The Mystery of Skyrim's Swamps, (kind of) Solved

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Hey how's it going guys it's Nate here and welcome back to another Elder Scrolls investigative video so if you were to compile a list of Skyrim's creepiest locations the town of mortal and the surrounding region would almost certainly be near the top a small village lying in the middle of a swamp this settlement is the capitol of the hill March hold up and more importantly it's a hub for a number of mysterious occurrences for one it's ural a grid Raven crowing can literally see into the future and past she's a psychic then there's the fact that a strange Red Guard mage named phalion just moved in and he's rumored to be practicing dark magic some of the city's kids even claim to have had nightmares about the man furthermore mortal is surrounded by a number of weird ancient ruins of unknown origins and we can see ghosts walking around them if we visit at the right times at night yeah seriously something's strange in this neighborhood now I'll just go ahead and straight-up say that despite building up these big mysterious plot points in the settlement Skyrim never actually explains what the heck is going on the psychic yarol is pretty much useless we don't find out why the mages in the town even though he's obviously up to something for reasons we'll get into it and the ghosts that can be seen in the nearby marsh are also unaddressed by the game what I'd like to do today is really dive into all of the curious happenings plaguing this quiet little hamlet in as detailed of fashion as possible we'll talk about the yarol fail yin the ghosts everything then we're gonna run through the boatload of cut content associated with them all because man it's clear Bethesda was planning something in development but changed their minds and finally we'll explore some big revelations made about he'll March in some other Elder Scrolls games that have released since Skyrim that are very important spoiler alert everything going on is far more connected than you might have thought and by the time we're done I think we'll have a very good idea of what's really behind the oddities of this town anyway without any further ado let's do further and try to figure out what the heck is going on with more Thal so I feel the best place to start this video is by talking about Ingrid Raven Crona more Thals elderly mystical Yael she's apparently been running the show here for decades and is presented as one of Skyrim's good leaders if you will you know what I mean some girls in this land are clearly corrupt or otherwise just to blatantly incompetent to do their job but not a grid she's presented as both well-meaning and sharp the woman is clearly doing her best to look out for her people but importantly what really makes Miss Raven throne so special is the fact that she's a psychic or at least probably is according to her own admissions as well as other citizens of Hill March the ural receives occasional visions from the Divine's that vaguely foreshadow future events or provide her with an alternate perspective on the past these visions greatly influenced the characters way of governing though but that's the never quite explains what exactly she's seen and is seen we don't have any examples or anything like that nonetheless they're obviously real a grid also has a husband named Oliver who serves as her steward a daughter named Ingrid the younger and a small boy named Yorick neither Ingrid's husband or daughter Sharon her psychic powers though her son Yorick definitely does the game implies that his powers not quite as developed as his mother's as he doesn't seem to be getting as direct visions nonetheless he reports strange dreams in his sleep and has a problem with sleep walking into the forest at night come to think of it maybe he just has insomnia but you get the idea he's a little special too anyway let's keep going despite generally being liked pretty well by everybody Egrets popularity has recently taken a big dip amongst her subjects due to a single the decisions she's made or more specifically decided not to make and this lack of action even has a couple of people who we'll talk about in a moment planning to overthrow her in a coup you see a few months ago a mysterious Red Guard mage named fail Ian moved into the town and men do the locals not want him here the Nords of Skyrim are well known for their suspicion of magic as is they're very superstitious people however fail yin or fail e on both pronunciations are used is uniquely unsettling to the people of North all because they believe him to be a necromancer of sorts and fear he's raising corpses and plotting to use the dark arts against his neighbors locals have been demanding four euro a grid to make faily and lead to kick him out of the city however she refuses she has no proof of any of these rumors and knows it's just not right to boot someone out of their home without any evidence of wrongdoing still though Raven crowing is a little suspicious herself as that boy of hers ax Yorick has been having nightmares and dreams about failure since he arrived yeah what the hell and even if we ourselves approach the child and interact with him he may randomly just scream out the following dialogue line my mother sees things she doesn't know why what she does only sometimes she doesn't see me yes well since a grid is admittedly getting a little suspicious yet still wants to be totally sure the man's up to something before taking action she'll offer the Dragonborn a job she wants you to just follow this faily and fellow around for a while only a day or two and just see if you can find out if he's up to something once you've made a judgement just report back and you'll be rewarded with some coin this begins the quest family in the secret