r/insaneparents | "YOU LOST TOO MUCH WEIGHT... PUT IT BACK ON!"

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for Christmas I want a dragon ah be realistic fine parents that treat me like a human I'll what color do you want your dragon what is going on everyone welcome back to my channel now if you thought entitled parents were bad prepare yourself for this Sabrina I'm taking my kids out of the school districts my tenure I'll just told me that his teacher told the class that humans are animal what the f I'm pissed should I not be she wasn't directly talking to him this was a class lesson subject of the day I didn't know they thought Scientology in public school for God's sake if we're not animals what are we plants I mean come on and also this is not Scientology you ethier I would like you to come to church with us tomorrow please 10:30 someone has a dress you can wear and you can stay for lunch and dinner sister would love to see you I can't come up there I've got work from 10:00 to 7:00 I told you to schedule off work on Sundays tell your manager you won't make it you can either come to our church or go in your roommates mum I can't just tell him I won't make it besides I get paid more on Sundays so it's worth it for me to work this isn't an argument you're coming to church with us I'm going to drive down to get you and you could sleep here tonight um no this isn't an argument I'm going to get you I want you to at least try to be active maybe if you actually try to pray and read a book a moment I'll let you decide but until then you're going to come with us okay mum I'm working tomorrow I'm going to keep working Sunday's I've read The Book of Mormon and I pray daily for 18 years of my life you don't pay my rent you don't pay my tuition you don't pay for my insurance and I'm an adult's so you have no say in my decisions anymore okay maybe if you want to stop acting like this I might schedule a Sunday off in the future just to hear me you have a good night man [ __ ] some clothes for tomorrow I'm coming to your apartment what have fun trying to get in nights so you'll tell it me that even after spending 18 years following a religion you don't necessarily believe in just because your mum tells you to you're not allowed to stop doing that when you become adults Wow my granny told me about making a potato necklace to draw out fevers it turns completely black and you'll it really works Nona's fever yesterday was 102.3 now he's at ninety eight point two now guys the insane thing about this is that twenty seven point seven thousand people believe this they think this is the potato during out the fever and not just oxidizing and going horrible they come on these poor kids kid I'm dying mom here's a potato that's gonna solve everything insane parents yelling at me because my bank account is empty my money in a bank account only I know exists ya better keep it there better keep it safe you gotta save every last penny you know but seriously though if you've got a joint account with your parent or guardian and get your money out of there before it's too late where are you guys we're out to dinner right now what I just got home from work why would you guys go without me I really wanted to go you couldn't have waited like ten minutes until I got home don't use that tone with me we'll talk when I get home huh whatever Jack invited me to go get some food anyways so I'll just do that okay be home by 8:00 it's literally 7:40 how am I supposed to be home by then what I don't care be back home at 8:00 or you're grounded so she's old enough to work but not old enough to go out pass a great parenting yes I'm awake I want you home today please it's all rainy out up here it's supposed to turn to sleet and snow soon yeah but no ice back roads might have a lil like within the next hour I think then get moving leave soon I want my Tahoe home the roads are gonna be really slippery no they ants mum it's been raining then freezing rain and now it's already snowing I want the Tahoe home I'm trying to be cautious by knowing when I should drive or not I'm not trying to be mean so you're saying you want the Tahoe or your daughter yeah why are you caring about your car more than my safety listen guys you don't understand she raised that Tahoe help my son's in the ER he has pneumonia at influenza A and they're telling me that he could die if he doesn't get flew I declined it please tell me I'm right 139 comments I really hope they give you some sort of common sense but unfortunately this is on vaccination re-education discussion forum god dang it's all over for your son that is just insanity so look there's me and there's my parents talking trash about me in the kitch feels bad look at her she's so innocent I'm sorry this is what happens when little boys are disrespectful and you want this crazy or just me so you took a hammer to your kids property why not just hide it into a cupboard until they apologize what the heck like what sort of life lessons is that teaching your kids so stupid this year keeps getting worse for my poor James he Oded on New Year's Day but it was his fault now the doctors said he has HIV do not get the flu vaccine they don't know what viruses go in here I'm pretty sure they do that's the whole point three of my nephew's are autism and now my poor son has to live with AIDS pray Finn