Enshrouded Super Hidden Lore

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hang on a minute I see something glowing ah yes now this is something new 100% is it the dragon is it something else what is it it is what and welcome back to some orange routed right so I've done a little bit work on the side of the mountain not too much but it is something at least the idea is that I'm going to fill up this place with a few houses maybe I mean we will see right now now it's just loads of emptiness but we will see what I can do now I do also want to make a tiny little hobbit Village since I do have technically three Hobbit houses here now if I just carve out a path like maybe between these things I mean I could just make a tunnel that I could and then I could have a hobbit Village here a mini Shire so to speak we we will see and also tested that the little trick of hang on let's say if you need luminescent uh blocks that you can just turn it back up and then like so and then you have infinite materials that works for well anything that you can place on the ground basically out of the ground blocks and then you can just mine them now this has been known for quite some time but it still works that is fantastic but we are still in the search for Excalibur and lore in yesterday's video I did search a lot in a Kindle waste but H I am still not closer to finding ex Excalibur see did I searched Sapphire strand did I I mean I've been through there a couple of times might just give it another go because I also need to find a note with the Pillars of Creation I feel like I'm missing something I'm not sure exactly what as an example what is there anything down this hole that's a bird let's see eggs yeah okay move away I need a let's see anything down here oh maybe I haven't been here I mean chances are that I have yeah now hang on a minute if I go in here I just find loads of sulfur yeah legendary chest and sulfur with level 23 stuff sure now someone have recommended the Haw boots - 700 stamina regeneration delay H I'm I'm not entirely sure but they did say something in the update oh come on ow right okay nothing down here at least that I can see right I could there be more eggs up there no eggs here e yeah okay off to Sapphire strand we go okay now I do Wonder there was a thing IG down here a hidden chest and a bird oh Bird's Galore okay stop strafing yes at least the wand still works okay back to digging where's the chest there we go it's extinguish how I changed to look of this thing well I have a couple of that in legendary it is level 23 okay uh oh eggs nice I you need eggs okay this way anything down here no just some tweaks right okay this place does this have anything at all a legendary chest in here level 23 I mean sure doesn't look like there's much more in here and enemy uh chest what do we have here Shield of light sure now I do believe that is the highest level Shi Shield I do want some legendary shields I've gotten some but they're low level okay I find it a little bit strange yeah they'll probably add something in the future okay so nothing in at this place what about over uh nothing under the bridge that's fine anything at all that looks a little bit strange there actually is a little bit behind here but I presume that there is no lore I think that the lore has been placed manually at least I hope so anything on the top of this thing now another legendary chest H it's a little bit copy pasty but that is fine what we searching for his lore there's still a couple of buildings here I mean this does look suspicious and yet again I forgot to bring bombs uh nothing here eh okay all right then DG double hit and then block double hit and then block and then double hit and then block I mean these are also very good for plant fiber very good indeed plant fiber for days yeah again just place down a flame alter outside of this thing and do a little bit of relo action and 35 plant fiber nothing here might as well loot hang on eggs these things Drop Eggs you say oh is this something what if I hit it with an arrow no okay I what is this wait a minute is that something it looks like something maybe not this just a tough wall yeah definitely explosions next time and know I can get in there from this side uh chest yeah and in here there is nothing n there should be something upstairs right and maybe I can go in from the top parkour parkour no not from the top either you say okay that's a little bit weird of a door hang on so I haven't been down here well I can teleport in here there is loot in here but oh and also a bed but nothing okay now the question is can I get out yes I can nice okay let's travel this way a little bit oh eggs yes a little bit more eggs let's see anything underneath here because now technically we are at Pillars of Creation and I do see bomch oh not even close there we go explosions okay nothing up here H what up there chicken there we go that's a tough chicken what three hits excuse me uh nothing up here but there are some explosions there some weird shapes down in the shoud but yeah okay so there's a lot of stuff around here okay now I'm just thinking there is a little bit of um Dragon Bone or ancient bones or here could I have added a not to the Dragon Sword here perhaps even in that flame Shrine guess who we'll