What if Harkon WON!? - A Vampire's Tamriel - Elder Scrolls Theory

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among the night's children a dread Lord will rise in an age of strife when dragons return to the realm of men darkness will mingle with light and the night and day will be as one what's going on ladies and gentlemen my name is Michael and welcome to Fight moppet today we're gonna be talking about the Sun I'm sure you're all having flashbacks to the fierce debates about analyzing the position of the Sun in the oldest scroll 6 trailer to figure out the setting of the game in fact if you're feeling riskier I challenge you to type in Elder Scrolls 6 battle royale into YouTube and click the first thing that pops up anyways what we're talking about here is the potential widespread decimation of the Tamriel ik population caused by harkens succeeding in his plan of corrupting Orioles bow with serranos blood using it to permanently block out the Sun itself we could have taken the angle that asks what would happen if the Dragonborn joined to the vampires and helped harken fulfill the prophecy but we decided to keep it simpler as the results on Tamriel would play out quite the same plus the dovahkiin can be theorized to have all kinds of levels of power capable of defeating all kinds of foes and forces so things become less clear and even more theoretical keeping the scope to harken things are going to be speculative enough and I want a heavily stress that this is a super subjective video and I'd love to hear your theories about this situation in the comments below and I can think of plenty of creative ways that harken could be stopped end of the world saved however we're going to be containing our various thoughts on this theory with three groundwork assumptions the first of which is that there's no grand intervention or external save the day plot device such as some special Thalmor mage who might have brought back the moons when they mysteriously disappeared in the past or the sedgwick order the reason we're going with this idea is because well yes it is possible for the world to be saved by the Dragonborn or a group like the siddik order it's impossible to predict with any kind of certainty and it makes most theories about dangerous situations a bit redundant as you could always just say well what if XYZ used unbeatable mystery magic to instantly solve the problem more or less patching up just about any theory about any threat we also thought it's wise to touch on a point regarding the Sun when it comes to Elder Scrolls law so in the Elder Scrolls universe the Sun is basically a big hole created by Magnus as he fled mundis for those who don't know Magnus is known as the god of magic and was one of the original spirits that existed during the creation of the mortal plane which is known as Mundus when Magnus realized that he would have to sacrifice too much of his power to create it he fled creating a tear in Mundus and this tear or big hole is actually the Sun it allows energy from a theorist to leak through to the mortal plane giving the races of Tamriel access to magic our many other original spirits who would become known as the magma key followed Magnus creating more tears which leaked magic are appearing in the sky as stars anyways the reason I explained this piece of law is so we're all on the same page when I say that the second assumption is that there is still enough magic are available for use whether that's via the stars or if it still somehow came through the hole where the Sun is still positioned even though the light itself doesn't come through simply put blocking out the Sun doesn't affect Magica in game the third assumption is that harken is successful in making his way through the necessary quests the Dragonborn is supposed to do including capturing cerana and then killing vaartha in the Forgotten veil or even teaming up with him to get access to the bow of Oriole and then full-on sacrificing cerana to corrupt it allowing him to be clouded Sun for eternity now let's dive into the prophecy itself known as the tyranny of the Sun the tyranny of the Sun prophecy isn't just about getting some blood cursed elven arrows and using them to blur out the Sun whenever it's convenient now that's for the Dragonborn who doesn't want to kill cerana the actual prophecy would involve the complete sacrifice of cerana to block out the Sun permanently the prophecy was devised by art curator via a snow elf turned vampire who once served Oriel as the arch curate within the Chantry of Oriel sadly for him he was turned into a vampire by one of the initiatives of the Chantry and he blames Oriel for this affliction claiming that by not being protected by the deity he worshiped that he was betrayed it's hard to know the truth but unless fathe was turned to vampire instantly in the same way harken can turn you he should have been healed by his constant praying to any shrines in the Chantry so maybe Arielle did betray him for some reason for some wrongdoing to test him or Oriel was just out of the office who knows all we know for sure is that via felt wronged enough to create a prophecy which would lay dormant for thousands of years a prophecy known as the tyranny of the Sun which when fulfilled would weaken Oriels power and influence over noon by blocking out much of the connection between Mundus and a serious to fulfill this prophecy one requires the sacrifice of a daughter of Coldharbour and the bow of Oriel via thir sits waiting in orioles chapel seated on a throne where he has been waiting all this time for someone to bring the final component a daughter of Coldharbour to him in our theory after tracking down Serrano and Vala Rica and getting the scrolls Harken may come and kill vitae as a means to eliminate a powerful threat as Harken wants all the power for himself or alternatively it might end up easier for him than it was for the dragon