Saadia VS Kematu, Who Is Telling The TRUTH & Who Is LYING? - Elder Scrolls Detective

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[Music] welcome back ladies and gentlemen to the Elder Scrolls 5 Skyrim's special edition my name is camel but more excitingly however welcome back to the Elder Scrolls detective series it's a series in which we investigate curate speculate hypothesize theorize and quite often simply highlight and discuss interesting mysterious and hidden things that can be found within the Elder Scrolls games today we will delve deep into a questionable and ponderous conundrum that I'd imagine all of us Skyrim players have had to face one of the more ambiguous quests in the game and one which we are burdened with within the first few hours of gameplay that being who is telling the truth and who is lying between sadya the sweet summer child protecting her homeland or the traitorous scum who sold out her people and komatsu honorable al'akir warrior seeking justice for the betrayal of his homeland or Thalmor agent hired to assassinate an innocent girl both characters have seemingly suspicious backstories and both point the finger at the other and provide entirely differing explanations and descriptions of one another and themselves it's quite a hard decision to be faced with so early on in the game but I do believe I have found the answer to who is telling the truth and who is the traitorous liar now if this kind of stuff interests you be sure to check out my other Elder Scrolls detective videos that I've already done they can be found down in the description via the elder scrolls detective playlist linked now down there in the description you can also find all of my social media links be sure to follow me on Instagram and Twitter along with joining brand-new discord server that I've made for our community that being me and you where we can further discuss what we're about to delve into I look forward to seeing you there after this video of course so much like a deep sea creature let's get crackin shall we and now at the start of the game while wandering and exploring the vast and plentiful wildernesses of skyrim we may run across this encounter these two al akir warriors hassling this seemingly unsuspecting a red guard woman we know who you are so you'd better come with us right now I don't know who you think I am and I don't care leave me alone I don't have time for this foolishness now come along quietly and we won't have to get rough brother I think she's telling the truth I'm not going anywhere now back off before I do something drastic she doesn't have to someone do something what oh you're right we've made a mistake now move along before that mouth of yours gets you into trouble next time you're looking to pester someone make sure it's the right person I'm getting out of here what do you need who are you looking for we're looking for information about a woman a foreigner in these lands she's a red guard like us we believe she may be hiding in Whiterun but we're checking everywhere to be sure interesting foreigners what a nuisance I thought you were a red guard you're speaking like a true daughter of Skyrim and what is it that they wanted they thought I was some other Red Guard woman they just wouldn't leave me alone I hope they get lost in the wilderness seems like when it comes to other people's privacy they have no red guards until next time I don't plan to ever see you again so and the interesting little scuffle maybe we should check Whiterun and see what we can find look you already have been told you're not allowed here turn around and go back the way you came we're causing no trouble all we ask is to look for her I don't care what you're doing after what happened you're lucky I don't toss you in jail now get lost we will be back this is not over you there we're looking for someone in wife Ron you will pay good money for information who are you looking for a woman a foreigner in these lands red guard like us she is likely not using her true name we will pay for any information regarding her location we are not welcome here in white Ron so we will be in Rorick stead if you learn anything well they sacrifice women in Rorick said so I wouldn't look their video above for more so who are you looking for exactly we're looking for a fugitive who comes from Hammerfell a red guard woman she may be somewhere in this city why are you looking for her she steal your sweet row it's none of your concern all you need to know is that we're paying for information if that doesn't interest you feel free to walk away if you locate her find us in Rourke's dead interesting there sure are a lot of alligator warriors around here looking for this woman oh well given I'm an alcoholic let's head to the battered mare and grab a drink while we mold this over think I got the clean mug around here somewhere the only mug around here is you sadya wake up there yes ma'am yes say dia Jesus who say to you what can I get you one red God woman please you want a drink whoa now that's service I'm thirsty for some jugs but it's got nothing to do with drinks what's on the menu depends are you thirsty hungry both definitely both ah I see your result II would but I'm not interested maybe you can help me in another way all right then need something yes I do actually did you know some al akir