you okay do you have a condition what's going on now that has to be edited he doesn't have a condition this is just clever editing this is trickery no no he's a fox sickle why no he's cold someone go put a blow dryer on him get him unthawed or dethawed please get them dethawed is that Michael Jackson on a sick old skateboard you and you bet your sweet bippy it is he's popping tricks on the inks kick album and on bad wait why is bad cheaper than the kick album what I thought they would make more off the Michael Jackson One why are all the is this an Italian Fork I like that actually I like that a lot actually I admire that if anyone sneaks up on us I'll smell them coming or I might not we'll see yeah what about who's behind you right now do you smell them coming please tell me you smell them coming car show why is this funny this man's just on the computer he's just browsing he's typing on the computer so that way the keyboard lights up that's how it works right I don't like that that's Leela I really don't like that you made Leela here there's no nose either Lila has no nose this is just all sorts of awful loaf cat loaf cat that cat is made of loaf I was going to eat it but didn't meowed at me and I said oh man oh my goodness sweet Jiminy Christmas my loaf of bread just so happens to also be a cat hey check it out the theater's plan yo mama nice Joe would love that movie that's how I'd be walking I ain't gonna lie to you just walk in with a big old whiner out that's how I really be feeling sometimes when I'm feeling myself whoa who gave the orangutang a bicycle I'm kind of impressed actually because this has to be edited and that's really good editing he's just filling the car up what do you do Mermaid Man's waiting did you turn the car off Mermaid Man are you being a responsible adult I hope so is my man wearing lightning mc Crocs into battle oh he's ready to fight hey hold on a second don't while you guys wearing the same thing is this a pika to your future why are they wearing the same outfit she's dead why you guys are weird oh look at that little mouse trying to get it on with another mouse wrong kind of mouse buddy wrong kind of mouse what is happening here see going for the most aggressive purple nurple of all time there seems to be confusion because the police have riot shields this guy just leaned in he's got aggression on his face is this police brutality is that what counts yummy trick those fools with my cup of noodle shirt they'll never know yeah you turn your face into a meme and that's what happens you seemed very concerned to be around all pictures of your face huh I mean I would be too seven eight nine and ten and nine is just going after ten this is a disqualification as far as I'm concerned right that has to be a disqualification there's no way that's legal how did the he went straight through too if you take a look that is a clear-cut path he sped he is trying to be back to the future 88 miles an hour and just crashed through the side of the wall that's not where you wanted to teleport Chief oh dear God this can only end one way and the answer is not good oh my God hey hello I have to take a phone phone call from my kitty cat look at you Pikachu's cheek says the eyes less cute not as nope nah not feeling that one not really feeling that one play sacrifice here oh if you say so come on Johnny onto the sacrificial table broken plate confirmed for smash this is my favorite downloadable character who is this mad lad he's got a banjo no shirt and a full SWAT team ready to go is he Unstoppable is he even wearing shoes he's got shorts on what is this man he's slim thick that's a dangerous game you're playing that's a very dangerous game you're playing it's gonna lose grip and that charger is gonna be ruined and your phone's gonna get cranked this is a very dangerous game oh man you bent the shield yeah he has from one is this guy from One Piece he has a nasty kick oh my God I drew this little friend I don't know what he is but I love him I hate him here's me drawing an image of me punching the little idiot here raw honey tactical Winnie the scariest Little Bear is that a rat creeping out of my bricks someone put this rat back where it came from or so help on second inspection that is merely a painting of a rat I have been tricked and fooled by the silly painting of this rat hiding in my bricks ah this isn't even remotely cursed this is all blessed look at them eyes they stare into my soul Django fat dead step one remove head no you complete me huh that's an odd angle for you to be at the loaf of bread is screaming again the first of us also that's where the Saga started looks like something straight out of the thing or the fly I'm going to eliminate half of your deck well this is a little bit awkward huh you might want to give that back to Mike Wazowski before he wakes up well that's good enough for me looks better than my real reflection anyways you want to delete a resident yes yes I can help with that I always knew Tom Nook was a murderer this Photograph will continue to age like like fine wine until the end of time I know that that thing is glued together but if it wasn't this would probably be the most incredible photo ever taken you might want to get a new cat or at the very least don't piss it off okay that's pretty hilarious it's the ultimate Nerf blaster capable of neutralizing the Moon from 26 feet that is actually quite impressive not lucky just kind of impressive it's really rare to find a perfect face swap wait a minute you're not Keanu oh oh good job now there's no hostage in the way to stop you from hiring this incredible guy that has got to be one incredible piece of fruit or he's a psychopath that just finished off his seventh victim oh tough break maybe you should have put an actual frame and seat on that bike you might have been safe from that what what is this what's this monstrosity looks like a normal enough guy now he doesn't oh joy a significantly better love story than Twilight right why do I get the feeling this dog just finished fighting an incredibly long-winded battle ah proper censorship you did good in some alternate universe I'm sure oh wow I don't like that at all ew we call this the Giga sheep you versus the guy she told you not to worry about do you wanna freaking go no no I do not this guy would beat the crap out of me uh classic I'd love to see the entire movie done like this actually oh what ah yes the prize for winning this game of hopscotch is my favorite God I hate those Smileys and that's why you know what suddenly I lost my appetite say ya what you got there where'd you get that get that at Kmart did you yo I think that can of Pringles was very single for a very long time ooh I love minimalist art that's actually really fun well there it is that's exactly how it happened he made out with someone without their consent and boom brought right back to life oh no I'll get his little cheeseburger he left behind oh that's really grotesque looking oh not So Much Anymore wow the resemblance is quite uncanny if I do say so myself this