born with Viper willingly giving him the bow as they both have the same goal to fulfill the prophecy and shroud Tamriel in darkness so with or without the help from a vampiric snow elf Harken finds a way to the bow sacrifices his own daughter corrupting it with her blood and uses the bow with a blood cast arrow to blind the eye of the dragon blocking out the Sun with Tamriel plunged into darkness what happens next would vampires roam unhindered and take over Tamriel would harken become the leader of a new vampire world well many people might be inclined to agree with serranos mother Valerie Kerr and her reason for being against Tarkan's Plus after all it is she who decided to hide surround her away from harken deep within dim hollow crypt with an elder scroll and escaped to the soul Kane herself with another elder scroll Valerie could believe that the vampires should remain in the shadows operating with a low profile and that blocking out the Sun would draw too much attention to them ultimately leading to their extinction on the surface her concerns seem reasonable but after more consideration I'm not so sure that she should be so worried and I'm definitely not convinced by the idea that the factions on Tamriel would suddenly team up to defeat the vampires in some kind of mortals versus vampires war so the first and main reason I don't think the vampires are super likely to lose to the rest of Tamriel is that the vampires don't have to just suddenly attack all the cities and launch some sort of all-out assault to these immortal beings that would be a ridiculous laughable idea they'd be wise enough to realize that just because the Sun has disappeared and they don't have to feel weaknesses from sun damage doesn't mean that they can suddenly take on all the forces of Tamriel in front on combat I mean they don't even have structured armies or tactician --zz which is all the more reason to believe they'd be smart and to bide their time and ultimately that's how they'd win by letting the lack of sunlight do damage and cause instability it's not like they'd all just hide in volca castle either and try to pull off some kind of ridiculous last stand against entire Tamriel ik armies they would be low-profile hiding out in small groups in extremely remote places but that also assumes that killing the vampires solves the problem and undoes the prophecy but it kind of doesn't and to the citizens of Tamriel they'd just be randomly confronted by this big dark red version of the Sun and blocked sunlight some buddies of water maybe turned blood-red and gargoyles and death hounds would be spotted outdoors sometimes perhaps these are natural beasts would serve as a clue but generally speaking it's not easy to know who exactly caused the situation and even if someone figured it out Harken did sacrifice a daughter of Coldharbour to corrupt oreos bow and permanently block out the Sun so without any kind of crazy cg esque save the day plot magic there's not a lot that can be done it's also worth noting that it's not just the volca Hawk clan that benefit from no sunlight it's also every other vampire clan on Tamriel every bloodline every coven of various levels of power from every province they could all wreak havoc with gorilla hit and run tactics turning stragglers on the roads into vampires growing their numbers or they could just chill out and wait for the lack of sunlight to kill crops depleting food sources and causing widespread panic infighting and death over a long period of time I think the most realistic thing is that the vampire clans across Tamriel act in an unplanned individual way and just do what they want some would take advantage and start using hit-and-run tactics attacking towns and others perhaps plan Foca might be more inclined to hide for example let's just say hawk thinks that Orioles bow could be taken by an adversary and used to return the son to normal he'd just go into hiding with it and vampires are very very good at hiding especially during the night with the magical prowess to turn invisible paralyzed foes fly across bodies of water or just turn into bats and vanish he could just go into some deep middle of nowhere place never to be found and even if he was somehow found all he'd have to do is run away using his powers and hide somewhere new and all this time the lack of sunlight is taking its toll that's assuming he can't just destroy the bow straightaway preventing any theoretical reversing of the Sun or he can't just tie a heavyweight to it fly out to the middle of the ocean under the cover of night and drop the thing in the middle of the ocean but if the prophecy is to be believed the Sun should be permanently blocked anyway I'll talk in more detail about the lack of sunlight and what that causes later on but for now let's talk briefly about the idea that the forces of Tamriel might even end up teaming up to hunt down vampires so under the assumption that the factions in power actually know who is to blame which they probably wouldn't and think they can do something about it and forgetting for a moment that it might not be reversible and if it was the vampires could just splinter off and hide in places what would happen well I don't necessarily think that alliances couldn't be formed but I don't think it's as easy as people might think leaders might recognize this constant nighttime as an unfortunate arcane event but they may think it could come to pass if they knew it would be permanent they might be hasty err in taking action but how would they know but okay let's assume they're probably smart enough to realize acting fast is wise what could happen well there's not a lot of direction the Stormcloaks and Imperials of Skyrim could call the truce until the problem is solved but really then what let's just say best-case scenario the old merry Dominion forces the Empire the Stormcloaks and even the Red Guards done my end argonians