Rimworld, but every 100xp I unlock a tile (LIVE)

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live I think if you are hearing this then I'm just going to do a quick sound check let me try one more time and can I hear the sound of my own voice all right I think that's it okay sweet we are live uh hi everybody hey folks again it's uh it's your boy AA today we're revisiting Rim World everyone's favorite Colony management game uh to embark on the CH on the tilean challenge once again I'm going to keep the game paused for a few minutes while I explain the Cheng since this is actually rather difficult uh it is one of the more challenging runs out there in Rim World um but yeah a challenge that I've kind of fallen in love with uh like I said yeah we're probably going to die um but yeah adapted from The tilean Challenge from settled old school RuneScape also hello to everybody in chat uh haven't been on YouTube in a while I've just been preparing a lot of content in the background uh mostly just working with editors and kind of getting used to that so it kind of means we have haven't released anything in a while but I don't know I just kind of wanted to come back to YouTube I've been hanging out a lot on Twitch uh if you do want to see the vods I've been uploading those those are on the VOD Channel um yeah actually a couple people in chat had mentioned that yeah like we have been making stuff just you know not like all the kind of try hard edit stuff that I make um but yeah that stuff is coming together in the background and it's been a lot of fun anyway um wanted to do something like really fun today but uh yeah this was adapted to another YouTuber's challenge called The 100 man uh which I don't know where that name comes from but yeah one hunchman uh who did this run in rimor and I've linked it below so you should really go check out his challenge also uh artso thank you very much for the 10 pln appreciate you thank you very much hope you've been enjoying the videos um is this not live no I've actually pre-recorded all of this and I I am just guessing at what you might be asking in chat right now I did a really good job um but yeah okay so here is the premise so so basically just to intro much of what's going on here uh we have the colony XP tab which was made uh for one hunch man's playthrough and basically just shows us how much experience we've got we start with zero XP uh I have created my own custom colonist let's just let him land this is tilean first name tile last name man tilean he's slightly op uh although he has no skills so that is kind of challenging to begin with with he is iron wield and industrious as is kind of necessary for this run although what else what else were his drawbacks he really doesn't have that many drawbacks really the cooking lack of skill may get us killed or more likely just throwing up everywhere other than that other than that I would just say yeah Colony XP tab uh solo colonist starting with nothing yeah pretty much we are just sewing and then Dowing plants so how do you get skill because our limited area right now I mean we need one tile to start in so we're beginning in this this is literally all the area we can walk around in we have one tile and zero XP how will we unlock the first tile happy birthday thank you very much it's not my birthday it's not my birthday for another like two and a half months but uh I do appreciate the birthday wishes in advance thank you um uh let me see yes I will list my Warhammer 40K mods below so that everyone can uh play along at home when they're playing total Warhammer um total Warhammer or actually I guess Warhammer dawn of War would be more accurate let's go ahead and have him sew some rice plants in the ground he is beginning to cut the crass when uh or the grass when I play tested this he actually refused to do this because he was um he was right next to a tree and he couldn't get out of the area so I had to make sure that the spawn had no trees thank you very much for the happy birthday wishes appreciated uh eventually I will get older it is not today though uh there though there is like a large contingent of people who now enjoy wishing me happy birthday to confuse other people so I feel like a phony um and I guess I guess I just am so we've unlocked two tiles so another 100 XP we're just going to have him go ahead and destroy uh the thing that he just planted though unfortunately he doesn't get any experience for this but now look we can unlock two more tiles isn't this very very exciting oh my gosh so we want to make our way to food as soon as possible but we also want to make sure that we don't botch the Harvest so let's go ahead and like we will take the rice plant ah thank you for all the congratulatory messages I appre God you guys are so just genuinely like it's a pleasure it isn't my birthday though and people coming in are going to be so confused it is not my birthday thank you for the happy unbirthday wishes you could wish tilean a happy birthday he's 34 he's been around for 230 uh chronological years I guess that's if we're counting like times that he's been around the Sun but biologically look he's about to he's closer to his birthday than me you can I will redirect your uh happy birthday messages to tile man thank you so much the trees would be easy experience that's true um yeah I mean we'll get to those I don't want to botch too actually the trees we can't really botch the Harvest at all so that is valid um let's go ahead and see though now we're at 500 XP so we already have many many more tiles to unlock monsters monster kill thank you very much for the 20 MX $20 MX happy not birthday oh my gosh thank you so much I really appreciate that please please don't put yourself at any Financial need it's not my birthday it's not my birthday oh my God the internet is such a confusing place this is perhaps more disorienting than the time that I streamed from a top that crane for that for that Swedish gaming company that was probably the most scared I've ever been in my entire life I've never been up that high let alone on a crane um but yeah I am un fortunately in my house today um which is really a disappointment um let's see Okay so we've got two tiles unlocked so we can unlock another six a quick way to see how many tiles we've unlocked is to just clear because that shows us pre- counted over three cuz it is going to get kind of out of hand um but yeah this is going to be for an upcoming video so I just wanted to put together a practice run and show you that I'm actually good at the game I don't just I mean I'm really not but two three four five and six let's start making our way over to this berry bush because tile man's needs are growing also thermite Channel thank you very much for the channel membership appreciate you hope you've been enjoying the videos um let's go ahead and move our way upward to the north here we are in the words of Michael Scott um in the words of Abraham Lincoln I will attack you with the North can you grow on adjacent tiles from your position no uh that's actually not allowed in the game and it would be too confusing to implement it how does XP work can you use it for anything other than tiles uh I think no just tiles I'm like otherwise the game is basically like allowed we can do whatever we need to in the game however just the tiles are the limitation the one dangerous event that will bef fall us soon though is the attack of a squirrel so that's what I'm kind of repairing for um or perhaps like an enraged guinea pig uh this would be rather unfortunate for our fellowship so I'm going to go ahead and just like try to get into some sort of cover maybe we'll try to live in this tomb in over the next few days looks like we need to patch up the walls a little bit but that seems like an acceptable place to live otherwise um yeah just enclosing ourselves and then preparing for some type of r is probably going to be like the most uh dangerous dangerous part of our task right here of our embarkment embarkment yes all right 1,400 XP so that means we we should have 15 tiles unlocked so if we go ahead I don't know why nine so I can unlock another six we can almost make our way to the berry bush which is good because our food needs are dropping I I did start with my neede bars fully filled just because I feel like you can't really do very much with this with this challenge if you don't start like that so I just threw myself a bone that way otherwise we're playing on BR um what is it blood and dust is our difficulty we've got another one two three four five six did I unlock one extra tile for myself I have to go back and I demand a recount demand a Rec account right now I don't know what it is YouTube streaming I've been streaming a lot on Twitch but the there's something about the immutability of YouTube streaming where if you say something like horrible it just stays up there forever on Twitch I can just be like oh I will just conveniently edit that out later um so unfortunately I can't say things that are as horrible as I usually do um because it is kind of like the wild west over there there is a difference maybe I'll just what's something controversial to say pie over cake pie over cake also welcome into the stream everybody oh and I just missed um H got a second caged Souls thank you very much for the channel membership appreciate you hope you've been enjoying the videos I don't know why my thing doesn't let me like click out of that oh well I'll just leave it there as it is sorry I keep like tabbing over from the game I'm going to do it one more time right now let me just go ahead and change the game op with that uh yeah run in backr so we don't get any like anything too fishy happening but yeah there we go sweet ah all right so we've basically been line man we haven't been playing Rim World in a straight line but maybe that that'll be like the next stupid challenge that I embark upon because I'm really just running out of ideas here I've I've been running out of ideas for years but I've just sort of been procrastinating with the same four or five things over and over again um and somehow it is actually working quite splendidly I think we have these tiles unlocked this is 23 tiles so that really means 2200 experience because we start off with one so yeah we've got that so that's a legal placement ah beautiful beautiful hope to me me and hazor do something together one day oh we've been doing some stuff together it's fantastic working with actually we've been doing uh there not really Rim world now that you mention it though haor is hazor is a kindred spirit and a lovely person um but yeah we should go play some multiplayer Rim world if he would asent to that although I I don't know we we just generally tend to bicker when we play together although I kind of enjoy that about our relationship oh wait a second what are you attempting to do here okay he is attempting a berry bu bus a berry bus he's attempting a berry bus no unfortunately that isn't a real thing um okay cool we've got the Grow Zone here whoops s Daisy we've got to shrink this Zone he was trying to cut down the berry bush that is like forbidden not allowed unacceptable we will expand the Zone though to start covering our way toward this other Bush good thing I have prevented him from doing that otherwise he would have destroyed his source of of precious food precious berries also thank you very much for the $5 espresso have I thought about playing Dwarf fortress on the main Channel yes I have um maybe if it had been like last December I would have done it uh when the game was kind of like coming out with a big big release but I couldn't like figure out the game and figure out a way to film it in like quick enough timing in order to want to do it if it gets an update I'll definitely do it at some point Point um also too like just kind of to come full circle this isn't really about I guess like the edit I've just kind of had like a dry spell with videos because I've been trying to get stuff ready for editors so that I can actually well this was kind of more or less my idea that I had in the middle of the year I was spending so much time like editing and just kind of in a chair and like lots of computer time that I had to basically just like export out some of the work to editors and it's actually given me a lot more energy for the gaming cuz I just fell a little bit out of love with gaming I was spending so much time in front of a computer over the last few years so unfortunately I got like some good personal time and yeah like it took me a couple more months than I thought it would just because I had so many uh so many other like obligations and commitments that I kind of had to follow up on there but yeah like all that being said and done yeah like we're in an awesome place right now like I can basically do whatever I want which is awesome hang on a second we're going to go ahead and try to harvest this because we do have Berry level two I have an uncovered Gro and I am developing hunger all right when he goes to sleep perhaps we can like unlock some more tiles we've got 3,400 tiles he did successfully Harvest these berries that's actually a huge deal also Little Dot playing thank you very much for the channel membership appreciate you I will I could await the of the malnutrition but I think I will allow him to have a pleasant life for now he's still in a very good mood we're we're not going to be in any major danger for a while I would say that like we won't enter the danger zone so to speak the danger zone um but yeah we'll go ahead and put down a sleeping spot probably like right about here because we want to make our way a little bit closer to this um entry point into the cave into uh well really someone's just someone's tomb got 3,400 experience so how many tiles have we unlocked now this is the one thing about this challenge is you have to kind of keep coming back and Counting so we can unlock another 12 so let's kind of make our way over here and over here cuz we need more food but we also got to sleep [Music] um oh also you've discovered Ness yes Ness is a fantastic game we should go back and play some Ness I may even do a little bit of Ness later you may even see a Ness video on the channel how amazing would that be 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 that's actually the perfect number of tiles wow look at that we will leave some of this rice planted here now like I need I need fertile soil in order to be able to harvest this but it just doesn't look like we're going to get to any fertile soil anytime soon do you like it when I say fertile soil or would you prefer that I say fertile soil it's fertile f e r d u l fertile soil thank you Jess appreciate the congratulatory messages on the berry yeah there's like too much stuff to play anyway I've had like a nice healthy balance of uh like VOD Channel kind of game enjoyment I've even figured out a way to basically just take vods cuz I like hanging out with you guys it's fun to have you people have wacky ideas and you say bizarre things I would never expect it it's honestly one of the fun like probably one of the most fun parts of being a YouTuber that you can just summon a community around you at any given moment and they say horrible things and like hilarious things and nice things and things that you would never expect um and yeah like uh what was I going to say after I called you all horrible people um yeah like uh um yeah yeah anyway I figured out how to make those into videos and they're like I don't know it's just been fun that I can just basically narrate back over vods three four okay so that is our total of 38 tiles I think I may start to do some deconstruction here cuz we're going to need the levels pretty fast I could go ahead and take away these floors I know that these floors are generally a good thing but but but eventually they will not be a good thing cleaning the rock rubel we don't want to waste your time with cleaning know uh one tile man let's go ahead and you'll be okay for tomorrow but let's go ahead and get maybe like a door on this area yeah we'll also get in perhaps some walls over here yeah let's have some perhaps walls uh what ideology are we running we're not really running any IDE ideology because I hate ideology I don't like it all these years later I think it was a good idea I just it never really works for me unfortunately I wish that I liked it I wish that I had something nice to say because tinan is such a nice boy and you know he has such amazing ideas but I don't really like ideology sadly which I wish I did and there really must be something wrong with me because I love tinan I love him so much in wait a second I think I just locked more tiles as I was expounding upon my love for tinan um I do love well I love his ideas that is to say um 4348 experience thank you for the berry good birth the berry good birthday wishes I will now claim this land as my own here we go so now we we're going to go ahead and claim this entire Shack because like fixing