Building an Authoritarian Hogwarts in Rimworld

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the best weapon in rimworld is food poisoning because when you combine a dropout harry potter with a magic wand from craigslist the result is enough weaponized salmonella to make those yugoslavian war crimes look like a walk in the park and this is all possible with the wizardry overhaul mod called rimworld of magic and who better to begin the game with than harry pooter the anthromorphic offspring of a jk rowling seasoned assist letter armed with his iconic bullet scar harry set off to make the world a better place now on top of being a chinese ripoff harry is also a chaos mage but before we got into the magic we needed to farm some basic food given harry's experience in the ccp rice fields it wasn't hard to get the full plantation up and running we made our base in a steel ruin nearby and smoothed the floor to make it bearable the first days were spent eating picked berries and furnishing our base that is until some friendly visitors decided to show up we hit it off to an electric start and sadly parted ways due to differing opinions one of them was willing to voluntarily join our ranks but they were also the ideal colonist with iron willed and the potential for magic harry also picked up the latest youtuber merch like a hat and a gun as a chaos mage harry also has the unique ability to re-roll all his spells so i did a little randomizing and got some better abilities but even with magical powers we still couldn't stop a random lightning strike in the middle of our island i'm not lying when i say that actually jump scared me oh and now it starts raining gee thanks rain you uh you really saved a lot of the island with our island's wildlife decimated we were mostly out of resources which is why it surprised me to see a raider swim halfway across the ocean to rob us of our coveted piles of ash after some harsh negotiations the raider gave us no choice but to peacefully let him go we did random into an advanced healing spell but curing death is kinda hard less difficult was finding a crash-landed survivor stripping them and forgetting about them until they starved we were also visited by a galatras a small friendly animal and while trying to randomize my spells to see if i could kill it and while trying to heal himself he also temporarily severed his magic this happens because well harry is a wizard not a very good wizard but a still a wizard chaos casters in their infinite incompetence can miscast their spells to completely random effects some good some last good we could level up his chaos magic to reduce the chances of bad miscasts but we can't lower missed casts in general we fought another raid got some magic crack drank some smurf milk and healed again only to miscast and give every single living thing on the planet food poisoning which downed harry and drove a monkey mad although to its credit i would also be angry if someone gave me magical salmonella oh my god it's just watching every single animal just throw up randomly because they're all dealing with food poisoning ah what a beautiful sight we waited out the monkey not like we had any better option and got contacted by a desperate prisoner who wanted to be rescued harry hit him with the yikes hard pass and got back to work we didn't have time to rescue anyone anyways because we were trying to research tone crafting so harry could force other people into becoming chaos mages on the topic of mages a transport pod crashed into the ocean with a succubus inside we captured her then put her in our five-star accommodations for recruitment after a few weeks we'd finally been able to convert our other prisoner easels to our religion and our religion makes use of something from world war of magic called transcendent having transcendent basically means that we venerate mages and magic and that we don't like killing mages it also gives us access to two powerful rituals and a new role right now we can't use them but we will pretty soon not long after converting did we recruit izzles and rename her something a little more fitting meet ron nold mcdonald's because someone in the marketing department thought this mascot was a good idea because ronald could you plant work we focused harry on research the first goal was devil strand because it's needed to craft most of the late game magic items we also discovered harry's lore friendly familiar an elephant self-tame and released the succubus because she didn't have very good skills not that that means she's actually going to survive i mean i hope you could swim this preceded one of the most important events we could possibly get an arcane path inspiration because ronald is magically gifted she can randomly get inspired to have an arcane path this allows us to do a ritual to give her official magic powers which in this case made her a geomancer geomancers are insanely powerful they can stack stone skin which absorbs damage per each charge and plays sentinels to defend areas but most importantly they have an earth sprite which is perhaps one of the most busted things in this whole mod by placing it down it'll convert any growable tiles including sand into rich fertile soil not only that but it gives droves of free magicite which we need to craft basically everything in the mod we did get hit with a manhunter pack bowl and our sentinel went to town besides that everything was going smoothly our earth sprite had already put in some