guy is good and we think we're cool because we want to use old IBM keyboards this guy's living in the year 1000. we can't touch him somehow that's even worse water Earth fire air these were the four toilets that kept balance to the universe well if that ain't the sexiest plague doctor I've ever seen he'll Heal Me by crushing my skull between his thighs oh yeah what a lovely tea party say where's Mrs Nesbit was she not invited this time need me a good old-fashioned pair of Croc Martens oh God what a monstrosity oh I hate it uh excuse me if only I could have this much confidence in myself you go buddy you go ah yes my favorite anime what did that cat at just see you do I have to know because I want to know if it'll give me the same look okay I like this one I swear to God this is how all women shower they have to set it to molten lava or nothing well that's one way to get it done it's effective I'll give him that it's about time someone let him out of there God how many of these are trapped along highways I don't know what I expected but it wasn't this giant horrifying blob monster I really don't have anything smart or funny to say about these two you go guys you go wow what a fantastic costume oh my God this listing just got significantly scarier wait a minute where's all the ink this means nothing if there's no ink come on commit to it folks use what you have we don't have very many disposable ones available to us now do we that is the biggest chungus I have ever seen who made this which one of you was it I know it was one of you that's one way to ensure you'll never ever ever break the hammer all we need for a true test on this one is an immovable object hey what are you doing with Starlight oh my God oh your cat's looking like a bipod down there hey look Waffle House has every right to protect themselves too okay it's not just us okay okay I'll give you an A plus plus this is actually quite creative good on you also it's a real good way to get rid of your kid without the neighborhood raising questions there's something wrong with your banana I think it's a little past its best by day somehow that makes him significantly scarier looking like quite a bit he jumped from 5 to 30 on the scary scale look man we've all been there just because you're the most dangerous being in the known universe doesn't mean you can't have a a really stupid side too I'm sorry I can't oh why why oh no way is this a photograph of the guy actually inventing the formula for TNT oh oh dear wow I don't like it I don't know about this one I genuinely don't know what to say here drive through open 24 hours seven days a week oh not as long as he's working there though I hear he sleeps like 20 hours a day [Laughter] why images that precede legendary events oh my God that's gotta be what Indiana Jones finds in the last movie they're taking it to Area 51 right now look at that giant nose lawn and garden nothing but cheese balls oh yeah welcome to America oh come on don't look so unamused it's funny come on it's funny laugh the ladies love me everyone loves you look at you you're rocking those pants oh oh no I am so glad that pigeons don't have giant juicy legs look I know at least 10 people that have wanted to do this exact thing to baby Yoda what are the odds that all of these Time Travelers somehow appeared in the same garage on the same day Vermont's finest Ben and Jerry's custardy battle custard ice cream was salty caramel swirls hmm choking hazard um what's a choking hazard your keyboard hooray oh no the star of this movie I gotta go and give it a watch again necromancy for beginners activities for children gotta start him young if you want him to be a full-fledged warlock by the time he graduates high school you might want to get away from that man I feel like he's unstable for some reason oh my God look at all that deep fried chicken I mean puppies yeah puppies uh what's going on here this is actually really confusing to me I'm look I'm really stupid I don't get it can one of you it means what I feel like that's not the knife that Subway actually provides their employees to cut bread but whatever yo this guy is in it to win it nothing weird about this photo it's just her best friend a tree consoling her is this company actually advertising what I think they're advertising come on nature sure is a beautiful thing isn't it folks ah yes my dong chandelier has finally been delivered now we can light our living room and style Woody no no leave Deku alone Shaggy what are you standing there for save him huh as posted in our slash hermitcraft by Ninja Nolan hey ninja Nolan what the hell man all right look to be fair this is actually a pretty cool way of really letting kids visualize exactly what you're trying to teach even if it is a little bit niffy okay I could have sworn I adopted a cat not a bat I want my money back oh yeah I forgot we live in America these are at like every store and restaurant in the country images that precede catastrophic events hey guy looks like he's having a good time good for him what's on his hat oh wait no not not you I want the one in the thong woohoo just starting the trip all right well the Trip's over I guess time to go home um I don't think this is normal can someone else back me up here on this this isn't normal right oh dude sick skin bro see Pixar you just gotta use a little bit of imagination and you could have made a way better movie than cars 2. okay yo don't mess with that security guard he will mess you up oh man I need to hear this movie scene re-dubbed with all of their sound bites if anybody out there is Savvy with this kind of thing please for the love of God do it and tweet it at me I would Adore You Forever inflatable unicorn horn for cats cats love it yeah they love it where the heck is this game and why isn't it a PlayStation 5 exclusive come on you know that's the console it should be on whoa whoa whoa wait a minute is that the real Slim Shady get in loser we're going where no man is gone before siren head the early years they're gonna be so many Call of Duty kids in 60 years with gravestones that look like this okay I genuinely don't know which of these images is more horrifying to me you know what no I know exactly which one it's the top one way scarier [Laughter] oh no come on oh my God no Clifford no he's gonna turn into shredded cheese in a minute oh oh wow these salt and pepper shakers are giving me really weird VA what is going on dude no way actually beat Lightning McQueen in a race there's something wrong with your pet mouse interrupt me again I'll put you in the [ __ ] cupboard don't think I won't oh my God I don't know how I didn't ever see this before but I'm down oh well I didn't need to see that today I pulled you over cause you were going to Kauai in a 20 kilometer per hour Zone God that one wasn't even remotely funny I mean neither is the image but still you're so good at makeup it actually kind of freaks me out just a photograph of Arnold Schwarzenegger getting beaten at chess by his donkey posty what the heck are you playing also what headset