all cooperate together all of which by the way is so unlikely it isn't funny what can they do they could form squads of vampire hunters and join up with dawn guard forces but where would they search are they going to have time to search every dungeon and crypt in all of Tamriel in search of evil vampires it's very resource in tensive and by the time it's all coordinated and decided upon the lack of sunlight would already be causing widespread destabilization and again even if they killed many vampires it would be near impossible to kill each and every one before the lack of sunlight has ravaged the land and even if you killed every vampire in existence you're still stuck in this world with a blocked Sun sounds like it's better to join the vampires so you can actually survive in this new dark world Tamriel as we know it is pretty screwed in this scenario and that's even assuming cooperation between factions is super quick and effective think about it the armies of Hammerfell who fought tooth and nail to fend off the Dominion aren't going to want to suddenly start working with them and it would likely be a lot of mistrust with both sides anticipating potential betrayal during any temporary alliance also you have to consider that people may blame others for instance the Nords blaming the Thalmor for blotting out the Sun after all they supposedly had the ability to return the moon so why not blot out the Sun a kind of alien invasion like the Oblivion crisis really where the enemy is more visible would have a higher chance of quick alliances being formed but with a vampire threat which is spread and hidden you just have a situation where it's constantly nighttime and the problems from that just lead to higher tensions and maybe you can make some Allied hunting groups but there's no kind of clear-cut water sign up for and fight in functionally speaking Tamriel is exactly the same the vampires aren't necessarily attacking it's just night all the time but then it becomes freezing cold and food sources are depleting with animals dying off as a result also consider that other factions might prefer to use this as an advantage - and not want to team up for example the Thalmor might have better food preservation methods using magic using stagnant balls of light like the alteration spell except Sun magic based to cultivate crops this might be done by some mages in Empire territory - but it could be much rarer so the populations in Empire controlled land suffer faster with the old mirror using the whole situation as leverage to turn offensive gained territory and take control this is just one of many examples of how leverage and power might be sought before co-op raishin is furthermore as I implied earlier being a vampire would be preferable for many people so there would definitely be notable cases of voluntary conversion think about it there's two main downsides to being a vampire the first is that the Sun makes you weak during the day and the second is that you can't really live in mortal society unless you have a way to regularly feed to keep your vampire appearance and thirst for blood at bay but in a world that is doomed to have no more rays of Sun causing vampire problems the drawbacks for being a vampire start fading being a mortal is already tempting enough but being a mortal in a world where there are no longer any physical drawbacks sounds pretty sweet and then if things get very vampire dominant and you run out of life sources to feed on well then it's perfectly acceptable to live in a society as a vampire as almost everyone else would be a vampire too without being a vampire and without some kind of sustaining magic your chances of living for a long time a very slim that reminds me of another concept that one might think of that vampires ultimately would be screwed because without Sun the plants would die then the animals would die and then there wouldn't be enough food for people and vampires wouldn't have enough sources of live blood to sustain themselves with but this notion forgets that vampires in the Elder Scrolls universe don't necessarily have to feed elderscrolls law can get quite muddled so I understand why there might be confusion surrounding this idea there are examples of vampires in certain locations who have gone insane from not feeding or couldn't heal any wounds no matter how much they rested without sucking blood however from actual gameplay and other law sources we know not all vampires have to feed cerana wasn't on an IV blood drip while she was hidden away for thousands of years to stop her dying from starvation she didn't die or go crazy harken also mentions to the player that he keeps a stable of throws in the castle should you need to feed like the base of vampires to stave off the Sun one might assume that it's just his bloodline that doesn't need to feed but even in Elder Scrolls for oblivion during Asura's quest he was sent to kill or free five of her followers who fought and destroyed a vampire many years ago they contracted the disease themselves and knowing they would ravage the world they decided to lock them elves in gutted mine they're still alive and ready to fight you when you find them furthermore besides gaining worse effects from the Sun and being more susceptible to fire damage vampires tend to get stronger in a variety of ways when they don't feed and actually progress in stages of vampirism if vampires don't feed they might look more vampiric and they may have an urge for blood that is never filled driving some of them crazy but they still live forever and actually get enhanced vampire powers I think it would be safe to say that it would be survival of the fittest if some vampire bloodlines or specific individuals were weak or needed blood to survive they might die when their scarce sources of blood but those who don't need it would prosper and propagate their bloodlines eventually becoming the main