r/Entitledparents Karen Abandons Her Own Dog!

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welcome to our slash entitled parents we're an entitled mother yells at a disabled person me again from the animal shelter which is a magnet for the crazy and over entitled of the world enter sixty-year-old entitled grandma she comes into our shelter with this tiny little poodle that is skin and bones missing hair and blind and seemingly deaf the dog looks like it died months ago and didn't know it well entitled grandma brings his dog in and says it's a stray she found we ask her the basics do you live in this county is one of the biggest questions we ask see what some people don't know is that every county in a state has its own County animal shelter or animal control facility any stray animal found must be brought to that county shelter usually within 48 hours of finding the animal it's illegal to take a stray animal from one county and surrender to an animal shelter in a different County that you don't live in now that being said entitled grandma doesn't live in this county however she claims to have found this dog running down the road in our County okay it happens we take the dog in and I get called to do his medical exam I make sure the dogs and cats and whatever else we get has their proper shots and medications so they don't get sick while here or if they are sick so we can only start getting them healthy this requires a lot of wrestling with big animals that can kill me if they timed it right who don't want to take their pill or get a shots so I take this little poodle into the back and first thing I do is scan any animal coming in for a microchip chip comes up instantly I research the chip and sure enough it's from the next county over that entitled grandma lives in register to that county's Animal Control this is a red flag for me this tells me it's her dog however I followed through and contact the next County's Animal Control they pull up the chip number and give me the owner's name address and phone number it's not entitled grandma okay I think to myself well I've been wrong before I called the owner on the chip the owner is an entitled grandma but it turns out the owner is entitled grandma's daughter hello is this entitled grandmas daughter yes who's this yeah this is Opie from County Animal Shelter are you missing us elderly poodle no no I got a poodle for my mother as a present back in 2016 did it get lost no your mother brought it in and told us it was a stray she found she falsified information on a government form and abandoned her animal these are pretty serious issues she used to come get her dog now I understand and I'll call her and make sure she comes and gets her dog back about a half hour goes by and my desk phone goes off it's the daughters number I think okay this is them telling me they're coming back nope hello County Animal Shelter this is Opie speaking it was the daughter sounding very frustrated yes this is the daughter calling back uh entitled grandma isn't coming back for the dog she says she doesn't want it anymore because she thinks it's old and ugly she demanded I get her a teacup chihuahua instead well that's between you and her but either you or her need to come get this dog as it's an actual crime to surrender your animal to a shelter in a County you don't live in let alone the animal abandonment charges and putting down false information on a government form I understand but I work in another County and can't make it in time to get the dog then your mother needs to be an adult and come get her dog she's got till the end of the day otherwise we'll be filing a police report well she's old she shouldn't have to deal with this kind of stress she should have considered that before she lied to us and abandoned her animal have you even seen this dog it's skin and bones you are aware that animal cruelty is a felony in this state right fine I'll come get the dang dog we close at post-it hours she hangs up I go to lunch I doubt I'll see her or the mother but I'm true to my word if they don't get here by the end of the day they're gonna be dealing with the police instead of us I think this entitled grandma needs to be careful about telling people that things that are old and ugly need to be tossed aside because honestly it sounds like this entitled grandma deserves to be thrown out on the street our next reddit post is from I'm not sure on my 18th birthday my parents and I all got tattoos not matching ones and I paid for it myself I got one of stitch from Lilo and stage playing the ukulele and says Ohana under it it's on my upper back so a lot of times when I wear dresses and some shirts it shows a bits it's important to note that after being sexually assaulted when I was younger I've always had severe anxiety to strangers and new people touching me so a couple of years ago I was at a store with some friends when entitled kid about a dish she's my tattoo sticking out of my tank top it was summer but it only showed about half the entitled kids squeals and goes mommy look it's stitch we were in a gaming stores so I figured the kid was talking about some merchandise then entitled kid says I want to see it and without saying an effing word to me the entitled mother pulls down the back of my tank top so that her effing kid can see my tattoo I lose it I turn around and smack her hand away as tears are already coming in my eyes please don't touch me again I have to take deep breaths from screaming at this lady the entitled mother looks like I just kicked an innocent puppy what is wrong with you why would you hit me like that one of my friend steps forward she hit you because you touched her without her consent what made you think she could touch her in the first place my son went in to see her Disney tattoo and I just wanted to let him see the rest of it entitled mother said defensively you should have just asked I tell her and I can finally breathe again I love showing it off if you'd asked I would have had my friends help with my shirt you can't just go around touching people like that entitled mother looks flabbergasted as if she