RimWorld Wendigos - The Legend Reborn // EP1

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greetings everybody prime wendigo rademont here thank you for tuning in to the first episode of wendikos which originally are live on twitch august 10th let me show you the world and let me show you the different uh factions before we get going so here we are uh you can figure out what the rules and ideologies are with the commands posted in the title but rating is respected which means that if we don't raid often we lose happiness autonomous weapons are prohibited this is very much in line with the original wendigos more or less i really didn't use autonomous weapons at all and cannibalism is strong diversity of thought is intense bigotry rough living is welcome as is temperature tolerance we are more tolerant of rough living and uh extreme temperatures makes sense we are on ice sheet here are all of the other precepts and then our buildings and relics and rolls the rituals here the feast the effigy burning and the prisoner sacrifice some of the additional rules can be found here so if you look uh wendigos may not be a wimp or body purist one goes must have a passion for combat aka no pacifists and also a passion burning or regular but a passion nonetheless wendigos must have our ideology and if they meet the other requirements they have to be converted only founding members may travel to the archer nexus but if a family member dies they may designate a successor the goal is to complete the archer nexus to spread our legend so here are the factions we have the algonquin wendigo i had to mod ideology a little bit to allow an alliance between us and them because naturally being supremacist and a raider means that you will basically be hostile to everybody else but in this case because we do want quests and all that uh we have a goodwill range of 0-100 with the algonquin wendigo both follow wendigo plus 140. we have the colonies the blackfoot this cheyenne anne's revenge and the crown the world here we live uh right on the southern edge of the algonquin sheet and then we have uh other geographical like the ojibwe or nazcabi ridge these are all of course uh algonquin names nip uh or or the greater algonquin region names like cree and uh penacook uh the leaders here are actual leaders of these factions so of course i don't know if you know history but george popham was a very famous um colonist governor uh these are blackfoot chiefs and cheyenne chiefs and edward blackbeard teach should be familiar to many of you as well in fact mariana uh duquette was also a chief of the algonquins uh and the crown i didn't give them a name because i think like king george would just be a little bit too much on the nose right uh we this is a 300 by 300 map uh the map generation was very custom i used mods to do it um obviously as you can see this is a very strange world and the concept here is to use the archinexus to travel uh to the other continent so that we can destroy more factions now the the wind condition of this series isn't to destroy all enemy factions other than the algonquin wendigo but we are raiders so of course that's something that we're gonna do naturally with uh raider memes and precepts here we have our starting characters we have glitch which should be familiar to anyone who was originally um you know watching the wendigos cyclically humper sensitive cannibal iron willed uh the sort of theory i went behind all of the characters is that they would each have a passion in some sort of weapon whether it be melee or shooting and they would have one burning passion of roughly 12 skill and two regular passions of nine skill and the rest would be basically just bare minimum bonus thank you for the gifted subs aguero for the bits cruzio for the resub lucid for the bits kelly and for the gifted subs oh so on and so forth so many of them i'll catch up i promise uh we have mallet here mallet mark a bloodlust cannibal jogger burning passion and shooting mining medical we have uh to radar deluxe quick sleeper industrious cannibal now also keep in mind that because we have the rating required uh because we are a raider we do have reduced global work speed so burning passion and crafting shooting social moles whose uh burning passion in melee plants an artistic a cannibal brawling jogger and raptor uh fast learner sanguine cannibal shooting construction and cooking so obviously prepare carefully was used uh but since that most of these characters here uh don't have crazy high passions or skills but just are focused in combat it's relatively balanced i'm not gonna say it's balanced because that would be a lie but it's relatively balanced we were roughly within the point requirement um each five of them have a color preference of pitch black the original five founders are going to be dyeing their colors pitch black whereas all the additional wendigo will be taking the ideology color these are the five founders and if they die they can designate each one obviously belongs to a viewer they can designate a successor to go on the archer nexus it's their