is that is that the new VR headset from valve this image continues to hunt my nightmares and now the nightmares are renewed and refreshed little did we know that little girl would go on to be the 45th president of these United States just me and my homie hanging out under wanna what's it tell you go away leave us alone it's boys nutty oh sickness bro this is sick cool PC sit up dog Abrams and Lucas the Face-Off I've wanted to see I just watched uh Saturday they did the fortnite JJ Abrams event God I hope they release the JJ Abrams skin so I can take the analyst Star Wars director JJ Abrams Jimmy it's your baby you can't ignore me forever yes I can I'm gonna put glasses on and pretend I don't know you pigs in paradise and um bacon Yum Yum Yum buddy hey bro nice dong thanks dude they worked on it I grew up myself from 2003 to 2016 you can see the drastic improvement in art style and I really appreciate that say what again cool numb bro Chris for Christmas I got you 25 worth of lottery tickets I went ahead and scratched them off for you you won two dollars here is that two dollars Merry Christmas from Nicole thanks Nicole man cry me a Dungeons Bluff a gathering of strong men to cry together and show off sensitive side it's time to show the world we can feel two they'll be hot dogs someone bring Gatorade no wimps that'll ruin it you must be able to bench at least 180. ah Santa it seems you've come here to die that's what the cat's thinking in his head starting Windows but but but you're on a Mac I want you to know I I'm doing this video while in the background my man TSM myth is doing his thing I love myth if this gets to myth if this gets to TSM myth keep cranking those 90s bro keep cranking them 90s [Laughter] bro take a look it's my dude Shrek hanging around in his mud bath kick consider me a happy guy is this what the base toad off of is this no joke is this real is this reality because it looks real this is what the base tone off of I'm thinking damn stop but if you want to shred a little bit to the left please don't be a dick elect One Max dicks Mac sticks oh you got my vote bro we are open sorry for the inconvenience no that's okay if speaking kindly the plants helps them grow imagine what having sex with them can do that's a bright Vibe just a couple of the boys in bloom post next to the F cop sign love that for him they're saying hey Jared take a look at this sand Lacoste small yeah gay black Jewish klansmen for tolerance and understanding there's always a section in every hate group where they're just chilling out don't take that for word that's not real that's not a real thing but these boys they got SpongeBob SquarePants fan club meetings and Tyrone's mom basement every Wednesday at 7 30 p.m listen I know what it's supposed to say but you know what it looks like right that's silly poke Wars the power that's inside and it's Boba Fett [Laughter] the history and social influence of the potato and I'm just doing some light reading don't mind me learn about the taters it's the root and tooting Wild West and you bet your sweet bippy that I got a stick of bread to beat this cowboy with look at this big hat Uranus the similarities between a dog nose and a joystick on a controller that's right rain water harvesting tank thanks to Redditch R atheism [Laughter] move alcohol it's cheaper than therapy coming to Lee's Discount Liquor and get yourself a big old tub of vodka in a plastic bottle on the outside you may think it is merely a normal banana but uh-uh for I have mastered the blade while you were out partying and consuming alcohol so this banana is really a shink dagger Hane bent chich school gave me a harder time than airport security sorry what's up Welcome to our slash Battle Stations this is my battle station right here what do you think about it Reddit give me a gold or a platinum maybe oh no I'm not ready for this not in the slightest those back lights those brake lights foreign she's like a bull she sees red warning this hot sauce will make you bleed from the anus is it really a hot sauce if it doesn't though is that tall Yoda dog bless my name is Alan fapper and I'm a Christian against masturbation and I'm sure with a name like that people don't think you are sorry boys the ninth floor has been temporarily moved to the 15th floor I gotta get up a couple steps man now I gotta Javelin up to the ninth floor how many boys we got there one two three four Birds they're my best friends live every day like it's your last before you die from a drive-by crossbowing at 8 39 a.m tomorrow sorry what is this a message this a plant I did not realize I was gonna get an inside look to the bomb making process over in North Korea they're following the instructions perfectly it looks deadly hey God can you give me a light yeah bro I got you and he's giving him a light missing name withheld last scene under his girlfriend's thumb other info may still be wearing the leash his girlfriend gave him Prime Suspect girlfriend reward available a buck 50 and a bag of chips his mates are very worried he would like him back look at him look at him spread the message to his people a savior in his time oh who is he and does he hold secrets you show me this God dang man got pain you deserve it hey wait no I don't this is kind of cool actually I like this look at the whale bird look at him I like it what look at you go dude who needs a chair when you have perfect balance this is what Thanos was talking about go ahead plug it in [Laughter] come on don't laugh at it what the hell man why you giggling at me I just had to pee why is Andrew look at how it says campaign manager in the back I love how clearly uncomfortable his campaign manager is dear God sweet Jesus oh that's cool I like this I like this a lot this is cute it's the scream face in the water Smiggle it's the mustache that's getting me I'm gonna be honest with you Chief Elmo no that's not funny that's a serious problem hey if you were a cookie you'd be a Oreo here's my number on the back of this cookie nice underwear well thank you but I'm not wearing any that's right lightsaber night's been canceled thanks a lot Todd damn Todd look at this floaty boy praise be to the floaty boy with blurst images always feel like my commentary is really dry because it's like hey here's this selection of images with no context and no punchline go ahead and say something about it and I'm like uh floaty boy Chad what are you doing don't mess with the Virgin leave him alone damn someone let the rock no clipping to the bench now how am I gonna sit kind of sick this is actually a rated a really beautiful scene I ain't get a life I'm taking a dump but I'm looking over the mountains that's a Serene dumping oh God [Laughter] who invited Poe to the wrestle show God what's this finisher welcome to the Disney Princess aisle pick your favorite weapon wait what I'll take the battle ax Hot Wheels Tesla cyber truck we spend extra on the plastic I like that I think this is funny funny video game reference I'm a gamer Mario jump high it's that Sanic he's looking a little different