has never heard of common decency I don't know why you're getting so worked up it's not a big deal at that point I'd had enough and didn't feel like being there anymore and started walking away when she yells after me aren't you going to let my son see your tattoo he didn't get a good look my friend now pissed turns and tells her no she isn't please leave us alone now we all walked away before she could do or say anything else I still could upset thinking about that incident to this day I never got over my stranger anxiety and honestly she made it worse a lot of people really need to learn how to be considerate of others the funny thing is if you had just after that Karen and randomly touched some part of her body I bet she would have flipped out our next reddit post is from Avios it's snowing where I live a lot more than what we're used to getting we live in a military town the schools and most other businesses follow the bases lead when it comes to weather-related closures the base is essential personnel only right now so I got the day off I live across the street from the base housing my husband and I decided to buy our own house instead of living there but we're still close enough to utilize their parks now to the story the base housing has a little Park every block or less honestly a ridiculous amount of parks we normally just go to the one closest to our house but since it's been snowing we decided to go to one further away because it had better Hills my oldest 4 was bundled up tight and using his sled down the hill then hiking back up at one point in time he got distracted and left the sled at which point another child jumped on it and was playing with it that's fine my son decided he wanted to hike back up and went to get his sled now it's important to know that I'm carrying my youngest three months old and because of that it's unsafe for me to go down the hill in case I fall I couldn't hear what the oldest was saying to the other child but eventually he got his sled back and was dragging it up the hill inter entitled mother my son is up the hill now and walking towards me to push him down when he stopped by entitled mother entitled mother reaches for the sled and my son very audibly says no I used my words we're teaching him to use his words instead of hitting when he's frustrated entitled mother reaches for the sled again as I'm walking up excuse me can I help you is this your child yes he is again can I help you your child stole this from mine I watched him this is his sled I bought it in the nearby town last Christmas your child was playing with it for a while then mine wanted it back no my child was playing with the sled and years took it I watched everything that happened yes your child was playing with my son sled then my son used his words and took it back I've never seen you before I you even supposed to be here you know this park is restricted right this is military only I am well within my rights to utilize this park I grabbed my son with a sled and go to walk away but that would be too easy right entitled mother grabs the sled from my son's hand and turns around excuse me do not take things from my child who do you think you are what did you just say to me give him the sled back I'm not playing this right now do you even know who I am my husband is a certain rank you can't speak to me that way congratulations your husband's rank has absolutely nothing to do with you stealing from my child I yanked the sled back picked up my toddler keep in mind I'm still wearing my youngest and went to walk away entitled mother grabbed for the sled again and causing me to lose my footing thank God I didn't fall because I probably would have had her head look you effing grunt your husband has nothing to do with my husband's career but your actions have everything to do with his keep this stuff up and I will get the military police involved touch me either of my children or the sled again and I'll put you on the ground I'm not playing this game anymore what you just did put both my children in danger walk the earth away you're threatening me and cussing in front of my child who do you think you are I will report this I've never even seen you here before you don't belong here you've never seen me because I work for a living I don't give a flip about what your kid hears I'm walking away touch me again and I will not hesitate to hurt you entitled mother was yelling more as I walked away and then proceeded to glare at us until my son got cold and we went to walk back I've heard of these type of people but I can't believe I encountered one in the wild I've dealt with my fair share of entitled parents but trying to steal from a four year old endangering a three-month-old that's a new low for me so down in the comments people asked o P how high that lady's husband's was and she said he was an e5 which if you don't know is kind of high-ranking loosely speaking there's nine ranks with one being the lowest and nine being the highest so saying that her husband was an e5 isn't that much of a flex it's not like her husband was running the base or anything also worth noting and I may be wrong about this but I seem to recall something about this from when I covered a military subreddit a while back but I think the way it works is that a military person is responsible for the behavior of their spouse while on base so if that entitled mother had actually assaulted the lady or even worse injured a child then her high-ranking husband would have been in huge trouble our next reddit post is from Doc OCD this happened years ago when my husband and I lived on a military base and I ran an in-home day care that was regulated through childhood news services CYS we had one child of her own and it was a remote base so jobs were scarce so I figured this was a good option for me to work and be able to also stay home with our kiddo the daycare spots were a shortage and that meant I was full and even had a waitlist this also meant I could kind of pick and choose the kids I had my care for the most part I had great kids and decent parents I even became friends with one of the sets of parents