r/Prorevenge I Caught my Lying Boss Stealing $1,000,000!

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welcome to our slash Pro revenge where Opie reveals that his abusive boss has stolen millions of dollars oh here we go so I was working in headquarters for a large and well-known company cubicle sort of gig I've been there three years and the woman I got revenge against had been there about 12 she's known to have a bit of an attitude and was pretty much next in line to fill a very high position under the CEO she's always not liked many of the office workers pretty much all the men and one woman she would constantly make cry i one day ended up brushing past her in a hurry to hand something off to my supervisor which he needed ASAP both of my hands quite obviously occupied holding something at chest level she ended up filing a harassment claim saying I grabbed her but after two weeks of hellish unpleasantness I ended up getting my supervisor to pull cam footage as they were pretty much about to turn me which saved my butt well I'm friends with the guy she looks to talk to even though he doesn't much like her I ended up giving him my recorder pin a few weeks later and got him to try and egg her into talking about trying to get me fired he managed to get her to admit to that and three other instances where she did get men fired for false harassment claims I ended up getting the recording back made a few copies and ended up handing them off to HR each of the other three men in question by email my boss and his boss her husband anonymously and everybody on the board I basically forced the company into a situation where their star player couldn't stay because a two of the three men are currently looking to sue be I was getting ready to as well and see it was completely indisputable I lost her her job and career any chance at using the places of reference and probably damaged her marriage she's not getting a severance or any of her paid time off paid to her she sent me an email calling me an evil bastard saying she hopes karma pays it forward soon and a few other things lady this was karma paying it forward and then Opie posted an update after she was terminated they went through her company email and apparently found out she had been stealing thousands from the company corporate card she had eating out regularly with client / partner / colleagues and charging the company account cards for it she had also been using the company's flight knowledge for herself on things not actually business-related she also used it to buy gifts for some of her superiors turns out there was some more false claims she made to other people's jobs we weren't aware of one possibly being the reason her positional predecessor ended up leaving the latter a speculation I haven't gotten my hands on any copies yet from my friend in HR I've gotten a lot of people jobs at this company so I've got access to a lot of information about nine people around her were terminated maybe more at least three people were suspended HR is looking through years of footage also they seem to have either forgotten about me or are saving me for last since I have not really decided to insert myself into this massive multi-dimensional quantum dumpster fire they are handing out non-disclosure agreements and such like their hotcakes lawsuits are happening two of the three men I sent information to are suing the company hard one of which I'll point out nearly lost his marriage I'm very happy this release some stress for him it looks like she's going to be prosecuted by the company and hard somebody told me her husband left her I have no proof of this only my boss mentioned it supposedly his boss told him that his boss and her were very chummy chummy my friend the one who took the recording for me took a huge severance nine months of normal pay and his pay time off and I starting at a big tech company is starting with an S in four weeks they decided to get him on board early also she sent me another message saying I'm the most evil person she's ever met who got away with something terrible and she hopes I die I replied ok how's your husband and then another update they're looking at about 2.3 million dollars she stole according to my boss my boss said how do you spend that much money on food and flights in five years so I did the math and this woman spent about four hundred and sixty thousand dollars illegally basically money she stole every year that comes out to almost forty thousand dollars every month or $1,200 every day my god this woman actually belongs in jail our next reddit post is from terrible dealer and it's worth mentioning that in this post Opie is a male some background my teacher knew my dad because my dad a lawyer had represented his ex-wife several years before in a super bitter divorce for some reason my teacher took out that frustration on me he would verbally abuse me in front of the class if I raised my hand to answer a question he would roll his eyes before calling on me and loudly say to the class listen to what Opie says that way you will know what the wrong answers are he would criticize my work make comments about how I'll never amount to much because obviously I have a learning disability I don't he was just being a prick I would often get marked down for penmanship but after asking some classmates apparently I was the only one being graded on that I know history wasn't my best subject but the way I was being treated was totally uncalled for I began to have anxiety to go to that class I would dread it all day my friends would even mention casually yeah mr. Smith really doesn't like Opie what did you do to him bro my dad was pissed that he was obviously being biased towards me for something I had nothing to do with dad made noise and tried to get me moved into another class but the district and school were overcapacity as it was I couldn't move classes without displacing another student and the school didn't think that would be fair to the other student but it's fair to me to let this keep going on because you can't move me WTF now my dad ever discuss details of his cases but I had overheard him angrily telling my mom after our meeting with the principal that he doesn't like that I'm in that effing pedophiles class an idea was planted in my head and it