TikToks That INFURIATE Doctors

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πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Sextsy_Gurl_69420 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 25 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

Hello I was a paramedic for 11 years and then joined the military and was a combat medic. I have seen so much but one of my friends from the military who lost his leg in combat just killed himself the other day and I feel as they called me in the military "Doc" that I failed him. Did I? I was there when he lost his leg and I got him to a trama center but I talked to him every day and now he put a gun in his mouth and pulled the trigger. Did I fail my brother? Just asking for a friend

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ItchyExercise6881 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 27 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

Doctor Mike do applying pressure on thumb & toes help in increasing height?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/FewCollar227 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 14 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies
- You know, we can cut the blood circulation off, to his brain. - He's about to cut off the circulation, to the dude's brain behind him? - If I could get to these small intestine points. - I'm going to rewind and if he said intestine points, I'm going to pass out myself, because he cut the circulation off to my brain. - If I could get to these small intestine points. (static noises) - He's squeezing my guy's Achilles Tendons, he's saying that's going to cut off, his intestinal circulation which then in turn, will turn off the circulation to his brain. - Go try and choke me yo. I'm gonna press it, one, two, three. - He's out. - I held it for three seconds. - That guy needs an academy award. Why? The biggest snob of the year. Jumping on Lego every day until I get a girlfriend. Oh no, not, that's so painful, so sharp. (shrieking) His Tarsals, his Calcaneus, his Plantar Fascia. - Take some some Viagra for the game, baby. You gotta fit that circulation going right. A lot of NFL players, at least in my day took Viagra because it opens up the blood vessels, a lot of endurance athletes. - I don't know what NFL players are popping Viagra, before the game, I get why you would do it after the game. Viagra and Sildenafil, the the main ingredient in Viagra, is a vasodilator, so it opens up blood vessels. It was actually initially tested for and used for pulmonary hypertension, so high blood pressure in your lungs. Now the problem is and why I don't recommend this to people, you want your body deciding where blood flow should go. What you may not realize is Viagra has side effects, headaches and visual problems, are actually 2 of the most common. - I honestly have no idea why he does this. - Who? - My working theory, is that he's stupid. - That was adorable. That was the cutest thing I've ever seen in my life. (fast upbeats) ( excited exclaiming) He 360 finger rolled that bad boy, wow that was nice. I have trouble just shooting a basic layup. Rain dunks, making it rain. Oh, is he gonna help her up? (cheerful tunes) Did he just do chest compressions on her leg? I'm torn. I'm half ecstatic that this young child, potentially watched one of my videos and started doing chest compressions but also at the same time, really disappointed. Why the heck is he doing it on her ankle? (laughing and thudding noises) (gasping noises) It's true, cause kids are actively trying to figure out, if they've actually were hurt and how much something hurts. So if your child happens to fall, watch them, see how they react and don't automatically jump and be very upset that they fell because that can translate to more fear, more anxiety. (intense beats) Is that supposed to be like roulette on the water? Cause that's really cool, I would do that. (screaming and kicking) Oh no, we're back with this. (screaming and kicking) The kick is just for effect, he's not even really kicking. I feel like this has become a show now. (screaming and kicking) I don't know if this video was filmed after the first video and after the whole uproar, from other other doctors including myself, that he shouldn't be hitting his students in the face. He is barely making contact with their faces, barely. Before, he was laying them out, but now when he's hitting their faces, even like the leg kick, he's not really putting full force, I hope the lesson was learned. Still not ideal, still hitting them in the face. People in the comment section, "But doesn't it make your chin stronger?" No, it does the opposite. The more hits you take to the face, unprotected, the more likely it is, that you're going to get knocked down in the future. Isn't that crazy? Okay, face kick, front kick, front punch, flying punch, kick, elbow, kick, reverse elbow, slap, kick, that had to been fake. (cheerful music) - Ladies, If I'm ever down and I need CPR, this is how you do chest compressions, okay? - My guy, I know the joke you're making, but trust me those are not the chest compressions you want, if you ever found out. You want the good ones, you want Dr. Mike on top of you, pounding your chest, 2 inches deep, 100 beats per minute, potentially breaking ribs in order to get you help. (slow intense tunes) What? (loud suspenseful tune) I'm skeptical about this. Could it be possible? Yeah, the body's really good at creating