The True HIDDEN DARKNESS Of Half-Moon Mill - Elder Scrolls Detective

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[Music] [Music] welcome ladies and gentlemen back to Skyrim my name is camel more pressingly however welcome back to the Elder Scrolls detective series it's a series in which we investigate curate speculate hypothesize theorize and quite often simply highlight and discuss enthralling interesting and hidden things that can be found within the Elder Scrolls games today we will find ourselves spending our time primarily in Phalke wreaths in a seemingly quiet and quaint corner of the hold something rather dark has gone overlooked by so many players although the surface will have been scratched by some to start our investigation we'll paddle our way to the sleepy southern shores of Lake Ilene Alta swollen with snow runoff from the surrounding mountains here the lake drains into the lowlands of the FAL crete holds giving the verdurous area ample water supplier to flourish as it does at the headwaters we'll find a picturesque chocolate box scene a beautiful little mill a small wooden bridge and a cozy cottage all of which is nestled into the thick Bosque edge of the Phalke wreath forest this location is Half Moon Mill it appears to be quite well sustained with just about everything one would need to live a quiet and simple life a nice lumber mill to produce timber a wooden shed for storage a stone cottage for shelter and warmth chickens for meat and eggs and nearby iron ore vein to provide metal for repairs they have a Lakes worth of fresh beautiful water and of course it provides fish - coupled with the rich forests to provide game and forage Abul produce it's the dream setup strangely though next to the bridge in the water there is a stack of cut lumber scattered seemingly randomly in the water perhaps acting as some kind of damn but that's no good use of what appears to be otherwise top-notch wood especially at a mill you don't want to be dumping your product into the stream maybe the tenants are terrible Lumberjacks although of that were the case I don't think you would own a mill a little strange but okay whatever if we do keep poking around we will start to find oddities as just behind the cottage where the clearing meets the edge of the forest we will stumble upon a stump that of a tree which was presumably filled for logging purposes regardless of that atop this stump is a bottle of nord Mead a dead rabbit lying on a bed of blood spattering 'he's likely the fruits of a snare set by the occupants of the mill what isn't exactly textbook is the bloodied fork accompanying this rabbit suggesting that someone sat down with their mead and fresh raw rabbit and just tucked into it consuming the uncooked flesh of thy and local FAL Christian hair that's odd to put it simply but it's not too crazy from here we'll see on the edge of the lake there is a wooden shed or Shack type of structure we should wander over and take a look in there well it isn't quite the selection of old gardening tools that I was expecting instead it appears to be a room for slaughtering butchering and hanging animals for their meats look to be fair all the way out here this is totally normal you don't exactly have a local butcher to go to you have to live off the land survive by yourself so I think it's fair to say there's actually nothing suspicious here until we take a look at what type of meats they are eating they have some nice juicy chunks of venison lovely rabbit haunches hanging hare and pheasant some bloody drags likely for cleaning the mess imagine if they were torn clothes of murder victims oh and look a human skull human rib cages and another human skull admitster jib body parts and shattered humanoid bones it's definitely not the diet of your average lumberjack at least I bloody well hope not it is becoming increasingly clear that something isn't quite right here over in the corner of the shed we can also find a trolls skull this may seem trivial but to this investigation this is quite important as it suggests that whoever lives here was able to kill a troll therefore keep its skull in their shed now trolls within the context of the general population of Tamriel of very powerful creatures lest we forget at the unmarked cave in the Eastern Highlands of the reach we can find the legendary troll Slayer ruff near trolls bein dead with his equally legendary unique weapon designed specifically for ruining trolls the Warhammer trolls Bane this guy was so much better at killing trolls than everyone else he was literally named after it as was his flaming hammer trolls Bane now importantly there are two trolls here they're not even frost rolls in our cave trolls they're just your average old trolls the weakest of the species and they were able to take down their greatest threat and heroic nemesis froth near trolls Bane so for clarity the implication that these simple Lumberjacks could kill a troll spoon feeds us suspicions that whoever lives here is not your average lager at the very least possessing enough strength and mic to fill not only trees but also a troll these trolls just don't kill themselves you know except for that one in Oblivion that actually did kill itself and committed suicide and left a note and everything terrible grammar but you can check out the Oblivion easter egg video for more info on that one but back to the