Rimworld Guide To Clothes And Armor

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[Music] what's up guys welcome to another video and today we are going to be talking about armor and clothing the thing that keeps your pawns from dying of overexposure to bullets naturally we will be talking about just vanilla based game mechanics but if you want us to talk about vanilla expanded stuff or other modded gear like that be sure to hit the like button let's set the goal at 3 000. alrighty everybody got that let's get going what is apparel so i don't think i need to explain what clothing is for the audience after all you and i wear clothing in our day to day but what does it mean for our stupid idiot pawns well in rimworld clothing has two uses protecting from temperature and protecting from bullets both are common problems out on the rim when it comes to what clothing is you can see them as two categories clothing which is lighter and more for keeping pawns warm and cool then you got armor protective gear usually worn on the outer layer of a pawn of course pawns can mix and match clothing so long as the clothing layers don't conflict for example you can't have a pawn wearing multiple hats like it's team fortress 2 or something so how should one pick and choose what to give pawns really it depends on what you are dealing with gameplay wise for example if you plan to survive out in the colder regions you might focus more on parkers and other warm gear in a more temperate climate you might focus more on armor keeping your pawns alive from gunfire wild animals and the occasional fist fight stuff like flak armor will protect your pawns but in return slow them down so keep this in mind when picking and choosing the right gear for your pawns so what are layers well if you look at your equipment you will see in the description what your gear will cover for example a duster will cover the outer layer it's a jacket of course it does but what this means is you can't wear anything on the outer layer without replacing the duster like say the flak jacket both take the outer layer spot of course it being on the outer layer your pawns can wear stuff underneath like say a flak vest paying attention to layering is important to keeping pawns safe because notice the coverage if a pawn is hit in a spot without coverage that's damaged you could be preventing even a little so feel free to mix and match clothing out here on the rim no one's gonna judge you for looking like a modern jojo character hey bran next scene uh friend oh no okay well that was weird oh yeah why sort out some of the wiring how about you take that time to smash the like button turn on notifications and tell us what you like about this video so far also maybe support our patreon might actually let us pay someone to fix up the place that doesn't happen again seriously though thanks everyone who is supporting us you are super awesome so how do you know what is the best armor for you well armor protection comes in three types blunt sharp and heat each armor gets their own percentage of protection to each type of damage up to a total of 200 percent of damage absorption so stacking similar effects give you better results whatever though when it comes to actually calculating the actual mathematics rather than having to go over the complicated formula just know that every layer and damage type like say a bullet hitting a pawn's chest the game will calculate for every bit of protection it has to pass through if you get enough armor for whatever you are dealing with that's when you get that satisfying tank sound effect indicating the damage was negated with that out of the way first up is sharp armor this armor as implied stops sharp damage this relates to blades bullets and the occasional wild dog all armor has a bit of shot protection and it halves any sharp damage it will be converted into blunt damage if you want good shot protection then flak armor is where it's at with the vesting giving a hundred percent protection rating on the chest great to keep the vital safe plus it's cheap enough to mass produce in the end game the power armor choices are great for that kind of protection be it marine or cataphract gear blunt damage meanwhile is impact damage it's great for capturing prisoners since blunt damage usually won't kill a pawn still doesn't mean you want to skimp out on protection for that tribals come end mass and usually love to wail on you if you are dealing with blunt well anything that can help for shop usually will help flip one though not as well this is because blunt damage isn't as common as shop damage and outside of mods you won't find any specific items to help against blunt damage i suppose if you want to make clothing to help with blunt damage though anything made of devil strand thrombophur and hyperweave do get the best bonus for blunt damage and finally heat damage yeah there isn't anything specific in rimworld to deal with heat the best thing you can do is try not to step into fire because everything you have will try to stop it but if even one bit of fire damage breaks through well you're gonna be recreating the fantastic four with your pawns yeah so the