Revealing Rorikstead's Sacrificial Soil SECRETS - Elder Scrolls Detective

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👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ May 12 2019 🗫︎ replies

Oh, and I mean not the intro but the song after the intro

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/LUMBAGOboii 📅︎︎ May 12 2019 🗫︎ replies
[Music] welcome ladies and gentlemen my name is camel and more importantly welcome back to the elderscrolls detective series a series in which we investigate curate speculate hypothesize theorize and quite often simply highlight and discuss cool interesting and it and things that can be found within the Elder Scrolls games now be sure to hit up my social medias links to them can be found down in the description along with other elder scrolls detective video links so you should definitely check out after this video now today's investigation is a fan favorite this is the most requested Elder Scrolls detective video to date and while many have covered this topic in the past I do hope that with over 200 hours put into this video alone we can definitively figure out what is actually happening here and who is behind it now this will entail the complete deconstruction and thorough inspection of Rorick stead and its people there are more loose ends that I'd like and many plot points go unexplained but such is the nature of the Elder Scrolls so let's monocle up and get into our curious case we're expect a farming village situated in the hold of Whiterun it's the farthest settlement from the city of Whiterun while still remaining within the hold itself as it borders the reach to the west yet while being the farthest stead from Whiterun it still is the main supplier of harvested crops and food produce for the city of white rice surely it would be simpler to just get the food from one of the many farms that are closer to the city itself well unfortunately the hold of Whiterun has poor soil it serve barren Tundra with shallow rocky soil making up the vast bore real players not much can grow here hence why we see so few trees this of course makes it hard for farms to grow huge amounts of crops luckily though Rorick stead has rich soil in fact its soil is renowned for being almost unnaturally rich despite the harsh farming environment the people of Rory's that have made good use of their soil providing to plays for the capital city of the Holt white right but why is Rorick stead so special why is their soil so fertile they must be good farmers or have the God's blessings to even begin to attempt to explain this phenomenon we must get to know the people that make up this productive farming settlements roehrich stet is made up of two cottages and in and a manner we have lem kills farmhouse where of course lem kill resides along with his two daughters Britt and Cecil they're twins that's why they look identical lamb killer runs his own farm without the help of his young daughters much to his irritation we have calop farmhouse in which Ennis and raledis reside they run Calthorpe farm where they grow crops and they also have two cows who's done the harvest and sell as fertilizer to the rest of the farms in the hold of Whiterun hence the name of their thought calve lop meaning of course cow poo there is an N frost fruit in this is run by rocky the innkeep who has helped occasionally by his son Eric Eric also helps LEM kill tend to his crops finally we have R or X manner weather town Hilo Juwan Manette and the town owner Rorick reside there is a fifth building called lung hut which is a walk away from the town but it is unclear if this Hut is associated with Rorick stead or not it doesn't really play a part in this but we will come back to it later as we might find some strange connections and commonalities between lungs heart and Rorick stead so let's begin let's find out who these people are running Rorick stead let's start at the top shall be with the big man himself Rorick if you've got some business in roar each dead you should start by speaking to Juwan whoa hold up sorry I don't mean to be rude but you ones the one who deals with people I'm afraid I lost my charm years ago damn he seems not remotely interested in talking straight off the bat will test him as little as we need to so has the war taken its toll on your settlement and its people not yet anyway oh it's certainly could with most of the holds fighting men committed to the war there are fewer swords to keep the road safe from brigands and wild beasts and of course as the war drags on and supplies run low our ample fields and stores of food will make a tempting target for desperate men the best we can hope for their swift end to the conflict the longer the war goes on the worse it will be for all of us I'm afraid I noticed you carrying a thought were you a soldier did you find any great war auric I that I did I commanded a force of several dozen men most of them levies from villages in this part of the hold I damn near met my end in that war an old merry soldier ran me through with his blade left me for dead a healer named Joanne saved my life he's been my closest friend ever since I tell you that man is a miracle worker this is Warwick stead and your name is Rorick call me a conspiracy theorist but was this town named after you yes that's right look around you most of the lands you see are mine most of this I purchased while my comrades were fighting in the south helping the Empire against the Aldmeri Dominion back then nothing would grow here and so the land was worthless now thanks to the hard work and the God's blessings our farms prosper now that's pretty interesting he said nothing would grow here but now as we know its prime real estate for farming interesting how soil could be made fertile in such a short time especially with such primitive technology so we're extent is actually named after this guy Rorick it makes sense raw eggs stet which just means the farm of Rorick essentially which is exactly what this is now the Great War ended 26 years before the events of the elderscrolls v skyrim so at most Rorick stead would be 26 years old and this is where things start getting weird and we have to toy with the idea of Rorick being immortal isn't that fun as throughout the history of the Elder Scrolls Rorick stead is referenced by name despite only being around for less than three