I Became A Millionaire By NOT Playing FF14 - FFXIV IS A Perfectly Balanced Game with No Exploits...

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Tldr version: buy low, sell high. There, saved you watching 30m of a video.

As someone who regularly plays the mb on ffxiv these kinda โ€œmarket resetโ€ techniques are fairly well known, but can be costly and time consuming (you need to babysit your retAiners to avoid getting undercut), as invariably other sellers simply start to undercut aggressively and offload all their goods on the market you just bought up. Unless its an item that sees a LOT of sales daily, over time the price will soon reset slowly to its previous average. This is because being a videogame, supply on most crafted items is infinite.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 13 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/DranDran ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Apr 10 2022 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Its way easier to make gil by crafting at the start of new raid tiers. Was making 3m per hour consistently in the first week of 6.05

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 5 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/dysk1ddy ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Apr 11 2022 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

YoshiP right now --->:3741:

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 3 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Bright-Yard-9868 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Apr 10 2022 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

It is based on an actual economic concept called arbitrage.

Essentially what he is doing is essentially what most people who are making gil on FFXIV are doing for little effort. Buy low then sell high.

However, what is important to note is that he starts in Famrit, which is a part of the NA data server, Primal. Compared to another NA server, Aether, which I think Asmon and other streamers went to, it has a lower population and a less serious raiding community, though it is still sizable. Famrit is well known as one RP servers of Primal (you can see the ever-present JADE in this video), also the server is, as of this writing, is congested. Meaning, that no new players are in the game. The RPing means less crafters/gatherers as more people are RPing than crafting or gathering, also RPing appears to have some sort of spending habits vs more varied servers.

Realistically, you need to spend time babysitting your retainers to avoid being undercut and waiting for the market to go to the price you want. It is a low reward, low-risk venture for making gil unless you are going completely overboard on easier to obtain items.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 4 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Ipokeyoumuch ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Apr 10 2022 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

I just want to see his reaction ๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜‚

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Rancor5897 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Apr 17 2022 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
today i'm going to try and become a millionaire in an mmo without actually playing the game and using only my qualifications as an economist to destroy the entire economy of final fantasy xiv because yes instead of questing and playing the storyline and probably becoming a cat girl i will be studying the market boards and causing a data center-wide hyper-inflation event so let's see how fast i can make a million in the laziest way possible because of course come on i'm british how can you expect me to put in the work when i could just steal it from others it's gonna be fantastic right welcome into the glorious world of final fantasy 14 we're of course playing as the legendary chief bezos who currently only has 21 gil which is this in-game universe's currency of choice now here's the problem 21 000 gil is not enough how on earth are we even meant to be scraping by with a living if we have just 21 000 gil now of course in order to pull off this exploit you don't need to be a max level character you don't need to have a huge guild of friends no a brand new single individual at level 20 with no prior experience of this video game is going to have all of the necessary powers to become wealthier than all of the top guilds in this game combined it's just going to take a little bit of creativity so what do you need to pull this exploit off well namely you need to reach the part of the game where you can start to hire retainers the game of course is very fun and heck you can even get to this point for free using the game's trial system so you don't even need to pay to pull off this exploit anyway now that we can start hiring retainers we're going to want to hire ourselves two retainers you can hire more if you actually throw money at the game but we do not need to do that two retainers is going to be enough so we're going to hire two retainers and these lovely people are going to effectively be our interns that are going to be generating us copious amounts of money and so naturally we're going to make them tiny little children because i find the greatest unwilling volunteer is a small child simply because they're much less likely to put up a fight when you're giving them horrific work conditions so here is our lovely first intern they shall be intern steve yes fantastic now