Warriors are looking for a red God woman and they mentioned a scar just like yours are you sure sure oh no they found me I need your help please come with me I need to speak to you privately quickly come with me sure thing so now we follow sadya back to her bedroom with her permission of course there's nothing sauce going on here so are you working with them you think you can take me you so much as touch me and you're going to lose fingers I mean it oh I'll cut you in half so the al'akir know where I am what did they offer you gold how many more of them are coming tell me put down the bottle knife before you get another scar I'm sorry just just don't hurt me I know you're not one of them but you just can't help them you can't let them know I'm here please will you help me there's no one here I can trust it depends what do you want I am not the person that the people of Whiterun think I am my real name is Eamon I am a noble of house sudha and Hammerfell the men who were looking for me the al'akir they are assassins in the employ of the Albury Dominion they wish to exchange my blood for gold I need you to root them out and drive them away before they find me and drag me back to Hammerfell for an execution oh you just said a lot that better be money involved there will be of that you can be assured and how am I supposed to get rid of them they're mercenaries only in it for the money they're led by a man named kuma to get rid of him and the rest will scatter I don't dare show my face unless they recognize me so you'll have to find out where they are so stalk the stalkers who stalked me to stalk you I mean so far there's more stalks than in a bloody cornfield where can I find them I heard one of them was just arrested trying to sneak into the city if he's locked up in the jail perhaps you can get it out of him please I know I'm asking you to do something difficult maybe even dangerous I just don't know who else I can trust yeah of course you can definitely trust me for sure so why are the Alec here after you I don't know for sure I spoke out against the Aldmeri Dominion publicly I suspect that's why these men were hired to hunt me down oh the Aldmeri Dominion that has no influence in MFL why not go to the gods you think I'd be in hiding if this was something I trusted town guards to handle these men are ruthless cunning deceitful they'll pay off whoever they can I can't trust anyone here guards and yours can be bought an Alec your clothes I'm running out of time so I'm choosing to trust you okay I'll go and suss this out find me the moment the Alec you're taken care of so now we will want to head up to the cloud district of Whiterun ah Nazim would be so damn proud of us now up here over in the exterior corner of the ground level of the castle we can find the Whiterun dungeons inside the first cell within we'll find our man what are you looking at why I'm looking at you you sandy goose I need to find Kumar too where is he hiding you have a death wish then if you know that name you must know to meet him would be to meet your end but it seems we both have needs friend perhaps we can help each other out and what is it that you need besides a shower I have dishonored my brothers by being captured so they have left me here my life with the al'akir is over now but I have no wish to die in this God's forsaken land if I can be released from prison I may start over see to that and I'll tell you what you want to know why did they leave you here because you stink and yes you do stink because I was clumsy enough to be captured Komatsu always says we're supposed to be the best of the best I wasn't how much is this fine you and your silly doings have accrued 100 gold will secure my release you can afford that can't you I suppose you'd better hope you can if you want the information get the money into the hands of one of these guards and I'll tell you what you want to know okay good day I used to be an adventurer like you and I took an arrow in the knee you're about to get one of the neck if you don't start helping me out here I'm here to pay that prisoners fine done convince him to stay out of the city while you're at it she is cover okay let's get down to business shall we you buy my way out of here and I'll tell you what you want to know your fine is being paid now tell me about Komatsu before the only hammerfell around here will be mine on your head very well Komatsu is west of Whiterun it's an unassuming little cave called swindlers den you realize if you set foot in there you're never coming back out they'll kill you but that's your problem not mine my fines been paid now set me free now with this information we can go to the town of Rorick stead and into the inn where we can find the original al'akir warriors that we spoke to within the city of Whiterun do you have news of our quarry glory I know nothing about star but I have seen the woman that you were looking for you have where tell me now what do I get for telling you money if that is what you wish now tell me where she is she is in the banned' mare and she knows that you're out here we cannot go after her not without drawing attention you must bring her to us lead her to the Whiterun stables outside of the city we will wait for you there we will find her eventually now I don't like these guys so let's go suss out Komatsu in swindlers