I created an Insect Cult in Rimworld

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hello again today I'll be taking insectoid worship to the next level in rimworld by creating a custom xenotype the carriers of which I'm simply calling hybrids which brings your average human rather a lot more in line with the insects that they'll be worshiping for starters they're not great to look at and they aren't big fans of the Sun they can make insects around them fight harder they're the same color as and bleed-like insects oh and did I mention that they procreate by implanting their eggs into unwilling victims what what what what what welcome to skitter cave which I think it's safe to say will be a very rimworldy place to live this looks like a decent place to set up with nearby access to a pair of Helix and geysers and plenty of Mountainside to live in so meet our three starting hybrids Yuri a pretty General guy skilled in mining cooking and crafting Tina are super immune wimp who's good at construction and then there's Lorenz who's the colony's Leader by default owing to his being a cycaster and that's thanks to our ideology of course which features insect worship naturally but also a psychic Focus which dictates that the colony's leader should simply be the strongest cycaster so what's our goal here anyway well I want a load of tamed insects and I want to be able to use them for nefarious purposes is that so bad let's get to it whilst I've been talking the hybrids have been borrowing a little into their new home quickly trying to make some bedrooms a fungus farming Zone and basic crafting capabilities lorentz being the needy leader of the bug Squad is generally just very upset we've given him a scary insect Mass to placate him a little but it's gonna take a bit more than that this is why ideologians with forced leaders can be really annoying early game perhaps stabbing a squirrel to death with his box cutter will help lift his mood but surprisingly though it's actually Tina who has a mental break first I had forgotten to build any Recreation so she decided to go for a walk outside the Sun which she hates it's fine a sad wander isn't a big deal and in any case she's not too sad to get into bed with Yuri the two are immediately in a relationship and since the ideologian is set to allow it they'll get straight to work keeping each other's moods permanently high but not making babies hybrids are sterile well that's what the gene is called but I choose to believe that their genitals are just vestigial since they've developed their own unique means for reproducing speaking of which a lone naked waster has arrived intending to Assault The Colony Tina and lorentz wait in the entrance of their home revolver and blade in hand and once poor Raz scalp has been put on the floor lorentz will patch his wounds whilst a small holding cell is dug out for him and then we'll make him seriously regret coming here rascal you've been over posited over the next few weeks a hybrid child will develop inside of you and then well well you've seen alien right after all that fuss its Lawrence's turn to have a minor breakdown he's in a daze because his lofty needs aren't currently being met perhaps we can cheer him up with shinies I know that that always works on me so we'll make the questionable move of selling some of our components and Medicine in order to buy him an eltex Sword Swapping from his little box cutter to this fine weapon will boost his already incredibly High size sensitivity even further which he's not currently making use of but we'll get to that later he's also not currently performing his other main task which is researching both of these things require further digging which takes time unlike putting down another waster which is near instant I won't over posit this one though the current host is enough of a handful already and I don't want to immediately flood The Colony with hungry babies we can barely feed ourselves right now at least this mad Muffler will help defeat the colony even if it did beat up Yuri a bit alright moving on a little the eggs are progressing and Lorenz has a little insect statue to sit and meditate at but even with his enhanced size sensitivity it'll be a little while before he gets any of the really nasty cycasts so pop goes Rascal's chest and out comes little Mecca a little baby hybrid technically lorenz's daughter but since the birthing process isn't quite so direct as usual and there's no lactating mother the whole Hive will sort of share the child's care anyway we've got a quest to take on three Manhunter tortoises for an eltex shirt of course I want for Lorenz the tortoises arrive and hilariously one of them bites off Yuri's toe if you let that happen in combat with a tortoise then it's entirely on you Yuri so Lorenz gets his shirt and then yet another lone waster shows up these guys really don't like us by this point though we've run out of ammo for the revolver so it's just up to Lorenz and Yuri who've managed just fine to be honest as ever it's tempting to use Nicholas here as a hatchery but we're not ready actually struggling to feed Little Mecca as it is having to resort to foraging berries to make baby food with in the absence of a healthy flow of fungus we have finally dug out a hole full of