is actually a very very good way to grind experience in construction I will claim the tomb as my own like maybe that's going to seem kind of morbid and misleading um ideology just doesn't get make yeah if you have like a big group of colonists it could make it very fun it can even be somewhat op although um I don't know I just like running one solo colonist who's like a guy on his own kind of an AIC I feel like that's kind of Matt Damon the Martian you know what I mean we are requiring warm clothes already it was 40° Fahrenheit out here I've put Celsius for those of you who aren't using Freedom Units um this is actually rather unfortunate because there is basically no way of me getting cold uh warmer and I am experiencing Refrigeration right now uh hopefully I will not experience massive hypothermia I am in permanent summer this would be a horrible way for the challenge to end oh also there's only one condition that I will cheat with um if I freeze to death right here that might be only because it would kind of like interfere with the play through in like a horrible way if I basically get stricken with like plague or something like that then I will end the story although I think this is not this is not an acceptable opportunity to cheat so I'm going to just like live with it um yep okay let's also just go ahead and see 4,400 XP also thank you very much for the two Australian the down under frog appreciate you challenge me to tame an animal you know T animal taming tan animal aiming is not really my forte um I wish I could assuage but I just don't think it would be the same I think I've accidentally unlocked one extra tile so I have 45 tiles unlocked that means 4,400 XP nope I do I have unlocked it and in fact I can unlock in another I do require food though although though the temperature is rising again I don't think I'm going to freeze to death also Green Joker thank you for the 50 uh Swedish cronis have I ever tried the wood challenge are you only allowed to build with wood craft with wood and use only wood weapons no but I was going to try a dirt map only start actually I like the wood idea I'm going to write that down wood run in Rim world I kind of like that I don't know there's something about you like Rim World Gamers that's just wacky enough yeah yeah I don't know the rimor community is probably like one of the comfiest communities to make videos for people are so like welcoming in this game probably one of the the nicest games to make content on o Construction level one we are going to need a lot of construction levels here uh because we're going to need level three in order to create a um a Whatchamacallit a thing a thing thing thing what am I thinking of uh a spike trap we do need one Spike trap to avoid most probable death I'm thinking also too we should probably we'll remove that floor let's go ahead and just try to build over this wall potentially uh oh we don't want to trap that guinea pig in here with us but good tilean is grinding out that XP the grind set the tile grind set yeah Shady organ harvesting run attempted but all Psychopaths only problem is yeah Brawlers do hate every you do get some fights breaking up because everyone gets so crazy in those super op rimal colonies the one where you like make everyone a cannibal okay let's see if we have enough tiles now to unlock I have 45 so that means really 400 4,400 xpu so I can unlock another eight right now I'm at 5200 so if I go one 2 3 4 5 six 7 oh B I just like barely miss it but by the time he gets over there he most probably will yeah he's unlocked it now yeah good he unlocked it cool so I've unlocked one more berry bush I really can't fail this Harvest otherwise I will most probably die because I am starving right now I may survive a little bit longer my Mal nutrition is only trivial right now and my hypothermia is disappearing what a great day on the rim what a great day on the Run also remote toaster 74 thank you very much for the $2 appreciate you you've been enjoying the videos and mechanic with the 50 Canadian thank you very much wife and I enjoy your rimor and zomboid content there is actually another zomboid video in the works thank you I hope it's been helping you enjoy the game more and whatever way you found it really that's all that's all you can hope for you [Music] know my berry skill grows along with my will to fight and live and and go on another day me thinks uh we skip on this tile for right now let's just cancel this order the order is cancelled we will build a copy in here once the mountain lion departs from my place of of uh of living okay so now we have an enclosed space around us look at us go that's amazing I'm thinking we want to just continue earning construction XP and then like you know new our way out the door and up toward these uh like these berry bushes I think that would probably be an acceptable path don't you think also rimal is very fun to stream I forgot how how much I enjoyed like the like the tension and the fear oh gosh wait a second we've got a mountain lion hunting down uh guinea pigs for us is it going to eat the entire guinea pig though or will there be an opportunity to Feast on the rest of its flesh unfortunately there was no other flesh feasting opportunity also espresso thank you very much for the channel membership will I be making a poop chamber if we were to do City's skylines well the original City skylines yes 4:00 a.m. here down under frog thank you very much for the two Australian yeah get some sleep you're in Australia that's it's too late there will I try amazing cultivation simulator generally speaking I guess like the blanket answer to these questions is um like yes most games there is a plan to do them in time like if not here then on stream in some way but yeah I don't know I like to have my staple games that I come back to like Rim world and then you know maybe make our way up no real plans in the near term but yeah that's one I've had on my mind for a while lately I've been into the one game I've been looking into is Ness which if you like rimor and if you like Terraria or something like that you you should really check out an assess too it's a fantastic game um okay we have 6,400 experience this is actually a great opportunity a great opportunity but remember the channel is about me not not uh I mean it it's sort of about me anyway 5300 the CH the channel is about me okay so we have 50 what was it 53 or 54 h 54 okay so that means we've unlocked 53 53 and we go up to 65 so that means that we get 12 more tiles this is actually a rather High number of tiles to select from so I think if I go like this 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 this gives us a copious number of options to select from so now we can make our way up toward the trees we don't really need to be getting all of this experience in construction but it's a fantastic way to grind out our construction skill and we're going to need it although he is now malnourished so go ahead and harvest Harvest me boy Harvest tilean me boy I don't know why I'm talking like Mr Krabs malnourished Mr Krabs overdose is UN my budy reminded me of that the other day any challenges for casuals to the top off my head looking to get back of yours up after getting burnt out on rimal also you got to get uh got me back into rimal years ago hey n thank you very much for the $5 and another successful very harv oh my God I might survive there just the absolute streamer luck in this stream will I play Prison Architect maybe again sometime I don't know no real plans immediately yeah I don't know I guess just like long and short of it is pretty much like whatever you see on the channel is whatever I'll do if I if I end up doing it on a VOD that's probably the way you'll see it first if you see it on the VOD Channel then there's a good chance you'll see it for a video I think that's probably a better answer yeah ah I require warm clothes let's go ahead and enclose the roof that might be a nice way to get this done man this construction grind has really been the right way to play through this challenge got to admit you got to say it my food needs are improving although I'm cold hungry yeah it's really the cold bit I didn't expect 38 degrees Fahrenheit let's go ahead and light a fire Jack London style to light a fire um uh 7285 experience so we've got um we could clear out 7285 so that means we've got another seven tiles to unlock let's go ahead and try to unlock the rest of the area over here and also tilean no sleeping I'm I'm going to go ahead and do this Mr Samuel streamer style uh work work deep into the night I can unlock another what seven tiles now the only thing that kind of stinks about this challenge is having to count out all of the tiles but I figured out a satisfactory way it took me way longer to do it before okay so that's another seven cool so we can almost get the entire roof up and he's still unlocking more I think that's another two and three yeah we got to get a roof on our head before we collapse you know 1 2 3 I found like I feel like the count like it's Sesame straight or something no enclose thyself tilean the weather is getting colder I I do not I will not allow you to die of hypothermia here hang on a second yeah build the roof build the roof over thyself 7600 okay I think that's enough to unlock the rest of them just this would be such a dumb way to die 1 shoot yeah I think that's I believe that's exactly it let me just go ahead and double check make sure I'm not cheating uh so I have unlocked that's 77 there right now and I have 76 okay whatever he'll have unlocked it by the time I get to that last tile you know what just to make sure I'm not a pumpkin eater right here I'm going to go ahead and cool okay I've unlocked them go ahead and build those roofs we got to get you enclosed man you are suffering from massive hypothermia do not die on me he's at 40% when does he faint from hypothermia definitely did not expect this ending no why God um I also have to enclose these walls I'm going to go ahead and just get like a torch and U here we go campfire and torch in here we don't have enough stored but it's okay we're going to go ahead and bring it back let's put a stockpile Zone over here this is really like the worst house in existence oh God don't die on me man oh he is getting a minor break risk now W just like the cold has really gone to his head oh jeez and he's Recreation deprived no anded he bot the construction no he did it again he's getting hypothermia he boted it a third time dude I could open up the roof but then that would let back out the cold it's actually colder inside right now at this particular how are you failing this so much how are you failing this this is the worst possible thing oh my God how could you be this bad hang on a second I'm going to have to undo the roof how is he this bad at construction I got a second go ahead and remove the roof first let back in the cold get some light there good brightly lit 100% he is going insane now okay I have my first break don't go crazy on me tilean don't go crazy on me fortunately this is only a temper tantrum he will get over it pretty fast although we now have led in the cold it is getting warmer although it's colder in his room how did you fail at campfire construction didn't I just say I was going to show you that I'm decent at the game oh actually this is good because now he can get more experience from repairing his walls just don't die of ravenous hunger do not die of ravenous hunger he's at 50 60% hypothermia if you were to just not be so crazy for like 5 minutes do not let the hypothermia get to you 62% okay now he's down but the weather is getting warmer the weather is getting warmer out why why are you down why are you down is your hypothermia going up or down 49 62% still 62% and it's getting warmer out look at that is he going to get cold inside for please get back up he just just lost the will to live oh my god did he at least get some melee experience from 59 tyan stay with me stay with me tilean I have a visitor why isn't he warming up he should be warming up it's 58° 54 okay it is dropping again God save tilean this is really odd okay thoughts and prayers going with tilean 62% Mal Nutri yeah the malnutrition is coming too 21% that's really kind of odd okay he yes he clearly did collapse due to extreme exhaustion Dora the ex Dora be exploring we could use a man in Black right here honestly it's kind of odd why he didn't okay temperature yeah temperature it is getting colder all right I have failed I have failed I have to reload a save sadly a first failure who would have expected him to fail the fire construction three times though three times in a row you're such a failure I hate you tile man that was like insanely bad luck although I probably should have kept an eye on that okay so if he didn't fail okay so first attempt failure but if he didn't manage to fail that four times in a row let's see if he gets it this time otherwise I will just okay there we go thank God Jesus Christ like unusually bad luck all right so now will you die of hypothermia 51% now just a minor break risk he's okay he's warm again he's not as tired he's not as tired ah much better okay so we will call him tile man two tilean 2 because this is not my first attempt anymore owning up to it also Rowan Woodcock thank you very much for the $5 longtime fan of your philosophical ramblings would love to see you struggle through caves of cuds and caves of cut is a fantastic game ooh saved yeah those were all my attempts to like find a spawn that you just saw in my load files actually the load files tilean tile man tyan tyan yeah pretty horrible looking horrible looking set of save files I don't think I've ever had somebody fail to make a campfire four times in a row though all right well he is gaining experience again all right so this is the second redition think of him as like I don't know Luke Skywalker son of tilean Darth Vader the tile the tile man H we have 78 tiles unlocked which really means 7,700 XP so now we get another 14 XP uh or 14 tiles to unlock so we're going to need to keep like kind of leap frogging our way over to other sources of food so we get another 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 he'll get 15 by the time he gets there so I'm just going to unlock that one oh just lock like unlock like 100 more too no I don't think I'll go quite that far but yeah he's got the experience now oh look another one oh are more people doing tilean yeah I think tilean is a great idea for a challenge some I feel like all the thumbnails on my channel have always just sort of been like a picture of a tile so when settle did it I was like oh that's so cool like why did I like how do we not try that before that's so sweet it's really fun to play tile mat I don't know there's just something about it that's like like you just watch the progression it's really satisfying to see all the area that you've like conquered and overcome anyway actually I did this challenge to Twitch we got like unbelievable luck because there were so many opportunities for me to just die horribly but I just totally didn't like when I definitely should have died um so I guess that's my like come up muin for those other times um did my rice crops survive the cold okay they did although I have now experiencing starvation again I got to keep an eye on that I'm malnourished uh that's no good oh malnourishment again uh I will go ahead and do we have a harvest here yeah we do have a harvest 98% or 100% there let's go ahead and just allow that to happen here go go tile man number two do what your father couldn't don't go insane when you're uh just trying to like build a campfire it's kind of odd that he got a mood break like I hadn't had that happen he also destroyed his entire house he really oh yeah I also forgot to like let him sleep let's go ahead and allow him to sleep just do anything at any time of day that kind of compounded with the whole like you know going crazy thing no no do not allow that wood in the doorway there we go okay so now he has a comfy 83° not really comfy kind of hot but I'll take it over what it I was living with a few minutes ago so now we are enclosed within this what is honestly a tomb um not really not really any particular reason to keep the tomb around but we will go ahead and expand this Zone just so that he can get that out of the way unless if is that actually beautiful for him he's sort of likes the tomb not that much though so yeah we will take that down um [Music] h ah anyway this challenge I feel like what is the goal of this challenge that is a valid question um I feel like yes Luke tile Walker fluke Sky Hawker I mean I guess the goal of tilean is to get like electricity I feel like the goal of civilization since the dawn of time was to have electricity electricity is basically magic like it is it's totally magic there's no way that electricity isn't Magic Man so I I feel like that this run is over when you get to electricity um although like will we get