Who Has The Dark Brotherhood Contract On Them In The Abandoned Shack? - Elder Scrolls Detective

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The correct answer, to save you wasting your time on useless videos: It doesn't matter. None of them have a contract, or all of them have a contract, it doesn't matter because no matter what you do i's all the same. None of these NPCs have any connection to anyone else in the game.

There is no right answer, there is no wrong answer.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 18 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Snifflebeard πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 20 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Oh i know the answer!

Stands to the side and unleashes YOL TOOR on all 3

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/RobertLBurr πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 20 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

If you’re playing as a β€œgood” character you can kill Astrid instead. Although doing this I believe will not allow you to join the Dark Brotherhood.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 20 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

What I want to know is who put a hit out on poor Narfi.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/wykkedfaery33 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 20 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Just kill Astrid, close enough.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Johnsonwilliam977 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 20 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Clairvoyance spell points to the one who needs to die... haven't watched the video, does he mention that?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/AccurateSpite πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 20 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

As far as I'm concerned (and most of my characters), Astrid is the only person in that room that's committed a crime...she kidnapped 4 people. So when she makes the mistake of telling me I'm not leaving until "someone" dies...well, guess what bitch...that someone is YOU.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/kg4nbx πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 20 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
[Music] [Music] welcome back ladies and gentlemen my name is camel but more excitingly welcome back to the elderscrolls detective series a series in which we investigate curate speculate hypothesize theorize and quite often simply highlight and discuss mysterious interesting and hidden things that can be found within the Elder Scrolls games today we will delve deep into a question that I'm certain we have all pondered at one point or another in fact I know we all have and I do believe I have found the answer the true definitive answer even though it might not be correct it is correct which makes no sense but it will in time now to come to educated conclusions in regards to the questions that we'll be asking and answering in this video will need to be equipped with some law on the Dark Brotherhood the beloved yet infamous guild of assassins primarily we'll need to know where it is currently at and how its functioning so to start sadly after the events of the Elder Scrolls for oblivion the fate of the Dark Brotherhood was very unfortunate while 200 years before Skyrim it definitely still had its tribulations there were still multiple functioning sanctuaries across Tamriel this changed though 30 years before the events of the elderscrolls v Skyrim in the fourth era near 171 this is when the Great War began the war which saw half of Tamriel torn asunder the war between the Empire and the Aldmeri Dominion now while wars are costly in general during the Great War the dark brotherhood became a secondary target for both major political parties when hammerfell was conquered by the Aldmeri Dominion the dark Brotherhood's presence in the province was eliminated wounding the dark Brotherhood's reach reputation power and influence across all of Tamra soon worse things followed the shadow scale training facility on Archon was abandoned in Black Marsh cutting away the ancient tradition from the Dark Brotherhood which lessened the income of new recruits and soon saw the shadow scale art die outs this led to chaos and conflict internally as the ruling body of the Dark Brotherhood the black hand was divided leading to a lack of direction in already trying times hamstringing the faction further soon the broom a sanctuary in Serie Dell fell leaving almost no survivors losing yet another foothold the trade city of way rest in High Rock was raided by Corsairs seeing the sanctuary there destroyed the remaining black hand shut down the Corinth sanctuary in elsewhere and moved its remaining members to bolster the crucial serie daily core of the faction the political and social tension in the Empire led to a massive raging gang war in the city of Breville in Serie Dell leading to more Dark Brotherhood member deaths within the city and more horrifyingly it saw the destruction of the knight mother's crypt luckily a sole survivor fled with her stone coffin to the city of Shaitan Hall but soon enough the only surviving