The Dobre Brothers: Masters of Prank

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Hey guy, welcome back. So it came to my attention this past week that a Twitter and Instagram parody account called @CollegeStudent is taking my "road work ahead" Vine and turning it into a sticker, which they've generously offered me zero percent of the profits for. This isn't at all surprising to me, as this is very much in line with the business model these accounts tend to follow: Steal shit, make money. In fact, if you want to hear me rant about accounts like this for about 27 minutes, You can click on this video right there. But here's the thing: I'll be the first to admit that this Vine has become incredibly oversaturated, and is, in a lot of ways, the bane of my existence. That being said, if anyone's gonna be making money off it, I'd like it to be me. I thought for a long time about how I should handle this and then I figured, "You know, what? Why don't I just do exactly what they're doing to me and steal their design and sell it myself? What are they gonna do? Sue me?" If you guys want one of these go to They're only three dollars or one dollar if you buy the shirt. Whatever you do, though, just please don't buy theirs because all you're doing is supporting people who steal shit and people who steal shit are the worst. Unless they're-- Unless of course someone stole something from them and they're just stealing it back--that doesn't count. That's different. That's different. Anyway, thank you guys and enjoy the rest of the video. What? I didn't know I could take this off! I thought this is just the color that it was! Man, I'm dumb as hell. I think I liked the blue better, though. So I'm gonna put this back on. Perfect. The Dobre Brothers: Everyone loves 'em! ...I assume, because they're always on the trending page. I am absolutely fascinated by The Dobre Brothers and their career transformation. You remember watching them on Vine, and they would do, like, backflips in the grocery store and sort of piss off the people in the grocery store who assumed they wouldn't have to deal with twin boys doing backflips at the grocery store. I remember watching those vines and seeing how popular they were and thinking, "Man, this sure is stupid. But I could at least take solace in knowing that when Vine dies, so will their careers." However, against all odds, that's not the case. The Dobre Brothers are still succeeding and, in fact, thriving more than ever before on YouTube. And I understand that these guys have been talked about endlessly recently, especially with their music. So much so that you might look at a video like this and think, "Drew! Making a video about The Dobre Brothers? Stop that." But the thing with these guys is there's just so much to talk about. There's so much content to sift through and I'm gonna do my best to make sure that I talk about things that other people haven't talked about. Or, at least, talk about them in different ways than other people have because, like I said, I'm fascinated by these guys. [groovy tunes] To properly analyze The Dobre Brothers, I think we first need to discuss what they do well, because, obviously, they're very talented. You don't get 10 million subscribers without having talent. First and foremost, The Dobres have superhuman athletic ability. They can do backflips, they're pretty good dancers, they just did another backflip. They've also shown an ability to recover from injuries at a borderline miraculous pace, as you'll see in this video, "We couldn't save him...". [pained noises] So, being the responsible yet fun-loving adults that they are, The Dobres have set up a course in their property for, I guess, their dune buggy-- I don't actually know what vehicle that is. They make it clear to point out the fact that they're all very competitive, and they're good at driving, but anything can happen! And anything does happen because, while Lucas is driving his, he has a bit of an accident. "Three! Two! One! Go!" [pained noises] This whole thing is clearly not fake. It's definitely real. As you can see, they film the whole thing and, moments before the accident occurred, the drone died. "Man, it just died." Ugh! Hate when that happens! But we can trust them. It's obviously a real accident. "You alright, bro?" "Yeah, I'm good." They keep asking him what's wrong, and he finally says, "It's my knees." [complaining about knees] Which is interesting because he's been putting all of his weight on his knees the entire time. But man, that's a tough injury for sure. I mean, I've never had something like that happen, but I imagine the recovery time for that's got to be weeks, maybe even, like, a month or-- Oh! It's the next day and everything's fine. Oh well, I guess there's that superhuman athletic ability I was talking about. This next video, the one that he's totally fine