Bruno Mars, Anderson .Paak, Silk Sonic - Leave the Door Open [Official Video]
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: Bruno Mars
Views: 482,322,110
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bruno, bruno mars, anderson paak, paak, silk sonic, silk, sonic, leave the door open, bruno mars leave the door open, silk sonic leave the door open, leave the door open music video, leave the door open official video, leave the door open performance, anderson paak leave the door open, ricky regal, lacoste bruno mars, r&b, funk, new bruno mars, bruno mars music, anderson paak bruno mars, boosty collins, bootsy collins silk sonic, bruno mars bootsy collins, leave the door, ltdo
Id: adLGHcj_fmA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 8sec (248 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 04 2021
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Having Anderson.Paak or the Free Nationals on your song is a fucking cheat code.
And Bruno Mars doesn't even NEED a cheat code. That's how ridiculously good this project is gonna be...
Bruno Mars rightfully gets a lot of credit for his performance here but if Anderson .Paak doesn’t still someday become one of the biggest artists on the planet then there is no justice, he is the glue behind every project he’s in and he oozes the kind of confidence that usually comes from decades of celebrity
I think I am going to burgle Bruno Mars house
Can’t agree with the two bottom comments, this song is incredible and a very nice homage to the era of the temptations, funkadelic parliament, they even have Bootsy Collins as like a narrator/curator on the album as per the intro track. Bruno and Anderson really got something special here
There are like five people in the world who could pull off this utterly ridiculous song... but fortunately two of them are on that stage, and so it's damn fantastic.
Alright Barry White and Marvin Gaye the torch has officially been passed. Been waiting for some good smooth music for a long time
I love everything about Anderson.Paak.
This song is so good. There hasn’t been good baby making music in a long time.
Edit. I shoulda said “lately”. As in, 2020 ruined it for boot knocking music.
Amazing! The looks into the camera are hilarious...silky smooth.