The Saga Begins | RimWorld Vikings Modded Ep 1

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fighting guns [Music] hello again everyone we are gaming by gaslight and welcome back to another episode of rimworld and by another episode i mean a brand new series as you can probably guess just by looking it's a viking theme series yeah using vanilla faction expanded vikings and of course our usual assortment of vanilla expanded mods and other mods which hopefully this time i'll remember to actually make a list of to put on steam before even starting this series just to avoid any issues there anyway uh yeah so we're using one of the starting scenarios which um yeah it starts with us immediately raiding someone else and presumably taking over their town and you know what i like about this it's all made of wood so i can fairly easily get rid of it if i don't like it though to be honest this i mean this looks kind of passable is a viking settlement i think maybe i should probably look into it i mean it's got some defenses all i really need to do is uh i feel like i said defense is weird defenses anyway you know just expand this this could be like the central great hall and then we could have some stuff kind of surrounding around it but you know what i should look into that what uh you know a proper you know viking age village would have looked like and also there's a conveniently nearby anima tree that is just outside the range of all this building stuff but i kind of think it would be cool to build our base here it's a very nicely fortified area which full disclosure i used um map designer and matt reroll to get it just right which you know what since i did that might as well open up the old mod settings and boob app designer there we go let's have a look at what our settings are so you can recreate something like this if you want to play along at home it's gonna go slowly there feel free to pause the video if you need to take a little peek at stuff here's our terrain a little bit of that we got our things ah shoot i forgot to bump up ancient dangers because i like ancient ruins and stuff on the map but honestly you know that that's okay it's all right got some rivers we got uh rich soil along the riverbanks here which uh i did a test run before and it created way way too much uh rich soil and no added features so the only added features are perfectly round lakes and natural lakes kind of cool if uh there's an option to force spawn caves and stuff because caves are always cool but you know what that's perfectly fine one way or the other and map reroll of course just lets you reroll the map but i've already committed to this map so that's it also this is uh music manager real handy anyway that's uh that's that so let's excuse me get into the game shall we i think the one mod that i didn't add that i should have added was um oh what is it it's uh it's some kind of mod that makes and or makes your pawns automatically target you know the next enemy to fight when they have killed or incapacitated whoever it was that they were oh look at that whoever it was that they were going to fight anyway so here we are you know what i didn't set uh oh god there's like no real doctors here that's kind of unfortunate anyway let's uh oh wait no doctoring should be a top priority so you can be patient and bed rest secondary all right let's uh and maybe i shouldn't worry about this um still trying to still trying to master that better usage of you know setting up priorities and such but uh we'll get there and all of our animals actually while everyone's walking let's uh i want to train them normally i don't have our animals attack but as this is a low-tech medieval scenario you guys are already bonded to people are you wait bond it to freya maybe this just didn't update right away and where you bought it to to rollo and the rest of you i'll just give to people at random there we are bill says you're unhappy even though i've put you with who you're bonded to why is that oh well you know it's probably not a big deal you do you dogs okay so one two three four five i mean i don't think they're that tough also you know let's have a quick look at the factions while we're heading here the only non-medieval tech faction well aside from i guess technically the bugs are the imperium of god that is that is a very uh very thematically appropriate name i guess but uh yeah there's actually a mod that i think um [Music] limits uh even even the royalty factions to medieval tech only so that's a cool also for anyone who may follow along at home you may notice that these are fogged up but if you're playing they are not it's because i used dev mode to fog things up before we zoomed in and took a look and started recording because i want what's in here to be as much a mystery to me as it will end up being to you guys i'm gonna have half dan and eric uh sneak on over here and meanwhile our melee people will advance excuse me i said our melee people will advance but you guys like i guess i don't care what's going on yeah i'm gonna i'm definitely gonna have to put in a mod that let's uh let's our fellows here uh you know automatically start attacking and actually you know what i don't want you to go away from my the relatively safe proximity all right we're taking some hits but uh i have some confidence also half down is everyone else is like in their 20s or 30s young guys we've got like 71 year old half down here who he's really only on this raid because he's trying to he's just too good he wants to die and go to valhalla but he just he just can't die so there we there we go come on take take him out or her whoever you are yeah there we go and you know what uh really makes me happy about this no one actually fell and by that i mean you know none of our guys oh you know what else is everything i forgot to show off is our difficulty settings we're on freyja fierce as the usual we're on you know save any time just because if something goes wrong i want to be able to reload from a save forever then be