pick as designated in the rules uh we're starting here and unlike the normal tribe start i did start with uh 300 steel and no pets so i took out the pets i took out the jade knife i took out the pillow i took out the club so it's three short bows and two ikla uh the same amount of wood and 300 steel very very basic setup i mean really nothing special there at all uh the map has no resources it did generate some razor wire and uh whatever this is ancient fences but they can't be broken down to material like uh most debris can we are however uh right on the intersection of roads here so traveling around will be pretty easy and we're on the border of uh well it's calling it permafrost but uh yeah we're in the border of permafrost here and as a result it's going to be also a little bit easier for us to gain uh material that aren't based on ice sea ice but our first map tile will be sea ice we will try to stay here there is no requirement of not leaving so if we have to leave we will but we'll try to stay all right well now that that's gone uh let me set up the [Music] the sort of outfits and medicines i didn't change anything else at all um so i'm gonna want to set up drug policies and the rest of that so we don't really have any drugs right now so i'm gonna this will be social drugs and as we make drugs i can fill that in all right uh our doctors are just mallet so mallet here is going to be assigned to carry medicine but no one else will mallet of course is uh a cannibal brawling shooter raptor grabbing a bow as well equal there equal there and a bow here going to the manual priorities i never ever have it be automatic i mean that's absurd let's fill this in obviously no one can animal handle um that was never really to be done i was never intending for anyone to do that we do have a raptor to be able to construct so i'm gonna have raptor basically be our sole constructor at the start and there we go that is the setup uh what i'm gonna need to do is to set up basic logic um the game is gonna inform me that let me turn this down even more the game is gonna inform me that uh it's cold and i need warmer clothes but uh don't forget that i have temperature tough so i have a little bit more wiggle room than otherwise uh tribals would have all right everybody's a cannibal it is required of our ideology all non-cannibals are put to death uh taking a look at the map here i think probably i want to settle somewhere in between these two deep waters and use these deep waters in the future and the shallow water to help uh prevent easy traversal of terrain so let's lay out a little 7x7 because a square is the most efficient shape when it comes to area to perimeter boom well most efficient would be i guess a circle we could circularize but in terms of insulation squares are a little bit easier to insulate um all right and then we are going to want to get a research bench um we have rough living precept so we don't really mind oh one other thing that i did not cover however is relationships we are all one family uh in fact i should move raptor up so if we take a look here uh glitch and raptor should actually be in a relationship uh i guess i failed to do that but they are mother and father of mallet uh charetta and uh moles all right we are going to allow let's see i'm gonna put raw materials out here and this of course will be preferred for raw materials that are not plant matter or wood and then everything else in here as necessity because we don't have a lot of materials i'm gonna put this as a low priority and just take off uh plant matter or um take out everything but plant matter and uh wood [Music] so the storyteller is randy random um as always for any random losing is fun what else am i missing if there's anything else that i'm missing here all right one thing i want to do is to fix that relationship add glitch uh spouse of raptor done all right there we go yes the music uh mod is sort of broken and i really had to go to a length to get it working um i'm probably going to be reaching out to the original mod maker to offer them money to update it because it is uh well it's it's very very broken um i'm not even going to click that tab custom music because it's going to explode with errors uh so we'll pretend like it works wonderfully but it doesn't if you're curious about the mod list mods is going to tell you all of the mods i'm currently using i have modified ideology though interestingly enough um but barely so it's not all that relevant but the changes to ideology would be to allow me to be in a good relationship with the algonquin wendigo that is the only change i made um there's normally in rim world when you share an ideology with someone else you'll have a natural relation bonus of 10 and i ramped that up to 140 so that we could be allied with the algonquin wendigo otherwise because we're both uh supremacist raiders we would have been like perpetually hostile which didn't make any sense story-wise uh and it also would ruin the fact that we would never be able to get quests ever ever ever ever so let's turn off goodwill we are not accepting