den instead now deep in the tundra plains of Whiterun we can find that the cave known as swindlers den interestingly standing guard out front is an orc bandit and not an al akir warrior but when we head inside we'll have some light shed on this cast by an overheard conversation I'm not sure I like these al'akir warriors hiding out here seemed like trouble keep it to yourself you're not paying us to talk they'll be gone as soon as they found whoever they're looking for and we'll have all the more corn so it seems these bandits have agreed to let the al'akir stay in this cave no doubt in exchange for money although the bandits don't seem too happy about it anyway further into the cave will come through this flooded area and meet this al akir platoon you've proven your strength warrior let's avoid any more bloodshed I think you and I have some things to talk about stay your hand warrior it's no secret why you're here and you have proven your skill in combat let us talk a moment and no one else needs to die I think we can all profit from the situation in which we find ourselves my men will not attack you if you will lower your weapons I I've been sent here to kill you of course said by what is it that she's calling herself these days Asura Saadia one of those correct did she appeal to your sense of honour your greed a more base need perhaps it doesn't matter no doubt she's convinced you that she's the victim but do you know why we pursue her now we're going to go down the sadya word for now I was hired to kill you and that's just what I intend to do I'd hoped we could work something out that you would see reason that we could avoid having to kill you very well then if that's the way you want to play it we will so now we fight and defeat Kumar - and his al'akir warriors once that is done we'll head back to stadium in the Banat mare in white run and tell her of our actions any news of the alak here the al'akir won't trouble you anymore at last I can rest safely you have done me a great service warrior I cannot thank you enough take this reward I managed to sneak some of my wealth out of Hammerfell when I left it's the least I can do for now I will maintain my ruse here you are always welcome in the bannard mayor laughs as rather uneventful now let's explore the other pathways in which this quest can lead so let's rewind back to Kim autumn in the cave you've proven your strength warrior let's avoid any more bloodshed I think you and I have some things to talk about what do you need stay your hand warrior it's no secret why you're here and you have proven your skill in combat let us talk a moment and no one else needs to die I think we can all profit from the situation in which we find ourselves my men will not attack you if you will lower your weapons tell me why are you off to sadya she sold the city out to the Aldmeri Dominion were it not for her betrayal Tanith could have held its ground in the war the other noble houses discovered her betrayal and she fled they want her brought back alive the resistance against the Dominion is alive and well in hammerfell and they want justice interesting well I've been sent here to kill you of course said by what is it that she's calling herself these days Asura sadya one of those correct did she appeal to your sense of honour your greed a more base meaning perhaps it doesn't matter no doubt she's convinced you that she's the victim but do you know why we pursue her sadya told me that your assassins assassins no nothing so crass sadya as you know her is wanted by the noble houses of Tanith for treason we were hired to see her return to Hammerfell for her crimes you can help us with that and make sure no one else gets hurt what was her crime she sold the city out to the Aldmeri Dominion were it not for her betrayal Tanith could have held its ground in the war the other noble houses discovered her betrayal and she fled they want her brought back alive the resistance against the Dominion is alive and well in hammerfell and they want justice so tell me Kumar to what do you want me to do she trusts you at least to some extent she sent you after us and has no reason to think that you do anything other than that convince her that we'll be coming for her and she needs to leave lead her to the stables outside Whiterun we'll be waiting to take her into custody I'll gladly share a portion of the bounty in return for your efforts and seeing proper justice done all right I'll do it's good we'll be waiting for you at the stables it will be good to finally be able to return home it is a nice afternoon isn't it so now we'll head back to Whiterun and to the banned' mare and speak with sadya any news of the other care I got some bad news mate I was unable to defeat them all and now they're coming for you oh no what to do what how I thought they weren't allowed within the city good points well they found a way in so we need to get you out of here but where will I go I can't keep running forever there's a horse waiting in the stables I'll make sure you're safe after all this I have to pick up and leave again if you really think this is the only way I trust you let's not waste any time until next time so now we'll run out of the city to the stables next to Whiterun where a series of events can unfold firstly we can hand her over to Komatsu we meet at last my