r/Pettyrevenge The Epic Tale of Karen VS Gregory

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welcome to R Petty Revenge where op gets an incredibly stupid Karen fired our next Reddit post is from homo Plata for a while I had been dealing with two people sending emails to Gregory but I'm not Gregory after dealing with them I just gotta say Gregory I am sorry that you had these people as your neighbors I hope that my Petty Revenge trickles down and benefits you somehow so anytime there was a noise complaint someone sent an email to Gregory but it was sent to me of course with words of intimidation that suggested that there would be problems if something wasn't done about it with the leasing agency seed someone closed their door too loudly at 10 pm email someone laughed a little too loud over the weekend email some ongoing noise in the afternoon a much longer email after some escalation with additional statements of the sounds made us worry for our safety and well-being the leasing agent was including me in their reply alls and somehow the original two never really noticed that I was replying with I'm not Gregory please stop emailing me apparently police were called repeatedly police never found anything to act on the leasing agent said that there were no other noise complaints after seeing my direct email to him about me not being Gregory by the way I'm not Gregory the leasing agent apologized to me and made efforts to remove me when they replied to emails early on I replied to the original two people directly one email per person and tried to keep it as polite as possible then op includes uh like a screenshot of the emails and yeah okay this is this is stupid hi Gregory last night there was an overwhelming amount of loud noise and thumping coming from 403 that took place from around 12 o'clock at night into the night because of this we were unable to sleep and that caused me me to miss work today the noises we were hearing caused us to believe that there was someone being hurt it sounded like yelling and crying at times and also loud thumping on the floor as if someone were being thrown about or Fallen what we were hearing made us worry for the safety and well-being of our neighbors so we called the police regarding a noise complaint and the possibility of someone being harmed even after the police came they continued on with it afterwards we had a very stressful night in fear of someone being in danger but it turned out they were filming Tick-Tock videos for fun this cannot continue I missed work and I won't get paid for that day I am very tired and I have a terrible headache right now and it will take me days to recover I hope you can talk to them during the day or in the beginning of the evening to prevent this from happening again and then op replies you might have better luck dealing with this if you weren't emailing random people over the internet I am not Gregory you sent this to the wrong person please check the email addresses you typed in and try again by the way I'm not Gregory op continues but of course with each successive email being a reply in the chain thanks to the original two I was seeing the leasing agent's responses the last time there was a noise complaint the leasing agent confirmed on Gregory's behalf that Gregory wasn't even home that weekend I continued to ask the original to again to stop emailing me because I'm not Gregory the email stopped coming in for a short while so I figured the issue was resolved nope these neighbors were also renting Gregory's parking spots so of course I got an email about that too hi Gregory we sold our car and we no longer need the garage rented for unit 303 so please cancel next month's charges I replied this has never been in Gregory's email address stop effing emailing me they replied Gregory you're a terrible person I'll make sure I'll never have to deal with this again okay sounds like a thread but okay I'm ready to forget it at this point four hours later I started getting subscribe notifications and new account creation emails for clarity they were signing me up for a bunch of spam email notifications as Revenge I guess I had to laugh because it was so obvious it might have been a clever form of Revenge oh 20 years ago between the original two putting their full names down as signatures and emails them having relatively distinctive names and the leasing agent's office it was pretty easy to suss out that they were in a small suburb of Vancouver so that narrowed everything down significantly so I log into some of the accounts they made after resetting the passwords I checked the account's geolocation session history and I see that it's from their neighborhood in Vancouver armed with just enough information to intimidate them but not imply there was anything threatening going on I email them I wrote what you're doing is incredibly Petty signing me up for emailing lists and trying to create accounts just because I asked you to stop emailing me several times the problem is all of these requests that you're making are logged and when I log into these sites I can see the IP addresses the requests are being made from specifically your suburb and I name their suburb trying to add me to email list because you're trying to have your revenge it being slighted isn't going to get you anywhere you contacted the