KPCS: Kev's Fav - Larry David

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[Music] hmm welcome back once again to Kevin Pollak's chat show I am as always chat show happy New Year to you I'm gonna ask our guest today who likes to put these lists together according to the dossier when do we stop saying happy new year how long what's the window when can we stop it with this January 11th January 11th it's already been decided there is I'm happy it's like to have an answer before you see a face on the 26th of January yeah well long since passed this is going to go out to the world on on Jamie's birthday via the YouTube right on January 26 and then on the Earwolf on the 28th yeah for those who like to listen to never look at us which is preferred okay yeah so if you've gotten a Happy New Year in the previous two weeks shun that person yeah past the 11th says that guest yeah will that make sense to me too I think that should be the new world the 11th well let it be written I was gonna say the 9th so we'll have that discussion once the game I guess is introduced because it matters those two days you're [ __ ] somebody big two days Sammy hey buddy welcome back from the East Coast Thank You VIN back now three weeks according to the thing right right right but today is the 6th of January let's stop before and you're just back from the whole mission booklet yeah as New York for a little bit and then down to sunny Florida yeah and and three planes in the last ten hours be damned I was gonna be here yeah you did MIT you did change all kinds of plans to come back that is that is 100% accurate yes I was not going to miss this my guess is are you know I got dinner plans this is so rude it really it really makes you guess wait a long time but a camera Sammy but come on and you just read money meeting Jamie all right we'll come back to you guys for your question I know you'll have no no get to it I love being on camera anyway yeah please write to us at contact to Kevin Pollak's chat wrote comment let us know how you do the show do you watch us to you listen how do you do all the things tendon you're Larry King games and from there I say my guest today I'm most excited to have because he golf's with Richard kind please welcome Larry David how are you sir let's talk about this New Year's let's get right to it you say the 11 first of all I only receive happy new year you'd never give never give because because it's it's it sounds awful coming from my mouth because it's so insincere because I don't even know what it is happy new year in what regard what does it even mean like like a happy new year like the party's happy or no what what's happy I think you're wishing them good cheer in the new year have a good year is what you're saying are you saying have a good year yeah Happy New Year if you're at a party and you want to kiss a girl that's a whole other thing it's a wave so that's just manipulative that's exactly that I can engage in that one makes sense yeah it's the after the party's over it's January 4th and why am I still saying happy new year yeah and and and why can't if you're wishing somebody a good cheer for the entire year yeah why can't you say it happy new year in June what's the difference happy happy rest of the year right you know I may not see you in the last six months right you should be happy yes yeah and also there's insincerity because it's perfunctory or not you don't really mean it ever no you don't yeah it's like I noticed as the agents and managers and people are coming back to town and show businesses decided it's okay to restart in emails you have to start with happy new year and now let's talk about but you know what I'm good at please I'm good at the happy birthday because I mean is I mean it yeah it's your birthday you know it's your special day right and I'll give you I'll give you a great happy birthday if I remember my daddy David for Halloween so got a little screwed with the Halloween in terms of themed parties but you're a couple days before fourth of July yes we did was there any screwing on that end because we got a big holiday going up July didn't infringe on me really no it didn't no infringement no because there's big parties on the court yes but it had nothing all I was away in camp a lot during my birthday do tell yeah summer Canada summer camp right the first time I was I was 14 and I went away and I I'm in the dining room it's the July 2nd all right my birthday yes and I'm so I'm shy I'm 14 years old I don't know any of these people sure and the camp director stands up the middle of the dining room and we have a birthday and how many kids 500 yeah you know hundreds of kids in the dining room Larry David please stand up Oh God so yes hellish yeah that was bad was there any attention after the meal of people stopping by to say happy birthday I'm guessing none because they don't they don't know for nothing either no yeah they just my birthday's were always in camp oh yeah growing up when I was growing up right I didn't do the summer camp as a West Coast Jew there was not a big summer camp thing really yeah can I tell you something please you missed out in what way because I've always felt like I missed one oh yeah girls ladies yeah ladies yeah Oh girls girls and what about the CITS were they attractive as well when you're fourteen yeah everybody's a trasher yeah wait ages did you did you do summer count starting at 14 no I started at 13 but they didn't know was my birthday that year I said I went from 13 to 18 Wow yeah but eight I was a counselor at 18 okay I was a waiter 16 and 17 the worst the worst waiter in the cab so you're working at the camp as a waiter but you're also staying in the cabin with who other bunk mates when you go and you're stay in the cabin when you're 13 yeah that's all these kids together yeah were you in the waiters cab or you just happen to be one of the kids know we had a waiters cabin when I was 16 you did and the waiters kappa when i was 17 okay it's a whole world is this in the Poconos where is this Catskills Polk and I was yeah right right fascinate and and any contact at all with anyone from those days no okay oh no that's not true wait that's not true because I went with some friends from Brooklyn okay and I'm still in contact with them right yeah you're from the Brooklyn but I do by the way yes and I'm sure you were joking when you said the Brooklyn yes I was those big an old Jew ya know people say the Brooklyn I've never heard in my life but you know they you can nobody says you're from Bronx it's the Bronx all right yes and the explanation for that would be I don't know okay it might be a Dutch thing here's hoping you were raised in the blowing please explain the coaster on this disgusting table well first of all the cameras while they do get up how gross is a little rubber coaster here you know what it is this jumped up if there must be some sort of Hebrew tradition it's for the noise yeah it's it's to really keep Sam's parents happy who watched the show you were raised in Brooklyn yes but I have to ask had the family moved to the south when you were a boy how do you think you would have taken to be held Larry gene by the neighbors how long would that have lasted well they'd say Shalom y'all is that really don't you think that's an amazing coincidence you should tell the audience but why why that's well I maybe I should because otherwise the laugh yeah will almost seem haunting yeah we were just talking prior to going live that you don't hear from Jews in the south and and and specifically I said they don't do the accent well Jews do not do the southern Jewish actors don't do a good southern accent well let's get Jeff Goldblum on the phone yeah because he I would challenge okay but yeah Steve Landis Berg you should do a bit in his act you remember with the hunting yeah what do you fellas use in 22 he would try to I remember yeah you could do it for a line but it was his joke you never hear about Jew hunters oh never heard about Jews hunting for ducks what are you using fellas 22 yeah yeah yeah I mean he specifically said yeah so the Jews no no southern no hunting and no duck dynasty you're not gonna get an e all right and I'm not gonna say the word Jew one more time I'm taking me over the over-unders at 7:00 I'm taking the over we have to talk a little bit about golfing with Richard crime because last time Jamie and I ran into us at the farmers market here in Los Angeles and he came out of the bathroom at the farmers market in shorts and a black polo shirt did youdid monogram Richard kind on the side did you meet him there or was this plan just right into a friend until Monday just passing through a little alleyway and the bathroom comes out and there's Richard kind oh hello and he's got Richard Klein monogrammed on his shoulder who wears a shirt with their name on it how did that happen exactly what's the history of that well he was having his regular coffee klatch at the farmers market apparently it's wear out the Cocker's me know I mean how did it happen that he put that on all tournament Oh golf tournament if it made it a golf tournament which you've been - I'm assuming would you wear it then a shirt afterwards it has your name on the side oh please I was telling them I wouldn't wear you know all the stuff we got from Seinfeld in the shows I have our them whatever never would I ever wear anything not possible not possible I was telling them I got a wrap gift on the grumpy old men movie like a $600 LL Bean giant winter coat yeah grumpy old men ruins the whole thing can't wear this great jacket I couldn't even wear the shirt with the alligator you know what I did what I cut it I cut it off they didn't come on somebody gave it to me I don't know how I got the shirt I don't remember I do remember telling us is er yo and cutting the lifelong you know didn't do a very good job I am NOT gonna fuse have trouble cutting all right there's number four give me a little golfing with Richard coming what's