Did Emperor Titus Mede II ASSASSINATE HIMSELF? - Elder Scrolls Detective

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It's part of the dawnguard OST iirc

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Oct 29 2019 🗫︎ replies
[Music] welcome ladies and gentlemen my name is camel but more importantly welcome back to the elder scrolls detective series a series in which we investigate curate speculate hypothesize theorize and quite often simply highlight and discuss cool interesting and hidden things that can be found within the Elder Scrolls games today we will be thoroughly inspecting and carefully picking apart one of the most favored quests in Skyrim to unveil a very likely conclusion of a self-righteous idol suicide in a sense fire a proxy for the layman will post the question did Emperor titres made the second order his own assassination sounds crazy right while there is a lot of evidence suggesting that this theory is true if this kind of stuff does tickle your fancy links to my other Elder Scrolls detective series videos can be found down in the description along with links to my social media be sure to check them all out after this video now this might seem long and crazy at first but all of this has very very important details that we must pay attention to so it all starts during the Dark Brotherhood quest line of the elderscrolls v Skyrim when Astrid orders us to hide inside the knight mother's iron maiden and listen in on Cicero's conversation if you will not speak to anyone but I will I will speak to you for you yes you you who shares my iron - OH once my ancient bones I leave you this task Charlie - Wallen room speak with amond watch here of course we must listen to the night mother so we'll make our way to Valen Hrant just as the night mother asked found just beyond the merging point of northern white runs tundra and the snow Laden forests of the southern pale just as was said an old Nordic Barry Lewin inside we can find our subject by the almighty Divine's you've come you've actually come it's dreadful black sacrament thing it worked the night mother heard your plea motya yes so it would seem well I won't waste your time I would like to arrange a contract several actually I dare say the work I'm offering has more significance than anything your organization is experienced in well centuries go on as I said I want you to kill several people you'll find the targets as well as their manners of elimination quite varied I'm sure someone of your disposition would probably even find it enjoyable but you should know that these killings are but a means to an end for they pave the way to the most important target the real reason I'm speaking with a cutthroat in the bowels of this detestable crypt for I seek the assassination of the Emperor you want us to kill the Emperor of Tamriel that is correct what I ask is no small thing of course but you represent the Dark Brotherhood this is what you do know you must understand so much has led to this day so much planning and maneuvering now it's as if the very stars have finally aligned but I digress here take these they need to be delivered to your superior rex's the items here here the CEO of letter will explain everything that needs to be done the amulet is quite valuable you can use it to pay for any and all expenses an interesting man will ask a few more questions to see all the colors of this painting who are you motya who are you really I performed the black sacrament contacted you people because I thought you guaranteed discretion is this no longer so who I do this why have the emperor assassinated in the year 3 II 41 Emperor Pelagius septum was murdered in the temple of the one in the Imperial City cut down by a Dark Brotherhood assassin he is killing ushered in shall we say unnecessary change in Imperial policy there are those now who wish for a similar change I am sorry but that's all I'm at liberty to say this will require significant compensation can you pay the price oh my furtive friend when emperor Titus mean the second lies dead there will be gold a fortune in gold but so much more it is said that the Dark Brotherhood in recent years has been in decline that you lack the power wealth and respect of days past is it not so if you do this if you kill the Emperor oh how the masses will fear and respect you and you can trust your servant to keep this secret rexis is no mere servant he has been with the Moche air family since I was a child I trust the man with my life I have vowed to serve ammount Motty air until my dying breath best remember that yes so it would seem so mutia will give us this strange and rather beautiful jeweled amulet to pay for all of the costs we'll talk about this more later on a video but for now to summarize about five lengthy quests there are three important parts to this story for this particular video firstly now then I hope you have something nice to wear because you're going to a wedding a wedding well more like the public reception it should be a lovely affair you'll mingle with the guests eat some cake stab the bride oh yes you've got to kill the bride at her wedding and they say romance is dead well who's the lucky woman who's the target her name is Victoria vici she oversees the East Empire company's business holdings in solitude the wedding is being held in that city at the temple of the Divine's her death will cause an uproar which is exactly what we want now go and give my best to the bride after this was set to assassinate Victoria vici at her own weddings public reception she was to marry a Stormcloak supporter so her death would create great conflict within Skyrim's