My CHEATING Husband Got My Best Friend Pregnant...TWICE! - Reddit Podcast

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my cheating husband got my best friend pregnant twice here's what happened subscribe to am I the jerk on YouTube and hit the bell for notifications yesterday I received a call from my best friend Amy's husband Paul claiming my husband was the father of her four-year-old daughter Kim he said they got into an argument and she blurted out that Kim isn't his daughter and that Kim regularly spends time with her real dad my husband he snooped around and found out her dad was my husband I'm so shocked and angry I don't know what to do Paul claims he has evidence of their ongoing long-term Affair and he'd like to meet up with me to show me it I don't know if I should go he wants me to meet him alone at his house a part of me wishes he'd never told me I asked him to send me something over text because I honestly didn't believe him and he sent me a blurry video of Amy having sex with someone she was moaning my husband's name but you couldn't really tell if it was him in it because it was so dark he sent me a few texts between them too I wish I could unread them I feel numb and sick I haven't confronted my husband yet I don't even have the energy to do that he noticed something was off when he got home and asked me if I was okay but I just Shrugged it off and told him I was going to sleep he decided to work from home today because he was worried I wasn't feeling well I wish he hadn't to make things worse me and Amy are both pregnant I'm five months and she's seven months Paul claims that the baby is also my husband's he said he was planning on suing my husband for all of the money he spent raising his child and Amy was planning to put him on child support he said he was warning me in advance so I could apply before her they're going to get a divorce I just can't believe he would do this I'm just hoping Paul will text me saying it was all a joke Amy keeps texting me telling me she's sorry I've ignored her so far but I want to raise I don't know what I'm going to do if we get a divorce I don't think I can raise my baby alone I feel dumb for posting this but I have no idea what I should do should I just pretend I don't know oh no I'm so sorry this is happening well first things first you need to sit down and confront your husband you need that Clarity and whether he's going to admit it or not you need to at least ask him and see what his reaction is if he says no and you really feel like he's lying I don't know you can look into a personal investigator maybe and try and get some proof if it turns out that it is really happening just get a divorce move on with your life family or someone will help you take care of the baby you don't need to worry about that don't stay stuck in a relationship where you're not being appreciated and valued I'm going to HR because I think the nickname my colleagues gave me is just straight up harassment long story short I'm a nurse at a hospital and I go to different floors as my job to help out I have a pretty common name think Jessica or Amanda there are several nurses with my name throughout the hospital and sometimes multiple on the same floor today I was working on a hall with a new nurse who didn't know me yet she commented on how it was weird that this floor had three Jessica's on it she asked me which one I was I guess she thought I just worked on that floor and I told her my last name then she asked if I knew that Jessica with the nipples that worked on float pool the charge nurse was nearby and I noticed her eyes get kind of big and she looked nervous all of a sudden I was confused for a moment because I'd never heard this description and as far as I knew I was the only Jessica in float pool it dawned on me that she was referring to me without knowing I am a pair apparently Jessica with the nipples I guess this was just a known thing about me because that nurse avoided me like the plague all day and so did everyone else the charge nurse trying to make it into a joke with me at lunch and I laughed to hide my embarrassment but I'm mortified I had noticed my nipples sparingly in the bathroom mirror and thought it was just a rare thing when cold I guess my nipples show through my sports bra and scrubs on a regular enough basis that it's become my secret identifier I told a friend I was thinking about going to HR about this but they said it was obviously a harmless identifier that I was never supposed to find out about so it should have been no harm no foul same as Jessica with the red hair or something like that I feel it's not harmless though to use an identifier that's so embarrassing and made me the butt of jokes I think I could be the jerk because I don't know what HR would do and what if it's too extreme I don't want anyone to be fired if you don't want anyone to be fired and you just want the nicknames to stop I would just address it up till now you've been very passive with the people who are actually calling you this nickname just say hey I don't like that please don't do that even when I'm not around don't call me by that I'm sure they'll quickly be able to find another form of Jessica to call you no harm done no HR involved no one loses their job because honestly I don't think your colleagues are doing it with any kind of sexual connotation or harassment intended but maybe I'm wrong