there probably not in this stream because this was not really the optimal spawn point I also just think it's very satisfying here to like just look at the tiles you've unlocked so this is whoops that is not how I want to do this um 93 tiles does that look like 93 tiles probably not like I think that there are what is it 300 by 300 tiles so there's 90,000 tiles on one large Rim world map like a large 300x300 um so if you wanted to try this keep in mind that there are like 90,000 tiles to unlock before it's all over I suppose I do prefer doing it with one colonist although it would be pretty easy to do it with more um so you can do it like basically however you want let just think about our other priorities though so basically we've done a little bit of deconstruction here we have done a little bit of repair um I think I'm going to unlock some more just so that we can repair the entirety of this inside but I think after this we're trying to get our own like food supply kind of automated my food food supply is automated because we're running out of berry bushes and that's bad um we won't be able to get any type of H Hydroponics any time soon getting research up and running would be a pretty op way to just break and like totally end the challenge probably won't be able to get there though just this time either um but if we can build that inside o we have Construction level three already ooh I'm going to go ahead and put out one Spike trap out here um probably beside the door and then we will take down this other door we'll probably try to wall in our Fields over here somehow because you want your Fields defended cuz Raiders will go straight for those things um also the Down Under frog thank you is that like related to Remy this is like some sort of Remy AA crossover like Remy xaa wow like just the thought of the Bromance that could be had with Remy is like insane and like mindblowing like what he could I'm sorry I just got lost in fantasy there for a second um H what was I going to say before that um sorry I just really like Remy a lot uh life is endless but I'm not I'm done with everything I I really really hope you're okay although basically because of all the other messages you sent I think that's just a Mei uh yeah that is a little bit uh scary I I am afraid now but thank you very much for the $10 I do hope you've been enjoying life in the videos um bmy the Wimpy also thank you very much for the hund for the hundred um oh wait a minute is that Norwegian Corona thank you very much that's very very generous building with failure yet planting with G starving for berries but I'm short of a tile snaps snaps honestly thank you very much I hope you've been enjoying the videos also freelancer andg thank you very much for for the member and shimmerlings a lot appreciate you all right let's see how many tiles that is I think I've just sort of come to the point where I I unlock a lot of tiles and then check and make sure that I wasn't overdoing it here 111 so that's 110 and I think I have 120 yeah so I can unlock about 10 more tiles um I would say from this point moving forward moving forward with our relationship with the tile man we could go ahead and just take down some more trees because we're going to require wood for the next steps wood wood time is it worth buying rimal at full full price or waiting for it to go on sale if rimor goes on sale it goes for on sale for about like 10 bucks I would say cuz I think one thing that was inherent in tian's game plan was basically always leaving the game at full price which I do really respect like that's that's good like he doesn't really need to Pander it's just a good game um I say buy the base game and then if you like it later on see if you want any of the DLC there's not really personally I just kind of like biotech um the royalty is actually I would say biotech is my favorite then maybe royalty then maybe ideology yeah H okay the Mad hair has appeared the Mad hair hath appeared uh it is very far away though and basically not a threat so we can allow it to go through the defenses the only thing I just learned recently is basically Nimble people can just like glide through defenses which is insane um I need to keep an eye on this hair there it is cu with the Jaws music a very scary a hair a scary hair kind of a tongue twister honestly uh wait a minute no finish tilean oh wait he's missing the wood that is unfortunate that is unfortunate let's go ahead and deconstruct these trees I mean take them down however just whatever you do to destroy the trees here we go tile man tile man he's doing what a tile can he lives in a he has no friends but he's still tilean oo go tilean um great job tilean we I am somehow alive I don't know how this became such a catchy dude oh my God I love the tile Man song who's your favorite superhero actually it's tilean Mom why didn't you get me a tilean mug in a Tian costume for Halloween royalty is so so but with mods expanding s casting it can get crazy yeah like I enjoy playing royalty it's not very youtubable because it's just sort of like you have a limited number of challenges you can I can just basically stay away from this hair so I don't really want to waste my Spike trap on it I could just a kit for murder um although I am not sadistic I am a rational human being who has thoughts and feelings about stuff also how is tilean doing in terms of mood we've basically not checked on him he's sleeping in the heat sweaty oh he's a sweaty boy um H let's go ahead and oh he is afraid hang on a second wait a minute why have you left open the door oh you've wasted your trap tile man well at least it gives me a meal I'm not really grinding the levels let's go ahead uh whoops well yeah we will cook a simple meal forever uh let's go ahead and make baby food oh whoops no I forgot I'm supposed to be making a production we will make a butchering spot we aren't really going to like um shell out for uh there's so many like idioms from New York that I have just like littered my speech yeah we going to Shell out for that I thought I I guess that's not a New York thing well there's a lot of yish terms my mother used to use just like from the New York Lifestyle the New York lifestyle I never realized like how intense of a Mid-Atlantic accent I have it is pretty serious but some people are like hey where is your accent from and I never really thought there was one until I compared with other people and yep I have a massive accent um let's go ahead and put on more unlocked tiles so I'm pretty sure we've unlocked these now let's go ahead and see we've got 130 well we'll round it up 138 tiles cuz by the time we get up there we'll have it uh let's go ahead 138 so now we've got 124 so we can unlock another 14 everyone oo 14 more tiles hooray um let's go ahead and what is really our next Target here um it would be nice to get a bit more of a kill box going right here yeah like save me from Invaders uh although some medicine might be good to harvest around this time there is some medicine but it's kind of further out or we could take down this giant steel structure over here me thinks we just go for more of the trees I speak for the trees 6 s um ooh that's a nice spread of trees 89 10 11 12 13 14 okay so there we go we have a lot of 14 I don't know why I'm counting so enthusiastically no this I'm feeling so like Sesame Street right here one two three I always seem to turn into the count whenever I play this goddamn challenge oh God uh we have had the rabbit although I will probably get sick if I eat this meal unfortunately Mason need thank you very much for the $50 that's very very generous of you I hope you're not putting yourself at any type of need best YouTube gaming channel love the philosophy and ancient wisdom post uh thank you very much I haven't really felt like creating a ancient wisdom in a while so maybe it'll just happen either that or maybe I'll start another Channel where all I try to give you is ancient wisdom I think I need to be colder though this was one of my fears when I left New York behind and I moved to Florida oh an ancient bed I wonder if we could use that oh we can use the ancient bed how comfortable is it immunity gain speed Factor 95% rest Effectiveness 85% maybe an ancient bed is that's actually not really that good let's go ahead and make ourselves a real bed a real bed maybe I should make more philosophy because the people want on it I like making philosophical I'm kind of missing it now feeling a little philosophical lately I'm feeling a little bit actually it kind of is determined by like where I am in my life I have been feeling slightly more philosophical over the last couple of months in a good way in a good way like I might just make a philosophical series just for me you know oh yeah I forgot about that randomly started singing in pz after I killed a thousand zombies and dropped the second floor from the police station I don't remember singing like that when which playthrough was that when I began my in song tilean he's doing whatever a tile can uh let's go ahead and cover the floor with crap I mean wood whoops [Music] um yeah everyone always says that the content really man AA the content has been bad ever since you stopped talking about philosophy AA why won't you make some more philosophical content honestly they're they are right they are correct it hasn't been it hasn't been anywhere near as good uh since I did the philosophical stuff although I stopped doing it for a while because I was people like wanted philosophy and I was like all right I'll give him philosophy and then it just didn't really come out okay I was like right I don't think I have to do that so I stopped doing it for a while and now no one's asking anymore and I'm like yeah I think I want to make that and I think that's just the way it works 163 tiles actually 164 I stand corrected I stand corrected look at me go 164 so I've got 138 ooh we're getting ready for a nice spread of tiles everyone a nice spread of tiles uh why does it sound so gross when I say it 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 uh 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 I think we have about 27 tiles to unlock there so let me just go ahead and double check that I now have unlocked 164 cool so you just take that number 165 and take it down by one um we will go ahead and claim all of this land for me uh and then I'm going to go ahead and probably like fix it and then deconstruct it no tilean don't eat that that's not very safe as much so as the berries look there's some berries with your name on them right there cuz we're running out of food uh yeah we should probably Harvest this no tilean don't eat the meat smoking these meats living like Zuck I would watch Zuck as a tilean do you think Mark Zuckerberg would ever consider like potentially doing a tilean challenge wait a second why are you inside of your tiles how dare you move outside of your tiles why is he oh he must be somehow allowed to do that okay there are a few little funny illegal things that he will do like this so I'm just going to have him deconstruct these because that was illegal how dare you tile man go over there deconstruct you haven't unlocked those tiles yet you need to deconstruct these tiles before you go there how dare you how dare you break the rules like your F Well your father just died your father died I remember tilean one also the Down Under frog thank you very much for the 10 Australian again didn't mean to scare but it's a ref oh a reference I didn't quite catch uh thank you sorry I didn't catch yes the Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been an utter disaster for Humanity man someday I should just someone needs to send me a list of memes because I am getting I am honestly old now I am old well not compar some of you guys are like no you a young boy AA you a boy AA you ain't nothing but a boy uh but yeah I am I am older than many of you now or at least than when I started cuz I started making these videos when I was what 22 yeah I think I was 22 actually 21 Toki bear thank you very much for the $4 20 cents greetings from aler bammer I enjoy your existence and I yours thank you very much we can enjoy our existences together for the next uh few years until the incident will occur I don't know what I'm talking about thank you very much I appreciate you let's go ahead and deconstruct these ancient beds because it's not like we're bringing any amazing new people to our Colony right ooh I like the paved tile I just like the look of it it doesn't really bring down the condition of the room but it does look good I mean it doesn't look good to the in-game characters but it also doesn't really look bad either and it's not dirty so I like it therefore all right it's 62° outside but I'll keep the camp fire on the inside he should suffer damage o that's kind of a cool idea yeah I was thinking like remember the last time that we did the um o no ancient lamp we can't actually uh or could we claim it claim no I still have only the option of deconstructing it yeah it would be kind of interesting if you suffered damage every time you were outside of it like you just started bleeding oh why am I being covered in all these bruises oh unfortunately he doesn't get any resources from those ancient objects I did not know that actually um we could just like transplant this table I will reinstall this table in my house in My Father's House technically it is my father's house I will reconstruct my father's house okay that amount of meat eating is unacceptable again we will go ahead and uh yeah let's take down some more of these berry bushes though we are getting a little bit lighter on food it's making me slightly uneasy here I'm uneasy so we're running out of food but we do have some 71% grown grass and somehow these bizarre cold snaps haven't gotten us killed I think he's slightly better off eating berries right ravenously hungry is now no longer a phenomenon known to us in existence um let's go ahead and what is he doing relaxing socially alone that is acceptable I think we could start to get out like a second structure and we might even want to get in a research table just because when we get a research table that's basically free experience we don't need to keep unlocking tiles to get more experience we just basically or we don't need to keep like going out and doing stuff with the tiles it just makes life a little bit more convenient and easy um so I think if we were to to to to to uh let's actually save it with the table because our Iron Iron willness Will basically car us throughout much of the rest of this challenge here I'm planning on getting rid of this door in time anyway we have not enough stored why does it allow me to build it here but not here um oh that's because it interferes with the campfire that is unfortunate um I could move my bed yeah I'll do that I think I'll reinstall the bed Over Yonder and let's go ahead once he's done that we will install a research table da research table hooray cool we put that over there and then work tilean work good good we do need to stop having this be made of wood uh I can't think of a more eloquent way to put that so just stop making this out of wood is what I'll say let's go ahead and deconstruct these back walls just because generally speaking in this challenge Raiders will set fire to your base and you will die although we probably want to make these things out of limestone Limestone would probably be better also William thank you very much for the happy unbirthday messages uh and the $2 appreciate you glad to see you again it's been a while I started to worrying I was sick or something glad I've just been plugging away at twitch yeah no honestly I'm like part of it is just like me getting ahead on stuff because I don't think I'm really like one of these people who can make a video every single day I prefer like the kind of weekly thing or maybe every 10 days or so um but yeah no like I just I got kind of ahead on some stuff so that I have plenty of content so basically yeah like now I just basically make a video on whatever I I don't know I'm kind of like living a dream my life is a lot of fun I'm like I'm really happy so yeah no um more videos coming up but yeah I just wanted to make sure it was always like the stuff I most wanted to do um but yeah I took some time off time off is always good 3 4 5 5 six okay so that is 30 worth of those so I can't really build that one unfortunately as long as he doesn't botch he he does did botch one of them that is an unfortunate uh this is an unfortunate consequence of the Industrial Revolution 30 meme is beyond you ah down under frog also I very much enjoy your avatar down under frog 100 blocks I should probably get out more Limestone unfortunately this Limestone flagstone will not like yield anything to make up for the consequences of the Industrial Revolution so let's go ahead and just like H we got to unlock more tiles man we got to get more tiles what do we have 21 all right let's go ahead and unlock another