1.2 Tutorial Series | The First Three Days | Rimworld 2020

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hey everybody it's triple j welcome to a brand new tutorial video for rimworld called the first three days we are in version 1.2 the latest stable release of rimworld and i'm going to take you through the first three days of a playthrough completely unmodded i'm going to take you from the main menu screen get you set up in a game and talk about some of the things you're going to experience in the first three days just go over anything that sort of pops into my head kind of touching on some of the things that i talked about in the tutorial series videos that i made i'm gonna link those down that playlist down in the description if you have not seen those but just sort of do a quick overview of some of those things and hopefully after this video you can kind of get rolling in a playthrough that you are engaging in for your first time so let's just dive right in we're gonna do new colony i'm gonna do the basic crash-landed scenario we're then gonna pick cassandra as our storyteller and we're gonna go with the strive to survive difficulty i'm going to pick reload anytime the only reason i'm gonna pick reload anytime is maybe i want to pick the save up at a different point and i want to be able to save it uh just for the tutorial purposes generally speaking i would go with commitment mode if i was doing this um as just a playthrough for myself next i will do 50 globe coverage i will do i will title the seed the first three days that way you can always find this seed if you'd like all you have to do is type in just like i have written it there and keep everything sort of the same and it will generate the exact same planet so if you wanted to play along you could literally find the exact same seed that we're going to be on i'm going to keep the rest of this all right at normal and i'll hit generate okay now that we're in the map view the world view let's just find a temperate spot something fairly balanced to do our landing let's take a look here tempered forest the terrain granite limestone and slate gives us some large hills for a little bit of defenses also stuff to mine out 40 out of 60 days for a growing period is really really nice especially when starting out because then it just gives you a little bit of leeway in case you maybe don't grow enough food or maybe you don't get growing started fast enough gives you more period of time throughout the year to make sure you get that working also gives you a lot of opportunity for animals to hunt so we will pick that we're gonna go next now we're gonna pick our characters in our previous videos of getting started uh i have showed you sort of all of the different traits and what they all mean and kind of how to get all this going so i'm just gonna randomize a few people fast walker beautiful and tough interesting very little pain from this left leg scar they're not great at fighting but these are really really wonderful traits they have good social skill they can cook really well and they have some planting skills i think that might be a person that we take so i'm going to go down here to gracie yeah see starting out i'm not gonna want someone with an alcohol addiction that's just gonna cause problems also wimp isn't great great memory slow learner that's not great and yeah they have a bad back so we're gonna not do this person unfortunately they have a lot of good passions for things psychically dull trigger happy and nervous they can't do dumb labor so one of the rules that i kind of like to live by i guess in terms of picking colonists so if someone can't do dumb labor there's a couple things i want to make sure that they're going to be good at one of them is intellectual they are not good at intellectual but if they had a high passion they could just be your constant researcher and then you don't even have to worry about them you know having to haul and clean they're not gonna do any of it the other thing is crafting so that's a possibility also they're a good miner so if i can get them crafting and mining that could actually work out pretty well although nervus isn't a great trait i think that i'm going to take this person because mining is going to be super crucial especially when trying to get resources quickly uh early game so i think i might go with this person for now and then we have genevieve what do we want now generally speaking and i've talked about this before is you kind of want people you want to sort of balance out your team skills so you can see those down here so right now we're sort of missing someone who's got a good construction skill it's decent we also don't have someone who's great at fighting so in this case i'm not going to take out non-violent we also might want someone who's good at medical or intellectual so when you're randomizing night owl ascetic yeah we don't need more social skills psychically dull super immune great memory those are amazing amazing traits they have a passion for intellectual incapable of none we're gonna take this guy de leon we're gonna take nag we're gonna take lou and we're going to take deleon who's a great meleer now one of the things is not incredible medical skill but they can all do it and two of them are at least somewhat decent but super immune is really really great um but yeah i think we're gonna take these three and start off because we're gonna get more colonists as we as we carry forward so let's do it and here we are the three of you awake in your crypto sleeve sarcophagi to the sound of sirens and ripping metal you barely get to the escape pods before the ship is torn apart sometime later you land on this unknown rim world as pieces of the shredded starship all around you you start making plans to survive here we are the 6th of april may 5500 okay so this is our setup here's where we are going to live until we can escape the planet now something that is nice to you generally want to start your base sort of in the center of the map i think right here might be a great place we have some area to farm right here but also gives us a little bit of protection and cover so we can easily probably wall ourselves in just as a starting point i think it's very good right away to get walled in because what