we shall hire the legendary intern steve and there we go intern steve is now our lovely retainer and we can summon him at any point and we never have to pay him it's glorious and best of all he doesn't even cost money to buy hmm oh dear dude this feels morally dubious anyway we're gonna hire another retainer because the more the merrier best of all he's going to look absolutely identical this shall be in turn bob lovely right intern steve and intern bob are two lovely interns to make money so we have our two interns but what are we gonna be doing today well we're basically gonna be destroying this server's economy and the reasoning is very simple final fantasy is a massively popular mmo but it has gained its huge popularity in recent months largely due to the decline of world of warcraft which to many of course could be a sad thing but to us is a glorious business opportunity because these ex-wife players have now flooded to final fantasy and namely these ex-wow players don't play final fantasy like normal final fantasy players most importantly they're ignoring large parts of the game they're not doing as much fishing they're not doing as much gathering and they're largely preferring to play on the pvp focused servers like fanfrid here and they love servers like famfrit there's just one minor problem due to the fact that they enjoy servers like femfrit and their playstyle is very different to most other players these bad boys have massively inflated the market as they've been flooding gold into this server without the supply of goods increasing that means that items that would normally cost one gold on a different server suddenly on this server cost say 20 gold this huge economic disparity of course exists massively on the marketplace where items on the fam freight marketplace are listed at massively inflated prices in comparison to other servers on the exact same data center now these servers we can access instantaneously there is no cost to moving between the servers however on different servers the items are listed on their local server marketplace and there is no way to see what across the world the market price is at unless of course you're using market board information like we are here and this allows us to see that the humble sea pickle ladies and gentlemen whilst it is listed on our local marketplace at retailing at an astronomical 999 gill it is actually available in lamia for just a humble 260 free gill in fact we could buy 11 of these bad boys for 263 gil or less and then list them right here at 99 gil each and turn ourselves a massive profit but how on earth do we gain access to these items well very simply we just need to move to lamia so effectively what we're able to do is travel from our world of fanfrit to the world of lamia buy ourselves large quantities of fish at cheaper prices and then list them at local prices here in fanford where the expected value of that fish is at a thousand gil rather than 200 gil and then we can repeat this process over and over again the best of all we're not breaking any rules here and in fact we're providing a service because we're buying the item at the expected price that the seller is listing it in their local economy and then selling it actually below the expected market value in femfrett we can undercut the local sellers by importing fish from outside of this world and best of all this is something that happens in the real world every single day for example if you really wanted to you could go straight to say india and buy yourself a pint of milk now chances are due to currency conversions that pint of milk is going to be sold a lot cheaper than if it was in the uk however you can't pick up that pint of milk in india after you've bought it then ship it to the uk and sell it for more because you of course have to pay to transport it you have to pay import and export taxes consequently it's not a profitable business model but here in a video game there is no important export taxes there is no cost of logistically moving it from one world or the next i simply have to walk from that market board there to that giant crystal there a process that takes well i mean about 10 seconds this means using real world economical structures and business models we're able to absolutely destroy video game economies and that's exactly what we're going to be doing today on a gigantic scale because this 21 000 gil is pathetic it's a terrible amount of money and we're going to make it terribly large but of course whilst i could do this all by myself it's best to play an mmo with friends so i'm going to be conscripting some of my favorite interns today and they're going to be assisting me in cornering the market as we're going to see just how much money this absolute scrub of the character jeff bezos can make by manipulating the market so let's begin welcome to the free company headquarters of watson co better known of course to us as gill street bets which is our lovely home resident speculative market trading company now this is of course my two lovely um co-business peoples and of course favorite intern connor brow and mr of course hau zau otherwise known as crow now these two fine individuals shall be helping me today when it comes to doing our dubious speculative market trading investments and of course we're going to be making ourselves a lot of money now i am going to be starting off with 100 000 gil connor over there will be starting off with 100 000 gil as well and we'll be keeping track of how much money we can generate using our galaxy sized economic mega mines