the best and the worst of that experience first of all he's a very good girl he's very good I'm told yes what would you put his a kneecap 1249 takes around yeah 10 to 12 wow that is great maybe 12 okay I don't want to insult him because it could be eight for all I know oh that's insulting I think it's a 12 okay they couldn't be higher then it wouldn't be an insult that all could be it's 14 16 and then now he's three yeah now this is extremely hot off the presses earlier today your old pal Jerry you're familiar with the red site read it where you do these that's right you don't like to spend how much time other than what we talked about earlier on the Internet well there's this site where you do these q and A's when you open it up literally to the world and they can ask you any question and you spend an hour or 40 minutes or whatever what just answering random questions that come in over the screen who does that people when they're promoting do they he has the the third season of comedians in cars getting coffee okay of what you've been on yeah so he's on this thing promoting and he's taking questions from everyone mmm this was today and so it made news because he said the following and I quote Larry and I never obsessed over anything that isn't mundane most recent was intentional mumbling and then he added we wrote the script for this thing that you will eventually see but I can't reveal what it is at this time all I can do is tell you that it's big huge gigantic comment well he's clearly joking wasn't clear to me we we did write something but apparently I'm not at liberty to say what it's uh it's it's minutes at best you're or the thing yes minutes it deserves anything to do with intentional mumbling that just yeah it does oh that's part of the dialogue right intentional mumbling because when I read that I was trying to well if you're mumbling something you want you don't want the person to hear what you're mumbling you want them to say what's that yeah you wanted to know that you're mumbling because you're dissatisfied uh-huh but you don't to know exactly what you said hence the mumble right right if you didn't mumble you would have said it that's right right you'd have articulated yeah point yeah in fact you wanted it hurt well there yeah that's a power - yeah it's a it's a Power Move because what you're you're taking over the the relationship in a sense because that leaves that person with the need and want and of information yeah what's the matter they've done something wrong that's right right you've made them feel like what did I do what you say yeah now what if you mumble and they don't ask what if there's no follow-up what if you mumble they go okay and then you're screwed it has no effect I think then you have to increase the mumble volume so they hear a couple of yeah I in fact urban Chevrolet and you never know what it's gonna be right and then he was also asked about your first meeting you and he uh-huh you might be surprised at this I don't know you probably met probably already discussed it buddies I'm surprised he's answering these questions right I was actually eavesdropping on Larry talking to another comedian and I wasn't even in comedy yet we didn't talk but him and this other comedian were leaning on the fender of my car and I knew that they were real comedians and I was still just flirting with the idea three years later when we did talk we couldn't stop we were both obsessed with the smallest possible issue ring a bell I don't remember leaning on the car yeah what is that and I certainly don't remember being a real comedian let's stop there for a moment because I started in the mid 70s on the west coast and I did around that same time you had already been doing it a little bit in New York yeah a little bit yeah did you do the road was it just New York Boston just New York right occasionally I would do some some of those terrible Jersey clubs where they would you know the gong show was on at the time and you'd get gong to remember the gong show yeah so when people would come to comedy clubs then they would they would Gong q oh no no they gave somebody a gong yeah no they just yell it out gong Oh God Oh God yeah so I can't I can't fathom being subjected to that and that must have gone well with you oh yes that's great because you know the the the quote of you taking the stage looking at the audience and saying I don't think so and walking off has been shared a billion times over I don't know what your memory of the know that's true but I'm now understanding maybe it came from being Gong some seeing this Gong in effect that people could Gandhi so you go before they had a chance to Gong you would gone home but did so were there opportunities to do the road and you said no thanks or cuz the road I didn't quite have an act that was going to work on the road it wouldn't travel they'd barely traveled over the bridge into the city yeah because it weren't many places even in the early 70s to to get up The Improv wasn't a thing yet right no no no The Improv yeah The Improv was starting what 70 71 The Improv was there for years before I just went okay alright years react or was catch catch was there catch that's where I auditioned the first time Ron catch catch the improv and comic strip and and a bunch of smaller clubs throughout the city you're already thriving yeah and you so the desire to do this on the road you just feel felt like I I just couldn't bring my I did it a couple of times right and it was they were all awful every experience I had what do you remember what shitty he went to I went to Philadelphia alright I did some colleges did I go to Washington I don't even remember maybe that's one of those things I lie about like how long I was a virgin till I so we're talking about taking the train somebody's car how do you go into Philadelphia I know that for sure yes you mentioned you knew David Brenner and they welcome you in wasn't he the son yeah son Philadelphia was right he was a Philly guy so what about guys like David because when you're starting out he's already been on The Tonight Show yeah dozens of times yes and then you see these guys in the comedy clubs in New York yeah I imagine that was kind of a big deal you mean to see people who were on television yeah to starting out and here they are in your home port as it were yeah because he would stop by an occasion I would imagine and Freddie Prinze must have been coming through we're talking about that he may have been dead early 70s no well I'm 70 I started in 74 I think okay yeah and so so you do office Lee you don't remember the fender but you do remember oh oh here's the other thing I want to ask you about so Jerry also said I can't believe and you may not believe either that he answered this question favorite episode you guys must get asked that 10 billion times he says the RAI favorite episode the ride because quote we got to shoot at Paramount Studios which was the first time we thought wow this is almost like a real TV show yeah but we did we did go off we did go we did shoot the limo at another student another studio on that backlot there yeah which was also fun the Rye was definitely one of my favorite episodes I think that the Keith Hernandez show was probably my favorite show yeah he mentioned also the I like the bubble boy a lot I liked the puffy shirt I like the the contest our neighbors in the bubble boy our neighbor Brian doyle-murray is all Brian Delmar yes he's in the bubble boy yeah that's a great interjection actually so somebody like Brian doyle-murray well you guys at that point sort of casting people that made you laugh that you liked in terms of these supporting roles because so many people have gone on and had these careers that oh by the way did you know so and so did this episode whether it's Dana Gould or Bryan Cranston or whoever you know it's it has gone on to not necessarily that was the birthplace of someone's career but I always wondered were you guys hiring people that you thought were funny at the time or someone was like most people auditioned they did yeah right he mentioned also the one with the the pothole where Newman gets set on fire yeah I wasn't there for that one oh you were gonna yeah yeah well that okay so let's let's talk about the still it remains one of my favorite episode you do like that even though you weren't there yeah I find that hard to believe but uh no regarding that meeting of Jerry I don't I don't remember I do remember when we talked though that there was this an instance kind of obsession on the minutia an instant clicking of personalities yeah you know much like we have sure sure I I I do sense it and and I don't and the show Pollock is in the works I spilled it with a see yeah yeah I'd rather be that [ __ ] well so alright Levine that's better yeah here's the world is ready hmm they'll never be let's all take a sip everybody mmm I just fresh water it's good how I know you had written for Friday's and SNL before the creation of Seinfeld but how prepared did you feel when your pal Jerry called and said they want me to develop this thing do you want to create the show with me and how much writing in in that milieu had you done next to nothing right yeah and so because I just wrote sketches for the those shows that you mentioned and know I knew no I didn't I did not know how to ride a half hour show so did it seem like an instant challenge in terms of oh yeah exciting uh no dreaded reading yeah as I dreaded everything sure no I had no idea what I was doing I had no idea what the form was I had no idea how many pages I had to write I it was the whole thing was a mystery to me did you in fact say to him and I'm asking not quoting any other interviews but did you I always wonder if you thought if you said to him why are you bugging me with this well he had read a screenplay okay first of all you know we will rent you're very grateful we're friends and and he liked my stand-up and he also read a screenplay that I had written which he