RimWorld / EP 3 - Raining Aid / Survive the Swarm

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I'm trying not to get eaten and absolutely demolished by zombies uh the rules well there really aren't any rules so I usually skip over the rules here we're just trying to build a spaceship it's kind of no-holds-barred fighting a quick little recap of towards the end of last episode we well we had a whole lot of zombie clearing going on and then we had one person tried a food binge I'm not gonna say who it was but try to food binge on this insect jelly and not only were I fighting zombies but then all of a sudden I had to fight some insects which is a bit of a nightmare but hey we're alive what I'm trying to do is to secure a better source of food hydroponics specifically and that will also somewhat fireproof my food source which will be really really nice at the at this very moment it looks like I have somewhere to be um let's call it a power shortage because that's pretty much what it is so I will aim to fix that in just a moment I think what I'm gonna start doing is recessing and my power into the mountain because if we fill it with a chem field power generator it's not like it's going to get destroyed and given that we're in a thick hot jungle it's also not like we are going to need to capture the heat for really any reason whatsoever yeah building out of wood has proven to be a dreadfully bad idea that is entirely true and I'm definitely gonna remedy that soon jeez thanks for the Rhys up there all right so what are we eating what okay we're eating berries I'm okay with it yeah our food sources kind of got blown up by that last raid there but these things happen we were thinking of turning this into a barracks we also could utilize some of the space down here or here this wouldn't be a terrible barracks zone either right now I'm just making sure that people don't binge themselves to death because that's entirely a possible thing all right let's see you are drinking alcohol like crazy speed time up a little bit so hunter lacks weapon tadpole Luciferian dropped fur from James here feeding some of the addictions we have no shame in that Kenneth thanks for the UH the resub awesome you guys are great oh wow look at this the best alright the some of the prices have changed and fern I actually think on the website there's a message that the prices don't reflect but they actually do some of the prices changed and they are up to date if you think there should be price changes and stuff like that you can let me know you know I'm they're not set in stone so if you think there's a better price for something to rebalance it I'm always down to rebalance so what I'm aiming to do this episode is getting a proper barracks once a barracks is nice enough there is actually not so much of a terrible penalty for having existing in a barracks so that's what I'm hoping to do is to get a barracks nice enough that we can house all the additional people that we're adding and not have a bunch of almost people all right looks like happy pants just got an infection and I believe tadpole had one as well no maybe it was witzy yeah it was woodsy so they both have infections we don't have a proper hospital setup yet either which is pretty brutal but hopefully we'll get that soon now if you're wondering uh subbing does give you a chance to get characters you know the pawns whatever you want to call them assigned to you that will be random chance of course so and then additionally a big boost of credits so let's take a quick number number count of the amount of zombies in it zombie animals that we have we have about I would say about 7080 out there something like that it looks like krunk's doing some patch and soon once I have a little bit better power grid meaning bile refining and that kind of stuff what I think I'm gonna do is to really crank out the chem field because we have all this zombie meat that could just be turned into chem fuel nugget just got an inspiration proto Eden descent uranium I'm not exactly sure what that means and yeah we do need tadpole to pick oh wow you are moving you shouldn't be moving like witzy at all let's go for ski asleep that rest is maxed out so I'm not actually sure why what sees even up high all the people that are tuning in just trying to get back on my feet last episode was pretty brutal we do have some bionics that can be utilized take a look around seeing who might need what I could double it upgrade some of my walls so if I go for barracks let's say I do that yeah I could I could set it up in here and just have it be a southern door that would be a lot better just one rather large barracks okay it won't be perfectly rectangular that's alright Coach K sent some zombies there maybe 14 of them looks like they're gonna probably end up killing some of the boomba lobes now if you're wondering how to use this the help command is probably all you need to know I know it's a little bit of reading but this is a complicated mod that has a lot of nuance and it's absolutely imperative that you know how to buy things and and send events and stuff like that because if you don't know how to do that uh you know spectating alone isn't terrible but there's obviously less to do every dog you are limping around who has my molotovs is the first question I have we have a lot of people that don't have weapons at the moment now I guess I'm not currently holding the molotovs Klein how about you [Music] you're supposed to be Russell but coach kit alright so some things just happened let me see this the old group boom lope got Manhunter that's kind of funny okay and they're setting big fires and transport pod crash coach case sent Killian very neurotic fast learner night owl I don't really have a way to get to her at the moment I'm still sort of recuperating if you were wondering twitchy at the twitch user thanks for the sub interesting name pink a link always set me up for some steel all right so we're getting that chem field power generator up and running I do believe that we're currently researching we don't have by refining I decided to go for micro electronics first and then we'll double back for bio refining so I think what I'll do here what kind of stones do I have I have granite blocks all right let's put I'm gonna have a double air-locked just in case something terrible happens double air-locked barracks here so once I get that set up I'm gonna start knocking down all the other doors ooh happy pants has an eye injury I forgot about that alright Pro knows sending some more uranium and a whole bunch of healer mix serum from dub wow that is a really generous gift so one of the things that we can do with heel mix serum is it is able to cure zombie-ism now the only problem is when you use it it's not certain what it gets used on and what I mean by that is like let's say you have a bunch of cuts from being attacked by zombie it might just heal one of those cuts so it is kind of a hard thing to use when you're when you're trying to cure zombies them but of course on something like a permanent left eye injury it would be really good to just insecure the eye I would say heal Mike sir my favorite is like brain injuries cuz those are really dreadful and you can't replace the brain in vanilla so it looks like we are reminding the steel down here and we'll just keep up with that now there's still some bugs left in this tunnel but I think we should let see stay home area one I'm just making sure that no one's going to wander too far away so the stay home zone does keep them from getting into trouble I will add in the rest of this tunnel here but it's very important that a zone people very carefully because if I don't there is the absolute almost certainty that they're gonna get eaten by zombies in and get totally trashed and destroyed alright so it looks like I'm having a hmm that's interesting it shows that I have an excess power but then we are having a brownout I'll just start powering things off don't forget destroy the hi from last episode yeah it's uh it's dormant it's a dormant hive because it wasn't spawned as a infestation hive so I don't need to worry about it immediately oh there's my malt subs I was wondering where those worth looks like we're actually getting some rice cool I'm dumped with it all right zero is puking everywhere oh he just got really drunk at least he's not addicted man he is took every drug in the book all right every dog we will give you an asari feel at this point anything inside this cave will not decay because it is internal it's inside now which is good means that the insect jellies and stuff like that won't go away cheese wondered if I got the second Bionic law leg installed no it's actually right here just laying right there in fact I have it suspended right now because they don't have a proper hospital but um let's see do I have a healthy Kline is really I think what I need to do is read named Kline to be Russell but he's actually Kline so Russell if you if we end up seeing Russell here I'll sign that properly so Kline is ready and healthy to two prosthetic arms that's a little dangerous as far as surgeries go but if you want the surgery cheese I will do the surgery so let's try it I do have some glitter world so I'll do the surgery with a glitter world and hopefully that will raise the chances witzy asks how are the infections let's see I can start using let's go ahead and assign decent meds to everybody Industrial meds but you're right kidney infection is actually terrible I'm really glad that you asked we're going to need to install a right kidney in you apparently I have a spare right kidney somewhere okay so I think here's the deal I think cheese you're gonna have to wait on that bionic leg and because I actually need you to do some surgeries I've got chem field coming down from real girl and uranium from tornado all right so let's cut or let's install a new kidney into witzy cuz yeah that's a particularly bad infection that we're just not getting caught up on and then happy pants happy pants is okay is the longest short of it yeah I have I'm surprised I had a spare kidney just lying around but Oh wrong meds you can use the good stuff there we go less risk for failure there's always there's always a possibility of failure but minimizing it probably a good thing and even industrial meds for our other sick people treating them in the dark definitely not gonna be helpful but oh well thanks turtle sandwich for explaining how coins work basically if you're a subscriber you learn a little bit more coins if your viewer you earn coins if you send me nice things like gifts or events that are positive you will get higher karma if you send raids for attacks and things like that you'll get lower karma and karma affects how many coins you get as well alright so wit see you no longer have an infection we are down a kidney but you know that I think is probably good use and then because you wanted it I will immediately jump to operating on you I'm sort of curious what Russell's surgery success chances oh you know what his success chance is 47% I think it's probably a really bad idea that I do this surgery unless you want me to go ahead with it that at this point could be up to you but I think it's a terrible idea yeah he is multiple prosthetic arms so not exactly an ace surgeon think dr. strange when he doesn't really have his hands anymore hey spear kidney from witzy use one give one I like it crimson veil thanks for the prime sub you guys are awesome so periodically you're gonna see nightbot pop up with a new twitch series form feedback anyone can go provide feedback if you if you wish alright so willow here we are trying to recruit actually she's gonna be recruitable pretty soon and then I'm quite eager about turning this into a proper illuminated Hospital crimson rouse thanks for all the bits all right we definitely need to grab that Molotov and light these corpses on fire basically we're just this is our crematorium mortars are not on the list yes they are not I'm able to make them but I just figured it wouldn't really make sense for in orbital space station to have mortars on hand to send to aid us you all are sort of playing as either catatonic well at least if these kind of tonic he's gonna walk around on his infection you all are sort of role-playing as if you're some sort of weyland-yutani orbital station that's trying to resupply us a little bit and as a result you know we're pseudo role-playing that nice feeding raw rice to the catatonic that seems sort of funny I think what I'm gonna do is harvest this rice a little early because at this rate we are not gonna have food pretty soon we'll have a lot of tea and chocolate now chuckle have some calories we also have kibble if we absolutely need to not a huge fan of you can kill kibble kings amber send in some glitter world medicine and I think what I'm gonna do is start working on like a kill box once I have this barracks going we have a lot of people that are dreadfully injured so the more sort of R&R I can give them the better but then we'll get a proper barracks up and that will allow us to house people more efficiently and free up some room for growing because right now we have a lot of a lot