in, the next day, is called, "DOG VS GOAT GYMNASTICS CHALLENGE" and this has been on the Trending page for literally like seven days now. In this video you start to see more of what The Dobre Brothers are good at, getting back to my original list. Something you'll notice in this is that these guys are masterful editors. You know, sometimes in a vlog it can be tough to keep people's attention, So you have to throw in, like, good editing bits from time to time. They have a really funny bit in this video where, uh, there's no audio in this shot for some reason and it goes on for, like, 12 seconds. But where The Dobre Brothers really excel is as pranksters. These guys are masters of the prank. These guys have done every prank you could ever imagine. They've done scary clown pranks, they've done dropping their phone in water pranks, kissing pranks, pregnant grandma pranks, buying a plane pranks, slime pranks, handcuff pranks, slime pranks, ball pit pranks. Did I mention slime pranks? These guys love slime! I'm gonna show you guys the highlights from all of these because there's great moments in every single one of 'em, but let's start with "FUNNY CLOWN SHOWER PRANK". This prank starts as any good prank should, with some undercover recon. So whichever one of the twins this is sends out a super secret and silent drone to do some discreet spying on the other twin. [loud whirring] A foolproof plan so far, but damn it! He sees the drone. How could he have noticed such an incredibly loud object flying inches from his face? Oh well, looks like this operation is gonna have to continue on foot. Can I just interject here to say how much I love the idea of trying to prank someone ...inside a giant glass house? There are so many shots in this video, and in all the videos, of like the cameraman and someone else pressed up against a huge window as if, like, they're not visible from the inside. You have to have the worst peripheral vision in the world to be standing next to a window and not notice a colorful human-sized clown getting into the window next to you. Like, you don't hear it? You don't see it? How is that possible? "Hurry up!" Because all of these videos are stretched out to exactly 10 minutes long, all of these shots, like, can't be condensed, because then they wouldn't be long enough, so you have shots like this where he's like, "Shh don't say anything to the--" you know, thumbs up, like, and pointing like "Look look the guy's over there!" Yeah, we know! We see 'em! Can you just get to the prank please? I'm dying to see this prank! I love the timing on this. After all of this planning and build-up, the cameraman comes into the room way before the brother reveals himself as a clown. So the initial prank is just like "Ha ha, I'm filming you!" "What are you doing?" And there's just, like, this awkward part where the cameraman is waiting for the brother to reveal himself so he's not just, like, being this weirdo who's just filming this naked boy. "What are you doing?" "Just wait!" [screaming] Oh, what? You thought you could rub lotion on yourself in the Dobre house without getting disturbed? No. Here's another good prank: "I TRAPPED MY TWIN BROTHER INSIDE A GIANT BUBBLE BALL" "What's up guys? I'm gonna trap him. In a big giant ball so he can never get out. You can never get out Lucas. If you're watching this. You're never gonna get out of the ball." Lucas, if you're watching this from inside the ball, you're never getting out of that ball. "I'm gonna trap him in there and keep him there. All right, let's do it." I love that he's going through the logistics, again, of his incredibly simple plan. Okay, I'm gonna put him in the ball... But then what? Oh, yeah! Then he's gonna stay inside the ball. " 'Sup, Lucas?" "What are you guys doing?" "We're both gonna get in this ball." So the conceit of this prank is that they're gonna get inside the ball together, and they're both okay with the idea of getting into this ball together and, like, flopping around the pool. But then the prank is that the one brother isn't gonna get in the ball. He's gonna get in the ball and then get out of the ball and the other guy is gonna be stuck in there. [yelling] That's... A classic! That's classic! Like any good prankster, the Dobres are not afraid to repeat a successful prank. Something they've done not once, not twice, but three different times is push a sleeping family member into a body of water. So the first time they did this prank was on one of the brothers, Marcus. This one is almost conceivable. They drag his bed from his room like 25 feet outside to the pool. It's almost believable, or at least it would be almost believable if it wasn't raining outside, they didn't make so much noise, [Loud dragging] and if they didn't put a shirt over his face. "You think he's ever gonna wake up?" Probably never, at this rate. I think