and it's where our video starts to get really good usually we can find the gentleman in his unlocked home where the man spends most of the day at his alchemy table and upon approaching him he'll initially be quite standoffish it's clear he assumes we've come to him to accuse him of crimes or something as most of the people in the town have been doing if you stand before me to accuse me of sacrificing children or eating the hearts of the Dead you may save your breath I have done no such thing nor do I intend to I simply wish to live my life in peace but after combing his nerves and reassuring him the red guard will open up and explain a lot to us he's not a necromancer he's not doing anything with corpses no he's a practitioner of conjuration magic and may very well be one of the best in the world at it if you choose to believe his claims real quick I should pause the video and just briefly explain what conjuration magic is in case you're unfamiliar as it's very important to this video in the Elder Scrolls universe conservation isn't about creating or anything like that it's really about so many things from different planes of reality by other planes I mean oblivion or Aetherius that sort of thing what conjurer's do is use magic to pick creatures and items from those planes and bring them to our world that's what this red guard says he's a specialist other keep that in mind he does a lot of work with traveling to oblivion and other dimensions all right well after we've gained his trust and spoken a little bit the man will quickly run through some of his greatest achievements in life according to him he studied magic all across Tamriel one has learned life-extending secrets from vampires authored numerous books and even travelled to of the plains of oblivion where he met Daedra and yet this spoke with the Dwemer elf I know many things have studied things beyond the reach of most humans traveled the oblivion plains seeing things one should not see I have met Deidre and Dwemer and everything in between and I know enough to see a vampire where others would see a man yeah fairly and met a dwarf in oblivion that's crazy enough right there and could even ward its own video but we got to stay on topic sadly he doesn't elaborate on any of his claims and only mentions them in passing no matter before settling in worth all the Red Door argues that he was working as a professor at the College of Winterhold but decided to leave the institution due to disagreements with its leadership the reason he chose to move here in the middle of a swamp well I'll just let you listen to the reason he gives us my talents are much needed here in order to keep north all safe north all is a troubled place it's my duty to see it rest in peace his talents are needed here what fail Ian seems to think he's saving this place or helping it at the least though he won't elaborate on how aside from our own dialog with him during this quest there's a few other things that reveal a bit more about fail Ian's character that I should mention for one he didn't come to this town alone he was actually joined by his sister who decided to follow him her name is Jonah and funnily enough she's the owner of the local tavern the Moorside in and is one of the area's most popular residents we can't speak with her much and her little dialogue is mostly just focused on unrelated innkeeper things though when pressed Jonah does mention that she came to the town with fail e'en after learning he was moving here and we'll ask you not to bother him the other person who joined the Red Guard was his adopted daughter a young lord named agony who now lives with him and his study to be as apprentice like Jonah Angie's dialog isn't super helpful but I'll just play a couple of convos we can overhear her have with her adopted father I had a bad dream again last night Oh a chance that you went away you made monsters it was scary like it was real it's just a dream child nothing more passion al think no more of it huh very interesting though I'll be honest with you guys and say that I actually really like Faye lien he comes across as genuine even if he's holding a lot of information back like he genuinely believes he's doing the right thing and helping people he just won't tell us how oh and something I haven't mentioned yet is that if you the player ever contracted vampirism Faye lien will usually be the guy you go to to cure it typically after speaking with innkeepers about rumors one of them will tell you about this mage who lives in more Thal that's uniquely acquainted with the undead or something like that and if you follow their directions you'll be led to fail in will agree to cure you of vampirism in exchange for a single black soul gem that's been filled once you've gotten one he'll tell you to meet him at night near a specific ancient ruin and then once there you and him will perform a ritual of sorts oh just play the audio from it I call upon oblivion realms the home of those who are not our ancestors and sir my plea as in death there is new life in oblivion there is a beginning for that which has ended I call forth that power except the soul that we offer as the Sun ends the night and the darkness of this soul return life to the creature you see before you congratulations now you're free of vampirism something I should note that in that ritual Balian seems to be calling out to some entity in Oblivion and offering them that black soul you filled the gem with in exchange for hearing you there is a lot of discussion and debate within the community about who that entity fail ian is talking to actually is some people argue it could be Molag Bal the Daedric god of vampires others like myself believe it's the ideal mask a strange collection of godlike beings that are known for helping mortals out in exchange for soul