of the base could be used for crops and it just isn't cuz yeah that's not really what I meant to do all right instead of being fussy about what kind of soil I'm growing on which I usually do because it's more bang for your buck given that there's actually not a lot to do in this Sears a lot of potential downtime I'm gonna go ahead and just assign much much larger grow zones I don't want plants too close to my chem fuel power generators so we got cookie bunny sending 25 package survival meals that will keep us fed and King Sombra with the lit medicine we need to start you know what I need I need a stockpile this would be a really good stockpile I think that's really oh wow more glow world medicine from from witzy yeah I think this would be a very good stockpile zone yeah I don't don't have the bill to do that yet but one would you just gonna go ahead and ignore those elephant revenge's because they're really not applicable yeah let's just expand this grow zone all the way why not crazy with it we have a lot of these animals that are going on like revenge fighting but it's like I didn't hurt you why are you fighting me so another thing I might do is I might set up the barracks to be also like a I don't know I might fortify it in a way that it makes it stronger against zombies I might need to do that I'm not exactly sure why I gave Krunk the double bed we don't have any relationships or do we maybe we do wife will oh oh right we're right yeah yeah that's right I think the the people that are in relationships might be able to get their own bedrooms but I am getting wild with the farming I mean planning and marsh sucks but at least I don't have to the chance of there being random trees that pop up at it right right in front of my doorways goes to zero so it does have a bit of an advantage to not having that so what I wasn't gonna do I need to grab those mall tops and burn up [Music] Damian you're gonna do that another twitch prime sub from frost lane thank you that's something I was always sort of curious about why this game does not have sheep all right zombies coming in from black void phantom looks like they were poor and then steal from power music wants me to make metal tiles now the reason why I don't usually floor up is it creates filth which is why you don't really see me use floors at all cheese is a gift and a whole bunch of subs zing spur Wow actually that's a lot of uh I see a lot of names there that I recognize I like how that one that works out the frequent flyer viewers whatnot King Sombra says I better eat this Chuck I don't even okay there's the chocolate better enjoy this or else will do will do boss now of course you all can make demands on me when you gift stuff and then if I don't abide by your demands feel free to you know zombie murk me all right Damien you want oh I don't know here's the chocolate I don't know why we're storing chocolate in the freezer any of you like chocolate so to mint alone if I pronounced that right ask me about the situation of twitch partnership so the long and short of it is I had my average viewers high enough they require 75 average viewers but they said that the inconsistency of my viewers warranted me not getting twitch partner basically so much is happening right now basically the Tuesday and Thursday streams I had just weren't popular enough to for me to become a partner so right now you'll see every about 15 minutes or so there will be a little question oh my goodness there'll be a little question about if you want to provide feedback about a new twitch series and that's in hopes of attracting enough people to a weekday stream that it could actually get partner but we'll have to see picking out on Oh Ted poll is picking out a food don't head for the front door please oh my goodness let's quickly slap down a wall right there so we don't need to open this place up for awhile and I really don't want someone on a mental break to just go busting through that door and get them merked yeah I mean twitch has their own rules so you know now then I know what the rules are basically I need to raise my average viewership so that every series that I have every time I'm streaming I have an average of 75 viewers okay well if that's the rule then at least I have a goal post you know so first of all just set me more zombies I think these were the zombies that just pissed off all the elephants oh yeah definitely it doesn't make sense by twitch I don't disagree with their their handling of it because of course I think Oh steal from power music and that steel is unobtainable I think these zombies do sort of know what doors I possibly use there's no way that I've shot around here in a long time but they're congregating there as if it's and the moment I close this door off they congregated there yeah they're jumping door-to-door these dudes are these zombies are smarter than we give them credit for it now that I'm um I'm slowly learning the ins and outs of this mod these are some smart zombies so research I auto cannon turrets would be amazing but what else a by refining is something I definitely need so the first thing I really need to do is to get a high tech research bench and [Music] let's do you construct the old one twitchy the twitch user sending some steel yeah maybe I'll make the barracks nice metal tiles and all while metal tiles are a little flammable aren't they if I recall correctly but yeah I could definitely make the Oh what are you eating I need rock horn I just have to let it go don't I why uh you're picking out you know there's like package survival meals hmm only a carpet and wood floors I'm pretty sure steel floor is too flammable - but I could be wrong wouldn't be the first time I'm wrong Oh fern all is visiting the colony uh Wow Brad twitch spot actually announced that wow this is a big visit all right well these guys are gonna absolutely get murked by zombies but that will be interesting still floors no steel walls yes cool that's good to know I can uh I'll pretty up this zone here for sure let's just make sure everyone is oh they're all fed the max camera yeah it's actually always been 120 percent and then on this series Joe true thanks for the resub I think it is I could have a flower floor actually that's a really good point flower floor floor would in this zone would be amazing another thing I need to do is to improve some of these really atrociously awful beds and I'll do that in into time and then start to barracks up everybody I can here Fernholz visitors expiring right now either the corner of my ear where are they Oh yep you're dead I don't know who they're chasing now there seems to be yeah I don't know do you have someone that can create lavish meals the issue with lavish meals they take a lot more resources fine meals don't lavish meals do so fine meals if you have the veggies and meat not that I have the meat but if you add the veggies meat that's the way to go but can I keep a zombie pet in the base I don't think so they aren't exactly I'm as much as I'd like to mimic Shaun of the Dead I think that would be probably a very fatal thing to do I'm sorta tempted to sort of seal off this area too and recapture this like Scandinavian looking area kind of looks like Finland or Sweden in Denmark alright nugget you are now on stay home again plant trees in the South would be a really good idea yeah definitely package survival meals coming down for fur haul he wasn't able to make it to us as a survivor but he'll make it to us all right I don't think I need the insect meat what features of zombified made it for the pick over Zombieland [Music] yeah well for starters the animals for sure all the animals turning and becoming hostile is definitely something I wanted but it was mostly just I had to contract out this twitch toolkit mod to be modified by the original author and he didn't have a lot of time on his hands so I paid him to do it but but it would have been more expensive if I used a mod that was more complicated so that one's a little bit more complicated code wise and that's why it was a little prohibitive to do and that's the that's the full story was basically expense in time but that doesn't mean that I wouldn't just discount Zombieland in the future I could definitely see myself doing something like that so beer from an 8-pound Ulrich gold from C Haro and gold from drunken lizard nothing like some gold didn't he offer to mod it for free uh he did yes originally I scoped the project out larger than he thought it would larger than he thought he had time for and it would have been a lot more expensive and then I said hey just actually incorporate these two events which is the zombie pack and zombie horde and the rest is fine and he did that for free but I became a patron of his anyway you know cuz you scratch my back I scratch yours sort of the thing I like to do I did the same with survive the Pantheon the author of the medieval mod I became a patron of as well medical emergency is you are so malnourished holy moly who's my warden three dog and he's wounded I see all right Russell we are going to have do you take food and feed manually I should not have let that happen cloth coming from dairy thug fiery carpet of undeath yes that's something I definitely do is to set up an area but maybe here would be really really good set up an area that won't cause a massive forest fire like but but then line it with something flammable so that we can burn up crazy amounts of zombies if we need to let's uh let's just do a lease I don't know [Music] barracks flowers no meat on the animal list nope I wanted to make it a little bit more challenging for myself what I really need to do is start cleaning out these zombies so that I might be able to do some hunting I did just find myself some more tunnels to reminds me so much of a Minecraft oh hello who what what who are you I didn't realize that there are visitors miles sent me visitors um yeah you could take my shredded clothing I mean sure if you want to buy it I'll take the five silver and the eight gold twitchy the twitch user thanks for the cheers I like the little meat icons there alright so he is set to stay home but staying home has him going around to smooth stone out somewhere really really bad I like how these guys are polite and they're just waiting happily outside of my fortifications it's like I wouldn't have done that why they're not entering I don't know maybe because I kept it forbidden but usually the visitors don't really abide by that stuff all right so we've definitely cleaned up our base we'd only have corpses everywhere which is good packets of revelry is coming from crack and I think what I'm going to do pretty shortly here let's kick tadpole and happy pants out so I can move the beds I want a proper hop so Oh tadpole just switch beds that's funny I would like a proper Hospital oh okay social fight when I saw a call this needs treatment I was like did I let us DOM be in somehow and got real worried obviously that wasn't the case yeah I can hear the visitors oh boy the visitors just called the Horde all right so we're definitely getting some well yeah you're dead bye-bye Buffington are taking a wounded guest no you're not wow these guys are actually gonna make it out I am relatively surprised one of them has dementia - oh no those are the rhinos that I was gonna hunt for food rip oh well these things happen I should probably stop treating them with really really really good bed so let's just do a bowl for now if I even have any I don't think I do doom I know it's a basic medical care and then once I have a nice surplus I can start doing something more serious oh speaking of which you guys just drop me a whole lot a lot of lovely stuff we definitely want the high-tech steel research bench goin I do see happy pants yeah wake up coming from Kings ombre steel from pink link and the Rhino revenge wasn't from anyone I think Damian you lack let's see you lack a ranged weapon let's get you shotgunning again now I don't know what you guys think but one of the ways I could potentially heal up [Music] cheese so that they're not cheese uh who is the other dr. Russell is removing a prosthetic arm and then regrowing it with the humic serum I don't know if that's yeah I don't know if that's a good idea or not you all can tell me wildlife all right so there's still definitely some wildlife out here there's actually a whole bunch of elephants that I could theoretically hunt if I could clear out away so I think that's something going to want to do is to is to start clearing out the swarms here so that I can use you know the natural resources that are out around the base so here's what I'm gonna do I will I'd love a sandstone I guess I will have like a fail a bunch of failsafe doors in case we have got breaches I'm gonna get smarter about this right so let's have a failsafe door here and here we'll just doubled it off double air lock and that way if this southern bit gets totally and completely overrun it's really not that much of a problem we can still get ourselves out additionally let's see mini turrets of uranium because uranium doesn't burn like steel ones do I don't know how many I can afford but I will try to afford as many as I can deck 10 it's I like the