liked a lot yeah so well no I don't question the ability no no I'm saying that's why that's why he asked me sure is your question once you were brought in I was born in and they were saying I um I don't really know what I'm doing why are you bothering me this I don't I don't know how to do any of this the sitcom format I'm sure I've said that sure yeah something along those lines yeah and how long did you guys kick it around because I remember it was really the late night people Ludlum maybe who was crazy Rick yeah something like Loveland Ludwig Ludwig yeah was crazy about him is late-night you know there was the Tonight Show and all that stuff and they didn't really know what the hell to do and I I never knew how long you guys kicked around n idea before you pitched the so-called show about nothing not very long at all a couple days not even I think really I just think like we went to this West way diner uh-huh and just had a cup of coffee and that was it what do you think four friends three friends no was there was nothing to it nothing to it right you know so so how the the idea was basically how does a it'll be about you right your stand up mm-hmm where do you get your material from how do you get your material what is your life like that you're able to carve these routines where do these routines come from so for example we'll go to a dry cleaner and you'll have an incident in a dry cleaner and then at the end of the show you'll do a stand-up bit about it right that was the initial idea right you'll go on a date so you'll do it at the end you'll do a routine about the dry cleaner and the date you know sure right um so that seemed like a decent idea and you'll have it you'll have a friend right because you have to talk to somebody which people do and then you'll have an ex-girlfriend and yeah and you'll have an idiot neighbor you know it was based on my neighbor and he's not a living the real God yeah yeah sure the guy in the show was I think somewhat of a nut yeah yeah needless a hamster doofus if you will yeah hipster doofus okay they were loosely based on someone or at least taking their names yeah so so you know that's pretty much what was what was pitched right which by the way is a lot less romanticized as it's been throughout history that a show about nothing was pits because that isn't a show about nothing that's how a stand-up put together his act that's how a stand-up lives his life which we hadn't really seen yeah but I think the idea was that mmm this it would not be a heavy story show that we wouldn't have to know what's going to happen next it would be more of a meandering thing with and most of the humor would just be tangential sure do I that grew out of discussions because we went to uh we went to this grocery store this Korean grocery store and and this is before we even got the idea of the show right and we're in the grocery store this is when he first proposed the idea and we wanted the grocery store we're gonna share a cab back to the west side and we just started talking about the cereal brands and everything on the store and I actually said this is this is this is the show this is the kind of dialogue that we should have on the show right cuz this is the kind of dialogue that I you know we never heard right so once the actual writing started to the one it started to kick off and I realized that this is not gonna work because because wasn't compelling you know I wasn't compelling enough right that wasn't story driven that you needed you needed stories right and so I became a total I did a complete 180 on it where became completely obsessed with stories writing stories and inner how do you write a story the interweaving that came about because there were four characters right and I noticed that there could be some moping early on there could be some moping on the set if people weren't if people did not have a sufficient amount to do it's organic you know and I thought you know I want I don't anybody moping right I don't like that and then and then I started to to write three or four stories right and getting them and getting the story and then even at the beginning before we even started I would think about well how can that hook up with this thing you know and and that's sort of how that started well it becomes the magic of the show and and it's interesting because Andy Scheinman from the Castle Rock yeah played in the poker game a couple of weeks ago and and someone was asking him about the show because the Castle Rock was involved and he was saying it took three seasons maybe or three years to get a full season out of these bastards because they weren't sure what to do with the show first it was on Friday and not Thursday and so on but when you say bastards you're not referred to me and Jeremy she's NBC know the bastards would hit both God's money yeah initially they they didn't give a full commitment to the show until like three years in do you get an actual the first pick up was before show or [ __ ] then the next pickup was the 13 right the next pickup was for 22 and that's three years in yeah so around that time in the first thirteen you say you found this in her weaving yeah and it's interesting that the popular would you think it was just the thursday night or do you think that the show found that format of mixing these and and building them back together because it did become one of the things that people seem to love so very much about the show other than the obvious thing which would be the characters and how funny it was but that interweaving became an important component am I wrong biggest fans of in the world you are not wrong that's right one of the it's Satyam our show is greatest in the in the last act generally there's gonna be some some overlap and it's always amazing you know this is a I never realized that anybody was even paying attention to that stuff I knew people liked the show but and every now and then somebody would say oh I like how that's you know something got tied up yeah yeah but it wasn't anything that I thought people gave a any thought to well that's the other than to keep in mind when you're in it at the CBS Radford when you're in the pocket yeah and the show is going on down the floor and you've got this writing and that train is just moving down the tracks clearly when you get the full 26 how how much it does it just completely take over yes every waking moment yes there's no way out of it why not get in but I think in some in some respects it was better than better than a room where people stay what we never stayed there all night right we never had any other any of those things we didn't do a room there was no room where the writers year witnessed 12 writers in a room punching up a script 12 Angry Men yeah yeah we didn't we didn't do any of that so there were no late nights or anything like that the writers on the show didn't have to go through that right you know and and neither did I really and so you know cuz sitcom world for an actor is arguably the greatest job in show business because of the you're an actor for an actor it's it no question about it right the best job best job in the world in the world yes I've said that yeah yeah it's 20 22 hours a week tops well let's let's take if there's 22 shows and it's four days a week it's 88 days a year right yeah and you do three on one off yeah right for the actors yeah I it's it's a kick job it's crazy I just started up on this Chuck Lorre show yeah mom with Allison Janney and now Anna Faris and just recently like a whole new brand new thing like I don't know how this somehow yeah was kept from me joys of this I've always heard and I did a couple of fabulously failed pilots but I had not been in the pocket because it's kind of walk yeah in the middle of the first unbelievable because Chuck with all the success of his four shows on the air it's two weeks on one week off two weeks on one week off yeah how does that right and then Thursday the camera blocking day the horrible day done with stand-ins yes I know amazing yeah so so yeah you leave the stage and you're walking to your car you go this is the job but further writers it doesn't stop for the rider there's no time right like they just did this Christmas break and I amber comes back to work today and I thought oh wee there's a script here so actually the writers were working during the grip I worked over Christmas yeah so even once the show sort of starts to hit its stride in in ratings and success and people are are heralding and so on while you're still in the pocket there's got to be a moment where it's careful what you wish it's got to be a moment when the hard work you guys put in the sweating the bullets of this show gonna last because the first couple years I'm not giving you anything on the Friday night and the four shows even with the 13 you don't know where you stand okay first of all yeah it never concerned me whether or not I was gonna last if they if they ended they could have ended it anytime and I would have done cartwheels you were waiting yeah oh yeah can't when cancel this why aren't they canceling was that a mantra in the offices just me why are they cancelling yeah it was already enough for because you didn't need the aggravation no right right from the get-go first of all from the beginning I had my doubts that I could even do it okay and then as it was getting done and it was becoming successful in popular then it was like oh now the Nexus has to be better than the last one you know yeah then the one after that has to be better than the one before and the one before that no no that's good for you yeah that's that's now the pressure starting to build right how's this gonna be better than last season we can't do this you know we did it yeah so you would have been happy with that full 26 and be done with it already I have a feeling that first 26 when the whole honestly yeah honest to god for Chozen out honest to god when they picked it up for 13 yeah I cried you cried I cried