gems whoever fail e'en is really working with is ultimately unknown and beside the point I just want you to pay attention to the fact that he does clearly have a relationship with oblivion specifically he knows a lot about it also another thing worth mentioning I know this is a very complicated and deep character if the player is a student at the college of winterhold we can speak with a certain professor named Phineas costura he's the current lead of conjuration magic in the college and we can have this conversation with him where he does mention fail yin and says that he was once fail Ian's own pupil not within society know many who practice within the school of conjuration do so on their own secretly phalion is the only one I know who is public about what he does he was once my teacher here but left the college years ago he didn't like the Archmage hated dealing with him hated having to answer to him phalion said he hated what this place was becoming so he just left aaron found a note on his desk and that was it I understand he settled down in here March and his presence there caused something of a problem he definitely wasn't lying about his tenure at the college either all right so armed with all of this information you would think it'd be pretty easy to go up to your old a grid and just spill the beans on the red guard right I mean sure we haven't solved anything but this is relevant stuff she should know well we can't in reality all of the research we've just done is totally irrelevant to the faily and secret quest we can't go tell the yarol and get some unique dialogue now oh we're really supposed to do is follow him around until we catch him sneaking out because at 10 p.m. every night Balian will leave his home and just walk into the swamp follow him don't get caught just watch at a distance and we'll see him walk over to a ruin that same ruin he cured our vampirism on the man won't do anything he'll just sort of stand there and it's very unclear what exactly is happening if we choose to approach and confront the conjurer he'll be a horribly shocked to have realized that he's been followed and will beg us not to tell anyone what we've seen Fillion won't tell us what he was up to only stating that it's absolutely necessary it'd be kept a secret and he needs to keep on doing it he's controlling something now what's so weird and this is where we're gonna start getting into the cut content aspect of things is that after catching the mage do this and listening to him defend himself and beg for us to keep his secret the quest the ural gave us to investigate him will automatically be completed which doesn't make sense because shouldn't we have to report back to her and explain our findings no it just ends after the quests been completed though the story still doesn't totally end because we can go back to your old Ygritte Raven Crone and tell her what we saw we can't tell her everything we know just that we've witnessed fail Ian's sneaked out of his house in the middle of the night and go to some ruins after telling the elderly woman this she'll award us with some coin and then immediately get out of her chair and walk over to wherever the red guard is and tell him he's not allowed to sneak out anymore watch this fall Ian I am disappointed what is the meaning of this you've been exploring places you shouldn't and you know it it stops at once or else there will be consequences of an unpleasant nature do you understand either yes I understand from then on everyone's favorite conjuration spell master will stop leaving his home in the middle of the night and ural ingrid will get an interesting new change in her behavior as every now and then she'll just start following the dude randomly as if she's keeping an eye on him much to our frustration though this is effectively the end of the faylene secret quest nothing else of note attached to this narrative will occur Faye lien will never be kicked out now it ends here for all intents and purposes and because I've already mentioned the vampirism stuff there's nothing more about this man to talk about at least not now we'll get to cut content soon I promise before that though there is a little bit more about a grid I want to discuss and another mystery that we'll get to earlier in this video I talked about how people were so frustrated with Raven Crone that some were even planning to overthrow her in a coup and that wasn't an exaggeration the urals own personal bodyguard a Nord named Gorm not to be confused with her husband and stewart also Fuhrer is certainly disloyal and plotting something if we catch the man having a drink at the Moorside in an approach corner he'll ask us if we're looking for work and if we accept he'll give us a very simple job just deliver a letter to the captain of solitudes guard in hopping gara all this just take the note and run straight over there do not open it if you can complete this task you'll be rewarded with some coin sounds simple enough right this begins the short quest for the good of North all it goes as uneventful E as described just take the piece of paper walk over to solitude give it to the guard captain boom it's over you've got coin quickest thing ever though if we open the letter up against Gorham's instructions you'll find it reads as follows quote oldest you know what we've spoken of in the past it is time change is needed something must be done I await your response signed Ghormeh change is needed no wonder he didn't want us to open this up gorm is plotting against his boss for me from whom well now that is something hand it over please oh no I hadn't heard from gone for a while so I'd hoped he'd given up his little scheme the last time we discussed this issue as before the stand of a war broke out things were different then now what he's asking it's just impossible