here and now I think it's high time we spoke to the owners of Half Moon Mill things will become increasingly clear but also confusing at the same time the two owners are suspected siblings and partners hurt and Hearn let's hear what they have to say we'll start with her wow what have we here a last little man lone travelers can find these woods of little treacherous we've been looking for someone to join us in honey jeez that some teeth you got there what's that I smell sunblock SPF 10,000 let's finish this and go and talk to the woman hurt yes oh my turn and I do so adore guests these guards are such a blur the patrols never seem to give us time to be alone than nosy pests why don't you stay a while and new so tell me do you like it out here away from everything other people just make things complex out here Hearn and I can get everything we need from the occasional traveler do you get many guests we have guests as often as we can but there aren't a lot of travelers these days the war keeps people off the roads what locations does this mill supply we supply fall grief to the south until recently we supplied Helgen fell creek trades with the surrounding holds and with that our wood they would have trouble keeping their prices low I'd better get going yes you took the words right out of my mouth it isn't clear hurt.and heard about vampires running a lumber mill out in the middle of nowhere in the Phalke wreath halt while we do have a whole rabbit hole of theories to delve down with these two they both possess a striking and ironically unnatural quality for vampires they don't seem to be affected at all by the Sun and if they are being affected it really doesn't show or seem to bother them now in the elderscrolls vampires don't burst into flames the instant they see sunlight they do get lowered stats and in previous games it would actually damage you but would have hurt and Hearn be walking around like this in the daylight if they were experiencing negative effects of the Sun well no they live out here by themselves they have no need to abide by the sleep and wait times of a social norm they are free to do as they will and they chew to be active and outside unprotected during the day the beloved vampiric Princess Serena for example covers herself in a hood as to protect herself as much as she can from the negative effects of the sunlight why because she is a vampire pretty much every vampire we encounter in Skyrim is hidden tucked away buried deep into the dark and forgotten crags of the ancient lands avoiding society and of course the pesky Sun shall we not forgets that the dawn guard expansion revolved entirely around the Blood prophecy which aimed to block out the Sun permanently as so vampires may roam freely and rule the land in short the Sun is a vampire's enemy so how exactly these two are just wandering around during the day doing their thing is quite the mystery or is it there are three known diseases that cause what is commonly known as vampirism within the Elder Scrolls games we have the more common poor firey hemophilia the less common sanguinary vampiress and the third ancient strain knocks a philic sanguine warrior which comes directly from the source LeMay Beale [ __ ] also known as LeMay bowel or the blood matron a nedick woman who was the first vampire a forced creation of Molag Bal we won't go into details for monetization reasons now vampires of the NOx of philic sanguine warrior disease are not affected at all by the Sun they are only empowered by the light of the Moon now as far as I am aware we haven't seen any vampires who are affected by knock cephalic sanguine warrior since the second era so could hurt and Hearn actually be super ancient vampires or even descendants of this original disease and vampiric strain of noxee Felix and Gloria well as unlikely as that may seem they do possess this uncanny and bewildering ability to day walk not only are these specific strain of vampire unaffected by the Sun but as I mentioned they are empowered by the moon perhaps that is where hurt and Hearn got the name of their abode Half Moon Mill it's all very interesting and bloody food for thought and as titillating and possible as that theory is there is something else about these two that we must uncover the truth of hurt and honed clearly vampires besides of course this suspicious immunity to sunlight but I want to ask the question have they been accepted into society and a left to their own devices because they are out in the middle of nowhere causing no obvious bother or are they living out in the middle of nowhere to lessen the chances of being found out now generally like 99.9 percent of the time within the average populations of Tamriel vampires are not accepted not only that but they are hunted and killed they despised cursed as they are seen as a great threat to the people with that said there are exceptions we can find an example right here in Skyrim at the blue Palace in solitude where the court wizard of solitude Sabeel Stentor is in fact a vampire not only this but she has a very powerful position in the capital court of Skyrim I do have a full video on Sabeel Stentor exploring the very possible reality that she may very well be the true ruler of Skyrim the player behind the chessboard and I'd highly recommend that video for you but her purpose in this video is highlighting that although almost unheard