The Easiest Ways To Get Buffs In Rimworld

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been feeling down lately perhaps someone murdered your favorite chinchilla or insulted you seven times in a row well do I have the solution for you today we are going to talk about mood Buffs in rimor how to get the big ones and how to avoid the bad ones the basics let's talk about the basics a little bit mood is what decides how happy your Pawn is it can be affected by a multitude of things like the environment Health Food social relations or even traits poor mood will eventually lead to a mental break which is the main reason to keep your porns happy good mood on the other hand it might give your porn an inspiration giving them certain bonuses for a few days a porn will not be able to go under a mental break if he's incapable of walking either from injuries or operations sleeping pawns also do not go into a mental state your mood will gradually go down as the game progresses based on your wealth you'll start with a plus 30 low expectations mood buff and slowly lose it until you reach sky high expectations giving you a solid zero mood now that we get the basics of mood and mental breaks let's jump into the game game shall we pregame I might actually get my voice back as I record this we'll see it's important to plan ahead during the character selection process ideology is its own beast and we recommend you to go watch our ideology guide for more info one of the biggest factors for your colonist mood is done even before your ideology or porn creation the difficulty has a sneaky effect that is hidden in game on the lower difficulty your base mood will be 42 that means that a pawn with no mood Buffs or debuffs will be by default happy compare that to losing his fun with a base of 22 placing him barely out of a major break risk and well into a minor break risk choosing your difficulty well can make all the difference when it comes to mood the colonist selection screen the place many hours were spent trying to get the perfect born you'll want to avoid traits that give severe mood debuffs if you struggle with mood such as a tortured artist pessimistic depressive and a few others some traits may also cause mental breaks to happen even with good mood like gormand pyromaniac or any kind of chemical interest Health also can be an issue try to disregard people with scars that inflict pain as they come with a pretty heavy minus5 mood debuff and up to -10 for some particularly nasty scars the final step is to check for addictions you may not be able to acquire drugs for a good amount of time and it's not wise to bring an alcoholic in the middle of the rim number one early game Buffs after all your preparations you just crash landed and these people are are already complaining let's try to satisfy some of their basic needs to avoid a complete disaster your first step should always be to get a table and a source of recreation for civilized people that would be a horse Sho in but tribals have the hoop Stone ring this will satisfy the basic Recreation need for your pawns while being cheap now time to think about the actual base living in one room room in the early game can prove to be very economical and good for your mood you'll most likely be grabbing the spacious interior mood buff on top of the increasing the impressiveness of the room drastically increasing mood if you plan on keeping some items in this room make sure to keep them on shelves shelves completely remove the negative beauty or positive of an item you might be able to get your hands on some drugs but I wouldn't worry about recreational drugs in this state you have much more pressing concerns like food infrastructure and Raiders except if your people are cannibals you're going to want to avoid eating raw food cooking is not efficient and removes the mood debuff except in the case of nutrient paste if you didn't eat the Raiders their bodies are probably stinking the place keeping bodies out of sight is important due to their heavy mood debuffs when seen or smelled leaving them in water far away from the colony is a good idea I'd like to take a moment here to plug our patreon doing a rough patch for us at current time more than half of the people watching this video are blocking ads and I can't stop you but I'd like you to take a close look at what it does to us and consider donating a dollar a month to our patreon instead by donating a dollar a month to us on patreon you're voting to keep this channel around and supporting the work we do as well as keeping our bellies fat give it some thought if not maybe hit that like button we're open to all the help we can get me me real game pawns you've survived until now well now assume you have a decent supply of material and time to work with we can now explore various mood Buffs that don't rely on infrastructure but instead who your pawns are loving is an amazing mood buff yielding up to plus 20 mood on top of the mood buff for the relationship getting couples in the same bed is an easy way of keeping them happy your Pawn is still single there's traits to help we cannot mention every single positive trait here as most of them apply only in certain situations however sangen and Optimist give you a generous increase of 12 and six respectively making them very nice to have in any situation if traits can't cut it then maybe passions can a minor passion gives you a plus eight buff while a major one will give you a plus4 buff making it very important to assign the right person to the right job furniture and drugs if your pawns are still unhappy then our only hope is to turn toward material Goods like furniture and drugs personal bedrooms is the first obvious step while a Barrack can satisfy most colonies some pawns can have some traits or conditions that make them unhappy combining your Recreation and dining room might be another way of squeezing some more Recreation out of your buildings for free this probably won't require much work as most Recreation buildings can be picked up and moved time to go eat in that new room food might not be drugs but for now your pawns it might as well be raw food and corpses are pretty bad for mood at a minus 7 nutrient paste is slightly better but still a -4 simple meals don't give you any mood but zero is better than -7 fine meals are plus seven a drastic increase for no additional cost in nutrition very useful if you have a steady meat intake finally