rents to research in and he's clearly desperate to get to it standing at the desk furiously researching Machining whilst Yuri builds a chair directly under his ass and rather kindly the orange Empire who I suppose are just the Dutch want to give us an advanced component for withstanding the most fearsome of weather conditions foggy rain however will we pull through during the foggy rainy season we'll make a bow and some arrows so that Tina can go out hunting to keep the colony fed shortly after they want to give us another Advanced component and some silver for building the tiniest little Monument for them alright with Gunsmithing finish we can turn to gas extraction to make use of the vast quantities of helixian for power and all of the other good stuff that you use it for we can also start to dig out a workshop and throw a loading bench in there real quick to resupply our revolver the titanus powers that watch over us all are very pleased with the colony's development so far and drop 33 medicine from the sky in cargo pods very good and with gas extraction completed I've already started work on enclosing the nearest geyser and started to plan a generator room but before that finishes a crash pod lands and out pops Clem from the Conqueror group she's a hybrid like us so we'll take her in she's nothing special in terms of skills or traits but I think she'd make a good insect herder as the colony earned its access to Technologies grows it's time we moved our mushroom farm deeper into the mountain and set up a more logical flow for food production but the next heck to finish is microelectronics which means the research lab needs extending out and yeah the advanced bench would fit as it is but it wouldn't be symmetrical which is apparently sometimes but far from always important to me a pair of angry wasters arrive both carrying tox grenades no big deal Tina and her revolver make a pretty easy job of it oh and Clem was already recruited by the way thanks to an inspiration now though the inputs arrive I hate him bids but anyway we meet them out front and lorentz puts them into darkness skips into range and is immediately set on fire leaving Tina and Clem to do most of the work from rage before Yuri finishes one off with his box cutter causing the last of the group to flee Lorenz did go down but he's fine anyway where's his sword though oh Jesus one of the bastards almost made off with him that would have been a tale for the ages we'll be having that back now thanks with that problem dealt with whilst we're making some mild progress on the base a child suffering from paralytic Aphasia falls from the sky allegedly Tina's daughter and I don't really want to take her in because food is already a struggle but I also don't want Tina to be upset about her daughter dying so since she's from a neutral faction I decided to rescue her everyone should be happy that way I put her on the floor in the generator room and forgot about her moving on to other things like playing this video's sponsor War Thunder which features more than 2 000 tanks planes helicopters and ships all those vehicles are ridiculously detailed so you can decide exactly how you want to end your opponent's whole career whether you're a wereaboo that just wants to sit your Panther in a bush and snipe or fly supersonic Jets around flinging air-to-air missiles at people similarly it doesn't matter whether you just want to point the mouse and watch the pretty explosions or get ridiculously immersed in the simulation with your expensive flight Sim setup the graphics and sound design are both absolutely top-notch too all this together makes War Thunder the most comprehensive vehicle game out there I've actually personally played it for well over a thousand hours and believe it or not my most played Tech Tree is America for some reason so play War Thunder now for free whether you're on PC Playstation or Xbox and use my link from the pinned comment or description below to get yourself a big old Bonus Pack America now where were we all right yes little Mecca as a child capable of hauling all kinds of things around like this meat yes she's under there and now she's under that meal there she is I'm not sure yet exactly what she'll become but for now hauling and cleaning is more than useful enough whatever she is or will be she needs a bedroom and the colony could use a proper rec room too if we're already digging but the Conqueror group are here again with two Raiders one of whom is a taokai a wretched xenotype that constantly grows new tumors and can spend them for temporary Buffs I'm not entirely sure that's a trade-off I'd personally take but I actually think that running a colony of these accursed things could be quite fun let me know what you think in the comments and maybe it'll go on to my ever growing list of video Concepts in any case this particular recursive being is being annoying By ignoring the front door of the colony and instead running around to the back where I have a single piece of smoothed stone wall poking out from the mountain so I sent Lorenz and Tina to go sort him out putting him out of what I can only assume is a life of misery it's probably time now that we made Tina the colony's moral guide as not having one is souring everyone's mood and she has a high