A Complete Guide Of Rimworld Alpha Mods

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hm what's this our vanilla expanded videos are doing well well you know what that [Music] means Oh wrong button meant to tell Bren to start work on the alpha mod video don't blame you all for constantly telling us to do it they are awesome so yeah dance and celebrate for today's video so for the two people who don't know about the Alpha Series of mods well think of them as the vanilla expanded sibling mod vanilla expanded Works to be a balanced almost DLC like series of mod Alpha Series meanwhile is more out here possibly not as balanced but just as high qual they also tend to have a bit more focus on the weirder or more sci-fi elements of Rim will either way most people will tell people that if you play with the you should also play with Alpha and today we will go over all the alpha mods and in some cases how they relate to vanilla expanded so please sit back relax and enjoy so starting off we have Alpha animals we previously talked about all the ve animals but the alpha animals not only are bigger but it also has more animals that actually do things Beyond adding a new type of meat and leather to be honest with well over 100 animals I don't think it would be wise to go over each individual one instead we will talk about some of the more interesting ones you might want to look out for in your next playthrough starting off a favorite for us Pokémon lovers the pebble Crystal and boulderman these three have a couple of things in common one they look like the Pokémon dble and Crustle oh gosh I'm saying them wrong they also can act as a source of stone including ones not found in your current region finally tanky as a tank made of tank well at least the Boulder seriously even the description says they are peaceful creatures with Predators dying of old age rather than actually killing the living Mountain so how can you best use them well Boulder and pebbl mitts are herbivores and the pebbl mitt will drop a single stone brick of any type as a harvest Boulder mitts drop full on Stone chunks as for the crystal mitt variant they only eat Stone itself and shed bricks so it might be good if you have a huge mining operation oh and one more thing sometimes you might get an event where a huge boulderman shows up and will crush anything in their path my advice don't even try to melee them it can and will crush them still cool animal from this pack even if you can't train the boulder mitts as the ultimate bodyguard now for more technological based animals there is the Tetra slug slurry peed slurry master and the waywood mobile assembler these are useful technology animals the Tetra slug is extremely slow but it packs a huge punch if you can make it hostile the main reason to have one is to keep it near your batteries as being near batteries lets it recharge them for free not a bad way to top off some emergency power sources the slurry Beed meanwhile is a mobile nutrient past dispenser except for one thing these were designed by mechanoids to keep Organics alive yeah taste is not top priority and this paste is actually worse tasting than normal paste believe it or not a good way to keep a stock of the last Dort meals but your colonists May hate you for it oh yeah I can already see Ted smashing in my door and coming on stage to step if you have be mechanoids installed though you can also find the slurry Master an improved variant that gives out proper nutrient pcee meals yeah there you go Ted this is the one I would recommend keeping as nutrient paste is always useful and beats food poison see Ted this one's better finally the Wayward mobile assembler these assemblers for free will give out random resources from components chocolate chem fuel devil strand syn thread explosive shells and much much more yeah the good stuff you never know what you get each harest cycle but having them nearby could give you resources you actually can find use it wow there's a lot of junk on stage now the cinder blizzard anima and Fairless are spiders of unusual eyes who are complete nightmare fuel to arachnophobes so why are they here well in the lore they were designed to make synth thread in an organic way those planets are now marble worlds yeah a real Nukem from orbit situation feral and animalis can provide a source of syn thread if you tame them Cinder lisks provide their own unique Cinder silk that's pretty high quality and blizzard discs while they hate the heat if you can keep them alive and well provide hyperweave oh and by the way the animalis are herbivores great they also eat animat trees and grass by choice yeah not great at least you can feed them grass if you want it but M your poor animat tree anima scream though what you might not want is the feris mother event where a feris mother will show up and continue to lay charged eggs these eggs will hatch fast and naturally you got a bunch of little spiders that want to eat everything recommend you kill them all ASAP just watch out for their webs luckily for you there are plenty of animals that are out there which make for better Ranch animals stuff that can provide materials to help out throughout your games like the cact toine yeah this one is weird part rat part Cactus all confusing vegetarian meat I don't know bring one on stage what is it look like this thing oh can I touch it oh I better not um take it away Bren okay they provide vegetarian meat if butchered but also medicinal quills Bren bring it back over time that act as an alternative to herbal