politics with the belief that her killing was driven by the stone cloaks the idea of this murder is to force the emperor to come to Skyrim too settled the aftermath secondly as I was saying you'll need to kill the gourmet of course but what's more you'll need to get his writ of passage so you could take his place ah so the goal mate is in Skyrim yes Gaius Marwan orders from his father arranged for the gourmet to come to Skyrim months ago to serve as the Emperor's personal chef but the Emperor cancelled his journey at the last minute Morrow was smart get the gourmet around in case things changed further down the quest line we are assigned to eliminate the famous and mysterious chef notice the gourmet we are to then pose as the gourmet and cook for the Emperor when he comes to visit solitude again to rectify the situation after his cousin's assassination I'm sure I can't be of help I'm just here on a holiday soon the Emperor will die murdered by the gourmet what the Emperor but I I oh oh by the gods no no no you can't do this you can't stop right there the tower is off-limits until further notice have a look at this commander what's this now order of His Eminence possessor of these papers that gourmet by ozra the gourmet I am I'm sorry you're closed of course I I should have realized please excuse my ignorance Gianna the castle chef has been eagerly awaiting your arrival you should proceed to the kitchen straight away I have to say the stew seems done I had anything else and we may dilute the distinct flavors so is that it when we get to cook his meal we poison it there is one final to-die-for ingredient here at this Oh what is this some kind of herb are you sure the potage tastes perfect as it is any other ingredient might now now Gianna who's the in gourmet here put in the root I'm sorry of course it's your most famous recipe after all all right then your secret ingredients been added and if I may say so it has been an honor getting a chance to prepare a meal with well the best chef in the entire empire I'll carry the stewpot and leave the way up to the dining room I'm sure the Emperor and his guests are dying to meet you Oh do you write for camel wax Jesus that pun ah ha here we are honored guests I present to you the gourmet the potage lemony feet so delicious my friends as emperor I of course reserve the right her first taste oh oh how marvelous just delicious it is everything I had hoped it would be it died I think something's wrong I ah once the Emperor liked his food has gone beyond its use by a date run run straight into a trap that man was by far the most insufferable decoy the emperor has ever employed I'm glad he's dead but I'm even happier than you killed him you an assassin for the Dark Brotherhood just made an attempt on the Emperor's life would have succeeded had it been the real man so it turns out that that was actually a trap and it wasn't actually the Emperor at all it was suspicious that the Emperor came to Skyrim right after his cousin was assassinated in solitude at her own wedding so this was not the Emperor and in fact his decoy or body double again further down the quest line we are reassigned to assassinate emperor Titus made the second as the contract was never truly fulfilled by the gods you you're alive but I had heard your sanctuary please you mustn't think I had anything to do with that I wanted the Emperor dead the true Emperor I still do it was Varro he the Emperor the real emperor where is he you mean after all that's transpired the Dark Brotherhood will still honor the contract why this is astounding news wonderful news the Emperor is still in Skyrim but not for long he's on board his ship the catarah are moored offshore in the solitude enmity but you must hurry if you can get on board that she'll kill Titus meet the second as contracted I will reveal the location of the Dead draught that holds your payment what kind of security should I expect surely you're joking this is the true Emperor not some half septum look-alike he'll be surrounded by elite bodyguards I'm sure you'll have your work cut out for you everyone assumes the dark brotherhood has been completely destroyed they may be a bit more relaxed than usual and this ship the cat Araya how I get aboard well I don't know it's in the solitude Inlet that's the channel just north of the docks I suppose you should go to the docks and swim please make haste the Emperor's ship won't stay mode forever we won't get a chance like this again and finally after a long and eventful quest lion we are put back on the Emperor's assassination at once and war the emperor Titus me the second is now in Skyrim on his ship the Kataria anchored right next to Solitude the last place you would expect him to be on his ship the cat Araya I did actually find something very strange which we'll come back to later on but I do believe that there is actually another assassin on the ship but for now the time of reckoning and the strangest encounter in any doubt Brotherhood quest time to meet and say goodbye to the Emperor and once more I prove command tomorrow the fool I told you can't stop the Dark Brotherhood never good come now don't be shy you haven't come this far just to stand there gawkin you were expecting me but of course you and I have a date with destiny but so it is with assassins and emperors yes I must die and you must deliver the blow it is simply the way it is but I wonder would you suffer an old man a few more words before the deed is done hmm well I am the listener so yes I'm listening Emperor Li thank you for your courtesy you will kill me and I've accepted that fate but regardless of your path through