decades if to be trusted there are three books that can be found in Skyrim firstly the songs of Skyrim it's a book filled with the traditional folk songs of Skyrim this contains a song named Ragnar the read during which Rorick stead is mentioned as a location while there isn't a date on the book it does mention that the song Ragnar the read into traditional song meaning it's probably existed for more than 26 years secondly we have a book called atlas of dragons as we can see this was published during the second era which is one thousand one hundred and fifty-six years before the event of the elderscrolls v skyrim and as we can see on this page it means or Oryx dead as a location so Rorick stead is at least one thousand one hundred and fifty-six years old not twenty six years even better though we have a book called the holdings of yall sharland or yo gallant I'm not sure how to say his name now this book doesn't have a publishing date however it does list all of the areas under the rule of yo geralyn's who was the first yellow white run one of his holdings is a place named roar --ax steady which means were it's time exactly the same as roar extent both of those names mean the same thing or it's fun now while we don't have a date on this book get this young sharland ruled white run during the maratha Kara also known as the mythic arrow depending on who's a few point you look at it from regardless strap yourselves in because the mythic slash muriatic era ended four thousand four hundred and fifty-one years before the event of the elderscrolls v sky river yet Rorick claims that Rorick stead was named after him so he is either a 4000 year old farmer or he's lying or he changed his name to fit with the name of the village whichever way it is it's very strange very very strange indeed a lot of loose ends but something that definitely needed to be brought to our attention now Rorick is the immortal farmer king mentioned a man called joann and that we should speak to him a mate you got a second oh if you're thinking of setting up too far you picked the right place have you spoken to Eric his father won't let him go out and seek his fortune in the world maybe you can help do i usual how did you end up living in Rory's dead have you met Rorick he owns these lands and it's from him that our village gets its name we've been friends for many years now Rorick fought for the empire in the great war he was gravely wounded and so was brought before me I was a healer then you see we were as close as kinsman and when Rorick returned home I came with him I'm happy to spend my twilight years here with my good friend this place is pretty open how will you protect yourselves against the dragons with your healing abilities with your masses of cabbage how can we we're a community of farmers not fighting men if not for the war we might have enough gods in the whole to protect the settlements that the Dragons have returned now is most unfortunate indeed almost seems like prophecy you've got some suspiciously fertile soil here despite the awful climate dominate what you secret come on what's gone on secret what makes you think there's a secret there are no secrets here my curious friend our prosperity is simply the result of hard work good fortune and the blessings of the gods it's actually interesting because he seems kind of defensive about the secret element of that question interesting he mentions the blessings of the gods that will actually crop up a few times during this investigation so Juwan seems like he's hiding something weird he's relatively defensive and almost overly nice at the same time a strange combination next we'll go and meet the innkeep grouchy and his son Eric if you need a mirror room I've got both I only take real coin here no handouts and no bartering well Ralphy actually has no unique dialogue that will progress the story so let's go and speak to Eric oh did you need something yes you look like you've seen your share of adventure I envy you that in fact maybe you can help me with something what is it you need I want to be an adventurer like you my father says I can he says he needs me to stay here and work the farm and even if he did let me be an adventurer we couldn't afford to buy armor his name is Morrell key and he's the innkeeper here I hope you could change his mind now there is actually an entire quest based around convincing Meraki to let his son Eric to be an adventurer but it really doesn't add to the narrative of this investigation at all so we won't cover it Eric have you lived through your whole life born and raised right here in Warrick stead my father was a soldier he fought in the Great War and when it was over you retired here to raise a family my mother passed away when I was just a babe so he did his best to raise me on his own it's not the most exciting place in the world but the people here work hard they don't cause trouble for anyone your crump seem to be thriving how do you do it it's true for as long as I can remember our crops have always done well I'm not sure whether it's the soil climate or the favor of the Divine's we've never had a poor harvest interesting how Eric doesn't get defensive about the question it's almost as if there was a secret he doesn't know what it is we can see Eric interact with his father on two separate occasions reinforcing that round key wants Eric to stay and work at the farms in Rorick stead instead of becoming adventurer Oh father how old were you when you left home I know where this is going son as I've said many a time the world is a dangerous place how much safer here at the farm with me but I don't want to be safe I'm not afraid of the dangers out there the only thing I'm afraid of it's wasting my life on this farm yes that's your mother's side of the family talking to stay on for one more season that's all I ask I heard you sneaking around downstairs last night are you trying to break into my chest again son I told you to leave it alone I just wanted to try on your old armor from back when you were soldier I thought I might be old enough to wear it I've told you a hundred times I locked a chest for a reason I don't want you getting a head full of ideas about the adventure and glory I'm old enough to decide how to live my life and I'd be honored to wear your honor you just let me I'm strong enough to handle it strong yes