medicine here turn it into herbal medicine o it poofed oh it's a herbal medicine H that part I poked myself put it there yeah all right back to work the Lucifer bug is a new way to get luciferium ow over time you can Harvest it from them the downside if you kill them they burst into a cloud of luciferium nanites that inflict the addiction on anyone caught in it use with caution well I guess Ted's not with us anymore H teratogenic Originators are huge masses of Flesh that over time allow you to get mutagenic limbs yeah a pretty useful thing in tribal or medieval playthroughs when you need a way to fix limbs but a kind of a weird way to harvest Limbs and this from the guy who organ Farms pawns radiacs are a useful milk animal that also provide chunks of uranium you can process at chem fuel refineries reminds me of Fallout 4 easily a top tier farm animal for providing milk and good material Devil's sheep meanwhile is a source of devil Strand and despite what the lore says they are just farm animal sheep the red eyes are a bit unnerving I admit it's just staring at me Aro fleets is a fan favorite as a cute floating jellyfish does it sting will it hurt jellyfish that explode when killed all right well don't let it die on stage they also provide blue meat okay real reason they are loved is the blue gel they can Harvest which can be processed into cores and used as a high power source best part is they reproduce asexually so you always have a supply of them for trade or more gel just uh do be careful if you plan to col them good way to destroy half the colony take it take it take take it away take stop bringing animals on stage where we're talking about them we don't actually need them here go Sho Sho also they can arrive by an event where a unique colossal aial Fleet Brad what the heck we will show up and be tamed or get it I'm trying to read or you can be do target practice on the group for explosions don't blow it up on St holy crap so I'm in my office now the the stage got blown up we're going to we're going to do the rest of it from here and hopefully no one can get in here I lock the door all right there are insectoids big black variants of our favorite insectoids with black scarabs skoped and mega spiders they also come with two new insectoids the mega slice and the mega worm which I'm sure by how it looks you know it's a huge tank of insects and I really hope they can't get in here so yeah you are going to get raided by black eyeses but it's not all bad the hives when destroyed provide black insect jelly which pons love and butchering the insect toids provide black CH which acts as a high tier leather variant here take a look at it let me turn my monitor towards you all see there you go see it there you are it's a thing all right we're just going to zoom in into the Monitor and continue from here all right but that's not the creature that provides the best leather that would be the gatr huge and I do mean huge masses of muscle that scream try it and see if you're brave or more likely stupid enough to attack one of them you will unleash hell upon your Colony a creature that pummels and even has a ranged attack oo kind of makes thrumbos seem like muffalo in comparison now let's see according to my notes I'm supposed to talk about the mimes ah okay yeah I as well since usually me and my writers disable them but uh mes a burps you you know how sometimes you get colonists you show up randomly and all seems well and then you eat them well anyways keep an eye on them if they seem to eat a lot of food excuse me you might have a mime hiding amongst your colony and they will continue to eat least till they run out of food then they turn on you straight nightmare fuel yeah I don't don't like it most people turn this off in the mod options for a reason but uh yeah I'd be remiss if I didn't mention it at least last on the list is the compatibility with vanilla expanded sidc casting you get four New Paths of SCC casting for your pawns to learn and utilize in battle some of which related to the corrupting nature of the ocular Forest the savagery of the many animals with the ravager ah yes you guys know the ocular Forest you know the eyeball trees and stuff all right moving on the intelligence and latest psionics of the xenos sneer ah yes my favorite Herald of the black Hive harnessing the power of the black Hive to call upon allies From Below as your own here let me just pet it certainly a good bonus if you play with scast to have more options obviously there are more animals and this pack constantly gets new animals wouldn't surprise me if during the creation of this video more get added so let's know in the comments what your favorite from them are and I'm going to get out of here before this pet of mine um is less pet and more enemy all right let's get out of this Forest now Alpha biomes are where it's at for more exotic locations to set up shop not only adding new biome mechanics to deal with but also new wild cuz hey why not add more animals to your game let's go take a walk in my Park 12 biomes as of writing have been added to the game and each vary in terms of difficulty from easiest we have The idic Meadows a warm Lush Paradise with barely a predator and illness it also has flowers of unusual size take a look at this hopefully bees of unusual size don't come and ruin our day the myotic jungle is a forest of giant mushrooms a bit more challenging since wood isn't going to be as common plus there are huge mushrooms that rain deadly spores down on anyone unlucky enough to take a shower