Project Zomboid, 1-Tile-Unlocks-for-Every-Kill.

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it's always an exciting experience to watch the ticking of data unfolding before your eyes as you make progress toward your goals so today in Project Zomboy starting from one single pile I'm going to use the tile Man Mod so that every time I kill a zombie I unlock another tile this challenge is based on the amazing one Aryan did in Project zomboid a few months ago which was originally based on the tile man run by SRAM 1337 and popularized by settled in old school RuneScape when I tried it for myself on stream one of my viewers named Brad who's also a programmer actually emailed me out of the blue with a mod he created that forces you to stay stuck in a tile until you kill a zombie so after this video I'd encourage you to go check out all those playthroughs in the mod in the description but without any further Ado how long would I be able to survive I spawned in on day one in the morning 9am located on the ground floor of a house in Louisville located in the midst of a dense residential Community with a few reanimated ghouls loitering outside my window equipped with only the clothes on my back the only resources at my disposal were the books it in the Shelf beside my starting square but that was all I could reach pretty much useless my first goal was to locate a weapon then food water and a bedroom for sleeping preferably with a secure door between me and the dead for when I got tired but I'd need to expand out to the rest of the house with my tile radius and that necessitated attracting only one zombie to break into my house hopefully without alerting the whole horde outside I called out to attract the attention of any ghouls nearby the house only one at first a forest ranger I wrestled in hand-to-hand combat with the first one did and the first tile unlocked now there was a little space to move around for inching my way toward the kitchen cabinets next another ghoul drawn by the sound crawled through the window another wrestling match and another tile closer to the cabinets I equipped its leather jacket for protection from scratches one by one with another coming through the window I now had a longer space to walk around in and I could shout from farther back in the house this would make sure I'd lead the undead in just one at a time one and two more wrestling matches and now it unlocked enough tiles to get a full inventory of the cabinets water I could now use the tap to satisfy my thirst and stored liquid in a tumbler from the cabinet beneath the sink a few cans of food but no weapon yet but as luck would have it there was a crowbar in the back of the neck zombie that came through the windows so now I had most of it or at least temporarily food water and a weapon but I still needed shelter for sleeping at night the day was getting older to unlock enough tiles to get to the bedroom upstairs though I need to inch my way toward the front door so I could attract their attention from the porch outside I continued shouting from the back of the house to make sure I'd attract the undead in only one by one anymore and I'd get overwhelmed and fast so I downed five more of them and I unlocked each of the last spaces to make my way out into the Outdoor World a new space but with it came some perils it was tricky whether through sight or sound it would be easy to make a great noise to attract too many so instead I whispered removed around or attempted to just attract the attention of only one at a time whispering to one nearby or one who happened to be facing in my general direction and I made a little room to fight them in the entryway then with a few more kills I unlocked the tiles farther back toward the stairs gradually making my way up to secure the bedroom that was clean and clear of core purposes and it would let me sleep safe from the undead and it was well removed from many corpses in the downstairs that might cause me to grow sick from inhaling the air nearby having secured the basic necessities of food Water Shelter and a weapon or at least in the short term I turned in for sleep around midnight after a rest on day two I awoke at 6am to a fog whose cover I used to lure in more ghouls one by one to my porch the railway are on the outside made for an effective screen I could use to get them to fall in and onto the floor in my very own kill box to make it more effective I stacked a chair in a television in the openings to force them over the banister where it would be easier for me to take them out on the ground Whispering through the fog and calling out I attracted the few nearby and made safe the area by picking up the glass shards around the broken window through which they had first climbed into my starter house but I was limited to close quarters and I nearly made a fatal error when one of them lunged over the fence and scratched me tearing a near-fatal wound in my neck right when my guard was down and I'd finally secured some greater fortifications but I bandaged and I continued inching my way outward a little more cautiously this time step by step I made my way East calling out ghouls one by one to dispatch them and unlock more tiles to get closer to the street corner and get a better look at my surroundings but gradually at least for the time being my shouts were growingly ineffectual at drawing a tide I was alone in my island of tiles and if there were no more ghouls I'd stagnate and remain stuck near my starter house and so I slept on day two and Rose on day three to wait for the zombies to wander closer to my neighborhood or I had cleared so many in the days before but the day was lonely I spent most of the time calling out trying to attract the attention of any ghoul that might be standing nearby the fact of the matter was that I just didn't have enough tiles to attract a horde and I remained stuck on my Island and if I couldn't attract any I'd perish in my home but then it occurred to me when I was just standing inside of the house and a watch alarm sounded on one of the corpses I struggled to locate it before it went off but if I could gather enough digital watches on all the bodies set their alarms at regular intervals and place them together in a satchel I'd scavenged off of one of the ghouls I could effectively be in multiple places at once making noise so I took the Satchel with all the watches in their alarms set and I placed it out on the street so that any passing ghoul would be lowered into a noise trap this way I could conserve energy and spread my net wider in my search for the undead now that the length of my path had grown so much longer and more tenuous still even then the watch alarms weren't loud enough and new problems reared their ugly head I was beginning to starve and I couldn't even expand out my tile radius but instead I had to spend tiles creeping my path toward the fridge only to be greeted by a few rotten leftovers after a night of shouting to try to attract the attention of anything nearby that would hear me I slept into day five knowing I'd need to find another way I