The Master Habits Of Rimworld

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hello there and welcome to the best guide this side of the rim in today's video we will cover the top 20 master habits of season settlers here on the rim there's loads of small features and nuances that even long time players may not be aware of that can help elevate your gameplay to the next level whether you're a hard and rimmed veteran or fresh face newbie i'm sure you can still glean some useful tips from this list first up curing mental breakdowns by beating up pawns yeah i don't know this game might be a bit unrealistic somehow beating up pawns suffering from mental breakdowns can reset their mental state if you smack them into unconsciousness please do not try this irl [Music] in the worst case scenario you may have to jail them which makes them suffer the wasn't prison debuff temporarily that was a new good burp the next good habit to help you master rimworld is prioritizing quality at all costs especially for weapons and armor granted i'm sure most players are aware of how important quality is but most will probably still try to balance it out with cost saving and other factors i'm here to tell you no just note towards the mid and late game top quality gear is absolutely vital spare no expense or pawns in acquiring the best possible gear this is because the enemies start to get really dangerous with their own powerful weapons and armor if you skimp on your combat gear you'll suffer loads of losses which results in a spiral of not having enough resources and losing further [Music] point number three on the list is the usage of psychic shock and insanity lances you should always keep a few of these lances in storage i know they're not easy to acquire but trust me having them will come in handy when an emergency arises these lances are very powerful weapons with only two uses per latch which is why i recommend storing a few of each type the psychic shock glance renders a target unconscious making it useful to stop pawns on a mental break or endangering their safety and or the safety of others it also works on dangerous animals encroaching on your base and you can also use it to redirect those animals towards enemies the insanity lance works the opposite way instead of pacifying a target it drives them into a berserk rage got a horde of raiders with doomsday rocket launchers approaching just berserk one and let him take out his friends this lance also works on mechanoids by the way make sure you stockpile them being rich is generally a good thing right it's true in real life as well as rimmel but there are exceptions an interesting thing you'll find skilled players doing is making sure they don't get too rich while also not being too poor of course county wealth can influence quite a few gameplay factors in rimworld and is useful for more than just buying stuff keep it in mind that rich doesn't just mean in terms of silver and gold but also food storage animals and colonists when you're below a certain wealth threshold colonists have a low expectations mood buff providing a substantial plus 18 mood bonus as wealth increases they get used to being richer begin to expect more and eventually lose the buff granted you can keep them happy with other methods but it's still worth trying to maintain that sweet spot if you don't need the extra wealth colony wealth also affects the difficulty of raids the richer you are the stronger raiders will be no sense getting rich fast and losing it just as fast cause your defenses couldn't keep up bear in mind that wealth can sometimes increase rapidly as animals breed if you suddenly have a huge flock of chickens because they breed too quickly five minutes later you might get a nasty surprise from raiders aside from managing wealth another master habit is to set up a secondary colony or colonies once you've got enough pawns and resources to afford them setting up extra colonies serves a few important purposes firstly they can be built for easier access to nearby resources if you found a valuable deposit but don't want to haul stuff all the way back to your main county they can also act as way stations for your caravans so you don't need to bring loads of provisions on long journeys and have more room for loot multiple colonies are pretty vital for certain portions of the endgame as well especially if you're going with the charlatan white stone spaceship offer win condition throwing grenades at fires is normally something i wouldn't recommend you do in real life but rimworld runs on some weird logic and not everyone's aware of this rather unusual interaction and no this isn't a joke about americans and their way of solving problems grenades are an easy way to put out fires assuming you have enough grenades and the fire hasn't spread too far just toss one at the fire and the resulting explosion will destroy it this is also the added benefit of blowing up nearby vegetation which gets rid of flammable material and prevents the fire from spreading further looks like they got fired okay sorry that was really lame anyway let's take a quick break while we're resting here as a quick reminder if you've enjoyed the video so far don't forget to drop a like and subscribe to my channel as well hitting the like button lets me know that you like the video and helps me make content in the future oh and if you want to support me further you can subscribe to my patreon you can get even more exclusive content like access to the patreon feed discord rules special credits isn't that just amazing shout out to my list of loyal patreon subscribers for their continuous support i greatly appreciate it and wouldn't be able to get this far without you guys now back to learning one of the win conditions in rimworld is building a spaceship and taking off to do this you'll need to assemble each part and activate the reactor