swave of tiles so we have now unlocked cuz I hate counting them one by one we have now unlocked oh we can get like 40 tiles actually 45 46 um let's go ahead and do yeah Mental Math with your boy AA uh three uh 10 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 uh 34 35 [Music] 36 uh 37 where yeah sure 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 there we go that's 45 tiles unlocked that brings us up to about 210 tiles nicely done tilean we will allow him to go over here and deconstruct things cool your boy killing it uh although he is slightly like not following the rules I mean he would do it either way so like I'm not going to stop him so much but yeah he seems to go there is a way that he can jump between allowed areas like if I were to just unlock tiles like over here he will walk to them but not allowed for this challenge against the rules unacceptable once again okay he has eaten a little bit of the meat okay we are being raided unfortunately hopefully this is not a Nimble human if you're Nimble this is basically over okay he's a wimp undergrounder and delicate I've never actually seen this word before um this is an awesome colonist to get raid by and she has a club wow look at her go with her club that will soon be ours and she even has a parka that will also be ours soon which is great for not dying of hypothermia uh like that would ever happen to us um let's go ahead tilean stay inside stay inside tilean do some research tilean stay in there um man the Industrial Revolution a uh let's go ahead and just set his new Zone we will just say home man uh we'll create a new area we'll call that home sweet sweet sweet home there we go and now I'm going to go ahead and set that area to be home sweet home and that is in here yeah woo stay at home don't go outside ever uh why are you oh wait a minute whoops stay at home whoops stay at home sweet home there we go good job staying at home sweet home let's go ahead and give you a research project now I do think a battery would be nice I always seem to do this when we first start on this Challenge and honestly it's a great way to just get tons of intellectual experience let's watch as Grand Seer just stands there uh I will wait a minute go outside of your allowed area I don't know why is she just stopping there oh no she's going to set fire into my Fields oh crap I may actually be totally screwed uh come in come in here I am I will just stand here for a moment hang on a second I forgot that she does destroy all of my stuff okay good fortunately you did not set fire to the fields okay you are still alive it is time to La La taking your stuff oh she also had a smoke Leaf joint nice oh and pants can you imagine the Insane luck to get pants whoa awesome now we have to deal with a human I heard it's my birthday it's not my birthday but uh sorry that was a massive me running meme killed 90 gaming thank you very much for the $2 um it's not really my birthday people are like basically I'm just I'm not dealing with you people oh my God that bed must be destroyed I guess they saw it as my claimed Furniture uh I think I will just leave her there I don't really want anyone else I I like prefer being alone I'm a Loner I'm AA I'm a Loner haven't you heard of me we will allow you to go back to your unlocked tiles you don't have to stay at home home man home man I want to see the comeback of H man maybe I will do another home man run in Project zomboid 225 so I think that means we can unlock another 14ish hor so let's go ahead and unlock some area to just dump her far away that we won't see her ever again probably behind that slab of rock very far away 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15ish that's pretty good okay so let's go ahead and create a dump zone for dumping of course uh and we will put not even the chunks just uh human corpses in there because we don't like human corpses because we detest our humanness [Music] um also have I unlocked these other tiles no I've not unlocked those okay I'm going to going need to unlock those tomorrow so that I can get some actual clothes but let's not interrupt tilean himself who was having such a great time here uh let's go ahead and harvest Harvest Harvest and then Harvest this this uh how close are we to a Harvest on the grass not having fertile soil has really been a major consequence since the Industrial Revolution for Humanity and its consequences malnutrition trivial okay he is improving his plant skill is probably Rising as well right Feast Feast uh unfortunately he is not a cannibal I did not make your boy that overpowered if he were a psychopath cannibal he would be oh no he has botched one of the harvests that is actually rather bad for our fellowship um okay equip the club I may need to to kill an animal in its sleep ooh do I risk killing a guinea pig in its sleep me thinks ooh let's go ahead on a on a secret mission secret boy um let's go into home sweet home unlock tiles so if we go one and two I'm pretty sure we've unlocked that now let me go ahead and just check this is 227 so that's still under our unlock tile amount great okay so that is allowed let's go ahead and just kill the guinea pig oops uh no you are not allowed to do that tilean you need to walk around this way these are your unlocked tiles tilean I don't know why okay whatever you there we go that is allowed kill that guinea pig no the guinea pig has woken up wow what unfortunate luck we did destroy its front right leg though come on no I don't want you to run you shouldn't have to run away from this guinea pig oh also just while he's most probably going to die considering the luck I've had look at the insane amount of experience he gets from melee fighting like it's crazy it's crazy how much stronger he gets unfortunately that thing did break the skin though uh so I am going to need to like here tend to thyself tilean uh that was such an extremely unfortunate guinea pig fight I needed it for food though he'll heal pretty fast though so hopefully he won't get an infection if I die to an infection though that would be legal because it wouldn't just be me randomly stricken with a disease that would be due to my own issues so I will I will not cheat in that case there are like certain times where I need to cheat in this challenge because it just gets to be boring uh what else did we destroy unfortunately that's part of its meat gone but its front right leg isn't that bad I mean I guess we'll let it bleed out so that we could get rid of some of the blood from the meal also Hall Grand here um just we don't want that dead body like making him upset but I think the most urgent thing right here is just healing from that here you go tile man it's good for your health it's good for your health the right leg bite is the only thing that kind of concerns me right now the left arm is improving the left hand man it really tore up his left side tieman crushed the guinea pig's uh front left leg with his Club fortunately he did Crush its leg in its sleep then it tore him it immediately woke up and bit him then it gnawed on his right leg that does make sense like you know it's basically fright or flight response all right I guess that's acceptable Also let's go ahead and unlock these other tiles now that we've got that just an insane like 10 more tiles from that combat uh we could get a smoke Leaf joint in us too right now let's go ahead and just yeah yes Force wear Force wear the pants okay now you are not as upset as you were like five minutes ago also wear the uh parkka I know it's like 70° out but it's not really going to make it worse okay it is time to eat a guinea pig our meal uh because we were ravenously hungry before that just as soon as we recover from the insane bite that we got and okay good that's only malnutrition I'm actually more worried about an infection than malnutrition because this room is still like kind of dirty and I patched myself in the literal dirt [Music] um come on heal tile man I'm just trying to avoid like certain Doom you know what I mean manly triin uh maybe I will get up and okay all right yep okay butcher Butcher yeah there's not really much time I wish it had been a rabbit because I think rabbits are slightly less dangerous there is a rabbit right there I could have been slightly more patient but you know you live and you learn um we will cook at the campfire now no cook sir cook whoops I'm not selecting him there we go uh begin drum party oh he has to haul back in oh and he Al has no space left for hauling hang on a second let's merge the wood and then oh that's outside of the unlocked tiles he slightly put it beside himself well then I will use one of my unlocked tiles to do that okay how many do we have now again we have 231 and we have 247 so we can unlock another 16 tiles good good Feast whoops I didn't mean to do that make it into a meal yeah hul okay there we go no unacceptable haul the meat no stop trying to pick up the meat now cook there you go okay he like thinks it's so urgent so he doesn't do it but whatever I slightly prefer that he make it into a meal I think just the food poisoning chance is slightly lower but or like something is better about it okay cool 97% grown on the rice that we did not lose the rice that was the big deal woo okay we actually have like rice now oh jeez we waited so long for the rice yes Feast pave tile if we put down pave tile there I also want to get back that Spike trap uh missing 45 wood that also doesn't really Bode so well that really that guinea pig took me out but now I'll have food ooh good good let's also just order him to basically chop down all of the wood nearby like whenever he unlocks a tile with wood in it I want him chopping that thing down so that's also outside the unlocked area um we could unlock some tiles over there over there he has recovered from the deadly guinea pig bite which could have caused an infection and would have been rather bad but let's just go ahead and see what he does today let him just get back to work a little bit get some stuff done he's going to get some rice up Harvest botched H but whatever you know like now you basically have a steady stream of food ooh look at you go tilean bringing the food to the fire nice job honestly very good very good although unfortunately his cooking priorities man he's really Bing a lot of these I am not feeling so optimistic about our prospects anymore um uh okay I will reinstall the bed one more time cuz he doesn't really care about the layout and I will install the table here I want to keep my house compact just because it gets to be a lot to take care of but man unassigned Raw meat from the I could have done that I guess I feel like I'll be using it for emergencies in a couple minutes though oh we could double over the stool for the research in the tile if we want to make a stool there though uh yeah let's go ahead and do that let's make a stool put a 25 Wood stool over there nice he is kind of making annoying trips back and forth here let's actually just do manual priorities let's have him do um we'll have him do cooking after he does plant care plant cutting and growing and before all that obviously we'll do these major ones bed rest whoops bed rest child care he won't really even do it all basic yeah is important yep okay so there we go so now he is doing his plant work before anything else I guess after he finishes this one yeah there we go harvesting rice plant finish the Harvest then do the next thing also have you on the well you've certainly unlocked enough tiles by now after a while I will admit that this challenge does start to become like basically we've unlocked all the tiles that it just becomes kind of an inconvenience but it's kind of fun at the start of a playthrough and I think that the start of the playthrough is the most fun time yes right oh we could have done pkin you're right did we have pkin unlocked oh why didn't I think of that before uh we unfortunately do not have pin onl locked so yeah I guess I kind of wanted the battery more because I feel like that the electricity is electricity is like the goal of life right after all like I said all we're here to do is just enjoy the electricity while we're around still right I mean it is the one maybe the one good part of the Industrial Revolution and all of its consequences he's had like an oddly cold time I was contemplating whether I should do this challenges him in like an area with Seasons but I feel like seasons is perhaps too unforgiving on this character just because he's already limited by all of his tiles that he can't really create any other indoor grow area I was thinking of trying it for an underground playthrough that could potentially work but there's so many other ways to spin this challenge that it's just like it's very fun for thinking of ideas for Content you hate wind turbines yeah they are kind of annoying that's true I guess I like the results of the electricity but maybe not like I don't know all the things that make it possible that is to say that is fair and a valid standpoint to have so 282 tiles now we can unlock we've got um how many is this here 231 so that's 50 tiles or 51 tiles that we can unlock let's go ahead and yeah let's just basically start to fill in this whole area and get tons of those trees unlocked too um if we do 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 let's just start counting by T cuz it's becoming kind of like an inconvenience 10 so that's 20 [Music] um uh let's [Music] do I'm going to break my promise right here 20 well we'll do 30 32 38 40 50 tiles okay so that doesn't really look like 50 tiles but that gives us access to so much more wood yeah do that stabilize your mood tile man you're going to have to be like all cool and relaxed for what we're going to do next what should I do if I can't motivate myself to study and I play video games and watch YouTube all day um probably like I don't know create some place where you just have books and you basically can't do YouTube like go to a library or something like that yeah I think that's valid make wood generate I could make a wood fire generator I'm afraid that I'll run out of wood here though I know that sounds like a ridiculous fear to like live wi live with and live in although the wood I feel like is going to run out why would I depend on wood uh hang on a second also well actually maybe that's not a bad idea well I'll need components first are we even anywhere remotely close to getting components oh God we're going to have to like Trace out some massive line there is a component in the wall here but I guess we could create like some sort of expedition to get to that component is there anything even closer we got kind of horrible component luck this time I guess we could go under the mountain meet like gimly down there I'll have to unlock like another hundred tiles and then just trace a line from here oh a guinea pig seems to have fallen into one of my traps why am I so happy oh from the smoke Leaf burning passion for the work as well that is true also yeah his stats are pretty good here I guess the one thing I might add would be like cooking but I didn't want to make him too too op um yeah it is helpful that he can kind of defend himself maybe I could throw that on cooking though essentially just make him into like a pacifist or something you know that even seems like perhaps too much rice for me I'm going to need to create some sort of separate stocking area now I think we'll use Granite because he clearly needs somewhere to put all of this um yeah work on the table no just don't work so much on the wood work on like hauling this over here oh wait I have literally zero room left this is like the most crowded and disorganized place to live yeah just put anything you want on the floors Tyle van whatever space you got that's what we'll work with oh man does Tyle man have a girlfriend uh well his father did because he she gave birth to tilean II so we've survived a raid we've survived a deadly guinea pig attack what else is there to survive I mean there will be slightly not really slightly larger raids but slightly better raids like maybe a stronger colonist uh God forbid we get somebody with nimble come through because that is they basically just like walk through your defenses no consequences whatsoever um if we make this let's actually just delete this Zone and make it into a crafting spot because it would be nice if we could get some kind of like oh no we can't actually put it there if we're already building something there never mind [Music] um it would be nice if we could get like a bow or something just slightly better maybe keep it on the inside store it there but he's getting plenty of experience from this anyway um what do I want to do I really just have the urge within me to build more walls and I think I want to like basically protect this Zone I will just plan it out for you so we can go orders um plan I think if we enclosed these berry bushes and did something like maybe this and then we made the rest of it look like maybe