please oh my god three of your nephew's are autism they are its itself insane I knew James in high school and I stopped being his friend the night he tried pressuring me into shooting up heroin I'm sorry he has HIV but stop adding to all of this anti-vaxxer yes yes preacher so I didn't vaccinate my baby today and now my mother has called me a bad mom and said I'm brainwashed and stupid and that if my baby died tonight it would be my fault I suffer from complex PTSD and now I won't sleep all night worrying and it will make me neurotic now I can't do right for doing wrong yeah how about just listen to your mum I gave her guys get your head around this reply I'm gonna say your mum isn't idiots just because she's your mum doesn't mean she has to stay in your life it's because my brother died of me oh my goodness me it's because my brother died of measles so she's regretting not vaccinating him herself oh my god learn your lesson your brother is dead what the heck vaccinate your kids oh my god have you seen two more stupid people in your life that needs to Wow again they need to be put in obese woman who lost 122 pounds because of family goading and now says they think she is too thin the young woman whose family told her she'd explode if she ate anymore managed to lose half her body weight by dieting and exercising but now her family has stopped speaking to her accusing her of being too skinny all right so that's how I look at these photos so this one is what she was before and that's how she looks nice wow what a change she lost 122 pounds that's insane so she's a fitness influencer from Michigan she struggled with her weight since childhood and by age 17 she topped out at 252 pounds prompting judgmental comments from family members who told her it was too bad she was so big because she had a pretty face as an adult that now 25 year old has managed to lose a hundred and twenty-two pounds bringing her weight down to just 130 pounds but unfortunately her family is still critical and some have even cut ties with her over her healthier lifestyle this is so stupid what kind of family does this to their daughter that must be weight loss jealousy which is a real thing I imagine she just massively overtook her family and they're now way fatter than her all I'm gonna say is well done to this girl you've done an insane thing in your life I acknowledge that your child made a valid point against you or draw 25 pair ins they'll do anything just to seem right won't they nothing is more critical or urgent than a father teaching his little girl at the business end of his belt that masculine ambition in women will not be tolerated old Jesus if your little girl so much as looks cross-eyed at a college campus you need to break her will and keep breaking it until she understands that you will not be disrespected um interesting start to this one I wouldn't recommend you marry these educated women with these degrees they don't make for good wives and mothers Christian radio host Jesse Lee Peterson Jesse what why Jesse why I said this for decades only thing worse than dating toddlers with degrees is marrying a toddler then letting her pursue a degree during your marriage Oh marrying a toddler that's that's pedophilia my dude can we not is she freaking kidding me she stopped me from doing laundry because of a done superstition my head is going to explode from this BS what I never heard of that is this something new or never heard that if you do launch your New Year's Day you'll be washing your loved ones away ah she thinks someone in the family is gonna die in the next year if I do laundry this is this is the most crazy one I think I see how stupid can you get just tell your mum if she doesn't stop this BS you will intentionally step on a crack let's see how she reacts to that when vaccinated parents refused to vaccinate their kids oh don't worry he's totally safe yes son just hold on to this beehive real quick all right all these suggestions for parental control apps that work for Apple I need to be able to block my child from contacting anyone but myself and go ah parent of the Year awards ladies and gents he's already got it in the back for 2020 my parents it's your mess boy you should clean it me when that makes mess dad this is your mess you [ __ ] Merce is Merce clean it up anyway we're gonna leave it there for this episode of our slash insane parents now I haven't actually done one of these in a very long time so let me know if you want to see more on this operator if you do immediately I've got a playlist for you up on the screen of all my insane parents videos for you to go and binge watch with that being said I'll see you guys all tomorrow for a brand new upload on the channel
Channel: Redditor
Views: 276,123
Rating: 4.9564886 out of 5
Keywords: redditor, r/entitledparents, r/entitled parents, entitled parents, reddit entitled parents, redditor entitled parents, entitledparents, reddit stories, r/insaneparents, insane parents, redditor insaneparents, r/insane parents, insaneparents the click, insane parents reddit, insane parents compilation, reddit insane parents, insane parents video, insaneparents video
Id: DhmJx-ON_WU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 0sec (600 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 02 2020
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