you wept I wept openly openly I can't do it did you call Jerry at any point and say I don't know if this is still a good idea now yeah well see this is the thing you kept this pain to yourself no I shared a lot of it with him but not you know yeah not so much the I can't do it part okay let's jump out of the misery of work and creativity and talk a lot by the way may I sure I think you're very good at this that's the one sheet this is Ariana one sheet I think he's very good song he's you know phenomenal makes the guests very relaxed he's asked me stuff that nobody's asked me before that's I'll tell you that that's our trademark you know in there first for me that's pretty good yeah now would it be better if you didn't have this pile of notes in front of you yeah you'd rather we did research yeah yeah but uh no III my hat's off well my head's on you're doing a fantastic job well and don't cut that from the show don't cut that from the show just cuz it builds you up by the way I know you'll want to cut it yeah modesty will will compel you to cut it you're not wrong yeah don't be surprised if that's that's all of the show because it really does benefit me if it's just a 30-second clip okay I await your next question eagerly I want to talk a little bit about your your guild congratulating you that first WGA award that because we've had filmmakers here who talked about I think it was Jason Reitman who said the the WGA award because there's like five nominees and they'd give them all the same thing and it's really more so than anything so I'm curious because it's not a popularity contest as much or so it seems to me at something like the Golden Globes and the thing into that it seems like the double J we're all because writers a little boy oh yeah oh man they are not fond of each other success that I've seen good for you you got the thing that's great right so not good it's not so was there any sense of being able to appreciate what that actually no no no silly on me silly of me to think got it took it home yeah put it down yeah okay it was nice it was very nice it's so much better to win than show up and lose well no question oh but that one in particular didn't have any special cuz it's no I'm not gonna lie it was it was very it was very nice but I'm it's not my nature to enjoy it sort of closed my eyes and think how wonderful it is you know of course yeah yeah no I would never go that far as to think that was possible I I always wondered though because the Guild's are broken up in such a way that the voting members are your tribe or whatever right hell and the writers in particular because comedians are the most competitive people on the planet or so I felt yeah and then I've noticed among writers they are the most cynical people I've met in terms of work that comes out shows and movies and they can rip the sweetest most wonderful thing into shred yeah so I'm competitive and cynical as it turns out we've got one of the trifecta we started the show I hope I hope this doesn't suck after all those compliments we started the show with the rules yeah of the of the happy new year it because it has sort of become one of your things certainly on curb I think more so it sort of come into its own the protocol and the rules I have to believe or do that it's strums a little stems a little bit from from your own life I have a problem with chaos I have this thing now and they've been bored by because I can't shut up about it the the peeing on the seat in the public restroom an immense stall when you see urine on the seat there that's the end of civilization because you know what that says Larry mmm screw the next guy I don't care about it I'm gonna comfortably pee on the seat it might not even say that it might be I am too stupid to think about the next guy oh wow that's dangerous yes that's more danger right so I like the rules I'm not a fan of chaos it's it's not when you say rules I mean I wish people would follow a protocol that we do on a golf course I'm talking about common sense yes right a lot of these are yeah but I've got a couple I'd like to add oh sure okay yeah fairway I'd like to go through a series of life situations one by one okay each of which needs or I need some more water yeah this is when the scrutiny begins each of these life situations needs a rule to live by okay all I ask is that you say the first thought that comes oh no I hate Rorschach stuff no no okay feel free to think about thank you yeah okay these are these are not bad so far you get a Christmas card that I like how you've turned me into Emily coast [Laughter] I have to understand precedent has been set on carob you've had these wonderful moments where this sort of Larry protocol it's kind of a thing that the fans then debate would you how long would you wait in the elevator before you push the button when do you think the guy coming up in midnight yeah you get a Christmas card that states a gift has been given to an organization in your name yes that you detest ah I hate to test the organization here for this organization really don't care what kind of organ what is it the KKK can they possibly be who could they be I could think of a few examples but I don't want to step on any toes there's what's called screw the whales so I recently supposedly good organizations that are just evil yeah oh okay it turns out that that yeah so that's the premise okay a few nights later you're at a party and see the couple who sent you this card yeah and they eventually initiate conversation do you mention it and if so how soon yeah come up yeah I noticed you okay see that's pretty much how I hope that one would go oh by the way yes you know regarding these descending this thing in your name yes you get this a lot from just acquaintances you barely know yeah right giving money in your in having money in your name and you're wondering if you're giving money in my name there's got a big and I don't even heart I don't hardly know you 200 people on the list it's got to be 200-300 people on your list how much are you giving your throws because if it's $10 I don't need you to give Matt in my name other thing [Laughter] oh I'm writing career episodes without even trying you see this is it that's exact thing that makes me angry because I know too I'm on a list yes and I'll bet you only gave 200 bucks and there's 50 people on your list thanks for giving four dollars in my name yeah you piece of [ __ ] honestly yeah it's aggravating as hell by the way at that same function where they gave the money in my name yeah the person who I gave the money to comes up to me says what's with the four dollar and says what's with your [ __ ] right after my conversation with them okay I noticed you yeah hey by the way I just gotta give you that money I want to give you a nickel I don't like your people but that person still thinks you chose to insult they're giving him four dollars yes this is the thing to Tiger baiting once you decide to send out the card I we gave a donation in your name you could literally put as many people on that list if you have 2,000 people on your Christmas card mailing list that's all of them it's all of them and by the way we gave you $100 yeah there is no stipulation so I don't let that to me I don't want to hear from anything you know what don't don't give anything in my name ever if you can ask me for a donation that I'm fine with it gives me an option to say yes or no yeah would you mind if I sent 50 dollars in your name that's right yeah okay done with that fantastic whoo now I have to ask from your own life not from TV or movies who's the first person that makes you laugh and that you take notice this is a funny person like from real life stuff boy family member uncle aunt father brother sister water well you know just somebody from school comedians comic comedy writers you know the usual right those people like that right and what about from early life like before you're anywhere near show business Obie made the decision you're 10 12 years old 13 you're going to camp whatever whoo from real life are you taking notice because I remember there were always be some kids for that question I never never had there was always somebody in school who just owned me and they could say the stupidest thing and they would drop me like a sack of rocks I mean I can tell you the kid's name really yeah gee I don't remember this person like that so was there anybody funny in the family because my family was not funny at all I mean my mom's crazy though it was crazy funny right you know in a Gracie Allen sort of way but unintentionally right yeah that's pretty good though but no I don't know I don't remember anybody funny in my family mostly in terms of the unintentional yeah humor in the grace grace Allen way in fact we called her Gracie well so how old are you before you're even aware of that kind of humor because if someone's saying something and they don't know it's funny yeah but it's consistently hilarious yeah to everyone else yeah you know that's a that's a turning moment in your own sense of humor to actually learn that thing I never thought about it like that fantastic how much time do you spend before deciding what to buy or did the clothing a suit a car or something do you circle the thing do you do the research about that research son son buying something yeah no check consumer reports no never never never why would you know why don't even put these things out ya know the first car I ever bought right was a was a Fiat so I'm obviously not checking consumer reports you didn't even check to fix it again Tony for the letter I thought people must have been kidding around when they said that right that has that bells that positive car it's a car what do you mean everybody old cars a car it's an engine well they don't have to make an engine other people you know just didn't make sense to me yeah how can they produce cars and show them right if everyone knows they're gonna break down yeah exactly so I just thought people