Rimworld Mods You Can't Live Without In 2022!

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right mods everyone loves them everyone needs them and of course everyone wants to know what are some of the best mods to use in rimworld so today we're going to bring in the new year by going through some mods we believe you should be using in 2022. should mention some of these mods we went more in detail than previous videos but some we just put in here though i should mention no mods from our top mods of 2021 brenda's gonna have to work harder to pick out some choice mods for you guys i'm sure anyone who are fans of our work know what we are going to say say it with me people vanilla expanders is something you should look into and who could blame us for saying it it's a series of mods that keeps expanding to improve upon every aspect of the game even aspects i didn't know i wanted like ancient vaults full of super powered beings oscar and his team are keeping the game alive and well and i highly recommend keeping an eye on this reddit or even support him on patreon because he does a lot of great work especially that pirates mod oh my goodness was it good but on that note there is a lot of fallout mods so much you'd definitely be able to recreate fallout and rimmel all thanks to the fallout collaboration project or fcp by ranger rick and many other modders me and bren love the design of the mod looking like the fallout style mixed with rimworld's distinct look bren told me his favorite among all the arms and armor is the captain's cosmo set super retro sci-fi right there we might have to go back and talk more about some of these in the future when more mods come out for this next mod i'm thinking we go a bit old school we got the rim snow mod set it's all a great set of mods for those of us who love distinct weapons and armor released all the way in 1.0 and in 2016 and only now that i'm saying this this game has been around for a very long time go figure this year it was given a proper retexture to feel more like a modern release what do you get well you get weaponry and armor that actually do matter in the grand scheme of things what do i mean by that well the base rimsel has different companies who specialize in different kinds of combat yan hua production produces weapons that do pretty good damage with bleed but in exchange for not a lot of stopping power and range jotuns meanwhile goes for high damage that pierces through your armor but it's super heavy so your pawns are slowed down this phone will give you weapons that do blunt damage and can slow down enemies but the low power and range finally greysdale gear which while isn't as flashy as the other stuff can be modular and change how they operate so you can change your tactics as need be i love this system and the best part is rimsnell has more mods ones that had factions another for turrets and security even one to have new storytellers so for 2022 maybe look back a bit might find a solid pick for your game now this mod is also a bit of an oldie but i always recommend it to anyone playing rumbled pair carefully is simply a mod that lets you do your start however you want change who you bring in what you bring in and so on seriously helpful for role plays or just maybe tweaking that one random who has good traits but happens to have an addiction to three different kinds of snortables and somehow an addiction to bad polka you know what some people love empire building some people live for that one more turn mentally of civilization stellaris or some other game my writer isn't as familiar with now with the empire mod you can turn this colony simulator game into an empire simulation game allowing you to create new settlements and bases to provide resources to you that and make soldiers to summon when you need just a bit of help when that one insect hive gets a little too big well that's a problem we'll take this incineration [Music] yeah that was cool and you can do this too with rim world of magic which is a mod we actually went over in a previous video but to summarize you get access to magic classes and spells and now i have new ways to commit war crimes or you can or you know recreate spooky scary skeletons with a necromancer i absolutely love this mod and from other fans of rimmel definitely feel the same way hey let me know in the comments your favorite class bren is anything that can summon fire yeah keep up the good work don't want it stinking up the joint oh hey everyone you just caught us doing cleanup duty helps more with the honest corpses mod all it does is give you an option to take all those corpses that pile up at your doorstep and turn it into something useful because your cooks can only butcher so much before it overwhelms them and you get rogging worthless corpses this mod allows you the ability to turn the corpses into either chem fuel or bits of steel there is also an option if you have dubstep hygiene to make bio matter and if you have some extra herbs lying around you can turn the bodies into nutriment maybe it's overpowered but maybe i need more chem fuel especially for the work with the next mod sometimes you need a little extra oomph when dealing with people who just don't get that hint that raiding highly trained pawns is a bad idea gas shells is great fun for defenses giving different types of gases to launch at enemies like sleep gas for easy capture acid for painful damage over time range for will ever see