How To Commit Rim-Crimes

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ah so you are the little fox stealing my hands it's time for you to be punished god throw him with the others uh what does he do to us oh he does the worst things ever to you harvest our organs worse starves us so we turn on each other and eat the dead prisoners far worse you don't mean make us eat without a table no he makes us listen to his writer's bad jokes [Music] war crimes a word that in the real world would make you a monster but in rimworld it was just tuesday today i am going to talk to you about a bunch of mods that can make your play through one that will reserve your place in hell for playing save a spot for me i know i'm heading there though like we mentioned in the beginning of the video we do not condone any real world crimes we laugh at the we can commit in the game because it is that a game that being said do you like and subscribe for every 50 likes this video gets we send a raider on a one-way trip to mr void's petting zoo azu horrible nightmare creatures exist and as always let us know of any mods that would help us commit more war crimes perhaps we might be able to do a part two now then on with our sponsorship who i am surprised wanted to be a part of this video but hey money is money today's video is brought to you by patreon i'm sure you've heard it before but we will say it again the best way to support your favorite content creators is a monthly donation of a dollar a month by helping us you'll not only keep the lights on but also get exclusive content think of this like going to a special nightclub where you get to see the coolest facts ever after being let in of course [Music] ticket but hey even if you don't support us on patreon you can always go to the discord and hang out with me and the fans so either way come support us so we can keep this awesome show going so when talking about mods that can help you commit war crimes you gotta talk about war crimes expanded this is a mod where you get medical procedures to mess with prisoners you collect be it more mutilating their limbs practicing surgery skills while they are still awake and of course giving them horrible bionics that mess with them in horrible horrible ways that's not even all you can grow nutriment by implanting them with a growth tumor that lets you milk them it's a pretty evil mod but no one else is evil thinking about milking milkable cowniss where you make drugs to make pawns milk themselves bren what the hell man ugh need a pound cleanser for that one how about weaponry that can help you commit war crimes gas traps and shells is a classic tool of war crimes providing you with all sorts of gas weaponry utilizing traps so mortar shells some of which include toxic shells that will inflict toxic damage to pawns sleep which puts raiders to sleep making them easier to one shot or capture rage which is hilarious because it can make them turn on each other tear gas which makes it harder for them to fight corrosive which does serious damage to the pawns but also any items within the cloud so careful with that one there is a mechanoid virus bomb that will slow down a mechanoids programming making them far easier to destroy it doesn't kill them mind you but slowing down a killer robot can be vital in defenses finally a gas that affects insectoids and makes them tired making dealing with them a little easier but why stop there with the gas shells if you have no expanded settlers yes we are obligated to at least mention vanilla expanded every video you know this you all know this you would know of the chem shine which is a hilarious drink that mufflers love to death because if you drink it you become explosive when you die now what if you can harness that for evil someone made a mod add on that to make shells or mines that release the gas so you get even more glue guys can i just say i love everything you do to make this game more and more ridiculous and awesome please keep up the good work i love you all this is awesome though gas traps and mortars are great how about some napalm the gift that keeps on giving because once that goes up in flames it's harder to put it out rimfeller is the mod that allows you to live the dream of the oil baron and insane pyromaniac i love this mod thanks to all the things you can make with all the oil products from chem fuel to plastics to of course napalm you can set up barrels of the stuff or just lick the ground up let some raiders slip in it and light them up and now got dinner and a show it's definitely a fun mod and i'd recommend playing with it hmm maybe we should do a full talk through of all the things that you can do with this mod brian make a note though with all these cool shelves you're going to need a lot of pawns on the is honestly too much hassle especially when you need to keep some kind of firing line i suggest using auto motors for mechanoid expanded along with a patch sewn made to let you load the mortar with whatever you want so now you can have an entire line of defensive mortars designed for the sole purpose of filling everyone who decides to mess with you lungs with toxic toxic gas please enjoy this clip beautiful just beautiful tell me in the comments what is your favorite mortar shell and maybe your ideas for types of shells to use though if you want to utilize the many prisoners you have i'm sure you're going to want to check out the prison labor mod after all why should your prisoners break their backs for resources