to see just how much we can profit meanwhile hau zao here otherwise known as crow shall be using multiple multiple millions to do exactly what we're doing but on a larger scale now effectively what how zao otherwise known as crow is doing is draining the supply of necessary crafting items across all of the servers of the data center and selling them at a lovely wonderful profit right here on fam for it that means if you want to buy some of the nicest high quality levels you need to go to this fine gentleman here anyway my brothers it is time for us to make money of course we look like some kind of weird mafia posse but um look at it we're gonna make some cash all right right let's go to the market board where all money is made now the challenge is simple i have a hundred thousand gil and i want to be able to make a million with as little effort as possible if i can make any more than that's fantastic but the goal is to make as much money with playing as little of the game as humanly possible there will be no quests there will be no fun there will just be raw market data let's see if i can pull it off on this market board we have access to all of the items being sold here on fam freight now effectively we're going to use this market board to just see which items are exorbitantly overpriced and then we're going to work out where they're being sold on the cheap so we're going to use the galactic wide cross world market board for all of the markets on our data center where we can you know for example take a look at the gadget level market which is pretty much entirely dominated by two accounts uh the fred's merchant the potions merchant and i guess of course shaft handler now all three of these accounts are controlled by the walt speculative guild and as you can imagine they've cornered the entire bloody market haven't you haven't you naughty people yes sorry i'm not sorry i mean it's money at the end of the day we like money oh goodness right let's go make some cash so what item are we looking at today food slash meals and potions because it is reset and people are going to be rating if we capitalize that market perfect perfect so potions and food are going to be cheap because it is raid day food of course giving buffs when you're raiding so meals are going to be at inflated prices so what about a nice is there a cup of tea on here well yeah there's the uh if you raise the demand sorted by demand there should be peach juice and uh thavenery and chai which is the closest tea you're gonna get ooh favnerian chai sounds very nice oh look at that that actually looks really tasty a lovely chai tea and that is being sold at 3296 uh gil here so let's see how it's doing over here uh i'm noticing that on lamia this bad boy normally sells for 2 000 gil um so there's a price differential of 50 percent here and in fact on leviathan it's also selling for just under 2 000 kill as well so guess i might as well go over to uh to leviathan and buy up all of their lovely chai tea all right i'm gonna quickly move over to leviathan and visit another world server this of course doesn't cost us anything to do and i just think most players don't understand that this um this feature exists in the game um i just don't think people know that they can trade on different world markets right i've arrived in leviathan i'm now going to head on over to the market board and buy up all of this fanbury and chai tea travenarian chai tea lovely bam and meals found the favorite in chai tea and it is actually being sold at less than what it is being listed on the actual market board lovely that's fantastic right so i'm gonna buy um 50 cups of favinarian chai tea for 99 000 gil right that's going to be all of my money spent but we're going to do it there we go i'm now down to 460 gil okay i'm going to head straight back to far from there all right the next recommendation is and sell them in stacks of 33 so they're more available right back to fanfruit right okay now that i have my lovely chai in my inventory i'm gonna go to this summoning bell and i'm going to use intern uh we'll use intern steve for this and intern steve is going to sell an item for me so sell items in your inventory on the market i'm gonna pick this favinari in chai and i'm going to sell which i'm gonna sell a stack of 20. okay currently they're being sold for 3296 so we shall sell them for a humble three thousand i just bought four thousand of these pumpkin pottaj i like all these sheets right okay i've put my item in on the marketplace for three thousand and some are at three thousand one hundred so see how much we're selling them out of how much they sell for but yeah my first trade i should get back about 150 000 okay i've just found another potential trade i found a fish that on our server is being listed at two grand and on the exodus server and hyperion server it's being listed as 16 gold i think that's probably worth going i've got like 460 gold left so i'm gonna go to exodus and buy up those fishies come on fishy trade let's go got one last trade in me might only have 460 gold but that's enough that's enough to make some money on fish on fish that's that's why me and connor earlier is like some of the fish market is ridiculous because it'll be 5 000 one day for that fish and then like the next week it'll be 400. i mean you can't you can't do this in real life you can like you know sail to australia and buy a fish there for 12 gold and then sell it in the united states for four grand it's not viable the fish is gonna be dead oh my god someone's selling them here for 