the incredible hulk think that without the super strength and me and bren's favorite andy insect or mechanoid gas that makes fighting them so much easier only issue is you will need to divert a lot of resources to get material for this but it can really be worth the issues to build up plus hey it isn't rimmel until you cause a war crime and i think people can agree gas attacks kind of fits that description but hey there are ways to get more resources and maybe commit even more war crimes in the process take a deep drill and get some crude or as some people call it texas tea rimfeller lets you become an oil parent turning all that crude into chem fuel plastics for building and even napalm yeah that's right nepal and if you think gas is a horrible way to die napalm is the gift that keeps on giving and you can mass produce it and use it in shells or trap if the neighbors don't get the hint that i don't want to join their potlucks i don't know what will this mod is classic for a reason adding a new way to get power and materials all without going against what remote is all about even in 2022 it's still great to play so ever do an icy north playthrough you might want to get this next mod to help out with that proxy heat this mod makes it so outdoor heat and cooling sources will work even outside think about it in real life if you're out in the cold if you are around a fire you don't need some enclosed space to actually get warm so with this in account now pawns if they need to heat up or cool down will now go to the nearest source of heat or could be it inside or outside i love this simple mod for a realistic tweak to the game and hey it might actually help with doing the challenge up the north yeah in the you know the north north this next mod is great for those of us who love to make secure self reliant basis zombieland lets you live out your walking dead fantasies and you know try and survive the outbreak of the undead with many options tweaking how the infection works if you can even cure it to even number of zombies and their special zombie variant like tanky ones or the annoying minor ones that make a mountain base possibly not the best one to work with it's old school but still great fun though now i'm wondering if we could get an ideology meme based on this maybe worship the zombies are controlling them go on get to work that base won't build itself yeah maybe don't use zombie labor though something i should mention when it comes to zombies or any playthrough location is key and sometimes you get a map that just isn't that good thankfully you don't have to restart and try again with map reroll you can now decide how the map is designed and live it no idea how it works i'm guessing looking into the code for the seed to figure out potential changes i don't know though word of advice if you are use using this and say vanilla expanded any start that gives you a building or anything like say mechanoids factories or the ancient space this mod will re-roll the map but not take your start into account other than that little hiccup really useful when you just want the perfect start at least until randy decides you get to die that thing though to go with map reroll i also recommend the map designer mod which lets you alter the maps that loads in when you start a new game want an entire canyon with one easily defendable point go for it how about more water also neat how about soured rock weird but you could do it if you really want to this is again great for making the perfect maps you want to start in or for role playing map purposes and it really works well with map reroll if you don't see anything you want go into mod options tweak everything then hit re-roll might be something better in the store for you still randy might take offense to all this reality bending which he is the master of let's be fair though if randy does decide to send horrible things up to you don't just stand around gawking use running gun to move in like it's old school dude again older mod but i recommend this because rimworld without it feels pretty stiff plus the mod has enemies doing the same to use so it feels like a natural engagement so yeah install this mod and never look back now what bren was happy to finally see brought to 1.3 was the clockwork and steam mod a mod that brings in the power of steampunk to the rim steampunk is an offshoot of cyberpunk and as everyone knows that's never not cool this mod not only comes with cool weapons and gear but even brass made bionics new turrets little wind-up animals to do your work and even traits to go with this highly recommended especially for naval playthroughs be the only kingdom on the rim with tesla coils and pity coats and you know robo libs now this next mod will assume you are using vanilla cooking expanded and i do love that mod there is one problem the condiment system only works for gourmet meal why can't i put my luciferian flakes on my simple meal of cooked human flesh no more with sauce meals this injustice will be rectified you now can cook any tier of meal using condiments gaining both a small mood buffer meal with condiments but also the benefit of whatever the condiment is surprise this wasn't a vanilla expanded already but hey mods for mods you are sure to always use dessert to be on this list besides where else were we gonna talk about this you know what i mean now this mod just came out but man oh man it's a cool one the rim essential spaceports mod