stuck with it um i believe i set it to strive to survive for the beginning but i lowered colonist instant kills to 60 just because i have a feeling uh given the nature of this play-through there's gonna be a lot of people dying anyway and just instant kills don't feel fun same idea here lower this just a little bit i might actually lower this as far to 50 percent but uh you know we'll see whatever whatever feels right really okay so strick here he's a weaver do we want him he's a crafter a grower i mean he's a great grower he's got a great memory he's a quick sleeper he's also a cannibal that's kind of concerning but uh he has a morbid meditation focus type what does that mean i know there's somewhere i can see that in better detail but off the top of my oh there we go so graves and sarcophagi i give him more meditation focus which is really only useful if we get like psychic powers which did you get really hurt just got a couple of bruises i'm sure you'll be fine oh there goes stanley who uh is a pretty undergrounder with a annoying voice he is also bisexual [Music] waiter apparently everyone in this uh [Music] this particular settlement is bisexual well everyone who's still alive i don't really care about the people who aren't alive [Music] and that's curious ace my dog seems to be intrigued by so excuse me oh right claim that's the word i'm looking for we shall claim all of this as our own that way we can look inside and see what's going on curious i'm not expecting anyone maybe there's someone mailman might be by does like to bark at the mailman [Music] uh let's see who else i'm gonna yo i'm gonna go check up on that and i will catch up with you bye and bye or at least let's take a look at what the buildings are then we'll cut ahead and see what's going on by the by all right pretty uh straightforward little town isn't it actually are you gonna bleed to death well you got 16 hours and you got 10 hours so there's definitely time anyway i'll be right back [Music] all righty then so we're back and let's uh let's get this thing started by allowing everything but uh not a bad stockpile of of gear i've got to say so with that in mind let's uh let's create a nice little stockpile zone and we'll just stockpile everything in there and again with uh strick i mean he's probably worth keeping now what about the other guy stanley yeah there you are uh i mean the annoying voice that's a little unfortunate but uh he's pretty so it makes up for it i guess as long as he doesn't talk people will be okay with him and he's also a good grower i guess if we had one of those uh you know slave labor mods we could also i just put them to work but you know what i'm not that kind of guy so i figure let's uh go ahead and unrecruit everyone and let them go about their lives uh let's see here got a plan oh these are ebony beds wow fancy uh i'm gonna go ahead and maybe make these these are gonna be medical beds these are going to be prisoner beds yeah i know it affects the whole room thank you all right so none of our oh you're alive too naoki who is also bisexual a tea tooler fast walker and a hard worker double passion for mining and cooking though not terribly good at either uh double passion for intellectual pretty social pretty artistic i mean i guess we can do something with all of these people so we will and you're that's a corpse so let's also go over everyone's health actually you know what occurs to me if i just set everyone to attack probably wouldn't require any mods at all i wouldn't oh god you lost a toe well that's uh you're okay um you're also okay got 23 hours before you die you know i hate the constant loss of toes and things and just the little uh bits i hate that if there's anything i hate in rimworld it's that everything else is pretty okay as far as i'm concerned but i hate the constant loss of toes and this is deep ocean so we can't cross it and you know what's really lovely no one can spawn in this corner of the map in fact the only way anyone can show up is if they either come up here like literally try to come up the river which will slow them down or fro here the only way we could ask for more is if this was more of a choke point but frankly it's still pretty good and we can turn it into more of a choke point if we so desire you know maybe build uh some walls along the edges here i think that could be pretty sweet all right so that's uh that's that though as i said i do kind of want to move things this away but for the time being this will this will do also nice hair all right so we want to we want to try recruiting everyone how is everyone's health 10 hours 16 you know what that's actually kind of helpful with the equipment we've got uh with low tech people who don't die immediately are probably you know they're gonna have a few hours to do their thing uh i s what the heck is ragnarok okay they're bringing the medicine back stanley is already no longer incapable of walking oh yeah and when it comes to medicine let's make sure everyone can tend to themselves there's freya up to oh oh what what's happening something's attacking something or is eating something over here that's a little scary also we are using the lord of the rings third age mod too assuming i can find it in here oh i just don't have the tech um it's around here somewhere i don't know if it's its own tech or something i have to spawn in but there is uh some tech that allows us hmm to um make uh shelving and salt pots hmm it's around here somewhere we'll we'll find it i i'm pretty sure i'm pretty sure we'll find it sounds like a rabbit getting murdered and by murdered i mean being hunted okay well you're you're just dead that's unfortunate anyway oh boy well that could have gone better could have gone worse who still needs tending you've got 13 hours you have you know just 10 to yourself if you're not gonna die tend to yourself i thought i had more time but apparently not oh good god why are you having a mental break already ravenously hungry fine consume the pemmican i'm sure you have time