RimWorld / EP 3 - Gifts and Curses / Kenshi on the Rim

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beyond the rim didn't mean for that to rhyme a little bit but uh here we go the rules I don't research and yeah that's pretty much all you need to know yeah alright going to the live scene now oh here we are so a quick recap of what happened right at the end of last episode we had beep and Agnew go to a screamer base that used to be here it isn't anymore because I orbital lasered it like it was venge oh it was a beautiful beautiful thing since then I've also introduced a little bit of bots already dead how was the bots already dead maybe it was just sitting on the lam I introduced uh what I was going to say yes we have some architect arms that need to be you know hauled in so we have to architect arms that are going to be able to be used for our friend beep and then what I really need to do is protect him because just because he has robot arms doesn't mean he's protected from getting shot in the chest or something like that hopefully the bots up let me know if it isn't rifki you are about as wounded as a wounded person could get I think what I need to do here is to set up some additional some additional bedding because I really don't want her walking around she's basically a corpse at the moment uh so what I'll do is I'll going to the work to have oh yeah it's already set on bed rest she's wanting to consume this meal could you find a closer meal yeah let's go do that so doing a quick health check Ruka is okay she's just really really battered proto eden got punched by a bunch of fog but he is okay as well he Roshan is also likewise beat up the ending of last episode was a little rough wasn't it Jen air power music is a little wounded but not particularly all that bad jen has is still frail and rucas now on an insulting spree if she could ever catch anyone that's the thing she's not exactly Spri at the moment so she's gonna try to insult people but that will only work if they're stationary or something I do have a lot of bodies to get through all right here we go first body sets of bodies are cleared you when the fog start to rot they start to really look bad I gotta say they turn like black and crusty gross all right beep and Agni we're almost home that's good it'll be nice to have protection I am turning into a little bit of a drug lord here but we do have the ability to do drug production so I was turning this into cotton so that I could possibly get some additional armor and the like what else do I need I am also once Agnew's home I will oh look at that throwing shade at a distance I will also do some additional mining I think to offset the mining as well I'm gonna go ahead and just set up a smelter in here and what I'll do is I will have okay no longer insulting tree that's good what I will do is have this area set up to allow for us multiple weapons and then the other general stockpile is not so in this low stockpile here I will go I'll actually just say no weapons at all and then likewise in here I'm gonna say no weapons and that way they're all gonna be next to the smelter and to make it a little bit easy to smelt stick a light in there and it should be somewhat temperate we have so much smoke leaf it is ridiculous Hey look she loved it up and cooking by rolling joints next time a dare officer asks if you've been working on life skills you can say hey I've been getting getting better at cooking and it will only be a half lie I also do two requests I think Jen was it you they requested this that I wanted to show their beautiful faces up here and hide their hats on the on the bar up top Oh G dokie that's annoying proto's already heading to it though hopefully we get this fire under control or our base is gonna start smelling like Woodstock there we go man it is so full of blood it's really bad Jen what's got you down observing a bunch of corpses yeah that's gonna happen Mohammed yes I would say that's not even a redhead that is like that can't be natural we actually have a lot of interesting hair colors we have three purple one pink one red and only one person has like sort of a normal colored head which would be power music and even he looks like the the lead singer of prodigy so here's an idea there is not there is not a lot of there's no cables around it oh I guess that's outdoors I'm gonna need a spot for the chem fuel for now I think I'm just gonna put the chem fuel here because I really don't have anywhere better so critically important for manufactured Kim fuel to be down there because I really don't want it in the general stockpile potentially exploding on me that is indeed why the hair cuts is called firestarter I think you're right prodigies one of their singles is firestarter I think right now I'm gonna have it stuck in my head for the next like hour I better than diggy diggy hole I suppose and remember to wall it up in it so it doesn't deteriorate yes I do know that much limestone door limestone walls I guess they'll give it a full wall treatment doesn't need be fancy it just needs to you know not be flammable it's really the only requirement I have so now the beeps home um library cool you are our medical officer chief medical officer I suppose beep needs that arm yes I do know this as soon as the egg moves up in mining we're gonna get beef that arm and then once we get the electric smelter we can smelt down some of the extra ridiculous amount of weapons that I obtained recently and put them to good use as steel we do definitely need a lot of better guns the only issue is I have no ability to machine I can't research it there is no researching so I'm hoping to get blueprints to allow it what is the biggest need of the colony right now can asked um probably weapons that would be my quick assessment weapons and research you know progress and security I would say food is fine we have a lot of meat thanks to all those wildebeests drop in beef to us where did we just bring that fine meal whoa direct hit on the on the door there that's not cool have I unlocked the machining table yet no I have not so a quick recap I have every single Neolithic tech in the in the game right now I believe I don't think there's any oh no there's wow this is medieval great Bo's medieval okay yes I have every Neolithic tech at this rate I just need um medieval and better and I actually have some space of blueprints here that I don't even have the ability to use because they're so advanced it'd be like going back into the 1800s and saying our so here's a Tesla and then growing like a wet slaw it's like are you is that named after that Nicola guy it's like no no oh well yes but okay no I guess that would be confusing what did blue prints do they unlock random technologies I don't get to choose what they unlock so a spacer blueprint would unlock a random spacer technology okay so we also have the ability to oh he's double cataract yeah no never mind I was gonna say we could also tame this guy to add him to the crew but he's got so many health problems we already have to like octogenarians aka people that are really really old Oh Jen's not quite an octogenarian she's six years away but deck jack is one year away yeah this is an old folks home full of crumpled Jones can I research Industrial yes I can I do have a lot of industrial techs that are available to me uh dr. dingus or digna i called you a dingus and I apologize thanks for the sub and hopefully the understanding that I mispronounced your name no no slight to you that probably happens a lot I hope come on hike off there we go whoa careful it's not blow up people yeah if it makes you feel any better I at one point in time in my life did first-person shooter competitions I'm not not professional but sort of a you know amateur but it was still it was still he casted or whatever eSports presented when I was doing it very informally think think like super JV right well any time I ever did anything cool in it and my name came up the announcers would have no idea what to say they were like that rat guy I think is probably the most common name I was ever dubbed I was like dude my name isn't that rat guy could you at least like I try to say my name correctly but no that was that rat guy for many many seasons of eSports and I saw her about it no but I fully understand the the wanting your name to be pronounced correctly and the funny thing is you know I don't even know really in ancient Greece how they would say Rhadamanthus I just kind of made it up but Rhadamanthus was a demigod to the dead one of the judges of the Dead with Minos and sarpedon in Greek mythology and that's where I got my name from and not actually diablo 2 so if you kill me I do not drop a skill book is something I got really used to saying over the years because I've actually had this name longer than Diablo twos been out and then Diablo 2 came out and in the sewers of Luke ghilane there was a boss in it where when you killed him he would drop a skill book so do I not have a temp okay I don't have a temp fine meal so when I make a fine meal bring it to temp fine meal any worker don't care Industrial tech coming down Kadath hoping for machining so thank you for that cadet and we'll see simple meals so what I'm gonna do is stack my five meals right here where the meat is and make this a critically important Fon meal stockpile and hopefully that will streamline some of the meal productions so let's go before someone steals this use this and see what it unlocks machining oh my goodness you called it and that's exactly what I got what was the chances of it that being machining uh very slim actually a ton of industrial techs were well none of this tree but we have one two three four five six seven eight industrial text that it could have been other than the machining and machining is what I got well that's good that's really really good because that's gonna allow me to start to manufacture the arms and armor that I'm gonna need alright I think tomorrow morning will be the operation of beep trying to get him the better limb but before that I should store some medicine and stuff in here as well okie-dokie looking good hey I'm really eager to get that smelter up because once that smelters up I'll be able to melt down all these stupid little weapons that came with all these enemies so fast you and me are gonna take a extraordinarily long time to recruit as they are really nowhere near the ability to be recruited just yet but that's fine I mean you know it's practice it's social practice I guess so Agnew what I want you to do because you are our minor is forget construction you are the best constructor but I don't really have any quality construction that I need really was this the closest steel this does not seem to be true I'm gonna go force him/her sorry to go north are their enemy animals power music asks that I can train on rats and hares yes so let's go animal handling now whoo I'm not sure I don't think beep would want to be the animal handler because beep really wants to be a swordsman and not a shepherd so could death will have you be the animal handler unless you tell me otherwise and right now you're practicing on pretty harmless creatures so I don't think you're gonna run any run any risk all right so you are sending a really this is the ball codes it's like one dude and some dromedaries he doesn't really have any weapons on him that I can tell but he's a black desert skeleton interesting ooh cloth coming down put it on hunting I think pull oh did I put the animal taming on hunting yeah I did didn't I yikes Kadath only has four so I could only tame the rat so he's gonna run around trying to tame a rat I will hunt the emus and the ostriches then and who was set to hunt Ruka who shouldn't be because she's hurt could death and that's it for now maybe ghent now jen is really really old hi call are you high call doesn't have any health problems he could hunt theoretically but what I think I'm gonna do with hi call here is give them a different weapon because while the corpse stockpile is full so first things first I'm gonna have you another architect I'm that's very generous of you Klein okay sadistic rage doc jack is gonna beat up some prisoners I'm not really gonna yeah I'm not touching that one so good luck jack jack in fact you know what I'm gonna level the odds so power music you are gonna drop your ball t so you don't use it to beat anyone up and you're gonna melee attack tech Jack hi call you're gonna go grab that bolt-action rifle which is far better than a pump shot e4 for hunting and yeah alright uh deck just got decked so I'm gonna go rescue him me Pierre got head-butted twice I guess we're also doing a really really bad job of providing meals to him yes I did just make you beat up your dad I sort of forgot about that let's just say I didn't and I figured that you were the best one to talk him down all right so the idea here is Ruka you are going to go into a alright what arm was it left you're gonna go into a left shoulder surgery and live and cool is going to operate and then Ruka will be healed up and hypothetically a better surgeon for beep so let's start to up