serious work harry learned some new spells and apparently because she was a geomancer with iron willed this is what ronald's mood bar looked like but as if some tumblr shipping board arrived on cue harry and ronald fell in love which is honestly a better canon than anything jk rowling said the past five years so i'll take it it did at least mean i could combine their bedrooms which was a bonus even if something about that couple made me uncomfortable but emotional turmoil aside we'd started to sew devil strand for the first time and got a quest to host a guest in exchange for a new colonist the guest leonia proceeded to take a one-way drop pod into my colony walk inside and smoke a joint her only important trait was unaffected by death at this point our colonists were starting to get a little too much food poisoning from eating raw rice so we decided to serve some quality fast food and built a nutrient-paced dispenser speaking of food a group of beggars wandered into the region asking for a whopping 67 silver righteously we threw them in jail it was also around this point that i realized a bunch of feralists had entered our region feralists are evil they're basically super predators that eat everything and worse they reproduce via masses of eggs so if we didn't do something about them now we'd be overwhelmed we gathered everyone up including the still baked leonia and moved them to the front lines harry's fireballs had unlimited range but they traveled so slowly that hitting the feralists was a coin toss a coin toss we won they anchored from the edge of the map and it was now that i realized i made a decent mistake leonia didn't have enough flesh to block with so i summoned a sentinel from ronald the furlusks attacked the sentinel first and last apparently their poisonous webs did no damage to a dude made of granite and they all died good job fast forwarding a bit we had another flash storm please god not again not again and a friendly wild woman named mingus walked in unfortunately her name reminded me of among us so i ate her there was a second manhunter pack this time with infected aerofleets the first one attacked harry and failed the others exploded on owl the elephant with their acid owl was uh injured leonard's shuttle came not long after we sent her back the same way we got her depressed and now high this gave us addy who was quickly renamed hegrub he was a wimp with a chemical fascination so it didn't take long for him to develop good coping strategies for staying at our colony we also made heathrow the executive vice assistant of stone blocks so we could build our base of something that wasn't flammable eight hours in and we got our first trader a weaponsmith they came as wealthy merchants and left bankrupted by 71 tasty fruits we also got the fleeing baron quest which we accepted i was originally going to enslave the baron but he was too useless for even that we befriended the chasing animal and yielded the baron on a shuttle to hopefully space jail on the topic of useless trash we accepted a nomad into our colony he had good skills was a fisherman and optimistic he was now a meat shield who did get an inspired tame so we used him to get a female elephant to supplement our ranks further we recruited migo now aptly renamed naked dumbledore the navy scientist just as the lore always intended we did need to do a little rearranging because of this so ronald became our void seeker harry was degraded to npc status and dumbledore wanted to cut his hairs everyone was in favor so up until this point we've been working in a shanty town of a colony unsmooth walls dirt floors our colony looked like trash so we went about overhauling most of the terrain he grub was given his own room instead of stone floor walkways were constructed and production was increased but our refitting was interrupted by a raid and a serious one we mobilized the expendables and armored our colonists with stoneskin to block attacks by the end of it we downed one potential colonist van der flugt had great passions no health problems and slow learner naturally post raid was the perfect time for ronald mcdonald to propose to harry on the less disturbing side we got a quest to rescue someone from a pack of rats we accepted him only to find out he was also a geomancer the rats spewed forth from the oceans but harry cast a massive beam of miscast and muted his magic again luckily ronald was adept at killing small frozens with a gun to no one's surprise our freeloader left the colony we built a house for naked dumbledore and a small bird got knocked up by an elephant another raid attacked but with the power of god and anime we coming how they haunt them to the shadow round then through hagrid in jail for believing the wrong religion by now we'd research the beginnings of our magical crafting line which enabled us to build a scribing table here we could craft spells that most of our mages could learn for our chaos mages this wasn't helpful but for other mages it would allow us to give them better spells for our non-spell casters we could use our bestow magic ritual to give them the magically gifted trait double dorted the magic ritual and got magically gifted plus an inspiration to become an ice mage so we threw a book in his face and made him a chaos mage instead by crafting arcane tomes we could have harry right in them to turn them into chaos tomes which could turn magically gifted pawns into chaos mages low level chaos mages are pretty unusable so we