14 gold i'm gonna buy all 14 of them for 14 gold some of them selling them for 10 gold yes yes we're buying cheap fish right that's fantastic i bought all the lumsians anchovies here time to go to a different server oh my god i'm trading next to some dude called british invader i kid you not okay i've brought up loads of fish i can't believe some dude was selling fish at one gold do they have any idea how much of a margin could be made if they just moved to a different server the margins i tell you oh god all right i'm going to get intern both to sell these next items come on bob right sell me these 24 shitty fish so average cost per item of 17 gold it's cost 17 gold on average to buy these fish and they're selling for 2 300. i'm going to offer the world a service and only sell them for 2 000. i am i'm the hero here i'm about to sell what only cost me 400 gil for 48 000 i i have random dudes come up and clap at me all the time because they they're like oh my god you're buying all my wares thank you very much i'm like you have no idea you know how much of a scam is being committed today my son right welcome back ladies and gentlemen an entire day has passed and luckily most of our items have sold as a matter of fact we can see that intern steve has managed to sell all of our amazing cups of tea for a hundred and thirty two 000 gil that's right it's a huge profit increase naturally we're going to take all of his money from him because he is just a simple intern and wouldn't even know what to do with it he'd just spend it all on avocado or toast or something crazy like that no no no money is for the capitalists my friend so we now have 132 000 to work with which is of course a very nice 32 increase from our starting quantity uh so we now need to go and buy some more items and probably spread our bet a little bit on the marketplace but i think we're going to buy a few items that generally sell quite regularly right now what i've found here are a whole bunch of great six tinkatus of intelligence retailing at 1 600 and i'm going to be buying around about 60 of them at the low low cost of 1682 off of the behemoth server and then i'm going to be going back to our own server where the price of them is actually much higher now these are potions so they actually sell quite regularly so it's going to actually be very easy to try and flip them for a profit and now i get to sell these lovely grade six tinkeaters of the mind using intern steve here hello good boy all right i need you to sell an item from my inventory onto the marketplace i want you to sell these in stacks of 30 please let's take a look at what the current market price is for the 1 900. well we can probably do better than that and i'm going to be selling all 60 of them and hopefully just under 2 000 gil for a nice wonderful profit however i've also noticed something interesting people on the fam fritz server have been buying the tinkatus of intelligence even at lower grade qualities simply because there is no low-grade quality tinkatus of intelligence on the market so we're going to go over to the world of exodus and actually buy up their low-grade potions and sell them on our market for a massively inflated price now as we can see someone a few hours ago decided to buy a tincture of intelligence in fact they bought six of them at 1 900 and 1 800 despite the fact that they're the lower quality version we can see that we can actually purchase these potions at a very very cheap 1575 and we'll be buying all of these bad boys up right welcome back we've made all of our purchases for today after we got our glorious 32 grand profit from yesterday now we've decided to kind of repeat a little bit of yesterday's trading by you know of course trading in the elusive and wonderful favinari in chai we currently have seven thousand five hundreds worth of chai listed on the market which you know we only bought for three thousand gil which um yeah that's gonna basically be a very nice profit when it comes through and trust me it will sell next up we also have some lovely undyed felt that we're selling at a very nice 1 499 per item this item only cost us 500 per item because on the server we bought it from the entire market is completely flooded and it's actually quite common to see this item sell at 300 gil on that server and yet on our server the average cost of it is actually much closer to around about 2 000 and 3 000 so we're going to be making a very nice profit off of this next up we have the tungsten steel ingot which you can see we are selling for 200 gil each these bad boys only cost us 50 gil each so naturally if we can sell them at all that's going to be absolutely fantastic then we've got the dark steel nugget here this bad boy costs 700 per item so a little bit more costly but if we can sell all of them that's going to be 500 gil per nugget that we managed to sell and then finally the tinkaters of intelligence we are selling multiple copies of this we have these superior ones here which we bought for 1682 each so naturally the profit margins on them isn't that good only about 300 gil but above it we have the cheaper tinkater of intelligence which is much harder to come by and yet they do still sell these bad boys we bought for only 680 free guild this is effectively the bargain hunt of final fantasy because if these bad boys sell we're pretty much tripling our money anyway i'm just gonna let all of my investments steep away for the day and i'll be back and hopefully if all of these manage to sell we should be nearing two hundred thousand gold by the end