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[Music] what is going on everyone that welcome back to my channel I hope you're all doing well today I'm having a look at our / facepalm it's a pretty cool subreddit one of my favorites where we get to watch people do stupid stuff and laugh at them what's not to love this is why you don't see a single word to the police I just shot a dude and burnt down a gas station and I'm free as a bird apart from the fact you just spammed it all over your social media so congrats dude the police will be in contact in the morning looking to purchase a kitten under $10 must be in mint condition I have a black baby looking for a kitten but thanks Lowell it is a kitten oh jesus there's so much wrong with this entire thing what color should I paint my wheels for the strip this year why didn't you just take the frickin wheels off they spent so long masking over everything it's so stupid you know what leave the painting to someone else leave the driving to someone else you just need to do nothing you just do your own life kit this is a family this is not a family no it's two families isn't it unless I'm missing the point here probably a kid born in 2010 is now 20 just let that sink in he doing that are Kelly ma can you believe that with all of the problems of difficulties faced in the u.s. President Obama spent the day playing golf worse than Carter now that was Donald Trump's tweet back in 2014 when Obama of course was president yeah just so the day may 23rd 2020 Trump is seeing golfing at his Virginia Club admit the corona virus pandemic comes back to bite you in the butt doesn't it president haqqa' hut in Thailand it was considered a capital offence punishable by death if someone touched the Queen in 1880 the Queen drowned when her royal boat capsized on the way to the palace the many witnesses to the accident did not dare touch the Queen while she was jogging when your own room means you oh wow that's that's a feels bad all my siblings and myself had chicken pox and measles my own children all had chicken pox and I'm pretty sure my son had a mild case of measles we're all untaxed exclamation mark yeah that explains the chicken pox and measles I love there's been an hour since this person's first post they just realized in that hour what idiot they've been you need to get back sedated come on I'll do anything for my country well we just need you to wear a mask but I don't wanna I actually wore a bandana covering my face nose down to go to the bank today whole time I'm thinking I've convicted people on less evidence than this yeah but you just made a terrifying point about our criminal justice system which you didn't intend to make oh yeah you did his oppose from I would like to butter your muffins today I learned that blind people have a hard time drawing because they interpret the world as three-dimensional and struggle to portray it as two-dimensional and Here I am an idiot it's thinking it's because they can't see no I think you're right I think this MA I think the person above is is kind of waffling let's just say that like surely if you can't see what you're drawing it's not gonna be a very good picture here is the staff and max Verstappen the Formula One driver showing the actual Dutch flag to a fan so they've shown him a Russian flag with his name on it brilliant and on this phone you could it wrong lady but you know what I kind of rate the intention here you're a fan I'll allow it Texas sees thousands of new coronavirus cases days after the state's stay-at-home order is lifted yeah well um I wonder why that might be I can't quite put my finger on it let me think about that one for a second hi good morning please don't drink bleach or disinfectant of any type I currently have three in edy that drank the Trump kool-aid overnights severe he'll esophageal Bernice I haven't seen that right lung damage it's a serious please say that you're joking sorry I'm not this is the problem when people say stuff people in authority say things that are actually stupid people are just gonna do them because you have that position of authority I can't believe people have done this to be fair that is bordering on absolutely idiotic proof of the globe proof of the FATA 77 cell phone towers have been set on fire so far due to a weird coronavirus 5g conspiracy theory seriously if you believe that then Jesus Christ we've got a big problem this thing is so cool I might get one it's a Bluetooth hose it's like a hundred dollars oh my god look at the fight all right clear this guy is playing a prank I mean this thing doesn't exist how that logistically work oh nice did you end up getting it ah Jesus dude if you looked at the photo properly it's a come-on someone wearing a shirt that says America love it or leave it while holding the flag of a group of people who definitely try to leave it has been one of the best examples of irony I've ever seen now I would say this post was a little bit boring to be honest but then you look at the guy and I can't help but see Tim the tat man right there with a bit more hair surely that looks exactly like him roses are red why there is no reasoning Florida cop claims Burger King put on his food investigation reveals it was seasoning an all-time classic poem right there Jeff Bezos could become world's first trillionaire by 2026 are that's awesome there are 7.5 billion people in the world Jeff Bezos