how clever are you I tell you what if you can open the lock on my chest you can have everything in it I'll take your challenge if I win I get to start a new life as an adventurer and with no objections from you now while Eric becoming an adventurer means nothing to this curious case of Rory said Morell key does mention a basement which frost fruit in does not have a secret basement might be something very real to this story or it might be an oversight by the developers and no clipping through the floor revealed nothing there is no trace of a basement anywhere so that is suspicious but very possibly something that developers forgot about rather than a subtle clue next we'll go and meet Dennis and relatives who run Cal floor farm we'll start off by speaking to elder's she seems to be in charge did you see those guards get out of line and you'll have them to deal with um no actually I didn't see those guards anyway there is no way that you can eat through all these leafy greens where do you sell your surplus crops Leedy in Whiterun mostly a nurse handles the business arrangements but i know that he has a few purchasers who give us a fair price Ennis prides himself on his shrewd business schemes for my part and far happier working with cattle and crops than with people intriguing your farm is doing well you must be very proud do I detect a bit of jealousy in your tone I would hardly blame you what calling could be more noble than this I see in your eyes that you think I jest I assure you I don't i am proud and rightfully so of the work we do here working the soil your hands seeing of seeds take root and grow tending a herd there is a joy in honest labour you won't find elsewhere yeah biz I'm jealous of your thick crop edge a word invented by karl Pilkington it's interesting she seems almost too proud of her crops for now though let's speak to Ennis well we can't actually entered Isle with him he does drop some insightful lines names Ennis if you've got friends who do business in Whiterun they might know me you talk to railed it yet she's like a mother to me you hear from the city I visit Whiterun from time to time mostly to make deals relative is the hardest-working farmer in Rorick stead but I'm the one with the heads of business so Ennis is the businessman in this duo mentioning he traveled to Whiterun quite often to sell his crops he also says that well death is like a mother to him more light is shed on this during a dialogue between the two characters another fine day at work in the fields I don't envy those city folk who miss out on the joys of working the land I'll tell you who I don't envy those poor children who lost their parents in this war live lost crops burned land ruined there's no greater sin than war and yet you were an orphan and you've made something of your life I was lucky if you hadn't rescued me I'd probably be a thief or mercenary or something game it was too fine a day to dwell on such things let's get back to work and forget about Wars and orphans for a while sir eldest actually adopted Ennis she really is like a mother to him I wonder why she adopted him had she is just kind perhaps she couldn't find anyone to breed with or maybe she is infertile herself but still wanted a child of her own hence adopting Ennis whichever way it is they seem to be doing well finally we'll meet LEM kill and his two daughters breath and sizzle I got enough trouble so don't go adding to them I spend every day tending the fields and one of my daughters do nothing complain and caterwaul sleep and eat useless do yourself a favor and don't have children they're good for nothing at all LEM kill is a cruel man who has nothing to say during dialogue but he sure as hell spewed out a lot of heinous stuff about his daughters out of his mouth or walking around town just listen to these interactions with other towns folk those little girls of are growing like weeds Lent you yes and just like weeds they're nothing but trouble good day Lemkin I saw some nice dresses for your little girls while I was in weight room I'd be happy to purchase them that you like we don't need your charity Bretton my girls deserves something nice it'll be their father who buys it I'm not saying it's my business but I have to ask why are you so cruel to your little girls you're right it's none of your business how about you keep your nose out of it you keep on like you are you'll end up with two daughters who hate you ha what would a witless oak like you know about raising children curse my good-for-nothing daughters my wife was twice the woman they'll ever grow to be she gave her life birthing them her waist got something to say as you might have picked up he does not like his daughters as he mentioned his wife died giving birth to them maybe that's why he despises them so much because in his eyes Britain Sissel killed his wife well I can tyndall em kill has painted a particularly good picture of it daughters so let's go and see what the little girls are actually like if you can catch them as they do just run about Rorick stat all day you're gonna get it tickle why what did I do I told you to weed the garden by sunset and you didn't do it now you're in big trouble Papa told you to do that not me now leave me alone look at you you're a selfie isn't Pig a pen I am NOT you're lying you smell like a pig pen - what a stink have you been rolling the dirt all day you're a liar I won't listen to you leave me alone Britt seems like a rather brutal little beast takes after her father what else do you have to say little lass if you beat up my sister Sissel I won't help are you new around here you should go to the end if you need a place to stay sis he'll think she's so special no way he's more special than me I'm the older sister by nearly five minutes this was barely worthy to walk in my shadow by the nine pull sizzle but poor little sizzle here might actually have some of the most interesting dialogue in the entire town most days I do all I can to stay away from my sister and my father the beatings the same from either one someday soon I'll stop being a friend Johanne is teaching me magic he says I'm real good I wish I could be an inventor like you and go wherever I want I have a dream that there is a good dragon he was old and gray but he wasn't scary you want me having dreams about an old friendly gray dragon I'm sorry