it all right catching up on that uh hype train uh j1293 thanks for reset kellyanne for the gifted sub petrible for the resub sir ben for resubbing as well unexpected giraffe for gifting out subs twice querozilla for reset bonut for gifting out five community subs aguero for bits cruzio for the resub and glitch at the very start for bits as well i think i've covered it one thing i didn't want to do is to put a roof over the research bench so that we have a little bit of uh natural sunlight when researching because we have a pretty limited amount of wood and i'm not really sure that i want to dedicate the wood towards um uh dedicate the woods towards burning i will however immediately uh cue up three recurve bows because they are going to be better than the uh better than the short bows that we started with or actually you know what let me do two recurve bows for now hey buddy 88 jack thanks for the resub as well i'm also here with uh tusk you can see her little ears poking up here i can fix that hey tusk all right immediately right at the start i want to go raiding i know what that sounds like but trust me it's going to be needed so mallet and moles i think i'm going to send out uh but is uh only after torretta gets a recurve bow made i want to make a recurve though i'm actually gonna change my mind and supply campfire um there we go and this could be a gather spot now we do have rough living so i don't necessarily need a table to eat on it's uh not really required um and let's queue up first research i'm going to go with complex furniture we also have epoe installed so here is all the epoe bionics mimicking of course what we had last time and then the other faction the other algonquin indigo are a feral clan which again mimics the last wendigos series so here's glitch now with that roof unneeded we'll fill it in and this is the very poorest of the starts that you can have anyone has frozen toes yet no uh if we take a look here our temperature tolerance is not exactly true um because of the rough living i actually i'm not really sure how rough living even determines temperature tolerances exactly um because the temperature comfortable the comfortable temperature range doesn't really seem to reflect whether you have uh the tough temperature or not how would rating uh work here well people will rate us or we will read people we're not that isolated i mean just up the road we got um we got a lot of potential raid targets around us all right there is a good bill bow and uh mallet and moles are gonna go next door so i'm gonna send them two tiles up we're gonna give them uh very little pemmican actually maybe just 50 and three uh three additional herbal meds and send them out i'll put down a caravan pack spot and have them head out oh you know what there's actually one other mod i want to add uh let me do that on the fly i totally forgot to add my own mod that i made and that's going to be annoying not to have so this will take just a second because i don't really have a large mod list here uh the no time change sounds uh that is going to bother me oh and i need a pet tusk who is in here yes so the no time change sounds just makes it so that uh when i change the time from one two or three or pause it doesn't make noises and i'll have to add that to the wendigo mods but it's not really a mod that anyone can use because i haven't published it so that's kind of moot come here girl or not yeah whatever all right there you go so they're off they're exiting northwest to go northwest that makes sense uh then the other thing is i'm going to start hunting uh whoever's left with a raptor yep so raptor is going to go [Music] uh start to hunt because just because um we want to eat meat and of course this pemmican interesting it doesn't actually say it has meat in it huh it's supposed to be meat oh you know i bet that's um i bet that is a result of uh prepare carefully why not publish it oh i could maybe i will i will it just doesn't do very much it would take anyone like 10 seconds to recreate it because it's so very simple nicholson thank you for the for the sub alright so here's the other recurve bow i wanted uh we will give that to tretter and i'm gonna wait to make any more something tells me i might not need him soon all right so raptor's trying to go for an arctic fox of course an arctic fox does move the same speed we do so this is uh you know we got to be cautious i i suppose i'm gonna have toreter uh back raptor up [Music] two shooters always better than one and this is going to be our food source and leather source for now until we well we get murdering i suppose there we go first hit oh to the neck that is a fatal bleed right there don't underestimate the skills not just anyone could create that mod the mod was really just like all it does is set volume to 100 down to 10. yeah that's it that is all it does so it's knowing where to set the file i suppose and that is that is the extent of the mod it's uh like i said it is pretty simple come on little fox it's gonna be weird when we start hunting arctic wolves i'm used to them being