member of the faction in Seattle was a man named Cicero who dragged the night mother's corpse across Tamriel to the last known surviving sanctuary in the pine forest hold of Skyrim Phalke wreath and now with this shattered faction we can start our journey so the first time we come to the capital city of the whole of Easter march in Skyrim Windhelm will begin to hear dark rumors it's no secret the aeroccino boys doing some ritual trying to cool the dark brotherhood it was going to stop him me have no part of that if we head into the city itself to hunt down this child we will only find that the rumors are true as we enter the house we will find a child performing the black sacrament he will mistake us for a dark brotherhood member and ask us to kill the matron of the orphanage which he escapes from in Riften it worked I just know it I did the black sacrament over and over with the body in the things and then you came in assassin from the Dark Brotherhood my mother she she died I know the woman now so they sent me to a terrible orphanage in Riften our hall the headmistress is an evil cruel woman they call a crowd the kind but she's not kind she's terrible to all of us so I ran away and came home and performed the black sacrament now you're here and you could kill growl on the kind now if we travel across country south into the verdant autonomous forests of the rift and make our way to the city of Rifton near the castle we'll find the very place we were looking for Leon a whole orphanage inside we can find this grelod the client being a right crooner and one more thing I will hear no more talk of adoptions none of you riffraff is getting adopted ever nobody needs you nobody wants you that my darlings is why you're here why you will always be here until the day you come of age and get thrown into that wide horrible world of course when when no one's looking we will drive an arrow through her skull and listen to all of the happy children cheer and praise now the deed has been done we'll head back to the frozen stone citadel of Windhelm and collect on our contract save me sure just like I promised this should fetch you a nice price thank you thank you again ah now that that's done we can get on with our lives well not actually because in the coming days this will happen let's see yeah got this note who's this from don't know creepy fella black robe couldn't see his face paid me a pretty sum to get that into your hands though will receive a mysterious note that simply has a black hand and says we know but what's more interesting than this is the next time we sleep we will have quite the journey ahead of us and a major question to answer sleep well yes I did thank you and I have woken up with strangers before but this is different where am I and who are you does it matter you're warm dry and still very much alive that's more than can be said for old grelod oh how do you know about that half of Skyrim knows old hag gets butchered in her own orphanage things like that tend to get around oh but don't misunderstand I'm not criticising it was a good kill old crone had it coming and you saved a group of urgence to boot but there is a slight problem a problem I can't imagine what you're talking about this situations entirely normal you see that little Erik Tino boy was looking for the Dark Brotherhood for me and my associates grelod the kind was by all rights a Dark Brotherhood contract a kill that you stole a kill you must repay you owe me to kill someone else who cuz at the moment I'm just looking at you you smarmy well now funny you should ask if you turn around you'll notice my guests I've collected them from well that's not really important the here and now that's what matters you see there's a contract out on one of them and that person can't leave this room alive but which one go on see if you can figure it out make your choice make your kill I just want to observe and admire my lips are sipped for added mystery map I'd like to take your silence as acceptance then you know where we stand make your kill and we're square repayment of your debt is but a discreet knife thrust away so now we will be faced with the very question that has left me infrequently sleepless since I first played Skyrim all those years ago who has the dark brotherhood contract on them which person in this cabin is the correct person to kill to fulfill the wish of accurately determining has been officially sentenced to death via the black sacrament and the Dark Brotherhood the anticipation is killing me can you figure out who has the contract which one will you choose now before we get started regardless of who we do kill whether we kill one of them two of them or all three of them Astrid will never reveal who the correct choice was oh no no no don't you understand guilt innocence right wrong irrelevant what matters is I ordered you to kill someone and you obeyed so we never actually find out that's why we're here now so let's start with the whimpering Nord on the left I can hear you talking out there please let me go I've done nothing to you who are you my name is full-time I'm a soldier well mercenary really you know a South Sword I've lived in Skyrim all my life that's all I'm a nobody really so can't you just let me go would someone pay to have you killed what oh god I don't want to die oh