Ricky Gervais Meets... Larry David

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we're filming with Ricky Gervais Simon having a problem with the drilling I wonder if you like asking to do anything your film talked oh your film with Ricky Gervais is Cartman stop the drilling except the two magic words in Hollywood Ricky devised Oh the drilling start thanks very much all right [Music] I can't imagine why he'd wanted to just speak to me for channel 4 notice respect I know that he doesn't like interviews or I think it's quite a grumpy man you know that he's seen the office and extras don't he taught me yeah definitely he's gonna go oh no I thought no but he Connolly I was that kind of good the office has made Ricky Gervais is a global comedy star it's shown in 80 countries and it's DVD sales make it the most successful BBC comedy export of all time extras has also gone international he's the only British comedian to write and star in an episode of The Simpsons and win a Golden Globe but he's turned down lead roles in Hollywood and multi-million pound commercial contracts so how does he cash in on worldwide stardom he meets his heroes and I'll have a vanilla one of the vanilla [ __ ] thanks you know do what happened you wanted some vanilla [ __ ] latte kappa thing you know whatever you got Larry David co-created the most successful sitcom in history they have salsa on the table it's all support in America do you know why because people like to say salsa so we need must also where's the salsa salsa the show which was written by Larry regularly got 30 million viewers following this huge success he chose to shun the network's and epic ratings to go to HBO and have complete creative control writing and starring in his own series Curb Your Enthusiasm it's the cafe latte what is that milk no can coffee [Music] this limos getting wolf whistles from other cars it's so beautiful at least it was like a full-body shot and other things I'm having my Spanx think our big validate my big fat 100 foot face that would have been scaling I'm Finn America I still wear black [Music] no wait for every test I've got it for you I can help you out with shaving by the way hi I thought we are filming this oh sorry I thought I thought we were doing another tape we are we just filming this I don't feel we are filming this do you mind if we film you while you're putting on a robe right okay I'm just gonna take down a little bit of the redness what redness no it's true on my nose is that a little red I thought there was something wrong when they had to go to a don't altar is this some this weird to men just talking about a skin condition while being filmed being made up is that I saw why isn't it you know two men is as secure as we are absolutely maybe we'll metrosexual are we what's that that's that that's a guy who's very involved with with crease heterosexual but he's very good grooming he thinks nothing of a Brazilian and I like to be I like to be as [ __ ] and span down there as any woman your care to me my life now the onus is pretty much on you for most of this isn't it you know you're the interviewer right yeah so I'm the guy it should be really relaxed about absolutely I don't have to feel like I'm on a date here right on a date just cuz I talked about Brazilians now that was I wasn't bringing out to lunch I mean no what's that no I think that if you use that chapstick stuff yeah I think you'll you'll start getting chapped lips all the time I really do because you assume that your lips are being Mahdi coddled and they need to gather and be a man yeah thanks very much for doing this the only reason I'm doing it is because it's in England sure and nobody I know will be watching so there's a great freedom to that right I was hoping that it's cuz you know so yeah no of course obviously when I was doing stand-up I would never let anybody come see me I only wanted strangers in the audience I couldn't stand it if I saw a face and if I recognized the face it would throw me I went to see em some comedy last night I sort of just snuck over to the the Comedy Store unreal on Sunset I saw a tack every single one of them their catchphrase was what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] right and they all talked about that ethnic parenting it was it was like it was a Korean blow it was like oh my favorite why do I go into comedy Jamaican I want to go into comedy well just it was like just change the rice and then use what every single one of them can you say [ __ ] on your show yeah you can yeah do you wanna know do you know not this show oh um extras extras yeah I mean we we keep it down I mean yeah I try to keep my mind mind down yeah can I just remind you of a scene of the opening of the restaurant which was like an opera of swearing [Music] maybe one day I'll get a chance to do something good for somebody like that stun sucking [ __ ] [ __ ] God God Chism Brimmer God bum [ __ ] turn thought piss [ __ ] [ __ ] you you car wash cut now a car wash [ __ ] is his poetry that's that's she came up with that what do you think about swearing in comedy because I don't like to abuse it at all I know just from doing stand-up that it's the easiest way to get cheap and easy laughs I think it can be funny it definitely makes anything funnier it does there's no doubt about it once you once you inject a [ __ ] into your speech it makes it funnier it gives it it gives it an emphasis and it gives it a shock what did you have I am afraid to say I had an ace high I can't believe that you didn't go in with that I what ahem that's