started to grow I devised a plan I gathered social media pics of a girl who was underage and went to another school and made some profiles on kik and whatsapp using a Google Voice number from our city I changed her names for obvious reasons once I had him hooked on the made-up seventeen-year-old girl I sent all the chat logs and pics that he had sent to her to the principal and the school district main office using every email address I could find on the school district website and social media pages within three days of the emails being sent we had a substitute all we were told was that mr. Smith had to take some time off due to his personal issues I still don't know what happened to him after that I graduated about three months after he was put on leave and never heard from or saw him again I joined the military and left town about six months after all this happened and haven't returned to the city since one of my friends who still lives there told me a while back he saw him working the deli counter at a grocery store not far from the high school I never told a single soul and nobody knows it was me the rumor mill went wild about him being a pedophile but nobody knew I had anything to do with it even though I benefited the most from his departure I imagine they tracked the girl down and asked her but she obviously didn't know him however the chat logs from whatsapp showed the girl telling him she was 17 about three days before he sent the first of many pictures of his junk so that was probably enough to at least get him fired and lose his teaching certification I don't regret it but I would never go so far on anyone again I was a bitter moody teen but when you're being bullied by someone with authority over you you have to do what you have to do to survive honestly Opie you didn't do much except give him rope to hang himself with our next reddit post is from borderline nihilist my grandpa was a quiet guy he loved his family more than anything and he was very very observant the wedding reception was in full swing everyone is drinking and dancing and having a great time one of my dad's friends drunkenly decides to play a prank he gets two more of dads buddies to help grandpa notices him sneaking out and watches now mom has an awesome car it was a blue Camaro with a Landau top and was either 69 70 or 71 mom doesn't remember this friend of dads also had a Camaro of the same year anyway the trio go out to mom's car pop the hood and take apart I think it was spark plugs but whatever they took it meant the car wouldn't start leaving my parents kind of stranded grandpa saw this waited till the drunk guys went back in then it took this same part from the drunk eyes car and putting it in Mom's he then took the drunk eyes tools and flashlights and hid them in a coat closet soon it's real dark so the newlyweds leave for the hotel room drunk guy and his friends are even drunker and discovered their car won't start they pop the hood and see the missing part and start looking for the tools and flashlight grandpa walks over and says your tools and lighter in the coat closet I hope your car is comfy because the building won't be unlocked until morning of course grandpa tells grandma they laugh and grandma tells mom and dad my grandpa was the best in a way that was also wholesome revenge because your grandpa stop those people from driving drunk who knows what would have happened our next reddit post is from grumpy guy this happened a while back actually before reddit was even thought of and no one had their own portable phone a local business an auto repair shop changed her phone number for some reason and a few months later when my family added a second bone line to the house guess which number we were given it wasn't that much of a pain since most of the customer base had the new number but about six months later we started getting calls for this business several times a day so I finally asked one of the callers where he got the number from he tells me it's on top of the business's building in 3 foot high letters really so I Drive by that way the next day and sure enough here it is in big blue letters I look up the current number when I get home and give them a call hey I've noticed that you still have your old number on top of your building and we've been getting a lot of your calls would it be possible for someone to correct the sign or just paint over it this is where I get told that it's my problem and they don't have time to deal with it click oh okay now I see so I figure it won't take long to sort this out I start taking appointments I tell a lady we're having a special on tires I can get her a complete set for seventy-five dollars two hundred bucks was average I get a guy that needs a complete rebuild on his transmission and how soon can we do it I tell him that since we aren't very busy right now if he can get it in the shop by noon I have a guy that can have it done by 6:00 p.m. the same day and it'll only cost him 750 bucks super cheap by the way I do this maybe 20 to 30 times over the course of a week or so the costs become less frequent and as I Drive by the following week I noticed that the sign is now just plain white I am pretty sure that all in all I probably cost this guy about ten thousand dollars or so in pissed off customers who showed up thinking they had an appointment and a great deal then we have a similar story from tipsy Chan down in the comments I had this happen to me too except it was a woman who kept giving out old business cards I kept getting her calls for several years and most of the time I just told the callers to let her know to stop giving out those goddamn cards but one time it was a guy trying to set up an interview with her I let him know she'd been too lazy to update her business card and recommended he hire me instead I almost got the interview but sadly I wasn't qualified I'd like to think I cost her a job though suck it Monica that was our / / revenge and if you liked this video hit that like and subscribe button because it really helps my channel grow
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Id: kMIMnoseUhk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 8sec (788 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 15 2019
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