Rimworlds Coolest Mods Of The Month

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time for something new see if you folks want more a list of awesome mods that have been released in the past month that is August 2023 at the time of writing by the by why did I want to do this well for starters because sometimes it's hard to make a list of mods without making repeats and two ever since starting to do rimel content I've noticed new moders showing up and adding to this awesome game think of this as a way to alert people to new mods to try out and of course give them some props to some new blood of course without further Ado let me know in the comments if you knew about these mods and of course if you want to see more of this as a series starting off the obvious literal Game Changer the one and the only vehicle framework no joke this framework has been an ongoing project for some time and finally we get to play around with it going Mad Max on Raiders or just bringing on the tanks cuz everything's better with tanks I suppose we could make mention of ve vehicles but that should go without saying that anything vanilla expand and gets a place on this list one entry spot though just one throughout the month I have seen multiple differences tanks vehicles and other items from this framework and I can't wait to see what other fun tools of War we get to drive around with in the future for this next one slightly cheating but the Grims World 40K mods released this August are a great package for those who are fans of the 40K Universe armor arms corpse starch and tanks lots of tanks and people in armor as heavy as tanks of course I think what I like best about these mods is the fact that the AR style is very rumal doesn't feel out of place feels just right really plus hey any excuse to fight for the Imperium is always a good excuse I can't wait to see more from this team maybe get us some mechanicus for the next one mechanicus mechanus oh man I'm going to get killed for that one Speaking of gods how about some Godly traits for your pawns I know I know overpowered and whatnot yeah yeah yeah but hey sometimes you want to have that super op run where you want to cause trouble and make it everyone else's problem okay and look at that despite this being a first time mod from the Creator it actually has a bit of balance in a sense they are extremely rare like one in a million rare plus it comes with curses to counterplay like curses speed everything your Pawn does as fast you know moving for a first time mod actually a pretty good SE of uh traits for a bit of op fun I I really yeah and for a bit more fun the bong stick a legendary name meme weapon whatever you want to call it that is only found by Quest or Trad able to take down many foes yes it's it's just a stick but a very meable one plus it can apply a sedative effect on whoever it hits so it's actually does something while being funny to be fair my baseball bat has a sedative effect as well would you like to test it okay okay okay for something a little more serious how about talking about the world of uh Naruto yes no not the anime the actual mod named this looking at this mod I admit I had an eyebrow raise I thought it would be a list of a bunch of uh Ninja themed weapons and armor and we call it good but no this mod goes a bit above and beyond yes first off it includes a chakra system pawns with the chakra trait can learn the different Ninjutsu genjutsu Tai jutu similar to the sastry system this alone would make me want to talk about this mod but guess what there's more there are the five Elemental releases those being earth wind fire water and lightning you know which can be given to a pawn via jeans or through chakra special ninja chakra paper made at the the art bench as a writing right now then of course the K Genai oh unique bloodline abilities pawns can be bor with these all can be passed down through breeding naturally the Empire will provide you ninja ring than giving customer rewards and of course there is the many ninja weapons and armor like I said before didn't I think much of this but this is an actually wellmade mod and I can't wait to see more since the mod devs are working on more yeah I know right keep an eye on this one I know I'll be doing that believe it hex percepts is next and what you might guess is that this is a mod that adds more precepts for your Colony ideal Legion always nice to mix it up and have new ways to direct your Colony so the precept here come in two flavors simplistic and complex both Balan for base game from what I can tell there is the absolute animalism to focus on animal work like taming Bond chances and even Caravan riding speeds Charisma for making your pawns swaave and great at talking not so good at research but hey just use your talking powers to recruit someone else who can research for you Bingo desert living is for those who want to live out in hotter environments raising minimum and Max temperature tolerance and even insulation boosting versus could be generally or genuinely useful who knows especially early game ignorance is bliss for happy pawns but not so for Smart Ones with knowledge Seekers