work you know it's like one guy had a problem with this car or something I don't know I didn't take it seriously right so you become aware that your mom is funny without trying and you're seeing comedians or what-have-you on TV or maybe somebody like Gleason that you're because I can actually remember not moments but just rhythms of his the way he would you know do certain gestures and things and yeah it was I just loved it yeah but finding your own sense of humor is kind of a whole different thing is that something that maybe comes alive at summer camp is that that came alive in college it did yes I had no idea that I mean I would watch comedians and I loved him and laughed right but never crossed your mind couldn't get enough somebody was a comedian was coming on TV yeah I would definitely want to watch it but it didn't cross my mind that I could do it nor did I even dream that I was funny yeah I had no idea I was funny nobody nobody laughs at anything I did nobody nobody so it's not even in you're not even in my thoughts that I'm the least bit funny okay so then in college then I get then I leave I leave Brooklyn go to Maryland and I go to Maryland and all of a sudden I meet some new people so I make some new friends and I'm suddenly this funny guy to them or you feel the freedom to them yes I'm starting to say things that they're finding funny you know are they the reason most of them were self-deprecating sure and I had to do with my own inadequacies particularly with women but they were real thoughts oh they're real thought and and I'm and they're laughing yeah and I'm shocked but I love it yeah sure yeah it's a ridiculous response yeah it's time you're getting yeah and so and then and now all of a sudden I'm I'm a funny guy oh like overnight you know yeah whereas I wasn't before and then it was there a moment of hey look at this what is this I don't know know if I had that moment but but at some point you cross from receiving to making the effort yes to get those lines yes yeah and that's a transition yeah but still didn't translate at all in to become a comedian no no yeah just for attention maybe go just just because I like getting laughs sure but I never acquainted my sight I think you have to understand is that I had a very low opinion of myself weird didn't see that guy didn't think I never I never ever thought of myself as being able that I would ever be able to do anything so creative so to be or anything oh so to go up on a stage and and and be a comedian that's out of the question that was that what would he been into my my thoughts right it was two out of this out of the realm of possibilities but it has to end your thoughts at some point at some point it does yeah because what happened um was it a dare no we're nowhere near the possibility right now and there's a chasm between that place yes and you being on stage yeah after college do you know what I wanted to do I had a series of jobs cab driver camping everything to do with your major that you graduated with my major cab driver paralegal private chauffeur you know stuff like that and I'm lost I'm a lost soul you know New York yes a loss all the parents beside themselves what are we gonna do yes my the universe I would overhear conversations that were heartbreaking you know terrible about you yeah about me yeah oh you know what are we gonna do they send me to a psychiatrist sure no and so I take the subway to Brooklyn to the psychiatrist and you know what what do you go what is it he can't do anything for me no so then I then I don't know how why I thought of this but I I decided to take an acting class you don't know how or why well I guess I guess maybe I thought I I was in plays in in elementary school huh yeah you had a little stage time I had a little stage time in elementary school fantastic so I did that and what I'm gonna I want to try that so I thought I'll try that so I tried that and I didn't really like it all that much but this one time I had to speak in front of the class as myself and there were laughs mm-hmm it was a prepared text from I so read the scene but you just had to do something buyers I had to take a character what a character with some [ __ ] you had to improvise I had to improvise yeah right and it allows you to think on your feet yeah and incorporate your own thoughts and ideas right right not somebody else's script not somebody else's script just yeah exactly so that got laughs yeah it did and so after that got laughs that that's that was the the moment for me that I thought okay wait a second stand-up comedy yeah that's that's what I'm gonna write what am I having this crossed my mind before yeah right I just Mason should have got the chalk in the board in the teacher yeah this could be a thing right was there sense like that that was an actual yeah mentum yes yeah that's pretty fantastic yeah and that's a moment and then and then I I knew somebody who was doing it somebody from college and I had coffee with him and yeah he said well here's what you have to do you have to write some material and you could go on here you could go on here and go on there you know so he gave me a list of places and I start okay and then I told everybody I said I'm gonna do stand-up comedy and I wrote material and I think there's a chance you were telling some of these people that you're going to do it as a way to force yourself yes no doubt about it yeah yes you have a great insight well no no I did the same thing yet you did initially yeah you need I think you need to say it to believe it's real and you need to say I have them say either yeah no don't do that yeah or will you wish which is you should absolutely yeah right I think that's pretty natural so so I I did it and in fact before I went on anywhere I went to the I went The Improv just a while I did this in the improv documentary I told this story and I was watching a show that's a Saturday night show and in the middle of the show I'm gonna do this yeah who was on the stage anybody know if not it doesn't matter yeah you know was the I think Richard might have might have gone for any prints you know good good good people yeah but I was watching the show and I thought I could do it yeah so I woke up to but Friedman on Saturday night doesn't know you from Adam yeah I I think I saw no sorry I woke you doesn't oh my friend I said I'd like to go on on this Saturday night on a Saturday he said who are you I said I'm in the audience have you ever done comedy before I said I said no no you can't go on he said you have to audition you know yeah it's easily the single craziest thing that I have ever done in my life was going up to but asking him to go on thank God he said no but you were yeah he did you a solid but he's also covering his own ass yeah also you were utterly clueless clearly yeah you weren't thinking I was thinking I would go on it and start talking to do comedy or just walk up and start talking you ask the guys just just the way we do you know you're talking hey I'm funny I'm gonna I'm gonna start talking and where's the chopper yeah and why not ask the owner yeah why not ask the owner little did I know how hard it was yeah it is it was and it's hard well I think Jerry ended up doing a bit about it I've commented on this for a long time separate from being a part of an act which is just a statistic that America's number one fear above death public speaking that's just a stat yeah it's not a joke it's just real right so in fact the reason one of the things behind the documentary was who are these people given that statistic mm-hmm that's say I'm gonna get up on stage by myself and just talk and try to elicit laughs from strangers I mean as a as a concept yeah pretty horrible by the way I hate public speaking duty somebody asked me to give a toast oh no I hate it how'd the last one go they're all terrible I'm gonna wedding or something yeah you know anything anything I always make a fool of myself I'll always regret it and then it'll never be any good you know they're never any good or even an acceptance speech it's always terrible dreaded yeah dreaded dreaded yeah you know and and I'm very shy and again that but yet somehow there it's different you know yeah but the wherewithall behind that now classic Larry David as a stand-up comedian moment of walking onstage is saying I don't think so and walking off the level of confidence behind that you may not even be aware of because what you're saying is you people it's not just that you're not up to this so I'm leaving I'm gonna be invited back the fact that I'm not going to perform right now is not going to affect anything right well that's a level of confidence I don't think you were aware of yeah it was uh you know I think think because they got a kick out of my shenanigans I think they did so and when that happens you can't oh that gave me yeah the cup that in Boldin Bay right and you'd lean into it a little bit yeah um by the way I love the word I love using the word in bold and so make sure to put that into I'll get news for ya we're not editing anything there's not a chance in hell I want to know you did a couple of smaller parts for and I'm still thinking about that fourth thing on the you know on the list that question that you gave me I'll come up with it eventually the fourth one yeah yeah I have no doubt yeah yeah you did a couple of small parts for for Woody Allen in some of his films but being the lead in a Woody Allen film for a I'm just gonna say it Jewish comedian you know we who were raised in a Jewish home or whatever and chose stand-up comedy and then Woody Allen just organically becomes I guess if you're an Italian the Scorsese whatever it's just that filmmaker that you comedic lee and also the way you were raised you relate to this guy the most and it becomes the ultimate so having done a couple of small parts for them I'm wondering how much of a careful what you wish thing experience of being the lead in a Woody Allen film and also just what of that