just like a straight cut across here those 23 tiles or so there that's an enclosed area that we can defend from Raiders and that way they always have to kind of come in through our killbox area um there's not really a very good way to do this challenge without a killbox otherwise you're just chancing it with a club I guess you could do it with somebody who's extremely passionate about melee but you'd probably get an infection somewhere in there um disorganized see some of the Discord servers I manag yeah yeah I mean just in general Discord is a pretty horribly disorganized place except for some of them some of them are very nice two meals okay I've got plenty of meals here I guess we kind of want him to hul first though yeah I don't really like the kind of disorganization here let's go ahead and have you just haul first tile man yeah before you do any cooking haul just bring all that stuff back make it easy for you make it easy on yourself tile man do all your hauling first then when you get back you can you know enjoy your life and the way things are going there in your H H man he's tile man he's doing the stuff that he can let's go ahead and build that bench nice all right cool he's why is he walking kind of slow he's probably sick yeah he got food poisoning so I'm surprised that he didn't get food poisoning any earlier than this because it is extremely common in this playthrough um although are you happy with your room more or less yeah he's okay with it we do want to give him a source of recreation as well let me go ahead and build him a horseshoe pin over here maybe like there is and then we'll go ahead and unlock some more tiles so we've got 331 tiles to unlock Zone 331 just wanted to thank you for showing me Ki beautiful game which you could do more videos on it hey fim thank you very much for the very kind words I haven't been to back to keni in a while but I do like that game 281 okay so I've got God he's just throwing up over there so I've got another 50 tiles or so to unlock um I think we will go over to the granite and we will probably deconstruct just about all of it cuz that's going to be a pretty good building material we want to get stone if Poss possible here in our house whoops that is steel um I think those are also steel we will just leave those there uh we could also get potentially some type of stone cutting table out I think that would actually be a pretty good way of spending our time let's go ahead and get a production bench out here we do have that unlocked yes Stone Cutters table there it is right now um we will put that down on maybe on the outside and then let's go ahead and have a specialized area where we can store like steel and stone and just anything that won't totally fall apart on us uh in the outside so we put clear all let's just say steel because it doesn't go bad and any type of like Stone we could put Stone chunks here we could put chunks Chun there we go chunks let me see blocks we Al yeah blocks would also be good to have here will I share this live broadcast on my YouTube account as a video yeah it'll go up there as a video at the end of this I've kind of had the uh goal of doing once a month streaming lately just like I don't know bring some of the live staff back to the main Channel you know it become like kind of over edited and I wanted to just have another place to just kind of you know do some talking I'm happy that I've brought that back because I've liked it on the VOD Channel but I don't want them to be like totally separate I guess okay cool we got more food food poisoning oh god oh Jesus yes he is a chungus nah he's okay you I mean you can faint from food poisoning hang on a second just bring in that wood too that's a very deadly spot to have that wood also while you're so down and out like make sure you handle this part okay this guinea pig is going to spoil in 1.2 days have only so much time left to eat that guinea pig God he keeps just throwing up everywhere uh let's also make a place for potentially we got another 50 tiles just so to unlock okay let's go ahead and start unlocking those now shall we unlock tiles uh I'm saying we unlocked the four tiles around here so four 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 uh 20 36 and then we'll start to unlock near the granite 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 that's about 50 more I think that's about all that we had unlocked um cuz we we are starting to run out of like we're just straight up running out of storage space this is not okay come on tilean go baby maybe maybe also clean off this floor it's just like bothering me when he gets fast Boy again then he'll like be able to take care of himself and his surroundings again I'm excited for it he's a little dull right now good job yeah go to sleep Tyle man that's okay get some rest um actually don't uh you know what you're already you've already got food poison it doesn't matter just eat the rice whatever we love you tilean have a great day enjoy oh God but please just get through the meal I hate that when they can't even get through the meal because they're just throwing up so much oh my God man feels like the videos have lost narrative Focus what did you watch first yeah I've probably stayed more away from like the character driven stuff it all kind of depends though I think a lot of people just enjoy whatever they found in the first place um but yeah know I think I wanted to do other stuff I think I was just doing the same stuff over and over again so man yep yeah I'm I'm a dying YouTuber I don't uh I don't have any good ideas left sorry about that man allow the wood as an outside stock pil we could do the wood later H we'll try the library thing thank [Music] you Jared McWilliams he needs a SLB what is a SLB he needs a sleep is that like Doge speak for sleep oh my God here we go expand Zone let's go here unlock more tiles um some games lend themselves to challenges as stories mood is also a factor yeah I don't know I don't always I guess that's to say like I don't always want to make the same type of narrative so I've branched out into other stuff yeah I don't know what yeah sorry man there we go let's have rotten let's not have regular ones we want a place for fresh human corpses though too yes we have indeed come a long way since the hypothermia content oo okay rotting corpses there we go cool uh good my house is like slightly better now not really by much low food okay he's figuring it out come on Dian okay he is getting better he's oh no he's got initial again ah this is like the one thing that really kills this whole challenge oh God man not using shelves I guess I could use shelves you're right like I haven't really fully adapted to them being in the game yeah honestly that is a good idea let's go ahead and use some shelves it's a good idea um let's get another shelf yeah like over here right behind him oh cool nice this is actually going to make my life a lot better thank you for this Quest active Nikki's salvation run of ideas Chang the I'm just kind of curious though why you like what did you watch what don't you like understandable totally valid although it does seem kind of odd to bring it up here valid to run out of ideas and change the vibe of a channel to match of your own personal interest yeah like why what's the point of creating exactly the same thing over and over again if you just don't I don't know just like I don't I don't like debating on this sorry yeah I'm sorry that you don't enjoy it as much as whatever you found it for in the first place although like I don't know like what's the point of com like what's the point of coming to a stream to tell someone like hey I hate everything you make like or I don't know yeah I sorry I just read some of those comments sometimes and I'm like why is this person saying this so like could you explain a little bit more what You' mean because I do like like kind of keeping up with the old content like I used to do more R world and stuff like that ah that is actually so much better but yeah I just don't really like I don't know what is the what are you trying to do to be constructive I guess is what I'm trying to say like it slightly bothers me yeah I'm sorry it does like I love what I make and I make sure that I do the stuff that I enjoy all the time and it's not I guess it's not always as good like or maybe you enjoyed some of the other stuff or I think that's also true though that you watch YouTubers for like whatever stuff that you discovered them for in the first place I've also changed a lot over the years but yeah I don't I don't know what are you trying to get out of it didn't mean it like that I'm sorry no it's okay just like explain a little more rather than just saying like man the content is really getting bad like okay what do you not like yeah I don't know like sometimes people will say that they want to see more of something and I'm like ah that'd be kind of cool although like I don't know if you just say like I don't know what you want to see yeah like I don't know it kind of but I also tend to kind of dismiss those contents because or those comments because I think people are just like oh I think that you just like discovered something and you're not seeing that same thing like I'll give you an example like um like Frankie on PC used to do a lot of da and so like a lot of people like watching him do a Day Z but like he doesn't just do that and like the content kind of has to change and evolve and maybe it's not going to be as popular and maybe you won't like it all the time why do I not tend to use shelves often ah I don't know why probably because they're new fangled technology and I don't understand them there are you happy all right no more shelf spam though why do I not oh God why did I say that now I'm just going to cause everyone to do that yeah I don't know I like to alternate between stuff between like what I enjoy doing and what I think people will like because if I just do what I think people will like then it kind of burns me out but if I do stuff that I enjoy doing and a combination of that and stuff that yeah I don't know it just seems kind of pointless to get into the debate like it always seems to just end in me giving the same explanation and I'm not going to give it every single time yeah I'm sorry a longwinded answer it's just odd for I guess it's odd for me to encounter that in live streams on YouTube or more on Twitch I just figure will I continue playing Ness yes absolutely yeah honestly the shelves basically the MVP here I think that prevents stuff from being uh downgraded outside as fast too don't be shellfish oh my gosh that's so funny oh God what was that like a firework Jesus what was that cargo pods Jesus Christ somebody just dropped off like 18 meals this is so lucky oh my God that's like insanely good luck just perfectly cooked meals how did that happen oh my God okay let's reinstall your bed over here I need to make way for a new shelf oh oh my God look at that uh wait a minute no I will never have room for the shelf right there oh alas I have no room for another shelf oh my God yeah I think zomboid is the thing that people have enjoyed the most well I will say one thing one consequence of me going over to segmented content which I think a lot of people found me for like serialized stuff basically I sto stopped doing series a while back because i' actually been doing series for a while um but I stopped doing series because if the pilot flops then you're kind of spending a month on this series that like you're losing energy on doing and nobody really wants to watch and everybody kind of hates so I like stopped doing series back then for that reason hang on a second are you going outside of your allowed tile Zone Oh no you're not you are perfectly allowed in here but yeah basically with that I went over to segments um and then with segments you kind of lose some of the narrative Focus because you're not making like long-term stuff so I guess that is a natural consequence I think that's true hang on a second sorry I just had to dismiss a call have I played they are billions yeah really good game o moving the table outside honestly a good idea yeah let's make a little bit more space in here um um H what else here we go Furniture if we do dining chair here we go nice one tile shelves now that could work we could do the one tile shelves yeah like the more introspective stuff yeah I guess then I kind of come full circle back around to like the yeah like when will I like when will you make philosophical content I'll make it when I feel like it I guess that's the long and short that's probably what I should just say yeah I don't know maybe more coming up soon but I also just like I said I kind of took a break so I could like get tons of stuff down the pipeline there's actually an RCT video coming pz RCT and uh actually another Rim world and then Ness we're going to be doing Ness okay he has gotten food poison again please uh oh wait a second he hasn't unlocked these tiles yet Colony XP tab Okay so we've got 426 tiles unlocked now we can do Zone let's expand the allowed area unlock tiles clear allowed tiles unlock tiles uh 331 so we can unlock like 95 more tiles that's stupid op um let's go back and do not really op but just a Good Thing 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2 30 uh 33 36 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 uh 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 7 9 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 cool I've unlocked all of that 8990 why not nice kakiyama thank you very much for the two appreciate [Music] you also uh uh yes I will continue playing this house didn't I say that before I think I did oo uh food poisoning uh we are being raided are they raiding immediately no they are preparing okay so this is just one person named tooth are you Nimble no but you're an undergrounder not really that useful not really that useful okay now you're beginning your assault um go back home go back home tile man go back to home sweet tile there we go cop tilean uh we don't want you coming through this other door though so I will just stand you out here you may suffer though oh wait a minute no tooth just died in the insect area oh awesome like that's amazing fantastic ah tile man he's doing whatever a tile can uh let's go ahead and I think we take apart the St uh no not that Sandstone wall uh we're probably going to want a granite wall over here let's build one over in like this neighborhood ah God your food poisoning is really getting you killed here major food poisoning now it's just the whole room is covered in vomit [Music] the insects truly are the real MVPs maybe we'll get a preing mantis I always wish that like a praying mantis would bless me you know like come to me in my sleep and I would wake up with one on my forehead and like it would heal me and I would be I would be restored there we go we are recovering from the food poisoning awesome oh my God I'm so tired of being covered in vomit oh my God yes the Mantis prays for me who for whom does the Mantis toll h if we build come on tilean um go ahead and deconstruct this no I mean you've basically avoided all danger and threats how am I to got the research at three why are you oh he can't access that tile hang on a second let me go ahead and unlock it unlock tiles oh he did unlock that tile why aren't you just oh sorry whoops he's stuck at home sweet home again there we go unlock tiles return to your unlocked tiles there we go he does eat very slow but he's improving honestly he's improved immensely if we just take stock of everything that tile man has done he's truly come further than any tile or man has before him he just has like so much work for him and more than he can honestly manage a oneperson colony is quite a lot although he doesn't really need any more Grow Zone than this it's a really weird looking Grow Zone uh God sport nuet thank you very much for the $5 it is not indeed my birthday but uh oh God how has this survived so many Renditions no it's not my birthday but thank you very much for the 10 for the $5 oh God appreciate you ah please stop telling people that it's my birthday it's not my birthday ah get the meals bring the meals in yeah we probably want to bring these in here stop getting food poisoning store away these meals tilean yes good okay yeah also let's stop making meals for a little while do until you have yeah 10 good good he probably going to get drop potted to just make up for all the good luck I've had now I mean we got 20 H actually 25 more days on the meal is not that bad oh God everyone wishes me happy birthday when I say it's not my it only makes it worse all right okay yeah my birthday woo happy birthday to me oh God love my birthday every it's like every day oh god oh no okay we don't have any more granite have to go in for some more Granite here um me thinks yeah deconstruct this granite tile man you need the granite more than anything granted that you need the granite yeah yes it's my birth year