focusing on Research at the detriment of other focuses maker culture is building Focus opposing gardening medicalm minded focuses on healing but you can't make a punch very well this one amuses me cuz you take more damage that you can heal better mertile improves your trading skills but at the cost of building speed might be a fun tradeoff pun intended and you basically get the idea a bunch of precepts that focus on improving one part of the game at the cost of another pretty fair and balanced and could be useful for certain playthroughs highly highly highly recommend it so one of my writer's favorite V mods is a nutrient paste expanded one honestly while not my personal favorite it is up there as one of the more useful mods now this month we got two mods two to go up to the mod first up being ferrets neutr chem a new way to make chem fuel all by hooking your pace lines to the new device provided I know the community's been talking about this one a lot but we got to talk about it cuz it's worth it given past is pretty easy to make with a mod this is low effort way to keep chemfuel stock up for whatever projects you may need also there is a way to just use the biofuel Refinery to turn already made paste meals into chem fuel if you want to do that method rather than piping one though the most hilarious thing is the structure to pipe gem Fuel and the make new utri paste I have no idea how this works or even if it would improve or worsen The Taste but I imagine it has to give Pawn some bad heartburn you know what I mean now second to this the other mod for paste is the nutrient paste expanded MPD TI MPD tiers was a mod meant to be expanded on the pace dispensers before being like you know continued by Millie honestly a pretty cool mod for its time and combining it with the pipeline feature it feels it really does feel like that's what it needed with the mod you get three new tiers of pace you can dis fense improved which makes it act as a normal meal right pawns don't mind eating it at all and of course you won't get any food poisoning which is awesome it's fine for fine meal variants great for the lake game and prisoner which is even worse flavored than normal paste obviously used for people who you don't like or if you want to experiment on your pawns like vault tech speaking of let's see how our vault is doing so have you ever wanted to play Rim will where God can destroy you based on his own whims no no no no I don't mean Randy random I mean like the ritual to a Divine being sense right like with the gods are angry mod now you have a huge risk versus reward if you do good you get a blessing but if you do bad oh that's when it gets full Old Testament with lightning fire and possibly a plague or two now I know what you are thinking and yes my hair is very stylish but also yes this mod can be tweaked in the mod up options if you are worried about certain wrath events being too dangerous always a nice thing for moders to provide options for the tweaking you know yeah moving up repair hubs yeah fun stuff these are useful buildings designed to keep repairs up on the base set them up power them up and you got a radius of Auto Repair actually pretty balanced though cost and power use not to mention that it doesn't do it quickly it's every few seconds so it's not going to keep Raiders who try to tunnel in out permanently but it will help fix up things after a fight or perhaps delaying set tunneling enough to let you get there to stop the problem there are also repair Hub belts and implants pawns with them have their apparel repaired twice per day not to match but again it helps for the day-to-day especially for more rare items you don't want to wear down to nothing I also like how it looks so vanillish always a plus when the modded content can mix with vanilla art styles yeah yeah now from repairing things to salvaging its ancient junk Loop this is a fun mod because it turns the normally pretty worthless ancient junk dotting the landscape into a potential Treasure Trove of useful gear you can find ancient Food Packs and soda that still tastes good and satisfies pawns amongst fridges vending machines and shopping carts ancient power cells from ancient lamps which while on their own you can't do much with but if you research batteries you can get small ancient power cell blocks to give you 100 power great for the early game and other stuff or hey why not turn those cells into a refurbished ancient lamp that glows forever with its own power ancient tanks might drop their tank machine guns which could be helpful again early on emphasis on the helpful not to mention the ancient cooking station that can be found amongst old crates and containers these do require power to work but use far less power than original but at less efficiency as a cost finally all junk items can drop other loot like from Silver ATMs you know like silver from the ATMs reinforc barrels from tank cannons and so on seriously useful mod for the ear game and it's nice to be able to utilize the junk in a balanced and fun way I hope to see this more from the dev in the future I don't know why this isn't base game it's it hurts my