experience sort of stays with you in terms of positive or negative could you I remember getting this script a telephone call that they wanted the eight from the agent wanted to send me a script you know if it might be something familiar or something didn't tell you much about it no so I thought that oh oh wants to use me for a little kind of thing you've done that before yeah alright so I get the script and it comes with a note from him read part of Boris you know so I open it up he's done every [ __ ] page and it's on the first page he's all over the first page I go what the hell is that I leap through a little bit visited pages all aboard yeah I go to the last page Boris yeah and then you know then I read it and then I have to decide I said okay oh I'll do this but I'm gonna have to tell him that he's making a big mistake you have to have to tell yeah you got to get my heads up I don't want to show up on the set the first day and and and have them be surprised that I stink you know oh yeah thanks so but it's not self-deprecating you really do mean it yeah of course I mean it you don't want to let him know he's made a horrible judge terrible terrible error yeah look I'll do it but you have to know that it's not gonna be very good and did he laugh assuming it was self-deprecating or what was his response to that you're gonna be fine there we don't worry yeah exactly exactly yeah I gave this some thought on the Katzen what about Larry David that's it you go back not hurrying because he's afforable like no but it was it was a thrill of the lifetime has to be yeah alright so trepidation even from the moment you open the script as you realize you're on the first and last beta and in-between you make that phone call you have that conversation and he says it's gonna be fine yes you go to work you're and now you're actually doing yes and in the dossier you know you've said in previous interviews I don't understand this belief that Woody Allen doesn't really direct he's well I had heard very much I had heard actors from time to time talking about it about him and things and saying that all right that wasn't my experience at all it doesn't make any sense no I mean I I've worked with a couple yeah Barry Levinson I've sent it to his face you're great at writing and casting and then your job is to get the hell out of the way you don't really want to direct anybody yeah you'll just say okay Larry you're sitting there and you've got the cup and action cut astounding and then he'll know direction just well he obviously liked what you did because if he didn't I'm sure he would have told you yeah no he's not just gonna sit there and let this let the seem to be bet and I've also heard that about woody that help me out Mart up and actually said it was terrible your eyes really rotten my first take he said he said not terrible yeah not terrible yeah first day yeah that's a voter company yeah and did you chuckle did you be able to appreciate yeah cuz I'm you have to be nervous I don't even have to ask yeah harvest yeah it's day one you're never on the college I told him I said I'm nervous you know I said I said right away I said I'm nervous yeah but but that's to be expected yeah he's heard that before also yeah I think he likes that sure yeah and is there a day that you're that you're feeling like I I'm gonna be okay being normally no not a single day how long does shoot and there's reshoots it's six or seven weeks yeah I think was six weeks was that we want to think there was a moment even for someone who suffers as much as you where you were able to enjoy I'm the leader no Woody Allen because for again I preface this whole thing about Jewish comedians above all it's kind of the thing it's a fantasy that can there are many many pinch yourself moments throughout have to be yeah I could go back to my trailer and go was there anyone that you would have to call or talk to and and just have that pinch yourself moment cuz sometimes that helps you know if you can actually say it to someone on the phone or something hmm I would say how cool is this you ain't got stuff like that yeah no that's what I mean yeah did you find there were more visits to the set then I noticed every now and then it was something really extraordinary everybody wants to come visit the set did you have any of that no nobody's you have a closed set I don't I won't invite anybody I will never never invite anybody what about on your own show no I don't invite any you don't like people visiting no no because it's just interaction it's a distraction it's an intrusion it you know III want to be I want to be able to have my own selfish thoughts right I don't want to socialize yeah and entertain somebody right when my mind won't be there right my mind is not going to be on this person and seeing that they're having a good time or are they going to be upset that I didn't pay attention to them I don't need the social pressure yeah now what about the costars people you hire for something like curb you know because there is so much improvising going on when surprised they're not that terrific at improvising even though we agree it's not that hard as a thing to do well here's the thing every now and then someone does like most people 98 percent auditioned right sometimes we would give out apart usually when we gave out apart everything worked out fine there were a few occasions these are the ones I'm asking about they were we don't need to name names no of course in a few occasions when it didn't work out that well and do you when you realize that as it's happening is your thought well there you made this is the bed we made and we got it yeah and that's we're just gonna cut around and write do the best we can and just get through it yeah and you know I I'll eventually go no say this say say this I want to say this line right you know the worst thing people try and do is they they try to be funny Oh as opposed to I I say here's my only note for you don't don't be funny I don't want you to be funny yeah you know and very few people understand yeah do not want you to try to be funny don't think of anything funny or say anything that you think is funny yeah don't speaking comedic rhythms yes just be just be yourself just be in the scene play the scene the scene is funny you don't have to be funny the scene is funny yeah so that's that's the main that's where people go off the most when they try because they think they're in a comedy but they try and say funny things that have nothing to do with anything yeah but on the other hand when I did clear history right all those parts were given out all of them yeah and when you bring in a Jon Hamm you know what you're gonna get and they were all spectacular spectacular yeah what we've had Jon Hamm on the show we've been around him enough you know what we've done the math yeah we've been around him and haha we've been around him enough to know that it's unfair to all other men the old saying that God rarely gives with both hands means you can't really be that handsome and also that funny great dramatic actor but also a natural-born comedian in some ways what you just don't see coming with that Clark Kent face yeah and we've just decided as fans of his and now friends it's not right it's just not right yeah and everyone else should just go home so when you're working with someone directing someone like that mm-hmm what was that I'm very curious what would that was like cuz I I have not worked with him I only know socially needs been on the show it didn't bother me that he was so damn handsome yeah didn't bother me felt yourself drawn to him and thought I think I'm gonna kiss that's in I didn't think I'm going to kiss this guy are you the type of person who points out other men being handsome my own if you're Walker if you have dinner with you say to somebody that's a handsome guy ya know cuz I don't think I've ever done that I want your comedic purpose yeah it's only because we know John yeah if he was an [ __ ] yeah it'd be so much easier well that's also true yeah he's also the sweet sweet guy and and so damn genuine yeah but that must have been fun it was so much fun he's he was fantastic in the movie he really made me laugh very hard during those scenes no good we did a show with him around the holidays for Doug Benson and he shared that he finally had surgery yes on the vocal cords and you know he's the spokesperson for Mercedes and has been now for a little while and now joins us they they literally said to me call after the surgery no no they wanted me to phone them so they could hear my voice over the phone Wow yeah which mathematically makes sense yeah of course you've got an investment yeah but even that went perfectly yeah the surgery surgery you would have been happier if there was a little school now you're going into territory that I wanted to ask later okay about sour grapes yeah what about it that that happens to one of the character yeah yeah uh-huh let's talk about it can we talk about sour grapes yeah whatever you want yeah please the huge Steven Weber and Craig Bierko also both been on the show big fans of both do you enjoy the the filmmaking because television is a writer's medium you're kind of in charge of everything the way that a director is in charge of everything on a movie they're not that vastly different jobs and we're in on paper what was your experience in terms of the difference um I had to be involved with cameras a lot more sure you know and setting up shots and things like that things I have no interest in yeah well you know what but Barry Levinson's the same way you get an amazing DP right who knows everything to a level of genius and awards and you say you're my guy I don't need to know what a 50 is yeah I mean I I don't know anything about that stuff I like blocking scenes I like to directing actors right but I think that I'm mr. visual well you know it was a name we were gonna give you and I remember uh somebody said to me he'd worked on Albert Brooks his