r/EntitledParents | "DON'T DYE YOUR HAIR PINK!"

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what is going on everyone that welcome back to my channel I hope you're all doing well today I've got some more inside to parent stories for you so sit back relax and let's get straight into them grandma Karen calls police and CPS on me for assaulting her grandchild's I colored her hair pink I've been babysitting two little girls three and five for over a year now I've known their parents since I was a child I'm 21 and we get along very well a month ago I decided to dye my hair and a red brownish color when I babysat them they loved it their parents are quite okay with little girls play with makeup and fashion so when I was done babysitting I asked the mum if I could bring some fun fashion things to play with the next time that next time was last week when I got there I opened my beauty case and showed them what I gots necklaces costumes hair ties make up a frozen perfume and pink hair dye I asked both of their parents if it was okay for me to dye their hair pink since it's their favorite color I informed them that it was a temporary hair dye designed for kids and it could be washed out immediately so it was pretty much harmless the parents laughed a bit with me and told me it was fine but they specifically asked me to put them in a bath without washing their hair I guess they wanted to see it the next morning they said goodbye and told me that the crazy plot grandma would come home around midnight to pay me some amazing okay two hours later the doorbell rang it was only around 9:00 p.m. and the girls were still awake I put them in their bathrobes and night diapers I was getting them ready for bed and put them in front of the TV and went to open the door it was grandma Karen she was almost three hours early without even saying hello she entered almost knocked me over and while walking to the living room she opened her purse to get a fifty euro bill as soon as she wanted to hand me the bill that she seized their pink hair and lost her dang marbles what in the Jesus and Mary have you done to my babies um oh don't worry we just play fashionistas it's okay it could be washed out grandma Karen runs to the girls and starts screaming hysterically what has she done to your beautiful golden hair mom it's okay mum and dad know about to shut up do you even think you are to just come here and assault my babies she then proceeds to scream at me for a couple more minutes this is child abuse I'm courting the police on you you effing child molester okay so at this point I started to freak out even though I knew I didn't do anything wrong the thought of being interrogated made me almost poop my pants she freaking held me hostage in the living room while she continued her screaming and moaning she even wrinkled the fifty euro bill like toilet paper and shoved it down her pockets curse words after curse words left her mouth oh my god I can't believe my daughter would even hire someone like you you probably have a criminal record don't you I hope you freakin get 20 years in prison you racist slur you ruined my baby's life you traumatized them this is child abuse the police are on their way evil smirk you will never find a job again Oh babies did that which hurt you she did didn't she oh my god did she also cut it I didn't by the way you've probably been assaulting them for months now huh think about the most Karen Karen you know double her age and shorten her hair that was why I had to deal with for almost half an hour oh and she also said that me coloring my hair like a prostitute was a bad influence for kids in general anyways I was able to text the parents during her rants they arrived not too long after the police and a CPS officer you can only imagine how they reacted but they couldn't leave until the parents arrived to make sure everything was okay the officers left mum and dad freaked out they kept apologizing to me mind you this was happening all in front of the girls because grandma Karen didn't let me put them in bed not only did she give me the most violent verbal attack I have ever seen she also ruined the parents date nights when I left to go home I started crying but hey I got paid double that night and the girls hair looked fabulous PS since she lied about me assaulting the girls and verbally attacked me I can charge her for it the police officer gave me his number to contact him if I wanted to should I though I really want to put her in her place but that would have the parents and I love them so much oh yeah that is a very tough decision you know obviously on the one hand the GRANDMONT did a bad thing here you know lying to the police she should be reprimanded or disciplined for that at least but then on the other hand as you say you don't upset that happy family it's just weird right the parent seems so nice and the kids probably are really nice as well you know they love you and they're keen for you to do fashion stuff with them yes sounds like a good time to me but then on the other hand you have this horrible entitled Karen for the grandma yeah well weird family ideally there be a way for you to get the police involved so the Karen can have some sort of karma put on her but without annoying the parents my best advice would be to ask the parents what they think about it because at the end of the day you don't want to upset them as they are people that you care about or the children as well of course so if they say to you no please you know we'd rather you didn't get the police involved and I think you just think with that word but if not then yeah go to town moving on to our next story an entitled dad ignores his little girl as she breaks her arm so he tries to sue Starbucks Starbucks mid-2000s summer afternoon outside my old Starbucks is a small garden with some trees and flowers and a three-foot tall rock wall perimeter the three-foot tall rock wall has been neglected over the years and several rocks are prone to uncontrollable shifting whenever too much weight is applied it is a decoration wall not a jogging wall most parents advise their children not to run along the wall until today a little girl is running laps along the unstable garden wall while her entitled dad is on his cell phone and ignoring her knowing that our garden wall is unstable I asked the little girl to stop she ignores me so I advised her dad of the possible danger sir could you please ask your daughter to stop running laps along the unstable garden wall why the garden wall is unstable she could easily hurt herself are you in charge here no they don't tell me what to do I relayed the necessary information to the shift supervisor who is presently in charge the shift supervisor says sir could you please ask your daughter to