rate Jade you ever read what I said critical if you didn't uh you said that that should go to I think you doctor need a better arm so that people can get his arm yes right that's that's what you're inferring high call just level himself up with bonus to shooting good well you are gonna become one of the hunters so that makes sense and we have stuff to hunt I'm gonna start on hairs and Austria is because they seem a little bit a little bit less dangerous than going straight to like cheetahs wow thanks this is a huge amount of option for you guys so you have neutral neutral or neutral yeah go go ahead and vote on what you think is the best choice I'm almost tempted to see what a tie looks like if you guys can manage to tie like two of them because there doesn't seem to be really a point to yeah this is what a Swiss vote is I call how about you actually who's my best here ocean okay power music you are going to do some trading so these guys will buy clothing which is great I'm gonna sell some of my damaged clothing they will buy my joints but they don't really have a lot of money I could buy hens or Huskies what would I want to buy I'm actually gonna buy the the wood off of them because I don't have a lot of opportunity to get wood here on the home tile I think well it's paused voting might be not working so well so I'm gonna get out of that screen car music says save the joints I'm gonna have plenty of joints I have I still have thousand smoke Leafs oh that's really not much of an issue root canal has a Architect arm so that's gonna allow her to be a very skilled physician once she's fully rested my freezer just suffered a breakdown oh so I've got it it's not a good straighter is what's neutral wow these guys really don't roll deep they just come one guy at a time oh he is an industrial blueprint though these guys exotic goods are way cooler than bulk no offense to sending me bulk but yes excited about exotic goods yeah there's another industrial blueprint that I hope to be able to afford fingers crossed and all oh man the base is still so messy beer coming down from Tallinn Thank You Talan I think what I'm gonna need is another bench because everybody uses it they all sit there for work and whatnot making it hard to eat meals while sitting comfortably skunk are you eating my is he getting high on a brochure no no not yet we also have our spike traps being rebuilt at the cost of not getting a smelter so I think what I'm gonna do is forbid these two spike traps so that we can actually get the smelter out I like beeping a odd duster he looks good you look better in full armor but that that is sometime in the future all right this steel that I need for that smelters coming up and then we'll be able to deal with this slag which is great okay so these shelves are good this one will be drugs so manufactured medicines and then this one will just be Bionic parts in the like and I'm sure we're gonna have a lot of parts items body parts weight power music you worthy yeah alright let's go talk to the exotics so they have industrial tech that I can buy and sell the prosthetic arm I'm gonna keep the implants man I can't afford this I'm just so poor uh sell the spacer stuff cuz it's gonna be a long time until I can buy spacer stuff buy some advanced components I'm gonna make that trade I don't feel great about it actually no I'm gonna buy wanted me to evil one industrial all right let's go use it so go juice and lung blades I'd say pretty good and I think the silver that was sitting here wasn't actually being counted towards my my total so let me go talk to the dude again and by the advanced components because we're gonna want some starter advanced components to be able to jumpstart once we yeah we'll eventually need it I have not enough money ooh actually I do have enough money for maybe bionic leg no I really don't I don't want to sell my components or splash steel beeps gotta have a blade right ain't no fool Panthers are awesome pets and hunters yes you're not wrong but [Music] I don't have anyone that even has close to enough animal handling to make that worth it at the moment they'd be good training but I don't even know if we would train the panther it's just an expensive investment when I've got already a lot to handle all right everybody's resting these smelter is almost enough steel look the question is oh yeah the Panther would also be running a risk of overheating in the in the summers cuz it gets so hot here a heart just came down ooh from Elm so if we take a look at the health here we've got we've got deck Jack who desperately needs a heart he's got a really clogged up one clogged up ticker so we'll get him a new ticker soon power music where'd that heart go let's click on jump to location it is right next to the generator animals that normally occur in the arid shrubland like coyotes are far better picks for pets because they won't burn out I guess they won't get too overheated to die whereas these muffle out for instance at 1:13 we saw that in the in the in the summers if I go out to the tile here let's see here terrain and the summers it could get up to 130 ish so we need animals that are per tected up to 130 ish so if we check the wildlife here these bulls are good too actually they're not good for high temps what about cheetahs no she doesn't not either well that's a human emus are good for high temps and we have a bunch of rats we can try to train I do have the Ken Chi soundtrack running in the background delirious muffin thanks for the sub a sub and a patron I do have the soundtrack run in the background but if you can't hear it I could try to turn it up but it's kind of but mm-hmm any higher and I would blow out my own ears but yeah let me let me scoot it up a little bit sometimes they're not the country soundtrack I love the only complaint I have of it is it's not normalized so some tracks are so much louder than others that it's very very loud but I just raised the volume across the board hopefully that helps you all hear the beautiful music you should also get game noise to plenty of it in fact all right here we go smelter is coming now this smelter is gonna have a big job so let's go smelt from slag first and foremost and then smelt weapon do forever and we're gonna say it's only gonna picks multiple weapons but we're gonna say no ranged weapons and no long swords cannonball can you hear the soundtrack now everybody has a super super high craft priority so we should be able to get these disc rafting done fast more joints coming down dig miss thanks for the extra joints I guess now here's another hospital bed so we're sort of waiting up for Ruka to fully heal because once she's fully healed her ability to do the surgery will be awesome I shall have an architect arm she's got two good eyes isn't seventy years old I think at this point it would not hurt to have a second crafting spot for the joints we just have so many joints so so many joints so let's copy this paste it insulting spree there seems to be a lot of insulting sprees here ocean is throwing slurs this these things happen all right we are gonna get a pull out to all you in just a second so here is a poll coming at you what should our moderator buy event wise you've got three options be rescued which is someone that needs rescue and meteor strike or a Hunter's Lodge so Hunter's Lodge is sort of a meeting where you're invited out to a hunting camp from another faction and they invite you to to just hunt animals that they're Hunter's Lodge that's pretty much what it is all right Jack Jack the janitor is gonna be genitor lysing and gents are to make you a janitor - but you are also 70 years old so we need a lot of mopping around here oh and this turned into a social fight wonderful hey bite a bite fight - nothing like some Pike fights right looks like Andy's been doing a pretty good job of mining so we'll just keep moving the mining up all right Ruka is ready to do some real medicine I think she's fully healed so her surgery success chance now let's see is 117 okay I think she's ready to do some beep surgeries so mr. beep here is gonna get a architect arm left shoulder we'll give him meds and get him ready I've got some visitors coming in from Derry THOG some shinobi Thebes they might have some items to trade so it's Darien hamat whoo-hoo hamat but Hamid SIV robot that's odd I love it all right miss Ruka time to do them to surgery in fact uh ideally ideally you would just bring this whole stack of meds over where it belongs so let's go ahead and do that no we did not okay this is normal and this is important oh that's herbal whoops that would be my fault let's try that again all the meds over to where they need to be beer coming down from Malthus nice this geothermal generator seems to be attracting drugs Elam asks do I have someone with asthma that's a good question I'm not sure I don't think so I have a lot of little injuries here and there but I don't believe I have any asthma I have some frail some hearing loss some cataracts dat Jack's eyes are really really bad he's just about almost blind now he's a sight of 38 percent power music let's get you up here see if they have anything to trade um I'm gonna sell off my bows to them they have a little bit of silver and I'd like to make this silver I'm gonna sell them a duster and a poorer auto pistol and poor machine pistol that will do and brochure coming down from Luke wells and this time it didn't land on the geothermal generator so that's good lavrin you are currently doing the surgery but you shouldn't be so I have no idea why Ruka stopped mid surgery there we go I caught that in time at least alright so the radius for slag let's decrease down to just the local stockpile so whoever is doing the slag doesn't running all over the map beep now has double guns he's got the double guns now I do believe that we had someone else that was transhumanist right maybe I'm wrong maybe he's just beep oh no uh yeah just beep is transhumanist because we have two ear implants which would make him less able to hear but would make him happier as a transhumanist so I'm just gonna go ahead and install them I have no idea what how good beeps hearing is anyway but you know doesn't hurt making him more robot could I make a smithy so that power music could make a nice spear for beep yes absolutely right there all right so beep has one implanted ear and he's about to get another one we also have lungs long blade research is now done so I think beeps gonna go he wants to be a swordsman he said it himself so I think he's gonna even though Huibers tend to like Spears we're gonna go with swords all right there we go we've got wow oil plus blood equals like this pink colored stuff so he is probably very yeah he's in enchanted with the amount of artificial parts he has he's very very happy with that that's great keepin beep happy is a gonna be a breeze now we do have some people that have bows so let's go swap them out for shotguns chocolate coming down from glitch oh so there's two people in this chat named glitch now that's gonna be hard to keep track but alright I'm up to the task Jack Jack when you're up grab the machine pistol and then I think Brooke oh no Ruka you need a weapon forget deck jack Ruka grab the machine pistol Jack Jack you're so ancient you're gonna have them frag grenades he's gonna miss constantly he's gonna throw those around at people all the time yes thanks for the reminder Elm to give deck Jack the heart that he he needs good call here ocean kicking you out of bed you did start that social fight and Iruka we will set them up with normal quality meds and operate and the hearts actually stink sitting right here so that's pretty convenient when we smelt let's just drop on the floor that should speed us up a little bit okay I think the poll has been running long enough right so let's go finish the bowl Hunter's Lodge seems to be the the the thing you all want to buy beep is ready so his hearing is bad but that's just because the implants but he'd prefer it that way he's got robot ears now Jack Jack has a new heart he just needs two eyes and two ears the hearing loss is actually not that much of a problem hearing is not an important trait unless you're a warden or a trader fern Hall sending me more people hopefully not a pacifist like all the others from last episode no but incapable of dumb labour ouch I really really really like dumb labour and he's also a body purist so if he's a body purist he's holy nation I'm leaving him there I know I know terrible but holy nation are the only humans that I know to be body purists on this continent if you're unfamiliar with what I'm talking about the holy nation hates technology so of course they'd never be transhumanist ever x42 says he's an actual head yeah he might be but I've got moody enough people that I don't need to be a butchering I also figured out why these bugs went ape and started attacking my walls here it's because someone attacked bugs elsewhere on the map and it this high of to go active they're all sort of like psychically linked to one another Hunter's Lodge event not possible I think the event isn't possible because