venerated right all right uh another thing we're gonna need is a butcher and a butchery spot so this will be the butchery spot uh don't allow run and no chunks and no humanoid corpses well leaving that is fine but no insect corpses i don't really care about insects ain't nobody wants to eat that all right then the remaining animals these snow hairs here will be on the menu as well so i'm going to have toretta uh start to get those this caravan should be arriving any second now and uh i got gotta hydrate to do don't i come on all right so it's 6 p.m and i think you all know why we're here we're here to feed ourselves so let me go ahead and set up a new caravan and i'm gonna have them split the food there's not a whole lot of it but on this new tile the permafrost tiles uh we are going to be able to find ancient dangers uh so what is our exit point and of course uh there's caribou and other animals as well so exit point is south east and now we're really here for the human flesh and not much else so let's get to it taking a look at these guys mallet here uh you are going to poke into this ancient danger and hope that they are not immediately hostile if they are i can always leave little animatry there all right now which one of you moles you'll deconstruct all right we have got bugs an animal pulsar a hermetic crate and neural computation uh not much of an issue there this is an easier one i'm gonna go out as far away as i can and shoot the caskets uh hopefully triggering humans that will fight the bugs and then we will butcher the human humans for uh meat we'll be well fed if this goes well okay there we go so we've got six of them one is about to go juice the rest are trying to leave and this guy has a bio-coated weapon unfortunately and this one has a feral frame thrower which we'll be able to grab if we down him checking in on the home team they're still hunting snow hair they do have one arctic fox dead and uh soon i'm gonna be queueing up a butcher table for us to use all right all of my shots are bane basically bouncing off of uh maker there uh the other thing that moles could do is to go in from a different point to perhaps strip these guys of their stuff before they die because only only mallet cares about or doesn't care about tainted apparel the rest of us do ideally we would have uh the ability to wear clothing uh made from human leather that would keep us the happiest all right there goes maker so his gear could go to mallet because you know mallet is bloodlust and now mcbride is next i want this uh scarab here to focus on mcbride and not man i'm constantly having just that um and not me so i'm gonna back away and hopefully get the [Music] mega spider killed yeah it looks like that's gonna happen all right home team still hunting shooting uh snow hair is pretty good for uh training because it's they're hard to hit oh mcbride is successful let's duck for cover he's not gonna be too hard to kill in fact all we really need to do is to wait him out and he'll die on his own i was sort of hoping that the scarab would turn around oh there goes all right raptor's asleep glitch is asleep uh they are going to want uh double bed though aren't they nope let's try that again here comes mcbride smart play would be to evade him and get better weapons as a result so i'm gonna do just that i absolutely hate lmgs with a burning passion so i'm gonna ignore them unfortunately there's really not a weapon oh this is not bio-coded anymore all right we are going to use that anti-material rifle mine all right you want to come for me come risky endeavor because these anti-material rifles do have bayonets and it this is of course possible nope it ended well good all right let's entitle ourselves to uh better meds i'm gonna have mal tend to himself first and then to moles do have to keep an eye on this mega spider just got back up and let's clear that out now the mega spider doesn't have a hive anymore so it's not necessarily going to be um hunting us all right mallet tend to yourself moles you are going to start stripping people some moles you um you're gonna want something warmer so i'm gonna give you this flak jacket black pants black jacket some thread uh shirt and flak armor all right mallet let's allow you to self-tend get that going now mallet is bloodlust so he can wear the dead people stuff with uh with no issues there moles now has a comfortable temperature range uh that is going to allow her to be fine in this climate and you are break risking so let's go ahead and strip lumpy and take the wake up all right with that wake up i am going to set up uh spots for you to sleep and then also you are going to be allowed to do some basic uh deconstructing and cancel the caravan forming we're not gonna leave just yet we have things to do let's also open up the hermetic crate as well artificial metabolism looking good all right so before these guys bleed out on their own let me go finish them off because my bloodlust would very much like to do that between what 68 and 62 so uh maker's armor is going to be used and let me also reduce the bed rest uh let's