dear lady what is this what have you done oh come now you didn't really expect to manipulate people forever did you your luck had to run out sometime damn son she hit the deck hotter than a yugioh player now we'll take our friend here back to Hammerfell where she will pay the price for her treason she weren't B Homs will she not that I actually care not on the way back once she gets there it's not up to me to decide what's done with her and as for you I owe you a portion of the reward don't I well here you go spend it wisely and if I may don't allow yourself to be fooled by a pretty face you're better than that I am well obviously I sided with you and you do not have a pretty face sadya will now lie here paralyzed until we leave the area upon returning both Komatsu and sadya will be gone back to Hammerfell alright then see you mate now there are actually three other outcomes of this we can lead sadie to the stables then kill her Komatsu will not be happy all that effort and you just kill her you've ruined everything this will also give us no reward now we can lead sadya to the stables and kill Komatsu before he paralyzes her there now you're safe you liar how could you do that to me I didn't want to risk you not coming a risky game to play friend but now Camacho's gone and the rest of his snake should slither back to their desert I can go back to my life for now and I have you to thank for it I won't forget this see you mate or we can lead Savior to the stables and let Komatsu paralyze her then we can collect the reward from him you're better than that and then kill Komatsu now for whatever reason in the game's scripting sadya will wake up from her paralysis and be hostile towards us again this seems to be a scripting bug and not some weird plot thickening events a but we can actually use a calm humanoid spell on her and then talk with her and then collect the reward from her also for killing Komatsu doubling our money you are always welcome in the bannard mare until next time so that's all the different ways this quest can end I would also like to say that I did this entire quest line with a female red guard character and there were no extra lines of dialogue or anything interesting with any of the interactions throughout the entire quest line so with everything explorable from the quest out of the way let's get into the meat about who is lying and who is telling the truth so sadya claims that she spoke out against the Aldmeri Dominion within Hammerfell which led to her having to run away from Hammerfell in fear of the third Aldmeri Dominion now she claims that kem motto is an assassin or agent sent by this very Aldmeri Dominion that she spoke out against and that he has been sent here to capture her now keep in mind that Komatsu is a Red Guard and in al'akir along with his al'akir warriors that's a very important point we'll get to in a second now on the other side of the coin Komatsu claims that sadie is sold out the city of 10f in hamath al to the 3rd Aldmeri Dominion leading to the city being taken by the Aldmeri Dominion now Komatsu and his ally Kia Warriors are hunting sadya to bring her back to justice for her betrayal of her people and hammerfell so there are arguments for both sides but in my opinion one story lines up with current law almost entirely while the other manages to line up almost not at all so the major issue here is say Diaz story quite frankly doesn't make any sense she claims that Camacho and his al akir Warriors are assassins sent by their masters of the Aldmeri Dominion now if you know anything about current Elder Scrolls lore particularly the current standings of politics and the provinces you will probably know that hammer fell and its people the Red Guards made to the Aldmeri Dominion you can learn all of this and more by reading the in-game book called the Great War but I'm going to paraphrase and make it sound cooler and also not paraphrase because we're going way in depth here now at the end of the Great War between the Imperial Empire and the third Aldmeri Dominion the Empire's leader imperial emperor Titus Mead ii signed the white gold Concordat in essence this was a peace treaty between the two warring factions but it came with exceptionally unfavorable terms for the imperial Empire now importantly for this video part of the terms of the white gold concluded was that hammerfell would be denounced as a province of the Empire and handed over from the Empire to the Aldmeri Dominion with of course no safe from Hammerfell or its people naturally the red guards who were fighting on the side of the imperial Empire during the Great War saw this as betrayal and rightfully so again quite naturally just as the Stormcloaks do in skyrim all of hammerfell rejected this and refused to bow down to the very faction that they had fought against in the Great War the third Aldmeri Dominion now this forced the Empire to have to denounce hammerfell as a province of the Empire as to keep to the terms of the white gold Concordat but hammerfell did not come peacefully it's kind of like in Game of Thrones when Daenerys sells her dragon to the slaver to get the unsullied technically the trade was made but that dragon was not her well in the elderscrolls Hammerfell is that dragon and it kicked back hard this led to the Aldmeri Dominion warring with hammer fell for