r/insaneparents | "I KNITTED MY ANGEL A FACE-MASK!"

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I'm both respecting your privacy by knocking but asserting my authority is your parent by coming in any way yep just smashing straight through the door I gotta be honest guys this one might be a little closed I hope my parents aren't watching what is going on everyone welcome back to my channel today I've got another episode of our slash insane parents for you a series which you all seem to love watching and I love making but before we get into the video I need to remind you guys about the $400 giveaway that I'm doing once I hit 400,000 subscribers now as you can see we're still about 25,000 subscribers away from that milestone if we don't hit it I can't do the giveaway but the sad thing is that over 50% of you still aren't subscribed to my channel yes you watching right now I know you're not subscribed if you 55 56 % or hit the subscribe button right now we will do the giveaway tomorrow or perhaps even later on today it's in your hands so yeah guys if you haven't done already I mean it says it over there subscribe make me happy anyway with that out of the way let's get into the insane parents look at how bolder I am bought bobba metal straws I can't believe you I hope they have influenced your faith in Jesus what does that have to do with my faith you're changing towards the left how I'm just trying to save the sea turtles oh yes sorry last time I checked I didn't realize that Jesus was an t metal stores what's I guess that makes a little bit of sense though you know first paper straws then cloth grocery bags now I worship Satan it's a bit of it the hunt would spiral happy Mother's Day to the woman who called the cops on me when she didn't find me in my room sleeping in the middle of the night and thought I snuck out of the house I was downstairs in the kitchen eating cereal and also 22 I loved that little bit added on to the end she thought maybe this person was I don't know six or seven and their mum was worried no they're in adults your family is the only relationship that really matters people with toxic families no get away from me okay so this next pose just prepare yourselves this guy's wife found while browsing the Knitting section on etsy here we go if you've got to be joking I mean look at that that just such as so much protection that's really gonna do the job and keep your kids safe I just sometimes I just get a bit speechless and I think what am i doing when I see a post like this why is the world coming to okay this next set of messages is a conversation between a mom and her kid this isn't a freaking game you lizard - you're staying home today and tomorrow I literally did nothing wrong you did nothing I asked you to do I did everything you asked me to look around laundry look the laundry's done the pellets are in the stove that he clicked itself off itself I clicked it back on it's not my fault it's cold I told you last night to do that and the laundry when you got in yeah it's all done last night okay apart from the fact that this is kind of insane what is the you lizard to me maybe that's just like a spelling error it's meant to be you lie - I don't know I'll wait I've just scroll down they actually asked that question someone in the comments she was trying to guilt me by saying my lizard was cold - even though there was a heater pointed I see you just love to see that guys you'll have to see her not gonna lie I kind of thought for a little second it might be some sort of threat to turn you into a lizard if you don't do as your mom says maybe I should tell my parents about how stressed I feel you know hey I'll do it hey I've been feeling kind of stressed you have it so easy wait till you get a job yet never again in June of 2018 I was shot in an armed robbery as of today I'm still dealing with the medical bills even though I have good insurance through my employer the other day I told my mom I was debating filing for bankruptcy to get out of debt because it's making it hard for me to pay my bills and still save her retirements but she just looked at me and said your generation always tries to avoid paying what they owe my parents always taught me that if you do the crime you should do the time if that's not violently American I don't know what is wait I'm a bit confused so your mum is saying that doing the crime is getting short on an armed robbery what oh yes the crime of being shot and having insane medical bills well to be fair that does sound like the two most American things ever I'm not gonna lie every time I see this as an hour that you can't use the computer that day I'm not telling you again it's very inconsiderate and keeps happening all right I don't really get what's wrong maybe is it just that the lids up is that the issue that's not really that much of an issue but fair enough maybe to some insane parents it is I'm thinking about having new drug tested by the way first the grates and left this get it together yeah drug tested for the why what's that gonna do and leaving the toilet seat up and don't tell me you're sorry okay look I'm sorry oh I see I can't really say that I apologize either oh you've got me here mom you've got me here guys if you don't know there is a frightened connection between leaving the toilet seat up and the increasing drug trade you don't want to get amongst that parents it's your number one job to get in your kids way at all times kids do not deserve privacy what a terrible headline Chris Chris Cochran what are you doing I mean who is signing off on this headline it's just terrible I had to talk to a parent today because