even if it worked the questions and accusations it would cause well I'll take it under advisement thank you what strikes me so much about this is the involvement of all this because while a minor character this captain is often presented as one of the most honorable men in the game and are very few dialog interactions with them he's always very reflective respectful and kind the biggest examples of this are when we asked him about Skyrim Civil War or his opinions on the execution of rod Vieira a solitude guard who has recently put to death for treason on both occasions Aldous doesn't respond with anger or hate instead with understanding and tolerance sure the Empire is at war with the Stormcloaks and so is he but he still gets them so his involvement in an underhanded coup to oust the rightful yarol is odd much like the failure in secret quest though nothing else ever comes of this narrative it grid is never overthrown there's no more conversations or notes this is it finally before we move on to looking in the game files the last thing I want to mention is the ghost we can see around more Thal between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 5:00 a.m. it's possible to identify a spirit running around he'll March this entity only spawns in once during any given play through it and he's very easy to miss the character will be running around quite quickly as well so even if you do spot him it's difficult to catch up and see what he's up to it if you are quick though you can get a good look at him and follow him for a while he wears a full set of ancient nord armor implying he's a Nord of old and he'll lead us to an unmarked tomb right around where the Stormcloak camp and he'll march sponza once he gets here he'll disappear but we'll find the tomb being raided by a couple of bandits who only dis leia huh huh that's sweet it's like the spirit was being disturbed and was looking for help which we provided normally this is the end of the world interaction and because he only spawns in once it's very difficult to investigate further however very dedicated players who are willing to create a new character or just analyze the game files will discover that this ghosty boy spawns in at a specific location called the en stag ruins before running around the hold for a little while and ultimately finishing his journey at the tomb this is important remember that name Jen stag ruins I know it may not seem like this ghost is at all related to fail e'en or the yarol or anything about what we're talking about besides the fact that he's also near more Thal but trust me there's a connection here alright well now with all of that out of the way now that we've assessed all of the mysteries let's move in to the cut content and see what Skyrim's gang data reveals to us now originally when I was writing this video I didn't expect to spend a whole lot of time talking about cut content I knew there was some specifically in relation to an unused character who could have represented great importance but beyond that I didn't really think we'd spend much time talking about this side of things as the real interesting stuff would have come with the Elder Scrolls online though just to be sure nothing was missed I decided to run through Skyrim's game files with a large group of monitors who are much more experienced in this sort of thing than I am and just dig around and see if we can find anything at all related to mortal expectations were low but we did end up finding something that fairly in secret quest where we find him at the ruh and praying and report back to the aural and whatever that mission doesn't actually have an end trigger what this means is that while the quest may be marked as completed in our journal and we may get the do to do music and stuff the game's engine never actually considers it done the reason for this is probably because Bethesda never really finished the mission they expected to add more after this stage in the quest but didn't this probably explains why the quest ended so prematurely when we were speaking with Fay lien before going back and physically reporting to the yarol as it should have some of the modders specifically at Jonathan who I was in a discord with were kind enough to offer me a very technical explanation on their opinion of what happened and the general consensus seems to be that yeah but as des probably wanted to do more with this mission but never got around to doing so furthermore in Skyrim's files every single character has a section about their relationship data this basically just summarizes other NPCs they have relationships with and whether or not they're hostile friendly or neutral with those given characters for example your old Bolger if the grader is set as the father to his children Frode are no Kiera and Dagny well your egg grid Raven Crone has a sister who doesn't appear in the game named RG Farseer apparently this lovely elderly woman would respond in in stone hills a mining encampment and Huell marches border with white run oh yeah and stone hills was also supposed to be bigger than how it appears in the vanilla game normally it's just a mine but in reality that were going to be a lot more buildings and inhabitants here making it more of a proper town rj Farseer lacks any unique dialogue or even information in her scripts and deeper files that tell us what her purpose would have been though with the name like Farseer i believe it's fair to assume she probably would have shared her sister Ingrid's gift and have also been a psychic perhaps she was gonna have a part to play in that whole KU narrative maybe Gorman Aldous would have replaced Ingrid with her or maybe our G in stone hills even bigger part to play with their own quests and whatnot alas all of this stuff seems to have been cut very very early on its