he's dead, cuz nobody is this heavy of a sleeper. Except, of course, their mom because they did this again. It was so successful when they did it to Marcus, They decided "Let's up the ante by like a thousand. We'll do it to our mom and this time instead of, like, dragging her 20 feet into a pool, we're gonna take her from her hotel room, out the door, down the hallway, down the elevator, through the lobby, and then across like half a mile to get to the ocean where the sun is, like, beaming down on her face the entire time." These videos leave me with so many questions, like, look at this door. How are they gonna get through the door? Let's wait and see how they get through the door. Oh, they're just gonna cut to when they're outside the door and not show the process of getting through the door? Makes sense. There's people around talking, there's cars driving around, there's the sound of the ocean because they're by the ocean, but then, the moment she's in the water, that's when suddenly something triggers and she wakes up. Nothing woke her up before. It was just like suddenly floating on the water, which I would think would actually be more relaxing than being carried by four adult men, that's when it finally clicks that she's in the ocean and oh! She falls and dad falls and everyone falls in, it's fun. "I have to be honest. I knew it was a prank." "Really?" I actually really like their parents. I like that the mom, like, has to come clean. "Guys... I knew you were just pranking me. I just didn't--I didn't want to wake up and ruin the prank after you guys bought me a house and... a car and... made so much money and I'm so proud of you." But, still, that wasn't enough for the Dobre brothers. They had to do it one more time. They already did the brother, they already did the mom... Next up: dad. Why does everybody in this family sleep on an air mattress on top of another mattress? Okay so this time I think they realized-- or maybe they saw the comments that were like, "This is obviously fake" so they're like, "Okay, we're gonna put big noise-cancelling headphones on his ears so he can't hear anything." That's great. He can't hear anything. But I would say, of the three senses that are going to alert your body to wake up, sound might even be the last one. Perhaps it would be the feeling of your entire family dragging you through the grass, putting you into the back of a truck or, even more so, sunlight directly hitting your face. I love when another car drives by and they just kinda, like, stop and giggle at each other for a second, probably thinking like, "Nothing! Just doing a pra-- we're just doing a prank! I know it looks like we might be disposing of a dead body. It's just a prank." And then they him throw into a river, where he immediately wakes up, and then, of course, he and the mom fall into the water because it's funny for the old people to be wet. "Darn you, children!" "I thought for sure that I would never find myself the target of your goofs." Nobody's safe from the Prank Brothers, not even a little baby. What's that? You thought these guys wouldn't have the balls to prank a tiny little baby? Who's definitely not asleep right now? Think again. This prank is legendary. They go to a balloon store. They buy like 15 balloons, and then they strap them to an unsuspecting tiny. little. baby! Get wrecked, baby. And then, as you probably expected, they let go of him and he floats up into the sky where we can only assume he took on a brand-new life among the birds. Just kidding! Of course they don't actually let go of him. Not because he'd float up into the sky like a cartoon, but because he, and the 15 balloons strapped to him, would instantly fall to the ground. "Hehe" "Whoa!!" So it's safe to say these guys are pretty savage. Sometimes, though, the life of a pranky prankster starts to catch up with you and, before you know it, the pranker, becomes the prankee. This is exactly what has happened to them multiple times now, where they've had to deal with some pretty messed-up vandalism. First, graffiti. "Ohhhhh... Oh no." The Dobre Army "Suks" "They don't even know how to spell!" How dare someone come and spray-paint that filth on their garage door? In front of a security camera... using spray paint that washes out almost effortlessly... and as if that wasn't bad enough, a few weeks later, BAM! Eggs. "What the heck?" Now, I'm not accusing them of faking these stunts. "There's no way this is real." Obviously, they have zero credibility at this point, but these are pretty serious things to fake! It would almost be like, I don't know, faking a brutal injury for the sake of content. You just don't do stuff like that, you know? [more pained noises] But what I will say about these two eerily similar videos, posted about a month apart from each other, is that the person vandalizing them looks like the