I am not allied with anyone so as soon as I'm allied with another faction like I'm pretty close to the shinobi thieves I think the Hunter's Lodge is possible I do believe it requires an alliance so you could save that up for later here we go Electric smithy and long sword of plasteel we need seven more plastic to be able to make one though and this will be made with power music even the labyrinth cool is better and then I also might want to wait for power music to be a little bit more skilled as a craftsperson before I pull the trigger on that oh here's a thought ahead yeah here's a thought ahead so I'm gonna move this stockpile of I'm gonna move the wood a little bit I'm gonna put the wood here because this is technically one big room and I think if I I add a roof over it it won't decay oh so a bunch of people drop plasteel let's go ahead and just make a crude long blade anyway you all definitely seem to want it so who am I to decline so this would stockpile potentially will allow us to have wood outdoors and not decay because we're sort of inside man deck jack all right your catharsis you were a jerk to everybody and that made you happy true or old man syndrome right there well at least the base does not look as bloody and nasty as it was before we have a pretty good source of decent meals now I could do some additional hunting up deteriorating because outdoors okay so even though this is a room it still counts as outdoors well dip will deteriorate slower while it's roofed I suppose so one thing I could do is try to build up a oh it's getting cold it's getting quite cold it must be cold and that's less cold in these bedrooms but it's not toasty and then this bedroom here suspiciously has no vents that's like totally my fault so I'm gonna add in a ton events now alright meteorite coming down until hundreds lodge second choice will be purchased unfortunately for me it's sandstone but oh well hi calls sleeping in the cold going on insult spree okay that would be my fault I wasn't warming it up properly salt I'll take the blame now what I'm doing is I'm thrown in some campfires and hopefully that will keep them warm eventually probably replacing it with heaters corpse obsession because you're in darkness it's a bedroom who on earth would want to sleep in the light you monster well if you had a mental break I'm gonna make you work your mental break off we're the grenades oh right the old dude Azzam he's not that accurate is he yeah but a war why not use heat through geothermal generator I could I could absolutely do that in fact I should so what I'm gonna do is set this up to help me heat myself so I'm gonna break these walls down and then what I need to do is in the summers I need to vent that out elsewhere right so I'm gonna rip this off and then in the summers what I'll do is all and I can also tap into this seat too if I pipe it oh no that's too far for piping this is gonna be very steel intensive but whatever agnew Agnew's got us covered with the steel nades definitely aren't very efficient over them all tops I just don't have them all to up and I have nades so I used by use what I got these aren't gather spots summer months are gonna be hot so the idea is in the summer I'll close these vents open these vents and then the one are all closed these vents open those vents and then I'll be able to you know account for whatever season it is pretty reasonably ooh free butchering I guess I guess people been mining over here as well Wow Jack Jack you can haul 12 steel at a time please tell me down 71 that's a little bit better and alcohol binge because he has an awful bedroom man I have a lot of people that are heaven they're very temperamental now the thing with power music I'm sort of curious ooh penicillin power music yeah well you just had a alcohol binge because you want a better bedroom but that doesn't necessarily mean I owe you one I'm trying to treat everyone relatively equal once I feel like I'm at the point where I can afford nicer bedrooms for everyone I will absolutely jump to do that glitch be be buying up some psychic soothe and Jen level up shooting I think whoa here we go cheetahs hunting agnew for food wow that's a dumb cheetah hey it's a robot so what kind of food are you gonna get but B it's Agnew so that's not gonna end well for the cheetah I don't think that doesn't necessarily mean I'm gonna not send backup man these cheetahs are fast I mean they should be right but they're real fast Oh agnese winning agnese winning big time hahaha I got bit once that cheetah got melted oh that's great night proto you don't have to worry about it Agnew got it covered bye bye cheetah well if the Cheetahs starting to hunt me for food that means that they're all gonna want to hunt me for food so I should do a group hunt soon with all of my potential hunters I think a lot of the problems we've been having is we're cleaning up bodies that are way outside of the base here and seeing all these rotten bodies are making us very sad so what I think I'm gonna do is get rid of the zone now and I'll just try to clean up bodies more carefully in the future by either cremation I don't don't have a criminai make electric crematoriums so by cremation so that we don't have to just and I'll only set the crematorium to source from around the base and that should prevent all of the dead bot dead corpse viewing that we've been stuck doing [Music] Agnew you never got patched up but you're just about healed up um power music blacked out from drinking lovely yeah I don't think I'm gonna owe you any furniture anytime soon good neutral neutral wow this storyteller really doesn't want me to get beat up odd I'm also going to destroy weapons forever that are nonce multiple melee weapons and also also what what else bows and stuff I think we've evolved away from bows at this point so shore bow recurve bow great bow and pilla Louis is not addicted alcohol but in this game alcohol is not to to addictive does this music extraordinarily loud for you guys or kind of normal uh Arctic sending me some meds cuz I was low I was low I was down to five okay it's normal that's good for me it's like brutally loud but if you see it's normal it's normal I think what I hear and what you guys here are very very different recording wise sometimes I can barely hear myself think over the music but as long as it's normal for you that's fine alright so if no good things are being offered I guess everyone votes or no bad things being offered everyone votes for good alright so now we're tapping into the geothermal heat power musics two-thirds done with that long steel applies to a long sword wildebeest self tamed hey look at that okay cool uh what are we gonna do with him I had not I had not really set up for animal husbandry yet so I'm gonna have him graze around here I guess uh so wildebeest you go to pets and then I'm gonna need to set up kibble and stuff right I mean you gotta feed them right so let's do a limestone shelf here I guess and we will put yep alright that's in the zone this son no-one's been hauling it that's what's going on all right so the wool no bees Bowl can be trained and that's it they can just be obedient the other question is are they beasts of burden and they aren't good they can carry stuff to trade which is super useful one of y'all power music just give me some kibble and said setup hay grass in the in the growth in the roaming zone here and that's exactly what I intended to do I'm only gonna grow hay grass where it's fertile and then they can graze off of that I'm just gonna shrink it down all right so it's fertile there and no this is for kibble like how they throw club in that [Music] and this is good gardening practice I guess wildlife so those rats obviously got eaten but there's some elephants out here that's worth a lot of food and I'm actually not that low on meat but that doesn't mean I don't want to shoot myself an elephant for their tusks do I know evil of me right but I'm poor so will this draw more wildlife to the base probably if there's nothing out out here to eat now wildlife can eat grasses and stuff so they might just be drawn to the grasses here's the sword mr. Don thanks for the sub and deck jack is in a daze beep you're gonna want to be over here I think it's a good one nice [Music] there we go beeps got a blade man hunter pack coming it is a man hung our pack of two wild boar cool and they'll be coming I'm going to yeah I don't even really need to do anything who's up at this hour wildlife wild boar where are there in the South what are you lost that's not how to get to my base oh wow there is a spacer tech over here that I just hadn't seen the dude that you dropped from space to me came with its own benefit cool and gold the end is best boss sending me gold just to get his karma back up Oh deck check don't wander that way that would be deadly at the moment it doesn't look like I need these extra spaces so I'm gonna get rid of them I'm a little late what mechanical parts does beat have he has two cochlear implants and two architect arms who freaked in fuel I like it I'm gonna expand this tree farm just a little bit into the fertile territories I really I really don't like to farm on infertile soil it's just a waste of effort I think you plant and then you wait like three years and it yields something low food is I have no idea why I'm getting low food warnings actually but I can go hunt to make up for it I think part of low food is that I don't have a lot of veg if I was to take a wild stab Oh proto you are out of the base so we need to send some backup here ocean go down Jen down oh nice the cheetah is trying to eat the boars Luverne you're a pacifist skunk you're probably eating my um my kibble so I'm gonna kill you with beep he's already seriously hypothermic all right we'll just keep running no I'm not gonna be able to run we're getting gored by tusks okay let's get some backup down here Oh beep one that's unsurprising all right no more eating my stuff could i harvest organs from Scott I could um but none of the organs that can harvest are ones I need I don't need I only need like eyes and ears and you can't really harvest eyes and ears here ocean you go haul that in and Jen oops Jen consumed that meal and then haul the boring rade coming in for some excitement from Elm from the north it is two bolts grenades house SMB you're here I didn't realize and then a twin name here ocean and I guess I didn't have combat music setup so it's playing rim world music now odd but you know whatever it's briefly playing yeah it's playing it's now switched soundtracks I haven't fully worked out that bug I'll just let you know I'm working on it but I haven't fully worked it out yet proto alright no it doesn't know what music to play that's pretty funny it's just playing a little everything it's like throw it all play everything all right we don't want to get grenaded which is exactly what's about to happen if I give them oops don't get in the way if I give them no target they'll come in beep Agnew take a step up jump the guy with the grenades that's the way to do it now pull back oops don't go around the corner jump this guy Agnew go for the door beep you get diver here ocean you get to the door proto you're hurt so you're sitting this one out where is he going he's running to my stockpile to try to steal stuff get away from my stockpile all right now they're fleeing they just dropped some space or Tech ultimately not that you worth anything beeps gonna go heal cuz he got friendly fired I think a bit Agnew still needs some love back up here skiff saying that beep is the strongest warrior I see no argument with that now I have a lot of additional weapons to choose from a lot of bolt actions which is great because I was stuck with like revolvers and and whatnot and then we got divert large scalp shoots got you large statue coming in for zosyn so what I'm gonna do is beep the strongest warrior where's your bedroom yeah I like how his bedroom is the closest to the bugs he's gonna get a little stash you in there cuz I don't have a dining room yet tending to beep let's just tend to beep with them doctors love cuz we are low on meds should just ration it out a little bit thanks Jack Jack so happy to have you aboard for the fight there so that reminds me electric crematorium of let's say what stone do I have a lot of sandstone because sandstone is like kind of the most worthless stone and we'll put this here and I'll just move the wood stockpile a little bit out of the way all right more nutrient and meds coming down so that's from Elm and Glitch and then something came down so fast I clicked on it miss clicked our team already sending me regular meds thank you guys Jack Jack starving but that's fine cuz you know he's like doing his own thing hi call decided to get drunk instead of uh get tended to there we go that's a little bit better and proto still needs treatment so I'm gonna kick hike all out of bed okay death you'll patch him up I'm gonna keep the really really old people off of medicine care because their care is not that skillful divert you've been like oh you're dead uh you're incapable of a whole lot