it's looking a little different recently whoa this is kind of beautiful this is really kind of beautiful I like this this is cool I like this oh finally the soft drink Crusaders heroes in their time enemies and Ours what's the pope doing with a Slayer book huh tell us about Slayer Pope the best of Elmo Elmo did not make that song but I could imagine him making that song bro what are you singing kitty cat singing about catnip or mail mix one of the two and your owner is just a hell of a drummer oh why are you looking at me like that Elsa I don't like that look I don't like that look what you egg stabs him oh sorry man these horse girls are getting out of control first they were just riding horses now the M become horses army guy army guy honk honk wait what why is he the most properly dressed for the fight he's gonna throw off the enemy trying to recreate that photo but it's not gonna work man you know why because that's advertising magic that he's using sorry bro what choir directors can learn from totalitarian dictators well I'm willing to listen bro nice mouse trap bro nice Mouse my redneck I'm not saying the other one I don't got the pass I can't say that is that the character from has been Hotel I've seen that show get a lot of hate recently and I don't know why because it looks like it's also been doing really well at the same time but hey it's the internet baby any publicity is good publicity keep your balls away from me Pikachu you get back here I got some balls to show you Pikachu need some change I'm a little short ah yeah you are here's a quarter shoot your girlfriend I'm sorry but I got a Panasonic told me to is that who Reinhardt is bait I like if it wasn't for the change in quality I would think that's Reinhardt I like that Jeremy Corb Wait no that's not Jeremy Corbin that's the meme man it's Harold let's hide the pain Harold what's up man good to see you sorry about your car I just wanted to take a picture of you checking messages can you suck my dong tomorrow no he's charging up his Hyper Beam stay away as a Pokemon goofy draw Goofy I mean you did pretty good that looks like goofy The Unofficial Holy Bible for mine Crafters a children's Guide to the Old and New Testament you know at least they're finding a way to introduce it to kids the the fact they're trying at least means something to me man shot after throwing she would roach the roach had a gun he came strapped with a Glock that shush Oh Boy Sushi I got him stop staring at me with them big old eyes buddy Pikachu you're an electric type Charmander you're a fire type it says type two I'm sorry little guy hey would you take a look it's the family dinner I'm sorry bats well who's that handsome devil taking a look at me how you doing buddy what's going on what's going on no babies on board feel free to Ram into me well whatever you say oh it's the now that's silly I like that one that one's pretty good how to be black just doing some light reading don't worry about it don't worry about it bar worker shut well now there's a bartender wanted so if anyone in the area needs a job they're hiring or is Mickey Mouse a cat or a dog well actually he was originally an anthropomorphic bear but with the Advent of Mickey Mouse he was defined as a cat huh what what [Laughter] my Dad wears beer mug socks in public today and you know what not a damn thing wrong with that he's styling and profiling jet steering wheel and deal he's a he's a good guy Bill thigh the science guy he whispers equations to you when he has his pants on talk about Shadow of the [ __ ] losses get it I don't know why your sweet is embarrassed you're practicing good safety etiquette there my friend get a helmet on at all times when you're in a car especially a car that looks like it's got no doors what if you crash this guy knows what it's about Butternut is a master of psychological manipulation no I don't doubt it for just a second speaking of cute fellas look at that little cat nesting in the underwear he knows what's up it's his nest listen he's playing Mario Kart tour and has mittens in his trousers what's the problem Jerry stop looking at me bro our Uber's name is Cthulhu what the hell uh it's Cthulhu one actually block my number bro I dare you it's okay I'll block all of them I'll block all of them buy a new phone idiot is that despacito too hey it's dick he's an owner it's a dick owner donate your USB drives and we'll erase them fill them with films and e-books from the outside world and get them in the North Korea with enough USBS we could help free citizens Minds from Kim jong-un's propaganda machine how you gonna get him into North Korea though that's my question how you gonna get him in I get to die of old age you don't hey whoa hold on a minute grandma what do you mean I don't hey Carl what's up Steve could you help me with that little thing again sure no problem a DOT that gets bigger and bigger every night is my favorite oh buddy buddy hi doctor uh what is this hi uh paracetamol actually you know that's actually really cool but there's no way that it's gonna be that perfect when you actually do it in an execution I'm right it's [Music] he wants to break free what what every egg's dreams to end up at a McGriddle well that's actually an Egg McMuffin isn't it the end is near up top two to whoever keeps destroying this toilet you have great health insurance go see a doctor and if not a doctor maybe an exorcist go poop in a field with the other Buffalo I drive by faith not by sight that's why I blindfold every time I got on the road today I just wasn't so lucky I wasn't believing hard enough why are they flat well I could say the same thing about your tits we don't see me complaining do you oh that's mean-spirited that's that's terrible oh man don't jump don't do it my younger brother's watch History I found a secret way to get free Robux followed right by Rick astley's Never Gonna Give You Up he Kermit but look closer closer it wasn't Kermit all along it was merely an illusion I played you like a fiddle hey what's your favorite fruit to stick up your butt any answers anything wait record video answer I don't want to show you Peter was in town the other day protesting abuse of animals and handing out stickers I gave one to my cat I'm an a-hole I wear fur oh my God there's a lot wrong with this image number one that's a very weird place to have your gaming set up Sir number two you're not married who's that woman in the background drug called gray death can kill with just one dose is this a warning or an advertisement both if I had to see Steve carella's Groove one more time I'll be a happy guy [Laughter] I wish I could hear this picture God I wish I wish I could too how airplanes flying sir you didn't know Swedish woman finds Ikea bags filled with 80 human skeletons and of course they come in like a million pieces you have to put together yourself Ikea never really giving us a helping hand need immediate wagon oh you and me both five star review so I called them apparently the building is on fire and the hust is still kindly answered when the