what does this emoji that's going subway near ohmic trainer what is this for crafting oh that is awesome so our chief crafter would be crunk crunk is just gonna use the trainer so let's see the difference that this makes it was from lo 11 to a medium 50 or lo 14 to medium 15 or 11 to 15 holy moly that's the same so what I'm gonna need to do with crunked is to start queuing up like good anti-zombie weapons we do have the ability for a comms console now and I'm not exactly sure we're gonna I guess we could place it outside or even just in our mmm let's put it there it's a weird spot for it but it's not an area that I'm never gonna really use and then that also means orbital trade beacon and looking at this beautiful little spot here this is why I thought it would be good for storage is it's almost perfectly the shape of an orbital trade yeah so let's put a little trade beacon in there holy moly twitchy to twitch easy that's a whole lot of bits a whole lot of subway so now I'm gonna and a subscriber tragic hysteria that's exactly how I felt after the last after the first episode of this series is tragic hysteria Russell here this person Russell he's a longtime patron of mine and this is the first series he was in and he was actually in he was at the vet because his dog got hurt I needed to see the vet and he's like oh I'm not gonna make it cuz you know I'll be at the vet but just try to keep me alive and then if you remember from the first episode right at the end he ran outside and like hugged a bunch of zombies and almost got killed oh my god I was like I have to save him so I went way after my way and you know grabbed him slapped him down cut off both arms in his leg just to try to keep him alive it was um it's pretty wild but yeah let's hope I don't have to do much of that all right I think what we need to do is a whole bunch of cowboy hats it is really really really hot and without the cowboy hats we're just gonna always be overheated and I think green cowboy hats would be pretty funny so let's use the zombie leather additionally Coach K gifting a UH a sub thanks for that welcome tornado to the sub Chet low-fat noodles and robot on my head droppin more food so I really need to oh and there was one more - wasn't there there is Elm Elm Elm the elephant witzy wow you guys are pretty awesome today gotta say I might not be a twitch partner but I'm sure being treated like one advanced components coming down from middle girl and uranium defenses shall be made powerful yeah that's what I'm hoping how many watts in my puttin out 3,000 watts so I have I need more batteries is really the longest short of it glitter for 200 is a bit low not gonna lie most of the prices are fine I can fix that what do you guys think I'll listen to the majority here if you think glitter world medicine needs to go up I'm absolutely happy for it to go up I'm all about the challenge I think this whole bedroom here can probably be deconstructed now we don't really need it I mean it's nice to have all these additional rooms but let's just break them down I'd rather have the open area maybe we'll put them back as rooms isn't the refinery still being researched yeah it is we just don't have I guess crunk is asleep I definitely need to have some sort of dining room actually that's a really good point so here's our kitchen and ideally let's see maybe I do keep this I got to think about where I want a dining room cuz this is all rough granite and this is rough hewn I could have this be a really shoddy dining room let me let me retool this a bit Lanfear thanks for these sub ok taking a look what is this rough granite rough-hewn so if I start filling in the rough hewn that's rough unit okay if I start filling in the rough hewn we'll try to carve out a really oddly shaped dining room here and that's what I'll do so zombies coming in from random nerd increased skill for ice of cooking components for for Kings amber saying that I need solar panels for more energy and then medicine from witzy and what does he said oh uh oh uh he was unrestricted that's really not good he's got an infection in his jaw and that's 100% my fault for having him under strictly let's go help he's getting all right let's get all hands on and we're gonna have to figure out how to help him after he escapes if he escapes cheese in all of his generosity all right so cheese you've got a jaw nose torso left arm left leg that is that's not good so the left leg the right leg rather we can just Banach it and then everything else I don't know how much I can amputate with you still being you know human I can install a denture and you got a what is it it's just your arm so left arm oh man that's bad I thought I had this door forbidden all right let's have him jump into what is the most illuminated area right here yes but I don't have a hospital do I all right I'm need to probably immediately start doing the medicine so let's get you in and Russell is gonna get moved how healthy are these zombies all right the wake-ups gonna be useful let me just take the wake up come on there we go let's take wake up and then start doing this so let's do the denture so I think the torso we're gonna need to heal mix serum and that's maybe it's recoverable luckily they're not up on my on my walls there all right so here's what I'll do stockpile here of meds manufactured medicine little glitter world or regular I'll extend it so I don't have to run very far to to find extra meds shrink the zone here let's have you haul that alright Russell I'm gonna have you consume a meal and then you're gonna be in the operating theater for a while [Music] I'll see suspend this someone attend yeah I'm actually gonna attend with the really good stuff oh happy pants is no longer putting on a separate room it's not safe in the barracks I don't really have the time to do that if I move around too much there's not gonna be time to to do you know the surgeries nd to do so I want prosthetics here too so body parts what is this items body parts I'll just do all body parts we'll just move it all and then over here let's do shrink zone oops that's a huge shrink zone so that's prosthetic arms and legs and all that witzy carry this killing him and resin him I don't think is I don't know if that works that'd be might my worry is it doesn't and I don't think I have extra serum don't tend to it oh good event bad event or neutral event you all can vote alright crunk is back to research and let's see if I can't put cheese back together I'm taking a look at how fast this infection goes I think it's slow enough that I'll be able to do some good here but we'll have to see let me put this zone back so at least all this tending made me better at doctoring one arm doctor all right so he's anesthetized and getting the jaw removed and that's done all right so the nose let's see amputate nose will be next and then we'll have to do left arm and right leg and then the heel mixer that's a whole lot isn't it is a little bit becoming Voldemort yes can you imagine how metal a zombie survival like movie or whatever would be if you had a like just shop up someone to bits to cut off all the infections Hey look a distraction miles the mother of zero that's not a distraction that's terrible Xero's about to go eight because his mom's gonna die hello royal medicine coming from Jacob and then ice just leveled up artistic cuz you all voted for it his nose is now shattered I'm just hoping that the he'll mix serum cures the torso and nothing else that's the real that's the in my opinion the real risk here have I learned my lesson let's hope so we're doing the legs you know what I'm gonna do I'm just gonna put this wall back most people don't hang out down here and what I'm gonna do is turn this down here until one giant turret fiery hell escape or something in fact I'll start doing that uh I don't have a lot of wood is not renewable resource very easily so I'm gonna start flooring it up I'm gonna need research carpets Oh God that scared me run zeroes mom run I don't know which ones zeros mom is social yes she's running she's making it out more visitors coming in with the tip of five hundred I guess we'll see if they make it here they probably won't checking in on cheese here the Bionic legs everything went all the all the surgeries everything went smooth now here's the huge worry is will the heel MEK serum just replace the nose or not I don't know we're about to find out oh we have two of them now so that's at least good would coming from light void yeah let's actually make this um well have the first iteration here B would be wooded all right this is a steel door so it's gonna have to get broken down to a granite one elephant revenge yeah yeah yeah whatever alright so the heel mech serum is what currently being carried here it is please don't be the nose yes whoo he's alive haha suck it zombies haha that was great and now he's faster he might have a prosthetic arm but he is cured ish alright so this is a this is a case to absolutely always have a fully stocked hospital with all the body parts and all the things that we need to put Humpty Dumpty's back together no offense to any Humpty Dumpty's but um yeah it's very very clear to me that um you definitely want you know all the materials to help someone that might be turning into a zombie to be available to you in one big pile you know so that it in in worst worst case scenario you you've got what you need as I guess what I'm trying to say so I'm gonna definitely work on that here's our stockroom we're gonna make it as circular as we can up talons dead man there is so much stuff out here this is the very impressive barracks for very very very little effort because of course we just planted a bunch of flowers and then man it has been raining for a long time now huh well I got dark in there didn't it so let's go put a sandstone to hold up the roof and put a light to illuminate the area I'm going to need a door to the freezer yes yes I will in fact I'm gonna be a door here too let's see sandstone will be good enough I'm absolutely redesigning a lot of this area here rough rough trying to figure out where the rough and rough hewn differences are I'm gonna get rid of this chem fuel power generator I know it's a big investment just to chop it down but I've kind of decided to embed them in the mountain here and that way they'll be somewhat better protected from fire because fire won't spread that easily over distance B are coming down almost right into the freezer to celebrate the rescue of cheese thank you land fear it was a it was a harrowing rescue and we got him I can't believe I let him out some rows are coming down too well that's a lot of rescue these guys let's not have you sleep on the floor so I'm making sort of a ad-hoc dining room here it's ugly and weird and it will have to do it has a bunch of natural tiles that won't cause filth which is good all right so the the dining room baby right in this area and then a part of me says oh this is all rough-hewn okay yeah yeah forget that area the dining room will also be the area where we burn up corpses cuz you know that makes sense all right tadpole you're gonna need yourself a decent gun crunk I need you to start making cowboy hats I guess we do have a bunch of cowboy hats but a tadpole decided not to use one so let me change the assignments here so anything here is gonna change this will be um keep cool and we are not gonna allow anything but cowboy hats and that way someone like tadpole will switch out the psychic helmet for it for something that keeps him cool why some pom-poms have such low mood brothers died and serious pain ugly environment disturbed sleep eight without the table you know the usual wood from riddle girl and soon we're gonna be weaponizing this whole area here I think what I'm gonna do is line up some of the junk that's gonna be in the way just so there's not really a lot of cover it is hard to have a good mood yeah we're we're relying basically on orbital goods from you guys keeping us happy which is not so much a long term solution all right tadpole you're fully healed wow you're happy as hell too there was a bolt II done here right yeah there we go let's get the bolt looks like that whole steel node got all mined out there's of course more steel down here and components there components here these components should be safe for me to go for because they're not they're not being camped by bugs but if I'm going for them I want only the miners that get full yield to do it I guess happy pants is um work stuff and everything that never got sorted but right now they're not gonna be able to go there because it is prohibited no that's area one I don't need area one anymore area one was like a triage emergency stay home asymptomatic wanderer hey buddy just talking to you on discordant moments ago and here you are subbing I appreciate it so would from role a role Einstein beer from KP salamander more beer from Raven and elm dropping some food alright so I'm going to keep the this wall walled up I know there's a soother on the other side but I'm gonna keep it walled up for now because I'm really really bad at making sure that people don't get themselves hurt turtle sandwich is halfway to Robo dock so we