social skill also though that revolver has served Tina very well I think it's time we made some guns a machine pistol for Tina which might actually be a downgrade I'm not sure and a pump shotgun for Clem who doesn't have much shooting skill but I doubt that'll matter let's find out here are some inpids nope doesn't matter shotguns in early game combat extended are incredibly powerful I love it we'll take one of them prisoner we'll snap and the game warns me that they're unwavering silly Rim world I don't want to recruit them I just want to use their body as a nursery and this time since we've got ample medicine to go around I'll remove their legs just to make this process smoother in case you're wondering how laurent's SCI powers are progressing he's almost at the top of the Night Stalker tree where he'll unlock the assassinate power which sounds fun but after that it'll be time to grab the Old Reliable mend so we never need to worry about worn out gear again our tribal friends from the Vemma lines are here now to demonstrate the latest revolutionary Pest Control technique it's called throwing a pipe bomb at an angry horse in melee range and honestly I don't think it's going to catch on but I thought the same about skin fade haircuts and here we are uh where were we again oh yeah insect worship it's about time we started strip mining for things like plastic or gold and components so we can break into deeper Technologies and equipment oh remember that young girl named Jova that I put in the generator room a while ago well it turns out generators are quite hot and she died whoops anyway Tina is Happy enough about being married and having lots of sex to offset the death of her daughter so it's fine I guess in fact she's happy enough to be inspired creatively a feeling I can only wish for I had her make a large wooden statue for the temple and it came out excellent quality it depicts Lorenz gazing into the distance blowing Softly surrounded by voles just looks like a spellaped to me our current Hatchery whose name I'm not going to try a second time is about ready to burst and sure enough out comes little baby ha Parker who's red interesting it turns out the implanted child also inherits some of the hosts genes that's good information to have and as a result littleha Parker is a little bit inpid a combat supplier arrives with some very shiny stuff but we can't afford any of it which means we need some method for generating cash which will almost certainly at least initially Be Good Old Reliable cycoid what little silver we do have I'm beaming up to an exotic Goods ship in return for some Advanced components and gold which just leaves us lacking plastial for a multi-analyzer and hello what's this a simple Monument quest for a neuroformer well I Don't Mind If I Do a very short while later Tina finishes off the building and Pops the silink right into her head I'm going to be sending her straight along the protector tree towards regrow limbs another extremely valuable cycast but the wasters are back again quite a few of them and they've got guns and even some half decent armor this time however Counterpoint we have a Lorenz who can perform a ninja multi-hit combo against anyone who's in darkness anywhere on the map cycast is balanced out at least a little by the fact that it builds a massive amount of neural heat so he can only cast it twice in quick succession right now leaving the rest of the Raiders to the gang with their more Conventional Weapons which are proving perfectly adequate so far but after that raid I zoom out and think about longer term defense this space has two ways in right now if we wore one of them off then we can make a rudimentary Kill Zone I also figure it would be a good idea to have an actual hospital at this point the gang have been here for just a little over 100 days now and things are going well my only criticism so far is that it's not well insecty enough we'll get there soon though we've got the beginnings of That Kill Zone in construction and a small Hydroponics operation underway thanks to the gas-powered sun lamp but now you might remember some time ago Yuri lost one of his toes to the tortoise and we all pointed and laughed at him for it but no longer must he suffer Fatina has acquired the secret knowledge she casts her spell on him and he enters a short coma whilst the toe grows back since it's probably not something you'd want to be awake to experience alright that Killzone is becoming functional now in case you wondered what armor penetrating 762 Nato rounds due to a turkey the ground is still being flattened to prevent trees and bushes growing there but you get the point Raiders come through the door and turrets start blasting little har Parker the red hybrid has become a child and can help out now with the Cleaning and Hauling so it's probably about time we laid some more eggs and would you look at that some weirdos from the Conqueror group have arrived once they've met the turrets those not crippled are running away so Lorenz grabs pyota who's actually a hybrid himself and probably knows what's coming I doubt that makes it any less horrific so whilst pyoto is cooking up a fresh batch for the hive a bulk Good Ship is overhead and is willing to finally sell us the place deal we need to make