stop running laps along the unstable garden wall the garden wall is unstable and she could easily hurt herself are you in charge here yes I am I don't taught you how to make coffee don't tell me how to raise my kids minutes later a rock in the garden wall collapses beneath the little girls feeds she loses her footing fools three feet and breaks her arm the shift supervisor and I witnessed the whole thing fortunately a third member of staff is an extra serviced who knows first aid upon learning what has happened he grabs the first aid and rush it to the scene hello little girl I know first aid may I help you the little girl nods her head crying too hard to speak while the ex reservists is applying ice and a splint to the little girl's arm her entitled dad ignores them both choosing instead to yell at the shift supervisor where is your manager I'd like to know what you didn't maintain your garden wall in actuality the garden wall is the responsibility of our landlords and not of the Starbucks coffee company but none of this information is making a little girl feel better the entitled dad threatens us with a lawsuit for the next 15 minutes repeating the same phrases ad nauseam where is your manager why didn't you maintain your garden wall after he is satisfied himself with his yelling he acknowledges his daughter and drives her to hospital barely thanking the ex reservist for tanning Toa injury and pain the following day the entitled dad returns with his daughter and a lawyer the lawyer takes statements from the ex reservist the shift supervisor and myself the entitled dad wanted to sue Starbucks for five figures but in the end a lawsuit never materialized to the best of my knowledge the little girl made a full recovery ah well that is great news that is a horrible thing to happen to somebody so young Oh a broken arm to anyone is bad but a young girl just having a good time oh that's horrible what's annoying about this story is that this dad is clearly looking for excuses as to why he is such a bad parent I mean any normal parent as you said in the intro would just say to the kid please fiendish not run on the wall it's dangerous clearly this dad didn't really care um his thoughts are broke her arm unfortunately but then cooling a lawsuit because of your own failings as a father to not look out for your child really come on by the end of the day guys it's just a little bit embarrassing isn't it let me know what you think of it yeah leave me a comment down below now moving on to our final story I absolutely hate babysitting sometimes I was babysitting for a neighbor today while she worked I shut my door because I have some pretty private stuff in there well as I was making lunch for us I heard snickering coming from the dining room I went inside and I saw the kid I was watching reading my diary now I have some dark stuff in there due to my past and this kid violated my privacy and was reading my diary cute a five minute chase around the house took the water of the stove to be safe and man kids are really fast I got my diary back and then mum just got back and the conversation went something like this hey so your kid went into my room and took my diary so just lock your door my door doesn't lock I really don't like them reading my diary there's stuff in there not for kids well then why are you writing it it's a private diary for me two vents I have a trouble pass and writing about my feelings helps me calm down well whatever you're just overreacting about it it's just a diary she has me fifteen dollars at this point I was so upset I'll admit I'm pretty sensitive but I didn't really care that I didn't get paid properly I had them leave and I told her I wouldn't babysit for her anymore and I closed the door she stood there yelling about how I'm a horrible person for not being willing to watch her kid anymore I just went upstairs and I'm now writing this post look I'll be honest a kid taking your diary I don't think that's a bad thing at all really that's just normal um yeah it's not great for you but they're just a kid they probably don't know what they're doing they don't know the seriousness of a diary I think that's I think you can you know excuse that the problem I've got is when the mum comes back and says yeah it's okay for the kid to do that I mean no it's not the key doesn't know any better but it's not a good thing for the kid to be doing if the mum is just letting that go what a horrible person she must be then when she says well why are you writing a diary then if it's not for kids what is the point of a diary it's for you it's it's a personal thing it's a private diary it's for you to write your thoughts and feelings down and then go back and look at them over the years or months or whatever and see how you've changed as a person or what's what's good your life I mean how does this mum not no doubt a lot of crazy wasn't it now we do quickly have some time at the end of this video to look at some of your fan I mean I say fan now that's a pretty loose term this is what we've got today I all hail redditor I guess I should what is this it's more of a fan edit than a fan art but I still enjoy it so I thank you very much guys if you have any fan art or fan edits like this and you want to see them in my next video just hit me up on any socials yeah I mean I don't really know what this was but I enjoyed it anyway guys that is gonna do it for this video I really hope you have enjoyed it if you did drop a like you know it makes money it makes sense doesn't it takes two seconds to do and also while you're down there subscribe to the channel if you aren't already closing in on 500,000 subscribers now and yeah it's gonna be pretty insane when we get there if you want more content straight away my videos are up on screen there are an absolute cracker the one from yesterday especially look at the thumbnail what an absolute ban I haven't seen it go and check it out and without being said I will see you guys tomorrow for a brand new upload same time same place on the channel
Channel: Redditor
Views: 166,049
Rating: 4.9520845 out of 5
Keywords: redditor, r/entitledparents, r/entitled parents, entitled parents, reddit entitled parents, redditor entitled parents, entitledparents, reddit stories, funny reddit, best of reddit, entitled parents fail, entitledparents fails, rslash entitledparents, entitled parents reddit, top posts reddit, entitled parents stories, entitled parents video, r/ entitledparents, r/ entitledparents redditor, redditor r/entitledparents, funny reddit stories, entitled parents posts, ep video, eps
Id: RyxFoYj95r8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 53sec (713 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 19 2020
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