to save stanley you do not have time to save stanley go save save danley please who else has a major break it's just freya it's it's very very unfortunate what's going on here right now but uh zero percent quality all right um where's freya have you finished eating you're tending pen to ragnar i want at least one of you to survive well two of you really but uh oh yeah ragnar is he's bleeding to death that's that's a problem or eric you're you'll never do doctoring of course not half dan oh i can just tell this is gonna go poorly you know what screw it everyone stop what you're doing quick tend to ragnar you're the best doctor we've got you're the only one who might be able to pull this off okay there we go uh rollo can you uh tend yourself i don't think you can because you have blood laws and you're incapable of caring that's right all very unfortunate things but what you're gonna do and we need somewhere to drop the corpses of the dead so let's uh because that's gonna make people angry darn vikings getting angry about about corpses it's kind of a shame there wasn't a um a viking trait or something at it with the uh viking oh yeah we also uh well i don't want to spoil too much about that but we've got uh some interesting stuff that can transpire also how do these uh crossbows compare 32 range or 18 range 32 damage and we compare that to the recurve bow which uh has 26 range and 14 damage so it's more damage less range yeah and also more armor penetration and other such things how's the gladius 6.2 for i think our viking weapons are better all right so yeah overall life is uh how's eric doing he's got 23 hours he'll be he'll be fine though he does have severe blood loss relax did the coyote get killed by no surely not oh oh no that's just iron right that's from lord of the rims right there uh eric before you oh yeah you can't tend to yourself we'll have to get freya to do that let's uh maybe patch up all the blood or clean up all the blood and then head into eric here so that he does not die because you know in general we don't want people dying um yeah alright so what do we really need to do to make sure that we're off to a great start well let's gather up all these animal corpses here for starters and after that after that you know what let's get rid of uh some of the stuff we don't need like all of this excessive uh yeah excessive stuff get rid of that don't need it and i think i'll keep this because honestly it's still good and also ace seems to be barking again for some reason and you know what it was nothing he was barking at nothing well nothing i could see which i guess doesn't necessarily mean that uh there was nothing just that there was nothing that i could find and do we really have no i guess it's yes it's just kind of you isn't it the rest of you have nothing better to do you can get in there you know we probably should have stripped them i mean they don't have their weapons but they do have upper stuff like the shield mostly it's just the shield i would want to get rid of uh sigurdsson you're not a constructor who is our best constructor who can maybe you're passionate about it well sigurdsson is also passionate just not good at it all right i am i'm not convinced we're actually getting on top here so let's just have rolo go in there and just cut the guy's legs off that'll salt don't you dare break the door come on take him down rollo future king of normandy okay and there we go problem has solved itself and you know what just for that you lost your clothes privileges and you also caused your friend to lose his clothes privileges so i hope you're happy and you know we'll make this room another dumping stockpile for now yeah although you know what i want to make sure there's no tainted apparel nothing tainted we don't want that there we go all right get rid of all those clothes ragnar and stanley are still in a pretty pretty tight spot but other than that i think we need colonist beds there's beds for everyone right here actually that's not true i i lied uh you know what in that case we'll just reinstall this bed over here i mean if we start hunting and get some butcher spots and everything then we should be able to start making fur beds and working on you know all the various things that we would like to do but yeah i think i hate i hate this duster ruining my immersion but i didn't want to i didn't want to completely force non-medieval stuff to be out of the game because of the potential that might have on messing with uh like the empire and other other stuff oh well i'm sure we'll be fine also uh you know what let's while i'm thinking about it like a couple of meta meditation spots around the old animus tree there we are that way people can do stuff over there anyone uh about to have a mental break i don't think so it also seems to me that it's probably time to wrap this episode up so i figure what i'll do is i'll probably fast forward into episode two when everyone has recovered or if something interesting happens before then like we get horribly raided or murderized or something it'll be a bad idea to have a muffalo let's tame a muffalo if we can as well but anyway that's gonna do it for this first episode so until the next time as always thank you all for watching i hope you all enjoyed don't forget to hit that like button or maybe leave me a comment down below let me know what you're thinking i will see all you in the next video [Music] foreign
Channel: GamingByGaslight
Views: 41,574
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lets play rimworld, rimworld gameplay, rimworld modded, rimworld 1.0, lets play rimworld 1.0, lets play rimworld modded, rimworld gameplay 1.0, rimworld 2020, gamingbygaslight, gaming by gaslight, altered carbon, rimworld altered carbon, vanilla expanded, rimworld vikings, vikings, rimworld medieval, valhalla
Id: 7THfM21rh4Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 19sec (1579 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 12 2020
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