walls, around foreign substances, whether we're talking about bacterias or a piece of glass. I don't know about that one, like just the placement of it, it looks like it's in the calf, the gastroc moves a lot, I feel like you would feel it, especially with the thickness of that glass piece. - Vagina steaming. - No. (squeaking sound) First of all, it's not even vaginal steaming. It's vulvar steaming. Vagina is the pathway to your uterus and your cervix, it's inside. I don't think they're putting steam inside of your body, cause that would burn. Do you know what needs to be steamed? Clothes. - It's a century old treatment. - Yeah and it should be century old thing, that we keep centuries away from us. - It's a facial for your vagina. - No, it's not though and the vagina is not your face, it's different skin. One is a mucosal membrane, one is skin. - You sit over a medicinal steam pot. - What is a medicinal steam pot? You're just putting names on a freaking tea kettle. - Cleanse the vagina and uterus. - Cleans. (windows error sounds) - You like steam, go into a steam room. This is garbage, this is misinformation. When you wake up from your nap and you real realize you're at a doctor. (upbeats) - Oh that's the cutest baby ever. Definitely not my doctor's office, cause that baby would be stoked to see me, man what up you know. If you mix olive oil and lemon, you will get lemony olive. Hold on, I didn't even read the fact that it said sex fact. I don't know what I'm about to get. A better result than Viagra. (confused noise) What use are you trying to get from the Viagra? Like if you're trying to create a food topping, that tastes good and you're putting Viagra on it, it would be a better result than Viagra. But if you're trying to get erections, because you have erectile dysfunction. No my friends, Viagra is better. Food. (laughs) How does rice make you shorter, what is that? And how does corn make you shorter? None of this makes, do they explain any of it? If you ever see me make a video, titled foods that you shorter, unsubscribe from my channel. How to lose 10 pounds in 1 month. Massage your. (laughing) Why did I think this is gonna be good information. First of all, massaging your ear lobes? Cool, I love it, I touch my own ear lobes all the time, has nothing to do with weight loss, but love it nonetheless. Eat slowly, good advice. Not weight loss advice, but good advice nonetheless. Coffee does contain caffeine, which is a metabolism upper if you will. It speeds up your metabolism to some degree, which can help you burn calories. And if you're having black coffee, you're not adding all these fatty things to it, that people do when they put a caramel, milky, cheese induced grande macchiato. Okay, eat in front of the mirror, is the worst freaking advice ever. Like that's just some like self hatred thing, terrible. I actually read that in a Cosmo thing one time and I was like. (puking noise) Don't eat out of boredom, good piece of advice. Avoid eating while distracted, cause it's very easy to binge eat while you're distracted, cause then you're not in tune with how full, you actually are. (fast upbeats) Oh, that's dangerous, the fact that he can touch it. Wow that's really dangerous. β™ͺ I want to say something but β™ͺ - Oh, this is fun. β™ͺ I want to say something but you are all that I see β™ͺ - It is true. That's probably my favorite one, the ball and socket joint. So sutures are what's inside your cranium, that they don't actually have a great amount of movement, they can have a small, tiny amount. Maybe you won't even feel the amount of movement, that those sutures have. - Michael, I'm sick. - It's Dr. Michael to you. - I got a prescription from doctor, can you go and get it for me? - Sure. - So doctor's prescription is, for headache Louis Vuitton purse, for sore throat, Cartier bracelet, for fever, Jimmy Choo heels. - I'm not going to lie. I went on a date and somehow we ended up in the mall, cause I think I needed to get a gift for whosever birthday, we were going to, or an event that we were going to. During ringing the stuff up, for the event that I was going to and I was bringing this person as my date, this was our second date maybe. She looked at me and she goes, (russian speech) which means in Russian, "how about a purse for me?" I vomited in my mouth. Oh no, Newf, is that a Newf? - But if I'm cold, you're cold, you got to come in. - I love when people try and tell dog owners, that their dogs are uncomfortable, when they have no idea any information about that dog. I was walking with bear and I'm walking around and I'm training him and bear loves to get spanked on his butt. (whipping sounds) Like when I say he's been a good boy, like I spank him on his butt as a congratulations and he gets all excited and he wants to jump on me, that's like his version of play. And some lady comes out to me on the street, I'm assuming her middle name was Karen and she says, "sir, please don't hit your dog." And I was like, "thank you." (patting noises) You love getting spanked. (static noise) - A 73 year old Algerian woman presented to an emergency, with abdominal pain. They did studies of her abdomen and found this. She had a Lithopedion, this is a fetus, who passed away 35 years earlier and weighed 4.5 kilograms and became calcified in her abdomen. - This is insanely rare. This would only happen with an ectopic pregnancy. If the fetus is in the abdomen and then the baby dies, because that's not a hospitable environment