Dave Chappelle "Comic Strip Live" (2/27/09) AUDIO RESTORED
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Views: 9,832,721
Rating: 4.5695152 out of 5
Keywords: Comic Strip Live, Dave Chappelle, Stand Up, Clinton Vadnais, Cleantone's Collection
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 222min 57sec (13377 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 08 2017
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Iām getting stoned later and watching this. Saw him in Atlanta a few weeks ago. He was on stage about an hour and a half. I would have sat there 2 more hours.
I've watched most of this. A very laid-back, slow set...just Dave brainstorming a lot and trying out early versions of the jokes he has in his two recent Netflix specials. It's cool to see him relaxed, conversational. Also it sounds like there's only maybe 10 or 15 people in the room. Lucky bastards.
That's my local comedy club. Sometimes they have big comedians drop in during the week days it they never promote it.
Saw him live in 2004, it was amazing.
That was a great watch, left it on in the background for the afternoon and was glad that I did.
holy shit that britney joke 40 seconds in lol