have two people that need it I would say Russell is the one that needs it more because he has two prosthetic arms and we have a new recruit willow the wife of crunk right so first things first willow and crunk and then I'm going to whisper uh my moderator a number between one and thirty and I think he's still here alright and then you all can guess a number between one thirty guess once if you have the same guess to someone else we'll have a tiebreaker so you know only just guess once and he'll be able to let me know who wins I guess at this point I need to put crunk and Willow together and let's see willow looks to be a really good miner as well which is good I was like someone that can mine efficiently and then she likes construction she likes art she is a jealous Nite Owl all right so if she's a night owl we're all so unless you change your traits whoever gets it I'm going to set her on night owl schedules so that's what 11 to 18 and then crunk is gonna be same schedule because that way they can sleep together and I put her on restriction so she's not gonna wander and get herself killed let's get drunk cheers mr. loekle says and then pink linked with the steel if I see steel off just think pink link now and for the guessing yeah it's it's subs in the subject let's see I don't know if Klein is still here but I can do it I think the closest person was Ellis so named Q you will oh that should work on the website there are the commands about how to do things like changing traits in the like okay survival meals from robot robots in my head and it's like a tea from Ord okay zero yeah I'll put it I put it in the mod channel of of discord cuz it's easier for me to multitask that way a little weird but it works get food binge so really any mental break of any type is particularly dangerous for our survivors here because they might just go wandering and get themselves into trouble super carta drop in some Luciferian sweet nothing like some Lucy so I'm gonna start prepping this zone here for the zombies basically cutting back all of the hedge and other stuff I think what I also need to do I don't love building bridges because they get filthy but it's too slow to traverse this area here compacted machinery yeah there we go got to get my components so I'm really soon going to be hustling with the swarm I think this is going to be some of the strangest to send it here zoning for the the dining room Oh another social fight no wait how did he get out oh he ice got out that I am so bad at this I don't know if there's anything I could do for him he is uh picking out man these people that pig out they have no sense of like alright I'll try but I think he's just gonna get killed what's funny is he had him yeah he's just gonna get killed what's he gourmand or what now he was depressive alright well word from the rise if you have a depressive pawn they're gonna have a lot more mood breaks and boo breaks mean they're gonna die a lot more not seeing it it's your fault or anything just pointing it out that that yeah that's exactly what happened all right let's get the all possible exits everywhere in the base all closed up because I'm tired of people just slinking out [Music] it low-key reminds me of uh like the walking dead sometimes in the walking dead you had characters in the show that would just like have mental breaks and basically get themselves killed let's not talk about the time that Laurie flipped a car but the rest of it is yeah like and I would always be like oh come on no one to ever do that and Here I am the exact thing is happening to me just saying thank for the sub I know I have an exit in the south that one's far enough that I think I should notice but I might not and I do have multiple light up this area pretty efficiently what I'll need to do is once I am once above the flooring I will build roofing over it uranium coming down from fons XI Z and lennier sending ambrosia all right so this rice here is ready to harvest we just removed the rice zone so let me put it back no I don't want all zones I hate when it does that it selects everything it's like everything nothing no I just want the rice man send it as is rice these potatoes are almost done and they lack is grow zone as well soon they will be hydroponics though once I have a little bit more robust power grid I need to add some solar I think some room loops are getting killed because the screen shaking and cassowaries are definitely getting killed alright uh we are going to do some dining room soon so let me just manually destroy some of this stuff so we have a proper dining room area because this area has been garbage it is dull I'm not saying this one's much better but at least we'll start putting our rec items in one spot I agree robots in my head saying that I should start pushing up to choke points so the idea here is I'm gonna set up like a super defense here to kill off a bunch of zombies and clear some of the swarm and then I will start expanding for choke points trying to take back as much territory or at least have it set up so that if not choke points something along the lines of like fallback points and the like so that I I salute Somme B's a lot better that's a lot of firepower being installed down here additionally I should probably put a stockpile of Steel around it so we can reroute or it's so call it steel rearming make it critically important that raw resource of Steel's here they're getting that wood built I can make the dead power wider yes that would be a good call one big thing a dead power food some beautiful food we've just been relying on the orbital stuff uh so you need what do you need you need cheese to operate on you all right I think you could see how this dining room I mean is ugly I'm not gonna deny that but this dining room is coming together and we will start setting it up some wake up coming down I really ought to start using the wake up to maximize the amount of time I spend something's up actually that's not have the dining room or a dining table this one sucks too so let's have it be bigger two by two and made of sandstone so it doesn't burn seems like a fair idea and I'll just do a bunch of stools for now or you know I'll do armchairs zombie leather armchairs why not steel coming down from miles the so in the YouTube comments when I put this on youtube someone did suggest the embrasure mud it would make it way too easy like ridiculously stupidly easy and I don't really like easy twitchy have a good night man thanks for tuning in thanks for subbing thanks for dropping a whole bunch of bits - yeah I'm not uh I'm never really eager to make the game ridiculously easy so mods like those uh yeah probably out of the question alright uh nugget mr. nugget here you are going to take some wake up and I'm gonna get you cranking out on my rec room man if I was in a real zombie apocalypse I would be like addicted to wake up I would never want to close my eyes I think cheese is happy that I managed to save him I do feel bad about ice he's uh he's he's right here actually I'm gonna have to do something about that I wonder how these guys feel about ice needs colonists died yeah he died but all right drunken lizard just sent me more zombies and power music for some would small wouldn't statue in the barracks sure I could do that sup bomb for the save awesome yeah I when I noticed ice got hurt I realized that there was really no saving him but you you I could save so here is glar old medicine 1 for 500 it's expensive but I think you all wanted it to be expensive alright nugget I think it would be best if you yea made the light first and then you could actually work faster so I'm a little eager to turn these zombies into my furniture call me sick but I'm definitely down to do that proto II didn't drop in more uranium awesome and teasing gifting light void phantom a sub I feel like the gifts tend to go to people not always but tend to go to people that show up a lot can insects become zombies I don't know probably probably we could we could maybe um run a little bit of an experiment at some point and and see so Alice here does not have pants no you don't but I have two pants where are my pants if hmm they're right here uh here I'm just gonna force wear that and then lift the force once I have some more clothing all right so this barracks is very impressive and we'll get a wooden statue in there eventually once it can sculpt for now I'm just mostly focused on getting some sort of furniture and the like here so that I can actually eat in my dining room I feel the zombies are piling up more zombies from land fear all right nugget you've been really bad at making these armchairs you keep scurrying like I guess it does require two trips take it back maybe I think I did a Bassam b-bugs in the first episode you're right I think that is a thing so what do I not have enough power no I do oh that is not connected anymore is it visitor cookie bunny wants to become a zombie Lester cookie Bunner Baker wandering around wants to become a zombie all right well we'll have cookie the zombie here we go so we have some leather arm zombie arm chairs and that will be allow us to do the get a little bit of uh rec room love going on zero Daedra oh you guys are too kind all right as you can see we're we're definitely getting set up actually I think it's good that this is a bridge because if zombies do encroach we can burn it let's get everything built come on folks so much sub bomb hype yeah absolutely you guys are awesome all right so the supply room or the stock rooms looking good it might be that Ohio finding is done let's try to work on a multi analyzer it might be that the marsh even though this is inside the marsh destroys items I'm not 100% sure about that we're gonna call this storage get it out of here this is our like workshop just include to twitch that all of my hundred fifty viewers are also subscribers can't argue with money yeah you're right twitch takes 50% of the cut so they'd be crazy to reject me I'm still not partner no I explained at the start of this video that they a big old denial that's okay these things happen it'll happen over time no hard feelings about it I still enjoy being here with you guys whether I'm partner or not alright so this light should go on yes here's my stockroom ugly as it is but it is functional I wonder how many more sort of pockets of areas are yet to be revealed cookie wondering if zombified uh yeah I can't jump to the location so you definitely zombified somewhere is this you I don't know your summer around here t say droppin more gifts I'm trying to find cookie maybe this was you someone was you here I don't know I'm getting pretty ready to uh yeah let's move these turrets that's exactly what I was thinking I'm getting ready to fight some some of the dead the ungrateful dead yeah you guys are much nicer to me than in pantheon that that has a big way to truth Pantheon it's brutal but I sort of approve of both you know beat me up when you think I need to get beaten up I'm okay with this ooh what should happen next animal mind mind is usually like inspiration I think or skill improvement or foreigner man I don't feel safe behind such a teeny wall but here's what it is man look at those votes porn porn in okay definitely gonna need clear home zone there I don't know we're looking ready to fight pretty soon I never even set up this mini turret here we go and then animal is yeah animals pretty straightforward all right so in this zone how many components do I have have a bunch and I'm think I'm ready to move over to grow lights I'm about to get um I'm about to get a whole lot of potential can fuel so production by refining so these things can't move like once you place them they're static right there it looks good I don't know what this room's gonna be it's gonna be a room that's constantly filthy so it will be my by refining room I guess would coming down from light void a major break Damien's having a major break don't like that so this cleanliness is slightly dirty I actually don't know what makes it dirty looks pretty clean to me a bunch of mad rats nice all right I do have some cloth so what I should do is for recreation set up poker and billiards but I don't really have well everything's gonna get hauled I think we are what I think I'm gonna do is gain access to the soother use it and then fight the long fight I'm just gonna have to remember to once I have the soother to wall this back up immediately so what I'll do is cue up a wall so I can rebuild it really quick all right unrestricted activate call on the slate blocks and rebuild it Andrey restrict there we go that is the proper protocol I'm not gonna get any additional people killed oh man there's so much wealth out here alright so now we're getting the our moods sort of solved and we're moving a whole lot of our stuff so I think come daybreak it is time to fight what do you think you'll need most for the upcoming battle luck no maybe not I don't know I think I've prepared decently but we'll have to see one thing I definitely need to do is to start setting up more comfortable bedrooms or beds that is and that will allow us to spend less time sleeping so we'll get nugget to do that oh no it's gonna go to sleep never