Chiron's production so we'll never know this is what makes the presence of cut content in my opinion so uniquely upsetting when we're discussing Skyrim's mysteries and theories cuz you know we'll spend a good 10 to 20 minutes like we've done here ramping up this cool plotline with all these amazing little details and so much attention only to end by saying yeah you know what there is no big revelation we have no idea what was happening because bethesda didn't finish the story they were writing who knows maybe they don't even know and even worse because we're working with cut content that often means whatever story they were trying to tell isn't even canon to begin with like it holds no significance if I were making this video just 6 or 7 months ago this is how we would have to wrap up on such an unsatisfying ending thankfully as many of you know if you saw my last video the Elder Scrolls online has recently got a big new DLC that finally lets us return to Skyrim for the first time in years sort of the DLC only opens up bits and pieces of Western Skyrim not the entire province however included in these new or reintroduced lands is the entire hold of heal March and the town of mortal where the mystery picks back up now bear in mind yes o is set nearly a thousand years prior to the events of Skyrim so we're seeing this area as it was long ago none of us let's get a Kraken I'll just cut to the chase when we arrived in warth all during the events of this dlc it still has these odd eerie vibes the locals are still suspicious there's still goat sightings and it's creepy though it's even spookier than we recall it at this point in time the ural of mortal is a man named red horn and his wife is a woman named lady 9th up or maybe ninfa evidently not too long ago their daughter a young woman named Frey win mysteriously vanished and no one's seen her ever since on top of that locals across North all recently reports spotting strange skeletal beings moving around like skeletal dogs and people word of warning don't wander around the outskirts of mortal if you can avoid it something evil stalks the hills make no mistake that's what they're saying down at the tavern ghosts appearing from snowstorms and death attacks on the world just as I left a group of farmers came into town shouting about skeleton wolves these woods are cursed headed towards the middle of town seeking help last I saw lady knee Nessa usually assists the wounded after animal attacks but she can't handle something unnatural exist on her own if you're willing maybe you could offer some help the lady of more thorough offer us a quest to investigate this begins the mission the long journey home like the name suggests this is a long quest so I'll just give you the sparknotes after an investigation of sorts and confronting some of these bone creatures will eventually be directed to an old hermit lady who lives alone in the swamps named old mule and the locals refer to her as a clever woman no one's not quite described as a psychic like your Allegra Draven Crone was though she's very acute with magic and claims to be an expert major she also can perform rituals that cause her to have visions not unlike our other friend well after performing one of these rituals in which she seems to communicate with the Divine's or some other entity yolan will explain what she believes is going on many years ago there was a necromancer woman named Maxton who came to mirth all under mysterious circumstances Maxton was reclusive and didn't communicate much with the others it didn't help that she was a high elf and Nord stilt like elves anyway but after a few weeks Maxton just disappeared the same day Maxton vanished the yarol and his wife's daughter frey win also went missing most who know of this information believe Maxton kidnapped and killed franklin but the old story doesn't stop there she tells us that Maxton took for a win to the TN stag ruins the night of the kidnapping remember that place chin stag it's where we saw the ghost in the Elder Scrolls 5 spawn in its back the clever woman tells us to go there and look around as she's sensing some sort of energy emitting from the location that's associated with the presence of the bone creatures long story short when we entered the ruin ourselves we don't find much of significance at least not relevant to this video though as we leave we'll bump into Frey win yeah the yah rules daughter she's here we'll see here and more importantly she's not even a ghost she's alive just really really cold Freya win will explain everything to us she says Maxton came to more Thole years ago to study necromancy as she knew it was the source of some weird necromantic energy while staying in town one night Frey wind bumped into Maxton as she was sneaking out and the two quickly developed a relationship and fell in love at some point in time Maxton realized the source of more thoughts necromantic influences was the TN stag ruins and decided she would go there to perform a ritual that would allow her to harness some kind of energy Frey win' tagged along that was the night of their disappearance the ritual was going well until some guards interrupted it and Maxton lost control and fell into a rage of sorts which resulted in the guards being killed and her accidentally putting this curse on fragglan Maxton hasn't been heard from since this was not what she planned Maxton believed she could improve her magical ability by communing with the powerful spirits that inhabit key instead ruins she asked my help with performing a summoning ritual but it went horribly wrong Maxton misjudged the rituals difficulty as she struggled ice grew over the walls and winds blew wildly she almost gained control but suddenly they now Strom and his guards stormed the ruins Maxson's focus slipped and the ritual exploded