see to four really you're still gonna rest there's nothing better for you to do all right what if i force you i know evil right red dragon thanks for the bits they removed tainted clothing for cannibals well let me check that i'll try moles to wear a tainted uh pair of uh a flak jacket all right mal it's gonna be easy to please because i just murdered a whole bunch of uh no no no don't eat him oh strip him um yeah okay you're right there is not a penalty for the tainted so potential apparel is totally fine cool um let's i'm not entirely sure or convinced uh that i want to go the route of um marine armors because marine armors of course do suffer movement speed penalties but so do flak jackets for that matter all that really matters is that we're faster than everybody else that's trying to chase us some moles here has gear now moles you don't have um you're an obligate brawler and i'm gonna try to respect that oops i should have let you wear that okay yes the schedule is to sleep i'm gonna set this to anything given the wake up nope still resting all right mallet you're going to take wake up as well and then what i'm going to do is to build a butchery table here in order to do that i'm gonna have to cut down some trees so let's see one two three patch the rest up so that it doesn't get infected uh this spider here if you were wondering i know that many of you were probably nervous uh the spider has a very brief eta to live all right so moles is going to go harvest the pine trees and then we are going to start stockpiling up this stuff and let me turn off auto home zone um i will be temporarily adding this to a home zone so i can caravan its stuff back home uh everything here is going to be added and for that i'm going to need to maybe create some doors oh cargo pods of berries now the butchery is going to be of course for the dead humans here um so i'm also going to have a dumping zone to include that and here is the wood that we wanted to radar is still hunting there's two snow hair left and glitch will be researching and soon we'll be bringing home uh the wealth that we obtained i don't really need to clean anything so let me reduce the clean priority the bug has died of well the bleed out and now moles is home with the uh the timber the lumber we are going to get the butchery built and you are sure eating a whole lot is that one pretty well we are in armor got a feral anti-material rifle which is um sort of like a sniper rifle but higher armor penetration and butcher we are going to butcher human corpses with mallet and bring all that human meat back with us so that we can eat it i'm also going to uh construct expand this i'm going to construct um doors here so that nothing none of these items decay so that we can keep them intact and as revenge a raid isaac and trumpet coming to fight us good luck with that i guess it's uh free food delivery i do have rough living yes i have rough living and temperature tough okay combat music informs me that they're getting close not worried all right let's take a look undergrounder quick sleeper and gourmand and kind neither of course will be [Music] recruits now hopefully we don't have to bother father glitch but maybe i'll have him tap in as a lure now trumpet seems slower yeah you're frail all right moles with a brick risk um i'm going to have moles eat some raw meat for a second to try to offset some of the mood penalties isaac is going down sorry isaac hopefully we don't get food poisoning all right glitch you're probably done now i don't think we're gonna need much issue there and yeah all right so the rock cannibalism and eight human meat will offset that mood penalty and uh hopefully keep them happy all right the other two are all set uh now i'm going to set up a butcher forever of human likes and animals alike um yeah get that going now this is a hideous environment but this is just a temporary sort of like a holding area for the stuff that we're eventually going to bring back of course the sea ice here is very resource barren so we're going to have to do a lot of resource rating not just people raiding all right there we go now between the three of these we do have a cook raptor who soon will be able to make uh simple meals and these simple meals i'm going to have here we're going to make until we have seven let's say um i'm going to keep the simple meals for now because we don't have a proper kitchen or anything outside so this will be for simple meals and we are going to take them to simple meals and the details of this of course is going to be human meat so all of our simple meals will be satisfying our uh ravenous or strong cannibalism xanth thanks for the resub cheers man yeah we're very very bad guys all right moles what are you up to building a snowman sure as long as you don't have them to break i'm cool with that all right these two are going to be heading home uh with all that they can carry in a minute and uh [Music] and that's a pretty good haul for first ancient danger clearing you're welcome for the birthday wishes yeah we built a snowman if you've noticed here it is