my god just answer the question Oh ty wait I I don't know I mean I'm a soldier I've killed people when I was ordered to maybe there was sometimes sometimes I got carried away but war is war right nobody could blame me for that good day yeah yeah they could what did I do please whatever it is I'm sorry so full time is a mercenary who a self-admittedly has gone a bit too far during some of his work and might have just picked up a few vendetta's along the way at face value sure someone could want to have him killed but I went a little bit further and I have spoken about this before in my video about full time the hidden blade it's pretty interesting and you can check that out maybe you want but yes you heard right not many characters in Skyrim share the same name especially first names but in this case there is another character with this name full time but instead of in this cabin he is in the heart of the hold of the pale in the night gate in in which we can talk to the barkeep do you get a lot of business no not so much the odd traveler on the road but mostly just old full time come to drink away a lifetime of bad memories wager so there's a guy named full time who is here to drink away a lifetime of bad memories the beds and B are both lousy you ask me you see any other Inns around here where else would I go to drink sure walk away I wasn't talking or anything the interesting thing about him is that he carries a blades sword his harrowing past and the sword suggests that full time here is in fact a blades member in hiding of course as when the Great War ended with the signing of the white gold Concordat the blades were outlawed hunted down and killed by the Aldmeri Dominion so for someone to publicly wear a blade sword means they are really connected to it as it is literally a death sentence to be seen with it likely why full-time here lives in the middle of absolutely nowhere now the reason this is important is that this mercenary in the cabin full-time could have used his name as an alias knowing that there was this great blade warrior called full time so he used this name to give himself an alias that had some weight to it people would be more inclined to hire him if they thought he was a great warrior and war hero now if this theory is true someone could have put a contract on the actual blades war hero full-time in the night gate in but then the Dark Brotherhood got the wrong guy and picked up this mercenary who was posing as the real fulltone to get more money and clients while that theory may or may not be true it is important to lay out all the information and possibilities given that these three characters in the cabin have absolutely no backstory next in the middle we have the nord woman called a lair Quintus things off of me cowards stealing a woman from her home for shame who exactly are you none of your damn business who I am if you're going to kill me just do it already as Mara is my witness if I didn't have this hood on right now I would fit right in your faith would someone pay to have you killed excuse me what kind of question is that Oh God's sake just tell me what I need to know I'm a woman living in Skyrim with six children and no husband I don't have the time or the patience to be nice do some people look down on me have I made some enemies you're damn right I don't have time for this nonsense I've got a home to keep in children to feed now look let me out of here okay so at face value she seems pretty aggressive but not in a in a harmful way she seems like she'll give you a strict bedtime but I'm not getting this woman must be killed vibes now she does mention that she lives in Skyrim with six children now I went through all of Skyrim every city every town every village she went through the game files I went through the wikis I went through the Imperial library and there is not a single sign of this woman ever existing there's no house there's no family no children no husband nothing so sadly we really can't piece together anything for her and can only work with what she's told us which again she really doesn't come off as someone who would have a contract put on her sure she might be a strict mother but given the context of the situation and I'm pretty sure she's innocent next we have the Khajiit of Varsha whoever this is clearly we got off on the wrong foot but no worries this is not the first time I have been bagged and dragged come now whatever the problem we can talk about it like civilized folk who are you ah Varsha at your service of dinner of goods taker of lives and Defiler of daughters have you not heard of me perhaps I will have my people carve my name in your corpse as a reminder would someone pay to have you killed me you're serious answer the question your furry dope will paint this room with your pussycat blood don't you get it I live in the shadow of death every day and I fin every doorway a not arrow on every rooftop if one of my enemies would not pay to have me killed I will take it as a personal insult tell you what you release me and I promise my associates will not cut you down like an animal and butcher you in this state it is a win-win hello hello I know you're listening No so at face value the Khajiit captive of Varsha purely on gut instinct and first impressions is definitely the most likely candidate he's