the king of all meals the lavish meal is an astounding plus 12 mood at the cost of decreased efficiency I would recommend starting fine meals as soon as you get your hands on a significant amount of meat and eventually moving to Lavish meals if more mood problems ensue so your pawns are now being treated like royalty and he's still angry perhaps drugs could fix him all recreational drugs will increase the recreation of the porn with diminishing returns of course some of the more popular ones include smoke lifea and psychite tea are both soft drugs that will provide respectively + 13 and + 12 on top of the tea giving you a slight increase in rest the other recreational soft drug is beer giving you a progressively higher buff on the more you drink from Plus 8 to+ 24 keep in mind pawns will go into a hangover after becoming drunk or high the final Recreation drugs are yo and Flake they both give the same amount of mood at plus 35 each but flake has a significantly higher addiction chance it is important to note that both of them are hard drugs which means they have a chance of addiction even on the first use bionics if your Pawn doesn't want to be a drug addict you might want to turn him into a cyborg instead just make sure they aren't body pierced before in vanilla the only implant you're going to have available are the pain stopper and joywire the pain stopper will stop any pain getting rid of those annoying minus five minor pain scars The Joy wire will give a huge plus 30 mood buff at the cost of some kind Consciousness Joy wires should only be equipped on problematic pawns as there are much easier methods mentioned earlier that are much less punishing royalty selection oh my bad royalty section all righty no my voice is not coming back it's getting deeper how wonderful maybe it will just be mute by the time we get to the end we'll see if your PA are still feeling down after all of this it might be time to look into some magic to save the day while royalty doesn't add much to save your pawns it does add some things word of joy is a sast that gives plus 40 mood buff at the cost of some Consciousness it can be very useful in periods of Crisis where you can't afford to have someone snap in a mental break magic is for nerds though so how about Good Old bionics the only only bionic that can help is the love enhancer doubling the buff from loving you're going to need a couple for that one but it makes the couple essentially unbreakable as long as they keep going at it technically another bionic that can help masochist is the Mind screw it gives a plus 10 mood buff to them at the cost of constant pain making them easier to down in battle royalty also adds Throne speeches those are capable of significantly boosting the mood of your whole Colony if your Royal doesn't mess it up of course the final piece of Royal technology that may be of use are psychic harmonizers which give a scaling minus 10 to + 10 mood buff to pawns nearby depending on the mood of the user which scales with psychic sensitivity this can be extremely useful when paired with happy pawns or other bionics like Joy wire it can also be devastating as it can quickly cause Madness across the whole Colony if left unchecked ideology with ideology there are tons of settings you can tweak to give yourself an edge let's look at some of the easier options most rituals that are successful will give some kind of mood buff even if small some rituals are even made to give Recreation like dance parties or a leader speech keep in mind they can turn bad and ruin your whole mood instead so use a good speaker transhumanists can enjoy a scaling mood buff depending on how many bionic body parts are installed on them keep in mind all their other requirements like age reversal or sleep accelerator cannibal is another eye-catching meme it removes any conscience your colonist had and makes them love human meat this meme can be good for small colonies but you might actually have problems is acquiring some of the stuff on large cies depending on your difficulty settings supremacists might not be one that comes to mind as a mood benefiting meme but it's one of my favorites it has very little drawbacks and lets you remove any penalty for viewing corpses or executing prisoners you'd be surprised how big of a difference that makes watch out for rot gas though that can still get you not into ideology themselves ideology does add a bios sculptor cycle that gives your PA plus 12 mood it's not great but it can help in a pinch biotech biotech genes are varied and we're going to dive too deeply into xenot types or genes today just make sure to not start with Atkins imps or other xenotype that are naturally unhappy the main addition we're going to talk about our children's babies don't particularly B benefit from many of the recreational sources adults or children get keep them fed and of good crib and they should be fine children identical to adults when it comes to Recreation except the fact they benefit a lot more from drugs due to their smaller body size robots can be quite useful to do tasks in an environment that may prove to be disgusting to normal humans proof that humans are once again much inferior to machines such tasks may be moving bodies mining in a dark cave or simply fighting final tips so you've done all of this and your people are still feeling a bit sad time to use some more drastic measures kryos sleep caskets can freeze pawns permanently making him unable to break but also unable to heal from any condition this can be useful if the pawn is feeling sad from a psychic drone or other outside Source I'm sure you found found some of these Arco Tech emanator laying around they will give a respectable mood Buff when used scaling with psychic sensitivity these can be useful to somewhat counter psychic drones as they can be devastating to an unprepared Colony I'd like to thank everybody that watched this video I'm sorry that I've been under the weather today I'd like to thank all the patreons that made this video possible I like to thank everybody that donates every here oh month I don't feel well
Channel: Noobert
Views: 8,332
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Noobert, Rimworld Guide, Rimworld Tutorial, Beginners Guide, Mood
Id: evz225fcD4c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 32sec (932 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 02 2024
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