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what is going on everyone welcome back to the channel i hope you're all doing well today i've got some more entitled parent stories for you so let's not waste any time let's get straight into them entitled parent calls me a junkie and tries to steal my life-saving medication just for reference this just happened yesterday i was on the bus heading home from the drugstore after re-upping my prescription a bit of backstory i'm unfortunate enough to be hiv positive and because of this i have to take antiretroviral drugs every day otherwise the virus will damage my immune system further because of what's been going on recently in this country i've mainly been working from home as a result i have really fallen off when it comes to my appearance on this particular day i just had on some really baggy sweatpants and a janky hoodie so i guess i could see how from a certain perspective i could look a little homeless after a couple of minutes on the bus i noticed this little kid staring at me and i guess my appearance might have frightened him but as a person of color i'm used to getting a couple of odd glances so i just went back to minding my own business at this point i started to take my medication while on the bus mainly because i didn't want to forget later while this was happening i got a sharp reminder that people were watching cue the entitled parent of the scared kid screaming at me how dare you do you people have no shame i was shocked all i could say was what the entitled parent continues yelling what do you mean what who do you think you are stop popping pills in front of my kid in a public place you filthy junkie at this point i started getting mad i held up the bottle and tried to explain that it wasn't what she thought it was but before i could finish explaining she tries to snatch the bottle while shrieking about how i am a leech to society and how if i was raised right and had real parents i wouldn't be a disgusting addict that last one really made me pretty mad because both my parents worked really hard and are wonderful people so i kinda lost it what the f would you know about parenting the day your kid moves out will be the happiest day of his life by now she completely forgotten about the drugs and straight up just launched herself at me on some superman stuff and started clawing at my face so boom at this point the entitled prayer and i had the attention of pretty much the entire bus including the bus driver luckily we soon came to a stop and the bus driver helped remove her and her kid from the bus but not before yelling some questionable stuff on her way out well what a start to the video um tensions seem pretty high in this story and yeah i'm not surprised having to take tablets in this situation in public it must be horrible because i assume this is not the first time this has happened to you you know if you're diabetic and you have to take insulin in public as a regular occurrence it can't be nice having entitled people like this you know assuming that you're you're a druggie a junkie it's not it's not very nice is it i think it's worth us all remembering that you know not all pills are bad a lot of them actually save lives crazy i know it's almost as if there are doctors that prescribe them for you but yeah if we were all a little bit more intelligent this would probably happen less moving on to our next story have a look at this title guys entitled mum asked me to turn down the volume on a lawnmower a little bit of context i'm 14 years old and i have no way of making money other than mowing lawns my local church's lawn is huge and they pay my dad around six to ten thousand a year to do it and he pays me eight dollars an hour so we mow the lawn there every week and it takes us about two to three hours each time six to 10k a year for mowing a lawn wow so we arrive at the church lift up the deck and release the straps and everything to get the mo off the trailer and i get to use the zero turn this time fast forward about an hour and a half there's an entitled mum walking up the church is next to a park um could you turn down the volume of the mower please my son doesn't like it yes that's right she asked me to turn down the volume sorry mom it doesn't work that way you can't just turn down the volume because it's not a tv obviously i knew what she meant but if i turned it down it'd take ages to do the lawn fine then i'll just tell your father hmm go right ahead he'll tell you the exact same thing except he'll make it a bigger problem for you fine she didn't go to my father she actually went back to the park and sat down with a terrible look on her face fast forward about 10 or so minutes and the entitled mum was still fuming she was walking over to me now i was on the south field next to my dad's truck she said to my dad your son is driving like a maniac no i wasn't and he refuses to turn down the volume of the mower and my son doesn't like loud noises so my dad said sorry suck it up he can't turn it down he was using finger quotes but what he can do is make it go slower which makes it quieter the entitled mum looks for a chance to cut him off and be right so the little idiot lie to me well yeah but then it'd take us much longer to do our work my dad then proceeds to grab the edger and walked off to the highway to edge and i drive off to finish mowing the entire mum had walked away with a furious look in her eyes but she couldn't do anything about it yeah i'm not gonna lie on this one op i feel like here you're giving this entitled parent the benefit of the doubt i reckon she genuinely didn't think that you couldn't just turn down the volume on a lawnmower like you know like a tv as you say i think she's just stupid i'm sorry from reading that can you not agree like you say obviously i knew what she meant i don't think she meant like to go slower i think she genuinely meant it's too loud turn it down oh just so stupid now moving on to our third story entitled mom waits until i go to the bathroom and then let her kid eat all my food at a restaurant hey guys so it's been quite a while since i've posted here i was in luck no entitled parents in sight for so long but it looks like my luck ran way out yesterday alright let's dive into some context here so in my city amid the whole pandemic patio dining just started opening in restaurants i've been super careful during this whole thing social distancing