of things anyway but he's so dead so quickly it wouldn't even really matter I should always look to see who I can capture though maybe build another hospital bed our didi mentions yeah I wouldn't be a terrible thing these aren't hospital beds though they're just steel beds that are taking the place of hospital beds so yeah I could have stripped diver I guess I generally don't strip the dead I'll find it too easy I already have to crafting spots for joint rolling and they're not full so I don't know if I need a third so the ambrosia doesn't seem to be temperature sensitive unlike all the other core crops that Jack's been wandering crazed for a long time now huh and this cheat is probably gonna want to eat me soon nothing I'm going to do is zoom out in Hall slags so if no one has other jobs we'll start pulling the slags into the stockpile all right finally no no he's extorting and exhausted but he's not recovering yet come on man snap out of it okay so here we go we're gonna cremate corpses of human likes rotten or fresh but no colonists aliens to I could take Oh partner neck just sent me some visitors oh they're a bunch of checks and they must be coming from shet Kingdom nice and then I was yeah I could take bodies to the Chi to defeat it but I don't really care to do that either I will probably hump the cheetah in the end [Music] everybody but beep is fully healed I need armor for beep that's become clear so what can i smith smithing I could make a helmet for me out of I could give him a uranium helmet I'd be pretty weird maybe I'll just keep it steel I don't have enough steel yet but I will soon buzz me up thanks for the sub as imagined this is a further along cave and then there's also some steals in here as well that I can tap into finally deck Jax snapping out of it that was a very very long sort of crazed wander one of the longest I've ever seen are we got some boars I've got a simple helmet now here's the thing outfits I want a new outfit called brawlers if I could spell that right and anything is not going to include advanced helmets or simple helmets or marine helmets or foil and then beep you're gonna be oh I have a lot of outfits don't I let's delete the other thing so anything is going to be renamed to ranged and beep and not Agni roca agnew are gonna be brawlers and brawler's are gonna be allowed to wear for now everything and ranged you're also not shield melting once I have better armor I can then get more granular about what is available Ruka want to go talk to your own kind oh wow yes so they will tell me they'll give me pennies for these crummy items but all absolutely part with the crummy items because they're not worth much to me anyway the pants that Agnew spawned with I'm selling as well and these poor cowboy hats that can make better that's about all of the silver that they have just about there we go that's all there silver now is there anything I want to buy off them no not really nope struck compacted steel yeah no kidding we'll get mining soon so beep is somewhat impressive alright so what I'm gonna do is what do I have I have a lot of limestone blocks and slate blocks so I think what I'll do is start to flow up the the bedrooms with slate it will make it harder to clean but I do believe we have a lot of cleaners so let's go and re allow the breakdown of slate power music is powering through these uh the clothing here I think what I'll do for slate is shave the mountains here that's what I call it give it a shave wherever there's not overhead Mountain until we've got a mountain that is fully shaved back and that will expand the available terrain that we have I know some of this is limestone but I'm not going to be picky about what I shave here eventually we're gonna want some limestone as well if there's limestone here that means this used to be an ocean right there's a limestone an indicator that it used to be ocean I think that's I'm not a geologist but I think that's true visitors power music sending in checking if the PDF price is right it should be you might need to force force a refresh but I did update it pretty recently alright best warden would be maybe Ruka let's have you talk to Clifford a little green bug I guess everybody knows I have drugs because they show up oh flak jacket yes I will take a flak jacket and I will sell you 50 joints no I will sell you 80 joints yes about 80 joints 83 joints beep guess what you can wear a flak jacket perfect so now beep has some some real armor and Oh apparently the visit so some of the UM some of the events prices reset on me the visitors are supposed to be five hundred because five hundreds of the minimum spend but visitor group constantly resets architect I coming from low-fat noodle and beer from foam orcs also hoping that beep gets hammered so the eye is pretty obviously this is going to go to we have a missing eye a red eye on deck Jack so he's gonna get an architect right eye and maybe that will give him 100 percent vision like the equivalent of 20/20 but we'll see so let's get operating hopefully this works Ruka are you drunk I guess I didn't nope she's not drunk good all right so now his site is better than 5050 it's like it's better than 20/20 I should say not 5050 it's like 2015 what is the range for karma it should be 80 to 120 let's check on that yes 80 to 120 Jack Jack is not a great surgeon yet no he actually yeah he might actually be once he is not anesthetized I will check what his surgery success chance is because it might it might have gone up do I have any Bionic mods I'm not sure what you mean like things to install I'm not sure what you all mean but maybe I've been using most of the Bionic parts as I get them though all right shaving shaving some more mountain agnese probably like oh no Agnew's I'm using the pits I do not have apoE installed no I never really run with that as it I don't find it balanced even a little bit um smelt weapon so the next smelt weapon is gonna be ranged weapons of for now just pistols we will go or revolvers rather because we have a few revolvers and this one's not gonna be no do forever it's gonna be piecemeal I'm gonna have to intentionally increase the quantity so Oh Agnew grabbed the helmet didn't she that's fine let's make another one increase skill so shoe just leveled up in crafting cool I like how this stick somehow becomes a helmet yes that somehow becomes a helmet how I have no idea but now people will be able to get a helmet another corpse obsession my actually my favorite mental break oh wow and that's pretty metal not only the you get corpse obsessed but you put it the corpse on the table of the prisoners wow that's that's dark I kind of love it wait a second others making clothes other than me uh yeah might be true no power power power power music oh yeah but maybe the helmets here we go we fixed that another thing I'm going to need to do while I am out of vegetables it's really out of season isn't it growth fruits not that bad we did however get hydroponics if I recall correctly right yeah hydroponic basins so that's another project I could work on is setting up proper hydroponics so that means oh yeah this space here is almost perfect for hydroponics especially when it's shaved down so I'm going to start to set it up cadet if you can't level up training anymore it has maxed out for the next five days that's how events work so let me just show you so that you're all know what I'm talking about if you take any one of these events like let's take level pond there's only in 55 in game days you there's a sort of a max amount that you can use and I can set it above the sort of 15 but I tend not to because you know oh you are asking if there's rats to tame no there's no rats there's elephants wildebeests and cheetahs all right we still haven't smelted those weapons did I set this right maybe I didn't yeah smelt weapon any yeah well we should house the prisoners coming probably no progress at all 49 and 54 there are difficulties 99 percent so it is not any they're not easy prisoners to to add to the group here's what I'm gonna do this crematorium is gonna have a much smaller radius let's have a radius of 50 and that way we don't run across the map to cremate no way we limit the amount of dead bodies we see Kadath increasing animals not all outa XP though I think because of the wager is low I'm gonna have to go through all of the events and raise wagers I think all right so power music's bedroom is all set making it a decent bedroom and I do believe we are enough flooring for another one so we'll give this to deck Jack and proto Eden you two are gonna get tiled up bedrooms um I still don't have battery tech do I know I do I just don't have any batteries made that's me being bad so where do I want my battery bank I'm gonna install a battery bank here because it's not very flammable around there he Roshan went from throwing slurs at people to an inspiration I love it from one extreme to the other now that I'm not mining things that are all that important I'm going to have everyone's super mine power music ask if I have constantly positive power output isn't the batteries pointless no because soon I will have a hydroponic farm and that spikes during the day of course and then reduces at night delirious muffin sending me some sand ninjas so they are all but one melee BP you are running weird all right I'm gonna fight this fairly so everybody up - lava cool it's probably more people than I need to send beeps gonna take front center agnew at his wing I need a better kill box I think Jack Jack go away with those grenades in fact have you grabbed pump glitch just died mad wildebeests are sent by partner neck visitors by power music wow that's a lot of visitors usually get a far less group next event is being cued up gender swap dry thunderstorm or fog fog does not mean fog men mind you it's just weather fog I just want to make that clear because there are fog men all right Ruka and hike all dismissed wildebeest bowl is going after arctic here I think that's pretty brutal everybody but beep can be dismissed beep wants to be the best swordsman ever so I'm gonna sent beep after the bowl yeah well the bull will come to me know the Bulls gonna go to Centro I'm gonna go sin row I'm gonna go rescue sin rail come on greatest swordsman in the world let's do it let's do it yeah greatest swordsman in the world ha ha good job beep chopping up a bull by yourself and protecting a sin row who is why are you so oh you're a female shek that's why you're so slow Cobra sending me another raid a big one too with some they have some serious arms and armor so what I'll do is rely a little bit more on the traps this time because I don't like assault rifles they're higher tech than I even have I also have visitors here which are these visitors are absolutely going to become collateral damage for sure Agnew can't I just sent Agnew I thought this was Ruka my bed Agnew go stand over here actually no Agnew go work on the steel trap go manufacture this one beeper so gender swap Ruka is now male hmm I'm a little that's weird okay well least beep won't hit on her I guess that's a little weird alright so beep what I won't need you to do is to close this door and we're back to weird combat music cuz the mod doesn't really understand combat music at all so it's gonna play a bunch of random comment music I apologize oh I thought I had that bug fixed but I clearly don't so another thing I probably need here if we're gonna treat this like a like a proper choke point is I'm gonna need sandbags here and a sandbag there to stop them from using it for cover but all my visitors are sort of screwing up the whole cover thing here all right I think what's gonna happen is the visitors are gonna get shot at so I might as well post up where I can shoot back there's no point in me trying to set up a nice defense if it's going to be ignored yeah these visitors are getting real bad shoot frenzy nice crab got shoot frenzy I know he was hoping for inspired recruitment but shoot friends he works for me man all right now that I am I'm not the target who here ocean got hit bed jdv to here oceans gonna take cover all right these guys aren't safe out here they're this 70 year olds I'm gonna have them get back inside Hey beep where'd you go there's Duke Jack Jack's down probably does oh he had a bunch of toes and thumbs chopped up perishing go take cover all right Jen try to walk by yup there we go Agnew save deck check okay the rest of these shooters here will be queued for more defenses is proto creative no he is not creative there's a lot of good stuff out here run Mel run oh I don't know maybe you'll make it out free guns free guns all right everybody go heal let's leave this one open this one open all right Jen Oh doc JAC that is a little bit a bit expensive let's not heal you like that here ocean are you pat no you're not patched up either we have a bit of a queue yes I'm gonna need some additional facilities here I'm hoping to wait I'm hoping that I can get actual hospital beds but that doesn't look to be the case in time soon so I'm gonna kick here ocean out so what do we do we lost a finger or thumb and a toe