movie right he said to me Albert shoots very simply you know yeah oh well Woody Allen sort of taught many people that comedy plays best in the two-shot it seems to be kind of by-the-book I'm not certain he wrote the book on it but simplicity seems to be one of the ìiî I don't think I mean I don't like if I'm watching a comedy and I especially noticed the direction yeah yeah yeah I don't want to notice it yeah I want to just follow the story the same way that the camera works in on the color of money on the on the cue balls yeah you don't want the comedy and then now the the big question for me that I'm sincere about as I'm dipping my toe into the directing water is the editing process it's the final rewrite yeah our last chance to carve performances yeah based on existing footage so you're now creating the rhythm and the momentum of a scene and you know there's a debate sometimes on is the is the laughs moment on the person saying the funny thing or the person's reaction to the person saying the funny thing you know that that argument I mean I assume it's just organic to every scene that just sort of presents itself IIIi don't I've never well done this well done I thought it was a problem or anything like that I mean it just presents itself and I think they're easy decision but and testing the in front of an audience because a lot of times they're gonna tell you what you may not have known you know curb especially the whole the show was really written and editing because we did six seven eight takes a lot of them are all different because it's improvised right so you have to sort of piece it together a lot of times and it was a lot it was a lot more to it than a scripted show yeah I would think so and and sometimes an embarrassment of riches too many choices for one line there's four great versions of it that sort of thing yeah I mean so you know something yeah there's always decisions to be made right but it's not like you're you're scripted and you're saying to the script supervisor I like take one and for you wait till you get back but and there's not that much of a difference between take one and four anyway right when it's improvised there's the whole scene is is off on a different they're all different and you know in many cases yeah and actors laughing in the middle of scene because it's improvised yeah yeah cuz you're a pretty good laugh I left a lot I left a lot I had a great time and most of the time in scenes that missus they would all make me laugh all of them and a lot of times in scenes I'd be having a scene I would just start laughing I go like this you know keep it rolling then I go okay yeah and I continue yeah III will get the giggles as they call them and I have to leave the set sometime Christopher Guest for example I had to look here and look into his forehead if I look into his eyes I do that trick Terry yeah I'm never gonna work I think it through I do that trick too I look at the forehead yeah we we asked in the in the world of Twitter and elsewhere for people to have an opportunity to ask you a question oh you don't have to answer any okay but I will tell you this though they've already asked they've already asked them okay and they're not in my computer so they know beforehand that I'm I mentioned on Twitter okay ask oh oh you did a gator thing I gave people an opportunity okay you know you've got fans yeah okay turns out you may not want to answer this as thoroughly as Gerry did okay which surprised you yeah it seemed like it did he said look how much yeah we've got now you must be aware that there are people who speak in belt quotes to each other like it's the only form of communication between though I'm not aware of that you need to be okay because it's a fact isn't that right yeah these two and Jamie and Jack will text each other in the middle of the day just one quote the other quote the other pull the other quote and then nothing else so no actual conversation about anything I most recently it takes Jack and I asked him what's in the briefcase and he responded in kind crackers the help huh yeah not aware of that it's one thing to be sorry I probably just totally freaked him out right now no I don't think so no it's one thing to be in the microcosm and the vernacular was a show that is quotable but it it there very few shows I think the Simpsons which course had 26 years to pull on yeah what are their other TV Charlie waters honeymooners really the technique other quotes from naughty woman I mean it's a generational yeah but I'm alone my father will send me a picture of some mealy cook tub because he cooks twice a year and if I don't respond Oh chef for the future I'm funny I get it yeah yeah but that's what it means yeah to them to be able to communicate in this way yeah because what you are clearly trying to do is to make the other person laugh it's almost a game yeah you know is this challenge them or challenge like to know what the next line is yeah yeah that's a fun game he got admitted we're not competitive at all nope at Brian J Mather on Twitter asked the DA Lepus Oh Don kerb is one of the funniest ever any particular backstory to that well I had little girls sure and your daughters were little yes and I looked at the doll and I was wondering and so what might be the consequences if I botched it right so that was it and after you had that thought that question in your mind yeah did you then go right to a piece of paper and write that down positively because I noticed when we were at the airport of three of us I'm not gonna say what was happening around us there was an observation made and then you got your phone out and said this might be a thing yeah that sort of note-taking has been sort of a part of your well yeah I mean everybody does because comedians when you start out with material yeah you're constantly keeping yes but this as you if I see something funny or I think of something funny I'll write it down yeah it's got to be known yeah okay we do a thing on the show where I ask you five questions this or that no correct answer okay but there's specifically designed with you and mine okay you want me to be serious and give you the real answer no I don't okay I'd like you to feel free to make fun of it okay and feel free all right to answer or not I usually when people ask me questions I'm compelled I'm compelled to answer truthfully take them from the heart yeah let's try that okay Cheryl Hines or Julia louis-dreyfus it's a Sophie's Choice one of them gotta go Sophie's Choice come on okay Festivus are open of restaurant Tourette's swear off well Festivus I wasn't I wasn't there for that episode stop with these silly questions I was gone so then delay industries to marine biologists again after you were gone these people need to research these questions um now the marine biologist was the name of an episode Wanderlei industries was a was just a joke during the question is what would be your dream job right for vandala oh what would be my dream job Oh honestly pretty stupid [ __ ] that's actually the correct answer yeah the premise of this question let's move on yeah yeah Tom Hanks it said I find I had a journalist tell me a way to avoid a question I objected the premise of this question cuz then the other way they can bring it back and lastly being directed by Woody Allen or pretending to be directed by Martin Scorsese I reject the premise of that answer feels good I love it you know it's like taking the fifth yeah yeah but but in a good way yes there ain't there's nothing but the journalist can actually say at that point I'm surprised you you know you have such a great show and why would I bring them in what what what yeah what do you what are you styling it for you know what idiotic questions it's for them oh is it yeah you would think this would be enough for them yeah but no you met the thing about the internet it's all participation it's very important that they be a part of it yeah yeah otherwise it's not a thing now I want to give the potentially I want yeah look I don't want to say anything disparaging to your fanship of the Seinfeld program I've mentioned that you guys will text each other as a way to communicate sure but I I do want to offer an opportunity to ask one question based on your friendship and devotion you don't have to take the opportunity but I feel remiss if I hadn't offered not prepared I'll defer I wanted to know about sour grapes quite frankly which III tremendously loved I really do enjoy that movie thoroughly so I I'm good I'm covered you got that out of your system talked about it and you have some good quips I'm good I'm happy to answer any any Seinfeld question you have Sam oh well isn't that extraordinary was the idea to do the voice of George Steinbrenner always yours or did it how did that come up no see there's a good one um we wrote it and then we were gonna cast people to do it never a notion to ask George to do it no no and we brought in a couple people and they didn't have and I said to Gerry it's it should really sound you know we kind of taste kind of a big blustery guy and it kind of does that did you instantly say yes because it made sense or did you object initially no it sounded like I was I actually did it in a funny way yeah I thought yeah okay I'll do that right was all this time murder stuff scripted or was some of it just on the fly what felt right in the moment most of it was scripted but a lot of it was on the fly yeah yeah a solid question but once-in-a-lifetime opportunity I was gonna go to waste Jack alright a turn I have to reiterate the question because he's not miked other than the the initial for the stars oh yeah I fell at the table reads who was the finance other than the four records well again i we had great people I mean if I said Newman then I would be sliding Estelle Harris and Jerry Stiller so I got too many yeah too many in terms of Jerry Stiller yeah he had such a specific rhythm that was not organic to the way anyone else but yeah a lot of it is because