and the patient didn't know that they were pregnant, that baby almost gets treated, as a foreign substance by the body. It starts walling it off much like it does an abscess or any other foreign substance for that matter. It creates scar tissue, fibrotic tissue surrounding it, calcifications and like, remember we're scanning everyone and everyone these days in the emergency rooms and this is not happening regularly by any means. - Liver king here. Welcome back to another Saturday dinner, here's what we're having for breakfast, lunch and dinner. We're having liver, we've got about 3 or 4 ounces of liver. We got our bone marrow, so we've got a fresh piece of femur, we're just going to scoop that marrow out. - All right, 2 important things here. Liver, one of its other names is nature's multivitamin, cause there are a lot of minerals and vitamins found in the liver. There's high amounts of, I believe vitamin A in liver. Vitamin A is one of the fat soluble vitamins, DEKA and fat soluble vitamins are not ones, that can be excreted in your urine and can actually be stored in your fat stores. Which means that it's very easy to overdo it with vitamin A, especially with a huge amounts that are found in liver. Bone marrow contains a compound called Adiponectin, which actually has been linked to lower rates of diabetes and cardiovascular disease. There's a lot of good vitamins and minerals in there as well, glucosamine for joint health and while the evidence on that, isn't perfect, if you're getting the natural way, to me it's better than the supplement way. - Liver king concoction. - I want to know what's in the Liver King concoction. - Round a couple patties today. - I hope he's not eating all those patties, that's a lot of meat. - All these patties are for me. Some of you guys think I don't eat all this food, I eat every single patty, I eat every single fry. - That's a lot of food. Caloric intake has got to be huge. I don't know how much exercise he's doing, it's probably a lot. I also don't know if he's supplementing, with any kind of exogenous hormones, not making any presumptions here, but it's possible, especially when you're eating huge amounts like this. It's very, very interesting. (intense hiphop beats) That's a good exercise. My man is not only doing a farmer's walk, with heavy kettle bells but he's doing it in the water, with added water resistance, good exercise. - It says cell phone reception goes here and by here that really means this Faraday cage and that Faraday cage is going to make sure, to block all the EMFs. - This EMF thing has been going around TikTok. People being very much afraid of low level EMF. What we've seen is if you have high levels of exposure, way high, industrial levels of exposure, it is problematic, but low levels don't show any short term danger, to the human body. When we do long term studies, there's been some inconclusive results, where there's been some weak studies that show, like maybe there's some tie now cause and effect but a potential tie that it could exist. There's so many risks in our everyday lives, we have to pick and choose our battles and if I was to have a conversation with my patient, about whether or not EMF should take a central place, in their life of risk determination, I would probably say no. There's other things where we can make changes and have bigger wins and better risk reduction, than talking about EMF. - We have a hard shell high hyperbaric chamber. We pump in pure medical grade O2 - This is really interesting cause based on zoning laws and how these things can explode, only certified facilities like hospitals and places where you have to have a certain distance away, from other commercial facilities and residential facilities I believe, that you're allowed to have one of these. When it comes to hyperbaric treatments though, there's a lot of misinformation out there, of people claiming that it cures everything, from cancer to Lyme disease to Alzheimer's disease, which is complete poo poo. It's never been proven to do any of those things. In fact, here's a list of the things, that it's actually been proven to help with. And we use in our hospitals every single day. - We have our cold plunge, there's pine needles in here, there are leaves in here, there's stuff in here, that you would probably say, "you should probably clean your cold plunge." But this is all earth, this is all stuff that's going to help. - Yeah. There's nothing wrong with having leaves in your cold plunge, These were painful TikToks, these are painful memes. Click here to check that out. As always to happy and healthy. And let's watch at some of these memes together, they're really funny and painful. (upbeat music)
Channel: Doctor Mike
Views: 16,179,800
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: doctor mike, dr mike, drmike, dr. mike, mikhail varshavski, doctor mikhail varshavski, mike varshavski, liver king, liverking, brian johnson, lego, legos, baby, babies, tubing, water sport, speed boat, trampoline, gymnastics, cat, cats, basketball, amputee, boxing, kick boxing, concussion, head trauma, vagina steaming, vaginal steaming, weight loss, diet, papaya, papays seeds, newfie, newfoundland, ectopic pregnancy, incisional hernia, hyperbaric chamber, pure oxygen, bone marrow, raw liver
Id: psIy1OPGoRk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 59sec (839 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 23 2022
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