Things I Wish I Knew Before Playing Rimworld (Tips And Tricks Guide)

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ah rimworld a wonderful game challenging yet forgiving nothing can possibly do uh [ __ ] portal face on ground oh sandbags now i'm going to be honest with you guys i think we all have struggled with a few things when we first played rimworld some of these things were probably obvious some of them not so much in today's video i'm going to show you 10 things i wish i knew before i started playing rimworld starting off with number one your pawns need light to move faster this one feels pretty obvious right but it's not necessarily going to be the first thing you think about when your pawns land on a barren wasteland the lack of light will cause your pawns to suffer from the darkness debuff the darkness debuff causes work speed penalties and gives -5 mood after all no one likes working in the dark to give us an example i'm gonna have mclafflin here cook us some simple meals in the dark while she is busy doing that i'm going to count how many seconds it takes for her to complete one meal there she's done now i'm going to place a torch right here next to the stove and repeat what we just did as you can see there's a significant increase in work speed with the light when working indoors it's best to use torches or lamps to avoid this penalty moving on to number two pemmican is the most efficient food in the game is it pemmican or pomegium who knows comment down below how do you say it is it pemmican or permission moving up before we get into the details on this one i want to read the first paragraph of the rim world wiki for pemmican hemikin is a low-tech long-lasting food ideal for caravan trips it can be cooked after research for a mixture of 0.25 nutrition for meat and .25 nutrition from vegetables without cooking skill requirements on a campfire the old stove or an electric stove a single batch produces 16 pemmican with .05 nutrition each or 0.8 nutrition total and up to 20 can be consumed in one sitting it can also be purchased from trading no skill is required to make pemmican and your colonists won't get sick from eating it that's a major plus i can't forget to mention pemmican can last up to 70 days before decaying that's pretty awesome to be fair number three is a quick one you can mock your grow zone to not sew and reap whatever is growing naturally this option can be really convenient at the start of the game and is especially useful when you have random ambrosia sprouts or patches of heel root around your base delicious number four honestly number four should have been obvious stupid you can have multiple researchers working at the same time this can be super effective in the late game when you're trying to build your ship but it can also be useful early on to push through the early stages of the game for example you'd really want that to make it done so you're going to slap 10 researchers on it to get it done quicker you know number five banishing colonists we've all had that one colonist you know the one that can build all the colonists that won't clean because they are better than everyone else that really irritating colonist that's always having mental breaks and destroying your components yeah that counts well next time you're dealing with awful colonists and you find yourself wishing you could do something about it just remember click on their character bio there will be this fun little door button in the upper right hand corner of the menu click on it and all that terrible colonists will never be terrible trouble ever again number six is an interesting one faster research to continue off of number four sometimes you can't afford to have two colonists researching at one time maybe you just need that one level 12 researcher to work just a little bit faster well i do have a solution for you researchers need a clean research environment to work at and to provide you all with a clear example i have our good friend grief here who is going to be helping us today next to us i have two research rooms the only difference is the flooring and cleanliness one is very dirty with wood floors and one is perfectly sterile with sterile floors grief here is going to research for 10 seconds in each group we are going to track how much he accomplishes to see which option is more efficient now let's get started we are going to begin by having grief research in the dirty roof [Music] as you can see his work speed is pretty slow in 10 seconds he only managed to complete 12 research points now we are going to have grief use the sterile research room 10 seconds are over and as you can see grief managed to complete 17 research points that's almost a 50 increase in work speed now obviously we can't all get sterile floors but keeping your research room as clean as possible will increase research speed as well you're welcome for that one number seven you can use grenades to put out fires seriously you can actually use grenades to put out fires in rimworld aside from being super effective against your enemies grenades will put out any flames within its blast radius as you can see here [Music] [Music] number eight is an expansion of number seven or maybe a continuation whichever word you prefer hunting with grenades is safer now hear me out this sounds ridiculous i'm sure but just think about it you're hunters lurking in the night you hear what sounds like a twig snapping in the distance and then back dinner has been captured grenades deal a ton of damage regardless of shooter skill and as a bonus the damage they deal in a single blast can easily down most animals because of this it reduces the chance of man hunting packs as well [Music] also grenades are fun [Applause] number nine whatever reason it may be you can force your colonists to stay awake in hospitals by using certain substances by giving them yayo or goat juice a colonist whose consciousness is at forty percent will see a significant jump in consciousness when administered yayo in the hospital here's an example we're going to cause some grief for a random colonist here somebody break this man's legs as you can see this poor soul is an incredible amount of pain he is definitely losing consciousness but we can't have that so we're going to give him some yaya as you can see he's gained most of his consciousness back the downside of this is that we have forced him to stay awake number 10 stop poisoning your colonists have you ever noticed the moment you get a kitchen up and running and you feel like your colony is finally going somewhere you have colonists falling ill left and right [Music] all that food poisoning is coming from your dirty kitchen and maybe even an incompetent cook luckily there is an easy solution to this simply move your butcher table into a separate room then your stove and your duct two times you can hit it three times but you don't hit it four times you can hit it five times but you don't hit it six times you can hit it seven times but you most definitely can't hit it eight times you know keep those odd numbers on that like button alright also click on another video click on another video there you go yeah
Channel: Noobert
Views: 323,971
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Noobert, Rimworld, Rimworld Tips And Tricks, Rimworld How To, Top Ten Rimworld, Rimworld Guide, Rimworld Guide 2020, Rimworld Xbox, Rimworld Ps4
Id: 675LFcPLe0A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 24sec (564 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 24 2020
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