and that was my mistake the mom let's call her Karen seemed to be normal not entitled when we first met we even had her family over for barbecues on a couple weekends and things were good during the time of having the daycare open I became pregnant with our second child I have issues with headaches and when I'm pregnant they get so much worse Karen began asking me to babysit after hours for free as friends for her I agreed once in exchange for her watching our son once in return and she agreed I watched Karen's kids and she never followed through and watched ours after that Karen frequently asked me to allow her kids to stay late and not get charged and also she would ask me to babysit after hours for free and each time I would say no and I used my headaches as a reason Karen actually said you can't use being pregnant as an excuse forever I said no not forever but for about nine and it was about this time I knew I wouldn't be able to keep running my daycare after a couple of months because of the high-risk nature of my pregnancy I started by informing the CYS and then put a letter together for the parents and I gave them two months notice to find care this was an additional 30 days over and above what is required in the contract I wanted to be fair and I knew it might be hard to find care I was also releasing them from their contracts as soon as they could find care they didn't need to give me notice I handed out the letters that pick up that day Karin waited till the other parents left and tore up her letter with a smile will you throw this away for me sure but you did get the gist right yeah you're closing your daycare because you're pregnant and don't want to deal with all those other people no I'm closing because I have a high-risk pregnancy and my doctor says I shouldn't be chasing after all the kids and I will have a lot of appointments yeah but you can still watch kid one and kid two for me and since you won't be a full daycare you can do it for a lot cheaper Karin I'm closing my daycare okay then at least you could watch my kids for free while I find daycare and be my backup care no I'm sorry Karin I'm not doing that this is ridiculous women get pregnant all the time and you already have to watch your son you can totally watch my two kids too or are you telling me you can't watch your son either I'm not going into this I think it's time for you to find a new provider fine but I don't think I should have to pay while I look you have to pay or I'll stop watching your kids Karin left with her kids she kept bringing her kids and when it came time for her payment all of a sudden her husband came to get the kids and dropped them off and said Karin will be bringing in the payments this went on for two days and then I told him that if I wasn't paid I would not accept the kids into care and they would still owe me for the past due Karin showed up on the third day and wrote a check this was normal but it bounced and that was not I then contacted CYS and let them know per the contract I gave them an invoice with a $25 NSF fee and a 48-hour notice to pay full in - Karen's husband showed up and paid but he said Karen was going to be upset because she didn't want to pay I guess she felt I should be watching their kids for free since I was closing my daycare I talked to her husband and said I feel it's best to find new care as soon as possible and that until he does I would need to be paid in advance for the care I had the kids for two weeks more and this is a funny event that happened way later after I gave birth to our daughter this had to be about a year in a couple of months after closing the daycare Karen called me she wanted me to babysit her kids overnight so they could go to Las Vegas on a military ball oh did I mention she wanted me to do this for free I said no with friends like that who needs enemies our next reddit post is from crazy Squirrel Girl to set up my vehicle my husband is disabled and we have a screw that's on a lift attached to the back drive through any Veterans Affairs and you'll see these lips while running errands I stopped at a grocery store I waited for a car to back out throw it in from the door next to handicapped parking score I put on my turn signal and wait I wave to the dude and pull in I sit there dancing in the seed because you spin me right round is on the radio suddenly there's a loud knocking on my window after ice-cream a little I lower the window two inches there she is the dread Karen stuck in the 90s with a long stringy hair that's black at the roots three inches down and blonde the other ten inches can I help you why did you park here you're obviously handicapped parking the next but I need this I have kids um no my husband is a disabled one and he just move your car it's gonna snow and I know what my daughter in the snow it's illegal for me to park there because my husband isn't with me I don't care you had that thingy she points towards the back of my van just parked there okay I glanced in the rearview mirror you shouldn't leave your kid in a car alone with the driver door open that's how kidnapping happens goodbye I roll up the window the entitled mother makes a screeching noise and hits my window again basically I waited until she got back in her car and drove off then I headed into the store and tried to shop she would appear like a pop-up book from Hell making snide comments then disappear again that was our slash entitle parents and if you like this video then don't forget to hit that subscribe button because I put out new reddit videos every single day
Channel: rSlash
Views: 1,577,555
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Keywords: reddit, r/, rslash, r\, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, comedy, funny reddit posts, funny reddit, fails, cringe, entitledparents, r/entitledparents, entitledparents posts, entitledparents fails, entitled parents, entitled parents fail, r/ entitled parents
Id: HMtlgOGQw9c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 6sec (1086 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 03 2020
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