but in Sissel here having dreams about Paarthurnax pass an axe an old dragon Paarthurnax a gray dragon Paarthurnax a friendly dragon pass an axe the leader of the grey beings but no one on Tamriel knows about except for the gray birds themselves this girl here in Rorick that is having Farseer like dreams of a keystone character in the prophecy of the end of time I can confirm that is not a common I would say ability dreaming about someone that actually exists as part of the prophecy to do with the actual main quest of the game and also someone that no one knows exists in the first place so how what who is this girl what though I don't know I do know that it's not normal this girl settle here is special in some way although how I really don't know and how it affects our investigation well I'm not sure it's just another weird loose end in the tale of Rorick set now there are two more things about this family I want to touch on briefly and only briefly because they could not get them to trigger in-game so whether they are fact or fiction it is up for debate now apparently if you kill Britt through the use of console commands or mods Cecil will actually thank you and give you gold as a reward again I tried this and I could not get this to happen if this were to be true though it would be unbelievably obscure as would have dialog revolving around an action which literally cannot be done in the game which is of course killing a child it can't be done children are immortal in Skyrim but it does mean a lot less considering that I could not get this to trigger despite attempting for a few days secondly apparently if you killed the healer into town Joanne Lam kill will send a letter to you via courier once you receive that letter if you then punch his children and speak to him he will give you gold as a reward now that's really messed up but again I could not get this to trigger despite spending two weeks trying to get this to work and while I couldn't get either of those events to take place in game there are actually multiple reports online of this scenario taking place so I can't confirm that they do or do not exist luckily though they don't actually add much to the investigation it's just a reinforcement that this family is very unstable now little sizzle here the girl who can dream about prophetic materials such as Paarthurnax actually has another secret a secret that involves the town's hello Joanne every night from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. sizzle will go to Rorick Manor alone there she meets with Joanne it might seem very strange at this point a young girl meeting with an old man at nighttime alone and well it is strange it's not what you're thinking if we hide ourselves we can overhear some interesting conversation there yes Charlie I was just wondering the next time we meet do you think maybe you could teach me some fire magic nothing dangerous maybe a candle lighting stuff by the 8th keep your voice down do you want the entire village to learn our secrets oh I'm sorry I didn't mean to upset you Shh it's fine child it's fine but we must because of what we do with you I teach you the others wouldn't understand I understand I'm sorry I just get so excited thinking about it so can we do some fire magic most certainly not but perhaps I can teach you how to put some candles out we'll start there Oh wonderful I can't wait today I'll teach you a useful spell that might just save your life if you should ever fall into a river you'll be very glad you landed oh are you going to teach me how to turn into a mud trap oh it's much better than that I will teach you how to breathe underwater with no need to turn into one of those ugly creatures Wow then I get dive into a river and swim so far away that Britta and father could never find me now clear your mind and breathe deeply good concentration is very important for spell casting it would seem the Joanne here a teaching sizzle magic not only that but no one in the town can know about it now I do understand how simple farmers wouldn't be too keen on an old man teaching children actual magic it's a dangerous slope especially in Skyrim with the disaster of winter hold the Nords are weary of magic even more so when being wielded youth and taught by an outsider such as a breton healer Joanne but the way he says it makes it seem like there's something more to the magic like he is teaching her something very specific that she doesn't quite grasp she wants to learn how to light a candle but Joanne freaks out and tells her to keep quiet he also seemed to be more interested in alteration magic saying he won't teach her fire magic but he wants to teach her how to breathe underwater sizzle must hold some magical powers that are unique to her after all she does dream of Paarthurnax and she has been chosen by Joanne to be taught magic it's almost as if he's passing on his knowledge to someone who will be able to replace him one day but what did he do what is he passing on well he was a healer during the war so is that what he's passing on surely the township wouldn't freak out over him teaching sital how to heal people that's something useful it's quite nice but Joanne really does freak out just like my light switch something here is off I'll tell you what we should do we should sneak around town and see what we can find while the frost fruit in and lentils house don't yield anything obscure cal flop farmhouse where Anna's and rel desired does inside we can see it is most certainly not short of food stocks this place is fit for a king they must have one unbelievably productive farm anyway next to the bed where relative sleeps there is a soul gem an empty common soldier given she is an Ultima arrays highly familiar with the nature of magic she is probably the least suspicious person when it comes to owning a soul gem however in roarings manor where's Johann and Rorick live we can also find another soldier a petty soldier Joanne is a brat and also a healer so him owning a soul gem quite frankly isn't very surprising it's what's found next to the soul gem that is suspicious a book called the spirit of the Daedra it is a book written by a Daedra not a Daedric prince pitted Asia which there are many forms of but the book explained how men should treat Daedra how dangerous II the rate of man as prey explains the different attributes and