but hey if you are a fun guy it's a fun place to be all right let's get the heck out of here back to the office the tarpits are aid but actually have a good variety of trees here take a look at my screen all right here we are play things right you can utilize the tar around the area just be careful of the wild beehives you might have a bad time if you get too close finally an easier places to live in is the gelatinous superorganism a huge area of slime there is no stone here just slime the rocks are hardened slime which turn into slime meals yeah structure might be a problem living here but hey food won't be a problem moving on to tougher regions the ocul Forest is a land of strangeness red and uh eyes seriously oh oh yeah seriously The Hills Have Eyes got nothing on this anyways the gatr graveyard is the final resting place of the mighty uh you guessed it gatr here it's mostly Aid shrand pretty easy to live in all things considered though picking a fight with the Aging kaijus is ill advised that's right I said Kaiju then there is the mechanoid intrusion lost evidence of mechanoid plans to alter the planet we already knew they were trying to do that you know we've seen the remnants everywhere here barely a speck of Life exists no stone to be found but plenty and I do mean plenty of scrap metal to smelt down and utilize for even harder base locations the mymic mangroves might be my least favorite horrible Wetlands that not only is hard to build on it's full of so many illnesses your pawns are going to be out of commission with the flu every other day so make sure you make lots of penicillin yes make sure they're on it if you're going to be here the Forsaken craze is a dark land of nocturnal predators and luminescent plants a difficult place to navigate and survive in but hey if your ponds love the dark it might be considered a good home not me I like to praise the sun that's why we're here in my office then there are the propane Lakes the paradise of Hank Hill as this ice cold region has a coldness of sea ice ah yes propane and propane accessories however unlike sea ice there are actually plenty of unique plants and material you can use to make a home here the propane Lakes themselves can actually be harvested for power as you see here or just fueling certain things as you see here actually could be good if you want to ease into sea ice life but want a few extra Comforts at home finally the extreme biomes here let's get out of the office and go check one of these out it could be cool all right here oh yep let's go the ones that actually test people's skills in managing a proper base guys the pyrro clastic conf flager where is Hell on Earth where are we literally a volcanic expanse that is full of constant heat waves colanic ash oh yeah and lots of lava that can and will set everything you love on fire also lots of exotic animals that too can set your stuff on fire if you do plan to move here have a plan and for the love of ry's left year don't build with wood going to somewhere cooler oh yeah we get to leave but just as dangerous as the Fess jungles you think the jungles in Rim world are dangerous you ain't got nothing here this is the kind of land that kachian jungle Fighters train on as the name implies its full of feralis mostly jungle variants that do provide syn thread they also launch webs that do acidic damage to prey before coming in and killing them my advice compound up and wait for night at night they sleep and you can collect resources when it's safer if you can believe it of course Bren likes to use the Fairless jungle for his more op mod playthroughs both to defend himself but also for the hilarity of a raid getting eaten alive by giant arachnids and I think this is fun and all but I haven't seen the arachs eat people so we'll have to talk to Bren about that one I mean they eat people I just haven't seen them randomly killing Raiders this mod is pretty cool it includes a new animals to go with alphamon the locals are varied and add a bit more spice to the gameplay and each one feels like it could fit on a rim world love to see more added in the future Alpha bees so to go a little classic time to talk about bees which may or may not be a deadly bee weapon bees my God yeah Alpha bees provides you with what else Bees honey and a variety of waxes actually a pretty cool way to get resources in a different way all starting from harvesting hives yeah first you got to harvest the hives out a wild mild and tempered beehives then after you harvest and process them you get a supply of starting honey comb and drone and Princess bees really it's simply at that point just make hives and put them in pawns will tend the bees and collect their honeycomb using animal skills of course what's not simple is the amount of work needed to combine and make the newer bees see if you go through the research and make hybrid Chambers for the Apiaries you can start crossbreeding them starting with mild and temperate Prince princesses and drones to make hybrid and amalan bees and from there you crossbreed those with each other to begin the process of different Lins of bees bees to make materials oh bees to make Metals food drugs and many more we won't go over every set of bees I mean there is a whole lot not to mention plenty of mod support to further ad bees I will say a bit of advice when setting up apiar for some bees it's usually a good idea to check what they need some bees like the metal bees use materials they can make in their Combs so you might have to keep stockpiles in certain areas