arrogant and admits to being a man of crime deceit Defiler of daughters acquirer of objects he's an all-round hateable and very killable character so again at face value and first impressions I'm sure all of our gut feelings save Varsha is the one with the contract on his head and if not he's just the one that we want to kill the most now Kuh sheets are well known for being wily untrustworthy and all-around vagabonds walking in circles that often break the law and tread in shadows that often lead to mischief waha appears to be an arrogant exaggeration of the stereotype of his race but despite all of this and his claims of grandeur and his people there are absolutely no signs of his character existing outside of this cabin just like the other two there's no gangs there's no journals there's no factions no dialogue mentions nothing so all we do have to go off is what he says to us however there is something interesting hidden in plain sight his name of Asha is unknown in the Khajiit language it's a very obscure name and one we have not seen before for his kind Vasa does however mean gone or dead in a Leah dune the language of the ayleid so his name literally means dead it's very suspicious given the current circumstances it might be a hint that this guy was in fact the one the contract was on or that he's the one Bethesda Game Studios thought and most people would kill and I think that would be right and while we're on the topic of his name and its obscurity within the Khajiit culture Varsha is eerily similar and equally obscure as the name Russia much like Varsha Russia is a name not seen in Khajiit culture either but there was a very important and prominent member of the Dark Brotherhood who was a Khajiit named Russia Russia was the last leader of the Shailene whole sanctuary and the last remaining member of the Black Hand following the Great War and the complete downfall of the Dark Brotherhood that we spoke of earlier now with the death of the last listener the Dark Brotherhood was unable to communicate with the night mother the already shattered faction was demoralized and left in the dark ironically in an attempt to bolster confidence and hope within the Dark Brotherhood this keshite leader Russia lied and claimed that he had been chosen as the new listener however after being unable to confirm the words that the night mother teaches all listeners which is confirmed by all keepers Russia was killed for sacrilegious acts by the remaining members of the Dark Brotherhood now while Russia did act with a noble purpose ultimately he lied and betrayed sacred rites so varsha here in the cabin might just be a nod or a spiritual successor and embodiment of the kiss sheet that we just spoke of Russia of course while that may or may not be true both of those names are very odd and unfamiliar yet very similar both belonging to male Khajiit within and negative context of dark brotherhood interactions it's very suspicious and curious indeed now the only other information we can get on these three is if we kill them when we kill full-time Astrid will say this ohh-ho-ho the whimpering Nord a yes yes I can see how you'd come to that conclusion interesting choice when we kill a lair Astrid will say this ah the feisty good wife quite the mouth on her someone must have wanted her dead right and when we kill Basha Astrid will say this the conniving Khajiit cat like that was sure to have enemies it's no wonder you chose him so overall we really don't have much to work with to choose between these three who dies who has the contract on them we really do have to decide at face value how we perceive them from the limited dialogue they present which to be honest is pretty stupid given that throughout the dark brotherhood quest line we assassinate a number of kind and seemingly innocent people none of which we would have any reason to believe that someone would want them killed so being asked to figure out who has a contract on them based on their personality and limited insight in a hostage situation it seems asinine it's almost as if this is more of a game for Astrid and a game that I had figured out how to win what if I told you that I don't think any of these three have a contract on their heads as there is another person in the room that we can kill Astrid that's right if we so choose we can spare the other three captives turn around and slay Astrid admittedly it would be a very tough fight but get this when we deliver the final blow she will save this with her dying breath well done well done for what she asked us to figure out which person in the cabin had the contract on their head and to kill them then we kill her and she says well done what does that mean was she simply congratulating us on our ability to do something unpredictable and take down the leader of the Assassin's Guild the dark brotherhood or was she congratulating us on figuring out who had the contract and killing the right person her does that mean Astrid has the contract on her head is that even possible would that even be allowed hmm well traditionally the dark brotherhood lives by the five tenets which is quite hard to read on these stone tablets lining the walls of the sanctuaries luckily there is this handy book that we can read instead tenets one never dishonor the night mother to do so is to