Gorgeous Factory Design Tips | Satisfactory Update 5

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hello guys and welcome back to a brand new satisfactory update 5 guide and today we're going to be looking at new ways that we can diversify and potentially improve the way our factories look thanks to new buildables in update 5 and some of the tips that you can use to do that which you may not have thought about so we're going to jump straight into it but if you do find this video helpful please do drop a thumbs up it really does help this video get out to more people who may find it useful and why not subscribe if you do enjoy this because i release guides weekly on satisfactory as well as some cool fan factory fridays and other stuff anyway let's get into it so the first thing that i want to talk about and i might as well seeing as it's in front of me is using the customizer tool to blend different wall types as you can see here we're using metal walls we're also using the normal walls and the concrete and you can create some quite interesting looks just flipping between the three of these which is done by pressing x and going through to the wall materials you can do this also with the foundations as you can see we've already done here as well now to get these you do need to go to the shop and in the shop you can actually purchase them if we go here place this down most of the new things in fact pretty much all of them are found here but importantly in the customizer section we have all of these which will allow us to change the resources that we use for foundations walls and roofs as we please the next thing that i wanted to talk about before we move on from walls is actually still with walls if we go down to the glass section this is one of the materials that has a unique property let's say to it which actually allows us to take other walls which we've already got and actually clip through them this may not sound like much but it actually allows us to do some pretty cool things for example if we grab these triangles here actually we'll start off with the bottom we can create some little shapes especially if we combine that with the other straight we can actually clip into that this side and do the same here this can give us some interesting window designs should we wish as you can see i've done over in my main factory i highly recommend playing again with the materials that are used as well as the glass fronts as well as you can see here we're using the steel front along with the glass but also we can swap it to concrete and that in itself will change the look completely and give us another really cool look and of course we don't need to use walls in fact we can add depth using things like foundations as you can see i can do this here if we grab that and also if i grab the inverse which is over here these can be partnered to great effect it doesn't have to be this way at all you could use other things as well another example other than routes would be to use things like these diagonal pieces for example i use these quite a lot in my current build i'm loving the shapes that it gives especially when you partner them together such as like this and on a big build this can look pretty awesome of course this can be further improved combining all three of the previous steps that we've just talked about here you can see we have the glass followed by the foundations and also these walls we even use the clipping as well in fact we can also change the materials should we wish to give it an even better look with this being a small build it may not look like much however when you add this all together you can create some pretty stunning builds what i wanted to talk about here was when building a factory the first thing that we tend to look at is bringing power in and so i've selected a little wall uh outlet up here which is where we're going to bring our power to for this particular factory and a cool thing that you can do to keep your power clean is just below where you've uh received the energy you can actually place these beam connectors and bring a beam across uh there are three different modes so wrong one if we grab our beam we can then press again r and we have default diagonal or free form i whenever connecting these up go with diagonal as it's much easier for me to get a straight line now we'll bring it up to about the halfway mark and then i will continue again that's actually not quite there so we're just going to grab this one and we're just going to pull that across but from here we can keep our factories clean with power by running the power all the way across the top or i mean you could do it beneath but i prefer on top and then where we want to connect our power to whether that's on the side or underneath we can actually run these and what i would do is have the power from the factory coming in along a mains across the top and then connecting to the two major power points or the ones to connect to the factory underneath as you can see with these six constructors here all the lines are out the way and really clean so the next thing i wanted to talk about was also in regards to beams so if we grab one of these we'll place down a one meter foundation for this example we can actually grab the beam joints and place them so they're level with the foundation it's actually quite important because we can then grab the beam connect it up and this now becomes a joint for our foundation to place a wall so for example normally we only have these for clipping uh snapping points well with this we can actually bring this across in i guess 50 centimeter increments so depending on what you may want to do you can actually separate your factories further another idea for beams at this point is using them as supports for your conveyor lines this isn't something that i've personally done or at least not yet but i find the uh idea of this quite interesting nonetheless so what you want to do for your conveyor support is to build a long line along wherever it is you're going and imagine these are suspended um as you probably won't want to do this on the ground level and what you need to do is make sure that the inner line is empty and then you want to grab something like a conveyor pole as you can see this snaps to the beam or you could also grab your stackable conveyor poles as well and if you place these on these little supports or beam joints we can create an interesting little conveyor system to run our products along on a higher position it's just a little bit of decoration that can look pretty cool and of course you can actually build these up even more and mix the two types of beams to make them look even cooler now if that wasn't enough decoration or things that you can do with beams there is one more thing that comes to mind now a lot of people in my streams have asked for some kind of decoration or support for these uh walkways which is fair enough when you have a sprawling build uh this is fine it's just a little bridge however as an example what