for them you also could go into the mod options to negate issues like if it's raining temperature issues night and day cycles and even if the bees require certain things around them to actually make Honeycombs though don't think that's all you can do with bees if you have the vanilla expanded genetics you can make proper bee hybrids with animals that's right you can make the gone be a thrombo bee hybrid that that is so powerful that utilizing it I'm pretty sure is breaking a few Geneva conventions don't know don't care and I know you don't either though personally I think the boomalope B hybrid is more evil it injects victims with chem fuel that is completely messed up in my opinion but in all seriousness I like this combo the be hybrids have their own use provide their variant of honeycomb which usually gives the good resources and to be honest they are kind of cute in a horrific scientific Abomination type of way the rim bees experience might be a good game type try and go through the game utilizing nothing but material obtained by bees the honey provides a method of preserving veggies and meat in honey you can make honey meals that even the basic ones make pawns happy wax is a lovely looking material though unless you get the more advanced wax is not the most durable and yeah totally a cool mod that I'm sure more people are now downloading even as I speak if you aren't then Beware of the god be's wrath i kid I kid that wrath is reserved for the WASP people they know what they did moving on to Alpha mythology you get a pretty sizable animal pack with mythological creatures that wouldn't be too out of place in a Pathfinder game actually if you are a little more old school and wondering why this seems familiar that's because Alpha mythology originally was made as magical Menagerie and we were planning to do a video on it but things kind of fell through we even had the whole script written my goodness still at the very least we get to talk about it here as Alpha mythology finally got around to it you get a wide variety of awesome animals like the mighty minur who can stamp and the ground and cause tremors the great Hydra whose poison is enough to make even mighty demigods like Hercules weep and pain and for your pawns well do be careful if you plan to fight them they regenerate wounds and are pretty tanky the salamander is the perfect pet in an Arctic environment after all they exude so much heat they might turn your wreck room into an oven the egg also do the same and explode when hatched okay so maybe they aren't the perfect pet what is a good pet is the kitsun a nuzzling nine-tailed fox who can heal the wounds of nearby porns yeah that's a good Fox no wonder we worship him there are much more in the pack and some with a few more exotic mythological creatures I just learned about like the quillin I probably said that wrong the Chinese draconic deer unicorn thing I can't say the name right but you get what I'm talking about for real though it is pretty cool and even inspired by Dragon enemy in Monster Hunter the curan how about the Japanese Kappa some people might know about this but did you know they can be beaten by bowing their heads and letting the water in their open head fall out or offer a cucumber to them kind of kind of like cuphead isn't it that's interesting anyways yeah that's pretty neat just like the cppa here if you train it on guard it can help out with Harvest jobs the Basilisk is of European folklore they say if a chicken is hatched beneath a toad a snake of demonic force is born and in the rim it lives up to its reputation a huge snake whose very presence kills plant life around it not to mention petrified colonist unlucky enough to meet its gaze finally the willow wisps of English folklore strange floating Balls of Fire that are said to lure Travelers away in the dark as if they were following a lantern fellow man never to be seen again these ones are floating balls with the durability of a water bear seriously immune to psychic and fire resistance to extreme temperatures and toxicity it's a good thing these asexually reproducing little dudes aren't naturally hostile but if they are well as Bren puts it always prepare magic Missile a tabletop veteran will always prepare missiles for Willow wisps there are of course more mythological creatures within the pack but why not let you download and see what great Legends you can find in there and let us know your favorite mythological animals I know we like the K those mischievous foxes an inspiration for awesome Digimon but yeah while it's not the biggest of the alpha mods nor the one with the most mechanic I do think it's still of high quality and includes some great artwork anyone who downloads this will enjoy all right time for some quality Alpha memes all right guys so this one works is that it's an expansion of vanilla expanded memes but these ones are by sogs admission a little sillier or out of the scope of the original mods so think of this as an expansion of an expansion are we all clear all right cool let's get into it starting off the new ideology structures we got Jewish origins kdic or Egyptian styled steampunk Revival Jane origin siik origin Corsair Neolithic scavenger and atheist yeah new styles for new AR styled ideology but this mod also includes additional options for other styles in ve and base game adding even more weapon designs armor and Furniture luckily for you the ideology leader has a new ability the change style ability all you have to do is put the item on the floor and if it can be