defending it while it starts up what some people may not know is that you can start the reactor early yep that's right you don't actually need to build the whole ship first once the reactor starts up you'll trigger a 15 day defense event that requires you to fend off various enemy raids till the startup is complete it's way easier if you only have to defend the reactor as opposed to the entire ship building the spaceship parts also increases your wealth which makes raids harder as i mentioned earlier there's no real timer for the activation and win condition anyway so no need to worry once you've cleared the defense you can take your sweet time to complete other objectives the roofing and indoor system in room world can be pretty interesting to play around with and also quite frustrating at times even veteran players may find it annoying in particular you'll need to fiddle with it a bit when planting during the winter most trees require a certain amount of ambient heat to grow which means they'll be dormant during the winter without producing anything there's a way around that though note that rooms with only a few roof tiles are still considered indoors and can be heated this means you can still grow trees indoors during the winter it's particularly useful in biomes where the growing season is really short especially for stuff like i don't know cocoa trees just remove some of the roof tiles over the soil patches and plant whatever trees you want to plant an important thing to bear in mind is that doing this leaves the room exposed and leaking heat which means a lot of energy will be expended you can either stack up loads of power sources or combine this method with free heat from a geothermal vent now let's talk a bit about cleanliness and how to improve on it like a lot of other rim world mechanics cleanliness can be a bit weird and unintuitive one worthwhile tip to significantly improve your cleaning efficiency is that a room's overall dirtiness is calculated as the average of how dirty all the room's tiles are what this means is a few dirty tiles in a large room are less dirty than the same number of tiles in a small room with this knowledge it's better to ensure rooms that require cleanliness such as hospital rooms are as large as possible ideally you should also place the beds as close to the door as possible so that pawns stumbling in for treatment don't dirty too many tiles with their blood when managing a colony power is always something you've got to be aware of it isn't enough to have multiple power sources like most players do part of mastering the game involves building redundancies for every emergency including when routing your power grid it's important to have a network of power lines with each power source and receive ear having more than one line to work with this way even if one line gets destroyed by raids or other unforeseen circumstances the grid won't fail if there are extras allowing the player to reach its destination losing power can be devastating to your county so it's best to avoid that [Laughter] speaking of the colony sometimes you've got to cut your losses and run it may be tempting to stick with a failing base where the pawns and infrastructure are burning to the ground but being a master means knowing when to abandon ship this is why i suggested the multiple bases tip earlier if you already have another colony you can just fall back to it and rebuild from there i mean honestly despite seeming counter-intuitive rebuilding might just be easier and cheaper oh but don't forget your essential supplies like food and medicine before taking off alternatively you might want to stay and defend the base against all odds instead if that's what you want make sure to have multi-layered defenses i'm not just referring to turrets and troops mind you the layout of your walls is also very important assuming you have enough resources you can build a beehive-like base with multiple empty rooms and fallback positions to enable a tactical retreat if your outer defenses get breached during a raid just fall back bit by bit while whittling the enemy down along the way think of it like bulkheads on a ship designed to contain the water in that section if there's a hole breach on that note it always pays to be prepared for the worst in terms of your base designs mastering this is vital because you won't have time to build during an emergency right from the start treat your base like a fallout shelter or a military bunker the ai in this game is sadistic so you will get attacked repeatedly at some point or suffer years of toxic fallout or volcanic winter whatever it may be since that's the case always prepare way beforehand with extra supply caches and panic rooms in strategic locations aside from building bases that can withstand emergencies always stockpile special weapons for use against dangerous enemies lots of players will probably rely on their regular weapons and either waste special weapons on lesser threats or hoard them forever too afraid to use them up don't be like those guys by all means stockpile them but don't be afraid to use special weapons when the need arises for example uranium melee weapons have a very high blunt damage along with the mps which disable electronics they're great for fighting mechanoids since those robots have low blood resistance there's also the lenses that i mentioned earlier as well as other stuff like the incineratory weapons which counter insectoid enemies and loads more oh hey we're getting close to the end of the list but let's take another short break before that since you're arresting how about dropping some feedback in the comments below if you've got any you can also stop by to chat or ask questions everyone's welcome just remember done let's get back to the video then at number 15 the next tip is to breed loads and loads of war animals tamed attack animals are a