vampire blood lines on Tamriel something else worth considering is how a world with no sunlight would affect the day dry and aedra if there is no sunlight and the plants start dying and then animals who eat plants AKA livestock start dying and there's not enough sources of food then obviously mortals start dying too eventually well as you might know the amount of worship a deity receives actually affects their power and influence on nirn and many worshipers would start dying this would further weaken the power of many deities however some mortals who are turned into vampires may choose to continue worshiping the same certain Adria or Daedra they already did in mortal form the only problem is that this worship might not be compatible anymore for example can you imagine how upset our K would be with a world where the undead are prospering more than ever I'm not sure he'd benefit from or even let a vampire worship Him furthermore our K is associated with cycles such as seasons and birth and death these cycles are obviously interfered with in a world with a blocked Sun and undead everywhere who lived forever and keeps spreading their condition or what could happen to kynareth her domain is very nature based and with nature itself decaying and dying she's not going to merely have less power from less worshipers but also fewer natural things to exert influence upon in general or how about Daedra like nocturnal nocturnal sphere is a night in darkness perhaps she would be happy with a world covered in but she seems to enjoy interacting with mortals and the world as it is it's hard to say what would happen personally I think if the Sun was permanently blocked the Adria would suffer the most and many of the Daedra would carry on interacting with societies of vampires as they did with mortals remember it's not only the mortality that Daedra enjoy toying with but also the general personalities of men and myrrh surely clavicus vile can still take advantage of a vampire's greed and so on more importantly there's a possibility that Moe lag Bao becomes extremely powerful the full extent of how many mortal Souls go to Cold Harbor when they become undead and turn into a vampire isn't known but vampirism is more like bhau's affliction so it makes sense that if vampires forfeit their souls when the condition fully takes hold then he's the one as a lord of domination who would be collecting them anyways I'd love to hear what you think about the changing strength and weakness of Daedra and Adria in a world with no Sun where vampires eventually take over now let's dive into how no sunlight would affect Tamriel and how mortals would try to survive we can't exactly know how differently nirn would work compared to our planet Earth but we can use what scientists think about earth to draw at least basic conclusions about nirn so while this science of the Elder Scrolls universe and our universe isn't an exact match we're going to assume that plants trees and so on convert sunlight into energy to thrive on just like our flora does here on earth then of course you have wild animals who feed on these plants and then other animals which feed on animals and of course the ten playable races who feed on various plants and animals themselves it's a pretty classic food chain and if you block out the Sun it wouldn't be long before nature starts to decay and ultimately perish scientists here on earth predict that if you just turn off the Sun our planet doesn't become instantly cold however it's estimated that after about a week the average surface temperature would fall to around 32,000 height that's zero Celsius for those wondering within a year it is said to drop to around minus one hundred and fifty Fahrenheit which is minus one hundred and one Celsius and the oceans would freeze over also even if a blocked out Sun in the Elder Scrolls universe wasn't severe enough for Tamriel to freeze over I think it's safe to say that something similar could happen on nirn assuming it's not as bad in Tamriel things would still become cold enough to make life fair many animals plants and sentient races very difficult with more areas frozen than ever before and the citizens of Tamriel slowly starving as their crops and livestock die parts of the population would have very likely start fighting over rapidly dwindling supplies of food and multiple conflicts would break out causing widespread turmoil halting trade to many areas causing more shortages of certain materials and so on now some people would definitely still survive using magical healing special potions and eating stored foods such as dried meats many kingdoms and cities may also have very large stores of grain hidden away but these two can't last forever that said it's not like all food on Tamriel perishes straight away and you'd have people creatively finding sources of nourishment to survive one thing I thought of was that some algae and mushrooms and other unusual life forms would survive in cave ecosystems without light but suddenly living in caves when it's freezing cold isn't going to be super feasible for most people again it could be an idea used by very small groups of majors perhaps who can create heat using magic in an attempt to survive it also gives me an idea which would allow vampires to feed more sustainably some mortal thralls could be kept alive with fires created by the vampires legitimately or with magic and these mortals could be sustained with a kind of mushroom farm also sustained with heat and magic the possibilities are endless if you sit down and brainstorm hard enough the people of Tamriel would also become quite lethargic and sick due to the lack of sunlight and eventually it would become quite common to have malnourished people freezing to death considering that it seems quite easy for vampires to hide and quite hard for the civilizations of Tamriel come up with any useful solution let alone coordinate