of day two welcome ladies and gentlemen to day four of our glorious trading uh it's time for me to actually collect some of our profits so one of my interns here is controlling 74 000 worth of gill which is fantastic lovely i'll be taking all of that okay now checking my other intern who should also have some lovely money for me yes they have 4 322 gil lovely stuff and i'll be taking all of that money back and as you can see we still have a very large amount of items listed on the market around about 170 000 worth of gil just listed here in terms of assets pretty much all of these assets of course however only cost a 70 000 gil so if we're able to sell all of them we're pretty much doubling our money or in the case of hard lever we're getting an item that i managed to buy for the low low cost of free gill and i'm able to sell it for 40. don't ask how but we've already sold over 150 of this stuff for absolutely ludicrous profits oh and then there are dinosaur fossils which sell for a hundred gil and guess what i bought them for one like how is this even okay if any of these sell it's pretty much a 500 return it's stupid well i was just about to start listing dies onto the open market with a markup of over five times their base price and i noticed that my lovely little minion here has a 76 000 kill evidently we managed to sell something and i'm pretty sure i know exactly what it is that's right we've managed to sell another 30 free favnerian chai teas each of these items were bought at 1 800 gil and we sold them all for 2 450. this means after tax we have a profit of 18 249 gil which we're then going to of course reinvest into other markets and increase our amazing monopoly so far our grand total of profit as we head into the midpoint of day four sits at a hundred and sixty thousand but if we were to add up all of the total assets we own we're starting to pull into the quarter of a million mark this is going very very well anyway it's time for me to sell some items to intern steve say hello to this die here that i managed to purchase at 120 each it is retailing for 270. we're going to sell it at 250 and enjoy doubling our money yes this is the way to profit here right so we have 116 000 in the bank and we need to get this all reinvested nice and quickly especially before the americans come online so it's back to work for jeff bezos as we have a whole bunch of money to make okay some time has passed but there's been a lot of fast action today as you will notice i'm down to just 693 gil this is because i've had to be making some very fast action trades now we currently hold almost 500 000 gil worth of assets that has simply been thanks to some really really ridiculous market trades namely the fact that i was able to sell a single heaven's eye materia here for 22 000 gil i bought this for just 2170 gil that's right we sold this for 10 times its market value because dear god this server is going through some kind of nightmarish hyperinflation don't believe me take a look at the price of milk ladies and gentlemen price of milk across the entire data center is currently in a death spiral the reasoning is very simple we can take a look at the history of milk here and see that something terrible has gone wrong how zao has bought up the entire server's milk supply don't know who this dude is well you might remember is one of our friends from the start of the video now he's basically been doing exactly what we're doing but with a slightly greater understanding of the game he's effectively the demonstration of what happens when you pull off this exploit and you have a complete understanding of economical theory but you've also played the game before meaning you actually understand which items have really high demand now he's made so much money over the last few days with a few spare millions lying around what he's done is he's gone and bought all of the milk off of the entire data center as you can see he has bought so much milk it has decimated the entire world's economy and he's just gone here to set the price of milk on our server to 1 300 gold this is a commodity that is usually just 500 gil but the madman has done it he has bought so much milk it has gone up in value so naturally what have i done i've also run off onto one of the necessary servers and i've also been buying up milk i've got 55 milk here i'm going to list it up i'm going to sell it of course for the market value price of oh my goodness some dude just dump milking for 15 gil quick grab it whilst he hasn't noticed his mistake get to the market board steve burger off to the market board milk milk give me my milk ah over boss quick come on come on 15 kill 14 kill we're bad buy it buy it bite bite no i haven't got enough money quick my merchant is money quick quick give me my buddy give me my buddy boy buddy peasant peasant boy 85 000 come on come on give me my buddy oh god ah come on this is the fastest merchant training i need to do come on this is i don't even care i don't know what i sold for 85 000. doesn't matter what matters is the milk that is currently for sale quick milk milk there it is 14 kill 99 churns we're bam we've done it oh yes that is the absolute steal of a century 14 gil for an item that is now retailing at 14 000. don't mind if i do oh wow yes yes yes right well let's get our milk trades actually set up as well then in turn steve it's fantastic to have you back i've got some items to sell 154 milk at 1 300 gil let's go oh yes oh yes oh yes if this sells this will be some of the single greatest trade deals the world has ever seen