invoke the wrath of Sethos tenets to never betray the dark brotherhood or its secrets to do so is to invoke the wrath of sitters ten and three never disobey or refuse to carry out an order from a dark brotherhood superior to do so is to invoke the wrath of sitters tenant for never steal the possessions of a darker brother or dark sister to do so is to invoke the wrath of sitters and tenant five never kill a dark brother or dark sister to do so is to invoke wrath of surface so there it is number five ten and number five and never kill a dark brother or dark sister but what if this conflicts with ten at three never disobey or refuse to carry out an order from a dark brotherhood superior well as we see in the Elder Scrolls four Oblivion's Dark Brotherhood quest line when the purification ritual is performed it seems that killing a dark brother or dark sister is allowed under the right circumstances of course those being that it was the orders of a superior within the faction so technically on this front I suppose that it would be possible for Astra do have a contract against her but even if this were the case as Astrid herself says used to be the dark brotherhood was bound by five tenets but we stopped following those years ago all those rules all that discipline and look where the Dark Brotherhood ended up with the last of our kind and we live the way we see fit bottom line respect your family do that and everything else will fall into place the modern tiny remaining sliver of the Dark Brotherhood in fact great sanctuary don't follow the tenets so strictly anymore but it's also important to know where do contracts actually come from well Astrid has the answer for this - they used to come from the night mother potential clients would perform the black sacrament as she would hear their prayers the night mother would communicate this to the listener who would then dispatch a speaker to arrange the contract with the client but that was a long time ago there hasn't been a listener in years not since Cyrodiil was overrun in the war with the Thalmor but people don't know that so they still perform the ritual and we eventually hear about it when someone wants us we find out so traditionally someone would perform the black sacraments the night mother would hear their prayers she would pass this on to the listener who would tell a speaker the speaker would then pass on the contract to one of the assassins but since the last listener was lost no one can communicate with the night mother so now they rely on word of mouth now this is important because it creates a great catch with the night mother not being in the sanctuary they're also being no listener and Valkyrie sanctuary being the only functioning remnant of the dark brotherhood who accepts the contracts the head of the faction does and who is that Astrid so would Astrid have accepted a contract against herself would she do that no I wholeheartedly believe that she would not the only outcome of such a thing would be either her death or the death of someone from her Falkor sanctuary those who she considers her family it would be absolutely pointless and serve and no purpose now it is possible that someone performed the black sacrament against Astrid if this were the case the knight mother would have heard it but even if this did happen would the night mother accept a contract against Astrid I definitely do not believe so and just for hypotheticals even if the knight mother did accept a contract against Astrid Astrid would not know about it as that night brother has been silence since she lost her last listener so there would actually be no way of asked for it knowing if such a contract against her existed which I don't believe it does I have no reason to believe that now they could be a strange case in which someone performs the black sacrament against Astrid and she heard about it by a rumor as they do now which would mean that she did have the ritual performed in the name of her death and if that was the case whether she accepted it or not she could have just kept it to herself so if this is the case which it definitely is not when we kill her she could be saying well done because in a sense we figured it out or at the very least we killed the right person her but who would want ask for dead and even if someone did want her dead why perform the black sacrament that seems asinine considering Astrid is the head of the faction they'd be hiring well the only unexplained black sacrament ritual that we can find in Skyrim is found in Riften inside the black bear Manor down in the basement behind a master level locked door inside this room we can find the black sacrament ritual but along with the required items there is also a note on the ground a letter to the Brotherhood Astrid I thought your people were supposed to be reliable I performed the black sacrament I've paid the proper penance and I've waited patiently for results if you can't handle a simple assassination I'll find someone who can I want this contract handled and I want it handled immediately signed maven black Bram now given that this letter is addressed to Astrid I'm gonna make a very clean educated guess and say that this unfulfilled black sacrament contract was not on Astra herself however maven may have performed the ritual in Astra's name as a kind