a great hand for this game Wow oh you're I'm comedy heroes and influences when I was growing up I loved the bilko show understand how he lost you know lots of people go to the races women lose a little not us we brought our own expert born and raised on a farm in Kentucky knows all about horses join the army why so he could pick a horse verse that came in absolutely less good boy he was doing what what we were doing in a way doing these guys who are saying and doing things that nobody else would say and do nasty things and ah yeah being unlikable and exactly and deceptive bankroll and I'll see happen is gone how am I gonna face a platoon high boy only anonomys level of collapse he's a real thoroughbred he's got hurry yeah well let him face the platoon what's the same plot yeah every week he's trapped he's in this you know it could be prison however it just happens to be the army it's it laid out the blueprint for sitcom I think I love Bill Cohen I loved Abbott and Costello Chuck what do we have to sleep in this room why you're not afraid are you no well you see a pair of pants flash or the air don't crack why I'll be in him I love to uh Costello I really I did but I always felt that I had Laurel and Hardy well here's another nice tissue pickled me in I think they were too sophisticated for me when I was a kid there was something I didn't quite latch on to about them I don't know why it's the relationship that I love you know I'm with this idea it's almost like I'd be okay if it wasn't for this fullness it's the way they share that screen time that stands the idea of assist you with things nalli can't believe he says those things that clock what clock the clock you paid two hundred and ninety dollars for why that's ridiculous where would I get two hundred and ninety dollars that clock I don't know he said he was gonna keep it in the duct and if I didn't keep my mouth shut then nobody be any the wiser oh now why didn't you keep your trap shut I think there's a certain amount of that with with you and Jeff you take turns sometimes you're the stand where you say the wrong thing and it's it's out there and sometimes you're there why do you say that what you're you're an idiot this Susie's here what are you doing here the amount of sleep that I've lost what you're doing yes and then I'll tell you Sammy shelf has been on my mind I've always thought this shelf was loose and you brought Larry to help you with the shelves I know a lot about shelving I put up all the shelves in my house and you put the shelves up in here I find that goes ahead show me I put them all up and definitely has a tough role on my show because he's a confidant sometimes he's just there to be helpful to the story it's such a useful counsellor yeah because everything I couldn't do the show without that character it's almost like setting you up you know it's sending on your wife Cheryl is so adept at doing that kind of thing oh by the way you tell wonder she has a big ass why don't L want a big ass she'll always know exactly how to make a scene funnier why what's the big deal what am I did say she has a big ass so what that's not so terrible what's not with a big ass I like big asses there's no problem you like big asses I don't mind a big ass I mean no not necessarily big know what you thought big WOW I don't love big asses do you like them I like them just the regular I like them just like yours okay mine isn't really big it's not nearly big it's not it's a it's good-sized sad you just said I love big hours and completely gives herself over to it no ego at all always knows where to take a scene to to get it 20 ER after years together I'm just pointing out crazy no that's only true do you know I'm not a good deviant I didn't say DVM presumably you get the ideas from real life you know they're their observations or things that you think may happen and as is it all for the comedy or is there any part of it that's you getting something off your chest I know I'm not consciously trying to get things off my chest I don't think but things do occur where I go this will be a good thing to do on my show that had I said it at the time I would have gotten something off my chest well like this one scene that we did the check came and they Cheryl and I were out to dinner with another couple no smoothly picked up the last one about me and thank you too and Thank You Susan you're welcome one whywhy do I have to thank you dinner that my husband and I treated you do I thought he treated me to do pulled out the credit card and put it down yes yeah so I thanked and he's using our money to pay for it so you could thank us we're taking you out to dinner well you can call it our money but just for the sake of discussion he's the one who goes to work and then earns the money you know you don't work so something like that came up in my life you know I thank the wife I'm not a sociopath I can't say that you know but I knew immediately that this is something I want to do on the show so in that in that sense yeah it does it is a way to get things off my chest and the trouble is that uh but I have watching Kirby enthusiasm it's there I agree with everything now he says outside that sort of mild mild autism where it's probably better that he doesn't always say what he's thinking I think he's right well that's why I like that Larry so much better than this Larry are we great to be like net13 yeah freedom not burdened by conscience absol not really people are going I'm so sorry just going yeah he's happy that guy look what's going on with this kid Wow let me see