alarms blaring in the background sadly I couldn't get my noodles amazing service though 10 out of 10 I want these noodles now more than ever yeah sorry about that someone lit a dumpster on fire outside in the alley that's okay gotta get my noodles please my noodles my noodles yo it's junji Ito I love junji Ito I showed you my spiral answer me oh absolutely my horror Prince after a year in therapy my psychiatrist said to me maybe life isn't for everyone yo life imitates art there it is but when will life imitate Bart cause that's Lisa bunch of Pub Tire stock look at those guys I got it the one in the blue is Archie the one right next to the blue is Kevin the one laying down next to Kevin is Frankie the one right by Archie is uh Eleanor the one in the oranges to Eleanor is uh Kennedy the one next to Kennedy and right by Archie is hard the one next to Todd is Marcus the two next to Marcus are Ike and Mike and then the one just laying right across good old good old Todd that's my favorite his name is Mussolini not Mussolini Musa liby Joe's abortion clinic no fetus can beat us you make them we take them thanks Joe Diva voice actress Charlotte Chung announced his pregnancy she's the mech now baby Diva incoming stagger that's magusa you know Mr Clean is just Bigfoot fully shamed well Danny why'd you tell me that now I can't get it out of my brain never let them know your next step I could go left I could go wrong you'll never know how fast was he going 69 and that's nice actual human 19. hello I am real human I enjoy normal activities such as breathing the air and walking with my leg big booty hoes debate debate stuff Frick not the bait stuff Rome stupid stuff for school 2012 fall stupid stuff for school 20 till spring and then there's a JPEG getting turned with what now what are you getting turned with do not admit this person let him in well right by the spider farm is the nuclear power plant oh that's lovely and is that a Dr villager hmm hey it's this image again I've seen this one before you know the Kim Jong looks like um I don't know if you guys know about the band Little Big but they have a song uh in in the music video for this song they have um someone that plays like a Kim Jong-un looks I think it's the same guy the Trump looks like he's melting though maybe she's a Pikachu made of butter that I saw in Istanbul I cannot stop thinking about it is that pepperoni or ham on the cheeks 50 of world's pineapples now contain cocaine okay now it belongs on Pizza plan a condom Plan B pill plan C how about you put the baby in the oven my name is Pawn James pond poop [Laughter] Bob Ross positive energy drink only 12 fluid ounces I'll take it priests in Russia took it to the skies this week to save people from drunkenness by air bombing a city with holy water got em rain sounds that unfortunately include the frequent cries of my cat because she wouldn't shut up while I was recording this get it for two bucks and 99 cents is this madman doing what I think he's doing he's fixing his computer with the power of redstone get some comparators in there maybe a couple torches lemonade only hope that they refresh yourself with a cold war oh thanks lemonade and then she goes um he goes I never said that joke before but it still cracks me up just the immediate shock and panic on the little dog's face hey don't save a life be afraid to give blood do me not the climate I mean that's a fair enough campaign his own reflection looking back down at him I'm about to send some water to Africa wish me luck y'all bout to solve a crisis definitely not bees Shake vigorously before opening okay whatever you say you know this stuff really ain't that bad if you was out here with your boys come on man come on dude homosexuality is sin Jesus calls Sinners to repentance yeah Sensational oh look at my big glasses I know what's up [Music] [Laughter] dude he was fully charged he hit a Charged shot oh my God oh my God is that Spider-Man with some sexy sexy legs oh I knew there was a reason I was my favorite superhero [Music] case man hey that's John's weather forecasting Stone the Stone's wet it's raining if its shrines not raining if there's a shadow on the ground it's sunny if there's water on top it's snowing if you can't see the stone it's foggy if it's a swinging Stone it's windy if it's jumping up and down that's an earthquake and if it's gone oh that's a tornado and as the only things we measure is that who I think it is is that the hunk himself we trust no thoughts she makes a heart with that person but my man comes around for the heart and she doesn't oh poor guy poor fella he was going for the heart and team got nothing but a thumbs up having a rough day place your hand on your heart feel that that's a titty thanks that's a turkey oh my favorite animal my cat keeps sitting like this and it makes me so uncomfortable he's just chilling around that is a really weird way to sit I'm not gonna lie to you Chief unit one rational numbers the real be rational I ran over 15 people being prompted to vote over the grave of my daughter is diminishing the emotional Resonance of this scene someone well you have to get over the death one way or another vegan atheists pg-6 you've been removed from this group after posting a picture of Jesus with a hamburger so my cat lost Vision in one eye but thanks to Modern technological advancement his vision was repaired look at that little googly eye oh someone wasn't wearing their seatbelt or they were and it clearly didn't matter I don't know the name of this particular model of motorcycle but I do know that they are no longer street legal notice they have no turn signals this feels like an obvious plant product come to life and it is glorious was there a war Minecraft world that I didn't know about very valuable here yo if you got the beer belly you best rocket you know what I'm saying like these two use them as a prime example holy crap that is the tiniest old man I have ever seen in my life what are you doing here I'm Batman are you though what's the point of the Mask being able to come off if the toy looks like that underneath good Lord I mean it looks kinda like Ben Affleck but not quite enough for me to spend money on an action figure you know what I mean you know I was gonna say I could have sworn that that iPhone camera set looked like hunk's face baking bread honestly I'd watch that show just as much as I watched Breaking Bad except this way I might actually learn something I can't exactly take my knowledge of cooking meth into the real world now can I and by knowledge I mean what knowledge there's gotta be some 29 year old named Kyle out there who's got wood panel walls and this sitting right next to his TV blurst Scooby-Doo no that's just straight blessed come on Daphne looks so much better that way wait a minute is that shaggy broadcasting on Reddit judging by that Bud Light can this was quite a while ago although hey I appreciate the commitment to the cake joke keep it going do I want the hunk calendar the beautiful babes calendar or the wildlife of Australia calendar I'm gonna