could literally end world poverty and give everyone 1 billion dollars and he would still have 90 1.5 billion left that is the Matt's we like to see the children at my son's elementary school have started referring to me as a Karen and mocking my chic hairstyle is there anything I can do in the way of legal action to prevent this I am deeply offended well posting a question about suing eight-year-olds is probably the wrong way to beat the stereotype Texas mayor broke her own stay-at-home order to go to nail salon oh just look at the photo unreal this is the supreme leader of all Karen's right here ladies and gents WWE's John Cena surprises make-a-wish seven-year-old with cancer got you the way this is written it sounds as if John Cena has given this person this seven-year-old this innocent kid cancer I know the real story behind this he went to surprise someone and give them a call who actually had cancer but New York Post can you rewrite it a little better please now guys you know face masks they're becoming a legal thing that you have to wear in many countries um you know they've gotta be cloth got to cover your face those are the basics this woman doesn't really seem to get that because I'm not sure what sort of what sort of bacteria this particular face mask looks more like a fishing net to me is is going to be covering Jesus Christ if everyone had a face marks like this we'd be in deep deep trouble talking about face masks Texas Governor says no one needs to wear a mask businesses do not have to provide them to employees all churches are now open hey Patrick what am i stupid no I'm Texas for what's the difference I often think fondly of the stranger on the subway who saw me playing a game on my phone and told me to read a freaking Burke not knowing at the time I was a full time book reviewer like I wonder what he's up to slash who else is bothering ya this reminds me of when I asked Twitter for their favorite games on the phone for a long flights and people told me that I should try these things called books reading ever heard of it New York Times bestselling author Celeste Angie I'm not sure how to pronounce that Santa my apologize yeah I mean guys we don't have to read books all the time yes reading is probably a good thing to do but playing games - the phone is fun man knowledge Patterson's Batman will be so raw and not sanitized says cast member Peter Sarsgaard yeah the last thing the word once right now is a raw unsanitized perhaps Jesus anti lockdown protest leader tested positive for coronavirus that is ironic one kilometre over to your right there is water but also one mile over to your left there is water Americans yeah just go with the mike good the Americas all right a mile is less than a kilometer one mile is 1.6 kilometers yes but the sign says one kilometer not 1.6 kilometers my guy so let me get this straight Elon Musk is willing to subject his factory workers to covert but won't subject himself to criticism on Twitter and here the guy has attached a photo of Elon Musk blocking him on Twitter but Elon Musk has replied no I just think you're a boring idiot now if that isn't that reason enough to block someone on Twitter I don't know what is all right here is a Facebook post from a Karen here's another good read coronavirus hype biggest political hopes in history Jesus off to a great start here in this one Cara you're great aren't just died of it this morning in Indiana I know she was a high risk though the Karen that doesn't make it right I mean you're not doing well for the stereotype of the Karen name right here I'm sorry the guy on the left was arrested and convicted for illegally selling missiles to Iran during the Reagan administration the guy on the right is a Fox News military analyst who thinks Iran shouldn't have missiles they're the same guy Oh Mike Oliver North Oliver North how can one man change his opinion so much I mean I kind of rate it to be honest he's gone full circle and now he's saying that Iran should have missiles I kind of agree with him fair play too only north anyway guys that is gonna do it for this video on our slash face bomb undoubtedly one of my favorite subreddits yeah you just get to laugh at stupid people and it makes you feel better about your own decisions what's not to like if you do want some more face bomb bang there's another one on screen right there go ahead and watch it one of my most favorite videos have actually made recently I think the editing on that one is on point thank you very much to steve-o for the edit without all being said make sure you are subscribed with notifications on as I upload daily and I will see you guys tomorrow for a brand new upload on the channel
Channel: Redditor
Views: 109,571
Rating: 4.9355645 out of 5
Keywords: redditor, r/entitledparents, r/entitled parents, entitled parents, reddit entitled parents, redditor entitled parents, entitledparents, reddit stories, funny reddit, best of reddit, entitled parents fail, entitledparents fails, rslash entitledparents, entitled parents reddit, top posts reddit, entitled parents stories, entitled parents video, r/ entitledparents, r/ entitledparents redditor, redditor r/entitledparents, funny reddit stories, entitled parents posts, ep video, eps
Id: vy_X1DNHWwQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 49sec (649 seconds)
Published: Wed May 27 2020
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