Lets Play RimWorld - Tribal Royalty Ep1

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hello i am fury cat and we are going to be playing some rimworld uh now i've i've played room world uh a bit in the past but not for some time and certainly not since uh this new dlc came out this royalty uh dlc so there's a fair bit new in the game that i'm not familiar with um and it's been a wee while since i last played so it should be interesting trying to feel my way back into things and seeing where we can go uh for those who aren't familiar rimworld is a kind of um colony builder type game um so we're gonna go ahead and start a new colony here um now this you've got a few scenarios you can choose from um the kind of standard scenario which is uh what i played through last time i played this uh is crash landed where you've got three reasonably technologically advanced colonists who land with a bunch of starting equipment uh and you know it's a reasonably easy start uh so having done that previously i'm going to try out a different scenario the lost tribe so instead of being technologically advanced people who've crash-landed from a wrecked spaceship in orbit around this planet we are as it says here a lost tribe so uh we have much lower technology but we get more people to start with so you know that should be reasonably interesting so let's uh let's give that a go uh now the next thing you need to do is choose your storyteller uh you've got three options you've got your kind of cassandra classic here she's your kind of standard storyteller um creates random events none of this is scripted it's all kind of generated by the ai as you go along and she'll kind of gradually increase the kind of challenge rating as we progress so you know should kind of keep it in pace with us the level of challenge we're receiving uh you have phoebe chillax which is like a much more laid back plenty of times between disasters you know loads of time to build your colony and then finally you have randy random who just drops random stuff on you it could be good it could be bad who knows uh next i've not played in a while and certainly i wouldn't classify myself as an expert uh room world player by any standard we're gonna go ahead and do cassandra classic uh but we'll pop the difficulty level all of them have a difficulty level uh we're gonna we're gonna try that on rough uh i did medium last time and it went reasonably well so we'll we'll go with rough um and uh reload any time mode since i need to be able to potentially roll back if recording all goes horribly wrong all right so let's go next up now much like with minecraft the world's generated from a seed so let's go ahead and pop in fury cat as our seed and we'll go with uh 50 global coverage so that's kind of a bit of balance as to how long it'll take to generate our world and we'll leave everything else as it is and let's go ahead and generate us a world and there we go you can see here yeah i'm using the royalty expansion no mods this is just a stock game other than the dlc it should be giving me plenty to be going on with okay so here we have our world um now i'm not going to carefully select a starting site um i'm going to go somewhat random but i'll maybe randomize a couple of times just to get something looks like it might be interesting um so first things first let's have a look at what factions we have here so we've got the imperium which i believe are uh the new kind of thing in this expansion got a couple of neutral uh guys it looks like the purple guys and the yellow guys are going to be new class and in and the treble covenant okay and then we have a bunch of hostile people who will send us all kinds of raids so ideally we're looking for a starting place that's going to be somewhere near to um maybe the yellow guys or the purple guys so that you know we can we've got somebody nearby to trade with in the early game so let's go ahead and select a random site and see what it gives us uh okay so yeah this doesn't this doesn't actually look too too terrible here we we got the empire over here we got our purple friends we've got our uh yellow guys over there where are we in we're in a temperate forest um we're going to get some reasonable temperature variations here got some slate marble to work with large hills uh yeah yeah i i think that seems like quite an acceptable starting spot so there you go first randomization we get we get somewhere decent okay so let's hit next so now um we've got to select our tri people so we have a range of people we're going to get five uh these people so we want to however we look and see uh what kind of uh traits they have um we're ideally looking to make sure we don't have any terribly bad traits uh pyromaniac is a particularly bad one because they'll just randomly say it fires and since we're gonna be building with wood a lot to start with that you know might not be so great um i mean ideally don't want to have people or too many people who are incapable of kind of key tasks and yeah this this this does not look good over here you know she's already got an abrusia addiction so she's going to go into withdrawal since we're not going to be able to feed that out the gate and has asthma in both lungs which is not going to do not going to do wonderful things for her so okay well we may have to pass i mean you've got some good skills you know she can shoot she can fight cook a little bit uh some animal skills um she had jogger which is a a really good uh positive makes them move faster can't do caring but we've got enough other people who maybe take care of that so our health conditions are making me think no but we'll