of there are examples and cases of vampires integrating into society within Tamriel and while in Sabeel case it's never openly talked about that she is a vampire most characters within the blue Palace aka the characters that spend time with her have these kind of subtle hint hint nudge nudge type of dialogues that heavily implied that they know she is a vampire it's definitely not shouted from the rooftops but it most certainly has not gone unnoticed and is secret amongst the inner circle of political power and voice within the blue palace throne room but is this the case for her and her have they quite simply been accepted into society I don't think so going back to our last example Sabeel Stentor has great value as an aged and wise political mastermind making the weight of her presence in solitude court much greater than the societal weight and threat of her vampirism whereas hurt and hone they cut wood that's not really that valuable of course it has value and has its place within society but if you're going to make an exception for vampires to live amongst you it's probably not going to be for Lumberjacks it's far too risky to knowingly let vampires into that great population now to concrete this secret hunch of mining that they haven't been accepted into society well the answer we seek lies within the dark brotherhood sanctuary in Phalke reef where during their quest line will be sent to Nazir to pick up some side missions well then your timing couldn't be better as it turns out I've got two new contracts one rather easy assignment and another that should prove quite to challenge your first target is an orc bard named Luke the other is a vampire by the name of Hearn happy hunting tell me about Hearn he's a vampire and has blended into human society for years he's never far from his female companion hurt also a vampire the contract is for the male Hearn but you'll probably have to contend with the female to sophist a--this is safe watch yourself ah so the truth has been revealed they are vampires that have blended into human society they are in hiding thanks for the ghost Nazir now the quest itself has no real weight to it other than someone wanted her dead maybe they knew he was a vampire maybe he killed one of their loved ones but another important question we should poke around is how dangerous are they how much of a threat are they to the people of Phalke wreaths and visiting folk well as we hear from hurts own mouth other people just make things complex out here Hearn and I can get everything we need from the occasional traveler a statement with a very different meaning now that it's clear that she and Hearn are vampires so they have been killing people and it might actually be worse than we thought at the very least we saw inside their shed they had a mixture of human bones and two human skulls they have another skull inside their house but we'll come back to their cottage later on to have a look around right now though we have a minimum confirmed kill count of three but I fear that number may be much much greater than that it's time we explored the surrounding area of Halfmoon mill to see if we can find anything suspicious any clues anything that might suggest nearby a vampiric activity just to the west of Halfmoon mill the ground will rise slightly crested with a can adorned by a waggling bolt of cloth the surrounding ground peppered with native mountain flowers painting a picture-perfect scene in the deep woods of Phalke wreaths as we get closer though we'll spot some more color and it's not from the flowers its blood will soon realize there is in fact a corpse slumped and blood spattered at the base of the stony mounds a male Dark Elf it looks like he was butchered and spread across the surrounding area by some kind of powerful beast or being blood sprayed all over the stone now you may also notice that he is particularly pale as if all of his blood had been drained after all he is a dark elf and a common trait amongst the dunmer is being more on the dark side and while we do get some skin color variations within dunmer cultures and clans and bloodlines this chap here is looking suspiciously porcelain again as if all his blood had been removed from his body so the body of a guy who looks like he was killed and drained by vampires is lying no more than a hundred meters from half moon mil which is run by hurtin Hearn two confirmed vampires if we take a look at the map we can see that this guy's corpse is right next door basically in their own garden so it's more than likely this drained dun mom is a fourth notch on the Fang of the pair of blood sucking parasites to continue our exploration to the southeast of Halfmoon mill there is a location known as south korea watchtower as we can see on the map it's just around the corner from where her and her and the vampires live at the mill it sounds normal enough but as we push through the thicket and approach the entrance to the stony century we'll begin to see that there isn't exactly normal decorations dotted around this place it's all very macabre heads on spikes gory bones rearranged into strange symbolic totems if we climb the ruined Tower stairs will trace blood all the way to the top where we can find a dead key sheet woman her life juices spread a soul extracted this is the doing of a done man necro mage who is hiding in the corner and necro mage being a