personalities of the varying Daedra it essentially describes the will and thinking of the different species of Daedra and it really emphasizes that the race of man is prey to have their souls harvest now let's approach this objectively and not get ahead of ourselves the soul gems aren't black soul gems so they cannot contain human souls they can only contain the souls of creatures both of them are empty so no souls have actually been taken we must remember that Juwan is an old and well-versed healer I'm sure he's done a fair share of reading so owning a book like this isn't that shocking or is it he doesn't have a library of books or even a bookshelf he has one book just the one this isn't a drop in the ocean of his reading texts this is his entire reading texts just this book another chilling factor about this book is that there are only three copies of it in Skyrim one can be found in the arcane iam at the college of winterhold which is the Lexie chronic Nexus of all scholarly learnings and Wizardry texts it makes sense that such a book would be found there another one can be found in Apocrypha the plane of oblivion belonging to hermaeus mora the Daedric prince of fate knowledge and memory it makes sense that such a book can be found there and the final copy of the book in all of Skyrim can be found tucked away in the house of Warwick of Rorick stead a quaint little farming village this does not make sense for this book to be here alarm bells are beginning to rank and loudly now the most common explanation and what I believe to be the accurate explanation for this and the extraordinarily potent soul that can be found solely in Rorick that is that people are being sacrificed to the Daedra in exchange for fertile soil get your tinfoil hats on people it's a trade if you will this theory actually does have a leg to stand on and I do believe that only two people in the town know about it but who are they sacrificing fertile women that's who we learned that LEM kills wife Cecil and Britt's mother died during childbirth she bore children she was fertile we also learned that morale Keyes wife Eric's mother died when he was just a babe she just had a baby she was fertile to fertile women who died miraculously despite Joanne Manette being president town who is of course a healer not only does he have medical knowledge but magical knowledge of healing yet they weren't saved there is only one fully grown matured woman in the town this is rel de rel d'If who adopted Ennis which would make it more likely that she is infertile hence the adoption of course you don't have to be an infertile person to adopt a child but it could very well explain why she is still alive and hasn't been sacrificed to the deidre in exchange for fertile soil because she's quite simply not fertile I also have reason to believe that only relative and Joanne are in on the whole sacrificing thing they're the only two people in the town that know about it when we walk and walk around the town of Rorick stead the only two people to get rather defensive about how well the crops are growing is Joanne and rail death Joanne of course the Deidre book owning healer that card heal and is also teaching this creepy Farsi child sizzle magic behind the rest of the villagers backs Joanne also mentions the blessings of the gods but never explains which commonly the term gods would refer to the Adria however he owns one book about the Dedra now I did look into this and throughout tamriel history the Daedra have been referred to and worshipped as gods so Joanne saying he has the blessings of the gods could mean the blessings of the Adria just as much as it could mean the blessings of the Daedra a very small but subtle detail that can actually change the entire investigation when inspected properly the rest of the town's folk when asked about their crops are rather blase they just go yes we and we have good soil don't know what it's about that's good whereas Joanne and relative are the only two to get defensive and the only two to go on about all the hard work and they God and I do have some more evidence that relevance is in on the sacrificial farmers pact with the Daedra check out these two conversations between welders and Ennis the way our crops have been growing Rorick stead must have the richest soil in the hold maybe we should start selling the soil along with their dung we could make a tidy profit who in the right mind would pay for dirt you'd get laughed out of Whiterun for even trying it hey people paid money for stranger things take our counting we sell that by the wagon load when you're rich you can waste as much money as you like on far fetched business ideas in the meantime there's a farm to run have you given my idea any more thought you said you'd let me know yesterday and that obviously didn't happen oh I don't know yes we'd make more money but I don't like the idea of you traveling alone out there with a war and talk of dragons come on now we discussed that I wouldn't be traveling all of Skyrim it had just been to Whiterun and back that's it tomorrow I'll let you know tomorrow now Ennis being the businessman daddy he is he wants to sell the soil to the rest of Whiterun to make more money after all it's just soil it's everywhere if people want to buy dirt why would you not sell dirt it's dirt it's everywhere it's free to the ground as each of it sell it yet Rell dirt is very hesitant and cautiously dismissive of the idea almost as if she knows what's gone into the soil she's fine with selling to Cal poo huh it's almost as if no human sacrifice went into the cow poo the soil however no no no that's a different story altogether relative also says that she doesn't like the idea of enough's traveling to Whiterun by himself to sell the soil that's terrif it's a kind gesture it also however has less legs to stand on than a snake dose sorry rail dust you dope bananas does that trip already all the time to sell the surplus vegetable to Whiterun her reason to dismissing the idea of selling the soil is something that Ennis does all the time anyway he traveled to Whiterun constantly to sell vegetables yet you don't want to sell the soil because it would entail him walking to Whiterun to sell the soil that thing he does anyway you slipped up bears getcha she knows the value of the soil she knows the sacrifice then went into the soil