that does is that allows you to if you can have your resources and maybe a little bit of farming inside of a very basic wall that will allow you to be a little bit more self-sufficient if there was an animal event a wild animal or just it kind of just kind of protects you from the environment so let's do the first thing and make sure that we allow everything so i'm going to click the allow button and i'm going to swipe it over all that stuff there's also going to be the little bits of steel that are over the map and right there as well and all that great awesome okay next thing that i like to do is align my people in order of their shooting skill i like to align them from left to right in terms of best shooting skill to worse shooting skill and then worst melee to best mailers so essentially the mediocre people are in the middle of the line that helps me know who are my best shooters and potentially even my hunter is my far left person i don't think anybody's really good at shooting yeah so deleon is definitely going to be our main layer so you're going to equip the plastial knife you have no shooting skill so i'm going to give you the revolver and nag you a little bit so i'll give you the bolt action so nag is going to be on the far left and if you want to shift the positions of your colonists if you hold right click over them and then drag and that's all there is to that next thing i like to do is make sure that they have their armor now nag is our furthest away person so you might are gonna be generally shooting from a distance so i'm gonna give you the helmet lou you're sort of our mid-range person i'm going to give you the pants and then deleon you get the vest to protect your little chest from getting stabbed because you're going to be the most close of combat now generally speaking i don't know if it really matters between the pants and the vest uh it's just it's all protection in general but definitely helpful to get that equipped as soon as possible we have a little bit of the medicine and the components and then of course the package survival meals so first thing we're going to want to do i will set up a stockpile right in here and this is going to not allow rotten but it will allow animal corpses for hunting this is going to be a temporary setup until i get power going and we can start getting coolers going so we can start to have a freezer but when you start out you just want to make sure that you're safe let's see i think i'm going to wall up here down to here so let me get this growing zone set up you know what i'm going to go and take the planning tool real fast and i'm going to set up a wall now you don't want to go too big right away because there's only so much they can do that's a lot of building so we're gonna set it up roughly about there plan it out and then i'm gonna do my growing zones i'm gonna set the growing zones up we're gonna do a big thing of potatoes right there i don't think i have the ability to make heel root yet i don't so it's gonna tell me that he requires eight skill in growing to sew none of my growers have this skill that's fine i'm gonna put it there just for the future purposes and then i'm gonna make another little growing zone and i'm gonna make that out of cotton in case we need to make some clothing and also it's beneficial later on in the game as well so they're going to start to haul things in while they're doing that i'm going to set up their priorities so i'm going to click to manual priorities because that i feel like if you're gonna have success in rim world it's gonna be your best bet to learn and understand the manual priority system so let's take a look at what we have and what we don't have so deleon is our best medic he's our best doctor so we're gonna allow you to do doctoring and you know what you're for two but we're gonna need you get it better so i'm gonna have you both at a one which means i'm gonna have patient at two so i want you to help the others before yourself nag you're terrible at this but i'm gonna make sure that you have a four okay and the only reason is i don't want nag to necessarily be our top medic but i do want nag to have the ability to do it in case the other two go down just i mean zero at least they can do it but it's not gonna be very good but at least they can stop the bleeding etc firefight yes all at a one i will have bed rest at a two basic attitude we have two really good wardens but i'm only gonna have one of them do it right now and i think that's gonna be nag not because nag is better but because lou has more things to do so you a warden uh i will not have let's see i'm gonna put handling at a low actually you know what you have a passion for it you know i don't know i don't think i think you're instead you're gonna be our cook nag you're not gonna cook right now but you will be our hunter because you're the one with the gun you're the one with the bolt action rifle i will have nag mine and you will craft smith and taylor they're acting smithing and tailoring probably right away but definitely crafting to make stone blocks for our walls and things your research is pretty trash i guess if you have nothing else to do if you're not wardening let's even put handling at a three okay so that means that nag will warden mine smith taylorcraft then handle then do research and that is really what you're looking for that's where the priority system comes in so then lou you will be our majority cook i'm actually gonna put that at one for you because it's a really high priority early on make sure that we're not starving and all that stuff you will also construct not ideal i'm gonna tell you right now not ideal to have your main cook also be your constructor not great uh but that's kind of what the situation we're in i may have nag do cooking at a two just to maybe so they can both make meals just not ideal because you want you need a lot of construction done very early so yeah also not man yeah lou is kind of doing everything so construct grow yes i may have nag also do a bit of growing the the reality is is that there's so many things to be doing early on like there's just a lot of things you need a lot of stuff grown you need a lot of things right away so your priority list for only three colonists is going to be pretty heavy there's