changed the leader can alter the style great if you find a good weapon or armor but it's not in your colony's ideology style though the new styles do have a few more additions than just something that looks good some come with new mechanics to play with the neolithics come with the megalist structure one for every three colonist you have the core s while they have no real additions I do have to mention the nutrient paste dispenser is now a Grog dispenser and that's funny to me scavengers have access to the scrapping ritual you offer up a high technology item and if you succeed at the ritual you earn components from smashing up the item comedic Origins have the master architect role a role that permits the pawn to turn piles of normal vanilla bricks into lovely pristine limestone a beautiful stone great for building or art and more importantly a once a week ability to instantly complete a started building project naturally they also get the ability to make the pyramid be weird if they don't have that building obviously it requires a lot of a material but it's beautiful atheism has pawns disliking other pawns who hold religious belief honestly feels a little dickish since not every atheist IRL is bad but hey that's the mechanic here but what about the actual memes included well you got the vow of nonviolence making your pawns abhor all forms of violence which do include eating meat slavery hunting and slaughtering animals the good thing you do get out of this meme is the non-lethal trap a blunt version of the Shar trap definitely hard mode for some Rim World players but I know it's possible just not for me in my colonies artists is a lower difficulty meme this one has your Pawns in the colony demand art all throughout the colony higher quality at higher expectations and naturally a tables get a boost in speed though because of the desire of well handcrafted art mechanical workbenches and automation inve mechanoids get slowed down sadist or as the mod page points out normal mode for most people is for those of us who love evil porns love taking organs from still living pawns death being caused no matter who is the one dying Corps is all around and even if they are rotting but of course being known as those weirdos who hang around with dead people will give you a one-time hit of minus 50 to all faction reputation at the start of the game not to mention crafting quality instantly goes down one level Madness is what happens when your pawns might be talking bad goou and deciding to start a CT the Pawns in this ideology will have a mental break threshold plus 25% but their mood fluctuates anywhere from -5 to+ 15% then there is the S casting potential all Pawns in the ideology get a free nural Link at the start of the game and have plus 10% boost to psychic sensitivity but then there's the ritual the ritual of Madness they can do after success it causes all pawns who went along with this to snap and go into a random mental break why would you do this because the catharsis gets a boost in mood values right up to plus 60 so yeah maybe having a colony of weirdos isn't too bad youth is a meme about youngsters pawns who are below age 25 are respected by Pawns of the ideology while those of above 65 are hated yeah guess youth is wasted on the young biological defilers focus on destroying organic life porns get Joy by killing animals either through normal means or Slaughter pawns also abhor bonding and respect pawns who kill animals you also get the precept despited animals which lets you pick out certain animals that your ideology really hates conversely there are the biological reconstructors where pawns will gain the ability to analyze animals and get a mood buff releasing tamed animals back into the wild how nice to scan animals you need an animal database and the more animals you analyzed the happier your pawns will be monothetic is for those of us who want to try and Achieve inner peace abstaining from alcohol pawns get a mood debuff for drinking the devil's Hooch but after 3 days get a mood buff for abstaining though for drugs you can decide how strict you are from Total abstaining medical use or social use so you can be slightly lenient on the other stuff like artist automation is slowed down then when it comes to physical love you can prohibit it or leave it to married couples then Barracks monotic pawns love barrack in fact they love it so much they get the aesthetic trait forced on them so being in a dingy barrax makes them happy at the very least the meme doesn't prohibit fighting back so you can arm your monst with higher tier weapons in case Raiders think of you as easy prey bull walk is the meme for those who follow the best offense is a good defense philosophy boosting a percentage of armor type depending on your choice at creation of the ideology it makes pawns happy to be safer any pawn with metal armor gets a mood buff without any armor a mood debuff Shar Shooters meanwhile prefer to be happy with range weapons and boost shooting accuracy and range can't get hit if they don't get to you after all Gladiators however oo look at this guy live for melee upping melee hit chance damage and stun chance while reducing shooting skills a good Trio of combat specialization that's always a good way to round out ideologies psychic vampirism is a meme based on taking the power from other psych with this meme all colonists boost their psychic sensitivity by 25 though at a big cost of being unable to meditate to regain py Focus to regain sight Focus you need to use the new death Nell