necromancer one who performs conjuration based spells on the dead reanimating corpses and bending the rotten to their will now while she is not a vampire if we stop and think for a minute this neck for a mage could very well have a relationship with the nearby vampires hurt and her if hurt and Hearne abduct abuse murder and feed on travelers but also do not wish to raise suspicions they need to dispose of the corpses and what better way to get rid of a corpse than to give it away to someone who needs it such as a necromancer that lives literally down the road and out the front of falworth tower there is also a wooden cart perfect for transporting corpses up and down the dirt pathways that run through the highlands of fairies now while not a confirmation the proximity and convenience for both parties is supremely suspicious and to add the third peak to the triangle there is a third nearby location just to the north of the Falcon Tower and to the east of Half Moon Mill it is what seems to be an ancient grave sites at the centre of a flat clearing in the woodland there is a rather unique tomb comprised of a central can and six surrounding graves as you may have spotted there are also two skeletons risen and ready to protect the area while hurt and Hearne could use this site to bury bodies it's more likely that these skeletons are there thralls and protect the area although we have seen no evidence that hurt and Hearne participate in the dark art of necromancy and ancestral resurrection themselves these schools of magic are often seen being used by vampires how many times do we go into vampire's lair and see risen thralls and skeletons walking around to their commands all the time maybe these graves are that of hurt and hurt maybe they rose from the dead themselves maybe they use these skeletons to capture travelers and hunters maybe there is no connection at all perhaps hurt and hurtin are connected to the necro Meijin Falkor tower who's been resurrecting these skeletons here there are many options none of which have any concrete key stones to set the theories in place but I would hope that you agree that the combination of the proximity of these locations how close they are altogether and the common undead themes is a grandiose dose of suspicious food for thought and sure makes the underlying darkness of hurt and heard the Lumberjacks possibly run much much deeper and more black than first impressions might have given and while I understand some of that might sound a little bit out there it's important to remember that the three closest things to hurt and Hearn the vampires is three things that vampires are definitely known for and would totally be involved in necromancy dealing with a necromancer to get rid of bodies and also a body drained of all its blood it's pretty damn suspicious so far it's giving them a really dodgy rap sheet now another question that I wanted to answer is our hurt and Hearn actually Lumberjacks or is that just a front a life style disguise so they are less likely to raise suspicion my thought is that it's yes to both I think that they are Lumberjacks but I also think that they do this so that they can slot right into the Valkyrie flight with as little suspicion as possible some people believe that they are in fact not real Lumberjacks and there is some backing for that like we saw at the start of the video they have a whole stack of perfectly good timber lying in the headwaters next to the bridge like why waste all that good wood it would be like going to a blacksmith and all their armor for sale sitting in a stream next to them it makes no sense at all almost as if they don't actually know what they're doing hurt also says this we supply fall grief to the south until recently we supply helghan fell crease trades with the surrounding holds and without our wood they would have trouble keeping their prices low that Halfmoon mill supplies talc wreaths and previously helghan now the funny thing about the city of Phalke wreaths is that it has its own mill a dedicated on-site mill that creates processed lumber for Phalke wreaths so why would they need that of Halfmoon mill I don't think they would but on the flip side of that who it does say that they provide lumber mm to help them keep the prices down so on that side of the coin it does make sense that they would provide lumber to Fouke wreaths but she also said that they used to supply Helghan which is more likely as Helghan doesn't and didn't have its own lumber mill so they would need to outsource a timber from a nearby mill and I mean if we look at the ruins of Helgen most of its wood not a lot of stone structures so yes the city of Helgen would have needed a supply of lumber the strange thing about this though is that if we look on the map Halfmoon mill is not the closest lumber mill to helghan River wood is twice as close not only that but the lumberjack HOD says this wood cuttings my three best logs wither from here to rift them claiming that he's the best in the area from here all the way to Rifton so why would Helgen get their wood from hoffman mill which is literally double the distance away compared to River Wood who has an admittedly self-proclaimed master log splitter I mean even sourcing the lumber from the city of Phalke wreaths would be closer he'll even getting it from Ivar stead all the way in the rift is about a similar distance to