wrong person you still won't stop involving yourself with the wrong person after being told that you had the wrong person you might think that you're getting little zaps of Joy with this but seriously ask yourself are you willing to deal with the consequences of this I will accept an apology and an agreement to never contact me again I got a reply within a few minutes hey I'm upset at the way that you've treated my mother you don't deserve an apology and the mother replied I don't say sorry to terrible people oh whatever I continued to get more email signups and subscriptions so the emails continued through the night I went to bed and I woke up to a few more fine unsubscribe unsubscribe delete delete unsubscribe done the raid was so slow that it was obvious they were doing this manually their effort was almost admirable slow slow Petty effort then the emails continued well into business hours oh it's on one of the sites they created an account on using my email address was LinkedIn big mistake this neighbor used her LinkedIn extensively for employment I called up a friend of mine at Microsoft and asked him if he could forward me an abuse report on my behalf her LinkedIn profile is now gone before her link in profile disappeared I found her current employer and sent the CEO this email I have repeatedly asked your employee name to stop emailing me but she seems to think that I'm a neighbor named Gregory after making it a point to tell her to f off because she didn't get the hint the first few times I told her that I wasn't Gregory she took it upon herself to tell me that she'll make sure that she'll never have to deal with me again shortly after I started getting signed up for email lists online and having her make accounts using my name problem is these emails have continued to come in well past business hours I suspect that your employee who's listed on LinkedIn as a payroll administrator is using your company's resources to harass me online please look into this issue attached our screenshots for reference about an hour later I get an email from the Sun F you I decided not to respond the sign up and subscription emails had stopped at least towards the end of the business day I got this reply hello Mr op I've been asked to respond to your inquiry on behalf of the CEO following your email communication to the company earlier today I wish to report back that we've looked into this matter and can confirm that the individual in question is no longer an employee with the company I also want to ensure you that all the It software and credentials for this individual are now deactivated based on your review should you have any further concerns please let me know as we treat these matters seriously and we want to ensure that public sector resources are not being utilized inappropriately kind regards blank the Director of Human Resources well I did tell them that I wasn't Gregory also a couple of people in the comments are saying that you can't look up someone's iPad address from these various accounts and op responds with screenshots of how to do exactly that apparently this is like a default function for Gmail who knew the top the top post of course is nice one Gregory our next rated post is from little red bird so I work in a technical theater as an assistant stage manager there are a couple of theaters in the area but the Tech Community is rather small so we all know each other I work for a smaller theater but I know a few of the people who work at the largest Theater which hosts a few of the traveling Broadway shows these shows are really popular and hard to get tickets for if you aren't a season ticket holder and season tickets can run about a thousand dollars per seat for seven shows tickets are normally about 150 bucks for an individual show but can go up significantly if they know the show is going to be popular the husband of one of the directors that I work with is on the board of the theater and sometimes can score good seats at a discounted rate this season a Aladdin is Coming to Town a show my future mother-in-law has been dying to see she asked me if I could possibly get her and her friend a seat so they could go see it I called in a favor with my director and she managed to get two prime seats since her husband is on the board she gets a discount so the tickets ended up only being 75 dollars for the two seats I reserved them in my name with the understanding that my future mother-in-law would pay for the tickets fast forward a couple of weeks and my future mother-in-law invites me and my fiance over for dinner dinner goes well and I end up in a conversation with my future mother-in-law and future sister-in-law about housework I don't know why my future sister-in-law is a teacher and she's married to an accountant so she said that her and her husband tried to split the chores 50 50. my future mother-in-law thought that that was fine and she asked how me and my fiance would split our chores I said probably the same you know 50 50. my future sister-in-law agreed but my future mother-in-law gave me the stink eye I asked if there was something wrong and she said well your fiance works full time and you don't so I don't see how that's fair I told her that I do work full-time just not at the hours of nine to five like my fiance my future mother-in-law then laughed at