ability targeting a down Pawn with one of your colonists and ripping the power out of them if they have any psychic power it will recharge Cy Focus through the form of some heat in them if they have have no powers no problems you get a mood buff and some healing done to the pawn so it's not completely wasted G Supremacy is all about the garden tree boosting pruning speed and even the combat abilities of the dryads though your pawns do lose combat abilities letting the dads do the work plus starting a new Colony with the meme starts you with three Unshackled dads who don't require the tree and act like any tamed animal finally the iconic class meme The anti- Relic meme that has your pawns hitting I cons of religion they refuse to make reliquaries and if they see any on a map they get upset you unlock the Relic smashing Altar and pawns can put relics in there and do the Relic deconstruction ritual completely destroying it every Relic you destroy the happier pawns get though to be honest it could be such a waste to lose good relics but hey you do you but there is one last thing to talk about that's this mod adds funeral changes you now have multiple options for different funerals then just dropping them into the ground you got stuff like cremation launching them into the sky via a dropt in tuming the mine in a pyramid or just mummifying them to make a morbid art piece or my favorite forced into the nutrient past to help keep the colony going even after death this was actually a mod that I've wanted for a while and I can't believe we just found it these funerals are great and I wish there were more options H alpha or ve funerals Food For Thought for the future but my thoughts on this mod definitely and always download it goes with ve memes like peanut butter and jelly and adds even more variety to the gameplay so after a big mod we got another big mod in the form of alpha jeans this mod adds and I kid you not more than 200 new jeans now I could go over every single Jean in this video but I feel like that would be boring not to mention my writer would hate me for forcing him to write down every single Gene and I would hate him for making me read off every last one of them so instead let's talk about the stuff this mod adds around the biotech G mechanic instead of just you know droning on and on first off you get a new way to find more jeans the biotech Quest randomly you will get alerted to Labs with abandoned Jean packs and tools head on over and collect your prizes though watch out if you stayed too long you might attract some others who had the same idea you also have access to three types of packs now the normal base game G packs which only have base game GS the alpha packs which hold nothing but the alpha Gene packs and finally the mixed packs which can have a combo of both types as for equipment that might also be found you can find tools that play around with a Pawn's genes the gene remover has the ability to remove a random Jee from a pawn Endo geni can turn a xenogene into an endogene with the xenogen ifier turning an endogene into a xenogene yeah tongue twister the xenotype nullifier is extremely useful if you get a good traded Pawn with a bad Xeno type as it reverts the pawn into a normal human no more fun stuff for you finally The Germ line mutator oh yeah gives a pawn a random Endo Gene given how many genes you can get with this mod pack you really have no idea what you could get and that's saying a lot though the most important thing to come out of this mod is the new xenot types awesome new types of colonist to add new ways to play and enjoy the rim World Experience yeah this is what we will go a bit into detail on first up is the fleet kind xenot type these strange jellyfish like pawns are great haulers thanks to their floating ability ignoring all terrain slowdown not to mention they can make blue gel if you have Alpha animals installed with this MTH plus you never have to worry about running out of Pawns they reproduce asexually yeah kind of like the air flates the downside to that is there is no real way to control that so be prepared for floating babies also be prepared for pain since they explode on death I mean what did you expect from a xenotype that floats via gas packs honestly a pretty useful xenotype even if they are living bomb helixs are slug people who love rotting corpses so much they can actually eat them without issue not to mention actually get strengthened by lung rot though the being slugs they move slower in the cold and being creatures who eat rotting corpses and such pawns will find them repulsive if you have one in the Colony be prepared for them to be alone very alone animin are foxlike xenot types who flourish in the cold weather and also have Boost to psychic abilities great for Caster pawns or if you are planning to move up north since they don't have really any two major flaws the lapis are rocklike xenot types who don't need to eat instead they get their power for metal and can even use abilities that increase their metal needs not bad if you have a way to constantly refill metal stores kind of bad if you're limited the wretches are a sad xenotype as they are in constant change every day they get 10 new genes activated and it can be literally any ones even ones that might kill them or aren't compatible with each other very chaotic and not recommended poor creatures put them down taai are Deadpools constantly full of cancer that's not even a joke they constantly grow cinoma but in exchange for the Wade Wilson powers they can consume the