allowing you to turn your boring old base into a spaceport and not just any spaceport a profitable one yeah just research microelectronics build the landing pads and space beacon and wait for some paying customers to come down you can make some fuel to sell to the landing ships and make a lot of profit though you might get some other jobs like allowing you a derelict to show up on your base at risk of the power source going for meltdown to prisoner drop-off and of course mysterious shipments landing that may or may not contain a horrible alien queen that would ruin your day huh weird i was always expecting xenomorph anyways this mod is great and even has support with royalty save our ship rimfiller and dustbed hygiene hope to see more support and more from this mod though going away from the sky in space we go deep underground many people love the tunnel to beam after all mountains are a safe place to stay safe insects toys notwithstanding of course though it does come with its own problems like lack a variety of growables you can't even grow heel root without some sort of light which kinda goes against the mushroom's requirement for darkness tunnel expanded is here to the rescue with many different growables and items to make underground living less like hell and more like do a fortress though given what i know about forts and that game might not be a too much of a difference you know what i mean you get campfires and coolers that use fungus for fuel different types of mushroom for faster growing but less yield and a higher yield but less growing speed fungus for fibers fungus and even fungus that has insects in them so you have a meat source hence insect meat but hey meat is meat when you are making kibble or food to give you out to you know charity this is a great mod for underground playthroughs and makes it much easier to just stay underground rather than make some outdoor area for outdoor plants before hydroponics and the campfires and coolers that use fungus is great for areas that might not have a lot of trees like desserts and icy areas so good touch all right so let me see if i get this straight if you dance around a fire you will summon rain which will help your crops ah that's about it your step step 12 well let's give it a shot right in order to step to where we'll step for shopping and just little strumming raid so yeah sometimes you gotta be careful with rituals more so with more rituals rewards which as the name implies adds new effects for rituals like rain dances summoning meteors or ship chunks to even somehow inciting a raid upon your land which if you ask me is my favorite after all gotta keep the meat locketful simple and definitely a mod to always use if you play with ideology now for another simple but cool mod the colonist deco mod allows your colonists to actually decorate their own rooms adding some beauty to their room not to mention train their construct skill personally i think art skills would make more sense but the fact base can still get a bit of learning boost during down time is pretty neat and adds a bit of immersion out there on the rim can't wait to see more and maybe some mod support like making decorations based on other mods you might have included in your game this next mod is also simple but a great bit of quality of life no job authors removes the author of any crafting job what this means is when a pawn works on a suit of armor if they stop that suit can be worked on by some other pond the rules of pawn skill do still apply so pawns with two crafting will put out bad work with level 20 putting out great it's also useful when you suddenly get a creativity inspiration and can move that pawn into a crafting job without having to start all over any of the work for our final mod a personal favorite of brent's saints never stops this mod is a total endgame and i mean it if you want to even access the stuff you have to go through the ship research before even hitting the research to let you fathom the great sciences you will learn it will take a long time trust me when i say it's going to be hard to pull off but when you do it you will have a base of unstoppable monsters that no foe can hold back this is definitely an overpowered mod but it's also beautifully designed mod that rewards patiences and rewards them with super powerful gear brand loves it i think it's pretty cool and i hope you think it's a good mod to go out on with how crazy the gears have been as of late we might need some super powered gear to get through it all but you know what else also gets me through the day you guys hitting that subscribe button and potentially coming to support us on patreon gotta say thanks to everybody that helped us make this video credit roll please everybody that joined us on patreon i'm so happy that you guys have been here with us for an entire year it's been a great year going into 2022 which this video is probably gonna be coming out a little bit late it's been a great time guys thank you
Channel: Noobert
Views: 242,573
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Noobert, Rimworld, Rimworld how to, rimworld guide, rimworld mods, rimworld best, rimworld mods 2022, rimworld 2022, rimworld xbox, rimworld ps4, Best Rimworld Mods Of 2022, best rimworld mods 2022
Id: XwvmP0TjEMs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 21sec (861 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 20 2022
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