another five years after the great war had already ended as the Red Guard people resisted the attempts of the Thalmor to take over their province and eventually after five long long years the war within Hammerfell was stopped when the second Treaty of straw spoke I was signed which essentially was an agreement that the Aldmeri Dominion and Hammerfell would stop fighting and all Aldmeri forces would leave hammer fell and hammer fell would remain a free province now this means that hammer felt is currently not part of the Empire and it is also very importantly not part of the Aldmeri Dominion not only that but the people of hammer fell hate the Aldmeri Dominion think of the Stormcloaks within Skyrim then multiply that hatred that's how the al'akir and the people of Hammerfell feel about the Aldmeri Dominion and the Thalmor now this goes deeper as the Red Guards have an inbuilt spice and malice towards the MER races the myrrh being the elves of course now this goes very far back as the Red Guards originally came from the continent of your kuda at which point they were known as your curtains there they lived with a now extinct race the left-handed elves now both the you curtains and the left-handed elves are actually from the previous Kalpa cycle and stepped through time lines by moving at strange angles and using a technique known as the walkabouts it's all very strange and you should definitely check out my full video on the left-handed elves if such things interest you anyway the left-handed elves and the Red Guards ancestors the you curtains ward for thousands of is eventually the Yakunin regatta used the forbidden Pancras sword ritual eradicating the left-handed elves and likely leading to the sinking of their entire continent of yo kudo with their homeland now destroyed the occurrence the ancestors of the Red Guards migrated east to Tamriel where they landed in Hammerfell and do you know what they found in Hammerfell they found more elves the aliens well the occurrence brought with them their seething hatred of elves and they slaughtered every last ayleid in the province even to this day modern red guards refused to talk about the left-handed elves as it only serves to darken their days and they still carry with them this underlying historical distain for elves I mean honestly you thought the lords were racist they ain't nothing compared to the Red Guards and don't even get me started on the dunlop health even the argonians a genocidal honestly the Nords in their over mythologized xenophobia they are g-rated disney characters when compared to the other races of Tamriel but back to the red guards they hate elves so we then stack on top of this the recent attempted acquisition Anne's five year war of and within hammer fell performed by none other than the ever invasive elvish folk of the third Aldmeri Dominion the foul mom so ask yourself this would a Red Guard faction of hammerfell such as the alakay warriors be working with or for the Aldmeri Dominion in modern-day Tamriel and not a bloody chance mate I've got a better chance of hitting 1 million subscribers this year and that ain't happening don't agree well prove me wrong subscribe you chumps so anyway this al'akir slash Thalmor duo that sadya is accusing Kim Mata off there's not a flaming slither of a chance now on top of this there is a very rare book that can be found within the elderscrolls v skyrim it can be found in like two or three locations and you probably haven't read it or even found it it's called flight from the found law dearest reader the work you are about to experience has been copied and duplicated so that the story it relates can be spread throughout the empire but make no mistake this is not a work of fiction the events chronicled in this accounts are all true were originally documented in a private journal which now remains safely guarded in the house of quills in hammer fell and occurred not more than a year before this book was printed signed Arshad eben Khaled High scribe House of quills hammer fell now the rest of the book is the recount of an awed bard named Hedrick oaken hearts who after the Great War sung a song about telecine Markov and was then abducted by the thelma and transported to a secret concentration camp and killed essentially it's a diary detailing the horrific actions of the Thalmor so this book being transcribed and copied is basically propaganda against the Thalmor now this text that tarnishes the thermals reputation is kept and guarded and protected within the House of quills in hammerfell the House of colds being a library where books scripts scrolls and knowledge is safeguarded now not only is it kept there but it is actively being copied and printed as so the true and current heinous deeds of the Thalmor can be spread throughout Tamriel as to tarnish the reputation of the third Albury Dominion and the Thalmor and which province is doing this which province and its people hate the Aldmeri Dominion so much that they would replicate this diary Hammerfell modern-day Hammerfell they hate the Aldmeri Dominion and the Thalmor give Hammerfell and its people were Pro Aldmeri Dominion they would burn this diary immediately yet they are doing the complete opposite so be honest with yourself if not with me with these hammer phalion warriors the al'akir be working his agents for the Thalmor