that multi-analyzer to research fabrication which is most welcome because as usual components on the map are drying up over here to the left of the kill zone is the new strip mine which I thought I was being very clever with by leaving an open tunnel to the outside in meaning if there were an infestation that was hostile it'd have to come out and through the maze hopefully giving us time to find a good solution to the problem of being eaten by the very beasts we worship however I clearly didn't fully consider the ramifications of this tunnel because a group of man hunting Panthers arrived I watched them run into the Maze and get shot by the turrets before doing an about face and tearing ass down the mine shaft to get at Yuri who is effectively now outside the safety of the colony's walls luckily for Yuri mines are dark which means lorentz can teleport in there to save his ass but okay lesson learned no mining during hostile events in other news a little meteor of eltex has dropped onto the corner of our map Tina and Yuri will scatter out and harvest this bounty like human leafcutter ant hybrids carrying home the raw materials required to outfit our side casters properly Yuri is mesmerizing to watch right now is buffed by a work frenzy and work drive from Lawrence pushing his mining speed up to 364 percent look at him go he's going directly into a chunk of components meaning we finally get to build a fabrication bench and start building our own but another large gang of wasters from the miasma boys are here they're not that well armed but there's enough of them that I get the gang to back the turrets up Lorenz flinging icicles from back there probably helped out all I can say for sure is that whilst they were dealing with that the orange Empire offered us four Tech prints and over 200 plus deal to take care of five paralyzed prisoners for them um okay sure let's dig out a little room to fill with five of the least Troublesome prisoners imaginable but first another beautiful birth Lawrence swooped in and carried off Yoda's corpse before I could even Pan the camera over there but anyway his little baby Alvarado and then I finally remembered about that LTX which we can somehow sow into a Kate fullerent and a mask for Tina since lorentz would rather keep his steel insect mask over a magic enhancing extremely valuable LTX one with this little hole excavated on five beds placed in it we can take those prisoners now I know they didn't strictly need beds but whatever it is what it is sometimes I'll just randomly sprinkle a few lonely particles of Civility into my goulash of suffering in rimworld so it's been a little while and they're sleeping soundly in there wait one of them's awake right of course the genetically depressed fire demon has miraculously healed from their paralysis but I don't remember the orange Empire specifying how whole these prisoners had to be when returned so right with BB back in bed for good some pig folk have drop potted right past our turrets and directly to the front door of the colony Battle Stations everyone this could be rough never mind pigs are allegedly quite intelligent creatures this however is not reflected in rimworld They gloriously seized defeat from the jaws of Victory and made an avatar of our Killzone despite seeing this Behavior the prospect of an insect Pig hybrid is still quite attractive so I took one in and had Lorenz do his other Position Dance all over it unfortunately for us but fortunately for our captive Clem is not a good surgeon and managed to kill them in the peg legging process and finally here come the meccanoids I knew they'd show up eventually a psychic suppressor has dropped a few map tiles away capping all the men in the colony to 50 Consciousness so we'll send a sleepy lorentz over there to deal with the problem in a moment but I want him to learn chain lightning first for obvious reasons before he leaves we'll buy this Gene pack from an exotic Goods ship that contains Unstoppable reduced pain strong cooking and furry tale that's a strong set of genes right there if you can feed the recipient's runaway metabolism anyway right off goes Lorenz to deal with those mechanoids which occurs in the usual manner the one where he sneaks up and smashes the psychic suppressor to bits before running away under light charge fire sometime later toxic Fallout blankets the area which isn't really a huge issue when you live in a cave but it will kill all the local fauna luckily then Lorenz already did that earlier with chain lightning the gang of cretinus oh sorry I meant caterness hybrids are tucked safely away from the toxic Ash in their tunnels and they're making a gene lab down there if only we had a ready stock of genetic material somewhere around here so in goes BB the Legacy for it to donate some genes to our cores oh demon wings very nice sadly we finished the gene lab too late to harvest the rest of the prisoners because it's time for them to be shuttled away back to their Dutch captains verstappen has arrived in his rb38 to pick them up what a fantastic Quest that was truly one of the best this Mech cluster on the other hand is less good I don't think we're quite capable of dealing with that right now so it's at this point that the hybrids enter an extended period of lockdown