more layers you got the better chance your pawns won't go up in flames i also recommend devil strand for this it's one of the best materials for making heat resistant clothing oh and to clarify this is heat damage not heat temperature resistance so what about temperature resistance well on top of armor clothing gives a buff to a pawns comfortable temperature range for example a human pawn on average will have a comfortable range of 78.8 degrees before it goes too hot and pawns begin to feel the heat on them however if you give a nude pawn and cloth cowboy hat that range goes up to 95 degrees while i don't know how a single cowboy hat can prevent overheating like that i'm not gonna complain the inverse is also true pawns in the cold gain new clothing like parkers or torques can survive the harshest of colds naturally the more clothing you put on the more insulation you get against heat or cold it's pretty self-explanatory all things considered of course i mentioned cloth in the example of the cowboy hat well there are more than just cloth items some materials do their job better than other materials as a rule of thumb leathers tend to be tougher and have a better armor bonus while fabrics are better for insulation the exceptions to these rules are thrombo-fur hyperweave and devil strand these three are the best for an all-around good clothing stats be it for armor or temperature there are better things for some things but for the best jack of all trades look no further there is of course quality of apparel the higher the quality the better it insulates and protects don't need to explain why this is something to keep in mind out on the rim now the biggest issue when it comes to gear is over time your finely crafted gear is going to get a worn away horns don't like that i don't like that so what can you do about it nothing sorry unless you got a mod your gear is just gonna wear away so how do you mitigate this damage well first obviously if you get into fights pawns will get their stuff damaged more damage absorbed the more damage the item will get now even if you have a pawn doing nothing but research over time pawn stuff will wear down it happens so yeah sorry but your lucky shirt is gonna have to be thrown away eventually there is of course the other issue when pawns have torn up clothing it makes them bummed out the worst the health of an equipped clothing item starting at 50 and lower the worse the mood penalty good news only one item triggers it and keeps the mood so no stacking a bunch of bad items on a pawn to really get them mad but do you keep this in mind next time you get to pick through the dead for new clothing speaking of the dead tainted clothing if you take off a piece of gear from a dead party it's tainted it doesn't matter if they were blown up sliced to pieces or died of a heart attack if there was a corpse wearing it it's tainted pawns really don't like that and given there are no washing machines out on the rim the only pawn who can wear clothing like this are weirdos of bloodlust anyone else stacked with debuff for every piece on them if you don't have a mod to remove taint on an item or salvage old equipment just go to the crematorium and burn all the apparel just remember to set it to only burn tainted gear alright so now that you know the mechanics what do you use throughout the game well starting out if you are playing the basic crash-landed start you will start with synthetic base clothing this stuff is great for the early game but do take this time to hunt down animals and turn that leather into dusters this is for two reasons heat protection and regular protection plus put on a cowboy hat and you will look awesome out on the rim when you commit some war crimes okay mid game what's next well flak pants and flag fests are good all around choices not burning too much in the way of resources but this is where devil strand becomes your friend grow it turn it in clothing and dusters and you got gear to keep your pawn safe from a lot of things plus a nice red color from here you have plenty of newer options like going into power armor the lighter recon or locus armor is pretty neat but for the resources that are needed for stuff like that just skip those and go for marine or cataphract armor for the end game this stuff will make your pawns walking tanks both in defense and speed but totally worth it when the hungry pirates won't be breaking down the doors to eat your face alright i suppose there is one last thing to talk about given the subject since we talked about clothing we need to talk about the one thing everyone has been waiting for hardcore nudity that's right we are now gonna talk about your pawns and nudity and to explain this i'm going to take off my clothing to help demonstrate [Music]
Channel: Noobert
Views: 149,353
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Noobert, Rimworld, rimworld armor, rimworld raid, rimworld defense, rimworld guide, Rimworld clothing, rimworld xbox, rimworld ps4
Id: JcMSoDi9F8E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 53sec (593 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 22 2022
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