go with the wildlife of Australia that kangaroo is way more of a hunk than the dude on the bottom look I'm sorry it's not my fault people have to have horny calendars like for God's sake I didn't realize until today that I absolutely needed some kind of a rap music video starring Ada Wong Rebecca Chambers Claire Redfield Jill Valentine and Sheva Olimar come on I need it also yes of course I know all their names unless I got every single one wrong somehow and these characters are from some other IP entirely I won't lie if I peeked under the bed and saw this view it would actually give me the heebie-jeebies I'm not sure why that just about sums up me every time I tried to make friends that's a pretty crafty tattoo wait a minute what's all over your shirt oh come on oh my God if that doesn't convince people to stop smoking I have no idea what will good attempt but still not quite low-cost cosplay you know what I'm saying I need to see his take on this one before I can make a final judgment though all right what are we crafting oh boy this feels incredibly more common than it should be I shouldn't have to sit down on a plane and view footage of planes crashing or already crashed you know what I mean Bam Dash got pretty ripped just like that kid from Stuart Little and the little vampire much like most of us as kids we've all got the crime fighting spirit in us time to take a bite out of crime kids with all we know about Simpsons and how long it's been around would this actually surprise you at all serious question would it okay uh uh oh oh oh no no oh quick what is it a dog or an egg with a face Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde hey uh I don't like the way it's looking at me in the left photo oh God man Elmo says die holy crap you hated that woman what did she do to deserve this sleazel important question though should we still yell for in this case or should we just yell two how did I miss that part what a beautiful reference also holy crap if everything here is to scale that would imply that Tom is bigger than Ant-Man right now uh um what exactly am I missing here guys I'm stupid point it out for me please see now this makes sense finally hey Vsauce Michael here what is life and now can I take it from you now that's my kind of friend laughs what is wrong with you baby 2020 2021 2022 2023 come on get over yourself that's happening now okay oh my God he's destroying the city what are we going to do Kirby is that you my goodness I didn't quite recognize you underneath all that PPE at least you're staying safe out there though I don't think that's the one he was looking for dude I mean you tried I'll give you that also is the brand name of your TV Floyd Take My Hand dude that definitely seems like something people would be doing to him all day long just to piss him off I really don't mind the conspiracy theories around him having been absolutely crazy and insane the whole time I mean to be real it wouldn't surprise me if JK Rowling went up on Twitter in like 24 hours and said yeah it's that's true that's that's Vision I had for it the whole time they also [ __ ] their pants who needs sunscreen when you have a portable roof bigger than my home honestly I wouldn't open that door my brain doesn't usually work like this this but it can't be unseen and I would rather just leave than find out if it's real or not Schrodinger's monster if you will well you gotta improvise you gotta adapt and you gotta overcome and it looks like he's done every one of those perfectly I've been to Hollywood numerous times and I can tell you that this is exactly what it's like so it doesn't matter which Hollywood you go to you're gonna get the same experience regardless I've only got one question where the hell is my copy I want one ah very nice I like it can you imagine how much more horrifying Captain Hook would have been if his was a flailing one kind of like this I admire the talent that went into doing the hairstyle I just don't think you're gonna like it past day one ah there it is now that's the true experience if I do say so myself only way you can make it better is to hire a couple of guys in scuba gear to start grabbing people's legs from underneath okay you look like Jesus you know I'm starting to see the similarities okay smart ass nothing wrong with that she might have covet 19. you don't want to catch that crap now do you besides even if she didn't have kovid she's a girl she's still got coolies oh delicious your face is quite Exquisite I see the inspiration now oh he's still cute look it's funny and all but uh you need to put that poor brand on a diet or you might lose him a little early coming soon to the Nintendo switch the leg please tell me this is an unofficial creation right here because it's amazing I love it and I want some more of it uh I don't remember this from the game also is there a microphone stand sticking up her you know what doesn't matter let's move on hmm you know I've often wondered about this phenomena but seeing it makes me significantly more Angry than I ever thought it would I'm sorry everybody I have to take a breather to calm down best part about this is he doesn't look any goddamn different than he normally does seriously look up a regular picture of Zuckerberg and then come back and look at this he looks no different oh wait I have to record my favorite part of this particular image [Applause] should we not the mohawk again oh God I really hope that's not what Chewie looks like underneath all the fur also his face is a little far off from the head dinner time where's Mom oh my God I love all of this this is fantastic where's this version of the show hey uh how much for the Ducks I don't see a price tag anywhere near him is that a real pair of Nike Bacons I can smell them from here well no need to buy a stupid desk at that point I suppose that hood ornament right there it just screams class that's how you know this car is the real deal is this what world war three is gonna look like we're gonna put ooh on all the shotgun shells because I'm really hoping that's the case you imagine armies clashing while Naruto running oh look a bunch of anime girls getting head Pat oh the quote-unquote comedian in me sees all the funny in this image the IT professional in me sees all the absolutely horrifying scenarios in which you lose your entire house the greatest tale of Revenge of our time with Hollywood really focusing on prequels the past few years this wouldn't surprise me either Ewok percussion instrument ooh that's dark I like it Lego are the instructions telling you to burn their goddamn bodies hmm I feel like I've met this guy before at least twice he doesn't look all that weird right I mean the eyebrows are a little much the jaw's a little wide but other than that completely generic white dude am I right uh what pizza parlor can I order my pizza inside of a pizza box that was not a rhetorical question uh um [Music] oh be very careful walking up these steps so you might take a wrong turn into hell at first glance it seems pretty cool then you look at the