it it's a bigger penis than mine he's got a bigger penis than me we all have the good thoughts and the bad thoughts but you know nobody ever expresses the bad thoughts we think um and we don't say yeah but the bad thoughts are funny I saw your son at the hell yeah yeah you've got some penis on pretty good what are you saying your son what heinous wait what do you say anything for hey thanks compliment what's the big deal what's the compliment was it bad to tell us a bed he's gonna he's got a nice big penis so what we're not talking about your wife's tits I'm I'm this is my you could say my wife as nice just as long as it's complimentary and when you come back and you say that you know this I I mentioned its penis she says why would you do that Larry and you say and this sums up what I think a comedians mind you say I took a risk and that's what comedians do sometimes think well you know I might go down well it might not but I just I just say it I mean that's how we're all going through life isn't it just not saying what we really well we go on to say we're going through life compromising exactly for the good of everyone right yeah I suppose that's why people like yourself don't compromise in your art that that's where no one can get hurt it's right it's done to you art you're allowed to be a complete fascist there's no doesn't matter yeah right yeah it says did you do your own program I'm in charge of this there should be no compromising art I think it's because there's I don't know about your case but in my case I'm such a liar in my life not lying about this to myself yeah not really telling my true feelings mmm that I feel like I want to go completely the other way when I have the opportunity even that's why you create superheroes like Larry well I think if you're any good you kind of have to have a compulsion to tell the truth absolutely you think absolutely yeah and and without without guilt yeah I think this is this is this is guilt free truth calm yeah I think the other one is when them you know there's a terrorist attack it's good Intel it's gonna happen okay my brother his best friend works for the CIA he got this information from the highest source possible that there's gonna be a terrorist attack this weekend in LA yeah if it's a stunt you should leave right but Cheryl's got this event right we got to get out of here yeah actually this is this weekend is a big NRDC benefit that we've been working on for months and well in us more said it's gonna be I'm just I'm thinking out loud I just could pick another weekend that's more suited for you will postpone the benefit let's get out of here I thought I'd never say this but Larry's right and it absolutely sums it up where Larry he says the thing that's on his mind it might not be the right thing to express but he's he's totally right morally well maybe yeah you know maybe I can jack and go and where are you gonna go good girl Cal thing Pebble Beach go down with it yeah why is it all the burden on you to say to her that why didn't she come with you and not be killed would be better to not be killed together she has the option of Cosby option you giving her the option she can't see that if you feel good about one of us dying and the other ones surviving and you can live with that for the rest then you should go golf this weekend I think about the one thing about that scene that I should mention that's that's interesting is that that was completely made up on the spot that wasn't even in the I wasn't in the in the script at all but the idea of yeah that wasn't in the script at all what happened was when Wanda leaves the house at my moment and the two of us are left on the couch the scene was supposed to end there and and nobody the director Danielle cut lovely again it's the bad thought suppose also he goes on a class with the writing process then presumably you use storyboard the whole trajectory and individual episodes and then how does it get from the idea to scream you know I walk around with a little pad and whenever I get an idea I jot it down and I have another book where I take all the ideas and I and I put them in another book you know last time right in my best handwriting yeah so before I write a show it's I'll just you know look in the books and then I'll think oh that would be funny to do with that oh those two ideas really would work well together and so what would what would a typical script say Laura bring bring me bring me in a script Oh fantastic uh-huh I don't care bring me in anything bring me something from not this season bring me in something from season four and you know I'll take two or three ideas and kind of put them together and build a story okay so this is uh this is from the show the the carpool lane when I picked up the prostitute yeah I'm not gonna use the carpool lane by myself cuz I go I don't want to well that's the difference between you and me all right goodbye hey dude you gonna date Lee mom [Applause] get the car Larry and Moe Nino zipping along in the express lane Larry tells me he doesn't want any sex but he'll pay for a time she's never been paid for a time before and she tries to figure out how many blow jobs in other forms of sex she normally have within that period which Larry of course disputes so there's there's tracks to go on here exactly I can get more jobs allow for [ __ ] I'm good a job a camera I used to drive around for two hours I couldn't get a fair you're telling me you're getting four blow jobs in a now yes and you didn't picked up the best honey I got a red snapper that talks to you