valid valid oh my God we go back here then we have him deconstruct the rest of these okay cool that's inside of his allowed area ancient Locker Bank how shy I am happy birthday oh than thank you I guess thank you oh my god thank you very much for the other $5 $10 on not even a birthday what a wait what a sad day for someone it's someone else's birthday though today oh my God smooth brain Antics are acceptable tilean will preserve and birthday will continue unabated just force me to act like it's my birthday oh Brian thank you very much for the $20 I do appreciate it I hope you've been enjoying the content group of wasters from trash Slickers have arrived nearby they will prepare for a while then attack okay so this is just again one guy it's like like a gray man oh he is rather close though low expectations firefighting AIC psychopath oh no oo this is a Nimble person how good are you at melee combat this is actually very very dangerous I may need to completely seal myself into my house this person has a wooden foot though okay they're moving at only 90% speed this person is also very good I will certainly die if I uh go through this combat I'm going to destroy the door uh I will dismantle the door and then wake back up and rebuild the door because this guy is going is definitely going to dodge our traps it is not okay uh and we will die if he is able to get through so I'm going to to completely seal myself in my house uh no do not play HSE shoes this is not the appropriate time to do that um we'll go ahead and yeah like here we go haul the Sandstone blocks yeah work on the granite floor there we go okay cool get inside no go over there go over there construct the construct the wall and then construct that wall there we go now you are seal within your home we have a transport pod crash that there's no chance of Ever Getting to yeah just stay inside tilean he's probably going to destroy my entire home but like it's better than a Nimble man getting through my traps because he will wreck everything if he gets in yeah I mean maybe you don't have any air in here he's going to set fire to everything but oh well just oh well oh my God one cooler guy back with the 13370 Australian look it's tieman's birthday happy birthday oh God Jesus stop please stop wishing tieman happy birthday okay maybe it's tian's birthday oh God I'm losing everything this is just kind of what you have to live with in this challenge though it is too bad thank you very much you've honestly like is there anything you want to see for like I have to get back to you on this because you have been like extreme generous to me I do appreciate it the horrors of the rim can't get me from my holy squares that the fools can't see them is their own problem only I need to know the truth after all maybe he could have like his own narrative tilean you know like maybe he's the chosen one he has a lot of um what's the word for those things murans yes Tian was born with a great surplus of mic chlorians in his bloodstream beautiful beautiful oh God no now why did you change the Wicky to say that my birthday is today oh God I'm going to have to unchange that I hate having to edit my own Wiki oh God thank you very much one cooler guy that's really like extremely generous and I've done nothing to deserve that uh um but yeah like I do hope you've been enjoying the videos I have to get back to you on that honestly like if you think of some idea or something like that for like a special stream also William for the $2 and Cat wug for the $5 it's not my birthday there's no day of birth at all Canon now it's I guess it's the Deep lore Cannon okay fair fine canonical birthday AA okay cool we get some more food I was just trying to survive as a tilean how dare you AA ah beautiful beautiful okay there we go Granite Granite ah yes soon I will be safe from the Invaders I hate it when people come into my I like having my home site home area you know 550 tiles now how much do we have unlocked area zone Zone clear the allowed area of unlock tiles 550 so we have 423 we can unlock 125 tiles okay nice so let's start to just unlock great sads of them uh 125 tiles that's basically this little area right here yeah we'll do it uh 9 10 24 oh God what is that 25 30 33 34 35 37 47 51 71 73 75 885 95 103 104 105 [Music] 115 wow that's really not that many tiles um 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 looks like I didn't really give myself that full Gap there to work in but whatever cool have some good ideas for Rim world how can I send them to you no just send them to me in an email a lot of them I probably can't really get to just because of like realistic schedules but yeah like if I hear something that I really want to do then like yeah like uh yeah feel free to send it 35 + 7 did I accidentally count let's see if I ah how dare you uh how dare you question my math my math in counting 553 see we have 554 tiles I'm totally right totally I was right unless if I just unlocked them right there I don't know I need an instant replay oh God yeah ston walls are really going to save us right here cuz just all Invaders are going to set traps once again the reason why I had to do this I learned the hard way the last time I tried this challenge I had an Raider come in with Nimble and they basically just like fly over all of your traps and they're fine so like it's very annoying because you're like killed box doesn't work at all so you basically just need to seal yourself in and accept whatever they do to your base uh it is not it is not very good at all here we go deconstruct deconstruct deconstruct deconstruct deconstruct deconstruct deconstruct deconstruct deconstruct deconstruct deconstruct deconstruct deconstruct cool that should hopefully hopefully be enough for the rest of the Granite that we require and granite is honestly a pretty good material for the rest of our solar flare is meaningless eclipse is basically meaningless uh toxin clearance uh we don't really want toxic waste packs dropped fat body Gene pack what is that to make yourself fat we can't really use this can we yeah we don't have a gene Bank the hyperweave is pretty cool but but slightly unnecessary yeah I don't think it's really worth it for the toxic waste packs sadly sadly yep I'm going to build I'm going to build a wall building a wall I will be the one paying for it um let's go back over here to cool okay so now he has all the rest of the gr that he needs okay cool he's laying it all out although he won't be able to get to the last few he's got about 597 so he's got another like 40 tiles or so has he really got that much more experience wow 597 tiles Zone clear allowed area 597 553 yeah we got like another 44 tiles to unlock I feel like he's kind of accelerating as he gets better at everything 1 2 8 10 visitors let's just make life better in here now life will be made better 10 what do I want [Music] next maybe more Stone 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 [Music] 18 what did I say 18 28 30 32 35 then 36 and let's start making our way over to those components 36 40 okay oh wait a minute no we had 40 to unlock never mind okay so that's about all that I can unlock look now I am with table oh the joys of being with table beautiful I need a door in the back before I finish the wall oh thank you I did forget about that um yeah let's go ahead and rebuild that door um where were we going to put that let's put that maybe like right here that way he can walk over it yeah and it shouldn't be too much trouble for him so deconstruct that wall or really just build another wooden door over there and there's not really any danger of Raiders getting to that one yeah there we go cool we just want all of our home behind a wall much safer that way much safer oh yeah Paul might uh or who is it the trader might have components although they are not really in my allowed tile area okay let's go ahead and check uh wait I've gone outside of my allowed tiles hang on a second I need to come back back you must meet me in my tiles for this to be legal either that or I'm going to need to okay I have 600 tiles unlocked what am I at now Zone expand loud area unlock tiles wait clear I have 600 I have 500 I can unlock seven Now 1 2 3 4 five 6 7 stay right there while I talk to you oh please stop leaving there we go all right fine whatever it is what it is uh unfortunately I don't have any money so I can't I can't afford anything and I don't have anything that they want that's okay I've got more of them I I'll be able to get more components sooner or later ah the joys of the table oh look you've enjoyed my table why don't you pay me for it by giving you some components wouldn't it be nice if people paid for things that they used then we wouldn't have to have this capitalism man you know simple yet fascinating piece of furniture yes Behold The Majestic table invented in 1986 after the swing set after people realized that they needed to be swinging in tandem it would be useful to have a place to put things on top of no one had ever con uh con accepted such an idea before the smartphone uh the bedet the great inventions of the 20th century after that was the table from the French table amazing isn't it it is that is a fact wow we've unlocked another 20 tiles he's just kind of rolling with this tile unlocking now I guess we should unlock the tiles that are like in our base 6 7 ah 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 there we go cool woo Tableau from the F the French table sorry I don't speak any french I apologize for being ignorant I don't feel like that's a very good apology though sorry French people um you can work on the door now look at all of this amazing wood you've acquired now tilean does he have any other stone blocks that he needs no I think we're pretty good let's go ahead and then make our doors of something that is a door material I'm thinking if we deconstruct these three only because of the fear of people setting fire to these somehow God knows how they'll figure out how to do it and we should also probably make this from Granite too although I think that's going to be too expensive so we'll hold off on that um if we were to to to to God look he has such a great day he goes outside into his backyard he's like a land owner now welcome to my land I have been killing the soil I don't know why I'm speaking like Morgan Freeman now when I first met Andy D frin he was living in a tile in sha shank take those apart too you know you need a bigger house tile man it's time to upgrade your lodgings the true horror of yes the 1984 tragic incident uh when President uh Nixon ate without a table which caused the Watergate scandal no who was it in 1984 was it Reagan or Carter I want to say Reagan was it Reagan who's president of 1984 yes when and I we'll just say that it's Nixon for the sake of argument Nixon at without a table causing the Watergate scandal and the rest is naturally history h make any stone blocks from let's just do it forever and ever forever never there we go all right we will build another Granite wall or three over here good good nice he has a real home now this actually is starting to look kind of cozy um I'm thinking Quest expires in 24 hours it doesn't seem like the temperature is a real threat to us anymore I can keep keep this door open um what other things should be said of tilean and all of his adventures let's go ahead and yeah we'll build one more Granite wall just cuz it's kind of giving me a little bit of like yeah there we go I was a little obsessive compulsive about that um ooh nice he's actually getting some uh Limestone out but let's also tell him to just work with stuff that is nearby and we'll basically just haul everything nearby that we want hauled um slate we are AR really working with though the Limestone might be useful here yeah haul that over cool so now he's getting this stuff done we might even put up a torch outside although I think now we basically make a run for electricity at this point in time um he's got the food he's got like a nice 8 m stockpile underneath him he's got plenty of stone he's got plenty of stone he's pretty well defended from Raiders uh i o I also do need a door over here I just realized so that I can take that out actually I don't really need it I could leave that for now um yes the dinosaurs were indeed wiped out because they ate without a table the Dinosaurs the Bermuda Triangle all of these things can be traced back to various incidents of organisms eating without a table causing them to go insane scientists have tried to discover why why have tables been responsible for so much suffering over the years I have 661 tiles unlock it 662 um let's go ahead and just check what we're at again we are at 620 so we've got another 40 tiles or so that we can unlock let's go ahead and expand the area again um I think we can just basically gun it for the components so 40 that gets us that far and then we need to make our way a little bit further south if we want to get to those components over over there um I guess we'll leave those berry bushes over there let's go ahead and also just say stop cleaning over here this is not your home tilean nope not home definitely not home over here though I guess we could bring the butcher spot back to um yeah let's bring the butcher spot back here that is going to be butcher creatures forever cool uh and have you unlock those tiles cool he has unlocked that whole area nice all right so he's doing research he's gaining more experience and then he's getting ready to make his way down south to the components after this I guess that will build a wind turbine in here basically keeps trees from growing in here we'll leave the Horseshoe pin over there and we can kind of build it like this away and then and then what [Music] H yes one tile at a time I do like the kind of stepbystep nature of this challenge isn't that nice get sad and start I get sad and start wandering basically every day wind turbine I ain't buying I I'm sorry I know you dislike wind turbines but I need them in my life there's just something about them to me that says like it's the future man welcome welcome to the Future welcome Squidward everything is Chrome okay I think I have another 30 tiles now so yeah I mean It's tricky to count but I'm just going to do like a kind of a shorthand for it okay so 12 and 18 that gets me up to 30 and we are just like maybe 15 tiles north of these components here these here components so we'll make our way into the wall and then see what that gets us either one or two components hopefully there will be more CU generally they do spawn in clusters um fending off Raiders I think our your boy is pretty much safe here he has like his own little compound I love that when you get your own like a safe Zone in Rim world tyan would capture people and educate them against their will just to use their experience to go to Walmart or whatever this guy would do with freedom he does seem like kind of a Walmart visitor to me you're right yeah I don't think that he's ever been into like a Target where would tile man if he could shop that is to say where would he go I think he would be looking for sweet deals at Walmart Nikki's signal has been lost and she can well screw Nikki she can die in a fire um sorry I mean just why should we die um I think we could do another wooden shelf over here why am I being so aggressive toward NPCs that don't exist uh me thinks shelving over here and here and then we build another room so that we can just put all of the crap in there and then we make his bedroom actually nice to live in ooh it's going to be nice to live in let's go ahead and put in our structures let's do limestone walls I think if we put the Limestone like here and then we do this cool okay actually things are starting to kind of come together now uh how much ooh yeah it's basically like he's not even limited to his tiles anymore just considering how much he's unlocked 725 um I definitely have enough to unlock these I'm just going to unlock a little bit more uh we'll unlock the healed route too and then I think we have enough for this now so that's 15 let me just count if he doesn't get it by then he'll have unlocked it by the time he gets there unlock tiles this is a total of 7133 tiles and we have unlocked 728 so we have another 15 to unlock awesome um I think we can go ahead and could move in the research bench room o you know the berry bush enclosure wasn't really super smart of me but whatever I guess we'll just cut that down after we Harvest it I could leave it as an outdoor room just to keep this as a separate nah I don't really want stuff to [Music] deteriorating one on the sh's ah still I just like it as an indoor room tilean the first died this is tilean thei uh after all the is like the second coming of uh I don't know everything comes better in twos right as they say everything comes better in twos they don't say that to they but well I said it and it it it's true Everything is better in twos two eyes two ears one nose with two nostrils you know