carcinoma in exchange for healing attacks or Buffs yeah cancered powered pawns that's so crazy it might actually work hings are the insectoid xenotype with cool webbing abilities flight in the air and maybe some bad reputation with the non- insectoids these guys are certainly welcome additions to any Colony oh yeah and they can pull a xenomorph an implant in a a most unwilling prisoner to propagate your species yeah maybe should have opened with that one mind devours are basically the Mind flares of DnD non-m devours absolutely are repulsed by them they also are extremely fragile and weak but that's not a problem for them when they have great psychic potential and even their own mind attacks that don't need silink to use to them fighting back is as simple as using their heads elf FRS are what happens when an imp and a hassar have a child physically strong winged and Fire based these are your Frontline melee Fighters they are aggressive and a bit fire obsessed but honestly I'd love to have a couple of these guys on My Bodyguard Duty next time I visit the rim which could be soon finally the last two alpha xenot types are based on vanilla expanded xenot types the ocular kin or phyto kin who have been corrupted by the ocular Forest they are great psychics can reproduce by planting a child and letting it grow on their own in the ground not to mention are naturally good Planters just don't set them on fire they they really don't like that same with the sanage or sangu Fage or however we say it xenot type here the Malachi these guys are extremely vulnerable to flames and the Sun but in exchange of that deadly allergy you got a pawn who can actually incorporate genes from another Pawn into them yeah these guys can be pretty strong though keep in mind other pawns are terrified and repulsed by them but hey at least they aren't so ugly they can kill somebody that's actually a thing in the world of Darkness if you play a Nosferatu so are some are so ugly they straight up kill people with a look it's it's it's something these xenot types are awesome and the genes the mods provide add a ton of variety and replay value to the rim the best part we might get even more updates and genes to this mod maybe related to Future ve xenot types yeah though one more thing before we move on I'll Alpha genes has its own add-on in the form of the alpha genes insectoid mutation mod wow that's a mouthful this one just adds to the game's vanilla expanded insectoid mutations in the form of Gene you don't actually need Alpha genes to use it but it will only show up in the xenotype editor if you have Alpha genes and this the new genes come in Alpha and genan packs all right time for the big one the Big Kahuna of alpham mods alphax yeah this adds a huge amount of New Mex to the game don't even need biotech to play with them either if you have royalty they show up in clusters if you have biotech well get more Mex to make and fight originally the mechs were included into Alpha animals but now they are back and ready to ruin your days with stuff like the aura a melee attacker who can regenerate damage fireworms who are Inferno making monsters The Siege breaker who can bombard you from afar oh yeah and the Demolisher that makes the termite Mech seem like a simple problem and that's just scratching the surface of some of the threats you got in biotech you normally have three raid bosses you can summon to your base while with this mod you get new bosses to summon an even higher tiered chips and stuff to do with them the inferus is the bringer of Doom who can summon orbital strikes upon their foes the war Empress creates melee mechs and has a deadly melee attack of her own finally the apoptosis a nightmare of a Mech who can attack with acids some claim they can even drain Souls also resurrect fellow mechs which is always a pain the drops from them will be important for future gear and even some mechs you can make and boy howdy there is a lot this mod includes a ton of mod support with other mods Alpha bees has the aparis the mech that deals with beekeeping jobs very helpful if you have a ton of Apiaries and not enough pawns genetic hores do work with the vanilla expanded genetics doing genetic engineering jobs script modons are for ve books able to do any WR fting job which hey more books more fun on the rim Oceanus if you have e fishing you can do fishing jobs something that is extremely appreciated if you always need food plus I like how it looks like a boat sanguinarius mechs can drain any down Pawns of their hemogen and store it within them only around if you have ve sang fages Santa fages these guys might be useful to top up the blood collection nucleons actually appear if you have rimatomics doing any nuclear insertion or extraction jobs meaning your pawns won't have to risk anything when dealing with those rods and for the last bit of monst support if you have ve mechanoids pristine variants of the alphax will appear in their raids if you let them upgrade but hey do the research Alpha Hardware upgrade and you can make your own pristine mechs which is a pretty cool thing to do if you ask me for other mechs you can make there are pristine assemblers and slurped you can make that do their creation fast fter than wild variants found in Alpha animals the karius which is an expensive Mech that needs a high subcore but with a 15 in cooking it will be like having Gordon Ramsey in the kitchen of your Colony turbo cleaners are better clean Bots that hover meaning they move faster obviously great for any colony to have