and believe it or not we are actually led to believe that not even Rorick knows about the soil sacrifice check out this conversation between Rory and Joanne the last weed shipment fetched a fine price at market well done I don't know where I'd be without you my old friend it pleases me to know that I can still be of use even in the twilight of my life looks like we're in for quite a harvest we've had better luck with our planting than any village in the whole look I think it has more to do with the hard work and the good song maybe you're right even so I can't help wondering if some other forces at work here see even Rourke is suspicious of his own farms and Joanne quickly jumps to drop the hard work and good soil thing which is fair enough because he knows the sacrifice that's gone into the soil put yourself in his shoes you've been sacrificing friends of yours to get fertile soil and then everyone's walking around like dude we're so lucky to get this fertile soil you'd react the same way as you and be like it's not luck mother farmer but I also can't tell you what it is so it's just hard work and the blessings of the God remember the soil was crap 20 years ago how did you get the soil so damn good Joanne why did those fertile women die Joanne could you not heal them what are you teaching sizzle Joanne what are you preparing her for once with this book on the Daedra Joanne seems like a nice guy until you poke around town for 200 hours now check this out how to listen to this conversation between relatives and Joanne the two suspects I picked up a set of fine silver brushes in the city route if I thought you might be interested how thoughtful I'll come take a look after supper wink-wink nudge-nudge come around to my place later tonight so we can talk about silverware yeah oh hello infertile yet alive Ultima who comes up with oxymoronic excuses for not selling soil and who also has soul gems neck to a bed yes come over under the cover of darkness and look at some silverware I bought anyone else find this dialog as suspicious as a glove that fits so from all this we can boil down the relative and Joanne sacrifice the souls of servile women to unknown danger or an unknown Daedric prince in exchange for unnaturally ultra fertile soil Joanne is training sisal secretly and probably not even were knowledge so that one day she can continue on the path of fertility now there are two more things that we're going to address one is at least in my eyes dismissible and the other is the juiciest new discovery imaginable let's start off with the one I'm going to dismiss for this though we'll need to go back to the very beginning of the game to the very beginning in the carriage ride at the start of the game we share the cart with a horse thief named lochia he sent this hey what village are you from horse thief what do you care I know it's last dogs Rorick stead I'm I'm from Rorick stead loki is from Rorick stead and was caught trying to steal a horse and cross the border of Skyrim into Hammerfell now people surmise that low-tier was running for Oryx they're trying to escape he has learned something he found something else people wanted him dead and to answer the oddity he has no house in Rorick stead nor does anyone in Rory said mention his name which all sounds exciting but I think that's been blown way out of proportion to mean all this means is that he hasn't lived in Rorick said for years the developers probably didn't even think about it someone probably just punched in a random town name vm to say and the most important point just because these from rorek stead most certainly does not mean he's lived in Rorick stat anytime recently in the same way you can live in Australia for 20 years and still be from England for example I truly don't believe lochia saying he's from Rorick stead has any value to this investigation he also says that he tried to steal the horse so he was already crossing the border when trying to steal the horse no care of rorek stead no I'm not a rebel you can't do this hop you're not gonna kill me by choice anyone else feel like running building off of this though another point that people bring up is Bethesda's staff created a preview mod called locust - it was essentially a tutorial for people to follow while using the creation kit to make mods as we know Loki it was from Rorick stead however his tomb that they built in his mod was built in Riverwood people look at this and go well if he's from Warwick said shouldn't his tomb be in Rorick stead well maybe if it was canon but this is not canon it's an internal modification created as a walkthrough guides the people using the Creation Kit it's not a subtle law hint for people following the story of lochia and given that is not in the game we can't use it as evidence for anything again loki is the first person we see died and Skyrim when he tries to run away from the execution some developer probably had three hours on a Friday afternoon to build the mod and just chose a random location and a random character who's died and everyone's games play through to build Loki as to so no I don't think Loki's tomb is anything to get excited about and even if it was it's non canonical and therefore means nothing and with that said I believe that Loki is irrelevant to the Rorick sted investigation anyway now the final piece of the puzzle in fact this might even be a key stone to the whole theory I have actually touched on this briefly two years ago in my CCC video for Whiterun but at the time I didn't understand the full scope of what this means now remember at the beginning of the video I briefly mentioned one's heart as a possible building belonging to the township of Warwick stead well we will be heading there and while we still don't know if Lunt heart is actually on Rourke's land or not we will find some eerie similarities in narrative as we can see outside the house there are a few schemers knocking around not a common sight but this will be explained in a minute down the hill just a trot we can find a small care a pile of stones with various items resting on it almost as if they were offerings in remembrance some flowers some apples and what appears to be a wedding rings for now though we'll head inside blunt Hut more feathers on the bed we'll find one deceased lund the owner of the hut at first glance it would appear that the