my company refuses to let me resign early despite the fact that there's nothing for me to do anymore okay I'll take your money last month my manager drops a bombshell the company has decided to scrap the big project that my team has been working on for the past two years we must wrap up everything and starting from June we'll all be moved to different teams now I'm a data analyst and the company doesn't have any open projects that require a data analyst so they looked at my profile saw I had some basic knowledge of programming and decided to move me to the dev team both me and the dev team think it's an insane idea because I'll need lots of training before I become useful and I don't even want to be a full-time Dev but upper management hasn't bothered to ask for our opinion before making all the arrangements I immediately start looking for a new job and as luck would have it there's an extremely high request for data analysts in my area within a week I have an offer in hand and I give my notice I'm in the EU and my contract is very strict regarding notice periods a resigning employee must give two months notice this is entirely for the benefit of the company so that they can find a replacement the same applies when a company fires an employee they must give the employee two months notice however it's possible to shorten the notice period by mutual agreement so when I sit down with my manager in HR I tell them I'd like to only give two weeks notice and leave at the end of May I tell them that I've already started wrapping up my activities before my move to the dev team and I don't have any ongoing projects that I need to transfer to my colleagues so two weeks is more than enough to finish documenting everything they say absolutely no I have to stay here for the entire two-month period which is fine by me my new job doesn't start until August and I don't mind being paid in the meantime the only reason I suggested shortening the notice period was because I thought I was doing the company a favor I thought I'd be stealing their paycheck if I stayed for two months months even though I don't have anything left to do but since they pretty much told me I was being unprofessional or that I was trying to cut and run okay I'll take their money in exchange for sitting around doing nothing for a few more weeks you may think but original poster they're gonna find some boring task for you well they can try but the projects they're working on are so different from what I do that I'm pretty much useless to them for example someone will ask can you do XYZ and I'll honestly answer I have no idea what XYZ even is but I'd be happy to if you teach me at that point they'll say it would take too long and it's not worth it to train me since I'm leaving soon so my working days now go like this I show up at 9am sharp and go to my office where I'm the only person since the others were moved to different teams I have a leisurely second breakfast check my email then I send a message to our teams group letting them know I'm free and to ask me if they need help with anything then I remote into my home PC and play games until lunchtime I have lunch coffee and chat with my co-workers they're quite nice it's too bad that upper management is crazy I'm gonna miss them in the afternoon I usually check Reddit I chat with my friends if there online play a bit more and I'm out the door at 5 PM by the way they'd like for me to vacate the office so they can use it as a meeting room but they can't until I leave there are no empty desks anywhere the dev team already hired someone else and has no space so tough luck jerks it almost feels like your company is trying to make an example of you or something by not letting you leave early it seems very clear to you and everyone else around you that there's no reason for you to be there anymore but hey if they want to keep paying you for a few weeks until you start your new job why not I'd love to get paid to just sit around and do whatever I want from nine to five this seems like a really stupid move on their part but hey I guess that's their prerogative I reported my stepsister for bullying and now she might be expelled from school here's the situation at hand my stepsister 17 year old female has been bullying this girl in our grade Mia Mia is a very shy person we were never friends but we're friendly until the bullying started and then Mia withdrew from everyone I found out about the bullying over a month ago people described it as not real bullying but my stepsister has called her names and told her she doesn't deserve friends I found a written note telling Mia this I was ticked my stepsister and I have never had a good relationship always fighting but I never figured she was an actual bully just someone who got on my freaking nerves I ended up going to me as parents with what I knew and the evidence of the bullying and now it's been brought up with the school and Mia's parents want my stepsister expelled my dad is ticked he said it was so unbelievably Petty and mean spirited to go to the girl's parents over sibling issues I told my my dad nothing between us would ever be sibling issues because we're not siblings and my siblings younger brother and sister would never do that to another person my stepsister has been suspended right now but it looks like she'll be expelled Thursday when the big meeting happens my dad's wife is freaking