the flying Roomba then there is the pristine Strider a great haul bot both in actually doing hauling jobs around the colony but being a good Caravan help actually having more Caravan carrying capacity than what its body looks like like it could carry interesting and that's just the utility Bots there are a ton of combat Bots you can create yeah this mod provides a ton of different mechs for combat light stuff like Blitz C for a bomber type robot to help weaken group The artian Who can switch between a small arms weapon or grenades to heavier stuff the legate who is heavily shielded and can do heavily ranged attacks or maybe you want a Sagittarius who can range attack or even stun enemies you honestly they have a lot of options with each of the different mechs it's almost overwhelming but at least with all these different options this does mean you can fill in any gaps in your defenses or offensive line the Starfire that requires the quantum Matrix chip the apop trius drops this thing is made of wind as a highly destructive force if you make it far enough to make it have fun just raining death down on foes at long range you've earned it but yeah not really going to go through every individual robot you can see here how many you got and how they do feel a bit syy yet different really the close variety is so you always have different options and play styles to support a player which I totally respect doesn't mean it makes it easy to go over everything though there is more to this mod far more we got equipment your more mechanically inclined pawns can wear like the mechm and Mech breaker armors perfect for endgame as they both provide High defense with more bandwidth you're going to need that if you plan to have a Skynet level of forces there are also multiple accessory packs that increase Bend with even further our gift to you if you order now then in buildings plenty of relays to summon the new boss mix the new band nodes that give a plus two and five band to bandwidth with the option to change their values in the mod options we love that here the multiple different Mech boosters to put around the base to help any mechs that go near them in being that more useful this is on top of the mech disruptor that messes with enemy Mech stats if they go into their radius last but not least in buildings is the void link Mech recharger meant to recharge any of the boss mechs you might make after all special mechs deserve a special charger now this is the part where I say that's the end but Color Me surprised when the vanilla expanded vehicle showed up during our script making process you know what that means Alpha Vehicles oh yeah we're still going for a while yet as of writing it's only the Neolithic vehicles but these are great for early era playthroughs when you want to have some vehicle support the main reason for this mod is that they are tier zero Vehicles meaning they are easy to make and have no research locking them from your Colony though they have two traction types human powered and animal powered if it's a human powered the driver will get hungrier and tired 50% faster but the passengers won't be affected if the vehicle can have one that is of course for animal power the animals are fueled by hay and kibble and will constantly eat through fuel even when not in use luckily if you run out of fuel it won't kill the animals but they will refuse to work as for the vehicles themselves they give a good variety for early game colonies but it's Tribal or medieval wheelbarrows for helping with carrying cargo around Rick Shaws and pacquins to carry other around in some style you know even some offensive vehicles with the hcha and the war Chariot the hcha being an inaccurate missile barrage but hey could save your life especially if you know how to say the word better than me then plenty of vehicles to make going from point A to point B easier with the Chariot Ox cot covered carriage and dog sled though they are a bit limited usually preferring to be on roads already made it is early Vehicles after all finally they include ways to Really Leave the map with an Outrigger Canoe for water tiles and a hot air balloon the balloon can't hold much and only a driver in passenger but if you really need to drop pod somewhere it's a good early way to do it finally new wood patterns for vehicle looks which is always nice and that's it we made it to the end seven awesome Alpha mods each one contributes to rim World in their own special way seriously these are some of the highest quality of mods on the workshop and gold standards SAR if you're watching this add more stuff these mods are so cool and the mechanoids are my favorite and add more buildable mechs yeah like a Mech to make mechs yeah or a mechanoid chinchilla that would make my day it could do animal tending I could of course we know it would be a mechanoid cow I'd like to thank all the patrons that make videos like this possible we couldn't do it without you guys I appreciate everybody that kind of helped us out after my surgery I'm happy to be back making videos and this is the first Banger we have to give to you guys since all of that so I hope you enjoy it and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: Noobert
Views: 40,869
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Noobert, Rimworld, Rimworld Guide, Rimworld mods, alpha mods
Id: iMEjhcrjcEQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 21sec (2721 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 21 2023
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