r/insaneparents | "I'LL TRADE 1 CANDY FOR 1 VITAMIN!"

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[Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] that's their I mean really quite overcome with emotion oh you can reek leave that know what that what is going on everyone and welcome back to my channel today I'm looking at one of my favorite sub products of all the time it's our slash insane parents you all know what it's about let's jump straight into the content oh my goodness Mia is that off the side of their building oh my goodness just because you can't go to the park doesn't mean you can risk your child's life I've got to watch that again I assume this is in Spain from the NSA do you know caption Marty how has that dad really put that swing up on the ciders building I mean I guess I guess he has that is crazy Wow how much lockdown made people do stuff like this I mean I get it you want to you know give you a shot some enjoyment but this this is another level I had my parents watch my cat's my first year in college because I couldn't have her in my dorm two months from me bringing her up to live with me and they give her away without telling me they've been bad before but my heart is broken now here is a text exchange I know you're very upset no I don't think you have any idea where is my cats where is my cats I mean seriously does it get much worse than this Wow I'll never forget when my sister hid my car and her my mom kept it a secret from me I noticed it while on campus and fired a police report and everything I called my mum crying and she really had the audacity to say I hope they find who did it sweetie it'd be your own mom oh my goodness Wow the nerve of this mom lying to your own daughter that is mad you know what maybe I'll tell my mom about my anxiety hey I've been feeling anxious lately you don't know what it's like to have 30 kids yet never again all right guys so this guy has just disabled tracking on his phone he is 21 years old 21 remember that okay you stop sharing Thanks you're on your own nice knowing you and plus you lied to me I'm done you're a butthole f off I mean yeah if she's blocked you just block her back she's gonna message you in a few days you know she is so just block her you know forget about her brain of a human brain of a cat's brain of a rat's brain of parents that think that no privacy until 18 is a good idea comedian Brad Williams raises over thirty thousand dollars to send bullied nine-year-old to Disneyland what a lovely thing to do I'm sorry but this is ridiculous my son has autism and has been bullied for years he has came home crying many times I told him to stop being a little cat if you know what I mean I told him I didn't care and if he came to me crying again I would give him something to cry about he is 14 now and doing great if he is still getting bullied he knows better than to tell me it's life parents need to stop and let the kids work it out my son used to say he wanted to die and I said do it because if you can't handle life now and you're really going to be freaked I mean I tell you what they certainly don't teach this parenting style in the manuals do they wow what an approach to have Twelver old me creating the perfect family in the sims while my parents argue in the living room Raji says it's all too familiar well it happened today my five-year-old stepdaughter said to me please don't eat my dog when I questioned her she said Asian people eat dogs my significant other questions her more and we find out her mum was telling her that pretty trashy thing to have to explain to a five-year-old what racism is and why you shouldn't say things like that to people now this was posted by an Asian woman in a stepmom group wow I mean when the actual real mother is that bitter about her husband leaving her Jesus it really does show all right so this guy hasn't spoken to his mother in months but she's just found out he's now living with this girlfriend you have until tomorrow to move back home living with your girlfriend will not be tolerated or else what you don't pay my bills you don't have any control in the matter no control I am your mother you will do as I say be here tomorrow or we will have the police remove you from your home now go ahead and call them tell me how that goes for you by the way you're gonna be a grandma not that you'll be involved in their life whatsoever oh my god what a surprise the hitter with at the end so she's not happy about him living with his girlfriend but what I surprised him with the pregnancy oh wow I'll tell you what Lynette you're not gonna be very happy with that one are you but I'm not a good parent without spanking my kids if you can't parent without spanking your kids you were never a good parent now the rumor has it that this actually is the scripted liar from the movie the actors went improv in the actual scene crazy your ears hear what you want to hear I just busted in my daughter's room lifted my shirt up shook these and ran I heard a say man I'm sickeness trash oh well move out then even if this was a joke just why what do you gain from doing this apart from traumatizing your daughter very very weird stuff let's just say that a family youtuber has ignited a firestorm after admitting to rehoming her adopted autistic son so guys if you don't know about this this youtuber adopted a special-needs kid made a lot of money from you know putting him in videos talking about special needs that sort of stuff then I guess according to this article has now you know put him back up for adoption in a home oh man that's just us so vindictive what a manipulative thing to do I feel bad for the kid but I also feel bad for the audience you know she's