you know what it's saying I'm charging way too much there's actually more there than I imagined yeah it's like you're laying down the jokes really you are you're laying down the structure and the tramlines for for the for the humor yes yeah do you pretty much know what you're gonna get by the end of it you know if you've if you've auditioned the actors you've seen it at the audition so you're confident that you'll get it in and you normally do any of your shows improvise um very little see that's what that's what's so great about it because it looks like it is you know it's all about it's all about writing in casting isn't it and in your show we're how do you know these people can do that because you're asking so much of the market lesson I've learned as always audition so you're confident that you'll get it in and you normally do but sometimes we give out parts to a known actor that Christine hi guys why don't you come upon come on good are you serious yeah what's the difference Larry I'm not gonna drive you around like I'm your chauffeur get in the [ __ ] front seat all right I Drive me around like a chauffeur with two minutes from from the rehearsal hall you know a person asks another person to drive them around like this is kind of mentalities what's what not a person is so insecure that they have to make somebody move into the front seat so they don't think that they're driving somebody around no the kind of person is so insecure that needs to be driven around in the backseat subliminally doing you throw it to the front seat because I asked you to sit in the front seat of my car and it's my car and it's my car I make the rules okay what is this gonna be cut down to an hour you're kidding it's an hour that's a difficult question for you I love Jewish humor but I don't know exactly what it is what's Jewish humor I you know I really don't know I don't know what it is I know that there's a lot of Jews in comedy they say did you assume it that you could probably sign neuroses don't you see the rest of the country looks upon New York like we're we're left-wing communist Jewish homosexual pornographers I think of us that way sometimes and I might live here there's a lot of complaining I guess being dealt a bad hand it's a Tevye isn't it the weight of the world on your shoulders complaining I think I think it's a lot of that my parents really didn't like me they told me I was Jewish on Christmas morning and they just empty sake there's also a certain rhythm I think to the way that Jews talk that might be funny every Jewish woman what to think she looks Hawaiian don't look Hawaiian French I think I look Dutch do I look Spanish you look Jewish you directly enter that's it well he's funny already yeah I want to learn Yiddish because the words yeah yeah there's a like a jazz to it yeah I mean like when you listen to Lenny Bruce's albums there's a there's a jazz to the way he he talks titties are dirty and vulgar no it's the words the way you're relate are you sure it's the word not the titty that's dirty to you it's the words all right suppose we change the words who toughest is and nay names wow that's a lot better I grew up loving the March well as I've actually got a picture of Groucho and there's just such an amazing quote here he said when he was 80 years old he said um I'm going to Iowa for an award then I'm appearing at Carnegie Hall they've sold out and then I fly to France to be honored by the French president I'd give it all up for one erection yeah the culture is being funny comes out of that comes out of the I guess some kind of oppression because oppression would lead to you and would it not when you're in a terrible situation the only thing you could do is be funny are you Jewish are you Jewish you want to check my penis okay ah is that what my real question is yeah what are you feeling what yeah what were your whistling Hello Dolly no it's vogner Oh was it your hundred dollar I want to know what a Jew is whistling Bob do you want one of the great anti-semites of the world you know what you are what am i you're a self-loathing oh yes you hate my job but it has nothing to do with being Jewish but well we got to be oppressed about being you what sighs no no I mean you've got Jewish I haven't even got that Yeah right well yeah what's your thing nothing I'm a a white middle-class bloke from England oh I get annoyed at people eating too loudly or a waiter not looking at me immediately you know or hasn't somebody the time and they go you know like like they're doing you a big favor really annoys me yeah and also if there's two people you bump into each other yeah it's it's equal we won't look either I go sorry they go and that makes my blood boil right that's all I've got no one's dying they would starve in I haven't got any fatal diseases but why it's got the television on to loud he's not over you you know what barman have the television on I was just getting the age where I could ask right when you it's all a 36 you can go into a pub and take me have that telly off mate Yeah right then I became famous and now I can't again so I have to sit there and see it's because I want anyone to go right yes yeah yeah people really want to say that too before it was they're gonna go a bloke came into the room and he wasn't polite now they're gonna say Ricky Gervais is came in through him and he what they can pinpoint who that person is oh it affects your tipping that's for sure yeah what you up the tip I got a double you know but where does it stop with you you give him $10 they go ten dollars is nothing