good there's they just have a lot of stuff to do that's just the reality of it i'm not gonna do any art right now and then i'm going to have you clean i don't know if you're going to get to that but and then leon you're also going to handle it a three because you have more things to do you're going to mine so actually i'm going to turn nag down on mining because essentially deleon that's really all that he has to do in reality you could cook too i mean you have a four skill now of course we run the risk of food poisoning at such a low skill level but that's you know a bit of the roll of the dice there then you're gonna research but i want you to clean first because i'm thinking i'm gonna get a research bench up really early actually haul clean and then research cool okay let's get them going first things first is we're gonna want to make a structure and i don't have a stone cutters table yet so i really can't make this out of stone block unless i went around the map and deconstructed well i don't even see that's steel i don't even really see any structures made of i guess there's a little bit there that's a little time consuming and i think just to get started it's perfectly fine to have wood but you're going to want to replace that with you're going to want to replace that with stone as soon as possible so for this going to be our our outside wall for now this will probably end up being an interior wall at some point but what i'm gonna do is put a door there a door there and then a door there as well and the reason i kind of like to do them on the corners like this just having open doors being able to fire outside of doors and then hiding back inside the doors can really really save uh your life sometimes so it's good good practice to have more doors to just get in a better angle on an enemy early on i think we're gonna also need to go and chop some more trees down how many people do i have on plant cutting it's just lu another thing we're going to want to do pretty quick yeah having one constructor can be bad so it might be worth getting deleon to start doing some construction he's terrible at it he's only a two however there's so much construction done early on and really not any construction that is that detrimental if they fail you can see that he's botching some of these walls up here not the biggest deal right we can always just get more wood but he's getting so much experience doing this that he's gonna level up pretty quickly even if he doesn't have a passion for it just because there's so many things to construct so what i'm gonna do here is make some beds and i'm gonna use this area i'm gonna put three beds in here and then i'm gonna make a separate room with a door because we're gonna want to give them at least a little bit of a barracks where they can you know sleep have a separate room to sleep eventually i'm gonna want to get them their own rooms but this offers us a little bit of space there the other thing we're gonna want to get up pretty quickly is a butcher table and i'm going to put that for now outside because the one thing that you need to think about when considering a butcher table is the fact that when they're cutting up all the animals there's blood and there's nasty stuff getting to spit around everywhere and so it can really really be a dirty area so you want to kind of keep your butcher table and where you cook the actual food in a separate space because that will help with the cleanliness of the room which will affect the food poisoning chance and then i think i'm gonna also make see now they're just kind of sleeping outside that's okay for the first night i'm not too concerned about it because inside of their needs they will have extremely low expectations which gives them a 30 boost now they'll hold on to that for a while that kind of gives you a little bit of play so that they're not just mentally breaking immediately uh which is really really helpful because as you can see like they're sleeping on the ground something cold they're uncomfortable they ate without a table you know it's not very clean blah blah but they also realize early on that they need to survive so you get that little bit of a boost for a while which is really really nice i think what i'm going to do over here is create i want to create some sort of a small kitchen area and i think i'm going to shrink this back a bit and i'm gonna make a little bit of a kitchen area inside of here right next to the stockpile for now i'm gonna put a fueled stove instead instead of an electric just to get started that says it's gonna be outdoors however we can build a roof over it make sure it's all roofed up now they'll do this probably automatically once the wall is built and then i'm gonna put a door on it and i'm gonna get a table see all the things that are being built and there's just so many things that need building right away i'm gonna put a table in there and a couple stools so they can sit and eat a meal instead of standing because that will help with that minus three debuff they'll eventually build their bedrooms but yeah tons of wood is needed and thankfully we're on a map where wood is fairly plentiful so make sure that they can chop all these trees down so they're going to finish growing which is really really good you want to get that done like in the first day or two you definitely want to have growing at least getting started because the the sooner you have crops growing you only have so many packaged survival meals we're down to 34. always keep your eye on that and that's something helpful you can see up here in the top left corner you can open this up and always at a glance see how much food you have available which is really really good because you got to keep an eye on that because all of a sudden what you don't want to see on the right hand side here is starvation and then you click on it and it says all three of your colonists are starving and then you check your your stockpile where your food is and you know there's nothing there and then all of a sudden you have to scramble to either grab some berries or do some really quick hunting and then people are in bad moods it's just not good so you want to make sure that food is always being checked on now one thing to consider as well as you can see these are