I think this finger was already missing I could be wrong what about here ocean the stab scar was definitely already there uh jaws sent me a Neolithic I don't think I can use this No so this allows me to make other Neolithic blueprints so the way this is supposed to work is once you fill up a tear it unlocks the ability to make the blueprint itself and then you can make blueprints for sale as like a trade good but I don't have the ability I disabled the ability to even to do blueprint that kind of blueprinting so yes whereas normally that would be useful in this instance it is not what are we smile little knives short but thanks just anyway the thought is thoughtful all right let's get these sandbags done that will really help us in the future I look at all these people that are trying to mind for the first time in there at lives maybe I shouldn't have them mining steel while they're you know they don't get good yields nothing I should do is to architect orders allow all there's a lot of good stuff that got dropped out here that I might as well make use you know scavenging I'm not above scavenging I'm relatively surprised that my prisoners haven't tried a breakout yet I would have drag Ron says famous last words yeah maybe maybe they'll all be like oh I didn't realize we were allowed to do that and then try to spring themselves it's possible all right here I'm just prepping to shave the mountain where are you going you're smelting because I just told you to smell I'd rather have the sandbags oh you know what you need to take a rest though they're pretty major breaking here so eat a nice meal and go take a rest I don't need you crazy transport crash let's see if it works better than the last time well he's right in the base and yeah he's okay I could recruit him uh the issue is I don't really have a good prison oh you know what he's a spacer I don't even need prison I can just rescue him um Jack Jack Jack Jack get out of the bed lavrin go rescue so spacers that um that don't have a faction join you when they are rescued as like an appreciation or whatever so guest give you nomads lavrin go tend to him stick your fingers in his bullet holes and we'll get him added he's not particularly skilled but he's not terrible either yeah well there was a little bit of war on the steps of our base so I'm gonna have to uh I'm gonna have to you know corpse melt all that junk Oh pemmican coming down from glitch it's not much but bit more food yeah I appreciate it he has a blueprint strip him yes uh well I think when he joins us we're gonna get that blueprint I don't think he's will see this will be a bit of an experiment but I don't think that blueprints gonna go poof he'll join and then I'll have that blueprint the industrial blueprint as a gift or whatever let's hope I'm right if I'm wrong oh well we've learned something increased skill heroes in getting better at shooting I think what I need to do for the increased scale is lower the wager no no skill increase doesn't have a wager nevermind the events random skill increase has oh that does not bleed reader I don't know what I'm thinking about nevermind oh he just got diseased alright so if he's gonna be in bed a while I will I will strip him so let's use that industrial blueprint smoke puck belts okay that's reasonable and then we as a bunch of trash clothing I'm not saying that my clothing is amazing but his clothing is particularly damaged I guess he fell from space so maybe I shouldn't insult the dude that fell from space that he had bad clothing that might be a little cruel yeah I wish the I wish the blueprints were less obtainable from random people fallen from the sky and that I needed to fight for them a bit more I do find it a little too easy to obtain them but whatever I'm definitely low on food yes I will go hunting right now how about so Ruka let's go get you the heavy SMG and who's my normal hunters Kadath in hike all elephants how look at all these dumb cheetahs stupid cheetahs she just tried to pick a fight with insects and lost everything cosmic Alice thanks for the sub kind of looks like they're getting angry at me but not yet it really did corn the corner themselves here though alright elephant revenge but it's just that one elephant alright there he goes one part of me just wants to gender swap route Quebec but I don't think I can do that actually who even owns her oh you know what the the spacer just joined us so I got a raffle them off to you guys one second the eligibility are I'll do that in a moment moment the tool is a little bugged at the moment its eligibility is like broken and it's saying no one's eligible which is not true come on night not behave no here they come again I couldn't take out the bugs but I'm not gonna do that right now I'm more interested with the food so if you'd like to be eligible for the the new wolf Wilkinson character all you got to do is be active in the last 15 minutes and be a subscriber so I'll give all of the subscribers the ability to be active in the last 15 minutes right now if you haven't been because there's no way for me to just be like a viewing subscriber that's just not a setting that I have and then we'll raffle them off so I'll do that in just a minute and I know I just encouraged the chat to fill up with Chet but hey I mean I want to be as oh so this is a no bug zone that's why they're not even going in there let's get rid of the no bug designation oh I think I just painted that backwards there we go so now we'll be able to actually get those elephants hunted and then Ruka you can go back to hunting we don't want these things to rot more exotic Goods coming in from the shinobi thieves was this sent by you guys or was this just a thing I think this was just a an event I hope maybe I don't know proto how about you go haul we've totally forgotten to make a bed for the wildebeest that's good point uh let's put him up in a lock can't afford cloth light leather nope can't afford that either bird skin nope I think I know oh I can put the wildebeest in a wildebeest bed is that like too dark I'm gonna do it anyway I could do in a granite box but that doesn't feel good either yeah let's put them in a wooden box I might want the leather for clothing I can't wear wood except for a wooden plate and wooden plates not all that useful glitch BBE thanks for the psychic tea steel coming from Malthus and Luka you are gonna trade with the guys who just showed up the exotic Goods I hopefully oh yes they do so medieval tech what do I sell them though they have Bionic parts too I can sell them a little bit of gold uh jeez I need to start making art or something because I really don't have goods to sell ever alright Ruka you got the medieval tech great bow Oh fine thanks for the great bow what a use of that huh I don't know what I expected it was medieval I could have gotten carpets that would've been nice or plate Armour that would have been nice to know I guess there was some good meat evil ones that I hadn't had all right so the eligibility has been reset let's roll it Elm this is you you're gonna be gender-bending but I don't think you care right hope fully not named Q so now he's assigned to you I'm gonna rename them em as that is a gender-neutral name and congrats so here is your stats you're careful shooter greedy are incapable of art you love mining so what I'm gonna do is let's go into your skills let's have you mine all the people that don't like mining I'm gonna get rid of the mining queue and just have the people that love mining you're also like a crafter and a researcher but there's no such thing as research in this in this group and lowering Hall bulk goods coming in from the Schick [Music] these batteries are storing a lot of power I kind of want them to like mine here but this is the last spot they're actually mining it's kind of funny whoa this is a big tree group again no crab sending in a raid actually they're sending in a raid right on top of this this trade group a part of me wants to like game the system but I won't do that game the system by by trying to cause these this group here like if I walled it off right here it'd force my visitor oh they're getting shot anyway then that was sent by crab and then trait removal of Unknowing voice so high call no longer has an annoying voice he just says The Annoying hair which cannot be fixed another raid coming in from Derry thug from the north it scrawls chosen they're not check but don't blame me for that I'm gonna try to get deck Jack to cover slate blocks coming down from power music can you have a black t-shirt maybe but the amount of requests that you make of me I'm gonna have to ignore some of them as I'm sure you've noticed no one else makes these kind of requests fast learner purchase for Mohammed hike off by him as well so let's check these traits tough beautiful fast learner Oh looking better I would say my visitors here are gonna have a fistful of bullets in a minute I should oh yeah here we go alright now I should probably take this raid a little seriously beep is resting but I don't think people would want to miss a fight labyrinth you can sit this one out and another raid coming in arctic when it rains it pours I like that all right Jack Jack you don't even have a weapon man what do you do what life are you living here you know considering your name is Dec maybe I should give you the deck a deck a weapon though all right so this is just an EMP grenadier so really not much of a threat to any of us friendlies are coming in from cannonball helping out oh they're potting in that's pretty cool all right so that dude is dead we are going to I didn't realize military aid worked sometimes it doesn't Karl's chosen her fleeing sand ninjas are fleeing oh the zoo there's space for tech out here there's some nasty fighting going on this looks like Kent you guys Caravan request patched leather for tornado generator that sounds pretty good to me was that simp i one of you probably not know well guess I'm making patch leather make patch leather forever make it with whatever except for thrombo not that I have any but if I did I wouldn't want it make it until I have what we request call for five 20 I'll just type it in make this with power music and take to the best stockpile or actually take to stockpile all right mr. beep is ready for some fighting let's not use our traps actually let's let's keep these clothes for now because we're not we have so many visitors that are keeping us from being overwhelmed Elm you really need to be in bed glitch mine thanks for the sub just noticed whose are these guys I guess these two factions are hostile with one another even though they're not hostile with me so they're trying to murder each other I don't know if there's any Raiders left I'm just gonna I'm gonna go to sleep stockpile is full yeah I see that uh what I'm gonna do is what can I remove from here oh wow I have so much meat that's the issue I'm going to create a simple meal forever out of meat here that helps to close the stockpile I could just install the lamps let's see I'm gonna install a lamp here with a roof over it a lamps don't short anymore do they they used to so let's ignore that let's install a lamp here and here and this like if we're doing farming or harvesting at night allows us to traverse a little bit more quickly and one here light up our farm Jen has an inspiration see we'll perform surgery real good like and power music is no longer to smart I can rescue someone from these okay I can rescue gray here maybe two hours yikes Libran Cole you are let's try I have no idea if it's possible run llevaron run one hour we're down two minutes all right so for me not to run to somewhere different I'll do it restricted area restrict you to that area rescue you and tend to you and if I patch up the big bleedy holes maybe you survive trait purchase removal of greedy from Elm from Elm yes uh another thing I need to do is bug restrictions for Elm so you don't wander in any bugs there is two down to the north as well yes well there's one who's hostile there's a Oh whose death and seven and no I guess there's just one up north the the hostile one is bloodlust trigger-happy I could capture your death in eight hmm all right Elm you can still rest so here's what I'll do I will deck Jack your surgery success chance is 84% because your manipulation sucks okay well you're gonna still you're he walks too slow to death you don't walk slow you're gonna go rescue this mercenary and then for the lady I will capture her and power music you're gonna do that purchased greedy he purchased greedy because he thinks it fits all the requests he's been making yeah I would say that's true your role playing your role play alright there's well 70 items out there then I need to I need to capture there was some blueprints that I saw that dropped but I don't I'm not sure where they are anymore um nothing is is popping out at me blueprint wise they were south yeah they were right around here but I think the red Sabres stole them as Artie Marty points out great here looks like he's gonna survive so lavrin you're now bug restricted we no longer need the metal that temporary