mind let's forbid this by refining make it from organics make it forever make it out of raw what is it raw food meat zombie meat and insect me medicine come down from Lanfear wood from tomb and wood for the kill box from light void alright look pretty good I think I think we're ready come daybreak I hope the how long does the psychic 20 more hours that's perfect steel how about you build a land of sandbags for turrets slow down the zombies um once the zombies are on the sandbags that would harm us rather than help us that's my concern oh this is also not a room nope hey Ava Marx thanks for the UH the gifts they're so dark pick troll can thank you prosthetic leg from blech apparently I'm gonna get bit in the leg let's hope that's not a premonition about something ominous and steal from power music behind the turrets - I can run away if needed oh that's a good point you know actually the UM the sandbags do help prevent sparking but yeah I'll set those up Craig once zombies killed all right let's get a full number count here we have got probably around 200 and move 200 plus zombies glare all medicine coming down for the imminent loss of limbs that sounds again ominous I'm gonna leave one spot open so I can move Traverse actually it should be here so I could traverse a little easier myself I don't want to traverse over the marsh so some of this is marshy soil I wish I had like a huge March that I could drag these zombies through call it the dead Marsh well Black Lake slash Lord of the Rings reference there alright that's a lot of Steel for rearming so it's I think it's time let's go ahead and yeah I could feel the the the weight of the zombies lag on my computer so uh one for batteries but we'll do what we can transport prog crashed from Kadath Odom neurotic night owl keep a little dumb labor wow that is not a not a likely person I'm gonna save alright let's take a look at everyone's needs tadpole Damien needs to eat happy pants happy pants you need to eat Alice you don't even have a weapon so you're gonna sit this one out Crump you need to rest so I'll just have you take wake up others wake up out there zero is about to wake up nugget is gonna take some wake up I hope that doesn't get him addicted free and cheese they're about to wake up cheese is gonna be eat chem fuel person with holy flames and crag with the steel so he's playing both sides I also probably need to do some auto doors all right so I'm gonna let everyone that's just waking up now to eat some food in my dull dining room I'll make it better over time it has been raining forever here weather was bought yeah it was constantly like weather effects that were sort of I don't wanna use the word annoying but they were messing with the weather okay so I think it's about time that everyone come witzy will give you the mall tops and Alice I don't even know weapon I can give you a beer bottle let's have her have a beer bottle I don't know I just did just don't have any I'll give you a club it's the worst case scenario disaster weapon alright let's have everyone line up cheese you're really fast right yep cheese is the fastest here we got some chocolate coming down let's hope it doesn't melt alright get cheese behind the wall turning these on as soon as these turn on as soon as they start firing we're gonna have swarms coming in so come on I'm right here I'll leave this dude weren't power armor showing off uh who is a really good craftsman krunk all right I think what I'm gonna do is crunk where is crunk here is crunk you are going to drop your because he's also a researcher right I'm gonna have him be the one that sits out so we can be productive still coming from pink lick and chocolate and more steel from guns ol gun I'm just gonna call you gun crunk please all those away got visitors coming in from land fear where are they coming from wait where are these visitors Oh the arrow their their uranium from Fon more zombies from poison unfortunate a lot of these zombie bodies are just gonna get burned up but that's okay oh boy I'm sitting them all up to be rearmed no you're complaining about tattered apparel I'm gonna let her go to her and her husband are gonna be the only ones allowed to wander making sure the restrictions are stay home yes she's a night owl so she needs to be asleep anyway thing fire alerts no it was four down there so we're fine come on kill the cat capybaras kill the capybara all right gonna have to back up guys prioritize proximity please thank you this is what getting overrun looks like Alice I don't think you're going down there all right let's see if I can't reclaim a little of this oh now my cables are on fire um happy dance could you put that out nope I definitely can't Alice quit going down there you don't need to be captain bad ideas alright she's being conscripted apparently a chinchilla just went mad how's Easter it's doing horribly but I did just rearm some of them so let me alright Alice you go where you take it now don't don't do that I take that back what's your construction at all right yeah go build that thing more zombies from kamikaze more zombies from just I think my visitors are yeah they're having a bad visit oh my goodness this is disgusting let's try to I can't even really tell how close people are all right so the turrets are off I'm going to pull up stakes here nope Crump you go north it's bad Crump crunk I'm going to need you over here we're gonna let everybody out let's temporarily allow them to get food and whatnot so these turrets are just turned off because of the burning of the cables but uranium turrets aren't flammable so we do have that going for us alright so going through yeah I think I read that all more zombies for middle girl what is my zombie count at 166 I've killed probably around 100 and a lot of her on fire if only I could Oh min once I got a pod launcher I'll be able to other just pod launch like chem fuel into them that would be hilarious okay uh let's see here one two ten cranks researching all right now let's see if we can't drag them back through the fire by drawing them north while I'm out here maybe Damien because I'm gonna have to remember he's unrestricted because he is a really short range weapon I'm going to have him caravan as much of that stuff back home as I can basically profiting off the dead why not so load load load load load load some chem feel coming down from Derry it did not land in my fire though uh elephant tusks why not load that up too what else is out here more meals I just gotta make sure that there's no zombies around him alright there's another stack of beautiful stuff that way I will check on the South here in just a second it's a crunk you're supposed to stay home why are you so nning out nope alright that got him to stop oh this is just mad just pure madness alright so what's going on down here the rain is mostly putting them out the fire probably killed a whole bunch oh look it's a chicken was a chicken I guess more accurately uh Damian let's snag some more definitely the beer got some wake up out there hmm so as you can see there's they're starting to be a what would you call that like a packed a pack of them or like I don't know a caravan would it be possible to buy mortar shells um I can always manufacture them I don't know possibly quite possibly probably adjustments to the item lists stick around after this stream is done and I can adjust the item list afterwards so I got to make sure enough to be yeah and this is it's happening I gotta make sure I'm not coming in ambushed from the north these two little piggies are gonna go to market all right before I have any mental breaks let me let me claim that this has been successful because a mental break would be really really really bad so we let's see we called about 150 and now because I had a lot of gunfire out here they should mostly exit out of here allowing me to reuse this area with a little work restricting everybody gets restricted Damien's gonna be removed from caravanning and I'm gonna patch that back up what is the worth of zombie meat and leather that's a good question zombie meat is worth very little let's see actually you know it's it's actually worth quite a lot I don't know why but I don't think I'm gonna be exploiting that for for sale or anything cuz it's probably worth more than it should be okay it's gonna be hard to reclaim the kill box here isn't it especially given that there's elephants and cannibals eat zombie meat no they definitely came not that much I know for certain you think with all the rain well some of this is roofed zombie made is really terrible for you in fact that's pretty much what happened to me the first episode it was really really bad prosthetic I'm coming down and Kim feel come down blue very berry and Army ghost sending those things okay let's do clothing crafting so we're gonna want pants that are I don't care what the materials are really I don't but pants that are 90 plus normal plus shirt same deal and cowboy hat same deal and that way we don't have tattered clothing at the very least and this should be with Krunk for some reason or no that they didn't really get fooled there definitely uh am I gonna put this on youtube yes eventually yes they definitely came right back oh you know what it is it's the UM it's the non blocked wall hmm I'm gonna see you something I don't know how much of the game mechanics that you would find or you being the general you all of you would find exploitative so let me know if you think that what I'm currently doing is not a dreadful exploit of game mechanics but to get them out of my kill box I think this will work whoa whoa buddy don't hit that wood and plasteel being dropped midi no and power music is this gonna work maybe it won't I'm just gonna have to go out there with guns blazing to get that cleaned up that's okay exploit the hell out of the zombies de Kent says yeah I mean I might have to it's it's challenging they're definitely camping me they don't care that there's a door path maybe maybe it's because of this door yeah maybe that's it let me see if this is the case I'm sort of think of this as like experimentation of like how zombies think this is jambe zombie AI 101 I'm just smarter than them yeah no Alice don't do that that would be the dumbest place to construct that wall piece that I can guarantee all right will this work to send them elsewhere no it doesn't seem to be working so let's check their needs everybody is pissed they're sleeping in the heat um I think I can do something about that all right so that will air-conditioned our barracks we are getting some yield out of our massive farms we are cranking out the zombie meat it's quite a lot of it buckets of it in fact once I can solve some of the basic mood issues that our people have I'll be able to send more raid parties and alike out to go have some fun Oh happy pants in today's all right I'm gonna have to keep an eye on that I don't want them going north what just got sent syn thread from tragic hysteria kibble from dark and light voids sending darken lights and in kibble and would I like it I think mortars yeah would be particularly powerful here I'm not 100% sure how powerful but they sound fun all right so we're gonna get some AC going on and then we're gonna gonna have to sleep in the in the heat I'll set up another light so that the plants grow actually maybe plants growing really really really slow is a good idea that I don't know let's go hide this zone - all right guys could you move the tables already I'm trying to make room for a billiards so they can have at least a little bit more fun so material that I could do this billiards out of steel maybe now I need my steel I'll do should you stand sandstone just like everything else and then furnitures here again leaning on the sandstone I'm gonna need more sandstone but we'll have tables for beer and tea and because I'm hurting on sandstone let me go carve more the side of the mountain out freeing some sandstone up so I can use it and it looks like I can also get rid of this and that yeah I'm actually surprised this north entrance isn't swarming pitenin just sending me beer and what about the items okay so the atoms that are in Marsh aren't being destroyed your big old uranium being sent from Raven all right the [Music] let's super freeze it for a second my um that's not really working is it what I need to do is I need to have auto doors it's it's really hot cuz these doors are open granite doors opening real slow so I don't usually like to use granite doors but you know I might not have a choice until I get Auto door research currently what am i researching multi analyser I guess I could just pause for a second to get out of doors that wouldn't hurt alright he's happy pants wandering somewhere dangerous no he's okay for now I think it's about time for another run at zombies any minute now as you can see the zombies are definitely spreading their numbers around but I'm I can't spread mine try removing the south entrance home zone um yeah I could try that oh it's not even in the home zone anymore advanced components oh now I have a real big reason to go down there another thing I could do is just protect my cables from being burned in the future but all those