life I sense in you a certain ambition so I ask of you a favor an old man's dying wish while there are many who would see me dead there is one who set the machine in motion this person whomever he or she may be must be punished for the treachery once you've been rewarded for my assassination I want you to kill the very person who ordered it would you do me this kindness yes I'll consider the request and fulfill your great plan thank you now on to the business at hand I suppose now what you're going to literally just turn around let me stab you in the back well I won't fight you so we may as well get this over with hmm that's pretty suspicious now I'm sure it's not just me but that was a very strange encounter he was so peaceful and accepting even saying that he was waiting for us to come that he wouldn't fight us and quite literally just turned around and let us kill him I mean Titus meat ii was a seasoned warrior at the very least he could have put up a pretty good fight so he's a capable warrior he's got literally no guards within his quarters and just accepts his death he didn't fight he didn't plead he didn't jump out of the window which I would have done he didn't yell and scream nothing he just cops his own death that's a very big warning sign and evidence that he had a hand in his own assassination so now that we've seen how the events play out let's talk about the theory did emperor Titus me ii call for his own assassination via proxy in this case mo tiara the biggest question of all would be why why would he want to die let alone be assassinated well the answer is simple it's a martyrdom to die via assassination would mean he had some fight and was an obstacle for another force to overcome so his death would leave him as a hero of sorts in the eyes of his people the next question why would he need to do this well Titus me ii was a rather unpopular emperor it wasn't so much that he was a bad emperor but he just happened to be emperor during some of the most trying times for the empire in recent history so in short titus made ii wasn't loved by his people he was emperor during the Great War of course this was between the new Aldmeri Dominion which consists of Salman as most people would know and they were fighting the Empire ultimately during the Great War the imperial city was sacked by the new Aldmeri Dominion Titus Meade ii while wielding the legendary artifact gold brand launched a surprise attack and they retook the imperial city which is an event now known as the battle of the red ring however at this point both armies were crushed the best option for both was peace Titus me the second signed a document now known as the white gold Concord at a peace treaty of sorts but with very specific terms that were unfavorable to the Empire the Empire initiated the treaty knowing that despite a temporary reversal in fortunes the Aldmeri Dominion were in a position to eventually overwhelm the imperial Empire but did Titus mean you'd have a choice keep fighting and lead his people to death or make peace and let his people live he chose the latter and sighed the white gold concurrent to make peace with the new Aldmeri Dominion the blades would be hunted down and killed leaving the Empire and the Emperor specifically in a weaker state permanently southern Hammerfell was to be handed over to the Dominion which led to a rebellion from Hammerfell and the ultimate denouncing of Hammerfell as part of the Empire the worship of tellus of the god of man and war would be outlawed this is actually a ploy by the found law as in the elder scrolls the less worshipper God receives the less power that God has so out Loring tell us worship would mean fewer people worship him therefore he would have less power and now he cannot protect mankind leaving humanity open for the slaughter just as the Thalmor what this out luring of téllez worship also ultimately led to the forming of the Stormcloaks as the Nords make a stand against the dishonouring of the Emperor's out luring of they God tell us so Titus made the second signing the white dog Concordat created huge fractures in his empire and his own people he was old and not a man to lead the Empire to a stronger position his only salvation was martyrdom but why assassination why couldn't he do something else well if he abdicated and stepped down as Emperor this would create political suspicion and even greater suspicion for the new emperor if he committed suicide he would have been seen as a coward and weaker that his people already thought he was however if he is assassinated he will be seen as resilient and will remain a martyr being a figure so dangerous and such a threat that he had to be assassinated not only would he achieve martyrdom but he would also make way for a new stronger and younger Emperor which does happen as when you joined the Imperial Legion you have to swear to serve emperor Titus may ii however if you've already killed and pro Titus me ii and then you joined the Imperial Legion you have to swear to serve the emperor which means that yes after his death and new emperor takes his place even in Skyrim's timeline so is the idea of amber Titus made of the second organizing his own assassination to achieve martyrdom and ultimately save his empire is that realistic yes yes it is now let's discuss some of the finer details remember how I said I think there was another assassin on the Emperor's ship let's talk about that so inside the ship there is room next to a blacksmith's forge in here we can find a sailor and a penitence oculata guard sleeping on the pet only he's not sleeping at all he's dead and this sailors just happily sharing