zone let's have you oh I don't can't formally rescue him because the amount of beds he's a he's a Scheck right yeah he's he's tough he can sleep on the floor yo is taking herbal meds oh well I can't really stop that at this point and Lao is getting patched up by Rico with herbal meds as well oh and here you go a new flu infection or fog what's weird about infection is it doesn't require me to be injured it just affects me as if I'm injured a post raid pick me up from Arctic nice also if there's some other things to vote on poll wise Klein or any other moderators that are moderating feel free to propose it LM looking for a recruiting inspiration instead get to work frenzy well he will mine real fast once he's healthy are these guests are no longer gonna get good meds I will try to recruit lau la was blood lusted and trigger-happy two traits that kind of makes sense with one another I would say corpse obsession again nice I love corpse obsessions and it's Dec Jack again getting a little tired of deck Jack's having corpse obsession but you know whatever all right let's get these lamps installed so they're not in the way insulting spree you're insulting someone that literally can't talk back to you oh wow Agnew having none of it immediately springing into a flurry of punches yeah that's what you get agony will rescue you but you don't say you don't sling slurs at Agnew Agnew will just stomp your face no apparently not stump your face will stomp your legs good enough for me though it's pretty clear that I'm gonna need some additional bedding in here so I will set that up in fact this hospital might be too small I can always oh wow that's not gonna happen there mmm might have an infection but we don't need that kind of meds so voted on fog Wow you guys had some mercy voting for the easy things gray got an infection I'm gonna have a guinea try to make a bed for them I really need to start hauling in these uh the steel I'm just gonna order it hauled first we have a lot of Steel out there we just haven't arraigned at home meep and vas you if you're curious forty seven and forty three so they're lowering but they're not low alright lavrin you are gonna haul some steel as well alright so we have another bed that gray will get rescued into another disease wow he is getting so this guest just doctors care flick hammer thanks for the sub client is making a pole soon to be voted on we are mining out the edges of the mountain probably a waste of our time but at least it gives us material to be able to make the bedrooms nicer some of those meats gonna spoil though I hope to free up some space in fact I could just expand the zone so that it doesn't spoil we are cranking out the patch leather we now have enough so let's get rid of that entirely and maybe we bring some drugs now this quest has us going to the black desert village which is really really really far away [Music] Frodo Eden I'm gonna send you because you don't eat so you're easy to send so patch leather and elephant tusks [Music] another transport crash is he uh pacifist is he Wow not she's super super super good at medical but she's also 86 years old so she's frail she has a bad back she has almost no hearing and she's a pacifist you guys really know how to pick him now the thing is she's a spacer so does she have no doesn't even have a blueprint there is a lot of geriatric pacifists that are being sent my way isn't there there's no denying that okay so the radius is gonna decrease a little bit for the smelt and destroy kibble coming down from fang-face by some dogs to help with hauling that's a very good idea providing there their temperature I might just need to make a barn to be honest but I don't want to cook the dogs in the summer all right Lao here has terrible accommodations how good is all right that's an awful room too I pretty much only have awful rooms is it turns out a proto eden guess what you are going to lose your bedroom briefly because you're not home to enjoy it and this allows me to recruit Lao so hopefully a warden will move Lau who needs to be warden over I do have a bunch of people that have warning as a high priority thing to do and the bot is down alright cool reconnect I'm not oh yeah I might need a recap chill out she just got back up now she's in prison she just needs to be moved all right new goal to do here we go there it is poles up I might need to move the pole box a little bit look at it move isn't it weird there we go pull boxes up Lao is being moved it's dark in there so what I'm gonna do is reinstall one of these lights for her and then we will even set her up with some dining because she should be pretty easy to recruit she's far less fussy than the bugs that have got the me pin vashu whoa frame rates just gone to high hell while the bot reconnects I think shock of coming down give me some post raid karma how about you even eat your own chocolate that's karma that you can eat the good kind what's going on with this uh makes smoke leaf joint any worker I'd really never see anyone at this station here I don't know why gotta get that karma BEC yep bunchy you got to get that karma back deck jack has a yeah that's from our team RT psychic suits from java cat and then cobra trying to get karma backs enemy a little cotton trait purchased nimble for Elm no are we gonna have another brawler careful shooter but nimble I don't know we'll see oh right crab you're not good death mixing you two up let's see we have some extra leathers elephant leathers that I could make into armor as power music points out hmm I'm not sure I have enough for now and I'm not sure exactly what to make I could make dusters out of it I guess all right finally they are working over here so I'll be able to make my beautiful farm that I want and this will help secure a food source that isn't fickle in the and the hot season beep with a helmet is odd yeah you're not wrong zooming in his like top of his head pokes out the helmet it's too bad I'll have hyper based armor let's start hauling in some of this stuff that really needs to have some attention in fact that uh that the Molotov looks real good could death would you be so kind as to you let's get at it roof mode grab that Molotov burn some corpses all right now one of the issues here is remove the home zone let's go corpse burning sorry skeleton there's a lot of cool incendiary launcher huh are you still who was my pyromaniac oh I'm thinking of surprises warm nevermind so there's still more corpses to be burned up but we'll get around to that proto how's your journey going uneventful architect leg miles sending it hearing that I want to leg up on the competition beep would love a leg up on the competition let's install an architect like right leg and the pain stopper while we're at it alright Ruka I'd like to be able to click there we go and these guests here really need a lot of medical attention now you're getting some amazing treatment here you better appreciate it we are we don't have a lot of slate blocks we have a lot of limestone blocks but I kind of wanted to make slate the material of our bedrooms so I'll just wait until I better sleep maybe raise my craft up Sears the architect leg Kadath you can go relax and now the pain stopper boom he is now look check these needs transhumanist overjoyed area revealed to the east know all right love and cool go halt halt you guys aren't good miners but if you're mining out here you might as well haul the steel home ale Expo I think I don't know who just purchased that because it's not hooked up with messages but this is for the Royal game of ur I have to send someone who's a really good gamer is that intellectual I don't know but it is being played really really really really far away and the faction that's hosting is hungry bandits what no I think that's a trap Akbar says that's a trap if I had pod launchers I would I'd consider it more carefully but that's a long two-way journey welp gray died bummer how close was I 80 to 100 Wow he super died not even close all right well beeps on his feet and speedy as ever I tried to rescue him but it didn't work out does make me realize now everyone else seems to be okay I wonder if I can install what is a fluid pump um a kidney maybe now blood filtration is okay I don't know what a fluid pump is Mohamad high call says don't kill the prisoners ah they weren't even prisoners they were guests and I wasn't trying to kill them he was just super infected and I wasn't using real meds yeah it's my fault but I wasn't intentionally trying to murder him or anything oh there we go crab thanks for gifting a little sub to da fake what did hungry bandits ever do to me da fig asks well they try to rob me kill me I don't know what don't they do it's the the shorter list the sort shorter okay bunch of elephant meat running oh it's gone cuz I actually have materials to make fine meals proto Eden has a chance to trade oh man I don't have any silver on me I do have elephant tusks but that doesn't really yield me anything so yeah I'll just buy elephant tusks and move on that's too bad more medicine coming from Jen dragonfly hi you guys definitely want me to treat the prisoners with more respect than it currently have been it's all I I understand and I apologize for that in fact I'll go so far as to say I will cremate the dead so I don't have to look at their rotting corpses all right so some of these dusters that are coming out mostly normal quality all right I would say the poll is done right you guys have all voted so I'm gonna hide that you all voted that I killed bugs because the bugs have been killing everything else so let's go ahead and murder some bugs in a minute um what kind of weapons do I want Kadath let's have you get your gun back this will be sort of an everybody joins this event I think I'm gonna let Ruka deliver those meds all right here we go all hands nine head and South Elm in LA brand cool we're gonna sit this one out because they are they don't they don't do this kind of thing well Elm is wounded and ok I would say the runner here who can move fast I need someone to okay death is the perfect candidate someone to take a shot at them and then bolt was that enough now that might not have been enough inspire trade well okay it's kind of worthless but sure there we go Kadath time to jog away and dodge the friendly fire bullets Oh God that was bad raid relationship up cuz that's just got hit so Elm Elms sisters showing up here while I'm trying to take out bugs they're coming from the southeast they were sent by Jeff bloke Kadath is getting butchered by his allies here so I'm gonna send Kadath straight to the hospital happy happy half the damage here is friendly so I'm gonna get a little bit closer Agnew you two are going to the hospital you're gonna kick el Matt Abed beeps gonna go destroy the hive so it doesn't respawn anything it's actually dormant so you know what forget it go back to base and then this group is running around a long way this guy have a name no no name creepy kind of cool but creepy all right so here's what I'm gonna do let's funnel them through our new kill box Elm close that door and it's gonna cycle through every possible song I have because yeah that's what it does let's get you a heavy SMG here ocean pop this door open oh they're already here bits from dirt thanks jerk beep is the best bug killing machine bug on bug violence no joke at all Ruka and Jen guys you have an open path to fight me there you go take the open path that's right you idiots take the open path if one of you perchance survives you get to be but oh there we go Neolithic I can sell that these guys don't look Neolithic to me they are Reavers though yo coming down from power music all right here's one making it in beeps leveling up and beep got a kill all right so this guy is ready to be potentially captured uh but he's missing a leg and he's bleeding out in three hours probably more work than it's worth but beeps not done beeps add that beep didn't get more kill big bada boom thanks for the prime sub so who killed this guy beep did of course he did trait Oh more red turkey ass invictus sending another raid from the south these guys have sort of CQB weapons all right if it's another raid beep we'll go kill this guy to death and then we'll get ready for the next one dad's getting patched up don't worry I didn't forget about you and elm fit your backstory of two smart cool networks one second I'm gonna pause just a moment and try to go into my options for custom music I do have music set up for fight music but it's just not working okay well it must be the mods bugged and that's not my fault I can force it to play alright so this group is not that close but closing in I'm gonna have Kadath sit this one out probably Agnew - maybe not jack-jack you'll be the first on the walls [Music] all right they're getting a little bit closer [Music] Ruka leveled up in medical from all the health rendering that she had a render elm are you ready to fight I think you are everybody else to the walls I think beep should have blood loss - don't you guys you should not be shy of bodies if he wants to be the greatest swordsman ever alright Agnew