to you yes I know obviously everyone knew Larry David was from Seinfeld but they many people couldn't put a face to the name and after the first season of Curb how does it changed you know when your your picture was suddenly appearing in the paper as well how did that feel it actually was it felt good I'm just talking about just walking around and yeah going shopping exactly is because people seem to be enthusiastic about the show and they seem to like me it's kind of fun it's like the world seems to be a friendlier place for me it gives me more freedom once I know people know who I am it gives me a lot of licence and freedom to behave in ways I would normally wouldn't behave so it was it was actually liberating for you yeah I took the other route and I was very suddenly very self-conscious much more than ever been I end up just not just not going out in public I mean I'm very nearly Howard Hughes I think it's weird but people to know they think they know everything about you I think they were meant to be recognized are we really but people really love and respect you so when they come up to you and they say something to you I saw it was nice it's not yes and right if I hated you you know I was on a show in the in the early eighties first show and I just bought this convertible and I took it out of the showroom was a Fiat convertible and I put the top down and I'm starting to make a little money I'm on this TV show and I and I'm driving down Santa Monica bullpen alive and some guy yells out from the bus stop you show stinks Oh what the top yeah never put the top down again that was it got rid of the convertible contrasted with that this is this is a hoot for me I was I was Florida last week and I was just I was standing outside of a restaurant waiting for somebody anything the guy came up to me and said are you alone do you want to come join join me for dinner I'm with them with my wife I said oh that's okay thank you yeah but it's sweet yeah oh that is very sweet it's just that what what do you say you got sour Khan I want to say you've watched the show do you aim up to that guy on the show do you think he would want to go sit and have dinner with a stranger think about it what did I start oh he he said I'll just be a couple minutes so so you don't want me to too started that it's a couple minutes you don't mind do you I just think it's kind of weird I mean if you got your food come first I would say go ahead and start I don't what do I care well I would wait for you to get yours I really wouldn't want you to wait I'd be uncomfortable if you waited well I'd feel it would be polite to wait for your food to arrive I think it's kind of impolite to prevent a person who's hungry for meeting but we're supposed to be having lunch together I mean that was what's the difference we have to start at the exact same time I don't get that well I don't see why you can't wait two seconds for your cold sandwich it's not like it's even hotter I don't see why you care if I take a bite of my food how does that bother you because we're having lunch together so what who of us [Music] IIIi came from sort of nowhere so there was like a a matter of interest in my the creeps the interviews just okay bull we're talking about yourself some of them but now I cringe every time I read anything any interview I I cringe from it cringe because there's rarely a rapport with anybody who's talking to me they don't listen even to what you're saying they'll ask their question and then they're waiting for you to give your answer and then they ask their next question there's never it's never a conversation it's always you know what I mean it's always they are there ever times when you just you know don't like what you've done yeah you obviously yeah go right to the next one and the other one is I know I say don't subtly put put that away talk to me you know yeah you wouldn't you want to you want to hear that's an amazing answer yeah right yeah now the other thing I have a hard time with is going on shows talk shows and stuff like that I only see a downside to it I see me he's blurting something out some faux pas that'll destroy me you know like if I had something booked like a month from now my the whole month would be ruined for me I tried to get out of something today no thanks no no not this no not this I'm supposed to do this thing in New York they called me a year ago and I said no and then they I said call me next year just to get out just to get out of it I call me next year never thinking next year's gonna come and they'll be a call so of course they call me and you know I said okay and now it's coming up and it's on my mind so I called up to I said I put on my funeral voice I I am so so sorry I I cannot I'm sorry I cannot do it I've got a lot of problems right now I just I just can't I can't do it I can't I'm so sorry I'm so sorry and for 15 minutes I told how sorry I was okay okay made me feel so guilty then called me back I just spoke to my boss what you have to do this you know I said all right okay so now I'm doing it and now the next two months yeah that's true cuz oh I will never have a day now where I don't think about having to go and do that now now one day I won't have one day for the next two months I'm saying it's all I'm gonna think about everything yeah you just forget about it for a while you ever love you but yeah we're trending well exactly oh yeah now it's only a month away yeah my old profile listen we've seen the whole big nose all the whole thing now are you being funny there no do you know you're being