guy's junk wow I'm pretty sure this guy doesn't have a marked grave anywhere on planet Earth because why the hell would we give him one but there's no better way short of actually pissing on it than to do something like this screw you you son of a [ __ ] I wouldn't mind reading a webcomic about the PS5 cat and his little crab controller friend I think they'd have some cute Adventures hey come on come on we don't need to disgrace the Queen by doing this whoa whoa I don't think Buddha actually ever said that okay what year was this cat born I'm just curious because it might have been the year of the Rat I was born in the year of the Rat did you know that I'm sorry I didn't mean to rhyme please don't get mad I turned myself into an intercontinental ballistic missile Morty funniest I've ever seen what what exactly is this a School production of because they're all cockroaches right what the hell are they doing also you friend looking directly into the camera don't worry I feel you Dude hey uh excuse me yeah that's that's my boyfriend look I don't want to be a bother or anything but you should probably get up off this for a second uh just because I need to beat the living crap out of him I'm so sorry to inconvenience you I know it's weird just let me have this for a second and then we'll chat we'll make some coffee we'll make a thing of it okay just a regular old pile of lumber psych you thought it was a bunch of planks wrong got you dude I'm sorry but I'd be too scared to eat this it's such a great work of art why would I want to chop it up with a knife and put it in my mouth hey uh real quick can somebody edit this image so instead of a giraffe in the fog it's siren head oh my God no I can't do teeth scraping I can't do it not after American History X please know just a soldier relaxing in a nice Green Field light that field on fire and you'll be even more relaxed or you'll burn to death hey um question what the Frack is this oh my God hey whoa whoa whoa you can't just go up and twist a man's nipple that's what his girlfriend and her wife is supposed to do she's the only one with the right to twist them man titties kitten stop little did you know this is what's become of Damien the past couple of months [Laughter] 48 Hours of pure black screen in HD you got that permanently tattooed let's hope this video doesn't get taken down anytime soon or the joke is over tattoo woman uh whoa whoa whoa oh this one's messing with my mind guys you telling me that baby was Sauron all along damn Groot I'm feeling the same that is a lot of cake for a tree when suddenly sleeping in the doghouse doesn't sound so bad this is the console equivalent of Pepsi in a Coca-Cola glass who cares thing one and thing two thing two can also be referred to as chocolate thunder or Ben if you for whatever reason really really really need to hide the contents of a USB I guess there are worse places to hide it than in a shovel's handle for real though is this what he looked like after he learned that he killed Padme okay I guess he didn't directly kill her blah blah blah whatever it's his fault look if you spend 50 Grand on a Sim controller like that giant rig there and you play in third person you deserve to die dude how long did it take you to cook the sand to make those my guy this is the battle we've all been waiting for who will win I'm gonna go with Captain Mexico it's a good thing you let go of the leash because I've seen at least four people dragged along these guys take off okay it's dangerous drop the leash let them do it if they fly away not your problem when you're not attached anymore so no big deal introducing the burrito scope finally a tool that'll help me not miss my mouth every time I try to eat one or when I Chuck it at someone like say Zach it's pretty much guaranteed to hit him in the nose alright love where you want to go well uh how about downtown you know what I'm saying remember hearing that statistic about if all insects rose up against the human race we wouldn't last more than 72 hours maxed cut that down to maybe five hours especially once the Beatles find out that they can all lift these freaking kitchen knives seriously though would these guys be considered paladins or Warriors in the insect Army oh my God how is this even remotely blessed well I guess that drink does look absolutely delicious are you smarter than five gay rats well I don't know are they all working together is it individually my fortune says change my password okay it came from the cookie it's attack Strawberry mix and it's just a sharp feeling the The Taste it's sharp not the Tic Tac oh imagine the Tic Tacs are Sharp my friend asked off work manager accidentally created a new holiday hey it's jack off Friday 11 29. oh awesome thanks for getting off bus to get off that is why would you make an ashtray for a long is this like a I guess it I don't know how I feel about that like you have the message but why but why oh dude poor Elon everyone's clowning on the Cyber truck just was not a good move to make it look like a PlayStation 2 car huh always keep all passengers in the car safe and secure this isn't a blush damage this is him taking care of his friend on the ride you're responsible for everyone in the car you're the driver take Bell I will I still have not played Untitled Goose game because I just haven't thought about it whenever I you know about to buy a game I bought Zuma and I've been playing Zuma like crazy if you guys remember Zuma but I've not thought about getting on title Goose game maybe I should maybe I should Daddy doesn't live here anymore a book about divorce is that your new dad in the background I never noticed the I've seen this photo before and I never noticed Team Rocket in it oh this is even better now I love it I love it I never noticed Team Rocket being in there before ah well he was thirsty you gave him a nice refreshment you're a good dog yucky yucky yucky yucky yucky yucky not good man ah yes my favorite Samurai combining all cultures [Laughter] oh that's kind of cruel honestly that's kind of mean I don't like that I laughed but it was a sad laugh Michael Haddad interests Sports robotics goal none favorite memory shovel he's a simple man that Michael hey would you like to take a look at my breads look at all those Brad's Chief who are you is this photoshopped I don't like your face why does the bread look real but the face not what happened no not November no negativity underestimating tension November someone help this man he is trapped he is trapped in his box and cannot Escape [Laughter] yes The Shining Light Divine upon those who look at it his bald head just sheening in the sunlight Grandpa smells like piss a blue a little Golden Book thanks Grandpa buy one pizza get one regular blank free oh really one regular wiener I love it one regular blank oh yeah hey it's parkour it's Minecraft Parkour oh wait that's a giant can of some sort all right ignore it just jump on it the supreme leader of North Korea well that's Eminem I didn't know that chicka chicka Slim Shady he's the supreme leader I