turrets were about to run out of power anyway so it's not that big of a deal I think as far as a smelter goes I really should have a smelter either in here or next to here so I'm going to just install it inside and then that way we can melt down the steel clubs and just destroy the wooden clubs and stuff like that got worms traveler or psychic ship part oh boy that is dreadful and worse than dreadful I kind of like it yep you are voting how I would have voted if I was in your shoes all right nugget let's get some nice beds because we have been sleeping on trash for a long time good good and good all right awesome so let's break down pour and break down normal break down pour and we'll get those replaced I could definitely have stone flooring over my kill box yeah or just use the rough sandstone or something the thing is when a zombies on fire it doesn't even really matter what the flooring is because they're gonna catch the cables on fire unless the cables are underneath sandstone or something similar and that was basically the problem that I just faced um all right another thing I wanted to do which should be pretty easy to do furniture I don't know why I have all wooden furniture I think well because I need steel more than would I don't know but let's get a dresser 0 that's exactly what my plan was is if you read my mind because I I know about the mechanics there all right let's get these beds moved and the dressers installed and then come daybreak tomorrow I think we need to go kill off some more more zombies a psychic ship all right it's landing right there nice look nugget you definitely have a bed I didn't destroy any beds so you just need to move some get installed extremely impressive probably pretty easy and obtainable goal for me in terms of barracks quality I will I dunno I still owe a what's it called a wooden statue happy pants is still okay he's just hanging out by the farm more zombies coming in from drunken lizard and foil helmet from Andy all right let's uh how much seat power oh I don't have solar yet either all the door and solar so once I get some solar panels I need to protect them from potential fire spreading and then I can get some hydroponics going Rhino Revenge yeah it's not good these zombies just keep spreading all right so happy pants is no longer psychotic uh yeah I should definitely just Arvest them that's a good point turtle sandwich as I've more or less killed these off let me just remove this zone more zombies from raw line Stein okay uh cheese you are the really really fast one yes yes I have a secret mission for cheese and once he's up Grunk hey buddy he is still alive yeah in fact you're married now so thanks for the Risa and I rescued your wife who is Alice whole I could roof up the kill box yeah it would also prevent the rain from ruining my flamin fun alright come on cheese wake up alright cheese you I know you just woke up and I'm gonna have you take wake up and for what I'm about to make you do I'm also gonna have you drink beer it works kind of against the goals but honestly you're gonna want the beer trust me what else I'm gonna have you do I'm gonna have you eat a bunch of chocolate I think cheese is probably worrying in real life are you gonna need to be saved again I sincerely hope not sincerely sincerely hope not but you are far and above our fastest runner so I'm sending you on somewhat of a terrible terrible mission I will play the game on slow though ok mr. rhino could you yes get juked newby newby rhino alright so someone sent visitors night to vanity sent visitors and yeah they're gonna become part of the Horde alright there's a lot I wish those visitors didn't just do that cuz it makes this a little complicated come on cheese aim buddy aim there we go all right so now there are two Lancers out murder and zombies for me you know what would be good if I had um once I could clear out some of these um bees if I had like panic rooms out here especially if they were built into the mountain that I could mine towards him I think people would probably starve too soon all right thanks Lancers for doing my job for me is that rhino still oh there he is thanks Otto door research for blocking my vision good timing now you understand why cheese had to drink a little beer before doing that maneuver cuz it was about as reckless and dangerous as possible and he's done wooof we're good lucky he got drunk uh so Lancers are angry and not doing so well this has oh yes yes yes this has the commotion at all has opened up the opportunity to repair the kill box rearm the kill box and get it ready for more murder lovey-lovey murder so let's go do that architect orders allow all we need to start moving people out all right Noga mr. nugget all right these oh I see all the cables underneath the bags got destroyed all right they're starting to oh boy already already okay yes already a home zone I need to add these turrets to home zone so I can rearm them fast rearm we are already getting visitors how's my wow these things still up so if you're wondering yeah obviously they don't give they don't spread a zombie to the mechs I I'm sure you all probably assumed that but now we know for sure beer in that one there's so much turret fire that we actually broke a granite wall that's that one's not in home zone that's kind of funny to me all right cheese how about start repairing these things these turrets actually stayed pretty well together for all that nonsense I could close the door but right now they're filtering in somewhat slow and I kind of want that they have enough dirt durability and all that we can just fight so I'm going to start sending people down here to aid the turrets free dog we need your assault rival that that thing punches what I what I what do I do with the zombie me I turn it into chem fuel I'm powering my base with dead zombies cuz cuz I'm a metal like that alright where is your zero tadpole y'all can come down here too how's those Lancers doing oh those Lancers is just having a heyday I'm gonna have to focus fire the ones get it get too close [Music] well I didn't see the or yeah I could definitely have it be a better kill box this is just kill box one point oh let's just fall back and we got over run really really fast this time no fire makes a big difference [Music] I'm having the shotgun or choke up a little bit alright let's take down get them yes let's hold my breath there a little bit sure hey Curie you come at a terrible terrible time I'm not gonna auction her off just yet Wow a pacifist uh yeah if you're a pacifist I don't really care that you're intellectual and like plants and stuff actually no it might be actually might be helpful to have someone that's good at plants so I'll try to I'll try to split my attention and Weaver back home not the sandbags just hindering me only one there standing behind them but mostly zombies don't know to use cover so they're not fully hindering me oh this is just a normal turtle awesome are the Lancers yeah they're still camping that's gonna be annoying but I do have a sniper rifle and then I have to carefully make my way back to the base [Music] oh she's also lazy well she's lazy but whoever gets her can change that laziness is a trait whereas pacifism is not beer coming down from morn and gold from pan sear this one's get a little close really close come on guys was this the like I am Legend zombie raid relationship so it's someone's grand uncle from free dog it's too bad I can't drag them into the ancient danger so the northern door is being totally camped I'm gonna have her stand by this door unfortunately that body landed happy pants could you fix that that body landed right where I'm not gonna be able to close the door [Music] and then happy I'm gonna have you break this down we need a way for her to get in are the enemy Raiders running around the mechs yeah they are they are definitely running around the mix [Music] oh she got hit she also has a prosthetic heart she's pretty dead she's pretty dead okay happy pants I take it back miss prosthetic heart yeah we'll just close it up here from her sheis Invictus just as well she's actually down and turning at this point welcome back happy pants don't go running into that crowd it would be very bad for your health and she did well not surprising let's put her at the end of the list all right crunk you do not have a weapon to you I'm not gonna give you frag grenades that sounds like a terrible idea unless you come down here crunk you just keep working chocolate something to lighten the mood there's another zombie that's getting a little close let's back up we are also gonna have to deal with the Raiders potentially we're all right oh no they're coming in you know actually I don't have to do what the Raiders at all let's just fix this Raiders guess what you're gonna be outsourcing my zombie clearing they can clear out the rest of this stuff visitor is sending assistance from miles thanks miles so if that helps and works alright they might bash one door down who's a good constructor crunk and happy pants I'm gonna have to make sure no one goes through this door I'd like to keep the door intact no wits you don't do that cheese don't do that either I might need to split up home zones or something have a second home zone of like stay north or something like that all right that door is repaired what's shooting no these yeah good luck Raiders look at this man that is me Oh No oh well these things happen and if fleeing all right it's gonna take a while to clean up this mess but let's take a look at numbers I am down to double digits pretty low double-digit numbers of enemies which is the first time in a long time so I'm very excited about that bot is down all right let's reconnect it I think Invictus was saying that he couldn't buy stuff and my guess is the bot went down right around there all right so smelting weapons do forever let's just smelt the safe stuff for now let's smell clubs and then destroy a weapon let's destroy clubs so if it's [Music] nonce multiple clubs and yes mult weapon has to be small table okay there we go most of the zombie meat is gonna be pretty quickly turned into chem fuel ok the bots definitely restarting cuz my frame rates went to poo riddle girl's spawning some more zombies and light voids sending wood for the repairs alright take going a look at my Lancers they're dead so I have a small window of opportunity to clear out the rest of the zombies next morning and then perchance removing the problem of having that psychic ship that's gonna slow you're at me insane all right Alice leveling up I like it but should be should be back up we have a lot of people signed to crafting so I probably don't need to do that but whatever okay nugget I have not been paying sufficient attention to you let's get you some love neuro mech trainer for melee hmm well maybe if someone's fully Bionic and wearing like power armor they could melee but that's a long time from now and then more zombies from Zang and red and witzy sending the neuro Mac and pink link with steel rhino revenge but that's not you guys nugget what if I gave you more wake up more steel from Lanphier and wake up from soy people are fleeing all right as people wake up and their mood stabilized with good food or whatever I will start working towards [Music] I'll start working towards clearing out the rest of these zombies beer from fang-face I need to fix up my kill box yeah you're right man your gifts are just landing in this like dreadful kill box how many zombies on the map now about fifty let's see there's four spiders so fifty seven ish probably and there's probably about to be more that turn because they don't take too long to turn alright it is time check the knee ok needs let's have you go eat have you go eat have you go eat have you eat to eat a joy wire nice and visitors look another distraction he says haha think smile and the joy where I was from dub Wow dub you're buying some big-ticket items I need more chairs Krunk go eat Russell don't do that whit see you don't do that either happy pants come join us Damien come join us Alice just trying to make sure all the needs are met alright nugget what are you just staring at the sky cool come down help a bit of war going on zero you two you might be like 15 but I gave you a gun so use it I didn't realize how Kyung he was alright so I'm gonna stand here melee trainer do we have any male heirs I don't even know if we do brawler uh maybe I'll check later cuz now is really not the time um let's see rearm rearm so I want to get to that ship more zombies from poison stinger uranium from fun I'm trying to get to the ship oh there's a change shotgun here let me just dump one of these normal shotguns for a chain one chains are just gonna be better they just are alright granted or is allowable let's push on out if we have to fall back um tadpole what are you doing you're coming with us to increase skill crunk is better at shooting cool cheese because you super ret risk your life recently I'm having you relax a little bit let me look at my power grid so yeah I'm missing some stuff more zombies from the SPC or something like that okay yeah there's definitely zombies out here zero and then cheese construct this stuff happy