of up you to your crummy faction that doesn't fulfill its contracts all of this seems very unlikely but it is possible so did Astrid have a contract on her was she the target in the room I truly don't think so I believe her line of well done is there as acknowledgment of our prowess in defeating the dark Brotherhood's leader while it's not as juicy in my eyes it's the more likely option Astrid was not the target so where does this leave us while technically and theoretically any one of these people in the room could have a contract on the head I cannot prove that fulltime had the contract on it I cannot prove that aleja has the contract on her I cannot prove that Varsha has the contract on him and I can not prove that Astrid has the contract on her however I do know the answer as there is another guest in the cabin hey you finally awake that's right you me us to play a character the Dragonborn plot twists now at the start of the game we the player character the Dragonborn have been captured by an imperial ambush as we were trying to escape Skyrim Skyrim the only place with a functioning Dark Brotherhood sanctuary we were trying to escape it into Hammerfell now why would we be escaping into Hammerfell well remember the start of the video Hammerfell the province in which the Dark Brotherhood lost all influence first Hammerfell the safest province to be in if you have a Dark Brotherhood contract on your head hammerfell the place where the zealots of Sethos do not tread in the shadows maybe it's so maybe it's not but the glove fits very nicely and don't worry there is a matching glove as soon as we escape Helgen again at the very start of the game before we've had a chance to do anything other than run away from Alduin we can experience a very specific random encounter a Dark Brotherhood assassin we'll be on the road waiting for us not just passing by not there to greet us into the family but to kill us now as I have already mentioned but it is very important this can occur at any point in the game prior to joining the faction the Dark Brotherhood so why would a Dark Brotherhood member want to kill us because we have a dark brotherhood contract against our name now if we're so lucky as to defeat this assassin on their corpse we'll find something very interesting as instructed you are to eliminate Kamel by any means necessary the black sacrament has been performed somebody wants this poor fool dead we've already received payment for the contract failure is not an option signed Astrid you see that it's an official Dark Brotherhood contract against us the player-character the Dragonborn which was active before we even turned the game on from the get-go we have a contract on our head this is not a theory it is an undeniable fact as proven with this random encounter so in the cabin who has the contract on their head it's not full-time it's not a lair is not Varsha and it's not Astrid it's us we are both the solver of the riddle and the answer to the riddle because of this funnily the only way to actually succeed in fulfilling asteroids request in figuring out and killing who has the contract on their head would be to kill ourselves I'm not gonna do that now while I can not prove that any of these other people have contracts on their heads I also can't disprove it so one of them two of them three of them or all of them could have contracts on them but the only person that I can prove definitely 100% has a dark brotherhood contract on their head who's standing in the cabin is you it's me it's the Dragonborn now this begs the question who wanted us dead straight away the natural course of thought is well the Dragonborn is a very powerful and potentially dangerous person many people and even factions could see us as a great threat and wish to take us out this would make sense but it doesn't work at all because we have the contract on our head from the get-go from a point in the game before we are discovered or revealed to be the Dragonborn no one knows where the dragon born at this point at the point when we have the contract no one knows who we are in regards to prophecy and power at this point in the game so us being the dragon born as motive for someone to try and assassinate us is irrelevant at this point so someone would need a catalyst for wanting us dead but sadly trying to conjure a plausible answer to that query is simply impossible as the ambiguity of the player characters past is key in creating your own Dragonborn but as with asteroids investigation there is one black sacrament ritual in the black bear Manor with an unknown target is it possible that this was for us is that why maven was displeased with the dark brotherhood because they had been unable to hunt us down and take us out it's possible but there's no damning evidence for it also later on in the game when we meet with maven she does not recognize us or reference wanting us dead or referencing once wanting us dead so I wouldn't put money on it being maven now on the note of recognition or lack thereof Astrid accepted and signed a contract against us name and all yet never once mentions it to us it seems a bit strange but this action itself could very well be a power play it's likely she saw us as a much more valuable asset to be kept alive and used for the Dark Brotherhood rather than fulfilling