Halfmoon mill so that's a little strange in terms of distance and proximity but with that said sure they could have provided Helden with wood and I am certain that they are actually Lumberjacks as throughout the entire surrounding area of the forest there are tons of tree stumps I've never seen a more scarred forest from felling the results have hurt and Hearn cutting down the trees to be processed in the lumber mill and even if they were faking it and just cutting down trees where did those 50 or so trees well I think they're legitimate Lumberjacks so my answer is that they cut the wooden soldat also with the hath fire do by soren logs off of hurt so going back to my original conclusion I think that they are active Lumberjacks but I also think that they are Lumberjacks so that they fit straight into society and raise as the little suspicion as possible because who's going to suspect two random Lumberjacks who walk around in the sunlight to be vampires not me now another interesting thought that I want to put out there is how long have they been here by the looks of how many trees are missing in the local Bosque sand groves I would say a very long time which is fine because they are vampires although I would suspect that a lumberjack is a terrible profession for a vampire surely you'd want to avoid day-to-day contact with long sharp pieces of wood that could potentially stake you through the heart but each to their own maybe they like to live on the edge of society so now we'll have a look inside their house which gives birth to probably the most obscure theory in regards to these two while admittedly there isn't really much of note in here if we look inside the cauldron next to the hearth we'll spot some bad news as we can see the cauldron has two leaks in it that you get that repaired over on the dinner table there is a third skull that we spoke of earlier it's no big deal we've established that they are vampires that hunt people at this point a victims skull is no biggie it's to be expected but what I did want to address before we go howling mad at the last theory is a particular hanging vegetable garlic now in real world mythology vampires have a weakness to garlic so naturally when I walked into a vampire's house and they have hanging garlic it made me have to do some research into this as Elder Scrolls lore and real-life mythology doesn't always line up so do vampires within the Elder Scrolls universe have a weakness to garlic well I've found an answer for us in the Elder Scrolls for oblivion in the Dark Brotherhood sanctuary of Shaden Hall the executioner a Breton vampire vicente Valtierra he has a note that he's written in his room detailing garlic dam that young fool Antoinette oh and her experimental recipes as if the stench of her cooking went bad enough last week she made a particularly offensive dish consisting of Mandrake onions and garlic garlic I told her repeatedly of the danger this plant poses to me but she is obviously not heeded my warnings it is strange this reaction I have to garlic in all my wanderings in all my research I have never encountered another vampire thusly affected it is true that some popular law holds that all vampires have an inherent weakness to garlic but this is simply not the case my situation as far as I can tell is unique if I were to somehow come into contact with garlic if it in some way came to be on my person the results could be catastrophic I would most certainly suffer from a loss of strength and stamina and fear my resistance to magic would be nearly completely nullified so please achiever as mistress of this sanctuary I beg you to keep antoinette de on a tighter leash i love her as a sister of course but cannot be held accountable for my actions should she continue to disregard my personal safety the tenants clearly state that one family member may not kill another but i don't need to remind you there is no restriction against draining Antoinetta of a few pints of precious life's blood signed vagenda so very curiously but also importantly vampires within the elderscrolls do not have a weakness to garlic save for of course poor old vicente here now in turn no a vampire having garlic hanging in their lair or house in this case is nothing special within the elderscrolls i did have to look into it in case there was another seemingly unique resistance that hurt and her and possessed when compared to other vampires like their immunity to sunlight perhaps they had a unique immunity to garlic but it turns out they don't so while it is actually relevant I thought that you would love that garlic flavored piece of law so now we turn to the final page of hurt and Hearn it is a weird one and probably nonsense but it's fun nonetheless so inside the house you'll notice a distinct lack of reading texts not a tome transcript manuscripts pamphlet or stone tablet to be found well actually that's a lie as if we peek under their bed we'll find there is actually one book to be found and a strangely specific one at that physicalities of werewolves detailing in a rather morbid manner the anatomical study of werewolves performed on live subjects it also explains physical attributes that the disease slash curse will bring to the sufferer so why would two vampires have such a book if it was admits a library of books it would stare up no suspicion at all but the fact that it is the only book in the