I'm gonna have Agnew sit this one out manipulation is already pretty low so let's not push it hello everybody oh you died all right let's turn off chat bubbles so I can see what I'm doing that was a lot of gunfire for no damage Oh beep just killed this guy in one swing I think no no he got hit what what oh yeah no beep chopped off this guy's head like entirely clean - pretty nice LM just got hit beep see do we kill a machine all right let's get the guy with the change shotgun that's the probably the gun I need to isolate the most there we go on second thought Agnew I don't know if I can use you but let's send you out here if we can cuz we are getting on out there fleeing now beep chopped up yet another guy to death I think yep cut his hand off clean off oh there goes another one and trait purchase bloodlust for beep oh thank you yeah now now beeps gonna enjoy what he's doing which i think makes a lot more sense Gary sending people to just come see beep in action I love it I'm gonna like let power music in here ocean walk away from this stab fight beeps not done he wants more he only got bruised a little bit so there goes another one [Music] and Agnew should be chasing mugs let's have some of the healthy people go and rather than shoot it beep which worries me a little bit about friendly fire because beeps already suffered a little bit of friendly fire beep leg to toe oh there he goes beep legs tough fights will send them to recovery what's beep missing he's missing a narco leg oh my guest is leaving as this Raiders trying to flee so the guest is gonna open the door for the Raider that's funny alright oh and here's the one with the industrial tech use it or lose it fire foam okay I'll take it it's not nothing alright so my guest is leaving walking out um let's see beep is got a few scratches here and there but he's other than that pretty okay here oceans a lot more stabbed up than than beep is Ruka how about tending to here oh I have a lot more bodies to deal with alright colonists needs treatment beep and Agnew need Agnew's barely needs treatment don't exaggerate now for a second I thought that guy's name was tumblr I would have found that particularly funny uh ripka you're up she probably wants to go to sleep but I'm gonna have her trade these visitors were sent by Jerry thug to see beep in action might as well take the opportunity to sell some of the honestly weapons don't even sell that well so I'm just gonna sell crappy armor that takes up space and then buy something from them by meds and components Jen thanks for all the bits happy about the beep murder will also buy the pack of survival meals why not that allows us to sell a poor cowboy hat and a normal one and then let's go and sell enough joints to take all their silver away done copper also dropped me some silver I need the cash and Yayo from power music pause music mentioning now the pet the pet zone does include the bed he just doesn't use it he's a wildebeest not a bright one and a starving one at that okay well now that I see that let's go ahead and queue up kibble I'm gonna make kibble with vegetarian and insect meat now that I have some insect meat and hay or veg either is fine maybe he's too big for the box now I've seen thrombo used the box maybe he needs a name I don't know what name you know what here will do is give away alright there we go now he has a name diplomatic marriage word of djenne dragonflies charm has reached huntsman who is huntsman oh oh the okay no I'm just gonna reject the shrieking bandits wanted to marry Jen now I'm gonna pass I have a little bit of an old starvation so I need to butcher bugs is what I need to do so oh you're not assigned to cooking who's assign to cooking Jessica death alright lavrin you're assigned to cooking - and I'm gonna wake you up we got a hungry bowl here all right so lavrin cool will also be a cook and deck jack will be a cook they have passions in it they have some decent skill in it huazi left and right doesn't matter for parts like a right arm is a left arm don't ask me how and jaku thanks for the sub alright so lavrin let's go no no no no hold on make kibble first and then butcher there we go and then bringing all the way up to the kibble zone probably whoa whoa whoa bugs someone's pissing off the bugs elsewhere on the map which is pissing off the bugs in my own backyard ooh some drift a lot of giraffe where are the other bugs all right so there's no bugs here anymore so I can fill that end the bugs here are all dead right believe they're all dead so I can fill that in where was the third group of bugs I don't know why all these mega scarabs are like going bonkers now that I stopped here oh Shannon is gonna try to kill vashu because pain okay glitch just bought an inspiration for surgery for Laverne cool and ambrosia sent down from cosmic owl well I'm gonna try to arrest her oh Sh hero with lavrin because he's a pacifist and won't fight back and if it goes south I'll have to have to do something else I pissed off the bugs in the south I thought they were dead I don't know whatever oh I think I killed their hive all right so it worked Laverne our hero is no longer trying to murder anyone the can you are now fed although I don't have a lot of food for you yet but I will soon as far as the drafts go I can try to tame them yes I'm gonna try to tame everyone because I have terrible animal handling skills so Kadath once kidnapped is I guess he's already on his feet we'll start to try to animal tame now Artyom RT who just typed in chat volunteered to try to reskin some of these to Tenchi animals and all I need to do is hand him the assets and I've been lazy and haven't done that yet Oh kibble trained me don't let me starve I will can I will in fact you're already mostly trained up speaking of which we are really really really close for proto Eden to be fulfilling that trade order all right so I think I need a dakatoka some more bugs these bugs keep backstabbing me every chance they get which is really annoying but I'm gonna wait for more people to heal up proto is arrived fulfilled trade order for the tornado generator trade off the remaining patch leather and then wish I had more money for the medieval blueprints I'm just gonna have to do more trade runs thank you is the conclusion I got some meds that are deteriorating how are these guys coming along 35 and 42 not terrible not amazing progress but not terrible Java cat the skeletons in this mod do not eat so I don't need to bring food back for journeys they the skeletons have a food bar but they just they don't require food for sustenance I might need to put everyone in Hall for a few minutes you're probably not wrong given this crap going on Elm is no longer careful shooter I'm thinking you're becoming a brawler maybe we'll see what's cool is my general stockpile here is not chock full of stuff anymore like it used to be there's also always joints sitting on the table wait why is this tip fine meals is oops bad bad zone policies their remarks he needs assets from the arid animal the vanilla expanded air animal up pack which is a mod I have going on ooh good batter neutral at least there's fair options and the idea would be for having maybe from thrombo reskin does leave Athens or maybe even rhinos I don't know they're more thrombo and then of course beating giraffes and some of the other animals maybe garu for the I think the Bulls should be Bulls but garu could maybe be something else maybe the cheetahs or something I don't know that sounds like a pretty fun thing to do [Music] mega spiders in Tuscon spiders yeah that's a possibilities well surely okay so we definitely have some kibble going on what I'm gonna do is suspend the kibble and just keep butchering creatures we've gotten through most of our smoke leaf which is impressive because we had a whole lot of it and then we have a lot of people healing up but I don't have hospital beds so being there isn't really any better than being in they're in their own beds while would be recruitable soon minus 0.7 good yes you are correct all right I'm gonna have I don't know why I'm picking on Kadath but he's helping me to clean up the zone a little bit I said everyone to hauling but they really didn't haul much there's just a lot of work to be done proto met more people on the road cool but like I don't have anything why would they even offer me a trade least he's not being ambushed I suppose could be worse sake drone low is the negative trait or a negative event you all sent me we're finally hauling as you can see all these corpses are being burned up now finally getting ahead of the needs how much cloth for animal bed was a question um forty all right Lao can now be recruited and hopefully will be soon I'm getting behind because of all the hauling I've been doing on my cleaning so we've got some bloody bloody beds in the like 50 cloth or forty cloth coming down for the bowl all right I could do that I'll put a right here and have Agnew constructed because it will be the nicest it can be with Agnew there it is good quality and in fact you know what I'm gonna do I will move it back here no that was a miss click a bit of a roof over it just to make it nice there we go expanding the pet zone to be allowing you to have a little bit more rum in space Tech prof whoa that is a very very nice gift from the moderator so let's see what it can do here push micro electronics I think is a pretty important one is there anything bigger gunsmithing would be pretty crazy good but that's yeah maybe gunsmithing or prosthetics now you guys hooked me up with prosthetics I'll do gunsmithing read the message iron the iron hive Queen likes tech this would be a nice gift yes I agree yeah we'll do gunsmithing so Ruka let's go use this we got gunsmithing and that gives us the ability to machine guns I need a machining table though so I'm going to mine out a little spot for one I failed Oh Oh I thought this was a gift never mind I read that backwards I thought you meant that she's gifting that to us well I used it nonetheless well I guess now you can be mean right mission fails the einheit hates you well you all voted for me to kill bugs rather than befriend the iron hive so I didn't think that was my current mission so in a way now I won't blame you go but I can give some some stuff what I'll do is I will send once proto's back in a day I'll send him out to go gift some more stuff I can gift a bunch of the smoke leaf give them piles of smoke leaf and silver that that will that will work right I hear them humans like smoke leaf and silver we're doing our damnedest to try to halt but there's just so much stuff these Raiders drop a lot of junk alright so there's the machining table this allows us to make up to about ball T's and advanced helmets I'm not going to do advanced helmets just yet though chok have come down from jakku and it really likes that spot for some reason all right you guys I'm just gonna have you keep hauling these poor weapons away Oh looks like the cotton harvest has begun new recruit Lao well you know the deal you have to be active within the last 15 minutes to inherit anyone so I'm gonna give you all like two three minutes to just type something to get Lao possibly recruited by you all but to take a look at her bloodlust trigger-happy lots of lots of passions so she's a good grower and a good hunter yeah she's a pretty good pond there we go and that also means this will get converted back to a bedroom I will need another bedroom so I ought to work on that pronto and that would be limestone and I think that's going to cut into the [Music] cut into the zone I've got going on here I'll move the kibble up advanced components come down from miles thanks miles Lao let's give you let's have you halt this weapon and that when you're down here equip something we'll give you the pump shotgun we're starting to get um yeah we're starting to get some stuff trying to tame iguanas nice now most of animals I'm gonna tame I'm just gonna kill like shortly thereafter I'm just doing it for the practice just to make that clear Klein given me a toxic fallout alright so what can I do uh I will have to very very quickly harvest everything there is to harvest whether it's ready or not I'm gonna zoom out and don't allow sowing and I'm gonna have to build a zone right now I'm gonna restrict everybody to home zone and in fact I'm not really scared of the remaining bugs so I'm just gonna get rid of the no bugs on them don't need it anymore yeah we are officially the black desert city now and it would be a an accurate description of what home looks like at this point then I'm gonna start roofing off everything everything impossible can now the Unruh f---ing bits are gonna be really really really annoying but but that's for me to deal with later sorry wind generator it's gonna suck to be you for a bit all right so what I will do is I still have a decent amount of wood maybe I won't make it out of wood I'll make it out of limestone so I'm gonna put a limestone piece here all of these trees I'm gonna chop the ones that are ready and leave the rest and try to try to build rooms around them all right construction