huge contributor to your colony's combat efforts in general players tend to only breed a modest amount of these creatures i mean i understand training war animals in addition to rearing regular livestock requires a much larger amount of resources time and manpower still elevating your combat to the next level is worth it attack animals can replace themselves through breeding unlike colonists and cut down on loss of life for your colony at least in the long run there are loads of options for picking attack animals but i'd suggest wargs a pack of these things can tear apart even centipede mechanoids totally worth it if you get cut down on training and equip your own pawn everyone loves ice cream right strawberry popsicles are great you know what's greater come on this popsicles no i'm not a cannibal i think i'm talking about preserving the dead bodies of your colonists by sargophogus caskets while your fridge is primarily used for preserving food or other stuff it's possible to use them to maintain pawns until you can revive them but why not just bury them well if you've got resurrector mech serums available these preserved dead colonists can be brought back to life freely without preservation it becomes much harder to bring a dead person back since they'll suffer loads of side effects increasing the longer they've been dead oh and make sure you store the body in a room only accessible by deconstruction basically that means a sealed off room with stone walls with a vent connected to the freezer you don't want animals to start chewing on their bodies one thing cool about rimworld is how you can capture enemy pawns instead of killing them whether for ransom target practice or legal experimentation the problem is using this much force may kill them so let's have a look at some safer methods assuming you don't want to use up your psychic shock glances setting enemy raiders on fire is an easy way to capture them i know it still sounds dangerous but hear me out the way fire damage works is that it'll down them instead of killing them immediately which makes them easier to capture fire can also spread in a large area if you ever need to capture a lot of enemies at once but the problem is how do you group them together for this tactic while keeping your own pawns safe one way is to set up wooden barricades along the route raiders will take then light up the barricades with flame weapons like molotovs as they pass if the fire corridor is long enough the whole raider group should be ignited and you can mop up afterwards if you want to go a step further and make things even safer to ensure none of them die use heat traps instead this will only work indoors mind you unlike the fire trap first build a long maze of corridors with open doors on both ends with one end being the entrance and the other a small room with flammable objects use whatever means you can to lure the raid in once the raid is inside shut the entrance door and ignite the flammable objects before shutting the exit door as well after a while the raiders will start to cook and be well done the enemies will eventually faint from heat stroke now you can capture them but don't take too long or they'll recover have you ever felt frustrated over the annoyance of trying to grow anima grass so your pawns can boost their psychic powers well you can cheat the ai into growing it for you it's usually a pain trying to find a colonist with the natural meditation focused trait to grow animagrass but if you've got tribal guests stomping over for tea things get easier tribal guests are capable of growing animal grass so feel free to tweak their schedule a little and make them meditate under the animatry they'll grow animal grass full-time for you easy construction is the basic skill needed to expand your colony since that's the case you'll want to quite a few colonists with high levels in the construction skill you could do it the hard way by constructing and tearing down the stuff normally as part of your base expansion or remove floors over and over and over again it may seem simple but the tip is especially helpful in mastering the game rimbaud floors take a short amount of time which means you can quickly boost the pawn's construction skill this is especially handy if you are picking a neolithic star as you can deconstruct the floors around for your first fireproof home mex and rimworld are a very powerful enemy faction you generally don't want to mess with them unless you're sufficiently prepared having said that you can get them to do the dirty work of cleaning out the other enemy raiders most people when they see a dormant mech cluster will attack it on site or avoid the area that's all well and good but here's a master tip if there's one near your base save it to deal with incoming raids when a non-mechanoid enemy raid is approaching and you're not confident in your combat abilities poke the cluster with a long range weapon the next will awaken and immediately target the raiders you'll still have to clean up whichever faction is left over after the fight but it'll be a lot easier since the winning side is probably crippled and there you have it i hope these master habits have been a helpful guide for you guys in elevating your gameplay to the next level if you've got any tips of your own or feedback or questions feel free to leave them in the comments down below don't forget to like this video it lets me know that we did a good job and i will be seeing you all in the next one
Channel: Noobert
Views: 183,478
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Noobert, Rimworld, Rimworld Guide, Rimworld how to, Rimworld tips and tricks, tips and tricks, rimworld xbox, rimworld ps4
Id: M-9FMIulSso
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 37sec (937 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 03 2022
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