see let's have a look at beaver here beaver the hearth tender uh so uh a masochist well that's interesting okay likes the pain um i've got some passion for animals which could potentially be quite handy uh not much skill but it'll build quickly with a passion can cook can do construction those are both good not much used to fight but a bit of a passion for mellie so we can you know maybe get that leveled up a little bit um yeah okay i'm i'm kind of liking uh beaver here beaver looks good there's no terrible negatives here and he's got got some useful skills so it's a little bit scorpion here uh you're not capable of violence um but you are a night owl you have a great memory i can't remember exactly what great memory does i suspect it'll probably give him a buff to researching night owls who's going to prefer to be active at night um bit of a passion for intellectual really good with plants and cooking no negative health conditions so potentially useful here we got another cook um we have another cookie yeah beaver's a cook as well but you know it doesn't hurt to have a backup uh good with plants really good with plants and a burning passion for it so that could potentially be very useful for us keeping everybody fed early on so yeah you could you you're looking good as well uh rogue rogue rogue okay you're too smart uh okay you're kind um you're you're kind but you like beating people up well i mean okay uh good at social uh which is potentially useful to convince people to join us and for negotiating with trade caravans not too much else in you know standout skills um i've got intellect but no passion in it so let's have a look at vasilo arsham the muffler shaman you're you've got blood lost in your sickly um you've got some malnutrition but we could probably fix that you are kind of old you're a slow learner hmm and sickly which i suspect is going to mean that you're more susceptible to kind of diseases and such like which might not be so great first let's let's have a look at who else we have uh here with options you're a fast learner and a body piercer so you're not gonna want implants but that's okay we're not gonna be able to do anything like that anytime soon being a fast learner you could potentially shoot very well because you're burning passion you're decent fighting you got some intellection yeah i'm liking you probably more than jackal here so let's take uh jackal out and put you in uh galga okay so you're out jack what about a healer yes medical uh chemical fascination and very neurotic so that could potentially be problematic i believe this makes you more simple to break downs and you're going to like hitting the drugs if we have drugs around you are going to probably hit them uh you won't do dumb labor but that's okay you'd probably be doing our research and art and animals so maybe we look at porcupine you've got brother viper uh who isn't one of ours okay so maybe somebody could show up you're also a jogger you're jealous you're gonna want i think a better bedroom everyone else but yeah your rest your stats aren't great i'm kind of thinking worm just because the healing and maybe drop out mr slow learner here yeah i think you can probably go for worm so okay we've got we've got our little start up here we've got a reasonable spread of skills and capabilities here um i've got a funny feeling that gaga here might be our kind of go-to for beating people up in the short term uh and possibly our main hunter given that burning passion for shooting so okay let's uh let's get it going with them so let's say i haven't played this in uh some time um so i'm going to be remembering as i go along here um i'll doubtless make mistakes but you know that's all part of the fun part learning process so yes the gods were angry the blood machines came at night they swept through your village cutting and burning your people with their blades and devil fire only a few of you escaped now after a harrowing journey with no friends to turn to you must build a new home in the wilderness like your ancestors did all right well let's let's have a look at where we are so let's uh let's go ahead and pause and have a bit of a look around our new home here uh okay so we got some mountains to this kind of south and just here so i'm immediately kind of liking the look of the central area here like from a defensive standpoint um you know we can potentially seal this gap here uh we've got a lot of compacted steel there like oh my goodness and some compacted machinery not so useful for us right away but at some point we are going to want components which you can get out of the compacted machinery but a lot of steel right there which is potentially very good we have muffalo um which are great both from a food standpoint and for their fur once we learn how to make decent clothing uh what's this over here some jade potentially quite a useful trade resource for us early on uh a lot more competitive steel down here this oh this looks like some kind of structure here uh now if i remember correctly there there's usually on each map there's a an ancient danger uh which if you unseal it is full of all kinds of horrible things but also potentially quite good rewards that could be that so we probably want to stay clear that to start with uh we have a mega sloth a fair selection of wildlife around here which uh it's probably going to be our food source we have a lot of monuments over here which haven't seen them before but okay there's a table assorted ruins of steel over there they could potentially be just deconstructed early on for construction materials for us more animals up here okay so you know we're seeing a lot