by Telus God no hammer fell isn't even under Aldmeri rule the al'akir fought valiantly for five years after the Great War to make sure that they stayed free from the bounds of the elvish folk the Thalmor their sacrifice was great and the reward is their freedom from the Dominion so by all nine Divine's and all ten just to include the lost god of creation lock on as if the ally care of all people would be working with the Thalmor let alone as agents for the Dominion this premise alone has less legs to stand on than the mythical coral sea serpent of the Obi Shion also sadya says that Kim motto and his al'akir Warriors are assassins working for the ordinary Dominion really are we to believe this factions aside the logistics of this are tremendously grand think about this who was the most established successful and powerful guild or group of assassins within the elder scrolls the dark brotherhood now the dark brotherhood even with the power of citiz have like six members but all these previously non assassin al'akir warriors now work for the enemy faction in a big assassin gang three times the size of the dark brotherhood get out of town also the Thalmor have a huge presence in skyrim and how often do we see thumb or sending lords or groups of other people to go and do their business never everything the fal modu is done by the Thalmor they have agents everywhere we can find their holdings in multiple cities the even have the Thalmor embassy they have they greedy fingers in factions they have an entire castle at North Watch keep their agents can be seen walking all over the place why would they not just find Sadie themselves they have the authority they have the lore they have the means they have the power they have the numbers they have the Intel they have the resources they sure have all of the means necessary to find Saadia and all the things they need to do so they sure have a hell of a lot more than a band of al'akir warriors who aren't even allowed into a city and have to hide in a cave with a group of bandits I mean if they were working with a Dominion they would have been put up the Thalmor embassy they would have been given resources and soldiers and dusty cars all of the things they don't have honestly there is not a speck of evidence that Kim Maher to and his al akir Warriors are working with or for the Aldmeri Dominion now sadya is also a red guard so you might be thinking well if the al akir wouldn't work with the Aldmeri Dominion why would this Red Guard woman which is a fair enough question but easily answered what is more likely one person making a deal with the enemy faction during a war and selling out a city for wealth or an entire army of soldiers who spent five years liberating their homeland of the Aldmeri Dominion have now mysteriously joined that a very enemy faction after succeeding in repelling them obviously the more likely option would be that the single person sold out a CEO over an entire army flipping sides to put it in Skyrim terms what's more likely a single Nord turning coats and working for the Thalmor or the entire Stormcloak army consciously and actively flipping sides and working for the Fillmore unn questionably the single person betraying their people is infinitely more likely and more simple there's no way in hell the Stormcloak army would ever join the Thalmor well that same feeling applies to the al akir ex cept the al'akir have even more reason to hate the Thalmor than the Stormcloaks do so sadya sure as heck seems to be the one telling fibs weaving webs of Cowpat now Sadie claims to be from the noble ham aphelion family of a Sudha well I looked into this and there is no mention of this family in any in or out of game sauce for the Elder Scrolls so there is zero evidence of it existing not to say it doesn't exist but in regards to backing these claims of her there is absolutely zero proof she also pays us with gold as many people do but she claims that this gold was part of her family's wealth that she took before she had to flee hamath oh but this gold is more likely a cut of the payment she got from the Aldmeri Dominion er for selling out her city of 10f also she has this rather gruesome series of scars across her face now anyone can get a scarred face of course but generally speaking would a noblewoman be likely to get scarring like this definitely not but would someone who tumbles through dark alleys a vagabond a stole Co of shadows and a skulker in the sewers of social culture the kind of person - oh I don't know sell out her city in exchange for wealth with someone of that ilk be likely to get scars on their face as we see here on sadya well I don't know about likely but it's a hell of a lot more likely than a noblewoman getting these scars I feel that Sadier is a downtrodden ruffian who felt a no sense of pride for @nf and its people as it had provided nothing for her but a hard life that literally scarred her making the decision to sell her city out in exchange for riches easy now let's look at Kim Masha shall we now some people use this line of dialogue from the al'akir prisoner as proof that Camacho is up to no good or that he is a dangerous man or that he cannot be trusted you have a death wish then if you know that name you must know to meet him would be to meet your end and well it does sound kind of menacing it's not