scheme has killed him but this is the case if we look on the ground there are multiple bulbs with meat in them the same way you would lay up food for your pets these schemas were actually his pets so how did lund die well on the table there is a vial of poison it would appear that lund drank the poison and committed suicide but what would trigger such a descent into a dark despair where suicide was the only way out well remember outside there was what seemed to be a little altar or shrine we can deduce the lungs wife passed away hence the shrine with the flowers and what we assumed to be a wedding ring this loss sent lund into a depressive down spiral and ultimately led to him taking his own life so Long's wife died even though around the corner lives show and the healer curious how it was luns wife that diet his wife a nice fertile woman dead mysteriously unhealable despite there being a healer around the corner and Oh aren't these crops just growing so nicely this isn't a hundred percent but this sure is suspicious and draws commonalities with the occult events that we have surmised to have taken place in Rorick stead now remember the book we found in roarings manor the spirit of the Daedra well wouldn't it be interesting if we found some more strange books in London Oh wouldn't that be something and would you look at that he even has a well-stocked bookshelf well I went through all of the books and there's absolutely nothing remotely interesting or connected to the current sacrificial plot of Rory said it would have been so nice but alas it just isn't so luckily for you though yeah boy camel went the extra step as a wound and found something really spooky weird and relevant if we clip through the walls of lungs huts interior we will be met by something to behold a heavily fleshed out exterior of an interior cell something that we basically never see why do we never see it because it's pointless placing assets outside the walls of an enclosed interior cell no one is ever going to see this unless they do what I didn't clip through the walls of Lunt art for no good reason whatsoever so the fact that the exterior has been built into the outside of the interior it's unbelievably odd it's also what really odd that this cells exterior has a sickly green haze to it one I don't recall ever seeing before and it is also pointless as the inside of lungs heart where the players actually are has a completely different lighting setting yet this outside area again has a completely different light setting to the inside of the interior so someone's done this on purpose someone's given this exterior of the interior of lund tot a nil swampy smog and a purple skylight and dare I say it it almost looks like it's part of a Daedric plane of oblivion but this is beyond weird and given the surrounding circumstances of lungs heart these strange yet super specific and completely hidden details are very suspicious but at the same time highlight nothing in particular along with all these rocks there is actually a barrel that's been placed just behind the house unfortunately this is just a static barrel and cannot be interacted with you'll be glad to know though there is one last thing the most important aspect of this outside area of lunch at interior and you probably notice that by now and wondered what the hell is that well there is a book a book that spawns near the rocks full vinson to nothingness then spawns once more and seemed to loop eternally falling and returning straight away this is uncannily odd it's getting weirder and weirder by the minute but what book is this out of the 470 different books that can be found in Skyrim which one is this the tension begins to mount and it's time to find out ah of course the book of the Daedra not remotely alarming in the slightest really out of all the books in Skyrim that's four hundred and seventy different books this one is about the danger if your suspect ohmmeter is not off the bloody dial right now you need to get that thing repaired this is actually beyond cognitive comprehension how complex and interwove in this all is the investigation of Rorick that is beginning to create a bedlam in my brain now this book the book of the Daedra explains the different Daedric princes so let's sit back relax for a second and have a read and see if any of their description to reflect anything we've seen throughout the video a zero whose fear is dusk and dawn the magic in between realms of Twilight known as moon shadow mother of the Rose and queen of the night sky nope nothing interesting boethiah whose fee is deceit and conspiracy and the secret plot of murder assassination treason and unlawful overthrow of authority that's not really ringing any bells clavicus vile whose fear is the granting of power and wishes through ritual invocations and pact ding-ding-ding-ding alarm bells going off granting power and wishes are granting the power to grow crops in dead soil through ritual invocations and pacts that sounds like our baby now let's keep reading anyway just to be super thorough emmaus mora whose fear is skrang of the tides of state of the past and future as read in the stars at heavens and in whose domain are the treasures of knowledge and memory no person whose fear is the hunt the sport of Daedra the great game the chase known as the Huntsman and the father of man beasts Malaka through sphere is the patronage of the stone and ostracized the keeper of the sworn oath and the bloody curse na meirin's Dagon who's serious destruction change revolution energy and ambition it's not a strong one but energy may be giving the soil energy to grow plants doesn't sound right but kind of makes sense but not really my fella whose fear is obscured by mortals known of other names webspinner spinner and spider whose only consistent themes seem to be interference in the affairs of mortals for her amusement not veridia whose fear is obscured to mortals who is associated with the energies of living things now I do believe that is an absurd way of naming necromancer's which of course isn't what we're looking for Molag about whose fear is the domination and enslavement of mortals whose desire is to harvest the souls of mortals and to bring mortal Souls within his sway by spreading seeds of strife and discord in the mortal realms well it does clearly state he likes to harvest souls and