of quite nice resources here we've got some kind of ruins down here that we can maybe make some use of early on uh as a kind of makeshift habitat while we build our own structures uh what else do we have steam geysers now steam geysers could be quite important they're uh good sources of power later on you can build a geothermal power on them but they can also be used as a source of heat if it gets too cold before we you know have access to electricity to conveniently heat um it looks like we have some nice uh nice fertile soil here so this this could be a good spot for our kind of early farming attempts okay so this is looking like a nice a nice little home uh here early on so uh we're going to want to get our guys to work so before we unpause let's do let's do a couple of things here uh so the first thing we're going to want to do is sit down uh where are we zone yes a stockpile so you know kind of stock our uh our belongings uh in maybe somewhere over here if we're gonna make i think we should make use of this structure uh kind of patch it up a little bit and and use this is a kind of temporary base of operations until we can kind of build our own structures so let's go ahead and uh we'll pop a stockpile in there i'll go ahead and allow what do we got here we've got a whole lot of pemmican which is going to be our food source early on we've got some herbal medicine okay well let's see we've got a peeler which i think is a ranged weapon a bunch of silver so for trading it's good it's good and then we've got a jade knife a steel i think that's another mallee weapon we have a club and was there's a couple of short bows okay so let's figure out who who do we want to uh who do we want to equip with what uh let's see now you yeah you're gonna want a melee weapon i think we'll give you this aqua here so you you go grab that beaver you're kind of a bit meh but you've got a bit of a passion for melee so maybe come back here you are just uh terrible so you can have a knife enjoy your knife um now you've got a passion for shooting so you're gonna equip one of the bows you're incapable of violence so okay you can just not have anything which means i think uh beaver here then i guess can have our other bow i don't really see um yeah i think we want rogov to to be our mallet person he's very good at it okay what else have we got here we got a couple of pets we got a couple of female labrador retrievers um two females so okay we're not we're not going to be breeding them but uh potentially we can get our animal person uh using them to kind of skill up their animal skills a little bit uh right so uh we have a whole pile of wood here as well so let's go ahead and allow that these little x's by the mean that they're currently restricted so nobody will interact them so we obviously uh don't want that we we want to use our wood uh okay so that's looking like a good start so first order business we're going to want to secure some more foods oh hang on what's this here we have da vinci the yak okay uh potentially useful as a beast of burden uh for for trade caravans so yeah okay we can work with this we can work with this uh so let's have a look at uh getting some hunting going on so um let's see what can we hunt early on it's not likely to present too much of a problem uh let's go and hunt one of these you know one of these bucks so we'll tell somebody to go hunt that uh ideally we want that to be galga i think yes okay so let's have a look at who's doing what uh we want to do uh manual priorities so this lets us kind of set priority numbers which will kind of change how each uh each of our guys here is going to uh prioritize their workloads so they'll do the lowest numbers first so uh we want gal ga to be our hunter so uh where's galga uh you're not currently set to be a hunter beaver is is beaver a good shot and not especially so i think we want gaga doing good doing the hunting by preference so uh we'll set that to um priority two i'm thinking uh and if he doesn't have anything else to do we'll have him do hauling and cleaning uh let's set them slightly lower priority so because let's go galga's good intellectual yes we we quite fancy i'm doing some research uh scorpion yeah you definitely want to be prioritizing and do with plants and if you don't have anything there to you can cook or handle um let's set that a lower priority than cooking we want we want you primarily well do we actually no let's do that the other way around you can cook if you don't have any handling to do but we'll have beaver doing cooking and he's going to be busy with construction this is always the hardest part uh early on is trying to figure out who you want to have doing what okay we'll let them get on with that and we've got some hauling for people to get on with in the short term and we can start figuring out how we want to plan out uh doing stuff to our base i think our first order of business is to kind of patch up our structure to provide something resembling actual shelter here so let's go ahead and build some wall wooden walls um yeah we don't have enough wood stored but that's okay they're going to move that to the stockpile so we'll go ahead and we'll wall that in and we'll go ahead and we'll wall that in and we may as well close up there and we'll leave a door there just in case we need to get out to this oops that is not where i want that uh there we go and then we're going to want to cut down that tree there that's just going to get in the way so let's cut you down and then we want to definitely have this all roof so currently i don't think this area is set to have a roof so we're going to tell our people that yeah