exact same guy. He has pretty distinct and weird mannerisms that are very similar to the weird and distinct mannerisms exhibited by their friend who played Bigfoot in a video called "BIGFOOT INVADED OUR HOME". "Why do you keep coming and doing this?" Again, I'm not accusing them of anything. All I'm saying is that if you needed a guy, hypothetically, to play a fake prankster for a video, this would probably be the guy they'd ask. Also, they mentioned so many times in this video that they have 24-hour security dedicated to their property. "And we have security, too. They have authority to do whatever is necessary to protect us." So this guy had to get past the security, on foot, while holding eggs. Those security guards must suck. "I got a bunch of eggs. I'm here to see the Dobres." "Oh, yeah?" "These aren't for throwing, I'm gonna eat them." "Oh, okay, you're good to go." "We can't clean this. How are we gonna clean, like, all this?" He's right! I mean, what are four able-bodied adult men gonna do about a few eggs? They can't clean that up! They're not capable of cleaning that up! But, I mean, this is the same guy who started this video by saying he doesn't know how to use the camera. "Take the camera, bro, I don't know how to operate this thing." Just shows that money can't buy everything. "Bye-bye!" So that's The Dobre Brothers: Masters of prank and pretty much nothing else. Honestly, though, if you guys want to know my real opinion on these guys, cuz they are like stupid popular right now, I think they're pretty harmless. As far as overly successful and rich YouTubers go, they could be a lot worse. I just find them entertaining, honestly, and they're not really doing anything wrong. I mean, obviously, they fake their pranks but, like, am I outraged that they're faking their pranks? No, because everything on YouTube is fake at this point. I know I spent a long time talking about how fake their pranks are, but I just do that because I think it's funny how little effort people put into making things seem real anymore. The only thing that really bothers me, I guess, about The Dobre Brothers is how business-first their content is, especially now that they're going on tour. They never ever miss a chance to plug their tour. They plug it at the beginning of the video, they plug it at the end of the video, hell, sometimes they'll stop what they're doing to plug that shit right in the middle of the video. And their merch. Holy shit. "!" We get it, guys. You have pants that have your name on the dick. We see you wearing them. You don't need to also mention it five times in every video. Call me crazy, but I think that's a few too many times to plug your merch. "Come on, Drew, you literally just did that at the beginning of this video!" "Did what?" "Plugged your merch!" "Plugged the stickers?" "You're doing it again!" "" "Stop that!" "Stop what?" "You know what, Drew? You may think you are, but you're no better than anyone else." "What can I say? I'm just trying to make that coin." "I know. You love coin. And, let me guess, now you're gonna do an ad read." "Oh, I'm not doing the ad read." "You're not?" "No, you're doing the ad read." "But..." "Fine." Hi. I'm here to tell you guys about Squarespace. Today's sponsor. Squarespace is an easy-to-use all-in-one platform that will help you design an immaculate-looking website, just like I did. And if I can do it, so can you. Cuz I don't know sh*t about web design. They make it super simple. You can do everything from your browser, and they've got a bunch of designer templates to choose from to help you get started. Whether you need an online store, a blog, or just a place to put all your top-secret photos of Joey Graceffa, Squarespace has you covered. They have award-winning 24/7 customer support, which is great for me because I often make mistakes. So, guys, go to to get your free trial and 10% off your first purchase. Link is in the description. Back to you, Drew. "Drew." Oh, you're done? Sorry. Thank you so much for watching this video, guys, if you liked it remember to, uh, keep it to yourself because all my videos are secrets and I don't want anybody to know about them. So don't subscribe, don't follow me anywhere, and whatever you do, don't buy this merch at for three dollars. I'll be back tomorrow with another daily vlog. Thank you again so much for watching and remember to, uh, go to jail. So... bye. "Bye-bye!"
Channel: Drew Gooden
Views: 4,453,891
Rating: 4.974534 out of 5
Keywords: drew gooden, comedy, funny, lol, commentary, reaction, vine, drew gooden vine, former viner, parody, original, dobre, prank, bad pranks, fake pranks, lucas and marcus, lorcus and morcus
Id: rdt5-S5ZaYo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 20sec (1040 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 30 2018
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