out and so are my stepbrothers with the exception of my siblings everyone seems to think I'm wrong for what I did for not at least talking to my stepsister first I feel like going to Mia's parents was the right call because of how serious bullying can be for the person being bullied and even calling someone names can cut a person really deep but I never expected this kind of reaction life at home is very awkward right now am I the jerk it's pretty clear the jerk in this story is your stepsister but let's analyze your actions here I do agree that a conversation with your stepsister could have happened first before throwing her under the bus but I would understand why you might not want to be directly involved and would rather just she be held accountable for her actions because at the end of the day her actions are not okay what she's doing is bullying expulsion sounds a little extreme but it's definitely behavior that needs to be addressed entitled woman asks me a horrible question and gets insulted when I fire back I'm happily married to a gay man and yesterday my husband and I were at a friend's house celebrating their birthday at the end of the party a small group of people were sitting around the fire talking crap when a woman who I don't know friend of a friend type thing asked me and my husband straight to our faces so do you like being screwed up the butt or is that your husband and before all of you ask no she wasn't drunk she was the designated driver I replied do you like to screw on all fours or on your back she got mad and stormed off calling me a jerk at the time everyone there laughed most were drunk but the woman was my friend's girlfriend's relative of something and now he and his girlfriend are getting some backlash he's mad at me now because even though what she said was offensive I didn't need to stoop to her level I'm starting to feel bad about it the last thing I wanted was to cause trouble for my friend so am I the jerk honestly she asked you an incredibly offensive question she can't really be surprised if you fire back and her reaction to your question is probably the same as your reaction to hers really just a taste of your own medicine situation there's no way she can make this into a big deal without looking like an even bigger jerk for asking her initial question first my daughter refuses to talk to me so I refuse to pay her tuition I 45 year old male decided to stop paying my 19 year old daughter's College tuition after she blocked me basically everywhere and won't talk to me this started about two years ago when I found out my then ex-wife Bertha 44 had an emotional affair and was kissing someone else my ex and my daughter were really close she was her only daughter while we had two younger Sons though the divorce did change our relationship I was still on good terms with my daughter a couple months after that whole mess one of my friends Stacy 31 was really there for me the whole time and we decided to get together I don't think our relationship is wrong we're both over 30 and actual adults once again we were mostly cordial still though I'm pretty sure my ex had made some nasty remarks life went on until recently Stacy figured out she was pregnant I do realize I'm older than the average dad but once again I don't think I did anything wrong I also proposed to her because I do genuinely love her my sons were entirely supportive and actually pretty excited when I told them my daughter on the other hand got super mad and presumably this is what led to the blocking silent treatment all of this happened during December Stacy gave birth two weeks ago and we're talking about cutting my daughter's tuition for next year because she hasn't been at any family functions and hasn't talked to me since January she figured it out through her College portal and got really mad once again she talked about how I was marrying a person so much younger than me and so forth it's like she only wants me for my money and doesn't want anything to do with me am I being the jerk here it sounds like your daughter's having a hard time adjusting to your new relationship she's not really even giving it a chance which isn't fair to you or your soon-to-be wife and she can't be surprised that if she's going to completely ghost you that you're not going to continue to pay thousands of dollars for her to go to school there is kind of an Unwritten minimum social obligation here and considering you really didn't do anything wrong it's up to your daughter to try and mend that bridge we don't choose who we love you happen to fall in love with someone who's more than a couple years younger than you but I still think it's perfectly okay you're both consenting adults do what you want with your own life I told my sister nothing she ever does is more important than my wife's School my wife decided earlier this year she wanted to get a master's degree in Business she's been working full-time and attending school part-time on nights and weekends she's taking summer classes so she can graduate sooner one evening when I wasn't home from work my sister a single mother who lives with my parents came by unannounced and just dropped off her kids six-year-old male and three-year-olds female because she had something to do my wife was flustered because she was trying to get a mini paper done and my sister said f you here are my kids and left I left work early and