needed to level dumbledore up plus we were rapidly approaching the next phase of our plan crafting high level gear and getting item duplication in trading dumbledore we ran into some problems he was strong [Music] but still not very good the best way to level up mages is to cast spells which is contradictory with chaos mages because they tend to blow up but our training got interrupted by a pack of insects earlier i had accepted a colonist named adrian turned out they were being followed by an infestation worse yet we were in the middle of a mana storm the mana metastorm essentially made it so we could cast tons of spells but they hurt us every time we cast them to get around this i realized that i could actually use my stone skin in order to absorb the damage from the mana storm this essentially meant that i had infinite mana during mana storms because i took no damage due to stone skin and had increased regeneration because of the storm i lined up my colonists and barraged the insects with free spells turns out they're pretty good with the infestation cleared i noticed that more fairless had entered the region from the north and with infinite mana what could possibly go wrong well uh miss cast number one locked my colonists in a time stasis miss cast number two blocked my damage spells miss cast number three gave everyone food poisoning and just as i thought everything was over the feralists died because they had crippling pain from the food poisoning okay there was one feralist still on the map though so i decided to try and tame it instead of killing it surely that could only be a good idea to celebrate harry and ronald got married nobody showed up to the ceremony good and as a sign of bad luck a bunch of man-hunting turtles showed up to crash the party and well burned to death we also had enough resources to make hegrub into a chaos mage raising our total to three chaos casters because he was high level harry also had an ability to mentor them and increase their xp meaning we had a reliable way of gaining chaos experience on top of that we just researched the next step of our magical prowess an arcane forge arcane forges allow us to craft magic items and use special recipes the forge works at two thousand five hundred percent speed but rapidly consumes mana on use so it was limited we could use mana potions or at least could have used mana potions if naked dumbledore didn't overdose on them and almost die but with harry's high level and mana pool he was able to craft himself some decent level magic gear and duplicate items we just researched arcane duplication which essentially allows us to copy recipes and recreate them to get some items to duplicate we rated the local ancient danger small tip you can actually deconstruct the inside corner of an ancient danger to see what's in it without the enemies having an exit out after seeing it was just insects we cleared them and collected the loot that gave us some advanced components and surprise surprise with arcane duplication i could just copy the recipe and make my own despite having stone age technology we also duplicated a few power claws because we could looking over everything we got into an insanely good position free items constant experience and a new chaos mage in adrian nothing was really a threat to us anymore except karma you remember those people that we arrested at the very start of the game and the faction that ronald was originally a part of well that was the arcane faction full of spellcasters fighters magicians and everything really powerful that's uh that's kind of bad 20 magic juiced raiders all armed with arcane gear and for a magic faction they had a lot of shield belts not to mention weapons that i'd never even seen before before i knew it they were already on the island preparing to attack and we didn't have nearly enough firepower to stop them well we didn't but what about some help as the grand void seeker of the ideology ronald has a few abilities he could call a mana storm or summon elementals this rips open a portal to the elemental realm and constantly summons hordes of allies but it also casts a random environmental effect and in our case raining fireballs we threw waves of elementals into the meat grinder which slowed down the arcane advance terry pelted with fireballs magic missiles flew and we summoned more sentinels to soak up damage yet somehow they had magic airstrikes rings of power and mind controlling succub things were not going well so i did the only reasonable thing i could throw every single stack of stone skin on harry and run him head first into the enemy and to my surprise it worked they couldn't outpace all the buffs we threw on him so he rampaged through the arcane soldiers at last they started to flee and we'd taken no casualties some casualties acceptable losses after everything we'd done we were finally in an era of peace what's that harry ronald no give him a happiness are you telling us to click this red button to bring back your wife sure that'll work well who am i to argue so if you want to bring back ronald mcdonald you know what to do thanks for watching see ya
Channel: The Grim Kleaper
Views: 1,004,246
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kleapit, the_grim_kleaper, kleaper, rim world, rimworld, anti-kleaper, kleap, grim, magic
Id: kIOyDegkCZ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 20sec (860 seconds)
Published: Mon May 02 2022
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