deteriorating because they are unroofed and outdoors so you want to make sure that your stockpiles are inside i'm gonna expand that to there i'm gonna put a door on that so then this can be walled in and none of this stuff will start to deteriorate anymore now steel doesn't deteriorate uranium doesn't deteriorate wood will uh if it's outside but like stone blocks will not so what i like to do as well is create a stockpile that maybe sits outside we can just do a little one for now i'm gonna clear all i'll prefer this to be important and i'm gonna make sure that stone blocks steel uranium we're not gonna be getting uranium right now but like plastiel jade can sit outside silver can sit outside and those can sit in this so then we can save a little bit of room in our tiny little stockpile here now without power we could get power i could put down a generator i could put down a generator and i could sneak that right in there yeah maybe we do that so the options for power right away are wood fire generator chem fuel generator or a wind turbine now the wind turbines are nice because they offer a decent amount of power the problem with wind turbines is they need to have their big and all those white all that space inside of those white squares needs to be free of trees or walls or roof so it just it kind of it's just they're just big it's just really really big and it only powers it if there's wind so when i start out if i have wood if i live in an area where there's forest and enough trees to cut down and to be fairly plentiful i generally start out with the wood fired generator because that is going to give you enough as long as it gets refueled it's gonna give you enough power so i'm gonna cancel this field stove see i'm already pivoting but that's kind of part of the game is you if you figure out you you plan for something you pivot when you start to realize what you might be able to get in the future i'm gonna get a an electric stove down right there they're gonna finish building that wall but yeah we'll get this generator up 100 steel and two components we should have that no problem and that will be just enough for us to make sure that we have a couple lights because they don't like sitting in darkness that's one of their that's one of their pet peeves it just happens that it really snuck in there nicely but yeah i i rarely use wind turbines anymore i feel like i used to early on and then as i've sort of progressed through my time in rim world i've really started to use them less and less generally i have like maybe two maybe three of them before i can get to geothermal power it's just it's the it's the next it's the best thing for consistent large amounts of power this again this is how i would start a playthrough like literally i'm not doing many things at all different than i would i would start a play through any time and sometimes it's just beneficial to see so we're gonna we're just gonna keep moving through we have about one day left before we're in the three days and so far we're doing okay everyone's got a bed we're in a room where everyone has decent beds i mean they're poor beds they're not great but we can rebuild those later when we have a better constructor now one thing we might want to do with the schedule is perhaps get someone on a night shift if they're not a night owl you can put them on a night shift and it won't matter they will sort of essentially sleep whenever you tell them to so what i might do is put generally i like to put a cook if i have two cooks i put them one on a day shift and one on a night shift so then at least we're cooking and having enough food all all day so i think i'm gonna put nag i'm gonna put nag on a night shift so i'm gonna go to schedule i'm gonna grab nag whoops schedule we're gonna nag i'm gonna add sleep from 11 to four so the game by default gives them eight hours of sleep and nothing else i like to put in recreation time and i like to do it for two hours before bedtime so i will change all of these to recreation time except except that and then also make that nothing because that's a nice shift but i find six hours to be generally enough sleep for them and then two hours of recreation is mostly okay if you have someone who's maybe a little bit more irritable you can always give them another hour of recreation it's not the biggest not the biggest deal but that's kind of how i like to do it and i've done it this way for years uh is it the best way i don't know but it's the way that i do it so that's how i'm gonna do it and i'll set up so that we have two different shifts and then we have someone always always cooking okay so now the generator is up but now it's telling us that we need to fuel it with wood and that comes from the hauling job so someone who's doing hauling will refuel that generator so i don't think i actually have someone who's doing that as a priority so i'm going to tell them to fuel it he's going to keep your eye on that so he's going to fuel it with 75 wood and it's going to last us three and a half days so not too bad for the amount of wood that you put in it and you get a thousand watts of power out of it so now we've got light we have a stove so real quick i'm gonna set up cooking a simple meal and we're gonna do until we have let's say 20. i don't want to do a whole lot of simple meals and i'm going to unpause the simple meals at five let's make sure we always have five simple actually no i'm gonna make it ten so sure i also have ten now the one thing is i don't want them cooking you know 50 or 100 meals just to have them back you know like stockpiled because you have to keep in mind that we don't have a cooler just yet but now that we have this generator we could get a cooler up and i could actually make this a cooled area if we wanted the butch table is also up so i'm going to add bill butcher creature do forever and that's just to start out we're going to have them butcher anything that we hunt right off the bat lou is going to finish that botch the construction and there we go we are now inside protected we have a proper kitchen we have a barracks where they can sleep and now we have a stockpile are you going to try to wall this into roof this entire thing oh let's not do that let's not let's not roof over our garden areas please i