soul but we have it fixed okay the modders solved our problem with the subject of reusing items how about reusing your triple rocket launchers and making yourself a rocket launcher bike yeah the vehicle expanded mod certainly has some fun add-ons can't think of a lot of things more fun than a cycle in the shake of a rocket launcher that eats up chem fuel like a Snorlax eats food seriously though this thing will devour all your chem fuel but for the speed you get hey it might be worth it if only to show off to the trade Caravans or maybe show off to the Raiders who inevitably will come over to your base and steal your po but know what never made sense how they could show up without food supplies or medicine you and I both know if you want a raid you always bring supplies especially medicine well with the Raider rations mod it fixes this little oversight by giving Raiders a good chance to come with food so now when you decide to order in to fill your meat locker with fresh meat you can also get some prepackaged meals to go with that nice now if you aren't in it for the meat and more for the Free Labor you might realize how clogged your Colony Bar can be when you have a lot of unpaid inters in the colony that's why the overworked and super underpaid worker bar is a great add-on just install the mod and now you have a simple toggle that flips between your main colonist and the colonist who wear a lot of collars and have no freedoms Sometimes the best mods are those that are simple Quality of Life mods which is why I make so many of those videos also do note I pay all my Colony workers very well and totally don't send them out on Raider missions underprepared the day before payday yep that's I've never not once never nope suppose another reason not to just kill off Raiders is if they have good jeans however extracting their genes can be a bit annoying since it takes time and you still have to pay attention to your prison thank goodness there is the gene extractor tears mod now you got access to improved versions of the gene extractor this time all you need is to put whoever you want to harvest into the machine keep it powered filled with food and that's it just wait every 8 days and you get a new genan pack aside from the normal keep the power on so they don't die you really don't need to worry about them anymore plus if you have the E nutrient paste you can hook this up to the PACE line and keep them fed a great mod especially if you have stuff like Alpha genes or mods to add xenot types speaking of we got lions and tigers no Bears or oh my sadly but but next SP here we have two new xenot types based on large Feld lines the Leos with good social and hunting skills at the cost of not being generally good at other things Tigers meanwhile are heavyweight solos a bit slower than the other pawns and definitely not the most social but make up for it with pain tolerance and again great combat skills aside from the genes that govern their looks they do get specialized jeans you will find useful first The Nine Lives jeans this Ary Gene allows the pawn to dodge a single gun or melee attack not gas or explosions though you also only get nine uses and it takes a month to recharge a use still it's a very nice thing to be able to avoid a potential killing blow in my own personal opinion feline claws are an obvious gene they would have and with it their unarmed strikes have armor piercing Pride Hunter is a gene that gives your feline friends joy in hunting be it melee or range they hunt they love it they also are naturally stealthy which in gameplay terms lowers the chance of a hunted animal going mad I think we all have stories of hunting a muffalo herd and then it all going mad finally the adrenaline Gene every time they get a kill they get a buff to their mood filtration a 10% oh blood filtration oops oops oops a 10% boost that un admittedly oh unlimitedly Stacks am I all right probably the catch it all goes away when it go to sleep all right the last thing to mention is the mod includes an enemy faction makes sense when you got the hunter skills of the xenot types to want to practice your trade careful out there don't want to be the hunted with another xenotype mod we have the Mass Effect xenot types ah Mass effects so many cool alien species and now we can include them into our Rim World adventure four species are included here and while you don't need anything to run this mod aside from biotech you can include some of the recommended mods on the page to trigger more genes for the xenotype figured I should mention that as for the species you got tyrian disciplined militaristic leadership type aliens who also are pretty good at doing some collaborations yes oh calibrations is that what it says well they're good at calibrations I guess Krogan these are your living tanks made for fighting fighting and more fighting anyone who faces one in battle should have a good set of quads to think they can fight unfair salarian are your intelligent alien species shortlived but during their time in your Colony you can't ask for a better researcher and then the batarian the species with complex social structures moral