when the prisoners of people who try to kill you can do it or just people you picked up off the streets really doesn't matter include the prison labor outfits for extra role-playing options and of course quickly see who is and isn't a slave to your county things you can get prisoners to do of course mining enquiries going and harvesting plants as well as hauling them or perhaps you can make a sweatshop of prisoners crafting bricks cheap sellables or even drugs great how the mod lets you tweak what you can force prisoners to do oh and we'd be a fool not to mention cakety and war crimes was made thanks to the influence of spiffing brit who you should totally check out if you want more ideas of war crimes or just breaking games in general very good content over there use this mod to set up a prison labor gang tea making operation then feel like the british during the colonial expansion part of their life that no one seems to talk about nowadays that's old school war crimes depending on who you ask of course you need to feed your prisoners you could always feed them nutri paste meals or perhaps human flesh of organ donors you know you got plenty of those but for comedy how about feeding them trash because someone made a trash mod you make messes your pawns clean them up and turns it into trash bags you can literally make trash meals as well as trash shells to use as mortars because that's funny but not as funny as the idea of taking trash and turning it into a meal some people on the workshop have a sick sense of humor keep up the good work i need laughs know what else is funny people beating each other up for a sandwich the prisoner arena mod which has thankfully been continued by millie seriously do you even sleep allows you to take your prisoners and make them fight for your colonists amusement you even can set it up to the death for freedom or just give your counters something to laugh at or enjoy feel free to include weapons in the arena because fist fights are great but it gets even better when you have them using other gear of course you can always use prisoners for genetic experimentation with say genetic rim implants to put in prisoners like an obvious booster to lay chicken eggs bren why did you make me say this there are also the ethical codes you could be breaking with some of your abominations like maybe there is a reason you shouldn't make mechanoid based hybrids or animals mixed with bees to make giant bees or perhaps making a cult then creating eldritor fused with animals yeah on the ethical side this is a war crime against nature and usually are great fun when you have an army of these crazy animals or even the game ending research you can do to create an architect buy a weapon to destroy your enemies or it could turn on you i had a basemaker to see what would happen i'm sure they're fine remind me to nuke that planet from orbit when we are done filming though when thinking of other war crimes things you can do with genetics porn morpho is another route to go if you want to be a mad scientist remind me is it cannibalism to eat upon who turned into an animal because i could see this being a hilarious way to turn your prisoners into different meats for your less than cannibalistic pawns so how this mod works be it through serums or a weird meteorite your pawns can turn into animals fully or just have animal parts which may or may not help them in day-to-day life naturally body piercers hate this and transhumanists enjoy this so if you want to do extra evil things capture a body pierced and turn them into your new pet i recommend turning them into a rat because they can eat bodies shout out to raw though careful not to make them too mad as they can still use weaponry how does it even carry it like a squirrel is using an assault rifle doughnuts on your confusion all right maybe that's enough weirdness for now we should end this list with a classic because if you've been in rimworld for any amount of time you might have heard what is the worst thing to happen to a colonist that's right eating without a table there are two mods to make this even worse there are no tables which incurs a stackable minus 25 penalty for eating without the most glories of or never eat without a table which gives you a minus 500 penalty okay even i think this is a bit much for a war crime but if you want to play with that be my guest anyway i had a lot of fun talking about some of the mods you can use to commit war crimes let me know down below what your favorite methods are and any mods we miss i might have to do a part two as more and more modders show up with awesome works roll the patreon list and all the people that worked on this amazing video thank you thank you thank you button thank you hot dog pixel rookie links to their channels in the description down below check them out they have great awesome channels and i will see you all in the next newbert video
Channel: Noobert
Views: 187,665
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Noobert, rimworld meme, rimworld war crime, rimworld mods, rimworld guide, rimworld how to, rimworld top ten, rimcrimes, Rimworld Mods, Rimworld Mods 2020, Rimworld Mods 2021, Rimworld QOL, Rimworld Guide, Rimworld How To, Rimworld Top Ten, Rimworld Best Mods, animal mods, monster girls, rimworld xbox, rimworld ps4
Id: qt8Terflimo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 7sec (607 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 16 2021
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