efforts amongst themselves during a tight timeframe in such a damaging and stressful situation I really think Tamriel could turn into a vampire world once Tamriel is in a very vulnerable state then the vampires may become more active gradually increasing their aggression with various clans feeding on vulnerable people all over Tamriel growing the vampire population which then allows them to convert more citizens to vampires and so on in an ongoing cycle like I mentioned earlier there'd be some groups of cold and hungry people who would probably want to become vampires rather than die which only helps grow the numbers furthermore there'd be plenty of feeding opportunities for vampires early on in the downfall of the current Tamriel axis I ''tis which allows them to retain more of a human-like appearance considering vampires have been known to operate using stealth and subterfuge an early strategy could also be sending a vampire posing as a mortal into a city who would then start infecting people on the inside while keeping their identity hidden send a few human looking vampires to infiltrate each city and you've got a powerful recipe for a whirlwind of chaos once the races of Tamriel have been weakened anyone outside of the walled city still standing would be hunted down by packs of these super human-like beings and there's probably other threats which would grow more powerful in a world of constant night for example the Falmer of Skyrim's underground cavern systems are suspected by many to want to invade the surface and these cave dwellers would have a much better time doing so in a world shrouded in darkness so that pretty much covers why I think that Tamriel as we know it would go down the drain pretty quickly if the Sun was blocked out permanently vampires would be smart enough to bide their time and then as civilization falls apart due to a lack of sunlight and food they could slowly and methodically seize control by spreading their infection everywhere culminating in a very cold lifeless vampire world but then what well interestingly enough I think even if harken fulfilled the prophecy and he was smart enough to hide to avoid any kind of extermination he wouldn't necessarily come out with an amazing situation but why is this well consider that harken wants to fulfill the prophecy for power harken has always been power-hungry originally sacrificing a thousand innocent lives for Molag Bal to turn himself and his family into pure blooded vampires plus he's even willing to sacrifice his own daughter to plunge Tamriel into darkness he'll do whatever it takes to get power but perhaps what he envisions wouldn't actually be worth it power is relative to the context you willed it in and if Harken lives in a world where everyone has vampire powers then the significance of having such powers is reduced sure he's a pure-blooded vampire lord with more power than most vampires who simply contract a vamp prism from the disease but compared to the current version of Tamriel Harken would have a less of a power gap between him and the most common individual as the common individual is now a vampire once a lion among sheep Harken would become a lion ruling over other lions some of which could group together to get enough power to overthrow him the world harken would be ruling wouldn't be too interesting either it would end up as this big frozen rocky place without the luxuries previously afforded to society by a mortal working class sure new hierarchies would be established among the vampires but you've likely just wiped out almost all the useful workers in a functional society that was already there a society you could easily benefit from while staying low-profile a lot of superficial luxuries like clothing such as dyed capes and so on are also produced from substances derived from life forms that need sunlight and a warmer temperature to be sustained so all this cool stuff is now gone and the difference in power between you and the average person is actually lessened he might be higher in the ruling hierarchy of Tamriel but there's not much left to rule and you're going to have a lot of competition from other powerful vampires who are littered across the entire continent even if you are the most powerful one on an individual level maybe he'd be happy but personally I don't think it's the best outcome to aspire towards even for a power-hungry tyrannical vampire Lord and that concludes this video theorizing the outcome of Harken fulfilling the prophecy from the dorm guard DLC and why I think that outside of divine intervention or crazy plot magic which could be possible Tamriel would be in big trouble if the Sun was permanently blocked out as I said in the introduction it's a very subjective piece and I'd love to read your personal thoughts regarding any complications Tamriel would face with no sunlight and any issues harken would encounter if he ends up ruling a vampire Kingdom on a now frozen and highly barren Tamriel the whole place would be crawling with vampires who would likely end forming new societies and fighting amongst themselves just like mortals do as always thank you so much for watching this video I really appreciate how much support you've been giving the channel recently and I would love for you to let me know what kind of content you want to see next my name is michael social media links are in the description below and I look forward to nerding out with you again very soon
Channel: FudgeMuppet
Views: 266,842
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: harkon, waht if harkon won, vampire lore, elder scrolls, elder scrolls lore, skyrim, skyrim lore, fudgemuppet, skyrim vampires, vampire lord, volkihar, volkihar vampire, dawnguard, serana
Id: S_91jK1aAeY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 7sec (1627 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 19 2019
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