a room with a dead body he's not doing anything one would do when in a room with a dead body oh yeah and it's not just one dead body as under the bed next to him there is another dead sailor stuffed under the mattress so two dead bodies one sailor and one a guard I think it's 99% likely that this sailor who was alive is a nama assassin as there is also an alchemy table in his room next to which is a potion of extended invisibility who would want to be invisible I don't know maybe an assassin this guy probably snuck onto the ship using such an item and once on the ship either crafted a new one using this alchemy lab or brought more with him once in the disguise he'd used the other invisibility potion sneak up and slay the emperor so why would there be an another assassin on the ship well it's quite likely that motya enlisted the assassination of the emperor with more than just us the dark brotherhood there are two pieces of evidence to back this up firstly when we meet him originally he seems shocked that the black sacrament actually worked by the Almighty divides you've come you've actually come it's dreadful black sacrament thing it worked this could mean that he already hired at least one other assassin as he didn't seem to be solely invested in relying on the dark brotherhood and secondly once the Dunc Brotherhood sanctuary and fell truth has been burned and we return to motya to assure that he wants the contract fulfilled he's shocked that we've survived tight cuts you you're alive but I had heard your sanctuary so if he did think that we were dead what would he do hire another assassin so it is likely that this sailor on the ship is actually another assassin hired by motya to do the job further proving that motya essentially had infinite funds it's almost as if he has the funds of say oh I don't know an emperor now while it would seem that motya is someone seeking the Emperor's assassination for his own political gains remember that jeweled amulet he gave us to cover the costs of assassinating Titus me the second well it's something much more than a jeweled amulet as Delavan Mallory explains ah now you must be lost best you scurry off warrior able the rack way well it has a habit of swallowing acne had invited Delvin the Dark Brotherhood requires your son Oh Oh I say well there now is Astrid doing these days err tell her to stop by sometime well you'd have a drink ketchup GABA we could discuss that later yeah what does the Brotherhood need I brought you this what can you tell me about this amulet let's say we're I where did you get this no don't answer I don't want to know this is an amulet of the Emperor's elder council specially crafted for each member who have a small fortune I'd Saavik you give up lightly look it ain't my business to tell the Dark Brotherhood its business but if you killed a member of the elder council you better believe shush Delvin hush all I need to know is will you buy it buy this an elder council amulet oh yes oh yes indeed so it would appear that motya is actually one of the Emperor's most trusted advisors as he possesses an amulet of the elder council as acquiring an amulet of the elder council is pretty much impossible unless you're on the elder council it would be a million times harder to get your hands on an amulet of the elder council than it would to just get hold of the gold required to cover the costs of Titus meet the seconds assassination therefore the logical conclusion is that motya is in fact giving the player his own personal elder council ambulance now if he is on the elder council and the Emperor dies he won't become emperor so it's unlikely he will gain any more or less power it's more likely that motya was one of emperor Titus means the second most trusted council members and was given the task of organizing the Emperor's assassination at the Emperor's request this actually makes complete sense as when the Emperor is finally killed and you returned him out here and in this he will respond as such haha you're back titusz me the second lies dead my friend you may not realize it but you have served the Empire indeed all of Tamriel in ways you cannot possibly imagine now this again fits 100% into this theory perfectly martyrdom dying Amata making way for a stronger more loved and younger Emperor to rule the Empire and lead it to greater places now as the Emperor quests just before you kill him you can also kill motya so I ask of you a favor an old man's dying wish while there are many who would see me dead there is one who set the Machine in motion this person whomever he or she may be must be punished for the treachery once you've been rewarded for my assassination I want you to kill the very person who ordered it would you do me this kindness well we can't do this and as he dies he says something very interesting but we had a deal is he talking to us or is he talking to the Emperor does the Emperor want revenge for his assassination or does the Emperor want to tie up loose ends with his own complicated political plot an interesting thought now even more interestingly in Matias bodyguard Rex's won't attack you when you kill him despite saying that he was born to protect motya so perhaps Rex's is the true loyal friend of the Emperor and his name has got me very suspicious rexis Rex in Latin means king and us on the end the word in Latin can sometimes mean new rexis new king how creepy is that although that example is rare more commonly us as a suffix means mass Gillan so Rex us a manly King or you know a stronger more dominant and fit King will replace Titus me the second it's a very suspicious name you have their breakfast