a student was concerned that the color will work sheet that I sigh and looked too satanic I had hoped the parent would see that it was benign but after talking with their pastor the parent confirmed they didn't feel comfortable having that child complete the image I'm all for respecting beliefs but I was completely beside myself oh this is literally just a kid that's doing some drawings in his workbook what is the danger I just don't understand Oh actually wait I've had a look at this again and to be honest I can feel the demons coming through the screen yeah I need them all to get rid of this one her only sons graduation from university but if you turn right you can go to your niece's wedding my mother oh yeah I can kind of sense in this post that somebody is still perhaps a little bit bitter about their mother's choices theological conversations with my three-year-old theology and seller seller I'm not like my house at all my heart is different well how so my heart's is evil what do you mean because I am a sinner I'm thinking to myself yep the other day I was in a discipline situation with her I said why are you not wanting to obey she replied through tears because of my heart I don't have Jesus in my heart I'm praying and hopeful that one day he will enter again this stuff just messes kids up your daughter is 3 years old what are you doing to her why are you impacting her life in such a negative way when she's so young I mean you've already got her to the sinner and doing part already if there's one thing that's gonna turn your kid off of Christianity in religion in general it's this imagine asking your kid why are you not wanting to obey um maybe because she's three years old yes three oh my god a blanket Act you in his New York Post he's gay cousin untag you you I don't need the whole family seeing this and had them thinking you are too I think I'm gonna have a heart attack it's already started get off of his face books plural untagged yourself call your dad oh I did guys you know what's sad about this post this person is actually by they say in the title I mean how are you gonna expect to come out to your family when they're like this dude I'm just sorry that your parents are putting you through this that is so unfair oh man yo what's wrong why are you crying nothing don't lyin Anya I'm your mother you can talk to me about anything well there's this boy like in school but he's always with this other girl boy you like so that's what you're up to now or is this what we're sending you to school for when your child wants to get vaccinated so you hide her car by driving it to the next town the night before she's supposed to get it done hashtag good parent ashtag protect my child hashtag protect at all costs I mean the hashtags say a lot about this person but how can you actually think this I'm seriously why how can you actually how does this go through a head and you think this is a good idea so by now I've spent all of my daughter's college fund money on my Manas link in bio look I felt guilty and it's been a rough start but I know one day I'll climb to the top and my daughter will thank me later once more that makes me a millionaire that looks very likely stay positive boss babes well at least there's a little bit of positivity at the end because trust me you're gonna need it when you lose millions and millions of pounds investing into this company well sorry not millions and millions just your entire daughter's college fund why a lady you're a frickin idiot couldn't agree more my friend couldn't agree more I'm so sorry everybody I'm going to have to cancel my art raffle because my parents destroyed my art tablets it's been smashed into pieces because I didn't get up on time this morning I just right why please can someone tell me the logic here why do parents do such stupid things I can't do art now one of the only things that I love I can't even afford to replace it parents well done for taking away the one thing that your kid loves to do and just ruining their lives single-handedly the logic here is just is it the level is too high for me to even understand I just don't understand why all right it's like some of the stuff that I see on this subreddit I'll be honest is quite funny but this is just honestly sad why do parents feel the need to do this anyway guys that is gonna do it for this episode of insane parents I really hope you have enjoyed it if you have and you want to see more the playlist is there trust me there are a few crackers in that playlist also I might as well now that I'm here I mean look what I'm wearing the red gang merch I'm gonna have to shout so this might will pick me up but if you haven't yet check this out because the link should be on the screen somewhere as well go check this out pick it up they will really support me in the channel even though you can't see my face so yeah go and check it out and I'll see you guys later [Music]
Channel: Redditor
Views: 198,304
Rating: 4.9379845 out of 5
Keywords: redditor, redditor insane parents, insane parents, r/insaneparents, r/ insaneparents, reddit insaneparents, r/entitled parents, reddit insane parents, insaneparents video, insane parents video, redditor entitled parents, r/entitledparents, entitledparents, entitled parents, reddit entitled parents, reddit stories, reddit memes, redditor insane, redditor insaneparents, r/insaneparents reddit, r/insaneparents the solar system is fake, r/insaneparents playlist
Id: YtzqrN-s5so
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 43sec (643 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 11 2020
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