gonna become next out one thing I'm curious about oh you know I don't think they're robots suffer toxic maybe they didn't do they just haven't been outside long enough the other issue is I'm gonna need to do a bit of hunting so come morning time I'm gonna do a big mass hunt because all of my food source is about to go kaput and I won't have any food easily accessible food that is man you guys don't seem to be leveling up your whole construction thing huh there we go finally now we're starting to construct pemmican coming down from no brain required alright now that people are up a Kadath high call and bruco are our hunters so I'm gonna wait till rucas awake and we're gonna have to do some hunting man their moods are really bad what's going on here oh the low psychic drone yeah that's right that will do it alright Ruka Kadath and hike off we're gonna go do some drugs packin some Brownells coming down from numpy and simple meals from no brain all right where is there a dense amount of creatures to kill this elephant easy target number one alright let's go ahead and have you a punt have you finished hunting and then you guys gonna be unrestricted halt the food home there is plenty good pemmican out here we just have to pick it from the corpses oh there is a raid coming in from arctic Arcanum so i better get moving pretty clearly I'm gonna need some limestone walls here there there this is a pretty good opportunity to get my farm built though isn't it trying to spin a negative into a positive whatever happened to this Saul rifle that guy the head these are oval must have got out he's in serious pain all the time uh sounds like fun sounds like I need a pain stopper proto proto is really close to being home that's good then he'll be able to take the gift bag to our allies here comes readers everybody but laughs go respond intern Nome that means you too I don't have that door open guys you're gonna have to go around all right beep is ready Transpo crash from Seraphin and another raid from sea horror and brawler bought for elm it's time yes I will convert him to brawler soon ouch one of these whatever this is what was this a pot raid yeah Padre just landed on me okay I guess I need to be on the other side of bound out this side of the back should be just fine agnese just standing here ready to stab so is beep all right you my little friend it doesn't do skill labor alright fine I'll stab you to death everyone else go beep got his kill he needs to heal up a bit but yeah potted in tribals yeah I don't know I don't know doesn't make much sense to me but hey they got here and they get to get killed for free chocolate coming down from Melly vows another thing I need to do is clear no my home zone looks fine I just need to clear out of there maybe build home zone where I've got some stuff out here so I can haul it back in not build homes owned but designate home zone I should say the transport pod guy yeah let's check in Stalin stain fourth sickly psychic a doll not bad otherwise and he's a spacer with no tech ok wow you're new around here how about you go rescue the dude it's gonna get real hot in that room thanks I don't know why I ripped that off but whatever Tech Jack you are just ready to fight named Phil ow that's a good point let's go do that I kind of forgot we roll it TIPA congratulations all right TIPA I'm just gonna call you Tippa not tip of five you've been assigned and now you're rescuing potentially a new new recruit Berto you finally got here now I do need to do that hunting that I had cued up to do so then I build up a food stockpile for this this potential oh you know what I need to do uh allow simple meals in here - these things are gonna spoil it's out here we should not be allowed food at all and no food in here as well or here well there's no food allowed in there we have been stockpiling simple foods like crazy I'm even gonna allow simple foods in here because it's frozen actually I have a pretty good amount of food all right so brawler has a ranged weapon that's a good point let's have you I don't know what there is to grab a wooden club you've got to do better than that there's like poor knives I'm gonna have to make you something but for now it's gonna be a wooden Club just to make you happier another raid coming in from glitch mined from the southeast a bunch of tribals with their little tribal weapons man I'm really not gonna be able to do the hunting I need to do clearly gold coming in for the karma see her ooh all my gold ends up there doesn't it I don't know what the deal is good death taming a hair oh you need to be home restricted congratulations on taming something but your toxic buildup is going up and up and for no good reason alright for everyone else restricted as well whatever happened to the rescue e bow loss extreme but you survived good dari thug thanks for the sub gift look at that tornado generator we got all right so here's the thing I want let's close this and open it over here Kadath that's a really absolutely expletive inducing terrible idea to fight from that spot man hunter Peck from Damien oh thanks Damien Energon Chile's that's hilarious all right where's beeps actually still healing so I'm gonna let him heal his bloodlust as he is he knows when he's hurt he's hurt TIPA I know you're new but around here we carry weight and by weight I mean we murder people that come to try to kill us especially the one carrying drugs good job Elm stepping up there the chauchilla are gonna eat that would be Raiders Agnew and Elm actually LM I'm gonna have you moved up front so that my melee is a group together and here we go swarm of chinchilla set all of them wildlife yes that dissolve all right this wildebeest um let's just shoot cuz it's so close to our basin it's free food cloth coming in from power music does social impact help on recruiting yeah but you're all wearing cowboy hats so you're already boosted and a bowler hats not gonna make that much of a difference alright please be moving that yes finally alright so one thing I'm gonna need to do is cut the plants out of here cuz that's not a bedroom I'm gonna have to finish it off and put furniture in it and I don't think I'm done at one I'm gonna have to do another I'm gonna forbid that temporarily the new bedroom is each where's it go maybe I should start tapping out the heat here have someone sleep over here because oops that's too big because um I'm gonna need a AC in my farm anyway so this will have air-conditioning and then the farm here is this overhead mountain it is so let's mine this out now is this oh so this is this is an inside zone now this counts as inside because of the of the toxic fell out so I can just start hauling things inside like this and they will stay nice and refrigerated so let's go start doing that and you guys made this this episode dark I'm not saying I don't dislike it but I got gloomy I got very gloomy my misunderstanding about the tech prof probably much the reason but when school proto you're sleeping on the ground now I know who needed that bedroom yes I did give away your bedroom you will get it back I'm gonna send him proto out anyway in a minute to tip I stole your bedroom yeah we're gonna have to get these constructed pronto that's what you get for population increase tornado generator I already have one of them but I guess we can have two of them and another transport crash Lord a psychopath creepy breathing okay male heir I guess power music you want to go you're like standing closest to him let's go rescue Lord and that was from JD oh and never mind our name already sends a raid of all grenadiers 'he's weird a weird raid power music is gonna risk it anyway and try to go rescue Lord most of the giraffe here I think what's the hit moderate you can't even butcher them for food so I don't even know if we can get meat out of the creatures that are out there anymore there is of course a few hundred pemmican out there that I could potentially grab in fact that's what I'll do and it have it be a home zone try to try to grab that food all right these grenadiers are gonna get what's coming to them Kimball coming down for power from power music possible to rescue the draft Snow Queen sends regards yes read that and go to the wall I will try to use the tornado soon I'm gonna risk a little or not risk but I'm gonna get a little bit of our radiation just so that my base doesn't get corn grenaded who are you throwing it alright I don't want them throwing you the tornado generator so let me get away from the generator so they don't throw anything that way that was a good call I think um you want to come out here and start bashing heads who Jen got burned hero you are unrestricted go extinguisher Kadath the jugger getting out of the way oh that's a frag grenade run all right now they're backing up out my crowed my friends out my crowed no survivors let's see home zone actually I don't really care about the the fragments I already have some so let's remove that home zone what do I want out here the meals I guess and the gun Stane fourths already on his feet so he is a little artery blockage in his heart but he's so it I'm just about out of time but you've got like three minutes left to type something so that you might be able to get him raffled off to you too and I should move him to the end just so I have some sort of semblance of order here uh so yeah I will assign him before the episode ends will Jen you just walked straight into fire again you've got to stop doing that it's I've heard bad for your health yeah stopped okay I'm gonna have to go help all right I know that you're like 74 years old but you got to learn fire bad fire hurt there we go we just put her out all the way cup forget this fire I don't care about it just haul the silver away we're managing the bedroom proto I was going to oh you're sleeping on the ground again let's take wake up alright proto you are going to farm Caravan you where are you you and kin are going to take some kibble and a lot of trade goods to go make a peace offering so what do we take with us we're gonna take Jade and Neolithic blueprint a lot of drugs some elephant tusks and frag grenades Molotov to torch a tornado generators not that I'm gonna sell them the incinerate launcher cuz it's not a weapon that I'm gonna use normally I'm gonna keep my gold I know I know greedy but I'm gonna keep a little gold for myself choose the route head on out and let's go trait underground ER for elm and then let's wrap up this one off flick hammer are you here flick hammer to receive it just need to make sure that you're active cuz I see that you haven't actually messaged anything sorry here ok flick cameras here good alright flick hammer we will give you this new dude there you are and you are sickly cyclically dull and a shooter off your shooter let's give you in heaviest HSG I know I'm just about running out of time so I'm just going to pack up the caravan and once the caravans on the road I'll end because otherwise I'm not gonna remember I that I sent a caravan I still guess I will try to clean up some of the corpses that are out here anyway not that they're all that important try to cremate alright so we do have one bed it's a good bed someone will be able to sleep there now that that bed is constructed let's go add some vents Elm now that you are a male heir let's not let you hunt a flick let's set your work priorities up guess I'm gonna have you clean for now not wonderful but you know it is do we have a definitive does Oh super immune bought for Tippa I'm gonna unrestricted restrict everybody except for Agnew I don't think that robots can get maybe they just haven't been out long enough but I don't think robots can even get toxic buildup but I could be wrong all right proto is on is on the move / - do you have toxic build-up oh okay proto does so I was wrong toxic buildup affects robos - alright guys well that's about all time I have for this episode so I want to thank everybody that subscribed or gifted subs or followed etc etc I also have a huge amount of items in the community chest that I'm just gonna unleash on all of you guys see here we go everybody that had Prime was able to contribute to the Community Chest and I'm just going to distribute gifts so it should spam a bunch of gifts open to all of you if you have any tips tricks feedback for me anything like that you know rebalancing etc let me know I feel like raids are a little bit more balanced now whoa that is a lot of gifts yeah that is a lot of spam so I'm gonna stick around briefly in the chat but of course I need dinner so I'm not gonna stick around to too long hop on discord and tag me that's the better way to give me feedback all right um and anything else I'll catch you all later maybe hopefully tomorrow and Sunday if you're inclined I'll keep I'll see you later adios
Channel: Rhadamant
Views: 8,909
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: RimWorld, Let's Play, Twitch
Id: mdA8p2mUeCo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 182min 59sec (10979 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 22 2019
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