also spread seeds which could be a little clue they're farmers seeds this is not likely at all as Molag Bal harvests souls by making the races of men destroy each other and not by granting plentiful harvest Namira whose fear is the ancient darkness known as the spirit deja a ruler of sundry dark and shadowy spirits associated with spiders insects slugs and other repulsive creatures which inspire mortals with an instinctive revulsion nocturnal whose fear is the night and darkness who is known as the mite mother no parry out whose fear is the ordering of the lowest orders of oblivion known as the task masters milk sanguine whose fear is hedonistic revelry and debauchery and passionate indulgences of darker nature no kilgiraffe whose fear is madness and whose motives are unknowable probably not she'll gross a bit of a cop out because you can use him as an explanation for anything and just go oh it's crazy achoo Gura and finally in vain' EEMA whose fear is the realm of dreams and nightmares and from whose realm issues for evil omens no now the rest of the book just talked about Malick after creating an artifact scourge and how if any other day your uses they'll be purged to a viens voir streams which is completely irrelevant to the tale of rorek that so out of all of the Daedric princes clavicus vile's seems to fit the bill granting powers and wishes through ritual invocations and pacts now that sounds nice enough but as we know clavicus vile is a sick and twisted Daedra forging pacts with mortals that contain small prints or packs that are completely misinterpreted by the mortals Joanne could have easily made a pact with clavicus vile for fertile soil and not fully understood what would have to be given up in return as is the case with just about every pact made with clavicus vile and while none of this is concreted into the law I do believe that Rorick that has fertile soil because they sacrificed fertile women to clavicus vile in exchange for fertile soil your land and relatives are the only two that know about this and Joanne is training Sissel to take the reins one day that to me is the most sensible boiling down of the information we've uncovered here in Rorick stead but I must admit there are many loose ends like why is Warwick stead listed as being owned by a Yao that ruled Whiterun over 4000 years ago did Rorick state it's named after him after he bought the land at the very most 26 years ago is Rick a model probably not given he has no idea about the magical pact issue an and welders have with a danger of some for most possibly clavicus vile and what's going on with RAL key and the non-existent basement do they sacrifice people down there but if socially he would know about it and we have no reason to believe that morale key knows anything about the sacrificial soil pact also what the actual heavens is with sizzle and having farsi like visions and dreams about Arthur max I mean of all things past and acts one of the most important characters in all of Skyrim and one that no one knows exists save the Greybeards why is she having dreams about him and listing features specific to him is sital something much bigger and much more important it's weird stuff and of course what was going on in Lund part without falling book and the exterior of the interior being flushed out of having a green tinge with a purple sky that really is something you never see even when you look for it you'll never find it safe for sheogorath secret doorway which i've already made a video on so Rorick said what a mess though I do have to say what an astoundingly flushed out town while there are too many loose ends my liking the amount of NPC to NPC unique dialogue is unmatched by any other location everyone has something to say to everyone else and well it really has led to one of the most complex into Auvergne and almost unfollow ball tails I've ever encountered it's Skyrim so I do hope that you've enjoyed the journey to discovery and the complex township of Warwick's Dead and their weird ways the 4000 year old town that's been around for 26 years Lowell what exactly the basement that doesn't exist a goal dreaming of one of the main protagonists sacrificing women for good soil a book behind a rock throw wall I mean the list goes on where extent is too much for me and after spending literally over 200 hours making this video from start to finish I'll gladly not come back here at least for now I'll be sure to let myself and others know what your theories and conclusions are as to all of the strange cases brought forth throughout this video was it meant to be like this was there meant to be a quest bigger than this that would tie everything together very strange indeed if you do have any information facts evidence speculation theories or anything to do with rorek stead be sure to leave a comment if you have any ideas or something that should be covered in an Elder Scrolls detective series video be sure to let me know I'll look into whatever strange and wonderful topics you present if you enjoyed this video please do me a kindness Emily to like it makes the video look good and of course if you enjoyed this video and want to see more videos similar to this one please subscribe it helps me know that people are interested in these kind of videos and in the long run will result in more of them be sure to click the little bell icon to the subscribe button right here on YouTube so you are notified when new Elder Scrolls detective videos are 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Channel: Camelworks
Views: 1,207,010
Rating: 4.9229455 out of 5
Keywords: rorikstead, daedra, worshipers, soul, gems, book, soil, fertile, land, crops, farm, sacrifice, elder, scrolls, VI, scrolls V, one, two, three, four, five, six, arena, daggerfall, morrowind, oblivion, skyrim, valenwood, bethesda, studios, softworks, secrets, mysteries, detective, hidden, legends, stories, theories, top, 10, list, most, interesting, facts, best, weapons, easter, eggs, unique, camel, works, camelworks, mackenzie, rowles, eso, tes, online, crazy, lore, canon, race, tales, locations, confirmed, sissel, Jouane, pact, ritual, occult, prince, lund, hut
Id: zAOp168r3xo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 16sec (3316 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 31 2017
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