issues and usually found fighting as mercenaries or Raiders round out this set of xenot types do I want more yes I do these xenot types look great sci-fi mods in general look great especially by people who you know are fans of the source material especially for our next mod hello there kns of the Old Republic or cotour is among some of the best Star Wars games out there boy me and my riter were happy to know there is a set of mods devoted to bringing that setting to the ri though in August we got a new piece of that mod set Star Wars coor gadgets and equipment like the name implies you get a bunch of Old Republic to Aid your pawns this on top of the already great weapons and armor mod needed to play with this one First toys you get to play with energy Shields unlike the shields of Rim World these are armed mounted ones and are limited use they act as Heff rather than vanilla style Shields so keep that in mind the good news is that they don't prevent your opponents from firing weapons bad news your opponents can and will use them they also can be shorted out through MP effects or Worse ignored by disrupter weapons from the aformentioned weapons in armor mod oh yes things are useful yes they are full belted items try the stealth belts turn them on and your pawns are clo however the ca for this is that the pawns can't attack but great for getting into a better position like flanking opponents or perhaps pulling wounded out of a bad situation if an enemy uses a stealth belt they can't be manually selected so keep an eye out for any shimmering out in the jungle we also have a nice variety of jetpacks each has their own abilities and quirks but all share the same quality of not needing fuel rather using a timer so you can save for that right moment to launch modular launchers are basically cool wrist launchers with a variety of different choices to use I personally like shooting missiles out of my wrist but hey you do you guys Droid Weaponry is similar to modular launchers but instead have to be worn by pawns with the bionic arms I mean that makes perfect sense as I'm reading this like the launcher you got plenty of choices to work with of course instant use men packs could literally save your life when used on a pawn it removes a random W head of by the way normally it does one advance two and three if you use the life support pack the antidote pack rather than the originally used to remove poison now removes toxic buildup which is kind of nice and like before Raiders can and will use these if they can of course other things you and your enemies can use are the combat stimulants common ones actually are pretty safe working to emulate what the body can do normally but the elicit hyper ones are a whole new story they can and will ruin your Pawn for that big effect use with caution for sure finally the many belts and gauntlets your pawns can find and equip they work to give stat bonuses based on what is equipped what can I say about this mod set it was awesome I want to see more from this team give us more cotour stuff please okay this next one I am completely blown away by this one by the way someone program a snake into Rim world not like a snake but like the game no seriously install all this snake mod and go to the title screen you now have a snake button click it and boom now you have a game of snake using the room W engine this makes me so happy I legit have no idea how someone did this but I have to respect them to pull this off it's like the people who keep figuring out how to play Doom on anything with a screen it's nuts it's silly I love it yeah not much to say it's snake I guess but it goes faster the more points you get and you play till you crash you know what I mean it's it's snake okay finally we have the greatest of old mods released in August with zero bias whatsoever the Newber nebulous mod of course yeah okay okay I have to admit it is kind of cheating to include a mod that I commissioned but come on I had to include it on the list a new Storyteller new mechanics and ways to make money and all done by the wonderful work of Oscar and his team you know what I'm going to do a full video on this mod you'll see you'll all see why this mod belongs here and why I'm totally we not crazy well little little note from the future um uh we we won't be making a video on it but um cuz it's in this video and if you want to like play my mod you can just like go play it yeah 20 mods all made by talented people and it is good to keep seeing new mods keep being put out that's for this video if it does well we will do more follow-ups as always I'd like to thank all the wonderful patreons and YouTube members that make content like this possible we literally could not do it without you I mean literally thank you guys a bun I'll see you guys in the next one
Channel: Noobert
Views: 50,745
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Noobert, Rimworld, Rimworld new mods, Rimworld cool mods, Rimworld mods
Id: Lukk7qf9qz4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 31sec (1231 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 08 2023
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