funny was on were you funny as a kid no no especially no I don't think I was no I was doing I would do stuff for the family little do you know performance kind of stuff Elvis and stuff like that you know I'd come in and do Elvis but I wasn't winning I don't think I think I have to be a certain I used to be funny yeah I thought so few people under 30 are funny you have to discover when you're inadequate in order to be funny know you're inadequate unfeasibly good-looking clever popular people doing things brilliantly absolutely yeah I started to become funny when I realized I was inferior and inadequate mine was one of the five name somebody yeah yeah who's there was an audience gonna laugh at the guy who gets up on stage and talks about how he got the girl or the guy who's telling the funny story about he didn't get the girl come on you can't give yourself a cool well we've got to be the putz [Applause] marry hey just just just a little bit I asked you to be ready when he got back well I'm have you even moved since I left this morning yes of course what are you talking about I got up I got up to tip room service have you just retired and this is what you're gonna do for the rest of your life and you're never gonna work again I'm gonna work again I don't know no I'm gonna work when something comes up that I want to do I would really like for you to get dressed so we can go look at this house fine fine thank you all right here's Brittany Brittany come on out I think you've managed to do it twice with Seinfeld and miss to do that think that so many comedians stand-up comedians firing at is getting real-life observations that they've had and rendering it with with actors and not making it look contrived you know you mean usually a stand-up comedian gets his pilot and he just crowbars in just and it just looks like you might as well be talking to the camera and then you want to go wrong when someone said they say things like so did you come on your bike Larry no this is crow bombing stuff in you know when you when you were summer its crowbar and stuff in but it's making it look like you're not and that's why I think naturalism it's so big and high on the agenda now and comedy you're a stickler as I am for for reality when something takes you out of that reality and it takes you completely out of the scene don't ya I want to see someone get their hands dirty I want to see a bit of their life yeah also I'm I was never a big joke guy now you know because I mean that's that's the one thing about so many shows is that everybody saying all these funny things right the audience laughing yeah but nobody else is laughing exactly they're saying jokes to their friends yeah and and then the friend doesn't even smile absolutely and then the friend says something else equally is funny like everybody's all always has to say something funny I remember the first time I saw that reversed was I think it's is it flat against and when dumb what do you only get speaking up when he goes home and he starts making Diane laughs with Julia gotta teach him a lesson are you alright yeah I'm fine I snapped my chin down onto some guys fist and hit another one in the knee with my nose where's Julie oh she ran off with the leader I think I get married they're heading for Mexico now I never would have worked between Julie and me cuz she's Protestant and I'm Catholic and he's a great religious abyss between right who were these guys oh they said they were hairdressers hard to believe though you want us to call the time oh no no I'm fine I could use a three-foot band-aid pain subside she's like when my sex life is turning into the Petrified Forest you know what you're very good at it too I've noticed the way you know I know it's the show and everything I'm telling you I'm serious listen this is now listen to it whatever he says he's the truth this is one of the few people who actually has genuine laughter you have left to run on your show and you left and I when I watch it I go wow it's great it's great the way you did that yeah well it's nice see there I just I just think really some resonates more you can do you can you can go mad you can go you can go surreal you can you can go fast but as long as there's an element of realism and recognition it's better so at one time I went over this block and learning the Popham of playing the quiz machine and it was throw up a fiver and the question came up who discovered America and I just panicked and I said come on mistake to make this sound the same I did a an interview and they asked my favorite and things and lists and stuff and I put George Costanza as the best sitcom character of all time hey my show from last night yeah I was doing some new material hey you ever do that thing on the toes that I said huh you know how like the big toe is like the captain of the toes but sometimes the toe next to the big toe gets so big that there's like a power struggle and the second toe assumes control of the foot lacunae tell ya did you do it yeah so George Costanza famously is some of the things aboard from your your real character why did you not plan it was never even a consideration well if there was nothing that I even thought of or Jerry thought of or anybody brought up it wasn't even on the table I couldn't have done that and and written at the show at the same time it just would it would be too hard I couldn't do it and I said this is the I think when George finally gets to start writing for a you know the pilot and they're like he sees two girls he thinks we'll now I can impress the ladies yeah