he's fighting friends this is my song yeah but I I never got the validation that that was in fact behind it you know what I'm being flip he that he actually that's it that's his that's his thing right that that anger that yeah he builds and builds and yeah minute shootout yeah because William Shatner did say that the reason ah he paused is because he couldn't remember his lines he did and I'm sure that that's you know it did happen to Jerry it's happened to everybody of course but it doesn't become a part of you but it happened to Jerry one night and nobody if we were laughing so hard we couldn't we couldn't get off the floor right you know yeah that staccato yeah of energy and anger yeah [Music] just thinking about it you like I know you've had four minutes it's gonna have come and go this opportunity all right your devotion doesn't need to be riddled with questions I was gonna I was gonna ask the Steinbrenner question oh really well that's good I knew wasn't prepared I should have thought of this Fran okay I just need a little bit of your experience from Saturday Night Live and can you refer to it without military analogies cuz it's all I've heard in terms of the experience of working there yeah I can easily refer to without military analogy you're gonna have to back that up without sort of proving it well chronologically you had written on Fridays yeah the west coast yeah attempt then I moved back to New York right and then I got a job over there and there were uh I got it with two or three weeks before the first show I came on board and it was just a rebuilding year yes cast why is a rebuilding year was the year of Christopher Chris Gaston was restored and Marty crystalline Harry Harry sure and there's some leftover guys I think who was it we were just watching the documentary on this who's Jimbo Jim Belushi was there Gary Kroger right Eddie Murphy oh yeah no Julia was there it was Brad hall and no Brad wasn't there some way off yeah I was there yes so I remember writing a couple of sketches some news pieces right I was I was fortified for the first for the first show and at 7 o'clock at night maybe 6 o'clock I don't know I'm it's a Tuesday night and the next day's the first read-through and I pressed the button for the elevator and the elevator doors opened and the executive producer it was thick ever saw and he said what are you where you going I said I'm I'm going home you know said he going home really yeah I said yeah I wrote got two or three sketches in got to nose pieces yeah and he said well we don't we stay up all night on on there the night before 3:00 through Tuesday Tuesday night we sat up all night why would you stay up all night and he said well that's that's that's how we do it how you do what I understand they've been there you know a month six weeks what is going to be accomplished for the next what eight nine ten hours to stay up all night right what's tool for what and I said well uh yeah you know I did the work so I'll see you tomorrow yeah you left I left uh never got a sketch on really yeah remarkable that was not held against you yeah yeah that's the question is how soon after is the slighly aborted walk out oh that's about yeah you know about that well the research shows yeah that's about five six shows in I haven't gotten any anything on the air right and the sketches of I have to say they played very well at the read-through begetting laughs you know what works and what doesn't it's a tough room and if it works it worked absolutely yeah so another one of my sketches got cut after dress and it's about five minutes before the show is about to start and I I walk up to dick and I just went crazy you let it you gave him a piece of your mind I said feel free I said I'm done gone I've had it I quit never felt so better why don't ya in the bird the story are you kidding no I'm sorry so not told by you I walked home and I remember it's freezing out and I was walking home and I started thinking what did you just do so they don't but you sketch this out a big deal you know you care you getting paid and then I started to think about the money sure and I thought well that's two years with reruns that I could I could live two years I just cost myself easily you know yeah so I I go home and my neighbor Kramer yeah he says what are you doing what are you doing home how come you know at the show I said I lost my temper I cut my Scouts I quit he said oh boy what'd you do that for exam an idiot you know he said well I said you know you should do you should go back on Monday morning and pretend the whole thing never happened I said jeez it's so easy yeah that's great yeah would it work yeah so that's what the hell so on Monday morning the visitor rider's meeting I go in I say good morning to people okay I take a seat now everybody heard this outbursts pretty loud yeah and I'm getting looks like you know what are you doing here but no one's saying it no one's saying I'm just kidding looks and then a dick start to go around the room asking people what they're working on you know we got to me I said I'm thinking I'm thinking about doing this sketch of this acrobatic troupe you know yeah were you making that up or you actually had some stuff from before before you quit no I'm sure I've got some stuff in brain moved on to the next person that was that and then I did it on a a George quits his job and then returns and nothing happened wrong I wonder if they had come to you in that table of pitching the story ideas for that week show and you would said I get this guy do a sketch of a guy who yells at his boss and quits and then comes back on Monday oh if they would have taken oh oh you mean that oh that oh right then and there you don't need to rub their faces now that they've accepted you back now ya know and and when you left they did you think it worked did you go back and tell Kramer oh my god I think that had the foots were to do it yeah oh no it was incredible yeah saved you yeah no I was jumping in the air yeah I I cannot thank you enough honestly and truly I have more questions but I feel like I've kept you longer than you were planning on you know I have no idea it was so much fun you want me to do you want me to pick a time she doesn't like you to guess okay let's see we engage my conversation I'm gonna let's see how good I am at I'm okay I got here at 3:40 mm-hmm there was some little powder on me some little Kip it sing yeah it felt like it felt like we didn't start till four o'clock four o'clock it felt like four o'clock I would say I'm gonna say for no 5:38 yes exactly it's five 37 49 seconds never done before Thank You hundred ninety-two shows never been done it thank you you were within 11 seconds 11 seconds yeah and you know what I almost said 537 is it a creme Roux is the internal clock oh is that right no well there you go he sets his own alarm sets his own alarm see now they come out now so then that's an hour in 37 minutes the first seven minutes of course we we wasted your time by talking to that I didn't get it all it was so rude I'm just I'm sitting here right yeah okay yeah for your parents yeah but you do an up you show do it at the end of the show maybe let the guest the end of the show yeah let's just change the format yes forth I reject the premise of your question I got all the compliments I could ever hope for but truly oh one voice well that's not even huh that's what you know what I'm thinking about yes clicking about the road we can do a series of haters I'm picking them picking you and me on the road a series of q and A's it's already in the works honestly and truly thank you and now sit there uncomfortably for 45 seconds while they say goodbye okay if that's all right sure normally at this time mm-hmm the last thing I asked the guests to do is to play the Larry King game where you look into your camera oh God but I knew not to do it thank you thank you what other people do well I just want the audience to know that I hadn't forgotten cuz there's a lot of people that would be what are you an idiot um it's a game our head writer Jamie created where I love when Larry was on CNN yeah and before he would go to the phones we go to Poughkeepsie before he would do that he would look at the camera he would share something nobody wanted to know and it's the greatest because it's he's clueless as any humans ever been on television haha on CNN you know just I like Oreo better than the gumdrop absolute sincerity so I Larry King game is you just in act you reenact that moment you I want a bad Larry King impression I want you to share something about Larry the king that nobody wants to know and then go to the phones if the name of the city is funny sounding that's that's the bit and this is your last opportunity to play Larry King game yeah yeah you're good okay it's a good yeah should I give you the prototype to laugh just let it go all right I want to thank Jamie and Sammy and dr. Chen here in the studio Emily Goodwin's sitting in for some Brandis as well helped out tremendously because we were lost without her I want to thank her she's just going to Bing Crosby a little bit Brandon Oh Harry Nathaniel harrybo's Desmond to me [Laughter] Daniel Overland of course as Samantha Ward on makeup and the one and only Josh Negron of course who popped in the middle of his workday we did this pre-tape check us out let us know again how you watching the show or listening contact Kevin Pollak's chat show comm check out the calendar or see who's coming up next that's all I could pause I just want this to last forever that's my problem now until next time and as always get out of my face [Music]
Channel: kevinpollakschatshow
Views: 259,714
Rating: 4.7340522 out of 5
Keywords: kevin pollak, larry david, curb your enthusiasm, seinfeld, chat, talk, podcast
Id: wz6d2GkF60w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 96min 31sec (5791 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 13 2018
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