entire house means that it must have a purpose it's special like hurt and Hearne have been researching werewolves for whatever reason well one reason might be that hurt and Hearne have been having werewolf trouble at first it might seem and obscure thought for the sleepy hold of ellcrys but it sure seems pretty normal today as we're talking about some proof vampire Lumberjacks but if we remember there actually has been werewolf trouble in Phalke wreaths the farmer mathias lost his daughter to the visceral butchering claws of a werewolf whom we can find in human form within the Phalke reach jail a man named Sinding cursed with lycanthropy no thanks to the Daedric prince of the hunt her see now the theoretical werewolf trouble that hurt and her and may have faced leading them to acquire and study such a specific book to further their knowledge on the physicalities and weaknesses and strengths of werewolves while this hypothetical encounter may have been from Sinding himself or another while we don't encounter another werewolf in Phalke wreath for concept is sound Sinding explains that he came to Phalke wreaths to hunt a great beast to appease his curser Hirsi allegedly if Sinding managed to slay this great beast which we later discover is a great white elk her scene would lift his curse aka his curse of lycanthropy now if such an offer was made descending surely other werewolves would have had the same offer made to them by her scene this would potentially lead more than one way off to the hold of FAL crete in search of the Great Beast which could very well explain my hurt and Hearn have this seemingly random yet specifically passionate interest in learning about the physicalities of werewolves that is the logical explanation of this book tucked under the vampires couple's bed there is another extension to this theory though and it is crazy so if either hurt or Hearne had a run-in with Sinding or another werewolf and they were bitten or scratched or experienced some kind of trauma which would normally caused the like anthropic infection to be passed to the victim well I would imagine if that happened to you you'd want to read up on it now assuming they did have an encounter with the furry kind would hurt and/or Hearn fear their werewolf encounter left them cursed as a lycanthrope if they did believe this so they would be in fear that they will soon become a werewolf right which would lead them to wanting to learn more about werewolves so that they would know what the hell to look out for and to expect which would explain exactly why they have this singular and very specific book now while they may or may not have had an encounter with a werewolf and they may or may not believe themselves to be infected with lycanthropy all elderscrolls law points towards this being impossible as they are already vampires which grants a complete immunity to disease and there have also been no recorded cases of vampire / lycanthrope crossbreeds ever in the elder scrolls histories so even if we accept the idea that hurt and Hearne had an encounter with a werewolf it's seemingly impossible for them to be subject to the lycanthropes curse but if we want to extend on this further and go straight into lala land we can accept that her turn contracted lycanthropy while also being vampires they would be half breed monstrosity 'z but they would possess mixed and muddled abilities disabilities traits attributes and flaws such as being vampires but also being able to walk in the sunlight which is an ability they do possess and if they were half vampire half werewolf maybe that's where they got the name of their mill as full moon mill would just scream of werewolves but half vampire half werewolf half moon mill it makes sense you know a theory is strong when all existing law denies it but it kind of matches the name of a lumberyard again ridiculous theory or is it there is one gold coin in the coffer of impossibility a vampire-werewolf hybrid aware pyre a van wolf I must show you both sides of this coin though firstly I would like to preface this next piece with the concept of whatever is in the games is canon this is something that's commonly used by people like myself when making law related contents the only information that we can take as confirmed canon law is whatever is actually within the games with that said what you're about to witness was most certainly not intentional from bethesda game studios but it is in the game in the elder scrolls three Mara winds Blood Moon expansion they introduced lycanthropy into the game vampirism was already a part of the base game so now with that expansion the two existed together now if your character is already a vampire as my character is here and you have and equip her scenes ring and choose to activate it it will fade to black and we'll get this 12 pixel cinematic showing a werewolf transformation once we come back to consciousness what we now are is technically a vampire and a werewolf at the same time as you can see this thing is an absolute monstrosity with the werewolves head missing and in its place a faceless bald vampire head protruding from the neck cavity now while werewolves and vampires are terrifying creatures neither compare to the fear that this thing strikes into the hearts of whomever witnesses it I'm sure you'll agree I would not want this thing running at me on a moonlit night or any nights