reflected at all with our interactions with him in fact he's actually quite civil calm well-spoken logical non-threatening and convincing and if he were a thalmor agent knowing his name wouldn't mean anything he's here on official Aldmeri business abiding by all the laws however if he is in a Lakia warrior in defiance of the Aldmeri Dominion he'd be laying low as possible in Skyrim which is exactly what he's doing so in this sense knowing who he is is a massive deal and very dangerous for Kamata which would lead to this line of dialogue you have a death wish then if you know that name you must know to meet him would be to meet your end also remember at the start of the game our character was caught crossing the border and just for this we are sentenced to death well imagine how a band of 10 or so al akir warriors would be treated if discovered sneaking into Skyrim that's where they're hiding in a cave full of bandits from their fear of the Dominion not because they represent it also in the dialogue that he shares when he sees sadya it sounds completely genuine and directed straight at her oh come now he didn't really expect to manipulate people forever did you your luck had to run out sometime and it only makes sense within the context of her being a manipulative traitor to Hammerfell also when he thanks us he says don't fall for a pretty face spend it wisely and if I may don't allow yourself to be fooled by a pretty face you're better than that further backing up that he is genuine and honest in what he has told us and he's now finally caught the sweet tunned pretty faced may nipple ative traitor of her people say dia after she had used those very traits to weasel her way through Tamriel now this line don't fall for a pretty face also calls out what most players would choose that being to side with say dia which is totally understandable because a base face value who do we side with a lone attractive woman seemingly in danger or a gang of rugged desert warriors hiding in a bandit cave well I think most people would choose the one again just at base face value but after doing a lot of digging it's quite clear that say dia is in fact the only venomous snake slithering around these parts now the biggest flaw or point of contestation with Kamata story is that he claims say dia sold out the city of 10f during the war which i would imagine is the war that raged on in Hammerfell after the great war as that is when the Aldmeri Dominion had a presence in Hammerfell now the great war ended in the fourth era year 175 after the white god Concorde was signed of course and the war in Hammerfell ended five years later in the fourth era year 180 after the second Treaty of Strasse McKay was signed of course now the events of the game the Elder Scrolls v skyrim take place in the fourth era year 201 so the war in hammer fell ended 21 years before the current timeline that we experienced in the elderscrolls v skyrim now the thing about Savior is that she looks pretty young you know 20s in her 30s well the war in which command who claims that she sold out her city of 10f in was 21 years ago people say that this means Kamata was lying as she would have had to have been a child or a young teenager at the time which is very unlikely but still possible for childhood teenage to sell out a city or what I believe to be more likely is that she simply looks young for her age she just looks younger than she actually is and you might think that sounds silly is a reason but my friend in real life her mum looks the same age as my friend does and my friends two sisters when the four of them are together they look like four sisters despite there being a good twenty thirty year difference between them but her mum genuinely looks 30 years old when she is in fact middle-aged Oh Jared Leto that guy looks like he's in his twenties or his thirties but he's 48 you know these people do exist and stadium could very well be one of them and even if Kamat who is lying about sabia she knows who he is and that he is after her and her story makes no sense at all so at the very least she's also lying and is guilty of something that the al'akir seek to bring her to justice for now the other point of contestation is the remains of sadya that appear in the holes of the dead within Whiterun so if you kill Satya her remains appear in the halls of the Dead in Whiterun just as any other members of the city's remains would do but if you hand her over to Komatsu he'll paralyze her and take her away and then a few days later her remains will appear in the halls of the Dead in Whiterun now this has led people to conclude that oh he must have lied to us and then killed her which I don't know why they think that when we ask Komatsu if say dia will come to harm or not he says it's not up to him and that she will face trial in Hammerfell so she could very likely have been killed after being found guilty of selling out the city of 10f and again for some reason people use this as a point to go come on who was a liar well I don't think he is another Muse ally that people love to tread down is that Kim out who paralyzed her carried her away and then killed her himself as his story is a ruse okay let's say that this is the case he takes her into the wilderness kills her then what magically Whiterun knows about it and her remains appear in the