see nothing down here eh oh no okay now it is getting real dark so dark that I can barely see but again it might work in my favor let's use one of these I am getting attacked by a lion and just a two hitter yeah here we have some zombies didn't I use one I didn't uh did I see something here chicken there is a note here what was this Uka encounter not what I was searching for now and another note here with Raa Conway brothers h oh no notes here let's see there's a lot of shine over there cave passage and catacombs but I kind of want to make it day so let's travel up again you see a tiny little house down there could be something maybe I don't think so but let's give it a go anything rats yeah get some potions that is fine fine just fine what about inside me no then again loads more plant fiber and nothing at the top either I don't think there's anything dug down here this is just Sage yeah Sage oh I've been at that place too okay before I start going down can that's the cat okay am I going to be safe here maybe one second okay there we go I know that I don't have to save whenever I uh I leave since I'm not streaming if it's the cat it could be the baby it could be loads of stuff okay what was I doing here I was going to search some buildings right I was headed somewhere uh this way maybe let's see there is something over here that's the cave passage uh what is that that looks like something that definitely looks like something it's not on the map now I've been here before Oh that sounded like a lot of bats now there's probably something hidden in one of these Graves like this one looks a little bit suspicious and desecrating a grave okay scratch that uh let's see I do hear a lot of bats that sounds like a lot of lot of bats hang on like a show yes okay bats oh there we go it was just two H okay that's some loud bats uh again why is this not on the map I find it suspicious anything in here now that looks a little bit strange right now hang on this thing this looks like something right yeah that has to be something okay disag grading a grave and there's a chest come on going to kill a bat and smack yes now what could be down here and experience Scrolls and clean bandage I mean yeah sure again I think it should be something more fancy but yeah at least it was something loads of bats in this area eh and a double splush some water don't mind if I do okay onto the main building now hang on yeah I remember this place that I do let's see I might as well use one of these things I was down here whenever my headset got [ __ ] up but it is the hollow so maybe they've done something who knows that bastard okay yeah yeah come on anything at all okay nothing here uh big chest I think this is just random loot yeah yeah Mystic chest sure sure thing I'm curious about the vanity system if that's just going to be like random clothing I am hoping for transmog ification and maybe a way to upgrade uh armor oh you bastard oh oh okay hang on a minute I see something glowing ah yes now this is something new 100% is it the dragon is it something else what is it it is what more Hollow stuff huh Hollow a Brother's confession my confession I confess that I failed my brother when he needed me most he was never well but something made him worse suddenly he tried to claw my eyes out he refused to eat said mom's soup was cold as eyes and shattered the bowl I think it was a cry for help he'd vanish for days and when he finally reappeared in our bedroom in the dead of night he awoke me with a whisper in my new home it it's kill or be killed I'll be strong for you a somber voice calls to me someone something wants to Snuff me out to eat me up to steal my face and name it wants to set me free daed I asked what he meant but he simply whispered go back to sleep and I I did okay what I can't go further down that's the last I saw of my brother Alden now what the hell lore hello a Brother's confession huh again what the hell there's there's loads of hidden lore and because I've discovered everything else could there be maybe that's just show the location yeah I mean that kind of makes sense because we get into Pillars of Creation here and then you might move upwards here then and there's another path underneath here this leads this way and up that way okay I'm I'm not sure well we found something not still not the stuff that I'm looking for but something nonetheless uh I mean this is in fact a little bit uh strange come on can I get up here uh I mean it is close yeah but there's nothing up there H okay curiouser and curiouser so there's more lure that is not on the lure map this is fairly really close to the hollow Halls right and the catacombs that's where I was some time ago not the catacombs that is also Hollow stuff H okay so there can be lore in places that are not even marked on the map a quick look around this place this is the trapo might as well go down here one of these bastards eh now I don't think you can actually get the Scythe from these uh people but and was a little bit close but yeah it worked I mean might as well use another one KN yeah more Hollow okay so this place has become more dangerous what is that that is glow dust right let's see wasn't there any explosions behind here yes there was explosions nothing more really uh okay okay so we found