would appreciate that yeah let's not do that you can roof over the butcher table that's fine let's not do those bits please but now we have some light in here which is great i could actually put a light outside might be beneficial to actually put a lamp there next to the bush table if they're doing something at night they just don't like being in darkness and they work slower everything is everything goes slower when it's dark out stone cutters table is the next move i think for now i'm just gonna put that like right over here it's gonna have a slower work speed being outside but it's not that intense of a job that's gonna slow them down that much and i'm gonna what i'm gonna do is just for comfort i'm going to put a stool right there and i'm also going to put a stool right in front of that and i think that as well just give a little more comfort when they are doing it so stone cutters table is up now what do we have available for stone but if you're going to make exterior walls you're going to want to make it out of granite or limestone first slate is one of the weaker stones also marble is one of the weaker stones uh so sandstone isn't as great either so limestone and granite are definitely your strongest bets but if you have granite definitely do the granite so what you can see is they're gonna take these chunks and they're gonna turn them into bricks so what i like to do is kind of double click on these and you can kind of get a feel of where do you have granite chunks so there's a bunch out here so not too far away so what i'm going to do is set up a bill and i'm going to say make granite blocks do until you have let's say 500. let's make 500 blocks and then unpause at 150. so anyone with the crafting skill there goes nag making blocks for us as well construction botched that's okay again not the biggest deal in the world if they can't make a stool right off the bat it says we can have visitors that's actually our first our first notification so a group from the whit het hibba accord are visiting the economy great so it does not say that they have anything to trade so essentially these people are sort of coming but they there's nothing really you can do with them i could i could slaughter both of them if i wanted to uh and take all their stuff but then i would irritate the faction that they're from so the with hebba that's not what i wanted to do the hebba accord is our neutral faction and they are a civil outlander union you want to keep these people as allies early on or at least neutral so they will still come and trade with you because if they become hostile they will not come and trade with you and they will send attackers instead it's always good to make sure that you have at least one or two people that you can do trade with so because trading uh can often give you some stuff that you simply can't make yourself and uh can be very very helpful now these are not traders there's a couple visitors so they'll come and hang out a little bit maybe do some chats with your people but in reality it's not a huge event leon is going to do some stargazing nag is making us up under blocks which is awesome because then we can start to turn these outside walls into block which then will prevent well one it's stronger but two it will prevent uh a raider to set fire to the outside of your walls but see here's the nice thing is now that we have nag on a separate sleep schedule nag can be making us a bunch of blocks so when our constructors wake up they can then build walls with it or vice versa right you can make a bunch of meals while you while you know while they're sleeping so when they get up then we can eat and kind of carry on our way and you know get working again next is going to do a bunch of that and we're pretty much hitting our third day right now and we've gotten a lot of things set up we're growing some food we can always do a little bit of hunting you know we can go out and do some hunting but we still have a decent amount of package survival meals left how far grown are these 21 percent we may want to push out at some point to maybe do a little bit more growing things like that but this is generally speaking a pretty decent start to a base this will set you up for some success moving forward now there's tons and tons and tons of other things to be done to work toward hold up pause one thing that i actually forgot to put was the horseshoe pin for recreation don't make the mistake that i just did other than that it's a solid start but definitely definitely put the horseshoe pin in for recreation because they're gonna get bored at some point and they're gonna want the horseshoe pin okay proceed but that's all part of the journey and that's part of the fun but i do plan to do more tutorial videos in the future maybe talking about some very specific types of mechanics it's a crazy crazy wild game filled with just very nutty things that happen and there's so many variables to how you choose to play it it's really incredible and so i'm i just i urge all of you to to go out and enjoy the game and learn it and play at your own pace and start to discover some of the awesome things that rimroll has to offer but this is how i would start this is how i would generally do my first three days of any playthrough that i would be doing so with that everyone that is going to do it for this video thank you all so much for watching i hope you learned something i hope it helps you in a little bit of a way to get going on your rimworld journey and i look forward to seeing you either in the next let's play series over on twitch where we stream rimrolled every other week or in another video series moving forward thank you all again i really do appreciate it and we'll see you next time [Music] you
Channel: JJamJim
Views: 59,001
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gaming, rimworld, gameplay videos, how to play rimworld, tutorials, walkthroughs, games, pc gaming, jjamjim, game play, new, cassandra classic, storyteller, modded, storytelling, story time, basics, royalty dlc, dlc, learning, first games, how to play, jjj, 1.2, starting out, 2020
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 5sec (2105 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 10 2020
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