or the day for that matter now creating this vampire-werewolf hybrid was possible in a number of ways all but one method the method I showed you was patched out by pathetic game studios and you know that when bethesda game studios actually patches games after release they really didn't mean to originally include whatever they ended up fixing and patching outs however they left this method in so technically if they choose to leave it in and it's doable within the game it's theoretically canon even though it's obviously totally not canon or intentional so while there is no law to support it I present to you this gift a vampire-werewolf hybrid so yes it is doable but no I would not go to court with this as evidence to prove the existence of werewolf vampire hybrids within the Elder Scrolls universe now to prevent ending on a note filled with such dizzy and craziness I may have found a more sound theory for this books presence inside hurt and Hearns households in the Elder Scrolls to dagger fall there is a research manuscript titled vampires of the iliac Bay written by a man who was a vampire but had since been cured in which he explains in detail the various experiences that he had faced and discovered about vampirism during his time as a vampire at one point it is revealed that vampires can actually taste the difference between the blood of creatures the same way we understand taste the difference between animal meats or various fruits and vegetables so to confirm pyres with the blood of varying creatures as it states in the book and I quote orcs have a delicious rich brothy blood rats are a little too sweet for the only meal of the night werewolves are a real treats almost decadent the tincture between human and beast a real gourmets delight so yes that's right werewolf blood is as good as it gets in regards to taste for vampires within the elderscrolls so it could simply be that hurt and Hearn wish to learn about the physicalities of werewolves their strengths their weaknesses and such as to catch one and sink their teeth into it for the feast of a lifetime but whichever theories you accept or deny in regards to hurt and Hearne it is undeniable that they have killed at least three humanoids as we discover three skulls on their property so yes hurt and Hearne are a danger to the population of Phalke wreaths and its visitors and while vampires within the elderscrolls can eat normal food nothing will ever say sea ate their blood hunger other than blood some vampires have been recorded to resist the blood hunger but this ultimately leads to crippling weakness coma and death three things that hurt and Hearne do not seem to be experiencing AKA they have been killing and feeding on local mortals they are proofed and proven to be deadly while very interesting they are overall a danger so I do hope that you have enjoyed the journey the discovery and the story of Half Moon Mill I am very interested to hear your thoughts on these theories or any theories that I've missed what do you think the true nature of these two is could they actually be direct blood descendants of lamb a bow and the Sun proof disease line of knock cephalic Sangha vorio are they mild human hunters or are they working in conjunction with nearby necro mages and raising skeletons from the local graveyards are they true Lumberjacks or is it all smoke and mirrors it's all in a day's work when it comes to investigating the Elder Scrolls series and its many strange stories so I do hope you learnt something new about the beautifully mad universe that these wonderful games take place in the elder scrolls if you have any information facts evidence speculation theories or anything to do with hurt and Hearn be sure to comment down below I'd love to hear what you have to say if you have any ideas for something that should be covered in the elder scrolls detective series be sure to let me know I'll look into whatever strange and wonderful topics you present if you enjoyed this video please do me a kindness and leave a like it makes a video look good leave a comment with your elder scrolls detective ideas and your thoughts on our 10th vampiric friends and of course if you enjoyed this video and want to see more videos similar to this one please subscribe it helps me know that people enjoy these kind of videos and it will result in more of them in the long run be sure to click the little bell icon next to the subscribe button right here on YouTube so that you are notified when new Elder Scrolls 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Channel: Camelworks
Views: 645,809
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: elder, scrolls, VI, scrolls V, one, two, three, four, five, six, arena, daggerfall, morrowind, oblivion, skyrim, bethesda, studios, softworks, secrets, mysteries, detective, hidden, legends, stories, theories, top, 10, list, most, interesting, facts, best, weapons, easter, eggs, unique, camel, works, camelworks, mackenzie, rowles, eso, tes, online, crazy, lore, canon, race, tales, locations, confirmed, game, miraak, dragonborn, mysterious, shouts, blades, hert, hern, half, moon, mill, vampire, lord, molag, bal, darkness, evil, fantasy, magic, lumber
Id: JsxSSu4EF7w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 19sec (2539 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 04 2019
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