we definitely want a roof in so we can be indoors okay hopefully they're gonna i can't build a roof well we'll give them that order again once they cut that down hopefully this will give us a nice little indoors area um i've got a bunch of steel sarcophagi here which let's go ahead and deconstruct them for materials give us a bit more space we've got a few tables marble nice marble is a very pretty uh building material so it'll enhance the beauty of the area which uh makes it more pleasant for our guys to be in um we also have a little urn does that give us any beauty let's have a look uh yeah yeah it gives us a little bit of beauty so okay so you know we've got ourselves a nice nice little place here uh that we can uh call home for the time being now the next thing we're going to want to start thinking about is getting some of our kind of uh basic essentials up and running so we're going to want to probably build ourselves and where does it come i'm pretty sure yes our simple research bench uh we're gonna want to get research going quite early on we are uh on a tribal start which means that we uh naturally have a much lower tech level uh than is you know in the standard uh kind of crashed explorer start we also research more slowly so it's going to be imperative that we kind of try and keep that moving along uh let's see what else are we going to want we're going to want a butchering spot um i can probably go outside for now and we're going to want a crafting spot that can be indoors we'll kind of put the crafting spot over here next to the stockpile uh and we're going to want to get our ability to start cooking which yes we can do that with a campfire uh now let's uh let's go ahead and build that indoor somewhere once our guys have cleared a little bit of space let me pop it back here um i don't know how badly that's going to heat things up in here uh we'll see we may have to um force you know one of the doors to remain open but we'll kind of see how it goes have we managed to get a roof over our heads it's probably this yeah it looks like they've matched a roof over excellent okay so we have something vaguely approximating at home um i guess our yak feel free to share the space with us so yay now we're probably going to clear some of the wood around here for a while i think wood is going to be our kind of primary building material so let's go ahead and order uh where are we chopping wood let's go ahead and just kind of chop a bunch of this yeah there we go uh now we probably don't want to keep all of our wood in doors let's go ahead and set another stockpile up for that um let me go ahead and say that we can you know have a little wood stockpile like there so you can click into storage here and you can see what you're going to allow and disallow so let's see we're not going to store any foods here uh we don't want manufactured or items or weapons apparel or any of that nonsense we're going to store raw resources here stone blocks are good um and we can probably store steel there's probably fine and wood yeah that looks that looks uh okay for now we're going to roof it over which will just kind of help prevent the items decaying over time being under under a roof how's how's our hunting been getting on we managed to successfully we have successfully managed to kill that buck uh okay so we want a storage location uh for uh animals that we've killed uh so probably near the butcher spot so uh let's go ahead and uh i think is it a dumping stock pile i think i think we can do that with a regular stockpile so let's just say that this is where we put dead things uh we don't want rotten we want uh let's see corpses yeah we want corpses to be stored there uh but probably not yeah just animal corpses is fine okay and we'll put that priority uh preferred do the same for this one so this is where they're going to prefer to store these items so we're starting to get a bit of prioritization as to where we're gonna store our stuff and we'll say that this place here will disallow uh stone blocks we'll dislike steel there's a lot of wood i'm sure those get stored outside there we go okay and hopefully yeah it looks like roe grove is heading off to grab that buck which is good good good okay now we have our research uh bench up and running so let's go ahead and get some research going on um now let's have a look here we have a few options um so some of the important early on uh things that we can probably get going here um stone cutting so that we can have building materials that aren't you know wood or steel but i think steel's a bit too precious to be using for that at this stage complex furniture will let us start to make this place a bit more like home we can build beds which is kind of important and people don't really like sleeping on the floor and uh complex clothing is also a good starting point so we can actually start to wear something uh to kind of protect us from the elements now the weather i believe is pretty mild here at the moment so i think we're probably going to want to look at furniture as a kind of first step so let's go ahead and set that as our our research priority now speaking of somewhere to sleep uh we're gonna want to set some sleeping spots here for people uh that's where i try and remember how you do that is it under furniture it is under furniture look at that so let's go ahead and say that uh down here this is this is where people sleep so there we go we've got a bunch of sleeping spots we'll put an extra one in there just in case um tell what we'll make that one the medical sleeping spot just in case okay so we have places to sleep we have our research bench um i don't