two legs two arms better than twos would he actually yeah that is valid maybe tilean would shop at Ikea instead so he 742 I really want to unlock his entire grin's totally worthless do not waste your time on the grin pod um cool so he does have another one of these component tiles unlocked he's gonna kind of slow down here into the night though so I think how is your mood tilean he is going to be exhausted by the time he gets to the end of this nope just go home tieman don't worry about that maybe do it tomorrow just cuz I don't want you to be like extremely upset he will like keep mining that until he goes insane and loses his mind H 746 oh and he's getting shooting experience right now too so 746 and he's got 713 so we have another 30 tiles to unlock hooray okay let's go um we'll do uh 736 so we've got um what like another 30 12 13 16 20 24 27 28 29 30 basically ignoring every single Quest because we just can't leave our home the only one we may take is forced weather but even that is kind of bizarre oh a mad D oh God fortunately it will hit those visitors before it hits us uh I will nonetheless go home yeah go home come on Mad do attack those people instead of me good shoot that thing disgusting monster it's awful the dryad yeah unfortunately I don't care about the dryad The Two Towers yeah another another one a Tolkien reference oo lovely run tile man ah you are improving I like it when he first starts off with grinding a skill you know like you can feel that palpable gain of experience we have a Manhunter pack of something uh oh god of terriers which is really just two Terriers unfortunately let's leave here and we will go home now we can expand the radius of home sweet home does he have oh no tilean illegal you have to go back to the tiles and walk back oh wait a minute will he oh no will he make it back home in time oh Jesus hang on a second I didn't want to do something illegal here stay in your allowed tile Zone he isn't even sick I had him accidentally leave the tile area okay good he will still yet be able to outrun these Terriers by a narrow margin and I think the visitors will yes will do them in kill them all good we're safe tile man you've done such a good job staying alive I believe in tile man he's so close to getting power too coming further than his father ever did before him oh look and we have two components how many components do we need for a wind turbine I want to say it is 69 nope it's two uh unfortunately I was wrong let's go ahead and put this here there we go cool decent spot for a wind turbine have we even unlocked those tiles we've probably unlocked some of them right yeah okay cool we've unlocked those tiles um let's go and have him do the rest of that so we will deconstruct the rest of this let's just say deconstruct all of this steel cuz we basically lucked out the one thing we had in our spawn was a lot of Steel in kind of a strange way yes so wind turban you can wear it I mean the dry I mean guenin pod Sprouts are they useful the answer is an objective no unless you have some colonist who's just utterly useless in his off tending to crops but I don't personally like them that much maybe in really specific circumstances I think we did it in the pacifist run I want to say it did work for that I suppose that's true good okay so now we're storing the rice as rice and not meals for the most part that's decent um cool is he going out and getting the components while it's safe tieman go go bring back the components bring them back you'll need more of them for our next project um next time hey it's hazor what's up YouTuber friend hazor actually people were just requesting you people really like your Rim World stuff man how are you doing brother I'm going to ask if I have a mod for the tiles because uh nope I'm just using an area I'm just using a loud area actually you might get a lot out of this everybody say hi to YouTuber friend hazor hey hazor it's going to ask if I have a mod for the tiles uh the one thing that somebody made from the one hunch man playthrough which is the one I'm facing this off of um you should go check out his playthrough by the way is uh 765 tiles unlocked this is the colony XP tab which just makes it a little bit easier so you don't have to do all of the math to see how much experience your colonist has it just kind of Aggregates it all there in one which makes it a lot easier and more manageable to do um otherwise I feel like it's pretty Prime ground I don't know how to make a mod for this but if somebody did I feel like that this type of mod would actually be really cool and popular so like hint hint nudge nudge if any of you guys are modders and have a rim World idea like I would be all over this if you made a mod for this um and yeah like it did the stuff granted that I I've already got a bunch of tilean videos I've already made so I'm like cool maybe I'll come back and revisit it at some point but yeah I don't know I think somebody yeah actually there was a guy who did that for pz after we did the tilean run where we just put Rags down like Aran did and it was really cool to see a mod come to life from it now a lot of people have used it and it just I love working with modders it just warms my heart in so many ways I used to kind of actually I used to mod for project zomboid or I used to make maps I never really published them because it's a really huge task to do it so I have so much respect for those people but yeah um I don't know I miss doing that stuff and yes already planning to steal this concept good good I mean it basically has been repurposed from like 20 different people so feel free go ahead tons of people have been doing this is a very popular challenge very fun very youtubable your birthday is in two weeks oh God they keep telling they keep telling me it's my birthday I feel so isolated now that I have you here please tell them that it's not my birthday now my birthday is my birthday is December 23rd I'm a Christmas Christmas baby that would always kind of screw me over I would get like one thing it was very exciting to have both things come at once 775 but it was also like I don't know it felt like when people were celebrating Jesus they were celebrating me I was like oh awesome like everybody's happy because it's my birthday not really but yeah you can live in your fantasy land we've got 30 more tiles that we can unlock now so we've got 743 unlocked so that's 742 I suppose um I kind of sound like Rainman for this whole playthrough like how many toothpicks are there left AA I'm not sure this just vaguely looks like 30 and now I'm just gonna go ahead and do it no tilean don't do that you will die down there it's too dark he keeps wanting to do it oh God oh God no hasor just egging them on how dare you hazor how dare you make my community send me more birthday wishes oh God good good Tian why do I feel like Palpatine whenever I say that good good Anakin give in to your anger good TI man give in to the uh mood break uh stop doing that though Tyler man why are you God why are you so stupid tilean yeah maybe he responds to like negative feedback oh no it's outside of the allowed area oh damn it um I'm sure we have enough experience now though that's the one thing about this I would love it if someone made a mod where you could just figure out how many tiles are in an area really fast or just have that on the side like a little marker 763 we've got 780 so we can unlock another 17 now awesome uh 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 nice good job tilean just be your weird self over there by the fire again but yeah I think it's a good idea hey it's raar what's up brother how you doing man thank you for the birthday wishes raar I feel like that this is a concept that you would have fun with although you've been doing the man I want to get get back into they are billions I feel like everybody's been having this they are billions Renaissance now and it's just making me pretty glad I've just been feeling such an urge to play a lot of the games that like I don't know I'd played a lot more in Prior years I just want to come back to them zom void Rim World these are good games guys good games these are you like them also congrats on 100K haor very much welld deserved and to infinity and beyond I say now you will take me down and destroy me now I really am having kind of a Palpatine moment here do it also foulmouthed chick thank you very much for the channel membership ooh the hum of the uh wind turbine has begun I think if we now end our alliance on the Technologies preceding the Industrial Revolution I think we can get some more stuff done here wow very very good very nice job tyan now I want to get you some sort of like ranged combat it's so satisfying it's like rediscovering technology all over again to play [Music] this uh Caroline the sad honestly a great name been chased from home by her vengeful ex-lover honestly sounds realistic no I accept no one else in my Colony I am a Hermit not a hermit crab but I could be oh you guys did a oh yeah I missed that multiplayer it's been hectic in my own life I'm like pretty excit I'm pretty I got to say like having editors around has just made everything a lot more simple and like you haven't seen it right now but this is kind of like back in June of 2021 I put together all of this content that was like segmented stuff and it actually really paid off like I was really happy with the result cuz I could just kind of chill and like focus on making stuff that really lasted a long time and was more like artistically what I wanted to do I feel like I'm kind of getting to that now again wait a second do not all right fine mine for a little while although I won't be happy with it we should remove the rock roof over here also remove this roof the roof must be removed there we go now he's mining faster he's a fast Miner uh taste the mega rainbow you're my favorite thank you very much which mod is it for drag building a wall diagonally uh is it Minify everything I don't actually have Minify everything on in this Minify everything would be an acceptable mod to play with only because Pete comp complete I almost said Pete compete Pete complete plays with uh that mod and everything that Pete complete plays is legal and allowed because he is always right I like Pete I like him a lot and yeah I think he I saw him play with that mod once though but he is very like vanilla e in Rim world or at least in a lot of his like bigger playthroughs have heard of the free steam game endless Sky I feel like a universe Takeo video I've not heard of it what was the other one I had there's a couple things on my list right now I've been checking out Ness like I said one thing at a time if I have too many games then I start to just get confused so I like to do one at a time I am confusion H it is time for more floor it is Wednesday actually is unfortunately not Wednesday my dudes it is Sunday components are being hauled to the Shelf uh okay I think it's time to get the last of the steel and end the consequences of the Industrial Revolution in our society uh I must now his PVP side Channel [Music] if we were to go to check this 779 tiles because we have one extra so 779 and we have 86 so that gives us about another 27 tiles to unlock ay we can go over to uh 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 uh 17 18 19 20 21 22 NE uh 23 24 25 26 27 wow that like perfectly unlocked that is nice although I have to cut down that other tree because it's not really giving us any power here and we'll have to get more steel as well um but that is essentially all of the tiles that I can unlock here zomboid binge lately now that's over looking on another game yeah it is f like honestly it is fun to hyper like hyper binge a a game or hyper Focus yeah I I like that though getting involved in one game but it's not always like zomboid or Rim world or stuff like that kind of just like touching on that topic from before one thing I've found just like now I guess I've been on YouTube fulltime for three years gaming which it is kind of funny how your relationship evolves with gaming it's like kind of turns into your job to play one game I've been happy that I've gotten to do a bunch of other different types of things too but I still find that I like digging in with one game and really just enjoying it so that's what I've been doing a lot and anyway it's going to mean like some irregularity for a little while but after this I think um I think we'll be back to more like consistent stuff like for example I have three videos done right now I've never been in that position before in my entire life where I'm three videos ahead like there's not just a bunch of random stuff to make and honestly it feels great it feels great because then I can just kind of focus on doing stuff I like and then it just kind of gets released whenever I feel like it should oo lamp time lamp time everyone loves lamp time uh I will leave the campfire there for both temperature and for ooh now we can let him do his research I sound like jiah when I talk about research I'm doing research um oh that's outside the allowed area oh well okay that is acceptable all right he has plenty of Steel now to make all of his dreams come true I might even deconstruct this Steel table and just yeah let's replace that with wood there's not really much Point here of doing this if it can be my birthday who says it can't be Wednesday you sound like one of those Reddit everyone on Reddit is like 7 feet tall in a billionaire right let's just start making everything up yeah all right I think that's fair it's my birthday objectively ah like the S like the simple pleasure of being inside and hearing the pitter patter of the raindrops whilst I do my research thumbing through papers and lost Toms from yester year to complete the research and become a more enlightened better man and mitigate the consequen of the Industrial Revolution this beautiful beautiful I oh and The Simple Pleasures of seeing the fire burn in the night whilst the rain makes it I just so full of crap right now um but yeah this is nice to watch isn't it o man I almost feel like I would enjoy living in this as a YouTuber make some of those Tiny House videos you know hey everybody look I built this out of my own saliva using the saliva as glue and adhesive somehow and I just patch together a bunch of leaves and twigs to make a house out of it somehow there's power from like geothermal mhm true story 10 million views honestly those videos are very very nice to watch make me want to go strike off on my own leave everything behind and live in a camper van somewhere beautiful Zomboy the time that I betrayed you and left you to die didn't we do I want to say that we did a multiplayer Rim world together too I feel like multiplayer well multiplayer rimor is very much in the cards or like the time that we did Duos in Rim World drawer and you insisted on building a wall honestly you do a very you do a very good job taking care of me when we play together I haven't played with hazor yet in multiplayer Rim world I'm sure actually I think it would be kind of a nice reversal of our traditional of our traditional relationship to see us attempt to like cooperate maybe we'll have to do a a a rald threesome oh God just spawn the endless array of Rim related jokes uh why have I begun this 8007 8007 800 okay so I've got another 40 tiles to unlock we can have an actual wind turbine that's doing an actual thing now actually 2 3 4 5 who am I kidding we have plenty of tiles we can unlock all of that um wow my life is good now oh my gosh look we've unlocked like the whole home compound that's like almost a thousand tiles right now I bet it doesn't look like it mind massively romanticizes the prepper lifestyle I agree hazor is honestly like a little bit uh scary to play games cooperatively with although I feel like that the tension he creates just adds so much Nar ative to the videos I would never play without him again down for oh my God o bulk Goods Trader this guy might actually be willing to trade us for some of our stone blocks Quest active Jay's rescue Jay joins 31 medieval rimal mongus raus I don't know why it's just so cozy to be able to turn on rim world and play with all of y'all anyway that is to say one thing I've been kind of trying to get back to now is like playing uh doing like more series on the VOD Channel but like I said like the um the winter time always gets me in the mood for it you know oh I'm in the mood now I think okay I've definitely unlocked enough tiles now to do this I think I had like 50 the last time I checked good this is a legal placement uh hang on a second I need to unlock some more tiles that person is out of range whoops uh okay I can sell you my light leather that's basically useless to me now I can sell you I want to keep my food you have human meat for some reason uh you have chocolate on you as well cloth may be useful may be useful indeed um I'm getting 34 from this deal honestly I'm just saying let's get a component no that would