because we are going to get some insane markup tier card who knew making money at video games was this easy like legitimately you just need a basic understanding of economics and that is enough to make stupid amounts of money in final fantasy and best of all if you have just a modicum of understanding of the game you're going to be able to do this on such a larger scale it is ridiculous because you're going to be able to understand exactly which items are going to be able to sell when for example items used in high level raids sell really well on days when clans generally do raids and dungeons reset equally on days when guilds are practicing dungeon runs very interestingly it's the grade 5 potions that sell really well because they have the same cooldown as the great six potion so it's a great way of practicing your dungeon runs without actually wasting a huge amount of money but hey we've now got 84 grand that i now need to reinvest and that brings our total profit so far as we head towards the end of day four up to just under 400 000 gil that is 400 000 gil profit from just a starting value of 100 000. one thing is for certain the more money you have to invest the faster the profits and greater the profits you're going to get out it's just like real life capitalism is completely and utterly broken baby and i love it and well literally just a few minutes later um 50 of my milk church have just sold for 61 750 gil jesus christ oh god the server is currently being wrecked by some of the worst hyper inflation i've ever seen just simply due to the fact that milk has now become absolutely horrifically expensive uh there is just no way to counter the new value of milk on this server because as soon as new milk enters the market there's just simply no way to counter the amount of milk being sold right now it is absolutely insane but hey that's 61 750 gil that we're about to take now the interesting question is going to be what's going to happen to the rest of our market on this server well the most important thing to note is that with oviboss milk being so expensive items that are made using over boss milk are about to get more expensive too these also just so happen to be all of the late game food items that we see right at the top of the meal demands tree favnari and chai the pumpkin potage the beef stroganoff even the saigon cookie and guess what all of these items sit right at the end of the supply chain and guess what the most crucial ingredient to make all of them just increased in price by over 50 times so what happens when you're a baker and some dude just jacked up the prices of all of your necessary ingredients well you're going to increase your prices too so instead of buying the last few remaining bits of milk in the server instead ladies and gentlemen it's time for us to start seeing if we have a way to actually start planning the incoming apocalypse that's about to rock this server now what this database is about to see is one of the greatest supply shortages ever being caused quite literally by one individual buying up every single bit of milk this entire database has to offer and as we can see in the recent purchases that have occurred there are literally people right now on fanfruit as of a few minutes ago who were buying milk at one thousand three hundred a piece simply because the favnerian chai is selling at two thousand seven hundred so to a high level craftsperson the fact that they're paying 1400 for milk isn't even that bad so naturally we're going to start snapping up this market even more we're going to buy this bit of milk here and this bit of milk here the entire market will be ours ladies and gentlemen we have to buy up as much of the stock as possible if we are to stay afloat in the coming financial troubles that are going to be caused by this economical collapse there we have it i've just purchased 178 of this milk which we will now list on the famfrit marketports at the designated economic price of destruction oh it's going to be absolutely glorious so we're in for a bumpy ride tonight so we're effectively about to start causing digital hyperinflation inside an mmo economy ah it's going to be absolutely perfectly balanced all right time to start listing all of this milk as we've got a lot of economizing to do right and just as i was finishing off another trade our lovely heaven's eye material just sold for 15 000 after fees which meant we gained a profit of 1 000 which means just then we got a profit of 14 800 because we sold those items at 800 gil and guess what we bought them at 60 gil each the market is completely and utterly broken as our server is going through literally the worst hyperinflation in the universe the amount of players on fanfruit in comparison to the other servers is just downright ridiculous this section here is always packed with players and on other servers it can be relatively empty it's fantastic but our latest trade is something a very very jazzy proportions say hello to darkrai flower ladies and gentlemen we've just bought 32 thousands worth of it from a different server we're now selling it here for 85 grand and the reasoning is very simple all of the late game foods like the archon burger and the chai tea are all requiring a small group of ingredients like the overbought milk darkrai flour is one of those ingredients many recipes need it and especially those very late game very valuable recipes for which someone looking at this will think yes this is a completely fine purchase because the arkhan burger is currently retailing at like 2500 gil so