didn't know that uh yes the only kind of whip I want to be uh seeing on the roads the military whip why well it's okay so I get the meme like oh smart car it's military huh I don't get it though well you don't get the the purpose because this isn't street legal I can only assume that it's not street legal why just why that's street legal though I already know tiny Wheels big old body [Music] he's a wizard he weighs his pointy we should hacked and tells you how it is [Laughter] Mario you're blinding me toad toad don't you boiling my brother he can go just flashlight in the eyes of toad just shining right into his cornea too Subway Maniac incident soar is that the subway Maniac you guys don't seem too bothered by this guy polar bear is in the area use Extreme Caution when headed outside go with a slower co-worker thanks okay that's kind of cool though that's kind of fresh I'd cop that the bless cursed jacket where he copped that I want one of them that's fresh as hell my man's got the drip doorbell screwed shout oil really loud and I'll come over there all right noted yo you good man you made a whole face mask out of the pancake it's a pan face mask cake see what I did there One Day Canada will take over the world then you'll all be sorry oh it's already happened to that sign for sale parachute only used once never opened I'm interested hmm [Laughter] do you love your sin enough to burn in hell forever well I don't think you're gonna burn in hell listen you're gonna go to the good place those two are at least Dr Pepper chloroform flavor oh well that's you know that's a test Market kind of thing they're they're just testing just you know consumer test Market stuff you wouldn't understand it's business well what is going on here it's Black Friday and even you're trying to get the deals I see finally an audience [Laughter] Thomas the pain engine what happened to him I don't like this photo at all we gay we gay cause if I gay and you gay then we gay Sonic and then he kisses him that's called fan service oh that this is I wish how I tricked them up oh just a big old friendly guy coming in to have a chat he's asking how the kids are doing I like it I'm silent because I'm terrified there's so much going on in this face it's too good of a of a of a Photoshop there's just this face is seen some things some Wars maybe it's like you know something that I don't foreign a lion's butt and a pair of pork chop panties and being caught trespassing on this property well I actually did that and so I'm on your property That's a classic burst image the shifty-eyed chocolate milk what did I do wrong choco milk why you give me that look huh I don't know hey it's really been all these easy old man no swimming and my man here doesn't care he's swimming he's swimming all he can beat the parents I know what I must do who this man why he everywhere I just want to play Splatoon oh no the ooh Battalion I wasn't ready for this I didn't expect this well hey would you look at that the strangest dye I've ever seen it makes me want to actually want to what well want to die like my hairdo no not really at all no drink Lord are you okay man you thirsty I hope that's thirsty you have and not like you're being forced against your world of chug I'm with stupid uh if he's pilot ending I'd hope not I hope he's not if he's piloting it you know I I saw this I uh I covered a blurished images on my main Channel and I saw this and I still hold the same opinion that uh that I held then which is um it just looks like Macaulay Culkin to me he just looks like Macaulay Culkin I don't know how I feel about it man I'm sick of girls rejecting me on ten death my mom found gay porn on my computer I joined antifa and that's character development ah he flexes for us showing us his big gnarly muscles I like this tomato boys rise up that's a really on Lush fan I love Leon what a nice man you have a question no I have a question can I join those boys having a pint over there a candle for what the actual hell smells like an existential crisis who am I why am I here why is this candle talking to me oh no but I'll buy it listen his hands look like that so her hands can look like this there's no there is no this and that's because Gamers like this man don't need no wife he's working for himself a hard day in the minds at least level 13 to find diamonds F vegetables well preferably not I'd rather eat them but okay Do not sit on fence we have not cleaned this particular Pike to tell you exactly why the creature all meant in theater became one man's Obsession my wiener Patrick Stewart's in it and on it I'm fat so don't park close have a nice day okay thank you for letting me know one word or should I spray them apart I implore you to ask more questions maybe a couple of shots in and you could spread them apart hey look at this cute little duck friend he's just chilling around he's just he's quacked out of his mind is that the Soviets in the sky even after all this time they still look it down for us huh just keeping an eye out thanks fellas Satan loves you for who you are thanks Satan oh I guess that's one way to keep your airpods secure but that seems like it's painful yeah like I applaud your Ingenuity but at the same time Chief that's dangerous Taco emergency call 9-1-1 oh you bet I will for my taco emergency lock him up set them off to wherever they gotta go hopefully to Chuck E cheese send them to the Chuck send them to Charles entertainment cheese Hey look it's horn Pub I'm coming in is that Jesus on my bruise yes it is My Little Pony dong soap no I'm good I'm okay oh that's kind of cool that's just a neat little coincidence that those things lined up like that that's sick I like that uh so why this kind of spoon this just seems very inconvenient why why what's the point this just this is just an inconvenient spoon meant to make me sad take a look fellas Freddie Mercury is Alive and Well I saw him I love stills of Shawn Michaels selling things Sean Michaels is one of those guys who that boy can work man he can sell any of your moves I love them there's a reason he was a showstopper this is exactly what I wanted to see this is exactly this is this is the Titanic movie I deserved that I never got well how did you do this Chief explain yourself that's kind of cool huh oh good old Cornelius actually in this meme several a Time the ex the Cornelius experience see him touch him feed him offer a low price but each one of different tiers of course a bath bomb for its only freaking Tuesday smells like slowly dying there's no way how I'm gonna make it to Friday people hey it's a gum smacking co-worker bath bomb um my favorite they'll make fun a little squirrel guy like that he didn't deserve that if you okay seemed like you're stuck in between a rock and a hard place you know
Channel: EmKay
Views: 507,030
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes, compilation, BlursedImages
Id: Qwne_RY2IUc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 19sec (4219 seconds)
Published: Fri May 19 2023
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