halls of the Dead I really don't think so surely if Kamata did this he'd hide her body and even if he didn't hide her body considering how many skeletons and dead bodies we can find lying around Skyrim in quite plain and clear sight I don't think anyone is finding and collecting bodies at all let alone taking the remains back to the appropriate city so why do her remains appear in Whiterun well simply this is a scripting error within the game as sadya is labeled as a citizen of Whiterun so as far as the game is concerned she belongs in Whiterun once she is removed from the game after handing her over to Komatsu the game's script goes well this citizen of Whiterun is missing from Whiterun therefore equals dead which then spawns her burial urn within the halls of the Dead within Whiterun but we can make it work within the law which we'll get to in a second but I want to go back for a second as at the start of the game if we make a Red Guard character the Legion soldier will say this what are you doing here red guard yourself sword a sailor from Stros Makai captain what should we do she's not on the list forget the list she goes to the block by your orders captain I'm sorry we'll make sure it remains our turn to hammer fur follow the captain prisoner after our execution al remains will be sent back to hammer fellas just as I'd imagined the people of Whiterun would do with saviors should they come across them now as mentioned if we want to make this bug fit into the lore it's quite simple if Komatsu is telling the truth then sadya will be taken back to Hammerfell found guilty as a traitor our imagine and probably be killed for her transgressions now hammerfell wouldn't want to keep the remains of this traitorous woman so they'd send them somewhere else say the last place she lived in cold home that being Whiterun therefore after her death in hammer fell her remains are sent back to Whiterun now if Kim motto is lying and works for the Dominion which there's a zero percent chance of but if this is the case sadya will be taken back to Hammerfell found guilty as a treasonist against the Dominion and our imagine killed for her transgressions now again if Hammerfell is chummy with the Dominion which it isn't but if it were Hammerfell wouldn't want to keep the remains of this traitorous woman so they'd send them somewhere else hmm say the last place she lived and called home that being Whiterun therefore after her death in hammer fell her remains are sent back to Whiterun so lying or not Komatsu taking her away and then her remains appearing in the holes of the dead in Whiterun to me at least totally makes sense within the law so there's a lot to take in there and to me at least one story holds water quite well while the other holds less water than the al'akir desert itself so there are some oddities and possible inconsistencies with kamati story however there are only inconsistencies and entirely incorrect premises when it comes to say Dias story for that reason I do believe that she is the one lying she sold out her city of 10f to the third Aldmeri Dominion and Camacho and his band of al'akir Warriors have come to Skyrim to gain custody of her and bring her to justice so I do hope you have enjoyed the journey and the discovery of this seemingly ambiguous quest that we find ourselves thrown into right at the start of Skyrim I am genuinely very interested to hear your thoughts on Komatsu and sadya and who is lying and why is Kim mah - and Aldmeri agent is sadya an innocent nobles daughter is Kim ATO an honorable al'akir warrior seeking justice or as Saadia a lying snake that sought out her City such questions are all in a day's work when it comes to investigating the Elder Scrolls series and its many strange stories so I do hope that you have learnt something new about the beautifully mad universe that these wonderful games take place in the elder scrolls now if you do have any information facts evidence speculation theories or anything in redguards - what we have investigated in this video be sure to leave a comment down below I would love to hear what you have to say about this now if you do have any ideas for something that should be covered in the elder scrolls detective series be sure to let me know I'll look into whatever strange and wonderful topics you present and if you did enjoy this video please do me a kindness and leave a like leave a comment with your Elder Scrolls detective ideas and 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Channel: Camelworks
Views: 825,675
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: elder, scrolls, scrolls V, three, four, five, six, arena, daggerfall, morrowind, oblivion, skyrim, bethesda, studios, softworks, secrets, mysteries, detective, hidden, legends, stories, theories, top, 10, list, most, interesting, facts, best, weapons, easter, eggs, unique, camel, works, camelworks, mackenzie, rowles, eso, tes, online, lore, canon, tales, locations, dragonborn, in, my, time, of, need, saadia, kematu, who, lying, telling, truth, right, quest, aldermi, Dominion, great, war, alik'r, warrior, hammerfell, redguard, curiosities, kill, guilty, innocent
Id: FUqFJbSk4qA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 25sec (3145 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 28 2020
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