a decapitated snowman covered in puke so foreshadowing perhaps maybe uh moles why did you drop your weapon i'm not sure but i'll remedy that soon uh it is vomit mega scarab vomit yep good stuff all right so we do have some human meat here and of course that's going to spoil until raptor cooks it we still have uh snow hair to hunt what caused them to vomit uh those mega scarabs were in the crypto sleep caskets so they vomited because they had crypto sleep sickness uh in fact we no they're gone well hold on uh animals wild animals enemies no i think they're gone tusk this little girl does she deserve tusks pets she loves am i going to mine up the style um i'll probably not abandon it i will use it for resource uh gathering for a bit so i'm not going to i'm going to mine it when we need minerals i guess is the the answer that i'm i'm going to give you alright so come tomorrow morning mountain moles will be heading back with that human meat and that should be enough human meat to keep us going for a bit it'll also give us a whole bunch of resources i'll probably have a raptor and charetter go over and help to haul as well because of course we are going to very quickly have an excessive amount of stuff that we don't have space for and eating raw as long as you don't get sick that's fine what is the frosh shrine the frosh ryan is our initial colony nothing special about it just this is the frosh shrine you're looking at it not much of a shrine yet yet so there is one more inch of danger here that we can tap into once the first one has exhausted its resources and we've hauled everything back um now some of the clothing here i'll probably leave outside so i'll create a little zone called trash low priority of clothing that is 51 and under of normal and under apparel uh that is tainted pet yoda this dude all right tretter is starting to make human leather wear travel wear um or human leather tribal wear ooh thrumbos already yeah i can't really take them on i think that would be a death wish alright so these two are going to help carry some stuff back so let's see uh we are going to take all the human leather all the berries and more all the human meat the components the wake up and the wood and gold send and let's set up a caravan pack spot okay there we go raptor is starting to wear the human leather and as you can see there's a bit of a bonus twas the plan all right so here we are gonna say [Music] uh no tainted apparel so we carry it out and throw it away hi thrombo and then raptor and treader ought to get going uh over to the other map tile so let's get them moving forward caravan these two uh travel supplies bring four simple meals that is it send oh actually let's bring the um the tainted clothing that i can just ditch in transit i don't need it it will clean up the map a bit tinted is usable by cannibals but tattered is not no one oh are you in my okay hold on hang on a minute stupid thrombo thrombos are expensive to feed there's no trees around so this rumbo has decided to eat my food jerk and a cold snap it begins [Laughter] cold snap time all right complex furniture is done let's get complex clothing next oh we'll be fine we're tough i just want these stupid thromba to go away so they stopped eating my food because i don't really have a refrigerator right now and well they're kind of eating my stuff all right mountain bowls moles still doesn't have the uh ikla i never picked it up but that's it's fine it's not like it's going anywhere it's probably the cheapest thing in that stockpile all right tretter and oh perfect we entered right at where i have them leaving all right so we're gonna bring insect jelly let's see uh the tech prince ikla the clothing that is not uh tattered gold wood pulser i could also well that wouldn't really help me um and steel or let's do plastial first and then steal looks good mel just got inspired creativity cool and a man hundred pack of cats okay okay aren't they going to freeze to death all right temperature tolerance here is negative 13 degrees i think that's a little generous for a cat but sure all right mountain moles are home obviously these cats are going to try to go for them i'm fine with that and charetta and raptor are coming home too hey cat what am i not human enough for you they're not even fighting me get over here stupid cats did i dump the tattered clothing on the way no no i didn't or i haven't actually i don't even know where it went oh we must have uh dumped it here it's fine that it's this map tile because um um i'm not planning on uh keeping this map tile forever so i'll just forbid what i don't care about and remove it from the stockpiles more effortful sure but you know it'll work okay there we go cats you coming to mallet nope [Music] [Laughter] stupid cats cats versus cannibals not much of a fight there all right the other thing here is this butchery zone um is absolutely going to be eaten by those thrumbo unless i haul it out as soon as i can because these thrumbo are hungry and they're just gonna eat whatever the heck they want like the jerks that they are so i'm going to be