well actually I'm a writer in fact I'm writing a comedy pilot for NBC right no sitcom how can you write that [Laughter] yeah I like to think that people go that's at the top of the tree don't waste your time with novels write plays sitcoms where it's at that's the top exam terms of our history is there anything you want to do in television outside comedy would you want to do a drama or a film or oh no no I would be completely lost completely out of my element it would be laughable really really it would really be laughable yeah I couldn't do it I I would have no barometer for knowing that it's good how would I know it's any good Wow no yeah I wouldn't know there's nothing there's no guides well there's good drama there is a maze bad drama right but people who are dramatist know when it's good I'm I wouldn't know if it was good or not but how did you know you knew it was good when you started writing comedy if not there was good comedy and bad comment people left you know we were laughing at this comedy club where people go and what the [ __ ] it's that thing you I go to one of those comedy clubs and people go there and go where anyone is smoked if you're if you're saying what everyone's thinking you're not doing anything yeah there's a fine line there casillas you don't know are people laughing because they thought of it or because they thought of it now they're hearing it well I think comedy has to be recognition but it's absolutely pointless doing comedy to a roomful of people that could just about do it themselves what I want to do is I want to do things that nobody else can think of absolutely you know what I mean if you want it that's that's what you want to do you know so many times when I'm watching your shows I'm going I wish I would have thought of that oh yeah well you know I mean I suppose that I want the right laugh I want to look around yeah I want to look around and go why they're not laughing that's a good sign yeah that's good I didn't want them to laugh right I don't want you to like I don't want you liking my comedy well I had plenty of that when I was doing stand-up I had a rumour that sometimes you'd go out and you look at the audience and go yeah yeah I did that I did that once yeah and what was that heartfelt that was the that was you look up onstage I looked out at the audience I kind of took him in I looked around what was the demographic that said to you they're not going to like this yeah just people I sensed no connection with nobody I ever wanted to sit down with in Tartu I didn't want to be talking to I could tell on first sight you know my pen Pao is no slouch ah yes yeah yeah right and I looked at and I went and I left yeah well I mean after Seinfeld and with your success obviously you never have to work again what what drives you what drives you to keep going now you got it you got it get out of the house my mother always said you need a place to go yeah you got you got you need a place to go no matter what it is you have to get out of the house and have a place to go every day what would you be doing if you if you'd given up comedy you came back for New York forget it I'm not gonna forget it you didn't do any writing yeah well what if it you know just grow about 20 years you gave up what would you be doing now do you think you mean I'd have to have another job well I assume saying okay so I'm quitting show business you quite sure the guy who quit show biz 20 years ago and now I need a new job yeah that's a good question now what would I do I have no skills what would I do I don't know sell entrepreneurs and sell cars hi I'm Larry hey Larry Archy you know what my wife's name is Veronica so this is the Camry I heard about huh this is the big boy the top of the line this is as good as it gets you know you hear lexus lexus lexus we don't hear Camry Camry what doesn't you should be here right well tell me what's the what's in the engine here what's in it big stuff big charging crazy Pistons nutty Pistons is a twin-cam yeah 20 camp what other college is this a [ __ ] work of art what's your name Shirley Shirley yeah that's my mother's name um tilt wheel steering which I really like does this car have that standard you know you don't have the need to tilt in this car I've never had a tilting need I heard that these SUVs that they sometimes they roll over rather easy look at this thing look at this look well thank you so much that's absolute pleasure I think I think we got planning we've got plenty to thank you very much thank you it keeps rising I'm gonna get you the mm yeah yeah I see I think I've heard of that title and it was a ton on audio yeah can you come up with it okay and if it means something to you you can cry you know what I'm looking at your eyes and I see no evidence at all that anybody was crying usually when someone finishes crying they won't be evidence away that was Everett air and did you wipe it away yes I did and the evidence for that is in the pin on a tissue oh is that so check out Columbo
Channel: Curb YourTube
Views: 642,823
Rating: 4.8442736 out of 5
Keywords: content, mpmt, fanatical, custom playlists, 20z, roaring, twenties, enterprises, entertainment, adventures, comedy, outpost, compilation, clip show, cuts, seamless, best of, episode, highlights, tag lines, hbo, larry David, Cheryl, hines, jeff, greene, green, garlin, suzy, susie, essman, Richard lewis, jb smoove, leon
Id: mL0m8BmxNq8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 16sec (2896 seconds)
Published: Mon May 11 2020
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