something ah Jesus but what does it mean I mean presumably there should be a note for every Hollow Holston because I found like the secret note for Kindle waste and Nomad Highlands so there should be probably one for re rebelwood and springlands probably now the thing is I am also searching for the dragon L because I found one there and one down here at Sur rest so technically it should be between them right and also there is stuff that leads to Raven keep the loopa story uh but again I mean I am missing something in this area now I kind of feel like I have to start my search all over again because they have added some notes in random places uh let's see let's CR a eggs and I do little bit more healing and the Surplus we can just place inside of this thing yes so I do need more strawberries for the future it's turning night I do enjoy how the village is coming together it is looking fantastic now obviously each and every building needs a little bit more detail now the statue maybe the nose should be even bigger just to exaggerate the Futures a little bit I like the look of it it's silly but it it looks like it's uh almost natural you know it's bad in a good way I think still a little bit skinny but it works okay I mean we can either wait for night but might as well ooh now that was a nice flight uh no hang on high I need to enable my HUD and then I need to stand in a specific place in order to get like there we go sheltered and then we get the maximum yeah there's something strange going on with that thing I probably mentioned it in every episode but yeah there is something um right so I'm not sure where exactly to go like this is just for the Eternal spell right H okay well we we have found something already but I'm I mean I want to find something more and I have a little bit more time okay um let's go to low Meadows maybe Camp yeah I've been there to morina H I mean I'm not going to oh I right okay you can interrupt that yeah I mean I might as well sleep is it day yeah it is day I mean I might as well also no come on test out let's see do we have weapons now I do believe that the G Striker I used that in I believe it was my immortal build I mean this does a lot of different damage so that's fantastic I kind of want something Bland like maybe this one twin Soul maze perhaps uh I mean I might as well test that out and also I could use a two-hander but I'm not sure which one this one has a lot of Health Lee this one has incredibly an incredible amount of blunt damage I kind of also want to test out some axes yeah maybe okay let's test out these bad boys I mean that looks okay that's a big axe now I have specked into now I have not specked into allow to attack faster with two-handed Hammers and also I haven't done jump attack two-handed hammers does that include two-handed axes okay well is there an enemy nearby hang on there used to be a little monkey encampment here where is that gone I need a monkey or something anything anything here no monkey there we have a monkey okay let's see show how how much damage does this do that's not a lot what about this I mean that's not really much either huh okay may maybe maybe not uh like so uh let's see where was I going I was going somewhere yeah I've searched all of these places hang on mine could there be something more down to in the mine perhaps guess we will see and a jump and open a castle all Stone Block H oh loads of explosions yeah we have to do that first okay might as well use fire explosion SM let's have a thorough look of this place loads of B loads and loads of B oh hang on another mud slide fancy we there's a way up here explosions yeah but no reason for the explosions to be there more tin that is good loads more tin in this mine I know there's something down here loads of bugs loads and loads of tin and bugs at this place yeah okay I need to remember that for the next time I do oh the speeduns for days okay yeah but nothing more interesting here except for the Shroud route and yeah I have dealt with that before like there's a lot of empty space here could there be something possibly I mean they all already added one note to the pikeman's reach could there be more like I did search uh what's his face uh East lapis like a billion times and then all of a sudden there was a new note there so could there be something more here what was that wizard pants how does that look h a little bit too many stitches increase damage reduction limit from magical armor not sure what the limit is one thing is for sure that I have not reached it and this is just that thing W small now hang on and that is probably the murder right if I remember correctly involving King Gorman's mistress and whatnot now it would be weird that there would be something here not impossible we have found something that we have and of course if I don't find any notes I do find something Secrets like hidden chests and such but yeah I think that uh it is strange finding secret notes but we will continue to search but anyhow as always until next time
Channel: Arajnin
Views: 2,182
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: cSuy7K4mKio
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 41sec (1121 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 18 2024
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