pants just had a huge XP breakthrough of shooting Oh free dog is binging on psych 8 that's seriously bad timing look at these zombies and head to toe power armor it's ridiculous [Music] fullbacks phobic keep falling back dude get the one with the Mohawk quick there we go oh there's a lot of them coming uh what I should do is nugget go construct so if I have to go into the tunnels I can also go into the tunnels too that's a possibility solar panels are done um IEDs would be pretty good actually let me revise that let's go back to multi analyser close the door clear up the kill box yeah I will clear up the kill box I'm just trying to get the psychic ship because that's honestly in my opinion a lot more dangerous than losing some gifts the psychic ship if left unchecked will drive everyone insane alright you are gonna get addicted to psychic tea hang on a minute cheese let's fix that [Music] oh boy no we're fighting the back a bit all right caravan but I'm gonna have you just rearm around here so you don't drop any of that stuff off zombie count we are down to almost single digits the roof collapsed that's funny and I wish the jungle didn't have so many damn elephants elephants are particularly hard to kill oh now now why you stupid saikai bingeing um alright what can I do here Krunk alright Brees already getting beaten down yeah Brees a lost cause I need to just keep these stupid walls built all the time because these Bender's want to kill themselves all the time he's very dead yes sorry Bree where is uh crook grabbing the blocks good well we'll try to put you out of your misery as a zombie Damian's going on a tantrum at this point there's few enough zombies on the map that I should probably have some of these really pissy people turn back just for their sake and continue forth with those that are not crazed who what prisoner um hi tragic chemical fascination nimble um [Music] sure we'll try to arrest you looking at these zombie numbers we're like 14 or so okay definitely definitely not gonna be able to get her into a prison cell because she's so beyond dead it's ridiculous oh god crunk he was in the process of building the north wall and they came busting through and now I have only my most moody people in the base and Krunk is getting eaten like crazy and now Krunk can no longer craft anything well there goes our crafter and there goes Krunk I didn't see these guys at all all right well nugget is waiting here cheese you're hurt but it was the turrets Alice you need to go to sleep or something alright Damian's too busy bashing our walls to do anything who is the best mood over here tadpole Russell Russell know you're stressed happy pants is happy okay I'm happy pants you're gonna try to take the the thing down yourself Damien managed to break a turret you know if you if if anyone has enough points for Reznick serum I'm sort of curious if we can res him and have him not be a zombie I don't know the rules so I don't know if that's possible but I am genuinely interested come on right now just die for me hey look we have our first normal kill of like a monkey or something no nevermind it's a zombie trying to buy you off no no no I'm not you don't have to do anything I say alright no get up there nope up there so free dog and crunk happy pants actually just came home I'm gonna let everyone stay home for a bit we still have another this zombie just walked oh now that's crunk okay never mind forget what I said about krump I had to just put him down all right would coming down from light void I think what I'll do is rough Yoon oh yeah let's not even have these doors just have a walls that we break down all right cheese needs treatment but that's just because he had bullets from the turrets whizzed by his head yeah we're gonna let every one a little bit of R&R here Nuggets being chased by rats and chocolate from heads alright there's still not zero zombies out there did the ship get destroyed no it absolutely did not I'm surprised that um Krunk died after brie but brie turned way slower that's maybe a little bit of a head-scratcher I'm not exactly sure why that why that is alright nugget you're gonna Mele up I just need to get to the ship if possible I also have to figure out who else has a [Music] skills that might lend itself to be a crafter are the points on the item list correct now mostly I think just the glitter world medicine is the only one that's not correct because I changed it mid episode what everything else should be just about the way it is alright let's get down here taking a look at the numbers here yeah we have very small numbers of zombies left so it's actually possible to make some progress for once all right you you looking for movement here let's not get capped by our own zombie turrets gold coming down from Pansear awesome let's try to get to the ship that's what I'm trying to do there's a lot of bodies I mean it's I can't even count how many I'm gonna have to start burning them up what I'm probably gonna do is a fireproof or move whatever's in my kill box get it out and then burn up the rest because it's more zombie meat and chem fuel than I'll ever need in multiple lifetimes near Omak trainer again being sent it is I've no idea where it is where'd it go robots in my head which is a perfect name for someone that sends new omec trainers sent plants 0 we'll take it why not and antibiotics do I think I'll be able to tame an animal now that the zombies are dead yeah probably a food binge great medicines coming down ships gone up that was redock sorry Bri I filled you alright I have a very rare opportunity to actually unrestrictive round briefly albeit Xan gave me some medicine just wanted to point that out so let's try to get this cleaned up it's a lot of work I wouldn't say that was nicely done I got way too many people killed I mean I appreciate the compliment but the fact that I had two people died and one avoid ibly is sad ooh let's grab the weapon though right three dogs a sorrowful we don't have too many of them so let's figure out smithing Damian's the next best Smith that has a pair not the next next Beth but the one that has a passion in it so Damian you're gonna have to be our tailor and the like so pants made by Damian oh boy he's really at level 5 okay well zombies coming in does not want me hunting and these zombies are already on top of already on top of the rhinos so we're gonna have some angry rhinos maybe the Rhinos will actually clear up a lot of the zombies oh no no no no the rhinos got pissed at me and are coming to stop me to death another neuro mech trainer from Alice which is another melee alright let's go ahead and because they don't have too many turrets I'm just gonna install them like right at the door here and that way I can keep track of them and I have a whole lot of rhinos chasing me I could use these IB leather to train them in crafting yeah that's actually kind of my plan and Army Ghost and rule sending more zombies all right I'm gonna need a dead power for these cheese could you make that thank you I think these are non-zombie okay let's get back though non-zombie rhinos which could feed us another neuro mech trainer all these nomic trainer seemed to be terrible so far nugget no I need the dead power turrets gonna die alright did these guys have zombies nope they're untouched by zombies alright let's turn him back on that's one right now and here's two and three two and three perfect whoo some food [Music] and very very very sad turrets so the Elm sent a neuro mech which is shooting oh that's nice alright so who sucks at shooting very very skilled very skilled very skilled zero needs some help tadpole nugget Damian Alice Alice is gonna take it because she is an atrocious shot at this point I probably need to RiRi strict them to stay home because you all spawns more zombies on me they're not quite at me yet but they're coming uh stay home I also wanted a solar there we go there's some beautiful solar all right rhinos being butchered so put your creature the first one is animals and the second one is rhinos good so we should be making some fine meals for once um forget that we've got a bunch more zombies coming in coming to knock knock knock on our door River girls sending some more and rural sending some visitors alright now that we got enemies coming in let's not keep running all around Luciferian the coin trading yeah coin training is disabled mostly because everyone always says that it can dramatically ruin these series I'm not necessarily against it but I'm cautious about coin trading because you can pool and sometimes pooling is really bad he'll mek serum from Djibouti where the visitors were they're already running away they got slaughtered pretty hard I want to get to my Rhino stop camping the Rhino where's everyone else yeah let's get zero down here too and tadpole as well happy pants Russell can keep cooking now that we have some meat [Music] okay there's that and I think that clears up this area down here now I'm not definitely not a zombie free but um zombie free of this immediate area alright there is a turret in there let's go ahead and what is this outside the no this is stay home nowhere to store the dead zombies uh I want to try to get that door closed but no dad that's not gonna help will he build it in time yes haha losers hahaha that was great down to the wire I was ready to run but all right heel mechs serum from Shibuya I got a haul somewhere safe antibiotics non-affected down animal please rescue it I'll try I don't know how useful oh let's not stack them there I don't know how useful pets are gonna be though all right we're definitely gonna want to repair these walls maybe not useful but cute well the ones that um produce milk I can definitely consider it more than the others all right I'm gonna start hauling out the stuff that is in here and then we'll be able to burn up everything a great big cleansing fire of my failures so here's what I'm gonna do I'm gonna put hall to a ridiculously high priority to death sending some visitors and thumb packs of Yorkie Terriers that'd be funny a little dreadful but funny alright so this is ready to burn where's my Molly's here they're happy pants the reservists catatonic all right sure I'll rescue you I guess more components coming down care package there is no way to as far as I know limit coin sharing it's either like an all or nothing and that's my worry basically is that the pooling of coin sharing could make for who's getting hurt by oh yeah right cuz I'm an idiot this is roof'd isn't it yeah I'm a big idiot alright let's fix that zero go stand over here and deconstruct Russell just wait it's getting a little hot I'm gonna have to have a different incinerator room that's not gonna work there we go well now it's not gonna super burn us yeah the problem is it's constantly raining so I need it to both be roofed and not roofed well we have a billiards table it's cool the visitors are leaving Wow just leaving that's rare usually they die now there is a way to do max wagers and maybe I'll look at setting up max wagers so that there can't be massive coin raids that are like you know game ending but I can't set that up right now while I'm streaming that's just not something I can do on the fly all right suppose we get these solar we'll get the we'll get yeah I could on roof it it's just raining it's always raining cuz we're in a jungle so once we get solar off start to get hydroponics and then we can start to make some different foods additionally I think I have what auto doors now so let me go invest in my auto doors uranium outer door right why not that sounds good in fact a lot of these should be uranium outer doors I could vent it into the AC room sure yeah there's no reason I couldn't do that I'll just break those down what are you what's what are we eating raw hope berries so why don't we have fine meals five meals cook forever because our cook just hasn't done them yet happy pants wants to cook but he sucks at it all right I think what I'll do at this point is um let me zoom in and try to just forbid some of these corpses so they don't bother moving it let's do a forbid tool I'm gonna hope that there's no gifts in there cuz I can't really tell I probably shouldn't have burned built that oh well awful good forget the rest steel won't burn so I can set all that on fire and the steel will be fine alright then I'm gonna have to run my cables around the other way but yeah now we will be able to do this just fine Consulting spree yay that's a good one all right let's see here please stop raining whoa almost collapse dummy okay that's not good hunter lacks weapon whoo oh happy LexA weapon now he is the molotovs Elise she's not like on an angry I'm gonna burn everyone's free could be worse there we go now we're starting to get fine meals which is nice let's set up the uranium outer doors and then let's also do some auto doors here as well yeah it is unusually calm I'll MIT that just trying to set everything right there's still 20-something zombies out there though that's not none Solar is going up that's exciting alright that means that we'll be able to do some hydroponics and I'm excited about that I'm trying to remember the exact like most efficient pattern