buying flour for 1 300 that's not that bad oh god the entire world economy is ruined oh god now ladies and gentlemen with hyperinflation affecting the value of gill at an astronomical rate now is the time for a brand new stable currency that's right it's the spiff coin it's back in its limited run we got another 500 of these bad boys they sold out in about two minutes last time and guess what unlike actual currencies their value is fixed because you can't actually sell them so it's just the value you bought them at but that makes them the most stable currency of all time so to go down into the description today and pick yourselves up one of these beautiful majestic sausages well all good things must come to an end and as you can see we did indeed stumble upon a good thing i have made absolute millions without actually playing the game i've only put around about six hours into this game and yet here i am a multi-millionaire with well over two million still worth of assets up on the market board using basic macroeconomic principles we're able to use arbitrage to skim fantastic margins sometimes selling an item for double or triple what it cost to buy now of course it's time for the employee review uh han you managed to somehow somehow turn a profit of well over 400 million gil using your vastly superior understanding of the game you were able to not just crash and inflate markets on a whim you've also started funneling money into crafters who are creating even larger profit margins congratulations you win employee of the month and connor you didn't even turn up and i know why you didn't turn up you didn't even make a million gill so i'm afraid connor you're fired okay right well that's enough he had it coming i mean what's the point of an intern if they can't even make you millions oh my goodness so pathetic han you're my favorite you're my favorite intern you're the greatest intern uh you now have to also still give me all of your money but you're the greatest intern someone could wish for [Laughter] don't expect any payment what's it been like working under the spiffco firm knowing that everything you build and achieve will eventually go to me the second this this gets broadcast all right this gets put out there people who play 14 are gonna be coming to this this fc so that's one thing two i already have spiffco set up as a rank so if anybody says fifth sent me i could just put them in the spifco rank and then we know who gets what that's true that's true that's right yes you're my intern but then you're going to become handling interns when all of the people who watch this video flood to the fc and then you get to skim profit from then i skim profit from you oh my goodness we've made well we've made a multi-level marketing company it's amazing the reverse funnel company fantastic i hope i hope you're happy square enix oh god now of course most of the funds raised today are going to be used to buy the free company one of the huge fancy mansions that are going to be auctioned in the next update which is probably the main reason why we've been doing all of this so naturally good luck to anyone trying to bid against this mega corp now of course we didn't actually use anything that's against this game's terms of service just you're all aware all of the market data can be found online instantly so square enix uh don't you even dare try and strike down this video if you do i will reveal more exploits that do go against your terms of service okay so leave me alone okay i'm just a beautiful guy jeff bezos what's he ever done wrong he's not hurt anyone he's just playing the markets nicely it's not our fault that the price of milk is seven times more than it was when we started it's just capitalism baby oh dear oh god right well there you have it um han thank you so much for being the greatest capitalist a boss could wish for you've been an absolute star connor don't ever show your face again yes oh i will not forget this i will not forget this and there you have it ladies and gentlemen thank you very much for watching as always if you did enjoy today's video then make sure to give it a like and heck why not even jump down into the comment section and just leave a lovely comment of what items you'd like to see inflated into the stratosphere pretty much anything is possible of course there's always a massive thank you to each of one of our amazing patrons and youtube channel members who make all of these videos all the more possible seriously thank you very much you lovely sausages and hey if you sat there wondering what video you'd like to watch next look no further than this one on screen now hand chosen by myself to be absolutely perfect for you anyway i'll see each and every one of you in the next one have a lovely day and good bye for now
Channel: The Spiffing Brit
Views: 2,004,757
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Spiffing, Brit, ff14, FFXIV, An Economist VS 3.4 MILLION FF14 Players, Economist VS, FF14 Players, final fantasy 14, final fantasy xiv, ffxiv gameplay, the spiffing brit, ff14 moments, ffxiv memes, final fantasy, asmongold, mmo, mmo economy, spiffing brit, funny, xiv, endwalker, newfound adventure, final fantasy 14 mmo, perfectly balanced game, final fantasy xiv online, ffxiv 2022, mmorpg, game exploit, montage, ffxiv 6.1, gameplay, an economist, millionaire, bdo, lost ark, elden ring
Id: 31ey9tEPyTQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 53sec (1973 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 10 2022
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