considered the resources and tools at my disposal through the fighting I had managed to secure both a revolver and a shotgun from some of the riot officers zombies I had taken out near the house originally it seemed like a death sentence ringing The Dinner Bell but now in an act of desperation I shot one of my precious rounds off at 7am to Signal all the nearby Zeds fighting them was a struggle but would grant me enough tiles to access the nearby station wagon which I could use to honk the horn and finally secure a better way of making a louder noise to attract the undead and I didn't rely on the precious few shells I had running out for my shotgun in short it worked it was risky fighting them out in the open but it gave me enough tiles to stretch my path all the way up to the car but with a great Victory also came a huge letdown the car was totally jacked up it couldn't start and its horn didn't even work I'd wasted so many tiles stretching out in a direction that ultimately turned out to be useless but I still had some food left and I wasn't desperate so I looked over my surroundings if I wanted to make any progress I'd still need a car horn to Signal nearby Zeds and the car parked in the driveway to the West looked more promising unfazed I gathered back up my supplies and started yelling again in front of my house to get more ghouls to come over and unlock more tiles I kept looting and I even found thick scratch-proof firefighter gear on a zed in front of one of the houses and so through the day after a lot of struggling and clawing by 5 PM I'd made my way at last to access the car door as luck would have it the car was in near perfect working order with the key located in the glove compartment with everything ready I finally slammed on the horn and Drew the whole horde nearby now the real challenge could begin not just tiptoeing from house to house anymore with precious few tiles but instead pull whole swaths of them so after I dispatched a few more I started unlocking more tiles in the house to the west and then I made my way inward to start searching for more food and weapons my crowbar was now getting bent out of shape and my food stockpiles were dwindling now I could focus on the longer term battle opening up and unlocking the entire world around me so I fought my way into the dawn on day six I kept sounding the car horn drawing a horde fighting them then unlocking more tiles to expand the whole network of them lighting up beneath my feet everywhere I stepped I carved out a triple wide path from the driveway to start moving the car out into the street so that was how I fought them and then I slept into the afternoon on day six now the hordes I drew with the car's horn were growing larger as I moved the car into uncleared territory and I lured them over the fences near the houses so I could Stomp Them on the floor I used their brainless shambling to my advantage and led them in a lineup from house to house all the while staying safe safe while crushing them underfoot at long last I now had a surplus of tiles making it easier to walk around freely I've entered into a nearby house to collect more canned food finally it's starting to feel like I could focus on my long-term aims I had secured lots of food water and shelter and so from day six into day seven I continued repeating my pattern of attack run into the intersection cry out aloud and then lead the hordes of Undead back to my porches where I could dispatch them one by one I was racking up hundreds of kills one by one unlocking new tiles to draw in more zombies and open up the rest of the world for more and more area as I grew stronger and stronger it almost started to feel like I wasn't even limited to the tiles anymore but I was just stuck with my own incapability my own weakness I needed to get stronger every day was a workout and my exertion as well as my combat prowess Rose I was still overweight but I was losing it rapidly I unlocked wider paths in front of the house to make my job easier and I fought and contended well into the seventh night as I stronger and more capable but still tired from the fighting then once again for the last time I returned home past midnight into the eighth day one week gone by and I rested now at long last I could Avail myself more amenities open the rest of the tiles in my bedroom take the blood off my clothing explore the rest of the house unaffected by my prison of tiles I even found extra supplies in another crowbar in the Closet nearby now all the hard work was finally paying off I fought a little more and then I rested into the middle of the day finally giving in to the Warped circadian rhythm from fighting tooth and nail for so long I slept at noon but then I arose at 5 50 PM stirred by a most unwelcome and hideous sound the whirring persistent chopping of the helicopter blades overhead that warned the chopper event protag had completely neglected to plan maybe if I had seen it coming I would have been able to plan a circle of my past to keep leading them around but as it stood I was a Sitting Duck with no plan B so I rushed from my bedroom to gather my strength and prepare for a fight like none I had yet faced you know somehow it always feels like in The Matrix of planning that is Project zomboid something always falls through the cracks and that crack widens into a yawning gaping mob that swallows you up it's Murphy's Law anything that can go wrong will go wrong and as I wrestled my car into ignition the Folly of planning became clearly evident right in front of me in Project zomboid as well as in real life everything no matter how masterful and ambition or meticulously planned will come to a grisly end perhaps the best thing you could do is accept it with grace we'll do better next time leaving a mark on the wall as Shelley once said behold my work sea Mighty and despair seven days and 10 hours 437 zombies killed and then I joined the writhing gray masses of those who had come before the joy of Life comes when you surrender to your fate only then can you really savor it maybe anyway I'm ambiguous amphibian a big thanks to my patrons who who for a small fee can live forever in the credits of these videos I do hope you enjoyed again the tile Man Mod is in the description go check it out if you want to try this for yourself until next time my friends
Channel: ambiguousamphibian
Views: 1,062,970
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ambiguousamphibian, ambiguous amphibian, project zomboid, zomboid, project zomboid game, project zomboid gameplay, lets play project zomboid, project zomboid 2023, project zomboid tileman, project zomboid tile, project zomboid mods, project zomboid mods 2023, project zomboid ambiguousamphibian, ambiguousamphibian project zomboid, zomboid mods, zomboid game, zomboid gameplay, tile man, tileman, tileman project zomboid, project zomboid tile challenge, project zomboid tilezed
Id: hv3CZqJ8qdY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 59sec (719 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 07 2023
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