the remainder of this mission largely just focuses on us trying to help Frey win and remove her curse which it's believed that if we succeed we'll also cause all the bony creatures to go away - I know it's kind of complicated but again sparknotes baby the curse is also apparently going to kill Frey win within a couple of years if we don't fix it so good thing we caught her now and it also has prevented her from going into town and interacting with normal mortals that's why no one's seen her long story short we do hear her we get a amlet and do some stuff problem solved and once Frey wins fixed the bony creatures apparently are going to go away at least that's what lady Mullen tells us okay so in summary what this quest teaches us is that mortal has long since been a source of necromantic powers and one day there is a lady named Maxton who came here seeking them out Maxton discovered that the real source of this energy was specifically the Qian Stagg ruins she went there to perform some sort of ritual that would have enhanced her power but failed miserably got the Earl's daughter cursed and caused all sorts of problems so now the question to ask is what's up with Qian Stagg why is it the source of this well we can ask the clever woman and she won't tell us sure almost reveal what the truth is saying ah well you see back in the butt stop herself and decide that it's better to keep the truth a secret from us isn't that great will you see back in them actually no perhaps that secret should fade into dust these events show that those ruins best remain undisturbed well back at Keene Stagg we can find max tins research journal it's burnt up and not totally completed if you know what I mean pieces are missing but it does give us some additional information I'll read it the most important paragraphs and entries for you here's one quote more Thal is precisely the hub of necromantic power that I hoped for it huns with death energy my nightly hunt for the source should soon prove fruitful then with some adjustments I can begin the siphoning ritual even a partial extraction of the local power should provide enough potency for several years of study here's another quote three details about this town caused me to appreciate it ever so slightly first if the Sun is up the sawmill operates non-stop it produces a loud steady drone that helps my sleep during the day my research into the dark practice is most efficient through the dim hours so I welcome the ability to enjoy a full day's rest most efficient during the dim hours maybe that's why fail Ian was going out at night time and here's the final quote I've determined the source locals refer to them as the keen stag ruins of no one that I've asked knows anything about their history but without a doubt it contains powerful spiritual emanations I must adjust the land novo siphoning ritual for the sheer volume of energy but those calculations should be simple enough and to quote whoa there you have it this is the end of the line so to speak in terms of what the games reveal to us about more Thal mostly we can actually later on find Maxton in a separate tiny little dungeon battle and she's apparently gone crazy and is still out there though frankly nothing's very revealing about the broader mystery itself whatever's troubling mortal sin stag ruins is the source of it and while we don't know exactly why lady Mullins seems to imply something happened there that caused it to become such an epicenter my personal theory is that the dragon cult was very likely involved the dragon cult is of course what we refer to the government of dragons over humans way back in the early days of Skyrim settlement by Nords in the Maratha era we know for a fact they were huge on necromancy as many of the dragger and Dragon priests we see today are resurrected through such a power they likely had something to do with Kien stag especially considering it's an ancient Nordic ruin and most of those were built by the cult anyway perhaps there was a summoning ritual gone wrong or a dragon priests messed up additionally beyond ken stag there's so many ruins all across the heel March swamp heck that place fail Ian takes us to in Skyrim it actually appears in eso it's just not related to anything maybe this region was of religious significance to the cult or something to that extent how in he'll march right on its border with modern-day Whiterun is the labyrinth Ian which was once the ancient capital of the Dragon cult so we know for a fact they were super active here at one point in time beyond that theory though there's really no other potential culprit the older scrolls online isn't necessarily done with its Skyrim expansion yet there's still more lands that are going to be released over the next year and more quests and side quests expansions to the main narrative so props we'll learn more about the dragon cult during this time period in the future and maybe they'll get around to connecting the dots of what the hell actually happened at Ian's stag but until then only old Neola knows and old Nolan won't tell and with that we are going to wrap up the curious secret behind one of Skyrim's most mysterious towns thanks so much for stopping by everybody what do you think the truth is do you think the dragon cult is something to do with Qian stag or maybe the forces behind this oh really from oblivion and Daedric leave a comment down below as always like ratings are very much appreciated again thanks for watching and hope to catch you all in my next video peace out everyone [Music] [Music] you [Music]
Channel: TheEpicNate315
Views: 898,966
Rating: 4.9345174 out of 5
Id: D2LqrNflp5k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 3sec (2403 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 03 2020
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