the whole bits yesterday i finally decided i wanted to go eat at a restaurant for the first time since march and this one great restaurant near my house was doing patio dining i show up and grab a table and place my order shortly after my food comes an entitled mum and an entitled kid take a seat at the table nearest to me i really needed to pee and i had a whole bunch of stuff with me i'd been running some errands so i turned to the entitled mum and asked if she would mind watching my stuff from her seats while i went to the bathroom she was super sweet oh sure honey go ahead and then i went on my way but then oh lord when i came back i didn't even know what the heck i was looking at there was the spawn of satan sitting in my seat with his bare hands shoveling my food into his mouth all of my bags were rummaged through and full of food from his dirty hands and the entitled mum was just sitting at her table scrolling through her phone what the heck happened here oh hey sweetie it looks like he took a real liking to your food he just couldn't keep his paws off mom we're in the middle of a pandemic and you don't know where i've been and i don't know where your child's been yet you thought we could just share food he's eaten almost all of it and what about my stuff excuse me you mangy twain what does that even mean i'm 19 by the way i wasn't gonna say anything but you don't need to be eating all of that food unless you want to get fatter than you already are i also don't like you implying that my baby has something as for your stuff he saw some stupid knickknacks he wanted to play with in there what did you want me to do about it quit whining and eat the rest of your food i don't know maybe uh be a mother or something take care of your kid oof i'm in no way overweight right now but as someone who's struggled hard with eating disorders in the past i saw red oh and those stupid knick-knacks she mentioned 90 of it were birthday presents for my mum whose birthday is coming up next weekend oh and all the while as we're arguing the entitled kid is still eating his mom and i start raising our voices when the manager finally comes out thank god you're here this maggie child is trying to take our food and our stuff right over here i'd like you to call the police the manager looked at the entitled mum and then back at me and then back at the mum mum i'm not sure if you're maybe not in the right mindset you seem maybe a little unhinged but i was actually here when this young lady came in and ordered i actually brought her food out since we're understaffed i mean i surely could have mistaken you two if you weren't a hack but unfortunately for you he shrugs at this point a man arrives our decent dad i don't actually know for sure but i'm assuming he showed up late to join the entitled mum and their kid for lunch after work because he was on a course still he noticed the commotion and wither here we go again look he hung up and came over i explained the whole situation to him and the entitled mum gave her twisted side of the story now he immediately believed me which makes me think that she's definitely pulled some bs like this before oh yeah no doubts honey let's just leave please come on yeah you guys are definitely leaving but you still have this young lady's meal to pay for and whatever reimbursement is needed for these items you ruined unless you'd like the police to be involved in your dreams i'm not giving you or this child a penny let's go she grabs the kid and starts leaving and motions for the dad to follow her the decent dad really silently came up to me and the manager and started apologizing profusely and taking out money from his wallet to give to me here please take this i'm so sorry genuinely i'm looking into a divorce currently with my lawyer but she can't know about it just yet here i'm really sorry about your stuff and your food please replace everything on me i'm so so so sorry he closed his wallet and left while still apologizing i felt so bad for that guy geez i hope he gets out of that situation asap anyway i think i found some comfort knowing that the entitled mum has a surprise divorce fastball heading her way that's gonna be a fun time for the dad and pure amusement for little old me yo forget the money for a second i feel like this dad should invite you to the moment when he's gonna get a divorce with his wife you know break up with her and just he's in the process of breaking up with her getting that divorce and from out of nowhere you just step out of the corridor into the room how amazing would that be what what a delicious treat that'll be this entitled mom just pure karma now to be fair like this is kind of horrifying pandemic or not going through someone else's food and just not stopping your kid from doing that what sort of a mum is this again i don't blame the kid because you know he sounds like he's a young guy um but the mum just sitting there scrolling through her phone thinking it's fine saying oh there are just some knickknacks in your bag so my kid can go through it again no logic here but um that's to be expected on this subreddit i guess anyway guys that is going to do it for this entitled parent story a bit more fun compared to yesterday's video if you do want to go and watch it it's on screen right now i must say as i say in the intro of that video warning it potentially could trigger some of you uh yeah the themes that are in that video are kind of dark now if you don't want to watch that one don't worry just make sure you are subscribed to my channel so you never miss out on daily content there'll be a video tomorrow same time same place which you don't want to miss so put your notifications on and i'll see you there
Channel: Redditor
Views: 182,017
Rating: 4.961184 out of 5
Keywords: redditor, r/entitledparents, r/entitled parents, entitled parents, reddit entitled parents, redditor entitled parents, entitledparents, reddit stories, funny reddit, best of reddit, entitled parents fail, entitledparents fails, rslash entitledparents, entitled parents reddit, top posts reddit, entitled parents stories, entitled parents video, r/ entitledparents, r/ entitledparents redditor, redditor r/entitledparents, funny reddit stories, entitled parents posts, ep video, eps
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 45sec (705 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 14 2020
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