just using you guys now guys this is a series of text messages this 26 year old 26 is sending her bestie so my mother just hit a new level of crazy she's upset I'm staying up late and she told me that she's laying here with me and refusing to leave until I fall asleep I can't be on my phone and I can't have the TV on and my eyes must be closed she's literally refusing to leave the room and won't let me use anything at once I go back to bed I'm still texting this hiding in the bathroom right now then another text message at 4:06 a.m. she just left after staring at me for an hour and then being upset I still couldn't sleep while being stared at at this point my migraine is exploding so I asked her for my pills and she almost refused me the meds again until I explained that this was just a half dose to what I used to take and then she seemed okay enough with it to give me my pills two words absolutely crazy here's a short story about a relationship between a mother and a daughter give birth to a girl you've always wanted treat her like trash and express negative opinions or whatever she does she blocked your number after moving out for college she blocks your number after moving out for college things strict parents think they're teaching you how to behave but what they actually teach you is how to listen for footsteps how to appear busy how to manipulate someone into calming down and how to lie on the spots yeah I can't laugh at this this hits way too close to home this is our family candy policy after our plentiful trick-or-treat harvest this year for every piece of candy the kids eat they have to match it with three balance of nature veggie capsules to put it into perspective it is like saying sure you can have those eight pieces of candy today as long as you finish this three gallon bucket of this well assorted salads the kids love it and it's as easy as that hashtag balance of nature a hashtag healthy food hashtag trick or treats cut the kids just enjoy a piece of candy it's Halloween for God's sake you're meant to spoil your kids they're meant to eat as much sugar as they like I mean within reason what is this this is so controlling also guys it says in the title these kids are aged six three and two Jesus ah they can go F themselves say no to the vaccine why are we saying no with these vaccines have a chip in them they will have control of monitoring you know exactly what you are doing at all times and contain chemicals that they can control using the new 5g they are putting this up all around the world I will be intrigued with the 5g technology that is killing birds animals and humans the chip is controlled by frequencies that the 5g emits could you include any more BS in just one Facebook reply I don't think so I swear to God Cove it does bring out the insanity that is already apparent in many insane parents but this is another level Wow when your mom goes from reading real news to believing everything on Facebook its evolving just backwards Julia Brad moment right the parents we love you for who you are son me peacefully well can you stop calling me son and using male pronouns then parents don't disrespect me like that Jesus this is gotta be one of the problems of being an lgbtq+ open in a family that doesn't accept that honestly I cannot think of many things that would be more difficult in life than that my prayers go out to you guys in that situation you'll get through it it's gonna be tough so all the people who don't have loving supportive parents the fact that you recognize that means you will break the cycle and I hope it all works out for you you deserve love and care oh nice a nice post on the subreddit for once I do like this because this subreddit is kind of like a community people help each other out everyone knows they're in a bad situation if they do have insane parents but it's like this I guess just make everyone feel you know welcome and supports it me looking through our slash insane parents so I know how to respond to my parents you know I'll be lying if I said I haven't learned a little bit from this serendipity I won't do my parents that much disrespect they get they're good people they're good people trust me rescue anyway guys that is gonna do it for this episode of our slash insane parents I've not looked at this subreddit for a while and I know that it's one of your favorite series so I'm sorry for that but I'm back into the swing of things now and I'll cover this a bit more regularly in future at least once a month if you do want a playlist of all my insane parents videos right now it's on the screen go ahead and binge watch them if you haven't done already some of the thumbnails in that playlist are absolutely mental I guess they just set the scene for what the videos contain go ahead enjoy those yeah they're just absolutely crazy with all that being said make sure you are subscribed to my channel with notifications on a full daily reddit content and I will see you same time same place with another episode tomorrow
Channel: Redditor
Views: 116,607
Rating: 4.9548316 out of 5
Keywords: redditor, redditor insane parents, insane parents, r/insaneparents, r/ insaneparents, reddit insaneparents, r/entitled parents, reddit insane parents, insaneparents video, insane parents video, redditor entitled parents, r/entitledparents, entitledparents, entitled parents, reddit entitled parents, reddit stories, reddit memes, redditor insane, redditor insaneparents, r/insaneparents reddit, r/insaneparents the solar system is fake, r/insaneparents playlist
Id: lVwtZabB8G4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 2sec (662 seconds)
Published: Sun May 31 2020
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