took the kids back to my parents and I found out my sister had a random meet up with her best friends because her friend got dumped she thought this was important enough to disrupt my wife we argued over how irresponsible my sister is and I told her nothing you ever do in your life will be as important as my wife's school or career my sister started crying about how I was being so unfair to her it's hard for her as a single mom at her age I told her you made that mistake twice and thought everyone would help you I'm not and my wife's not raise your own kids this made my sister cry harder and my mom kicked me out of the house for disrespecting my sister and her children this whole thing could have been avoided if my sister didn't act entitled to think she could just drop off her kids in the first place am I the jerk here while I do think it's definitely a jerk move that she just drops off her kids and assume that you guys have free time and will babysit I do think you came back a little hard on this one you probably pushed a couple of buttons that were very personal I think that what you said was completely unfair and unnecessary you were being a jerk even though she might have pulled a bit of a jerk move first I gave my fiance's daughter the same present for her birthday that she gave me for mine nothing here's some background I have dated a woman with three kids for four years at this point in time I'm 32 and she's 42. the kids are not mine her kids are currently 22 19 and 17. they all live at home the oldest are girls and the youngest is a boy I own a construction company and she owns a nail salon and we're both financially stable they idolized their dad that is basically non-existent in their lives however they hate me now the rant I love the woman I'm with and have had depending on your definition a very successful dating life prior to meeting her due to her kids ages and my age difference with her prior to us getting serious we did discuss the kids in parenting to that end I've been very committed to always be there for them and doing my best with anything they need despite this over time the family I wanted has basically broken down to the point where myself and and her children don't interact in any fashion my casual suggestions of having a movie night or game night once a week where we all sit down and talk has fallen on deaf ears instead my fiance insists that as long as I treat her good not to bother or worry about how her children view me or our relationship and to simply be nice and say hello in things when our paths do cross which I've done to ten thousand blank stares and no replies whatsoever but I digress when we first got together up until last year I set a budget of three hundred dollars per kid for birthday and Christmas presents and for four years bought the kids nice and thought out gifts or just gave cash last December my business was slow and while I did keep to my budget for them it was especially hard with the household bills and the gifts for parents and siblings nonetheless I sacrificed and went without because that's what dads do right imagine my surprise when collectively the gift I received from the kids in return was a stick of deodorant with a fancy note saying this is deodorant it makes you smell good use it often my fiance thought it was hilarious if not in poor taste and I laughed it off not expecting anything in the first place fast forward my birthday is in May one child out of three said happy birthday to me and none gave me a gift fast forward again it's her daughter's birthday who just turned 13 last week she was one of the two that neither wished me a happy birthday or gave me a gift so I in kind did the same now my fiance is mad at me and is calling me Petty and childish before you judge me too harshly we had a party for her in which I spent two days and stayed home from work to help with I just literally didn't say one word to her daughter the entire day or give her anything finally the conclusion I heir to you read it in your wisdom am I the jerk please tell me why or why not for the record her son was the one who wished me half happy birthday and I am planning on giving him a gift in October in my opinion what goes around comes around if they're not gonna give you anything for your birthday and barely even acknowledge Your Existence why would they expect anything in return it seems to me that's the entitled thinking right there I do agree that on the outside looking in it could seem Petty but I completely understand where our original poster is coming from here they don't feel respected or appreciated so why are they gonna go out of their way for you when you subscribe make sure to hit the Bell to turn on notifications put the playlist on 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Channel: Am I the Jerk?
Views: 51,918
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: subreddit, reddit top posts, funny reddit, funny reddit posts, reddit, reddit storytime, r/confession, r/confessions, r/tifu, r/maliciouscompliance, r/prorevenge, r/choosingbeggars, r/IDOWorkherelady, r/Idontworkherelady, r/AmITheA**hole, r/AITA, finance, real estate, podcast, funny, am i the jerk, i am the jerk, im the jerk
Id: cFxtjWUT-tk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 21sec (1281 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 03 2023
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