here and I'm definitely not remembering it I don't know as long as I can get all of them fit in I guess it'll be fine oh there's a marsh there okay let's forbid that and I didn't see that marsh we're gonna have to bridge that up so transport pod crash are you anywhere safe well you're a pirate incapable of dumb labor yeah you're gonna lay out their sin thread from like void and steal from Lord so let's haul that synth right in I think we're just about ready to do super burn so here we go it will burn up some of the cables but they're replaceable I don't know if the rain doesn't look like the rains gonna allow for it so this sucks building roofs quick but remove your roof takes a while yeah I could also hit the burn pile so alice is a catatonic state because of the crunk husband situation that totally makes sense my craft room looks quite empty yeah a lot of these bodies at this point are rotten I don't think you can actually butcher rotten zombies so a few of them are non rotten but the vast majority of and rotten meaning that they're not gonna yield anything useful anyway I think that's how it works which is why you don't see anyone butchering at the moment fix priorities uh no I'm still good with hauling for now I mean to do have some weird priorities I think I'm getting to the point where I'm ready to add some additional people alright so that's all the alright let's go ahead and yeah I still have some sandstone one two I'll allow me to roof up the rest I'm almost sorta tempted to set it on fire and then open up this door and just like let the enemy zombies run through so I'm gonna set my turrets up for that components coming down for mr. local that is way more roof than I wanted I know there's a steel pile under the zombies again steel can't burn so I don't really care narrow mech trainer please crafting says Elm so meds and uranium coming down some meds from emailed the God and uranium from drunken lizard and then the neuro trainer is plants I don't I think I don't know which ones which we have a melee one I'm sort of tempted to get like a really good brawler but I think it's probably a terrible idea nugget wants to be our male heir so I'm just gonna i'll keep training him and maybe once again like power armor and he's fully Bionic I'll have him go out there and try to avoid face hits more uranium awesome just turn the rest these off and Darren home zone now so these turrets are fully repaired and ready to go happy pants ready to burn some things let's hope the fire can't jump to the AC Khem fuel ok I was going to burn things but I guess I should move that first mr. happy pants now the trouble is can I drop this door open yeah I can't whoa more zombies all right you all want me to be in a big fight so cats vision and just the storyteller sent me some zombies components from Jamie why am I being warned of a fire no quit it who's assigned at construction yeah I definitely don't have a critical mass of turrets like I did before and it shows it's hard to keep the numbers down this critical or fire is kind of annoying I never closed the door I know increase skill Russell for crafting Oh maybe is Russell here who sent that from Cathy Oh Thank You Cathy check zones on the kill box area sure kill box area is just right there in fact that's I can just get rid of that I just have the state home zone all right let's try to lay this out no I'm definitely doing it wrong I guess it really doesn't matter as long as I fit enough with these in right 23 out of 24 almost no I'm doing it wrong well alright I will get the pattern in a second but let me just keep watch over here make sure that no one's doing anything dumb these zombies are just lining up they're not even doing anything to the turrets obviously very very exploitable but I'll try not to exploit that to bed alright let's just uh I don't know let's lay them out like this so production oh is this is this the wrong oh that's why it's the wrong size I've been fighting against it cuz it's literally the wrong size alright I understand now that's why it wasn't fitting in sure off for safety to Glen Glen you're gonna go to the North Point hopefully you don't get eaten on the way there like everyone else yeah wasn't that I didn't know okay so we have a bunch of components here I don't think it will be burnt and then the answer to the question is 42 nice I like that that little reference Glen already getting eaten let's see what Glen was too smart chemical interest nudist well nudism it's pretty weird trait when the world is full of people that want to eat you and here's the Ray that we sent in most mail a so that's not gonna fare too well are the fires gonna wipe my turrets now the uranium turrets entirely fireproof so all this fire is gonna do is clean it out look look how clean that territory is right there I don't want to be warned about these fires anymore I definitely should move this closer to now that I'm using this area that's a very fair point let's put it right there beer coming in from pit ninja what is our zombie numbers right about 25 or so pirates are fling oh there goes Paris Hilton and a friend Sally and Jenny they did not make very good zombie Slayers in fact oh you got shot from a friendly nice and then your friends are all zombies well they are in real life too [Music] so happy pants let's get you in as HM alright so now that there's a hole here the packages are gonna go there beer from or uranium from fom the Fonz was that too savage maybe maybe alright this looks to be getting all cleaned up a part of me says just like shoot the rest so let's go do that let's not stack too close to the door though nugget what the big assault rifle should probably not be the one to to have to be running oh right I kind of have to open this door too let's back up time to ruin our beautiful zombie leathered rec room that's so ruined alright that no that's not all no there's still more come on chocolate coming down from red man it's so much meowing I almost want to mod the mod myself to put in some proper zombie noises because the constant meowing is a little weird I feel like I'm killing kittens all right are we okay now I don't know but let's inch forward and find out I think we're good everyone's gonna go to sleep and more zombies being spawned doors closed chocolate and synth red from light void and heads and zombies from the SPC so you can see the rest of the map not so happy about the amount of zombies that I have it's sad having empty beds it really is is Alice being taken care of she sort of is all right so the turrets are being rearmed and I'm at a dramatic lack of steel I'm looking at you buggies I'm gonna have to fight the buggies for the steel until I have deep drilling I think I have basically zero steel there's a lot of steel around here I just that will be challenging to claim but I should work on that on the other hand I really don't have that much time left in this episode all right so building materials sandstone let's see what I can do here it would look if I was to claim this area would look something like this is gonna be a real dangerous wall and call this the wallet terror it had to look something like that yep and that doesn't even account for the north here and that gives me three nodes of steel more zombies coming in and let's see that was from wit C power music giving me steel rod amount zombie noises yeah I don't I mean I don't think I'm gonna oh okay forbid that I don't know if they were going out or not but I don't trust him not to let's go and remove the floors here and is it always raining I must really like set the the world generation to like just perma rain there's no other explanation man they're sort of like religious solicitors they just want to convert me to the religion unfortunately religion is flesh-eating so I'm not that interested look at that make food since when do I have all this oh it's because I made a huge swathes of rice and the like so steal from pimp and OH gamer from Sammy meow giving me more steel as well looks like Russell is so busy butchery of creating fine meals that he doesn't have time for the other stuff let's go make I don't have the materials nevermind I take it back so what are we waiting on a bunch of steel I'll trying to make some fewer turrets I feel like all my series is just always raining it's like the one steady constant alright so happy pants what I'm gonna do is make the bills here I think they're already set for Russell and I'm gonna set them for Russell happy pants is gonna butcher oh you know what you can also make the T huge thing is steel coming from cookie bunny and a brochure from little girl I'm gonna get rid of my spike traps I think we've evolved a little bit past that and then I might want to consider wow thank you for that that was a lot crazy jack and dairy thug apparently the orbital station heard my calls for steel and we're getting set up with steel so let's have barnak arm coming for from cheese welp cheese probably wants that I'm suspecting operate what is that left your left left shoulder best meds possible we also oh wow thank you Damien Damien gifting a whole bunch of subs I think there's more gifts here than on Christmas in yeah Yuto wants to join us great memory fast Walker actually I'm gonna go to lengths to try to keep this dude alive cuz I should cuz he's actually pretty good so let's see and Wintersun with the steel damien all that all that noise you hear that is just all those gifts they're pink link with more steel jamuna more steel and Rahl going for the beer and my kill box has never looked cleaner so that is I'll embed these steel cabling behind the walls here so that they're not gonna get annihilated and then that's the raid that is chasing a Yuto did you see naked he is naked alright well let's not let his private parts eaten so here's the raid some friendly names in that group no relatives oh right yeah no relatives all right is it a clear path it is mostly clear path all the way to the base and I'm oh yeah I could eaten get eaten I jerked pretty good [Music] all right Alice is no longer catatonic watch out for the guy yeah i'm i watched there is no path people in the way we're good he's coming we do need to seal up that that door though so what i need to do is um hmm stay close so stay close is gonna include these zones here Oh even more subs thanks fella bellows bellows Oh rabbit if a rabbit and Velociraptor got somehow combined that would be you I guess all right so this is the sort of stay closed it's not stay safe it is just like be closer to the base it will include the base though and this will allow us to build that external wall which is a super dangerous product project so at the very end of this episode let's go ahead with a 1 to 30 I will whisper it to zero-day and you guess once in the sub chat for all the subs here and at the very end of this episode we'll actually sign this guy so here's my number zero in the moderator twitch or disk or chat and [Music] yeah we'll we'll try to set that straight I can hear all the Raiders yeah they're getting destroyed they're also pulling enemies away from my walls which is really generous of them so here's the door so let's cue that up steel coming from detect zombie kittens are parently coming my way and check pleb the other side of the pond yes in fact I think a lot of the people here are from the other side of the pond and then poison singer giving me some plasteel the strong steel alright she's you have a bionic arm so uh if cheese wants his nose back I could give his nose back the job dentures I don't think makes you um yeah let's I got you I got your nose hacked off I'm gonna put your nose back it is a expensive use of the heel mech serum but I feel personally responsible for doing that to you so and maybe you could find yourself in a relationship oh it looks like even when they're super rotten that they they get butchered so I was wrong about that so zero day I think enough people guessed and to me it looks like someone is close enough right which is actually some sort of justice yeah I think he agrees me alright so the number was five and I got free dog a little bit killed here so free dog you are now again in the group just as a oh you're doing surgeries I haven't even um done the work priorities for you so I hope you were a doctor you were a doctor that's good and that's about all the time I have this has been a crazy episode a little humbling because you guys were just awesome and gifting all sorts of subs to one another that's pretty generous if you have things to chat about I'm gonna stick around after the stream ends and then of course I'm sure you've seen the night BOTS advertised for and I'll advertise it in a second I'm hoping to have two weekday streams and I want feedback from you of when and what I should stream so I'll post the link in just a second thank you all so very much for all of your support I'll catch you all later and adios
Channel: Rhadamant
Views: 55,760
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: RimWorld, Let's Play, Twitch
Id: Wd16syOUnLY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 184min 43sec (11083 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 10 2019
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