especially for a character involved with an emperors assassination especially when its woven in with this even more suspicious self regicide all conspiracy rexis I got my eye on you now once you actually do get around to picking up your reward for killing emperor Titus meet the second it will be twenty thousand gold again it's almost as if motya had the funding of the Emperor so in conclusion and pro Titus made the second realizes he won't live long enough to see the next great war which is undoubtedly coming as the thelma won't rest until all of mankind has been eradicated and even if he does live to see the next great war his tainted reputation washes away any chance of people rallying behind him he can't commit suicide or the Empire would seem weaker than ever he can't abdicate because of the unmeasurable political suspicion this would create so he needs another way and the plots unfolds the emperor Titus me the second he's coming to Skyrim then he cancels his journey because it's too dangerous now remember that it's too dangerous before anyone's killed so then his cousin Victoria vici is assassinated at her own wedding in solitude so what does the Emperor do he travels to solitude the very city where his cousin was killed then the Emperor is assassinated by some of my famous bad cooking but ha it turns out that this was the emperor's body double and the real emperor has been saved thank the Divine's not tell us though cause he outlawed at the prick Wow good thing the emperor dodged that bullet so if there's one place the Emperor would never go now its solitude and what does the real emperor do now that his cousin has been assassinated solitude and his body double has been assassinated in solitude that's right emperor Titus me the second makes the worst move possible and heads straight to solitude hmm it's almost as if he wants to be assassinated it's almost as if he knew he needed to be assassinated he rocks up in solitude well with minimal security then when you meet him he's reading a book about the Dark Brotherhood yes that's right the Brothers of darkness the Dark Brotherhood book the emperor was reading it when you rocked up into his chambers to kill him out of all the books in Skyrim that's the one he was reading hmm hmm a little bit suspicious he says that he's been waiting for you then he literally just turns around looks out the window while we assassinate him could this guy be any more helpful again it's almost as if he wanted to be assassinated it's almost as if he knew that he needed to be assassinated it's almost as if he set up his own assassination all the puzzle pieces fit there's no denying that at this point it's just a matter of plot taste now I do hope that you have enjoyed this seemingly crazy theory that actually makes a hell of a lot of sense equally so I do hope that you have learned something new about the beautifully man universe that these wonderful games take place in the elder scrolls but most importantly of all what do you think happened do you think and pro Titus me ii organised his own assassination whatever your thoughts are leave them down below with an explanation so that we can discuss this theory together if you do have any information facts evidence speculation theories or anything to do with this very interesting political plots be sure to leave a comment down below if you do have any ideas for something that you think I should cover in an Elder Scrolls detective series video be sure to let me know I'll look into whatever strange and wonderful topics you present if you enjoyed this video please do me a kindness and leave a like and share it with your friends drop some knowledge on them leave a comment down below with your elder scrolls detective ideas and your thoughts on emperor Titus me ii and of course if you enjoyed this video and want to see more videos similar to this one please subscribe it helps me know that people enjoy these kind of videos and in the long run will result in more of them when you subscribe it be sure to click the little bell icon next to the subscribe button right here on youtube so that you are notified when new Elder Scrolls detector videos are uploaded now links to my other elder scrolls detective videos can be found down in the description along with links to my social media be sure to follow me on twitter and on instagram and if you would like to support the channel in a more personal way you can become a patron on patreon as I'm sure you know all of my time and energy goes into making these videos that I create for you to enjoy so your support is most appreciated and welcomed in any and all forms feel free to check out the playlist on-screen thank you for watching thank you for supporting the channel and I'll see you very shortly in the next video I'll see you there soon [Music]
Channel: Camelworks
Views: 835,664
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: emperor, titus, mede, II, second, Septim, imperial, empire, legion, king, kill, call, hit, assassinate, dark, brotherhood, elder, scrolls, VI, scrolls V, one, two, three, four, five, six, arena, daggerfall, morrowind, oblivion, skyrim, bethesda, studios, softworks, secrets, mysteries, detective, hidden, legends, stories, theories, top, 10, list, most, interesting, facts, best, weapons, easter, eggs, unique, camel, works, camelworks, mackenzie, rowles, eso, tes, online, crazy, lore, canon, race, tales, locations, confirmed, himself, plan, hail, sithis
Id: tvDCtFZn40g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 9sec (2049 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 01 2018
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