KPCS: Larry David #193
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Channel: kevinpollakschatshow
Views: 689,584
Rating: 4.7999148 out of 5
Keywords: kevin pollak, larry david, Curb Your Enthusiasm (TV Program), Seinfeld (TV Show), funny, comedy
Id: Em96X9k3lTo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 97min 16sec (5836 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 27 2014
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larry interviews are always the greatest. I just love how larry finds humor in almost anything, he seems like a joy to be around
Happened to watch this a few days ago. Great interview. Even Larry said so! Also their conversation the first few minutes probably inspired the new year joke in the beginning of season 10 ep 1.
LOVE KPCS but this might be my favorite of the entire series.
The laugh Larry has after Samm talk about how his dad expects him to say "O Chef of the Future" is priceless. The most genuine Larry laugh of all time.
"I think you're very good."