me and said that what I did wasn't real work and that it's just a silly side gig and that maybe if I got a real job I would know what it's like to really work then she changed the subject this pissed me off because I'm very proud of the work I do it may not be a nine to five but I love my job it's my dream job and I do make enough to cover my expenses it actually takes a certain amount of skill to properly stage manage a full-scale production so interpettiness I called up the box office for the large theater and told them to cancel the tickets they were in my name so they gladly canceled them I then texted my future your mother-in-law and told her that if she thinks my job isn't real then the side perks aren't real so the tickets were canceled I then shut off my phone the next day when I turned on my phone I saw several missed calls and about a dozen texts from my future mother-in-law she's fuming because her friend is coming into town specifically to see this play I called back and told her that she might be able to get seats if she called the box office she ended up getting seeds but they cost her 150 bucks each and they weren't nearly as good hopefully she learned not to insult someone and still expect the benefit from them our next Reddit post is from anani depressi my boyfriend Eric and I have been together for four years whenever I would come over when we were dating his apartment was messy but it was blamed on his roommates I'm very cognizant that I'm particular with my cleaning so I thought that it just wasn't clean enough to my standards I moved in with him three years ago and we adopted two dogs together I quit quickly realize that we do not have the same view of what clean means we've communicated about it and he's made a lot of progress but he consistently does this one thing he stuffs his colored striped socks into the couch I've told him that I have to chase the dogs around because they find him in the couch but he thought that it was funny OPM on his side that is kind of funny over the last few weeks I've bought multiple cloth dog toys resembling his socks and I've trained my dogs to play tug of war with them the dogs will now die for his socks whenever he's laying on the couch or places them on the ground I also don't stop the dogs from playing with the socks anymore he came home yesterday and found his favorite pair of socks decimated all over the living room and he's Furious that I didn't stop them I told him that these were the socks that he stuffed in the couch yesterday and he should have put them in the hamper he stormed off to his office and he's not talking to me Opie you are brilliant and your boyfriend is weird I I can't even imagine why you would stuff your socks in the sofa is he planning on coming to get them later why not just put them on the sofa or anywhere even just randomly on the floor would be better than stuffed inside the the sofa cushions it was so weird our next Reddit post is from sin Smith I got my very first apartment at the ripe age of 26. I was fortunate enough to be able to afford one without roommates I was a model tenant I paid my rent on time every month I was polite to the office workers and I never cause trouble I lived on the top floor of a three-story building well two years after I moved in I had new neighbors move into the apartment below me I was working a swing shift so my hours were 3 P.M to 11 pm so I often stayed up late to 3 A.M to do minor chores dishes cooking cleaning but never vacuuming I also had two cats at the time my new neighbors immediately went on a war path against me I couldn't make any noise without them banging on my floor I unloaded my dishwasher at 11AM on a Sunday and they flipped out they complained to the office about my herd of animals they sent cops to my door at 9pm because I was watching TV at a reasonable volume with the subtitles on I literally couldn't make any sound without them complaining it culminated in one of them pounding on my door for 10 minutes after I dared to call the office to express my frustration so I called the office back I told them that I didn't feel safe in my apartment due to my neighbor's actions this was legal grounds for me to break my lease but then I dropped my bombshell my neighbors had four people living in a one-bedroom apartment that had a two-person Max Capacity apartment management told my neighbors that they had to move into a more expensive two-bedroom apartment or their lease would be terminated they had to move to the larger apartment on the other side of the complex my new neighbors were great two adult men who smoked weed on the balcony and I never even spoke to them I loved them that was our slash Petty revenge and if you like this content check out my podcast where I published the exact same episodes also hit that subscribe button because I put out new Reddit videos every single day
Channel: rSlash
Views: 253,368
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, rslash, r\, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, funniest posts, funny, comedy, funniest reddit posts, funny reddit posts, funny reddit, fails, cringe, bestof, prorevenge, revenge, r/prorevenge
Id: jleusVnzQxs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 19sec (979 seconds)
Published: Wed May 24 2023
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