clearing that out there okay 279 human meat uh the other thing that we're gonna that we will be doing is um trying to build and expand uh this is of course very very expensive i don't have the bone mod on to make it easier that we used in the original wendigos uh so any sort of expansion that we do uh is paid for expensively uh through material obtained through rating and killing and and the like all right these guys are not moving much you said you ran out of food but i'm pretty sure i'm staring at insect jelly just saying all right luckily these two did not get infected and the cold snap plus the fire is keeping this uh room temperate very very temperate so there's no cold snap over here and if we needed to there's obviously tons and tons of stuff to hunt ibex caribou etc we prefer human uh but we are allowed to eat non-human it just comes with a bit of a penalty as you can see all right glitch we are going to give you the prime wendigo roll [Music] so he is now our leader as one probably assumed what would happen all right the other two are healing up and waiting for raptor and shredder to come home i'll probably have all four of them go over and caravan what is out there back and raptor currently is starving why just eat the jelly you're holding jelly uh one of the things i could take a look nope it's allowed just being dumb cool that's what i thought all right melts full healed uh my cook would be raptor so once raptor gets in oh charetter just got food poisoning from raw meat traders also gonna start to make us uh human leather tribal wear and then moles and mallet shouldn't construct it should be raptor all right two tech prints applied already that was quick and now uh the food is going to be simple for everybody i'm actually going to straight up delete the other ones and then uh the there will be in anything here of non uh raw hey kibble [Music] raw resource plant or corpses or manufactured drugs um so not really anything but uh that way you know if we have to we can expand what we eat all right glitch let's get you into finer clothing forget the cloth raptor you should be done oh this yeah you're done oh man this task never ends yeah excellent clothing already okay fox mean i don't really care about what i'm trying to do is set up a refrigerator here so that it's going to be a little bit easier to keep the uh the food frozen so i'll add a vent and then i hope to research um i mean we're on ice sheets so it should be pretty easy to keep things cold but uh i want to research uh air conditioning and electricity and all that pretty much as soon as it can okay there we go definitely make sure that door closes all right the other issue that we have is uh not everyone is uh temperature tolerant enough to go back to the original spot i would have to um gear them up for it so truetter i'm gonna have you let's see the hyperweave pants are probably gonna be the widest temperature range and then you're gonna need some sort of shirt eventually yeah you're not oh let's put that back on tribal ware is even better so stockpile over here is going to be i'm just going to call it kitchen where all foods are stored for now and then no foods in the general stock pile i'm not going to worry about an air airlock um because again we can sleep in the cold and not be really much bothered this is just the the very basic setup are we missing a yeah we're missing a roof evans knows why raptor just stopped all right so these berries and meals won't decay and then i'm gonna start to cook uh fine meals once i have a the question is do i go to fueled stove or do i stick with simple meals until i have the means to get something better so mount moles you guys are both all set moles put the equal back on um take off the flak vest you're not going to need it it'll slow you down not necessarily and those two are going to head back here because they're the only ones that can bear the temperature at the moment and we'll send them off saunder or sandre thanks for the uh theresa and welcome yeah probably simple until electric stove i agree i don't want to waste material steel is um a rarer resource so i'm trying to limit how much we waste thank you for watching wendigos which originally aired live on twitch if you have any feedback for me let me know in the comments below if you would like to catch a live stream rodomont.com has my stream schedule and countdown timers to upcoming streams if you would like to join discord for announcements rawmont.com also has the link to that as well this episode was recorded august 10th under the 1.3.3080 branch of rimworld ideology the mod list is in the description as well as the rules and goals thank you all for watching i will catch you next episode or an upcoming stream farewell
Channel: Rhadamant
Views: 59,934
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: RimWorld, Let's Play, Twitch, Ideology, 1.3, Lore, Mythology, Evil
Id: 6XsY49FMjw4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 38sec (3698 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 11 2021
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