there's not really much good reason to go outside anyway and now it comes with the risk of catching a charge round so inside they remain but as many of us found out a few years ago when you're stuck inside you tend to get a little weird the result is Clem working at the gene assembler to make an implantable Xeno germ for lorentz what genes is he getting he's getting the wings of course which once he's woken up from the implantation coma allow him to Glide over terrain ignoring movement penalties as well as giving him a little jump ability neat the toxic Fallout finally settles and the area is left almost entirely dead and brown but not all is dead something stirs in the strip mine our gods are waking up which means it's finally time for Clem to take up the mantle of insect herder we'll need to mine an area in which our tamed insects can live with that mostly done Clem sneaks to the boundary of the ever-growing infestation to tame a mega spider which thankfully she can do at a distance and with guaranteed success back in its hole she can start training it to fight for her but like a young girl with a puppy before too long she wants another a mega P this time which sadly aren't trainable in fact none of the other large insects are so it's just going to be mega spiders from here on in for the next few weeks Clem repeatedly slinks into the mines and each time returns with a new friend but it's been too long since we made a new friend through parasitic implantation so I'm sorry Tonio I know we're not currently your enemy but we will be very shortly all right we've got six mega spiders and they're all attack trained let's see how they handle that Mech cluster oh the answer it turns out is very well but perhaps they've run out of ammo the mechanoids though are the least of the colonies worries look at that infestation still growing outwards completely unchecked it's only a matter of time before something makes them angry and I doubt worshiping them whilst they slaughter everyone will help regardless we do actually have to worry about the mechanoids because even more of them have just landed and this time they actually fight back the mega spiders soak up fire nicely once Lorenz stands back eating lightning bolts Clem drags her brood home and mends their wounds ready for the next fight Tonio has popped open and revealed little baby chick also I've painted a crude Effigy of an insect on the floor of the insect room in a tasteful if slightly resemblant of turd shade of brown perhaps this will pacify the angry and ever-growing horde of stabby bugs in our mind yet another met cluster lands making the area foggy which isn't enormously threatening but I still want it gone so I realized that I can have lorentz remotely assassinate the cluster's guards by casting the area in magical Darkness or rather I could if he had a weapon capable of harming them well we do have an ancient Danger on the map and sometimes they contain Ultra attack melee weapons so let's go give that a poke oh dear angry bugs the gang aren't going to be happy about what happens next also there's nothing good in here anyway maybe the people in the pods will have something wait what's that ominous skittering sound oh dear when the bugs from the ancient danger got angry it appears they telepathically informed the infestation of lorenz's transgressions and they're responding in kind flooding into the colony Paul Laurence himself is trapped outside with no side juice left to skip himself home he's forced to face the wrath of those he worships head on the result being his unceremonious death Clem can take her little brood and hold the tunnel into the base for some time but insects are capable of Mining and quickly find another way in detonating the generator room before rushing into the halls of the colony the kids have all been hidden away with meccar in the classroom like American school kids meanwhile Yuri is just trying to enjoy a good supper anyway the bugs have actually finished their little raid and returned home suppose The Colony could probably be continued from here but I prefer the version of this tale where the remaining colonists feed themselves willingly to the insect Queen so let that be a lesson insects are much better at being insects than human insect hybrids whatever you do remain indoors the infestation is still growing thank you for watching and thanks to War Thunder for sponsoring this video click the link in the description or pin comment below to grab all of this cool stuff until next time goodbye [Music] foreign [Music] foreign
Channel: Hazzor
Views: 658,413
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rimworld, rimworld gameplay, rimworld mods, modded rimworld, rimworld biotech, rimworld tips, rimworld ideology, rimworld guide, rimworld game, rimworld biotech gameplay, rimworld ep 1, rimworld story, let's play rimworld, rimworld episode 1, rimworld 1.4, rimworld royalty, rimworld biotech dlc, rimworld mod, lets play rimworld, rimworld 100 days, 100 days, rimworld genes, rimworld insectoids, I created an Insect Cult in Rimworld, rimworld challenge
Id: 6pdLc59LsGU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 5sec (1565 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 09 2023
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