some random contracts and killing us that might sound a bit weird but we have actually seen an example of this before in the Elder Scrolls for oblivion as in the shade and Hall sanctuary there is an active Bosma assassin in the dark brotherhood named tell angel if we speak to her and ask her about lucian LaChance she will say this actually Lucien did not try to recruit me not at first he tried to kill me my father wanted me dead and he hired the Dark Brotherhood to do it I escaped from Lucien and paid my father back for his treachery Lucien came to me again that night with an offer I just couldn't refuse despite her having a contract against her Lucien LaChance rather than fulfilling the contract and killing her recruited her into the Dark Brotherhood it seems that if you give citizen other-- life in place of your own and have value to the faction the Dark Brotherhood will see your contract removed as the life debt has been paid now this raises the very curious thought if astrid brought us to the cabin in the woods to kill one of these three captives but not to repay the debt of killing old grelod in the orphanage but instead astrid brought us here to kill one of these three random people to pay off our own life debt by killing another she disguised it ever so cleverly but in reality it's all a setup to unbind us from our contract as so she can recruit us into the guild the dark brotherhood and while admittedly that's just a theory I came up with it's a pretty damn strong one and it's a concept that we have seen performed before with Lucy and the chance and tulane drill but to get back to the crux of it all we were the one with a contract on our heads in the cabin all we had to do was look inwards to solve the puzzle like so many puzzles we faced so I do hope that you have enjoyed the journey and the discovery of the true workings and mysteries of the cabin contract but I am very interested to hear your thoughts on these theories or on any theories and details that I've missed do you think the contract was on us I mean that's undeniable did one of the three captives have the contract did astrid have it perhaps it was all of them or perhaps it was just a sick game to amuse astrid did the mother accept a contract against her did may even put the contract on us did may even put the contract on Astrid why did we have a contract on us did Astrid bring us here to pay off our own life debt so that we could be recruited such questions are all in a day's work when it comes to investigating the Elder Scrolls series and its many strange stories so I do hope that you have learned something new about the beautifully mad universe that these wonderful games take place in the elder scrolls and if you do have any information facts evidence speculation theories or anything to do with what we have investigated here today be sure to leave a comment down below I'd love to hear what you have to say if you do have any ideas for something that should be covered in the elder scrolls detective series be sure to let me know down below I'll look into whatever strange and wonderful topics you presents and if you did enjoy this video please do me a kindness and leave a like it's a simple way of supporting the content be sure to leave a comment with your Elder Scrolls detective ideas and your thoughts on the dark sister Astrid and the conundrum of the cavern and the contract and of course if you enjoyed this video and you want to see more videos similar to this one please subscribe it helps me know that people enjoy these kind of videos and will result in more of them in the long run be sure to click on the little bell icon next to the subscribe button right here on youtube so that you are notified when new Elder Scrolls detective videos are uploaded my other Elder Scrolls detective video links can be found down in the description down there are also links to all of my social media be sure to follow me on Instagram and Twitter and if you would like to support the channel in a more personal way you can become a patron on patreon or a sponsor of the channel right here on YouTube with that joined button as I'm sure you know all of my time and energy goes into making these videos that I create for you to enjoy so your support is most genuinely appreciated and welcomed in any and all forms so thank you very much for watching thank you for supporting the channel I've been Kamel and I will see you very shortly in the next I'll see you there soon you
Channel: Camelworks
Views: 1,701,443
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: elder, scrolls, scrolls V, three, four, five, six, arena, daggerfall, morrowind, oblivion, skyrim, bethesda, studios, softworks, secrets, mysteries, detective, hidden, legends, stories, theories, top, 10, list, most, interesting, facts, best, weapons, easter, eggs, unique, camel, works, camelworks, mackenzie, rowles, eso, tes, online, lore, canon, race, tales, locations, dragonborn, shouts, dark, brotherhood, kill, contract, black, sacrament, astrid, Alea, Quintus, Vasha, Abandoned, shack, cabin, which, one, who, was, meant, Fultheim, friends, like, these, with
Id: u5y4gp-agqI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 32sec (2492 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 17 2019
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