have me trade away 15 and I really want to keep my steel uh let's just get some steel for this whatever steel this will buy me acceptable yep there we go okay I think that's just about the max tiles we had unlocked now without belaboring it too much okay cool H you've interrupted my research clean the dirt and get back to research I found that this playthrough was fun actually the video on it is already done um it's the one that you'll be seeing in a couple of days but um yeah one of my editors was working on it he actually he's doing a really good job on it like basically everything that he touches turns to Gold um and yeah I just find that it's fun for maybe one video and then after that it gets to be kind of like a bit much for one guy you could try it with multiple colonists and that would make it a little bit more interesting for like a full series but I'm feeling like yeah I'm feeling like this is enough you know Simple Pleasures of interacting with a herd of muffalo whistling enjoying the ocean deep Nights ah man I wish they would bring back muffalo milk muffalo milk was so good muffalo like when you had muffalo it just felt so good in your base I know I could use the maybe I'll use the mod for it probably the one decision in Rim world I have disagreed with tinin for he is an excellent game diff uh ancient Locker Bank do we actually get resources when we deconstruct these things uh oh my God that's a lot of blood you can really Trace where the emo got not emo emu he got really effed up over there Jesus um h tilean number two doing his research I'm thinking well we could make like a smelter have to go now play a monkey based board game with my GF have a good hey hell yeah monkey based board game hope that's that sounds actually like rather fun I want to get back into board gaming somehow have fun hey thanks for coming out man man like bringing me back to the rim the old Rim do we have any other sources of Steel nearby I think not I think not oh wait no there is actually like some small chasm in here not really a Chasm but like a vein sticking out of steel here we go 850 and how much we have 870 of 888 yes this research has been causing him to just be on the grind set all day and all night let's build our way down to this thing I don't know why it makes that sound effect but it does um we could like light our minorly way down there but I feel like that would just use up more steel and kind of defeat the purpose of doing all of this let's just wait for morning to come and then we'll go ahead and mine all of that out I await the dawn yeah there were many milking organisms on here it's a shame that I was unable to milk them I lacked the skill required yeah I really do I'm terrible with animals although animals I feel like is pretty useless in this game maybe one colonist like a like a sheep Whisperer you know or a turkey whisperer he's amazing with turkeys you've never seen anyone like him isn't like a turkey a defamatory term for not a not a def just a bad bad term for someone you're a turkey I'm not sure why I can't remember but I feel like if someone called me a turkey I would be somewhat non plus if only a little first time catching a live stream huge fan of the content love would bring the table hey thank you very much zidian appreciate you muffalo milk makes for a great post aren't there like people at there who sorry I just got the most bizarre thought why is my brain Built This Way aren't there like people who I'm talking about like the people who work out with growth hormone I can't remember why this occurred to me the other day I don't really drink a lot of dairy or I attempt not to because I think it's like too much of it is kind of inflammatory although my like ethnicity makes it easy I'm very tolerant of dairy so it's mostly okay for me but aren't there people who like order breast milk online I had heard that this was a thing I don't know why I guess that sounds weird like am I looking for ideas um I'm not going to tell you what I would do for this I just heard that once and I thought it was really bizarre like why would that occur to someone I don't know why but I can't get it out of my head now when I think about it oh God what is I'm going straight to hell oh God your dad would call you a turkey when he disapproved of your behavior was that just you though or was that everybody thank you for the happy birthday which is snap a snap get in contact with a Primo breast milk supplier oh God I mean I don't know what it was I mean like there are there is such a thing as like a sperm bank and it's not like it it gains interest like you've got a 3% APR on your sperm no like totally different thing totally different thing but it is an interesting concept you've got to admit that somewhere out there someone out there was wacky enough to come up with it just ignore me although there was the milk humans mod for Rim world yeah selling it online okay so then it was a thing and then there's some like nefarious people out there although I guess some people are like very oh God muscle parasites although this is really this one is an acceptable illness this one requires no cheesing it um uh unfortunately this is not the good muscle parasites um this is the very bad muscle parasites which is well bad um we could Harvest some of this medicine now I suppose yeah he I mean he is getting medical experience from it there is that that's a thing 350 he's just going to be generally more tired but he's sort of like come to the end of the road here at the at the finale of his struggles now 400 XP and battery power oh how you've made it tyan I just like watching a guy pull himself up from like you know basically like a just like a crap tier existence yeah um okay yeah we will put in a battery into the storage room a decent spot for a battery we could sort of shelter it in there we don't want it to blow up but especially on the wood shelves but the room is made of stone here contain the electricity ah the height of civilization actual voltage oh I can turn on the lights even if there's no wind o see to me this is what this game is meant for oh well well we also need a couple more paved tile floors I think that's in order let's go ahead and make a couple of those let's just get everything nice and crisp the way that I want it you know yeah that's good oo I love that ooh that's good stuff that's the stuff right there yeah let's let's even get like a path leading up to our other area ooh yeah that's the stuff ooh yeah two wide pathway even though that it's just me just so that I can be luxuriantly comfortable here ooh yeah that's the stuff I've been looking for all right I'm turning into a massive creeper now uh but it does make me feel good to see that happen generally it is satisfying I like that oh listen to that that's like ASMR the joy of yes the joy of localized energy resources pewing out power electrical energies it's basically magic ooh yeah Pew it out so at this point in the playthrough I basically see your boy as being safe unless if he's stricken with some sort of horrible disease which eventually if we played through enough he would be but like I don't know I just like starting off playthroughs that are that seem like they would be satisfying for me to play as a viewer you know what I mean yeah you do um hopefully you do uh okay unfortunately we can't build more roof area but he is getting to be a better Miner now he has a minor P he has a minor passion for mining uh oh my gosh such an opportunity at puns he is kind of diseased but he's like he's entering retirement now you know he's made it your boy D made it like he he went where no other minor went before where his father failed he leapt where his father failed um he unfortunately has food poisoning now and massive muscle disease so he's just is going to be extremely slow for the next few days and he's going to botch everything so I I wish I could leave him on like a better note than that but how many tiles did he unlock ah he almost has a thousand tiles I kind of want to see him through that I want to say that in the challenge I filmed because it's now I actually finished it already I'm just kind of coming back and playing it for fun you'll be seeing it in a few weeks um but yeah I think I got to like, 1500 or 2,000 tiles it starts to just become kind of this irrel thing okay does he have enough room for a wall he could build a wall I guess it was kind of silly to build the wiring over here it's the one kind of drawback to this whole challenge let's see if we can unlock the rest of the area I feel like that would be a nice spiritual conclusion um what do we even have already we have 900 tiles so we have 870 so we can unlock another 90 I definitely don't have enough to unlock the whole rest of this area but let's see what we can get to [Music] um 16 20 35 47 56 60 oh God that sounded bad UH 60 65 uh 75 80 85 and 91 okay good enough cool so he has basically this entire compound unlock I mean ignore the sick man with like the giant pile of vomit right next to him like he'll be fine eventually if he manages to somehow eat the food that he's supposed to be eating don't give up on that um yeah this does doesn't really get better for a long time like this is just going to kind of stay with him for a while how much medical experience does he get from that 350 up to four that's pretty terrible and he needs rescue like what a spiritually fitting way to oh no he just has so much recovery need I guess we'll watch him get back up get yourself back up tile man we've all learned a valuable lesson today oh God you don't have any food tyan he's recovering from food poisoning this is why he's fine he's fine now this does sometimes happen he had such bad food poisoning okay yeah there he's fine yeah see he's fine why do we fall so we can learn to oh he has fibrous mechanites also I didn't know that you could have those two conditions at once this is the one that I was hoping he would have he's going to be in severe pain I'm afraid you're going to have a horrible rest of your life tilean you're going to just be in insane amounts of pain um uh intense pain he will have intense pain for the rest of his life oh God why at least he's slightly faster now than he was before because of his second disease which happens to be like a double-edged sword um yeah he needs some milk oh God yeah I'm going to go online order him some human milk I suppose or maybe some of that good muffalo milk I'm trying to think anyway I basically I guess I've accomplished all my goals here I wanted to like get power going I wanted to get Farms I wanted to get defenses going I pretty much have all that I feel like yeah you could go through and build the rest of the colony but I feel like just one man it's not really worth it because I feel like at this point he's basically done everything that he is kind of required from him I mean there's some other silly stuff he could do but yeah anyway I wanted to kind of preview that because I feel like uh so I when I do the videos I feel like people are wondering what like the whole playthrough looked like and yeah I don't know I haven't been on YouTube in a while and I wanted to just like do something fun hang out with you guys like outside of uh twitch and the VOD Channel but I will remind you uh yeah if you are still watching and listening I do normal streams uh if it's like kind of Clubhouse just hanging out to Twitch more often um but then I kind of come back every once a month to YouTube I've kind of been off it a little bit but yeah I just wanted to say hi again and I'm alive but I've yeah just been making a bunch of stuff in the background but um yeah I don't really know what we'll do if we go any further he'll basically continue his grind um but I feel like that would be more for like a long series and we actually already did one of those but yeah I've done this playthrough a couple times now slightly gotten better at it it is an interesting challenge I do recommend giving it a shot cuz it is very fun um the T man challenge I guess I'll take out one more rat no it's just going to wander about there in the field like a loon you know what let's see let's have try to have a spiritually fitting conclusion you must Prevail in combat tilean One V one it's good karma if you win this combat I mean you already wow he showed us didn't he 69 shooting experience he has 1600 melee experience now all right let's go aimlessly kill a bunch of small animals now for no particular reason we will unlock the tiles that they inhabit good I will attack this squirrel I have not left my tiles just because I'm genuinely curious if you could do that for this challenge wow 2400 this would be such a fast way to go through it do we have any other small animals nearby to just terrorize there's a couple of rabbits over there but they're kind of outside of our Zone anyway that's about all I wanted to say for today but anyway thanks for coming out guys um more content to come yeah nice to be back but uh thanks for coming out to the stream you guys know how to make everybody feel uh really like happy oh my God it's Seth I worship you man absence makes the heart grow F and like an absentee father we love you all the same I don't think anyone's ever said anything that meant more to me on my channel dude you're such like you are such an inspiration I love you so much oh my God I'm like getting Goosebumps right now guys it is it is God God is in chat holy cow man what what an amazing way to end a not birthday oh it's Seth Seth I love you oh my God I feel like this is surreal dear God I don't know what to do I love seths yeah no oh my God ah I just spawned carthus H valid after Seth's like what 20 million view video on carus honestly like like one of the more underrated hits ah thank you for the birthday wishes oh my God I have like so many things to say I have so many questions but it's like seeing the face of God you hope my hairline stays for many months uh this reminds me of one of my students who would get upset about his hairline man I'm actually like I'm actually afraid because of how much I love you ah yes the alopecia it does slap as they say oh my God yeah I know I need to breathe I love Seth more than my myself oh my gosh this is like as amazing as the time that Simon honeydo uh oh wait no maybe the time that I gave sips a hug I was able to hug sips about a month ago ah actually I have a secret picture of me and sips that is yeah but you are like a kind of an amazing inspiration to basically everyone I know like I don't I was not prepared for that at all have you been well I won't ask you questions for your disembodied self but yes know that I I love you very much I love you like I I'm actually like kind of speechless right now I don't really know how to end this now so I I didn't uh I didn't plan on that but I would say now like your boy your boy is basically safe ah I have so many I don't I don't want to like Seth sethness though either so I will just like allow it I want it to I want to like end it on that on that note because ah yeah I'm I'm shivering right now sips as it well yeah sips is kind of dad there is that happy birthday got me it's not my birthday God damn it got me into rald long ago yeah maybe we'll make like a return to the rim after all the goddamn Sims content although I do love the Sims I think it kind of jumbl LED my audience around a bit honestly I I do like it a lot yeah back to both but yeah now we've got people anyway I think I'm going to leave it there um God bless Seth and God bless uh hazor and RAR who were also in here friends friends all um God we got to go get back to the multiplayer Rim world yeah truths being slung in chat all right I think I'm going to leave you guys there I can't think of a more amazing note to leave it on um totally unplanned Seth scene tach everyone basically god um I don't know what I did to deserve this moment but yeah um the only thing we're missing basically right now is like one of those troop and Notch Cameo appearances speedrun I don't think I can anyway I hope you all guys all have a good day thanks for coming out to the stream I do appreciate you um but hell yeah sent me an email oh to my Bobby on PC Email ah that is fantastic hell yeah man appreciate it did you um I have actually I have a couple of questions now I've met up with many of the other people but I will I will leave them and I will let them wait for now anyway love you guys very much I hope you have a good day um thanks for making this an awesome comeback stream I had been on in a while but it does feel good and it feels it feels nice to be back anyway um goodbye for now I don't know how to end these things so goodbye
Channel: ambiguousamphibian
Views: 592,155
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ambiguousamphibian, ambiguous amphibian, rimworld, rimworld tileman, rimworld tile man
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 175min 20sec (10520 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 08 2023
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