think we can make anything in the way of we can make a stool so yeah let's go ahead and make a stool so people are at least a bit comfortable when they're sitting working there uh it's not ideal but you know okay so we've got uh some of our basics up and running we have a place for uh some research to get done them a place for people to sleep um we're gonna want to put our cooking fire in so let's go ahead and get that done next uh which is under temperature i believe yes campfire so uh sure let's go ahead and pop the campfire back here and we'll see how that works out in terms of uh temperature such a where's our but oh here he comes with our buck awesome so we'll go ahead and our butcher spot will tell them to uh butcher creatures uh forever so basically chop up anything we've killed and turn it into meat which we're gonna use to potentially cook some meals there we go we've got our our fire going in here okay what's the temperature indoors 27 and 27 outdoors okay so well we'll see how that goes uh are you busy deconstructing this looks like you might be yes you are okay excellent okay so we're getting some of our basics taken care of here now let's see what else can we be doing we're probably going to want to start thinking about our long-term food supply we can we can continue to use our uh little repurposed ruin here for the time being as a place to kind of sleep and eat our meals and so on and relax and you know generally hide from the elements so i think we probably want to be starting to look at getting this area over here cleared so that we can use this for farming we want to try and maximize our use of this uh so we don't we can't really use the mud there i don't think uh yeah mud mud is not ideal but we can use this kind of rich soil you can see at the bottom down at the bottom left here as i mouse over it tells you so this is all fertility hundred and forty percent stuff so this is really good growing ground and then the rest of around 100 so it's not exactly like it's terrible so let's go ahead and order people to clear all the kind of plant matter that's clogging this place up so we'll just go ahead and clear cut that lot uh and we'll go ahead as well and uh let's get these well i don't want all of them so we'll go ahead and just get these stone blocks prioritized for hauling them out the way we're going to want them later anyway so they can get hauled back to our little stockpile back here and we can start to think about laying out some farmland up here and then we can start to think about you know how we're going to position the rest of our base so um we're going to want a kitchen which had a freezer at some point once we uh learn how to refrigerate unfortunately in the short term food is going to spoil pretty quickly because we don't have any way of refrigerating it so we're going to have to kind of keep on top of that but eventually we're going to want to have a fridge and we're going to have the kitchen kind of just next to that so that people can collect stored food from the fridge take it through the kitchen cook it put it back in the fridge and then we're probably going to want a dining area somewhere near that now let's have a look um okay so our defenses are probably going to be here here we've got a very open area around here which is going to be a little bit tricky for us to defend um although we can potentially repurpose these ruins once we're done we can maybe use the walls a little bit to get some initial defenses up so thinking maybe somewhere around about here might be quite good for our kind of initial uh construction work when we get what's gonna eventually be our fridge and our kitchen just over here okay now let's have a look at our work orders make sure we've got people doing what needs to happen so plant cutting yes at the moment it's poor scorpion doing it all by himself that just doesn't really seem ideal so uh you're now you're intellectual 11 year intellectual aid do either of you have a passion in this you have a minor passion and who's our other potential researcher worm the healer what's yours like uh yeah i think we're probably gonna want you to do most of our researching um so we'll de-prioritize that for galga and rogo for now and we'll get you doing some plant cutting just just for just now while we're not getting you to do anything else um you will not do plant cutting well well okay then and you're kind of busy with a bunch of other stuff but if you don't have anything else to do sure you can you can go cut some plants as well uh you're going to be doing our research when you're not handling or doing art or definitely we want you doctoring people as your number one priority uh absolutely okay you're our backup doctor i guess six yeah i think you're all right we've actually got a fair spread of medical but i think we want to have warm doing most of that so we'll set you'd probably two for that just in case it's nice to have a backup all right looks like everyone's bedded down for their first night and since we're now just past 30 minutes i'm gonna go ahead and uh put a cut in right here okay so uh hopefully you've enjoyed that um if you want to see more of this then by all means subscribe i'll try and put these up at least uh you know a couple of week and uh you know if you enjoyed what you saw please hit like see you next time
Channel: Furycat
Views: 914
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Gaming, RimWorld, Lets Play, Tribal, Royalty, Gameplay, Furycat
Id: r9pvuk00Hxs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 38sec (1958 seconds)
Published: Mon May 18 2020
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