we can do with these is if we find the middle point we can [Music] i think that's not quite there if we go across to there though that looks pretty good what we're going to do is grab this we're going to make sure we're on diagonal because this gives us the most control over placement and as you can see we can go up to here and yes i know this is currently uh going through however what we can now do is use this as a snapping point for our beam connectors and underneath along these beams you can see this is connected so we're going to delete that and we're now going to replace that with another line going directly down this means that we haven't got anything coming out but this is let's say supported next thing that we're going to do is grab the other type of beam and we're going to run this all the way across to the other end where we can actually add another one of these and another support down and should you wish we could also add this or one of these if it will let me and there you go we can have supports for our walkways now now this technique has to be my favorite so far so this is going to be talking about these pillars now these small pillar frames are possibly the coolest thing that we have and i'm going to show you why so we're going to build up like this and then remove this one i'm also going to place just on the bottom a one meter foundation from here i'm going to grab a conveyor i'm going to propose that i'm bringing items into my base or i've just produced the resources and i'm going to send them through and they're going to go up to say at this particular point in the the factory and this creates a really cool little um way of doing the elevators but even better than that if we grab this firstly i should show you it looks amazing watch these items go up look at that oh fantastic creates a really nice kind of supported look to our conveyors now one thing that we can do is actually build a cross this is a pretty cool system but the problem here is that our resource bus is going to be slightly too high um and though it looks pretty cool in fact i wonder if we can just try it here if we grab that delete that maybe delete the one enter let's just try quickly so we can build it like that and for something like screws that actually works perfectly um but i actually prefer lifting this up slightly so what we're going to do is remove this one and now we're going to add another small frame here we're going to delete that one and we're going to place this one along here so that it is exactly a warm meter up now before we go any further to get the exact placement you'll notice if we grab our elevator here it's kind of out of position but you can't really get that however this is where those amazing beam supports come in we can actually grab or find the right position underneath here and then like i mentioned with the conveyor idea before grab that to create a snapping point and from here we can go and grab that place that in there and delete that and should you wish you can delete these there's no need to have that but we now have this incredibly beautiful or at least beautiful in my mind beautiful supported conveyor and conveyor elevator now don't worry there are two more things that i would like to show you but first off if you did find that awesome please do drop a thumbs up it is a really cool idea which i think you guys would love to use but the next thing that we are going to be talking about are the new fences so if we grab one from down here these stripes don't they look amazing don't they look like those kind of little um warning stripes that you get on a step well they look pretty cool and what you can actually do is place them all the way around a foundation now these look great on a second wall or like a second level and of course the other thing that you can do with this should you wish you can actually lower this by grabbing actually let's delete them by grabbing these and placing them against the side the next thing to bear in mind is we can also use these basic walls to add a little bit of a different color to the side and should you want extra uh detail we can grab our beams again [Music] and pull these across it's a nice little idea and as you can see here actually covers it looks a bit like a seat and the last thing that i wanted to do was show you how to do circles now in vanilla in update five and this is really simple all you need to do is grab a foundation place it on top of a current foundation and drag it across four and you can actually do this the other way as well so further three and what we're going to do here is grab a a wall place that down we're going to do the same on this side and we're going to paint the wall concrete because looks cool and then we're going to delete this middle one so we have three either side and the middle one's um been removed we're now going to go back to the middle replace it and we're going to move holding control one place in one direction we're going to drag again another four places and then three and the other we're going to place this wall and we're going to do the same over there it's going to take a bit of time but we're going to repeat this over and over i'll let you see the time-lapse and you'll see what happens [Music] and here you can see the finished circle and i've used the uh the grip metal in the center just to create this nicer looking circle without the blinking we can see a little bit there but generally speaking this is much better than it was before perfect but there you are guys that is a good few tips that will help you create cleaner nicer looking builds in update five so if you did enjoy the video like i said please drop a thumbs up and obviously if you want to see more guides on things like this or you'd like to see some of my own builds including these tips then by all means please subscribe anyway guys until next time thank you so much for watching and special thanks of course goes to all of our amazing supporters who allow me to create this content most notably our solar eclipse patrons the calamity cerebral tag and james irwin as well as our lunar eclipse patrons dixie chris and lord of july as well as our blood moon of the day which today is papa snoozy anyway guys until next time as always ciao for now
Channel: TotalXclipse
Views: 113,938
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gorgeous Factory Design Tips | Satisfactory Update 5, Totalxclipse, Totalxclipse build guide, Satisfactory tips and tricks, satisfactory design guide, Satisfactory Update 5, Satisfactory design ideas, Satisfactory clean build, Satisfactory tips, Satisfactory design tips, satisfactory build ideas, Factory design satisfactory, Build tips, tips and tricks, tutorial, satisfactory build guide, how to, Satisfactory clean factory, Factory design ideas, satisfactory Update 5 gameplay
Id: fIzUdP1gQYs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 50sec (1010 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 30 2021
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